The Transscandinavian Igneous Beltin Sweden

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Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37

The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden:

a review of its character and evolution

edited by
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

with contributions by Ulf B. Andersson, Karin Högdahl, Roland Gorbatschev,

Jan-Olov Nyström, Anders Wikström, Håkan Sjöström, Stefan Bergman,
Martin Ahl, Joakim Mansfeld, Carl-Henric Wahlgren, Michael B. Stephens,
Dick T. Claeson, Olav Eklund, Thomas Lundqvist, Björn Öhlander,
Sten-Anders Smeds, Krister Sundblad

Geological Survey of Finland

Espoo 2004
Högdahl, K., Andersson, U.B. & Eklund, O. (eds.), Andersson, U.B. et al.
2004. The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden: a review of its
character and evalution. Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37,
123 pages, 73 figures and one table.
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) comprises a giant elongated
array of batholiths extending c. 1400 km across the Scandinavian Peninsula
from southeasternmost Sweden to northwestern Norway. The TIB is tradi-
tionally divided into four main units based on tectonic and lithological
criteria: i) the Småland-Värmland belt in the south and west, ii) the Dala
Province and iii) the Rätan Batholith in the centre, and iv) the Revsund
granitoid suite in the north. The rocks of TIB dominantly consist of coarse
(porphyritic) monzodiorites to granites of alkali-calcic chemistry, with
transitions to calc-alkaline or alkaline rocks. Mafic rocks (with destructive
plate margin affinity) are abundant in many areas, and mingling/mixing
structures common. Associated volcanic rocks are widespread in the south-
ern Småland-Värmland Belt, but dominating in the down-faulted Dala
Province. Intrusive ages cover the whole range 1.85 to 1.65 Ga, where the
oldest tend to occur in vicinity of the margin to the older Svecofennian
Domain. The major part of magmatism in Småland-Värmland Belt and the
Revsund granitoid suite occurred during 1.81–1.76 Ga, while the youngest
phase (1.72–1.65 Ga) dominates the Dala Province and Rätan Batholith, as
well as the western margin of SVB where it becomes increasingly overprint-
ed by Sveconorwegian (1.1–0.9 Ga) deformation westwards. Isotopic data
has revealed no Archaean components, and the TIB has dominantly formed
by reworking of the juvenile (2.1–1.87 Ga) Svecofennian crust, supplement-
ed by mantle additions in a continental-arc setting.

Key words (GeoRef Thesaurus, AGI): intracontinental belts, igneous rocks,

granites, volcanic rocks, geochemistry, magmatism, shear zones, Protero-
zoic, Sweden.

Karin Högdahl, Department of Geology, Lund University, Sölvega-

tan 12, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden; E-mail:

Ulf B. Andersson, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Box 50007,

SE-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden and Department of Earth Sciences,
Uppsala University, Villavägen 16, SE-752 36 Uppsala, Sweden;

Olav Eklund, Department of Geology, University of Turku, FI-20014

Turku, Finland; E-mail:

ISBN 951-690-889-6
ISSN 0782-8535

Vammalan Kirjapaino Oy 2004


The present volume grew out as an extension of a ‘preliminary’ guidebook produced

for the workshop and excursion ‘TIB-2001’. This was an arrangement within the
NorFA-sponsored Nordic network “Transition from Orogenic to Anorogenic Magmatism
in the Fennoscandian Shield” held in Stockholm 2001-08-13, and followed by an
excursion to the central parts of the Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) 2001-08-14–
19, which was attended by 60 (workshop) and 42 (excursion) persons, respectively
(Högdahl et al. 2001a). In connection with the excursion and later, interests were
expressed to collect the up-to-date knowledge about the TIB in a rewritten more formally
published review volume. The Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) kindly offered to
sponsor such a publication and space in an issue of their Special Paper series. NorFA
(Nordisk Forskerutdanningsakademi) kindly covered the remaining of the printing
The TIB has been a key issue of Swedish and Fennoscandian geology since the
beginning of regional geological investigations, and hypotheses concerning its forma-
tion and position in relation to surrounding rock units have been the focus of shifting
ideas. The amount of data and information gathered about the TIB has previously
perhaps not accumulated to such an extent that a comprehensive review was meaningful.
However, we feel that this is now possible by a combination of data collected from
variable angles of regional studies; geochemistry, isotopic data, geophysics and struc-
tural geology. This book is intended to offer such first review collection as a base for
further studies, and the future will determine if the TIB concept will endure.

A complementary web-page with outcrop pictures from the areas presented in this
book is found at:

A note on nomenclature

A comment on nomenclature concerning the use of the terms Svecofennian and

Svecokarelian in the text is requisite. Note that different authors have used the terms in
slightly different ways, following their own preference, however, consistently in the
respective sections. This was allowed by the editors, as there is at present no consensus
on how to use these terms. Both terms have a long prehistory, which will not be reiterated
here. However, during the last two decades the rapid development in the understanding
of the Proterozoic evolution of the Fennoscandian shield, not least in the light of
application of modern plate-tectonic models, has provoked some conflicting use of
terminology. Gaál & Gorbatschev (1987) proposed that Svecokarelian should be

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

abandoned and substituted by Svecofennian orogeny. The reason being that the >2.0 Ga
Karelian formations represent intracratonic cover and passive continental margin
sequences on the Archaean craton, while the Svecofennian formations to the southwest
essentially represent new orogenic crust younger than 2.0 Ga, formed and accreted to the
craton margin 1.88–1.86 Ga and subsequently strongly reworked during the late
Svecofennian period 1.85–1.78 Ga.
However, Wahlgren et al. (1996a) revived the term Svecokarelian orogen as represent-
ing the entire area affected by its youngest orogeny in the time span 2.0–1.65 Ga,
including also the Karelian craton margin. They emphasised that orogeny is related to
deformation, metamorphism and plutonism, and the Svecokarelian orogeny reached its
culmination c. (1.90-) 1.85–1.80 Ga. However, in their ‘extended’ definition they also
included rocks that were formed prior to (e.g. subduction-related rocks formed before
accretion-collision) or after (e.g. rocks formed during post-collisional extensional
collapse) the orogenic culmination.
This concept has been advocated mainly by geologists of the Geological Survey of
Sweden (SGU) and has not been embraced by all scientists working in the Fennoscandian
shield. For example, the recent developments in the understanding of the consecutive
events in the assembly and reworking of the Svecofennian Domain in Finland (e.g.
Lahtinen 1994, Lahtinen & Huhma 1997, Nironen 1997, Korsman et al. 1999, Väisänen
2002) has not promoted the use of Svecokarelian instead of Svecofennian. In southern
Finland three different ‘Svecofennian’ arc complexes have been identified with indi-
vidual histories. The two northern ones have recorded only ‘early’ Svecofennian
processes ending with peak metamorphsim around 1.88 Ga, while the southern complex
reached maximum reworking later, c. 1.83 Ga ago. In Sweden, regions that preserve only
‘early’ metamorphism are not yet known. In fact, ‘early’ metamorphism is barely
recognised as a whole in the Swedish Svecofennian.
At present, some authors seem to prefer to use Svecokarelian only for ‘late Svecofennian’
(c. 1.85–1.80 Ga) deformational, metamorphic, and plutonic (‘orogenic’) processes
(orogenic culmination). According to Wahlgren et al. (1996a), however, also rocks
formed in island-arcs prior to orogenic culmination or just after it, should be called pre-
orogenic or post-orogenic Svecokarelian, respectively. In this definition, most of TIB is
late- to post-orogenic Svecokarelian. Only pre-1.87 Ga supracrustal rocks are in this
terminology Svecofennian.
Nevertheless, it is important to remember that most of the continental crust in the
Svecofennian Domain was formed in several arc systems, probably starting already
slightly before 2.0 Ga (Claesson et al. 1993, Lahtinen & Huhma 1997, Lahtinen et al.
2002), and were accreted to the cratonic nucleus by 1.88–1.86 Ga. This is the period of
Svecofennian crustal growth. Almost only indirect evidence of magmatism exists for the
earliest ‘proto-Svecofennian’ period, 2.1–1.95 Ga. After 1.86 Ga, processes turned
more distinctly to reworking of the juvenile crust by strong deformation, regional
metamorphism and extensive remelting, including the Karelian Domain and TIB
(although central Svecofennian regions in Finland appear to have escaped this stage).
This may then be called the Svecokarelian stage or late Svecofennian crustal reworking
stage. However, juvenile crust appears to have been produced in some regions simulta-
neously with reworking of Svecofennian crust in other regions.

Ulf B. Andersson Karin Högdahl Olav Eklund

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden


We would like to thank all authors of this volume for their efforts, including reviewing
other chapters. Special thanks go to Gabor Gaál, Pekka Nurmi and Mikko Nironen of the
Geological Survey of Finland (GTK), who offered to publish this volume as a survey
monograph. Sini Autio at GTK handled the final layout of the volume. Thanks also go
to Andreas Hendrich (GFZ, Potsdam) for help with figures in Chapter 2. The review of
Mikko Nironen improved the manuscript considerably. Karl-Inge Åhäll is thanked for
comments on the final manuscript.

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund


Foreword, Ulf B. Andersson, Karin Högdahl & Olav Eklund ................................... 3

1. The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt – introduction and background,

Roland Gorbatschev ............................................................................................... 9
1.1. Essentials of the Transscandinavian Belt ................................................. 9
1.2. Age patterns and regional variation .......................................................... 10
1.3. The concept of a Transscandinavian Igneous Belt, previous
interpretations and current discussion ...................................................... 13
2. The Småland-Värmland belt .................................................................................. 16
2.1. Overview, Ulf B. Andersson & Anders Wikström .................................... 16
2.2. The Småland-Värmland belt in southeastern Sweden, Joakim Mansfeld 20
2.3. Geological features of the Småland-Värmland belt along the
Svecofennian margin, part I: from the Loftahammar to the Tiveden-
Askersund areas, Anders Wikström & Ulf B. Andersson ........................ 22
2.3.1. Introduction ....................................................................................... 22
2.3.2. The Loftahammar area ...................................................................... 26
2.3.3. Augen gneisses in the area between Loftahammar and Norrköping 29
2.3.4. The Linköping area ........................................................................... 29
2.3.5. The Graversfors intrusion ................................................................. 30
2.3.6. The Stavsjö-Jönåker intrusions ........................................................ 32
2.3.7. The Finspång massif ......................................................................... 32
2.3.8. The Kårtorp complex ........................................................................ 34
2.3.9. The Tjällmo-Vättern zone ................................................................ 37
2.3.10. The Askersund area ........................................................................ 38
2.3.11. The Tiveden area ............................................................................ 38
2.4. Geological features of the Småland-Värmland belt along the
Svecofennian margin, part II: the Nygården, Karlskoga and Filipstad
areas, Ulf B. Andersson, Dick T. Claeson, Karin Högdahl & Håkan
Sjöström ..................................................................................................... 39
2.4.1. The Nygården norite pluton and its surroundings .......................... 39
2.4.2. The Karlskoga area ........................................................................... 41
2.4.3. The Filipstad area .............................................................................. 42 General features ........................................................................ 42 The Eriksberg gabbro ............................................................... 44 The Gåsborn pluton .................................................................. 45
2.5. Geochemical character of the mafic-hybrid magmatism in the Småland-
Värmland Belt, Ulf B. Andersson, Olav Eklund & Dick T. Claeson ....... 47
2.6. Tectonometamorphic reworking of TIB rocks during the
Sveconorwegian orogeny, south-central Sweden, Carl-Henric Wahlgren
& Michael B. Stephens ............................................................................. 56

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

3. The Dala Province ................................................................................................... 58

3.1. Dala volcanism, sedimentation and structural setting, Jan-Olov Nyström 58
3.1.1. Geology and petrography ................................................................. 58
3.1.2. Geochemistry .................................................................................... 63
3.1.3. The origin of the Dala volcanites ..................................................... 69
3.2. The Dala granitoids, Martin Ahl, Ulf B. Andersson, Thomas Lundqvist
& Krister Sundblad ................................................................................... 70
3.2.1. Introduction ....................................................................................... 70
3.2.2. The Dala granitoids ........................................................................... 72
3.2.3. Geochemical characteristics of the Dala granitoids ......................... 72
3.2.4. Source of granitoid magmas ............................................................. 74
4. The Rätan batholith and the Nordkölen rocks ........................................................ 75
4.1. The Rätan batholith, Martin Ahl, Roland Gorbatschev & Krister Sundblad 75
4.2. The Nordkölen quartz monzodiorite and associated rocks,
Roland Gorbatschev .................................................................................. 76
5. The Revsund granite and related rocks in Jämtland ............................................... 78
5.1. Precambrian crustal provinces and their relationships with Revsund-type
granitoids, Roland Gorbatschev ............................................................... 78
5.2. The Revsund massifs, Roland Gorbatschev ............................................ 80
5.3. The Grötingen granite, Roland Gorbatschev, Ulf B. Andersson &
Sten-Anders Smeds .................................................................................... 83
5.4. Granite ages and some problems of rock classification, Karin Högdahl
& Martin Ahl ............................................................................................. 86
5.4.1. Geochronology .................................................................................. 86
5.4.2. K-feldspar megacryst-bearing granites (KFM granites) in the
western part of the South Jämtland massif ....................................... 87
5.4.3. Geochemical characteristics of the KFM granites in the
Transition Belt .................................................................................. 88
5.4.4. Origin of the KFM granites in the Transition Belt .......................... 89
6. Shear zones in the Rätan and southern Revsund areas, Stefan Bergman, Karin
Högdahl & Håkan Sjöström .................................................................................. 89
6.1. The Storsjön-Edsbyn Deformation Zone ................................................. 89
6.1.1. Southern and central part .................................................................. 91
6.1.2. Northern part (Svenstavik-Hackås) .................................................. 93
6.1.3. Tectonic significance and relation to the Rätan batholith ............... 94
6.2. Plastic shear zones in the southern Revsund Transition Belt .................. 95
6.2.1. The Forsaån Zone ............................................................................. 95
6.2.2. Plastic deformation zones in the Lockne-, Näkten- and Pån areas .... 98
6.2.3. Regional correlation .......................................................................... 101
7. The Ljusdal batholith and late Svecofennian magmatism ..................................... 101
7.1. The Ljusdal batholith, Håkan Sjöström & Karin Högdahl .................... 101
7.2. The late Svecofennian magmatism, Ulf B. Andersson & Björn Öhlander 102
8. The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt, evolutionary models, Ulf B. Andersson,
Håkan Sjöström, Karin Högdahl & Olav Eklund .................................................. 104
9. References .............................................................................................................. 113

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Fig. 1. Generalised geological map over the Fennoscandian shield including provinces, and other localities mentioned
in the text.
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden



Roland Gorbatschev

1.1. Essentials of the Transscandinavian Belt

The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB, Fig. tends to associate with one-time active continen-
1) is a giant array of large massifs of granitoid tal margins.
rocks and associated mafic intrusions. The ages The most common appearances of the granitic/
range between c. 1.85 and 1.67 Ga, but the differ- (quartz-) monzogranitic to monzodioritic TIB
ent age groups all feature a pronounced general plutonic rocks are more or less massive to flow-
tendency towards monzogranitoid, alkali-rich textured, coarse- to coarsely medium-grained,
lithologies (cf. Ahl et al. 1999). The chemical mostly with numerous up to several centimetres
compositions are commonly alkali-calcic and of large megacrysts of potassic feldspar with or
the I and A types, or transitional between these without plagioclase mantles. Amphiboles and
two. The geochemical surveying of the TIB is biotite are the standard dark silicates but py-
still far from complete, but major deviations from roxenes are by no means absent. Fayalite together
the alkali-rich, alkali-calcic trend do not appear with quartz is found in extremely ferrous rock
to be very numerous. One instance is the South varieties like the Sörvik granite in Jämtland (Chap-
Jämtland massif of Revsund granite, where the ter 5.2).
rocks, albeit highly potassic, tend to be calc- In the north-south direction, the TIB extends for
alkalic (cf. Chapter 5.2). Other, regionally even more than 1200 km, with similar coeval rocks
more important exceptions occur in the WNW- also occurring within the Labrador Belt in Canada.
ESE to W-E trending, partly gneissic, 1.77–1.81 In Scandinavia, the northernmost occurrences of
Ga TIB terrains in the Småland-Blekinge region granites coeval with and resembling those of the
of SE Sweden (cf. Chapter 1.2). TIB are on the Norwegian coast near Tromsø
On the whole, however, the TIB intrusions are (Andresen 1980, Romer et al. 1992), while at the
markedly different from the TTG-type (tonalite- southern extreme, most of the province of Blekinge
trondhjemite-granodiorite-) subduction-related on the southern coast of Sweden is essentially
late Palaeoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic plu- built up of TIB granitoids (Kornfält 1996).
tonic rocks in Scandinavia. They also differ sub- In northern Scandinavia, however, interpreta-
stantially from the partly coeval, compositionally tion is complicated by the presence in the Lofoten-
less varied, mostly S-type granitic rocks formed Islands region of a huge mass of gabbroic, an-
by the remelting of tectonised and metamor- orthositic, mangeritic and charnockitic (AMCG)
phosed pre-existing continental crust without rocks (Griffin et al. 1978) with ages between c.
manifest participation of underplating mafic melts. 1.76 and 1.80 Ga (e.g. Corfu 2000, Rehnström
The latter rocks typically appear to be products of 2003). Because AMCG complexes usually mark
various within-crust processes, while the TIB post-collisional, within-plate environments, the

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

presence of such a complex may be at variance parts of the Belt, the plutonic rocks of the TIB
with a TIB classification of the 1791±10 Ma commonly coexist with nearly simultaneously
rocks described by Romer et al. (1992) from an formed, predominantly felsic volcanic rocks. In
area only c. 70 km away. the north, in contrast, associated volcanic rocks
In general, the TIB tends to follow the western and are scarce if present at all. Similarly to the TIB
southwestern margins of the c. 1.92–1.86 Ga continen- plutonics, the volcanic TIB rocks comprise at
tal crust formed during the Svecofennian orogeny. least two different age groups (cf. Lundqvist &
Particularly in the southern and south-central Persson 1999).

1.2. Age patterns and regional variation

While there has been awareness for a long time falls into the time span of the TIB. That region has
that the rocks at present grouped within the TIB therefore occasionally been described as a TIB
belong to at least two different generations (e.g. area (e.g. Lutro et al. 1997). However, the TIB
Hjelmqvist 1966), the work of Larson and concept was intended to describe a particular
Berglund (1992) was the first to propose a consis- region of rather specific rocks, not to be part of a
tent age subdivision based on U-Pb zircon data time terminology (cf. Chapter 1.3). In regard to
mainly from the southern half of Scandinavia. rock types, the WGR largely contains tonalitic to
These authors distinguished a TIB-1 group of granitic rocks belonging to the TTG type rather
1.76–1.81, a TIB-2 group of 1.69–1.71, and a than to the monzogranitoid, frequently alkali-
TIB-3 group of 1.65–1.67 Ga age. calcic TIB family.
Despite a need of some adjustment of the pro- Already Larson and Berglund (1992) consid-
posed age delimitations and the discovery of still ered that the TIB-2 and TIB-3 events may repre-
older, c. 1.84–1.86 Ga, granitoid massifs more or sent one single continuous episode, while the
less fitting the characteristics of TIB rocks difficulty to define separate TIB-2 and TIB-3
(Persson & Wikström 1993, Wikström 1996, belts is notorious in southern Sweden (cf.
Andersson et al. 2004, Högdahl 2000a, Högdahl Andersson & Wikström 2001). Amongst the five
& Sjöström 2001), the TIB-1/TIB-2 age subdivi- ages below c. 1675 Ma quoted in Åhäll and
sion by Larson and Berglund has proved ex- Larson (2000) and Andersson and Wikström
tremely viable. By the work of Romer et al. (2001), the Hagshult age has been changed since
(1992), it was extended also to northern (cf. above). Two of the other four derive from the
Scandinavia. Hitherto, only one major TIB mas- border region of the Eastern Segment of SW
sif, the 1.74–1.75 Ga Grötingen granite in Sweden, while a third is an age from Blekinge
Jämtland, has yielded an age markedly outside with a MSWD value of 110. Also the Skattkärr
the indicated group limits (see Chapter 5.3). dating of Söderlund et al. (1999) includes a sub-
As different from the well established TIB-1 stantial error (1661±27 Ma). For these reasons, it
and TIB-2 groups, the definition of the TIB-3 would appear most appropriate to change the
group is conjectural. Amongst the eight age de- lower age limit of the TIB-2 group from 1.69 to
terminations employed in Larson and Berglunds 1.67 Ga and altogether discard the concept of a
paper of 1992, six derive from the Western Gneiss separate TIB-3 group.
Region (WGR) of Norway, while the age of the The TIB-1 as well as the TIB-2 rocks extend all
Hagshult granite in Småland has recently been the way from southern Sweden into the basement
recalculated to 1673±19 Ma (Jarl 2002). The of the Caledonides in Norway. The trends of the
error limits of that dating overlap the c. 1.69-Ga TIB as a whole and the TIB-1 and TIB-2 sub-belts
age of the neighbouring TIB-2 Barnarp granite are therefore N-S to NNW. The TIB-2 rocks
(Gorbatschev, Söderlund & Persson, in prepara- generally occur to the west of their TIB-1 coun-
tion, cf. Fig. 2). terparts. However there are several exceptions to
From the WGR, Tucker et al. (1991) obtained these rules. Thus, for instance, the c. 1.7-Ga TIB-
ages ranging between 1686 and 1650 Ma, which 2 Rätan granite in Jämtland (Fig. 3) mostly bor-

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

Fig. 2. The relationships between TIB-1, TIB-2, and “Eastern Segment” (ES)
rocks and domains in the part of Sweden to the south of Lake Vättern. The ages
and sources for the dated TIB-2 intrusions are: Barnarp – 1.69–1.70 Ga
(Gorbatschev, Söderlund & Persson in prep.), Hagshult – 1673±19 Ma (Jarl
2002) and 1690±5 Ma (Welin 1994), Alvesta – 1713+2/–3 Ma (Johansson 1990)
and Älgaryd – 1701±3 Ma (single-grain evaporation, Söderlund & Rodhe
1998). These ages are quoted as given in the original publications, i.e. without

ders directly on Svecofennian rocks in the east, (2002) at 1.84–1.82 Ga, also strike in the same
while substantial deviations of the TIB-1 belt direction (in Fig. 3, the OJB is marked in yellow in
from consistent N-S to NNW trends occur par- the area to the southeast of Lake Vättern).
ticularly in southeastern Sweden and to some Despite the still low numbers of precise age and
extent also in the Central Svecofennian Province geochemical data there exist indications that the
(the so-called Bothnian Basin). TIB-1 terrains in Småland and farther north may
In southern Sweden, recent work (Mansfeld 1996, feature age zoning, with c. 1.81–1.80 Ga rocks
Beunk et al. 1996, Sundblad et al. 1997, Beunk & mostly in the north and 1.79–1.77 Ga rocks more
Page 2001) has confirmed previous indications often in the south. Similarly, the existing data
(Gorbatschev 1980) of dominantly WNW to W-E appear to suggest relatively more pronounced
tectonic trends. In the southeast, these trends mark alkali-calcic characteristics to the north of the
the shapes of the individual TIB-1 intrusions as OJB and more calc-alkalic to its south, particu-
well as the orientation of the dominant gneissose larly in the extreme south, in Blekinge. Whether
foliation. The tonalitic to granodioritic orogenic there exists one single or several somewhat dif-
rocks of the Oskarshamn-Jönköping Belt (OJB), ferent age groups of TIB-1 related volcanic rocks
dated by Mansfeld (1996) and later Åhäll et al. is still unclear.

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

In conjunction with recent deep seismic sur- to decide whether septa of TIB-1 or other older
veys, which demonstrate N- to NNE-dipping rocks intervene between the various TIB-2 sub-
crustal and mantle reflectors, and stepwise thick- areas.
ening of the crust in the same direction (BABEL One of the belts of TIB-2 granites comprises the
Working Group 1993, Lund et al. 2001), the new Rätan granite marked in Fig 3. From that area
geological findings suggest that virtually the en- towards the north-northwest, positive magnetic
tire territory to the south of the 1.90–1.86 Ga anomalies indicate that this granite continues
South Svecofennian Province (the Bergslagen beneath a cover of Palaeozoic sediments and a
area) , including also the TIB-1 intrusions, is built pile of Caledonide nappes, ultimately to join up
up of southwards younging belts of late with the TIB-2 granite in the Olden basement
Palaeoproterozoic crust (cf. Mansfeld 1996, culmination within the Scandinavian mountain
Beunk & Page 2001). belt. Extrapolating that trend farther northwards,
Recent EUROBRIDGE data and new mapping this TIB-2 belt would be expected to reach the
results suggest that the TIB extends eastwards to Atlantic coast of Norway somewhere close to
the basement beneath the island of Gotland Glomsfjord and Sjonafjord, but it is not clear
(Sundblad et al. 1998) and into western Lithuania whether the TIB-type granites in that area are
(cf. Bogdanova et al. 2001). strictly autochthonous.
In the area to the south of Lake Vättern, TIB-1 The other nearly coherent belt of TIB-2 granites
rocks may conceivably continue westwards across extends from the Caledonide Front in Norway
the Protogine Zone tectonic boundary (PZ in Fig. south-southeastwards across the Trysil area into
3) into or beneath the Eastern Segment of SW central and eastern Värmland, and farther along
Sweden. The tectonic grain in the two domains the eastern coast of Lake Vänern to the southern
trends similarly, but no granitic rocks with tip of Lake Vättern. South of that point there is an
protolith U-Pb zircon ages above c. 1.71 Ga almost continuous series of large, nearly NS-
(Söderlund et al. 2002) have been identified in the trending TIB-2 granite massifs outlining the
west. As indicated in Fig. 3, the E-W strikes in the Protogine-Zone (PZ) boundary between SE and
TIB-1 region of SE Sweden tend to turn NNW in SW Sweden and sharply truncating the nearly
the western part of that region and farther north, west-northwestern tectonic trends of the TIB-1
thus in an arc-like manner curving around the terrain in the eastern part of that area (Fig. 2).
southwestern edge of the Svecofennian Domain. Actually, the incidence of TIB-2 granites along
In the Bothnian Basin area, the intrusions of the PZ is probably larger than shown in that map,
Revsund granite largely form isometric or NW/ but only dated rock massifs and a few other
WNW-trending, partly domal batholiths. The bodies confidently attributed to the TIB-2 group
shapes of these massifs appear to be related to the were plotted.
long-lasting deformation of that region (cf. In regard to the c. 1.84–1.86 Ga TIB-type rocks,
Lundqvist et al. 1998), rather than directly to the distribution of the hitherto dated occurrences
east-directed subduction. The TIB-1 massifs in may suggest affiliation with major crustal prov-
the Bothnian Basin tend to have relatively low ince boundaries, in southern Sweden the bound-
initial εNd values, indicating substantial involve- ary between the c. 1.9–1.87 Ga South Sveco-
ment of metasedimentary materials with Archaean fennian Province (Bergslagen volcanic area) and
detrital components (Patchett et al. 1987, Claesson a domain of later rims of crustal growth farther to
& Lundqvist 1995, Andersson et al. 2002). the south (cf. Mansfeld 1996), and in central
The occurrence area of TIB-2 granitoid rocks Sweden the boundary between that volcanic prov-
reaches its greatest exposed width in the counties ince and the Central Svecofennian Province (the
of Värmland, Dalarna and southern Jämtland. Bothnian Basin). These boundaries probably rep-
Within that region, two major belts of plutonic resented rheological discontinuities and possibly
rocks and an intervening area largely occupied by also zones of early transpressional and trans-
TIB-2 volcanics can be distinguished. However, tensional deformation allowing the ascent of
age determinations are still not numerous enough mantle melts which interacted with the continen-

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

tal crust some time before the main mass of TIB the TIB-1 areas, for instance the one depicted in
rocks began to form. Fig 2. Even if we, in broad outline, can still speak
As a rule, the contacts of the TIB granites with of TIB-1 and TIB-2 sub-regions and belts, their
older rocks are clearly intrusive. Single massifs boundaries are highly irregular in places. The
of TIB rocks (mostly TIB-1) occur in the various TIB domains thus represent igneous prov-
Svecofennian orogenic domain, while isolated inces rather than coherent tectonic terranes or
intrusions of TIB-2 plutonic rocks are found in orogens.

1.3. The concept of a Transscandinavian Igneous Belt, previous interpretations and current

The concept of an igneous belt extending ob- Revsund granites, however, were discussed in
liquely across Scandinavia was developed as regard as to whether they were “serorogenic”
work in the basement of the Scandinavian (=late orogenic) or post-orogenic. Similarities
Caledonides indicated that rocks similar to those with the Finnish rapakivis were also considered
in the “Småland-Värmland Granite-Porphyry (Persson 1978).
Belt” (SVB, cf. Chapter 2) were exposed in many With the advent of plate-tectonic modelling,
of the basement “windows” in that mountain both before and after the introduction of the
range and along its eastern margin (Gorbatschev “Transscandinavian” term in 1980, two groups of
1980, 1985). Simultaneously, chemical study hypotheses came to dominate the interpretations.
demonstrated that these and other rocks subse- Both took account of the location of the Trans-
quently referred to the TIB differ in composition scandinavian (and/or Småland-Värmland-) Belt
from both the TTG-type subduction-related calc- close to a one-time margin of the Proterozoic
alkalic plutonics and the S-type leucogranites, gen- Fennoscandian proto-craton. One set of interpre-
erated by the melting of thickened continental crust. tations emphasised the effects of active-margin
Contributing reasons to introduce the TIB con- orogeny, explaining the configurations as well as
cept were to provide a genetically and chrono- the chemical and structural specifics of the TIB
logically neutral term as a roof for future discus- rocks in terms of gentle dips and shallow depths
sion and modelling and, apart from that, simply to of the subduction zone and/or interaction with
describe a previously unknown major accumula- pre-existing continental crust during Andinotype
tion of igneous rocks trending towards alkali- orogeny. The other group of interpretations in-
calcic, A- and I-type compositions. stead focused on interaction of the crust with
The term used to describe the TIB was initially mantle materials concomitantly with crustal ex-
“Transscandinavian Granite-Porphyry Belt” (e.g. tension. The mechanisms could have been either
Gorbatschev 1985), later changed to “Transscan- detachment of the lowermost crust associated
dinavian Igneous Belt” (e.g. in Patchett et al. with upwelling of the asthenosphere, or back-arc
1987). crustal thinning, or gravitational collapse/exten-
The Småland, Värmland, Dalarna, Rätan, sional delamination of previously (over-)thick-
Revsund, etc. granitoids have, of course, been ened lithosphere.
known “for ages” and so named at least since the While the present introduction is not intended
nineteenth century. When the concept of (geo- to consider the particulars and pros-cons of the
synclinal-) orogenic cycles was adopted in the various interpretations, and there is not even
1930’s, these rocks were related to various stages space to do so, the papers by Nyström (1982),
of such orogenies. Thus the Småland and Wilson (1982) and, lately, Åhäll and Larson
Värmland rocks were first classified as (2000) can be named as instances of the first-
“primorogenic (=early orogenic) Gothian” and named group of hypotheses, while those by Wil-
later as “post-orogenic Svecofennian”. The latter son et al. (1985), Johansson (1988), Zuber and
was also the term used in many other cases. The Öhlander (1990), Korja et al. (1993), Beunk et al.

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

Fig. 3. Geological overview map of TIB in central and southern Sweden, with subdivisions. Modified from Lundqvist et al. (1994) and
Koistinen et al. (2001). The frames outline areas of subsequent maps. Solid black line along the Protogine zone marks the approximate
border between TIB-0,1 (east) and TIB-2,3 (west) rocks (from Koistinen et al. 2001).

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

(1996) and Andersson (1997a) are among those belt along the edge of the Svecofennian proto-
emphasising various aspects of the other. In view craton with the creation of a new crustal domain
of the great extent of the TIB rocks in space and somewhat farther towards the present west.
time, and the variation of the two principal sub- Against this background, the TIB concept
belts in character, width and, in places, also orien- emphasises the importance of large-scale
tation, it would appear presumptuous to necessar- geodynamic study rather than local modeling.
ily envisage one single genetic mechanism. A However, the idea is not to lump together rocks
combination of mechanisms covered by the two with similar age ranges, petrography, and
groups of genetic hypotheses appears possible. geochemistry in order to suggest a single mode of
An integrated approach considering aspects of formation. Despite occasional recent use to the
interaction between compression and extension, contrary, the Transscandinavian-Belt denomina-
lower-crust delamination, and a succession of tion is not either conceived to be the name of an
Svecokarelian tectonic and magmatic regimes orogeny plus an orogen, a phase of tectonisation or
was proposed by Stephens and Wahlgren (1995). magmatism, or any other event. Still much less is
Recently, isotopic dating in the eastern part of it part of a time terminology covering all rocks of
southwestern Sweden and in the Western Gneiss a certain age disregarding place and composition.
Region of Norway has begun to create a basis for Even within the Belt, the rocks are late Palaeo-
the correlation of the formation of the TIB-2 sub- proterozoic, not “Transscandinavian” in age.


2.1. Overview

Ulf B. Andersson & Anders Wikström

The Småland-Värmland Belt (SVB) occupies complex and unknown in many areas. The ages
the southern and southwestern parts of the TIB. It encompass the entire range 1.86–1.65 Ga, where
consists of plutonic rocks of gabbroic/noritic to the oldest rocks (1.86–1.83 Ga) generally occur
granitic compositions and, particularly in Småland, close to or within the Svecofennian marginal
of associated felsic volcanic rocks (Fig. 3), often rocks. In the field, boundaries between these
showing well-preserved volcanic textures (e.g. older and younger SVB granitoids are mostly
Persson 1974, 1985). From Blekinge in the south- difficult to define, especially where the older
east, it extends towards the north-northeast where generation is without visible Svecokarelian de-
its magmas have intruded and partly tectonically formation structures. Petrographic and geochemi-
interacted with the Svecofennian rocks along its cal characteristics are also indistinguishable be-
eastern margin (cf. Chapters 2.3 and 2.4) between tween the age groups (cf. Fig. 5, and Andersson
c. 1.85 and 1.80 Ga ago. Further northwards, the & Wikström 2001). This group of oldest SVB
boundary with the Dala Province in the northeast rocks has recently been referred to as ‘TIB-0’
is poorly known but is presumably dominantly of (Ahl et al. 2001).
tectonic nature. The SVB in that area appears to According to Åhäll and Larson (2000) and
have moved up relative to the dominantly volca- Åhäll et al. (2002) TIB-0 (or c. 1.85 Ga ‘Askersund
nic Dala Province in the east (Magnor et al. 1996). suite’) are better kept separate from SVB (TIB)
Still further northwards in Norway, the SVB disap- as these rocks experienced an early deformation
pears beneath the Caledonide nappes, but is ex- episode and formed prior to the 1.84–1.82 Ga
posed in basement windows (Fig. 3; Gorbatschev Oskarshamn-Jönköping Belt (OJB), which in
1985, Rehnström 2003). turn predates the TIB-1 rocks (below, and Chap-
The age distribution pattern within the SVB is ter 2.2). However, as pointed out by Andersson

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

and Wikström (2001), there is no field (except for derived components based mainly on Nd isotope
the more obvious “TIB-0”, conformably folded evidence (e.g. Patchett et al. 1987, Andersson
augen gneisses), petrographical or geochemical 1991, 1997a, other sections of Chapter 2). Such
evidence to make this distinction. In fact, in source material may be present at least as far as to
several instances (e.g. in the Askersund and the OJB in the south and westwards into the
Graversfors areas) TIB-0 rocks show post-tec- Eastern Segment of the Southwest Scandinavian
tonic relations to the Svecofennian margin rocks Domain, although yet unproven. The accretion to
(Wikström et al. 1980, Persson & Wikström or formation of the arc-related OJB along the SW
1993, Wikström et al. 1997, see Chapter 2.3). Baltica continental margin at 1.84–1.81 Ga is not
Instead, we suggest a more or less continuous in conflict with a development of postcollisional
magma generation and emplacement of the same (or ‘postaccretional’) type magmatism conti-
type over a long time, where the earliest c. 1.85 Ga nously younging southwestwards to the OJB.
rocks mark the beginning of a shift from collision Gorbatschev (2001) presented evidence for a
to postcollisional (extensional) regimes. This sce- scenario of WNW-trending SVB belts succes-
nario is compatible with the general TIB-0 to TIB- sively younging from c. 1.82 in the north to 1.79
1 petrographical character and the granitoid subdi- Ga just north of OJB, representing southwards
vision based on tectonic setting devised by Barbarin accretionary and collisional growth (see also
(1990) (cf. Persson & Wikström 1993). Lund et al. 2001). However, these alkali-calcic
Most of the rocks in the SVB, however, fall in the SVB rocks need calc-alkaline source rocks. A
age range 1.81–1.76 Ga, traditionally referred to as shift, whether gradual or sharp in time, between
‘TIB-1’ (cf. Larson & Berglund 1992), including 1.91–1.86 and 1.84–1.82 Ga calc-alkaline crustal
all volcanic and plutonic rocks of east central segments is obscured by this volumious SVB
Småland (cf. Mansfeld 1996). The volcanic rocks magmatism covering the entire area between
associated with this generation, “the Småland por- Bergslagen and OJB (Fig. 3). Crustal protoliths
phyries”, are predominantly felsic and constitute of the 1.80–1.77 Ga SVB granitoid magmatism
substantial volumes (cf. Fig. 3). The TIB-1 genera- south of OJB are, however, most likely of the
tion apparently also includes the calc-alkaline same age as OJB. The SVB magmatism south of
Tving granitoids (c. 1.77 Ga) of Blekinge in the OJB is also less alkaline than in the north, occa-
south (Kornfält 1993), which appear to represent sionally calc-alkaline (Gorbatschev 2001), and
more deep-seated TIB-rocks, uplifted relative to clearly so in Blekinge (Lindh et al. 2001a), pos-
the Småland rocks along the Småland-Blekinge sibly again representing a yet younger arc event
deformation zone (Lindh et al. 2001a). (at c. 1.77 Ga) in the south.
The WNW-ESE-trending OJB in central Geochemical signatures in the mafic SVB rocks
Småland, composed of calc-alkaline rocks, was of 1.85, 1.80, and 1.70 Ga age generations (Claeson
identified by Mansfeld (1996) as c. 1.84–1.82 Ga 2001, Claeson & Andersson 2000, Rimsa 2002,
separate volcanic-arc related terrane (cf. Åhäll et Chapter 2.5) indicate the presence of subduction-
al. 2002) within the SVB (cf. Chapter 2.2; related mantle sources throughout the formation
Mansfeld & Beunk 2004), containing also very period of the SVB. This rather suggests continen-
juvenile, MORB-type components (Sundblad et tal arc settings (cf. Nyström 1982, 1999, Åhäll &
al. 1997). Åhäll and Larson (2000) and Åhäll et Larson 2000, Claeson 2001).
al. (2002) interpreted this terrane as accreted to Westwards, the 1.81–1.76 Ga SVB granitoids
the Svecofennian margin by c. 1.81 Ga, after are replaced by a younger group of SVB intrusives
which it was intruded/reworked by continental- with ages covering both the TIB-2 and TIB-3
margin TIB-1 magmatism. generations (1.71–1.65 Ga) of Larson and
Protoliths for the voluminous SVB granitoid Berglund (1992) (cf. compilation in Åhäll &
magmatism are normally considered to be equiva- Larson 2000), essentially stretching in a N-S
lent to the juvenile arc-derived early Svecofennian direction. The c. 1.70 Ga rocks are occasionally
(1.91–1.86 Ga) crust as seen in the Bergslagen observed to intrude into TIB-1 rocks (e.g.
area NE of SVB, supplemented by minor mantle- Wahlgren 1993, Claeson 1999, R. Gorbatschev

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

pers. comm. 2003), but otherwise the field rela- were later uplifted in the order of tens of kilometres
tions are usually obscured by deformation. The relative to the SVB in the east along the tectonic
SVB rocks continue into SW Sweden and be- zones of the Protogine zone (e.g., Johansson
come progressively overprinted by younger de- 1992, Hegardt 2000).
formation and high-grade metamorphism, domi- The penetratively deformed granitoids of the
nantly Sveconorwegian in age (e.g. Page et al. Eastern Segment north of Lake Vänern have been
1996, Söderlund et al. 1999, cf. Chapter 2.6). The shown on geochemical and geochronological
Protogine Zone marks the onset of westwards grounds to belong to the SVB rocks (Lindh &
penetratively deformed rocks in the Eastern Seg- Gorbatschev 1984, Lindh & Persson 1990,
ment of the Southwest Scandinavian Domain Söderlund et al. 1999). South of Lake Vänern this
(Gorbatschev 1980), while spaced Sveconor- is more uncertain, as the gneisses in the Eastern
wegian ductile deformation is important also Segment contain high amounts of calc-alkaline
further east up to the Sveconorwegian Frontal rocks (cf. e.g. Gorbatschev 1980, Berglund &
Deformation Zone (SFDZ; Wahlgren et al. 1994). Larson 1997). Nevertheless, ‘TIB-3’ rocks do
During the Sveconorwegian orogeny the rocks of occur on both sides of the Protogine Zone
the Eastern Segment were first subjected to con- (Connelly et al. 1996, Berglund & Larson 1997,
siderable tectonic burial (up to eclogite facies Wikman 1997, 1998), and some authors prefer to
conditions in the south; Möller 1998, 1999) and include the ‘Gothian basement’ gneisses of the

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Fig. 4. Magmatic and metamorphic timing in northern Småland-Värmland Belt (SVB) and southern Bergslagen. Contact metamorphic (due
to TIB intrusions) monazite ages are from Nygården, Graversfors, Finspång, Karlskoga and Tiveden, while the regional metamorphic ages are
from Flen and Nyköping (Andersson 1997b). Ages of SVB rocks along the southeastern Svecofennian margin are from Jarl & Johansson (1988),
Persson & Wikström (1993), Stephens et al. (1993), Wikström (1996), Andersson (1997a), Andersson et al. (2000), Claeson & Andersson
(2000), Wikström & Persson (2002), Bergström et al. (2002). The major TIB episodes are outlined, as well as timing of pegmatites and anatectic
granites in the Svecofennian Domain (LCT = lithium-caesium-tantalum-, and NYF = niobium-yttrium-fluorine-type pegmatites; based on
Romer & Smeds 1997). Inferred plate-tectonic settings and type of magmatism have been added (see also Chapter 8). LjB = Ljusdal Batholith,
OJB = Oskarshamn-Jönköping Belt, and Blek = Blekinge Province.

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

Eastern Segment among the ‘TIB-3’ rocks of the (Tving granitoids) of Blekinge (Kornfält &
western SVB (Söderlund 1999, Andersson 2001). Bergström 1991, Lindh et al. 2001a). The signifi-
Usually, it is difficult to reliably separate the TIB- cance of this, and the high proportion of calc-
3 rocks in the field from the older generation alkaline gneisses in the Eastern segment south of
(1.81–1.76 Ga) slightly eastwards (e.g. Wikman lake Vänern, is still unclear, although it has been
1998, 2000a), although in some areas they appear speculated that the progression from alkali-calcic
to occur as distinct textural varieties (Wahlgren to calc-alkaline magmatism westwards at the
1995, 1996). A geochronologic compilation and TIB-3 stage was related to oceanward migrating,
subdivision of the TIB can be found in Åhäll and east-dipping subduction beneath the continental
Larson (2000), and summarised in Fig. 4. margin (e.g. Lindh & Gorbatschev 1984, Åhäll &
In general, the SVB rocks vary compositionally Gower 1997).
from granite to monzodiorite (Fig. 5a; cf. also Initial εNd-ratios of the felsic to intermediate
Lindh & Persson 1990), and include numerous SVB and Dala rocks range from -1.5 to +2.5
mafic bodies (Chapter 2.5). Granites and quartz (Wilson et al. 1986, Patchett et al. 1987, Andersson
monzonites are dominant, and the geochemical 1997a, Nyström 1999, Claeson & Andersson
trends are monzonitic and alkali-calcic (cf. Ahl 2000, U.B. Andersson, unpubl. data), and plot
et al. 2001). With respect to alumina saturation within the time-integrated evolution of the early
(Fig. 5b) they show a wide spread from distinctly Svecofennian metaigneous crust (Fig. 6). The Nd
metaluminous to strongly peraluminous, but isotope data thus support an intracrustal deriva-
the average is close to molecular Al 2O 3/ tion from such sources (cf. Lindh & Persson
(CaO+Na2O+K2O) = 1 (1.015; Andersson 1997a). 1990, Lindh & Johansson 1995). The early
The rocks are generally of I-type, plotting in the Svecofennian crust is to a large degree of grano-
intermediate postcollisional field of Pearce dioritic-tonalitic composition (e.g. Nurmi &
(1996a) and transitional between orogenic and Haapala 1986). Major and trace element
anorogenic fields in the plots of Whalen et al. geochemical modelling (Andersson 1997a) indi-
(1987) (Fig. 5c, d). Rocks of more calc-alkaline cates that SVB granites with c. 70 % SiO2 could
compositions, granodiorites and even tonalites, have been derived by 25–40 % partial melting of
do occur among the various SVB age generations such sources, while granitoids of lower SiO2
(e.g. Wikström & Karis 1998, Wikman 1998), contents should contain mixing components other
and are even typical of the c. 1.77 Ga orthogneisses than crustal melts (cf. Chapter 2.5).

Fig. 5a–d. Geochemical plots of TIB and related rocks from the southern, Småland-Värmland areas. GDG = Granitoid-dioritoid-gabbroid suite
from the Bergslagen area, i.e. suite of early Svecofennian plutonics, GSDG = Granitoid-syenitoid-dioritoid-gabbroid suite from the Bergslagen
area, i.e. other TIB-data from that area. Sources of data: Andersson (1997a), Wikström & Karis (1991, 1998), Wikström (1975), Wikström et
al. (1980), Wikström & Aaro (1986), U.B. Andersson (unpubl. data), Andersson & Wikström (unpubl. data), data from “the Bergslagen project,
SGU” (Stephens et al. in prep). In parentheses are given the approximate age of each suite. In a) also basic-ultrabasic rocks are included. a)
total alkali vs. SiO2 plot with classification fields after Middlemost (1994). The SVB rocks display a pronounced alkali-calcic, monzo-trend,
with the exception of the Finspång massif which together with a special suite from Tiveden show calc-alkaline characteristics. The early
Svecofennian plutonism is also distinctly calc-alkaline. b) The Småland-Värmland Belt granitoids rocks from most areas spread rather evenly
around the met-peraluminous border, with the exception of the strongly peraluminous Finspång rocks. c) In the FeO*/MgO vs. 10000*Ga/Al
diagram after Whalen et al. (1987) rocks from all areas are transitional between the I+S- and A-type granite fields, but at rather low FeO*/
MgO values compared with classical A-type rocks as e.g. rapakivi granites (cf. Fig. 55c; Rämö & Haapala 1995, Andersson 1997a,d). d) In
the Rb vs. Y+Nb plot after Pearce (1996a) all the rocks plot in the circular intermediate area encompassing post-collisional granites. However,
all analyses of the Gåsborn and Loftahammar granites fall at more elevated Nb+Y contents and thus show more within-plate affinity, compared
with the Askersund and Kårtorp rocks which are transitional.

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

Fig. 5a–d.

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

Fig. 6. Schematic representation of initial εNd values for TIB rocks in

relation to the time-integrated ε-evolution of some Fennoscandian
crustal sources (as compiled in Andersson 1997a). DM is the depleted
mantle of DePaolo (1981). Sed = sedimentary rocks from the
Bergslagen area, ESG = early Svecofennian granitoids and felsic
volcanics. Pink ovals include silicic-intermediate TIB-1 and TIB-2
rocks reported by Wilson et al. (1986), Patchett et al. (1987), and
Nyström (1999), and Chapters 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3.2, 4.1 (U.B. Andersson,

unpubl. data, J. Mansfeld unpubl. data, Ahl et al. in prep.). F is the

Finspång augen gneiss (Chapter 2.3.7) and N is a gneissic TIB granite
at the contact of the Nygården norite (chapter 2.4.1). Green, violet,
and red bars at c. 1800 Ma represent basic, intermediate, and granitic
Småland-Värmland Belt rocks, respectively, reported by Andersson
(1997a), including data from mafic rocks in the Loftahammar area
(Chapter 2.3.2) and the Hoting gabbro of RGS (Larson & Hellström
2003), while the green bars at c. 1700 Ma are mafic rocks from
Nyström (1999) and Claeson (2001). Green bar at 1.85 Ga are mafic
rocks of the Nygård pluton (Claeson & Andersson 2000).

2.2. The Småland-Värmland Belt in southeastern Sweden

Joakim Mansfeld

In southeastern Sweden the SVB is divided into tionship between the intrusive and extrusive rocks,
two areas by the WNW-trending OJB, which is and that the former intruded into the latter. The
clearly an older unit relative to TIB-1, and part of best age estimate of rhyolites within the Vimmerby
a calc-alkaline, younger “Svecofennian” phase Batholith comes from an age of 1813±3 Ma
(Mansfeld 1996). The SVB unit north of the OJB (Wikström 1993), which indicates a c. 10 m.y.
forms a homogenous and continuous batholith, age difference between the extrusive and intru-
the Vimmerby Batholith (Söderhielm & Sundblad sive rocks.
1996). In regional magnetic and gravimetric The SVB rocks south of the OJB are not iden-
anomaly maps the Vimmerby Batholith com- tified as one homogenous unit. In the east the
prises a homogenous pronounced very high mag- SVB rocks are covered by Cambrian and Ordovi-
netic and low gravimetric ellipsoid body (e.g. cian sedimentary sequences. Also the concealed
Henkel et al. 1990, Eriksson & Henkel 1994). Precambrian basement of Öland probably com-
The Vimmerby Batholith is bordered in the north prises SVB granitoids. However, there is no clear
by the c. 1.85 Ga Askersund and Finspång intru- evidence of any SVB rocks farther to the east, e.g.
sions (cf. Chapter 2.3), to the east by the in the Precambrian basement of Gotland (see e.g.
Svecofennian rocks of the Västervik area, and to Gyllencreutz & Sundblad 1999). To the south the
the west by lake Vättern. The Vimmerby Batholith SVB is separated from the Blekinge area by a
comprises mainly red to grayish red coarse- major shear zone (Lindh et al. 2001a).
grained granitoids. In its central parts it is associ- The western border of SVB in southern Swe-
ated with rhyolitic volcanic rocks (Fig. 3). These, den is traditionally considered to be the Protogine
usually well preserved units, include ignimbrites, Zone, but more or less deformed intrusions be-
tuffs, volcanic breccias, and possibly lavas longing to the SVB are identified far west of this
(Persson 1974, 1985). All U-Pb zircon ages of zone (cf. Chapters 1.2; 2.1). The age pattern of the
intrusions in the Vimmerby Batholith range be- c.1.8 Ga rocks south of the OJB is more irregular,
tween 1808 and 1794 Ma (Patchett et al. 1987, although almost consistently younger than the
Jarl & Johansson 1988, Mansfeld 1991, Kornfält Vimmerby Batholith. Ages for the intrusive rocks
et al. 1997). varies between 1793 and 1766 (Patchett et al.
There are still very few age determinations of 1987, Jarl & Johansson 1988, Mansfeld 1991,
the volcanic rocks, but the ages, in combination Wikman 1993). Large areas of felsic volcanic
with field evidence, suggest a co-magmatic rela- rocks are also associated with the SVB intru-

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

sions. Two U-Pb ages of rhyolites of 1800±8 more, there is a small galena mineralisation in a
(Mansfeld 1996) and 1791+50/-41 Ma (Wikman rhyolite at Ålatorp c. 35 km ENE of Växjö. The
1993) suggest an age difference of c. 10 m.y. Ramnebo deposit was probably formed by late
between extrusive and intrusive rocks also in the magmatic fluids, possibly in conjunction with
southern part of the SVB. formation of the earliest ductile WNW-trending
The transition from c. 1.8 Ga (TIB-1) to c. 1.7– shear zones. The Ålatorp deposit was probably
1.65 Ga (TIB-2&3) SVB granitoids is not pos- also formed by late magmatic fluids, and it has
sible to be identified petrologically, i.e. there is been compared to a porphyry copper system
no difference in appearance or composition be- (Sundblad 1997, Sundblad & Ahl 1999).
tween the older and the younger suite. Based on Chemically the SVB rocks in southeastern
available U-Pb zircon ages the boundary could Sweden are alkali-calcic and they have continu-
approximately be placed between Huskvarna at ous compositional trends from gabbro to granite
the southern tip of lake Vättern to east of Alvesta (Fig. 5). Rocks with tonalitic, i.e. calc-alkaline,
and then in a more south-easterly direction to- compositions are very rare. Discrimination dia-
wards the anorogenic Spinkamåla intrusion in the grams based on trace elements according to Pearce
Blekinge region. That is, the border between et al. (1984) usually yield “within plate granite”
TIB-1 and TIB-2+3 is consistently located east of characteristics but straddling “volcanic arc gran-
the Protogine Zone. ite” compositions (Fig. 5). A subduction compo-
Mafic plutons, mainly gabbros, but also quartz nent is also evident in mantle-normalised spider
diorites, anorthositic gabbros, and ultramafic rocks diagrams with pronounced negative Nb, Ta, and
(dunites, peridotites), are associated with the Ti anomalies. The REE pattern is usually steep
SVB granitoids (Fig. 3). Especially close to the for the LREE, with La and Ce enrichment factors
OJB (both north and south) these mafic plutons up to several hundred. HREE patterns are usually
are common. Magma mingling in the form of less steep or flat, and Eu anomalies are slightly
mafic enclaves, dyke trains, and small scale negative (cf. Persson 1985, Persson 1989, Ahl
hybridisation is a common phenomenon in con- 1989, Kornfält et al. 1997, Mansfeld unpubl.
junction with the mafic bodies. The ubiqituous data). Major and trace element compositions sug-
evidence of mingling suggest a co-genetic rela- gest a calc-alkaline crustal precursor as source to
tionship between the felsic and the mafic rocks, the felsic members of the SVB. The most prob-
but so far the only dated mafic pluton is the able source is a crust comparable to the calc-
Rymmen gabbro c. 25 km northwest of Alvesta, alkaline OJB. This is also supported by εNdt-
which has an age of 1692±7 Ma (Claeson 1999). values of c. +1 to +2 in SVB rocks in southeastern
Mafic and felsic dykes (the latter also called Sweden (Wilson et al. 1985, Patchett et al. 1987,
“Småland dyke porphyries”), including compos- Mansfeld unpubl. results; cf. Fig. 6).
ite dykes, are widespread in the SVB of south- The age relationship between Svecofennian
eastern Sweden (Nilsson 1992). These dykes calc-alkaline rocks and the more alkaline SVB
confirm a co-genetic relationship between felsic rocks in south-central and southeastern Sweden
and mafic magmas, and U-Pb zircon ages be- suggests that in a genetic sense the SVB is a true
tween 1805 and 1770 Ma firmly puts them as post-orogenic magmatic suite. The c. 1.85
parts of the SVB system (Nilsson & Wikman Askersund-Loftahammar intrusions border the c.
1997, Johansson 1999). 1.89 Ga Svecofennian sequences (cf. Chapter
One unusual character of the SVB rocks in the 2.3), the c. 1.81–1.80 Ga Vimmerby Batholith
eastern part of the Vimmerby Batholith is the borders the late 1.85–1.84 Ga Svecofennian units
occurrence of small base-metal deposits hosted in the Åtvidaberg area (Dobbe et al. 1995), and
by SVB rocks. These occur in the Ramnebo area, the 1.79–1.77 Ga SVB rocks are found south of
c. 30 km SSW of Västervik (Ahl 1989, Sundblad the c. 1.83–1.82 Ga Oskarshamn-Jönköping Belt.
& Ahl 1999), and around Vimmerby. Further-

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

2.3. Geological features of the Småland-Värmland belt along the Svecofennian margin, part I:
from the Loftahammar to the Tiveden-Askersund areas

Anders Wikström & Ulf B. Andersson

2.3.1. Introduction cal signatures (except Finspång) and also have

many textural and petrographical features in com-
The relationship between the SVB and the mon. This makes it difficult to distinguish them in
Svecofennian Domain is a highly controversial the field. The older generation has partly been
issue mainly because there are difficulties to involved in the Svecokarelian structural develop-
strictly define SVB (or TIB) contra Svecofennian ment which in the past has led to various interpre-
rocks and processes. tations. The old age of this generation is a fairly
The recent debate between Andersson and recent discovery (Persson & Wikström 1993). A
Wikström (2001) and Åhäll and Larson (2001) summary of the different views on this topic was
highlights some of the key issues in the interpre- given by Wikström et al. (1997).
tation of the geological development during the Structurally the rocks of the TIB-0 generation
final stages of the Svecokarelian orogeny in south- range from seemingly massive to strongly de-
central Sweden. One of the major questions in formed amphibolite-facies augen gneisses. This
this debate was how to treat the Askersund suite transition from magmatic to metamorphic struc-
(or TIB-0; see Chapter 2.1) with an age of c. 1.85 tures is in most places gradual. Deformed rock
Ga in relation to SVB granitoids with ages of c. types are conformable with and occupy positions
1800 Ma. Andersson and Wikström (2001) wanted close to ambient Svecofennian gneisses, partly as
to incorporate the Askersund suite in the TIB separate sheets within them (Wikström 1991).
while Åhäll and Larson (2001) did not (main- Gneissic types are typical for the Finspång, north-
tained in Åhäll et al. 2002), mainly for tectonic ern Askersund, Åsbro, Hälla, and parts of the
reasons. Tiveden and Loftahammar areas (Fig. 7). In other
Thus, the distribution of crystallisation ages of places, massive SVB granitoids of this genera-
the SVB rocks and their relation to the deforma- tion (e.g., the Graversfors intrusion and eastern
tion are not clear-cut along the Svecofennian part of the Askersund intrusion) cut the
margin (cf. Fig. 7). The earliest recognised group Svecokarelian structures.
of SVB rocks, TIB-0, has ages in the range 1860– The SVB rocks along the southern and western
1830 Ma (Figs. 4 and 7), and includes the Tiveden Svecofennian margins are characterised by high-
and Askersund areas, the Åsbro lobe, the Nygården potassium alkali-calcic chemical compositions
pluton, the Finspång massif, the Graversfors in- and dominated by coarse-porphyritic granites to
trusion, and the Hälla and Loftahammar augen quartz monzodiorites (‘Filipstad type granitoids’)
gneisses (Åberg 1978, Persson & Wikström 1993, (Fig. 8), typically displaying irregularly rounded,
Wikström 1996, Andersson 1997b, Andersson et in part plagioclase-mantled K-feldspar mega-
al. 2000, 2004, Claeson & Andersson 2000, crysts. More even-grained, generally felsic gran-
Wikström & Persson 2002, Bergström et al. 2002), ites (‘Växjö type granites’) occupy minor areas
whereas rocks in other marginal areas are younger (Fig. 9). Mafic-intermediate rocks are essential
(1.81–1.78 Ga), e.g. the Kårtorp-Roxen- parts, e.g. in the Kårtorp, Tjällmo-Vättern,
Linköping and Karlskoga-Filipstad areas (Jarl & Tiveden, Linköping, Stavsjö-Jönåker, and Lofta-
Johansson 1988, Stephens et al. 1993, Andersson hammar areas. Mafic magmatic (partly hybrid)
1997a, b), as well as parts of the Loftahammar enclaves are unevenly distributed but generally
area where the granitoids are comingled with common throughout the whole area.
1.80 Ga mafic plutonic rocks (Chapter 2.3.2 The age of the Tjällmo-Vättern Zone, situated
below). between the c. 1.85 Ga Tiveden/Askersund and
As can be seen in Fig. 5 indisputable SVB and 1.81 Ga Kårtorp areas, is particularly problem-
1.85–1.83 Ga granitoids have overlapping chemi- atic (Fig. 10). Geological observations as well as

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

Fig. 7. Overview sketch map of the boundary area between the Småland-Värmland Belt and the southern Svecofennian
Domain (modified after Andersson & Wikström 2001). Frames outline extent of subsequent figures in Chapter 2. Age data
are from Åberg (1978), Jarl & Johansson (1988), Stephens et al. (1993), Persson & Wikström (1993), Wikström (1996),
Andersson (1997a,b), Söderlund et al. (1999), Andersson et al. (2000), Claeson & Andersson (2000), Bergström et al.
(2002), Wikström & Persson (2002), and F.J. Hellman (unpubl. data). The distribution of ages shows that both TIB-0 (1.86–
1.83 Ga) and TIB-1 (1.81–1.76 Ga) rocks extend to the Svecofennian margin.

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

Fig. 8. Typical coarse-porphyritic Småland-Värmland Belt granitoid (‘Filipstad type’) from the
Tjällmo-Vättern zone (sample 8823 in Andersson 1997a).

Fig. 9. Example of coarse, even-grained, and felsic Småland-Värmland Belt granite (‘Växjö type’)
from the Tjällmo-Vättern zone (sample 8825 in Andersson 1997a).

geophysical studies indicate continuos transi- conjunction with the emplacement of the
tions at both ends of the zone. midcrustal TIB magmas, that was later compen-
The Svecofennian rocks along the border of the sated by uplift relative to the regionally metamor-
SVB exhibit a granulite facies peak in an overall phosed areas (Andersson 1997b).
regional amphibolite facies metamorphism. The Ages of contact and regional metamorphism
peak PT-values for this SVB-related contact are overlapping in the range 1.85–1.78 Ga (Fig. 4;
metamorphism are 700–830°C and 4–6 kbar Romer & Öhlander 1994, 1995, Andersson
(Andersson et al. 1992, Wikström & Larsson 1997b), and overlap also with those of the SVB
1993, Andersson 1997b, Fig. 11), implying intru- magmatism, as well as with the ‘late Svecofennian’
sion depths of 15–25 km, while conditions of magmatism in Bergslagen (1.85–1.75 Ga;
regional metamorphism have been estimated at Öhlander & Romer 1996, and references therein).
<650°C and <4 kbar (Stålhös 1991, Sjöström & Beunk and Page (2001) reported a U-Pb titanite
Bergman 1998). The indicated increase in pres- age of 1782+11/-9 Ma from the Loftahammar-
sure in the vicinity of the TIB intrusions may Linköping deformation zone that transects the
partly be related to country rock depression in Loftahammar granite.

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

Fig. 10. Sketch map showing the location of the Kårtorp, Askersund, and Tiveden areas, the Tjällmo-
Vättern zone and the Nygården pluton (modified after Wikström 1987, Wikström & Karis 1991, Wikström
1995, and Andersson 1997a). Unfilled circles, ruled, and black areas represent granitoid, intermediate and
basic Småland-Värmland Belt rocks, respectively. Oval circles show areas of penetratively deformed
Småland-Värmland Belt granitoids. Areas with form lines are early Svecofennian rocks. Stippled areas
outline calc-alkaline Småland-Värmland granitoid units in Tiveden.

The voluminous SVB magmatism thus occurred

simultaneously with high heat flow and anatectic
magma generation (‘late Svecofennian’ granites
and pegmatites) within the adjoining Sveco-
fennian (Bergslagen) area. Possibly this was due
to a major episode of mafic underplating which
initiated heat and magma transport to higher
crustal levels (Andersson 1991, 1997a, b, Sjöström
& Bergman 1998). The mafic underplating may
now be seen as a thick mafic lower crust (high-
velocity layer; Korja et al. 1993), particularly
under the northern part of SVB and southern
Fig. 11. Estimated peak contact metamorphic conditions in early Bergslagen area (cf. Lund et al. 2001, and refer-
Svecofennian rocks at different localities close to SVB intrusions ences therein). Areas which have been subjected
(Andersson et al. 1992, Wikström & Larsson 1993, Andersson 1997b,
U.B. Andersson unpubl. data). (1) Karlskoga area, (2) Tiveden area, to comprehensive investigations are described in
hornfels xenolith in Graversfors intrusion and Gt–Cd gneisses at more detail below.
some tens of m away from the Nygården norite, (3) Finspång contact
hornfels, (4) contact to the Roted intrusion, Karlskoga area, and (5)
just at the contact to the Nygården norite. Curve labelled A is a 2.3.2. The Loftahammar area
suggested P–T path for the high-grade rocks, in the vicinity of TIB
intrusions. Curve labelled 1 shows the approximate conditions for
beginning of melting in pelitic systems (after LeBreton & Thompson A geological overview of the Loftahammar
1988). Approximate P–T area for regional metamorphism in
Bergslagen after Stålhös (1991), Sjöström & Bergman (1998) and
area is given in Fig. 12. The stratigraphic position
Andersson (1997b). of the Loftahammar coarse-porphyritic gneissic

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

Fig. 12. Outline of the geology in the Loftahammar area (modified after
Beunk & Page 2001). Å and F are Åsleskär and Fårholmen, respectively,
from which the mafic Nd isotope samples were collected. Both these occur
as NW–SE elongated stretches of synplutonic mafic megadykes within the
coarse porphyritic Loftahammar granite, where abundant mafic-felsic magma
mingling/mixing structures can be observed (cf. Wikström 1988a,b). The
Hallmare gabbro (H), dated at c. 1.80 Ga (F.J. Hellman unpubl. data), is part
of such a synplutonic system. Nab marks the locality of one of the felsic Nd
isotope samples at Nabbudden. LLDZ = the Loftahammar-Linköping Defor-
mation Zone, which extends further to the NW (cf. Fig. 3).

granite or augen gneiss has been extensively is a metasomatically granitised mafic volcanic
debated. The main controversy has been circulat- rock (Kresten 1986, 1988), that contains K-feld-
ing about the issue if this rock belongs to the older spar porphyroblasts (cf. Fig. 13). This was con-
Svecofennian plutonic rocks (e.g. Gavelin 1904, tested by Wikström (1988a, b) who found
1905, 1910, Gavelin 1984, Kresten 1986, 1988) synplutonic mafic dykes showing abundant min-
or if it is part of the SVB (e.g. Holmquist 1905a, gling and mixing relations with the granite host
b, Westra et al. 1969, Elbers 1971, Priem & (Fig. 14). He reinterpreted this unit as mylonitised
Bakker 1973, Wikström 1988a, b). It has also granite mingled and mixed with coeval mafic
been claimed that the northern part of the massif magma. Mingling and mixing between mafic and

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

granitic magmas were regarded already by Gavelin

(1910) as the likely cause for these structures.
The nature and origin of the K-feldspar megacrysts
in the massif have been described and discussed
by Mehnert & Busch (1985) and Vernon (1990),
who concluded that the augens are porphyroclasts
originally crystallised from the granite magma.
The massif is geographically closely related to
a major dextral shear zone, the Loftahammar-
Linköping Deformation Zone (Beunk & Page
2001; Figs. 3 and 12). Beunk & Page (2001) have
mainly described the post-emplacement defor-
mation structures in this zone (and surrounding
areas) but some mafic, co-mingled synplutonic
dykes within the massif with a regional, seem-
ingly original orientation parallel to this zone,
suggest that this deformation zone was active
already during emplacement.
Age determinations from the Loftahammar area
are somewhat contradictory (Figs. 7 and 12).
Åberg (1978) obtained an upper intercept age
close to 1845 Ma for zircon fractions pooled from
several samples, including the Loftahammar gran-
ite and rocks from the Örö-Hamnö intrusion
Fig. 13. Mylonitised, hybrid Loftahammar granitoid, previously
south of the Loftahammar area, which have been
formed by magma-mixing/mingling. Diameter of coin is 25 mm. compared with the Loftahammar rocks. He also

Fig. 14. Untectonised magma-mingling structures in one of the mafic synplutonic megadykes within the Loftahammar
granite at Gamla Städsholmen (GS in Fig. 12). Length of hammer is c. 55 cm.

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

observed frequent cores in the crystals. Although found (Wikström & Persson 2002) (Fig. 7). Their
he avoided such grains, the fractions scatter con- lithotectonic position have also been debated,
siderably around the discordia. Kleinhanns et al. similarly to the Loftahammar granitoids. During
(1999) reported U-Pb zircon ages of c. 1.72 Ga early mapping they were considered as ‘younger
and c. 1.85 Ga for two intrusive phases of the Örö- granites’ and grouped with the SVB batholiths
Hamnö intrusion. Pooled together, they yield further west (Asklund 1923, 1928, Sundius 1928).
1825±9 Ma which was interpreted as the intru- Sundius (1927) questioned this classification
sion age (Kleinhanns et al. 1999, Beunk & Page based in part on the argument that they are region-
2001). Recently, Bergström et al. (2002) cited a ally metamorphosed and deformed in contrast to
U-Pb zircon age of 1859±9 Ma for the the SVB granitoids in the west and also have local
Loftahammar granite further to the NE along the gradual transition to the older rocks. However,
Svecofennian margin (Fig. 7). The dating was they are only affected by late phases of regional
made on four fractions, consisting of 2–5 zircon folding, rendering them an uncertain stratigraphic
crystals each, clear and without visible cores, position. The recent U-Pb zircon age of the Hälla
giving a well-defined discordia (P.-O. Persson augen gneiss of 1845±8 Ma (Wikström & Persson
and H. Wikman, pers. comm. 2002). However, 2002) sets this group into the same age frame
the Hallmare gabbro in the SE, which shows (1.85(6)–1.83 Ga) as other marginal and satellite
comingling relations with the Loftahammar gran- intrusions along the Svecofennian border zone
ite, has yielded a rather precise age close to 1800 (TIB-0). Petrographic and geochemical data
Ma (F. Hellman, pers. comm. 2000). These con- (geochemistry very limited; Fig. 5) are also indis-
tradictory results suggest a considerable varia- tinguishable from the latter rocks.
tion in space and time of the intrusion of the
Loftahammar granitoid, but components of in-
2.3.4. The Linköping area
herited material in the zircons of the older
Loftahammar granitoids cannot be entirely dis-
In the area around Linköping (Fig. 7) the SVB
missed (cf. Åberg 1978, P.-O. Persson, pers.
rocks and their contact relations to the
comm. 2002). However, a recent Nd isotopic study
Svecofennian margin have been studied in detail
(U.B. Andersson, unpubl. data) on two Lofta-
in several map descriptions (Blomberg 1909,
hammar granites resulted in relatively juvenile
Magnusson 1922, 1924, Gorbatschev 1975,
εNd(1.80) values (between 0 and +1.0), suggest-
Kornfält 1975, Gorbatschev et al. 1976, Wikman
ing that crustal source components should be
et al. 1980, Persson et al. 1981) and other publi-
sought among early Svecofennian metaigneous
cations (Gorbatschev 1971, Wilson et al. 1986,
lithologies, in similarity with TIB granitoids from
Jarl & Johansson 1988). Two types of granitoids
most other areas (Fig. 6). Two samples of the mafic
are clearly discerned: 1) coarse-porphyritic gran-
rocks that are comingled with the granites on islets
ites to monzodiorites (‘Filipstad-type’), where
outside the Hallmare peninsula yielded rather de-
the K-feldspar megacrysts diminish in size in the
pleted εNd(1.80) values between +1.0 and +3.5.
latter, 2) and even-grained and medium- to coarse-
Chemical analyses of rocks from the Lofta-
grained dominantly granites (s.s.) (‘Växjö-type’).
hammar granitoid massif show in general compo-
The latter are generally considered to be younger
sitions similar to rocks from elsewhere in the
than the former. Both types display in this area a
SVB (Fig. 2.3). Various mixed hybrid rocks
´postorogenic´ cross-cutting character in relation
range in composition towards the associated co-
to Svecofennian structures, and are undeformed
eval mafic rocks (Andersson & Wikström, unpubl.
except for local flow orientation of crystals asso-
ciated with emplacement.
2.3.3. Augen gneisses in the area between However, of special importance in the regional
Loftahammar and Norrköping framework is the description of the ´Linghem
schistosity belt´ (Gorbatschev 1971, 1975) which
Within the Svecofennian marginal areas along consists of a mainly porphyritic, sheared and
this transect several bodies of augen gneiss are cataclastically deformed granite in a planar dislo-

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

cation structure. This belt is oriented around N 60

W and can be seen in aeromagnetic maps to have
a direct connection in the southeast to the
Linköping-Loftahammar shear zone within the
Loftahammar granite (LLDZ; e.g. Beunk & Page
(2001) and ref. therein; Fig. 3). It is clearly stated
by Gorbatschev (1971) that this belt is oblique to
the regional Svecofennian structures in the area,
and consists of deformed SVB granitoids that are
intrusive into the early Sveconfennian rocks on
the sides.
The spatial distribution of different mafic to
felsic units west of Linköping have in general an
east-westerly orientation (Persson et al. 1981),
that we interpret to have formed during the intru-
sion stage, in similarity with the Tjällmo-Vättern
zone further north (cf. Chapter 2.3.9). Intimate
relationships between mafic and felsic units within
both the porphyritic and even-grained SVB
granitoids have been described in terms of mega-
brecciation of older, early Svecofennian or ear-
lier SVB basites, by the granitoids (Gorbatschev
et al. 1976, Wikman et al. 1980, Persson et al.
1981). However, the descriptions indicate that
these structures more likely result from the
comingling of granitoid and mafic magmas, and
Andersson (1991) suggested that extensive mag-
matic hybridisation, rather than magma fraction-
ation, was responsible for much of the geochemi-
cal variation of the intermediate rocks in the area.
A conventional U-Pb zircon age determination
of a felsic even-grained granite (‘Växjö granite’)
from the area southwest of Linköping yielded a
TIB-1 age of 1808±4 Ma (Jarl & Johansson 1988)
(Fig. 7) similar to that obtained from a Fig. 15. Varieties of granitoids from the Graversfors intrusion. a)
monzodiorite in the Kårtorp area further north Spatially most important typical coarse porphyritic granite with more
or less well-developed plagioclase mantles. b) Dark, quartz
(Chapter 2.3.8), indicating that not only 1.85– monzonitic, sometimes fayalite-bearing variety. c) Red, felsic, more
1.83 Ga TIB-0 intrusives are present along the even-grained variety. From Hedström (1908). Widths of photographs
is c. 10 cm.
Svecofennian margin. Nevertheless, the SVB-
rocks just north of the Linköping area (Roxen
massif) are essentially indistinguishable from the
c. 1.83 Ga Graversfors rocks in terms of their 15a) dominated by perthitic microcline pheno-
texture and geochemistry (Gorbatschev 1971). crysts, that are locally mantled by plagioclase.
Myrmekitic texture is common in the granitoids.
2.3.5. The Graversfors intrusion Biotite dominates among the dark minerals, while
the content of hornblende varies. Locally, there is
The Graversfors intrusion is more or less circu- a rock variety (Fig. 15b) with dark-pigmented
lar in outline with a diameter of c. 10 km. It is feldspars (orthoclase and plagioclase), a few per-
mainly composed of a porphyritic granitoid (Fig. cent of orthopyroxene, and accessory fayalite.

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

Another local variety (Fig. 15c) consists of red,

anhedral orthoclase and brightly blue quartz.
According to a gravimetric interpretation (Wik-
ström et al. 1980), the intrusion has a mushroom
shape (Fig. 16) with the trunk in the eastern part.
Satellite bodies of the granite penetrate the coun-
try rock in a brittle, dyke-like manner along the
eastern margin. In contrast, a major anticlinal
fold (the Holpen antiform; Wikström 1976) plung-
ing some 20° towards the north-east and clearly
related to the shape of the intrusion can be seen Fig. 16. Perspective drawing of the Graversfors intrusion based on
gravity interpretation (from Wikström et al. 1980).
along the western contact (Fig. 17). It truncates
obliquely the regional structures, that generally
strike west-northwest. The half wavelength of during experiments with diapir models, it was
this antiform is around 4 km and its amplitude suggested that this fold was formed during the
around 2 km. By comparison with structures formed granite intrusion (Wikström et al. 1980). Other

Fig. 17. Main structural features in the area of the Graversfors and Stavsjö intrusions (modified after Wikström et al. 1980).

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

conclusions were that the somewhat higher den-

sity of the Graversfors granite with respect to the
country rocks necessitated emplacement in the
lower-density magmatic stage and that the intru-
sion of the Graversfors magma must have occurred
close to the Svecokarelian orogeny in time, and
simultaneous with some migmatisation in the ambi-
ent rocks which reduced the viscosity contrast.
Geochemically, the Graversfors intrusion falls
in the middle of the SVB compositional range
(Fig. 5). The within-pluton variation is
Fig. 18. Geographical overview of chemical variation of SiO 2 content
characterised by low-silica varieties particularly within the Graversfors intrusion (from Wikström et al. 1980).
in its eastern part (Fig. 18).
Previous attempts to determine the crystal-
lisation age of the Graversfors intrusion have
yielded inconclusive results (Åberg & Wikström compression acting from the present WNW. Such
1982). A Rb-Sr whole rock isochron gave 1692±7 an interpretation and the partly massive, “post-
Ma, but Rb-Sr whole-rock ages in the Swedish orogenic” appearance imply that a considerable
Precambrian are typically 50 to 150 Ma younger tectonic evolution has taken place in the area
than the U-Pb zircon ages of the same rocks. This prior to c. 1845 Ma.
is most likely the result of heterogeneous initial
Sr isotopic compositions in suites of whole-rock- 2.3.6. The Stavsjö-Jönåker intrusions
samples (Romer 1994), such that the more mafic
samples have lower initial ratios than the felsic The Stavsjö and Jönåker massifs (Fig. 7) con-
ones (Andersson 1997a). Åberg and Wikström sist mainly of porphyritic granite with rectangu-
(1982) also calculated a very poorly defined U- lar, probably flow-oriented K-feldspar crystals.
Pb discordia from three zircon fractions, with an Asklund (1925) presented a detailed account of
approximate upper intercept at 1.97 Ga. These the rocks in the Stavsjö area. Dykes of this granite
zircons, however, contained abundant older cores clearly cross-cut the regional Svecofennian de-
and were therefore interpreted to contain a major formation structures. A dyke of the Graversfors
inherited, possibly pre-Svecofennian component. granite has been observed to cut a porphyritic
Thermobarometry for the assemblage Gt-Opx- granite of Stavsjö type outside the main intrusion
Cd-Sp-Bt-Kfs-Pl-Qz in a hornfels xenolith of the (Wikström 1979, Wikström et al. 1980), suggest-
intrusion indicates peak conditions of at least ing that the Stavsjö-Jönåker massifs are early
805°C and 5.8±1 kbar (equivalent to a depth of post-kinematic, i.e. >1.83 Ga, although no isoto-
21 km) (Fig. 11). A discordia regressed through pic data is available on these intrusions.
two highly discordant monazite fractions and the A variety of mafic to intermediate rocks occur
origin yielded 1829±8 Ma and is interpreted to within these intrusions (Asklund 1925, Wikström
closely reflect monazite growth coused by the 1979) and in the Stavsjö massif a norite body is
intrusion (Fig. 4; Andersson 1997b). exposed in an area, approximately 500x1000 m.
By comparison with the similar Askersund in- Structures indicating magma mixing and ming-
trusion (age around 1845 Ma) with its discordant ling with the granitic magma (e.g. pillowed con-
eastern and deformed western and northern mar- tacts) are well-developed around the norite.
gins, an alternative explanation of the Holpen Asklund (1925) argued that these rocks were not
antiformal fold to the west of the Graversfors formed by fractional crystallisation but instead
intrusion can be made. The antiform may be a by a process which he called “liquation”, which
post-emplacement deformation structure, in which has a faint resemblance with the magma mingling
case the eastern discordant contact could repre- and mixing concept. The intermediate rocks are
sent a “lee-side” effect in relation to late tectonic thus most likely interpreted as the result of vari-

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

able degrees of mixing of granitic and noritic/ transition into TIB granitoids, implying a re-
gabbroic magmas, although restitic elements can- evaluation of its classification (Wikström 1984).
not be ruled out in the hornblende-bearing grani- By comparison with a diapir model made by
toid varieties. Ramberg (Fig. 21) the folded parts where inter-
Small-porphyritic granitoid varieties are asso- preted as marginal, deformed lobes in a diapiric
ciated with both intrusions and have been grouped mushroom structure (the old age was not known
together with the massifs, although they have a at that time). In the aeromagnetic map, the
slightly older field appearance (Wikström 1979, Finspång massif is distinguished as a low-mag-
Wikström et al. 1980). When mapping was re- netic structure in contrast to the more magnetic
sumed in this area during the 1970s (Wikström SVB granitoids just to the west and north. No
1979) the “postorogenic” character of the intru- mafic enclaves are present in the massif which is
sions was emphasised. However, directly west of unusual for TIB rocks in general. It has normally
the Stavsjö massif regionally deformed porphy- been deformed under amphibolite facies condi-
ritic graniotids were mapped together with the tions and is locally migmatitic near the contacts
older Svecofennian plutonic rocks. In retrospect, to the surrounding sedimentary gneisses which
this was probably not correct since the earliest contain garnet and sillimanite.
TIB rocks also elsewhere along the Svecofennian Along the southern margin, seemingly isotro-
margin have been shown to be affected by late pic parts can be seen in two areas (Fig. 20), where
Svecokarelian folding and deformation (cf. else- the country rocks consist of rather low-grade
where in Chapter 2). muscovite-andalusite schists. This feature is in-
terpreted as a “megamullion” structure where the
2.3.7. The Finspång massif rheological conditions during deformation at this
low metamorphic grade were such that the isotro-
As can be seen in Fig. 19 (Wikström & Aaro pic parts of the Finspång massif acted consider-
1986), the Finspång massif has been interpreted ably more competently than the surrounding
as a folded sheet in which the major granite schists, in contrast to the deformation conditions
volumes are found in synforms. As the massif is in the more high-grade parts where the difference
clearly folded within the regional structures (Fig. in competency was less pronounced.
20), its eastern parts were once regarded as be- The geochemistry of the Finspång massif is
longing to the older Svecofennian plutonic rocks anomalously peraluminous for SVB rocks (Fig.
(Wikström 1976). Later mapping to the north- 5). Since the Finspång magmas were largely
west of the massif, however, revealed a gradual intruded into metasediments, the most natural

Fig. 19. Three-dimensional structural diagram of the Finspång area, based on geological and geophysical information. Dark: Finspång massif,
dotted and V:s: Småland-Värmland Belt granitoids. Others: Svecofennian ortho- and paragneisses (from Wikström & Aaro 1986).

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

Fig. 20. Measured structural elements in the Finspång area (from Wikström & Aaro 1986).

explanation would be assimilation of consider- oscillatorilly zoned, and elongated zircons from
able quantities of such rocks (cf. also Wikström an augen gneiss in the Finspång massif yielded an
1988a, Lindh & Persson 1990, Lindh & Johansson age (constrained through the origin) of 1854±5
1995), but could also be due, in part, to more Al- Ma, interpreted to be the intrusion age, while
rich protoliths than usual. conventional U-Pb monazite data from the same
SIMS measurement on concordant, magmatic rock spread in the range 1831–1823 Ma
(Andersson et al. 2004; Fig. 4). The latter reflects
(partial) recrystallisation during deformation and
shows that deformation continued until at least
1.82 Ga. Inherited zircon grains with ages rang-
ing from 1.97 to 2.75 Ga support the presence of
sedimentary material in the magma (Andersson
et al. 2000, 2004). Åberg & Wikström (1985)
determined a Rb-Sr whole rock isochron age of
1834±21 Ma for the Finspång augen gneiss. A
recent Nd-isotopic determination of the Finspång
augen gneiss (U.B. Andersson, unpubl. data)
yielded an rather low εNd(1.85) of c. –1.3, in line
Fig. 21. Diapir structure (redrawn from Ramberg 1967, fig. 41), with addition of relatively old crustal compo-
which shows the marginal parts of the cap folded conformably with nents to the magma.
the surrounding material, while the trunk has discordant contacts.
The model was proposed with the assumption that intrusions of this
type had an age of around 1.79–1.80 Ga, i.e. essentially postorogenic
Svecokarelian. With the discovery of the 1.85 Ga generation together 2.3.8. The Kårtorp complex
with new field observations, it became clear that regional orogenic
deformation forces were important for the development of the mar-
ginal structures. However, it is still believed that parts of these
The Kårtorp (Fig. 10) area displays a pro-
structures are also related to intrusion forces (from Wikström 1984). nounced positive aeromagnetic anomaly

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

Fig. 22. Kårtorp quartz monzonite. Lens cap has a diameter of c. 5 cm.

(Andersson 1991). This can be related to Cd-Sp hornfelses c. 15 km east of Kårtorp has
monzodioritic-quartz monzonitic intermediate yielded an age of 1813±1 Ma (Figs. 4 & 7) and
rocks (Fig. 22), with high measured outcrop sus- calculated P-T conditions of 750–830°C and
ceptibilities (Fig. 23) (Andersson 1989). The 5.5±1 kbar (Andersson 1997b) (Fig. 11). For
most mafic monzodioritic rocks occur in the geochemistry, see section 2.5.
south and grade northwards into quartz monzo-
nites. The transition from granitoid to more mafic 2.3.9. The Tjällmo-Vättern Zone
rock varieties is characterised by a gradual dis-
persal of K-feldspar megacrysts and a decrease of The Tjällmo-Vättern Zone (TVZ) is a zone of
their size (due to dissolution in the hotter, more granitoid and mafic SVB rocks stretching E-W
mafic environment), as well as a decrease in from Kårtorp in the east to Lake Vättern in the
quartz and increase in mafic mineral contents. west (Fig. 10). As seen in aeromagnetic maps
The contacts with the surrounding, typically (with anomaly pattern largely depending on the
coarsely porphyritic SVB granitoids are sharp in mafic rocks) it continues westwards undisturbed
outcrop scale. The central part of the area is across the lake to southern Tiveden, but finally
occupied by a red, silicic SVB granite with sharp turns northwards into the Sveconorwegian
outward contacts. To the south, outside the Kårtorp deformational pattern (Wikström 1995). The
complex, minor areas of high-magnetic interme- mafic rocks are magmatically oriented in an E-W
diate rocks occur, as well as numerous mafic direction, partly with mingling and mixing rela-
(-hybrid) magmatic enclaves (MMEs; Fig. 24). tionships to the surrounding granitoids. They are
Apatite needles are a typical feature of the hy- also parallel to the outer intrusive borders to the
brids and MMEs, indicating rapid chilling by the Svecofennian rocks, suggesting that the flow
cooler granitic magma (cf. Wyllie et al. 1962). A pattern was governed by orientation along the
conventional U-Pb zircon determination of the wall rocks (Wikström 1987).
Kårtorp monzodiorite yields a preferred age esti- The mafic rocks occur as i) generally E-W
mate of 1812±14 Ma (Fig. 4; Andersson 1997a). striking dykes, ii) plutonic complexes, often with
In addition, contact metamorphic monazite in Gt- irregular contact relations to the granitoids, and

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

Fig. 23. Comparison of magnetic and geochemical characteristics of the Kårorp area. Increasing basic rock character correlates with increasing
susceptibility (from Andersson 1997a).

iii) MMEs, with sizes from less than 10 cm from postmagmatic fluids circulating from the
grading into plutonic masses (Fig. 25). The rocks surrounding granites.
are gabbroic in composition, usually devoid of In a few localities ultramafic rocks occur, con-
Opx, and with Cpx by the bulbous contact rela- taining major oikocrysts of orthopyroxene, am-
tions to the granites, indicating co-mingling of phibole, and phlogopite, with chadacrysts of oli-
magmas. Local mixing is also common. The vine, as well as minor clinopyroxene, plagioclase
amphibolitic character may derive from late- and spinel, i.e. they are hydrated spinel-plagio-
magmatic indigenous fluids or, more probably, clase lherzolites/harzburgites, or more correctly,

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

Fig. 24. Hybrid magmatic enclave from the area south of the Kårtorp complex. During mingling
between the Småland-Värmland Belt granite crystal mush and mafic magma, numerous xenocrysts
from the granite magma were engulfed in the mafic magma droplet before it solidified. Diameter
of lens cover is c. 5 cm.

Fig. 25. Mingling/mixing structures between mafic and felsic magmas of the Småland-Värmland
Belt, in the Tjällmo-Vättern zone (locality 8840 in Andersson 1997a). Hammer shaft is c. 55 cm.

pyroxene-hornblende peridotites. Olivine is partly 2.3.10. The Askersund area

serpentinised and plagioclase sericitised. These
rocks were interpreted by Andersson (1997a) as A gradual transition from magmatic to meta-
pieces of upper mantle, carried to their present morphic structures can be clearly demonstrated
crustal level first by mantle-derived melts and in the Askersund area (Fig. 26). The Askersund
subsequently by the SVB batholith. For geochem- granite is coarsely porphyritic with most charac-
istry, see Chapter 2.5. teristics in common with the Graversfors granite.

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

Fig. 26. Penetratively deformed coarse porphyritic Småland-Värmland Belt

granitoid from the Askersund area. Diameter of coin is 25 mm.

The isotropic parts along the eastern discordant

contact have within error limits the same age, i.e.
c. 1845 Ma, as a marginal sheet of granite (the
Åsbro lobe; cf. Fig. 10) which has been metamor-
phosed and folded conformably with the sur-
rounding gneisses (Persson & Wikström 1993).
A study of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibil-
ity (Wikström et al. 1997) was carried out to
further study this transition which can be fol-
lowed in a fairly well exposed area to the north-
west of Askersund town. Although that investi-
gation was of precursory nature, gradually in-
creasing degrees of anisotropy towards the gneiss
region could be demonstrated along two profiles.
In the investigated samples, the magnetic rema-
nence was reoriented with poles corresponding to
young Sveconorwegian – Vendian positions
(Sjöberg et al. 1999). A possible interpretation of
these features is that the emplacement occurred in
an active transpressional tectonic regime where
the main forces acted approximately from the
present northwest.
Numerous composite dykes consisting of net-
veined complexes of mafic pillows in a granitic
matrix have intruded the Askersund granite (Fig. Fig. 27. Net-veined dyke rock from the Askersund area. Numerous
27) (Wikström 1992). This apparently occurred pillowed mafic fragments in granitic matrix. This granitic matrix is
mostly medium- and even-grained, occasionally with larger
during the last stages of the host granite crystal- megacrysts, and could represent late stage granitic liquids possibly
lisation as they range from irregular bodies to late partly mixed with components of remelted crystal mush due to
superheating during injection of mafic magma. Keys for scale are c.
fracture-filling types. Some of these composite 6 cm.

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

dykes are incompetently deformed, while their Both clino- and orthopyroxene are frequently
competent, ambient granite does not show such observed in the monzonitic rocks, but not olivine.
structures. A major positive gravity anomaly to The pyroxenes are normally in various stages of
the south of Askersund has been interpreted as alteration to amphibole + quartz. Biotites are
being due to a major volume of mafic rocks associated with abundant oxides, apatites and
beneath the granitoids (Wikström & Karis 1998); zircons. The colour of these rocks is generally
the composite dykes are additional evidence for reddish violet to brown, but some varieties can be
this. The more silica-rich granites of the Askersund almost black due to the dark colour of the feld-
area are separated from the dominantly interme- spars (Fig. 28). This dark colour of the feldspars
diate SVB rocks of the central Tiveden area by (both plagioclase and K-feldspar) may derive
the N-S trending Aspa fault zone (Wikström from non-oxidised Fe-bearing mineral inclusions,
1995), (the Sveconorwegian Frontal Deforma- such as hercynite and ilmenite (cf. Estifanos et al.
tion Zone of Wahlgren et al. 1994). Along that 1998), but this has not been studied. The SiO2
zone there was likely a relative uplift of the contents of the monzonitic rocks are generally in
western (intermediate rocks) area (Andersson the range 57–60 wt%.
1997a). A conventional U-Pb zircon age determination
on a monzonitic type, sampled c. 1.8 km NNW of
2.3.11. The Tiveden area Tivedstorp, yielded an age of 1854±2 Ma
(Wikström 1996) (Figs. 4 & 7). Another conven-
The central part of the Tiveden area (Fig. 10) is tional U-Pb zircon dating of a sample of weakly
also associated with a large positive aeromag- deformed tonalite from Samfallet yielded an age
netic anomaly correlating with outcropping of 1849.5±1 Ma (Wikström 1996), suggesting
coarse-porphyritic monzodioritic-quartz monzo- that it represents a calc-alkaline SVB granitoid
nitic SVB rocks (cf. Andersson 1991). The monzo- rock variety (Fig. 10). Also field evidence
nitic rocks gradually turn into the normal coarse- (Wikström & Karis 1998, Figs. 31 and 36) dem-
porphyritic granites towards north and south onstrate a close age relationship where calc-
(Andersson 1997a, Wikström & Karis 1998). alkaline, mainly even-grained and alkali-calcic

Fig. 28. Example of coarse greenish-black monzodiorite from Tiveden (locality 8859C
in Andersson 1997a). Both K-feldspar and plagiclase are abundant but dark. Ortho- and
clinopyroxene occur in variable amounts.

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

coarse-porphyritic SVB granitoids seem to have zite ages from the contact metamorphic rocks in
existed “side by side” without noticeable interac- Tiveden range from 1818 to 1784 Ma, where two
tion with each other. Locally, however, the pla- fractions from one sample yield concordant ages
gioclase dominated granitoids are contact-meta- 16 Ma apart (1800 and 1784 Ma; Andersson
morphosed by the coarse-porphyritic type. In the 1997b), suggesting several episodes of monazite
central parts of the area, a greyish relatively growth in the sample. These low metamorphic
plagioclase-rich SVB variety with only scattered ages are at strong variance with the c. 1850 Ma
K-feldspar megacrysts is diffusely separated from intrusive ages. Therefore, either there is an inher-
the normal densely coarse-porphyritic type. ited component concealed in the multi-zircon
Metamorphic assemblages of Gt-Cd(-Opx)-Sill- grain fractions of the SVB quartz monzonite, or
Bt-Kfs-Pl-Qz in contact-metamorphic slices of the low ages are due to effects of diffusional
supracrustal rocks gave estimated peak condi- readjustment upon cooling of the monazites to
tions of 770°C and 5.5±1 kbar (16–24 km) (Fig. their closure temperature. The geochemistry is
11; Andersson 1997b). Conventional U-Pb mona- dealt with in section 2.5.

2.4. Geological features of the Småland-Värmland belt along the Svecofennian margin, part II:
the Nygården, Karlskoga and Filipstad areas

Ulf B. Andersson, Dick T. Claeson, Karin Högdahl & Håkan Sjöström

2.4.1. The Nygården norite pluton and its


The Nygården norite pluton (Figs. 10 and 29)

intruded both early Svecofennian supracrustal
rocks and coarse-porphyritic SVB granitoids at
1850±9 Ma (Pb-Pb zircon evaporation, Claeson
& Andersson 2000; Fig. 4). Detailed mapping of
magmatic flow structures and compositional band-
ing indicate that magmas intruded in three suc-
cessive pulses (Larsson 1935) (Fig. 30). Clino-
pyroxene norite and norite are the dominant rock
types, the latter especially in the last and largest
intrusive pulse, but pyroxenitic and anorthositic
varieties also occur as bands or segregations
(Larsson 1935). Solid solution ranges in plagio-
clase are An58–76, in orthopyroxene Mg# 61–71,
Fig. 29. Simplified map of the geology around the Nygården norite
and in clinopyroxene Mg# 72–82 (Claeson & pluton (redrawn after Wikström & Larsson 1993).
Andersson 2000, unpubl. data). Olivine is lack-
ing. A number of mafic dykes cut the pluton;
some apparently during a stage before full
crystallisation of the norite (late-plutonic), show- strikingly different εNd values at 1.85 Ga, but
ing bulbous mingled contacts. Others have sharp, converge at 0.9 Ga to compositions similar to the
chilled margins and may be substantially younger. Blekinge-Dalarna dolerites and thus are most
Initial εNd (1.85 Ga) ratios of the norites (Claeson probably of comparable age. Initial Sr-ratios for
& Andersson 2000) show slightly depleted val- the noritic rocks are in the range 0.7023–0.7047.
ues, +0.6 to +1.1 (Figs. 6 and 41). Two doleritic The surrounding SVB granitoids are deformed
dykes within and outside the Nygård pluton have and contact metamorphosed (contains garnet) on

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

Fig. 30. Magmatic flow structures measured in the Nygården pluton (modified from Larsson 1935). Inset shows the
general pattern of the fluidal structures.

the northwestern side of the intrusion, while they concordant monazite fractions from the garnet-
are undeformed and magmatically hybridised cordierite gneisses yielded an age of 1845±4 Ma
with the norite in the southeast (Wikström & for metamorphism (Fig. 4), confirming that the
Karis 1998). The reason for this difference is not migmatisation was coeval with the emplacement
known, but indicates that the granite and norite of the norite.
are penecontemporaneous, which is supported by
the 1855–1842 Ma ages reported for SVB 2.4.2. The Karlskoga area
granitoids in the Askersund-Tiveden areas (cf.
Chapter 2.3). Highly metamorphosed and migmatised early
The Svecofennian supracrustal rocks in contact Svecofennian rocks are present adjacent to the
with the norite are strongly metamorphosed. They SVB intrusions also in the Karlskoga (Fig. 7)
are transformed to extensively melted and homo- area. These Svecofennian rocks comprise
genised crystal mushes (garnet-cordierite gneis- homogenised garnet-cordierite gneisses and
ses), containing unmelted restite enclaves. This migmatitic orthopyroxene granulites (Wikström
rock has partly back-veined the norite (Larsson & Karis 1997, Stephens 1998). The peak P-T
1935, Wikström & Karis 1998) (Fig. 31). Adja- conditions in these rocks have been estimated
cent to the norite, these gneisses are melt-de- from thermobarometry (Fig. 11) at 670–770°C
pleted and poor in K-feldspar and quartz. Assem- and 4–5 kbar (15–18 km; Andersson et al. 1992,
blages of Gt(-Opx)-Cd-Sp-Bt(-Sill)-Pl-Kfs-Qz Andersson & Harlov unpubl. data). Conventional
indicate c. 925°C and 6.3 kbar conditions at the U-Pb monazite geochronology on a garnet-cordi-
contact, and c. 800°C and 5.5±1 kbar some metres erite gneiss gives 1796±1 Ma for the age of
away, corresponding to a depth of 16–24 km (Fig. metamorphism (Andersson 1997b). This was
11; Andersson 1997b). Wikström & Larsson confirmed by ion probe data from metamorphic
(1993) determined slightly lower P-T conditions, zircons (Andersson et al. 2000, 2004). Conse-
presumably from non-peak assemblages. Two quently, this contact metamorphic age gives an

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

granitoids, and includes them into the TIB-1 (cf.

above; 1.81–1.76 Ga). Westwards, these gra-
nitoids have been increasingly affected by ductile
(from non-penetrative to penetrative) Sveconor-
wegian deformation (Chapter 2.6). Composition-
ally, this suite varies from monzodiorite to gran-
ite, with abundant associated mafic rocks, that
commonly exhibit mingling relations with the
granitoids (Wahlgren 1992, 1993). A younger
suite of SVB intrusions belonging to TIB-2,3
(1.70–1.65 Ga) becomes predominant in the west-
ern, more strongly deformed part of the area
(Söderlund et al. 1999).
The mafic Roted intrusion, that yielded a con-
ventional U-Pb zircon age of 1699±7 Ma, has
developed an orthopyroxene and garnet-bearing
hornfels aureole in the surrounding porphyritic
SVB granitoids (Annertz 1984, Stephens et al.
1993). Thermobarometry from this aureole gives
apparent PT-conditions of 850–950°C and 5–7
kbar (18–25 km; U.B. Andersson unpubl. data),
similar to other rocks in contact with SVB intru-
sions (Fig. 11).
A distinct unit of equigranular to slightly por-
Fig. 31. Back-veining of mobilised country rocks into the Nygården
phyritic granite in the Karlskoga area shows
norite. The norite induced high-grade metamorphism and melting in numerous green patches and larger areas (0.1 to
the surrounding supracrustal rocks. Homogenised, semi-magmatic
garnet-cordierite gneisses formed and remained mobile after the
hundreds of metres in diameter) of charnockite
solidification of the norite, which was then locally broken up. Diam- (Andersson et al. 1992). This rock usually ap-
eter of coin is 25 mm.
pears to be older than the surrounding coarse-
porphyritic SVB granitoids, but field relations
estimate for the crystallisation age of the sur- are often diffuse and gradational (Stephens et al.
rounding coarse to small porphyritic SVB 1993, Wikström & Karis 1997). Due to its gener-

Fig. 32. a) “Annealed myrmekites” in Karlskoga charnockite with granoblastic texture. Trails of quartz and plagioclase blebs in the fringes
of larger K-feldspar grains suggest recrystallisation of myrmekites during charnockitisation. b) Orthopyroxene pseudomorph in transition zone
between charnockite and granite. These usually consist of biotite (low in Cl and Ti) + quartz + magnetite ± amphibole (hastingsite) ± chlorite
± carbonate, and indicate that the granites formed by retrogression of charnockite.

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

ally weakly deformed nature and a U-Pb zircon The composition ranges from granite to grano-
dating yielding 1796±7 Ma, it is at present in- diorite, quartz monzonite, and even to some
cluded in the SVB-suite rocks (Stephens et al. tonalitic varieties (Lundegårdh 1987). The asso-
1993).The transition between granite and ciated even-grained, so called Kristinehamn- and
charnockite is represented by an abrupt change in Hagfors granites are mostly felsic granites with
colour over distances of one to two centimetres. some granodioritic, quartz syenitic and quartz
There are no indications of associated melting or monzontitic portions (Törnebohm 1881, Björk
migmatisation, but merely a change in the colour 1986, Lundegårdh 1987).
of feldspar. Transition is thus sharp in outcrop The porphyritic texture in the granitoids is
scale, but in thin section the charnockite is made up of 2–4 cm, often irregularly rounded
characterised by the presence of orthopyroxene microcline megacrysts, which are frequently
(En21–27). A strongly granoblastic texture, with mantled by plagioclase rims, a few millimetres
inclusion trails of small, rounded quartz and wide (An15–21; Magnusson 1929). The matrix is
plagioclase grains, is typical and is suggested to medium- to coarse-grained and composed of K-
represent high-temperature recrystallised feldspar+quartz+plagioclase+biotite±hornblende.
myrmekites (Fig. 32a). This texture prevails in Titanite, apatite, zircon, epidote and opaque min-
the granite as well. Together with the presence of erals (magnetite and pyrite) are common acces-
abundant orthopyroxene pseudomorphs in the sory phases (Magnusson 1929, Björk 1986,
transition zones (Fig. 32b), consisting of biotite, Lundegårdh 1987). Also fluorite has been ob-
quartz, amphibole, and Fe-oxides, this supports served in deformed varieties (Magnusson 1929).
the interpretation that the granite was formed The Filipstad-type granite dominates in the
mainly by re-granitisation of previous charnockite northern part of the SVB, and a sample taken east
(Andersson & Harlov 2001, in prep.). of Filipstad yielded a U-Pb zircon age of 1783±10
The preferred interpretation is that an original Ma (Jarl & Johansson 1988). Cross-cutting aplitic
granite magma, which probably crystallised at c. and granitic dykes are fairly common, whereas
1.80 Ga, was more or less immediately subjected pegmatites are relatively rare and occur immedi-
to penetrative high-temperature fluid flow (pre- ately west of the boundary to the Svecofennian
sumably containing saline brines), that converted Domain, as well as within and adjacent to small
the granite into charnockite. The source of these Filipstad-type exposures just east of the domain
fluids may have been mafic SVB rocks below the boundary (K.Högdahl, unpubl. data.).
complex, as indicated by magnetic anomalies Mafic and intermediate rocks within the SVB
(Wahlgren 1993, Wikström & Karis 1997). Re- suite are abundant in the Filipstad area (cf. Björk
granitisation was accomplished by H2O-rich fluid 1986, Lundegårdh 1987) and are found as small,
flow emanating from the surrounding SVB gran- centimetre-sized enclaves to kilometre-sized elon-
ites during their crystallisation somewhat later. gate bodies. Vinnefors (1985) studied in detail
some mafic complexes within the SVB granitoids
in eastern Värmland, while Claeson (2001) fo-
2.4.3. The Filipstad area cussed on the Eriksberg intrusion immediately
south of Filipstad (cf. Chapter Most General features mafic rocks appear to be co-magmatic (and co-
eval) with the granitoids (Vinnefors 1985,
An overview of the geology of the Filipstad Lundegårdh 1987) although many of them have
area is given in Fig. 33. The coarse-grained, previously been interpreted to be large xenoliths
porphyritic granitic rocks of the SVB are tradi- of Svecofennian metabasic rocks (e.g. Björk
tionally referred to as Filipstad granite. The name 1986). They exhibit abundant mingling and mix-
was originally introduced by Törnebohm (1881) ing relationships with the Filipstad granitoids
for this characteristic rock type in the Filipstad (Fig. 34; Högdahl & Jonsson 2004.), e.g.
area, and later applied to all coarse-porphyritic magmatically enclosed K-feldspars and quartz
granitoids of the SVB (Magnusson et al. 1963). ocelli (i.e. xenocrysts mixed in from the associ-

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

Fig. 33. The Filipstad granite, defined as part of the Transscandinavian

Igneous Belt (TIB), dominates the regional geology of the Gåsborn-Filipstad
area. The granite contains numerous coeval mafic bodies, often showing
mingling relations to the granite. The Gåsborn pluton in the northeastern part
of the map is considered to be a satellite intrusive body of TIB, located in a
tongue of Svecofennian rocks surrounded by Filipstad granite. The pluton
intruded the westernmost parts of the volcano-sedimentary rocks of the
Bergslagen area. The northwest-southeast trend of the supracrustal se-
quences and early Svecokarelian metagranite is due to the combined effect
of Svecokarelian and Sveconorwegian deformation locally resulting in shear
zones. (After Lundegårdh 1987, 1995, Björk 1986, Lundström 1995, Cruden
et al. 1999).

ated granite magmas). A likely example of mix- dred metres) of SVB rocks (granitoids and asso-
ing is a quartz monzonitic variety of the ciated mafic rocks) are found within the
Kristinehamn granite (Törnebohm 1881), which Svecofennian Domain along the SVB margin.
is now interpreted to have formed by mafic-felsic Larger isolated plutons like the Gåsborn granite
magmatic hybridisation in the Filipstad suite (Chapter below) and the medium- and
(K.Högdahl, in prep.). Modern geochemical and even-grained Saxå granite (Fig. 35a) have been
isotope studies of the main SVB rocks in the classified as SVB granites on petrographic and
Filipstad area are still lacking. structural grounds (Björk 1986, Cruden et al.
The eastern contact of the Filipstad granite 1999, and references therein), but geochrono-
embay a wedge of Svecofennian rocks (Fig. 33). logical data are still lacking. Coeval, local, possi-
The contact is irregular, partly tectonic and sev- bly late Svecofennian granites within the Sveco-
eral small elongated exposures (up to a few hun- fennian wedge yield ages of 1.79-1.77 Ga, over-

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

cal mapping of a large, single, oikocrystic am-

phibole grain from the Eriksberg gabbro, by laser
ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spec-
trometry (LA ICP-MS), documents the progres-
sive evolution of interstitial liquid in a hydrous
basaltic system (Meurer & Claeson 2002).
The first reported igneous occurrence of the
orthoamphibole gedrite was documented in a
troctolitic cumulate in the Eriksberg gabbro, where
it crystallised from evolved interstitial liquid that
was either reacting with, or buffered by, cumulus
olivine (Claeson & Meurer 2002). The gedrite is
a sodic type that coexists with plagioclase,
orthopyroxene, ferritschermakite-magnesiohast-
ingsite, and Na-rich phlogopite. Geothermometry
indicates that the assemblage equilibrated at
around 900ºC and 4–6 kbar.
The leucotonalite dykes that occur within the
Eriksberg gabbro are coarse-grained at the con-
Fig. 34. A mafic magmatic enclave with cauliflower structures along tacts with the gabbro and fine-grained in their
the margin towards the comingled Filipstad granite magma. Boulder,
15 km north of Filipstad. Length of compass is 10 cm. central part, suggesting that the magma initially
was close to or H2O-saturated and experienced a
pressure quench. They have accessory apatite,
monazite, allanite, xenotime, zircon, and an uni-
dentified Th-silicate (Claeson 2002). They are
interpreted as late-stage, strongly-evolved frac-
lapping with the Filipstad granite (Högdahl &
tionates from a primary high-alumina olivine
Jonsson 2004).
tholeiite magma (Claeson 2002). Zr thermometry
In the eastern part of the area the Filipstad suite
gives an upper estimate of emplacement tem-
rocks are essentially undeformed, but are locally
perature for the dykes at 794 °C, and REE ther-
transected by steep, some centimetres wide, pre-
mometry indicates that solidification of the dykes
dominantly NNW-striking plastic shear zones
occurred at temperatures between 752 °C (8 wt%
which are most likely of Sveconorwegian age
H2O) and 764 °C (6 wt% H2O) (Claeson 2002).
(1.1–0.9 Ga). Further west Sveconorwegian de-
formation is penetrative and the Filipstad-type
granitoids have a gneissic fabric (Lundegårdh The Gåsborn pluton
The Gåsborn pluton is a c. 6x6 km satellite body The Eriksberg gabbro of Filipstad-type granite, located c. 20 km NE of
Filipstad (Fig. 33). It is a moderately exposed,
The Eriksberg gabbro (e.g. Magnusson, 1925, semi-circular pluton emplaced into Svecofennian
Vinnefors, 1985), located just south of Filipstad supracrustal rocks. East of the pluton these rocks
(Fig. 33), has experienced only minor deforma- comprise felsic metavolcanic units of the lower
tion and preserves 1.79 Ga old continental-arc parts of the Svecofennian stratigraphy, whereas
cumulates (Claeson 2001). The composition of rocks of the upper parts of the stratigraphy con-
the gabbro ranges from troctolite to leucotonalite sists of metasedimentary rocks, felsic metatuffs
with postcumulus (oikocrystic) amphibole present and pyroclastic rocks are exposed west of the
in nearly all of the earliest formed cumulates, and granite (Fig. 35a). The intrusion consists of bi-
cumulus (granular) amphibole in some of the otite granite (s.s.) with a restricted silicic compo-
more evolved varieties. High-resolution chemi- sition (70–77 % SiO2; U.B. Andersson unpubl.

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

a Diabase dyke

Filipstad granite
Gåsborn granite,

coarse grained
. Gåsborn granite,
fine grained

Saxå granite


Early Svecokarelian


. A' Gray slate

Långban . ..

Black slate Upper

Gåsborn Svecofennian
. Felsic metatuffs &
pyroclastic rocks unit

. . . . . Metabasitic rock

Metarhyolite Svecofennian

. unit
.. .

.. Metaandesite

. ..
. . . ..
Late faults


A . Sveconorwegian
.. .

Shear Zone
. Svecokarelian
. Shear Zone

. Major Svecokarelian

Synform, Antiform

. ..

Foliation; steep, vertical


Bedding with younging


Granite direction; >45, <45,

.. Bedding;
>45, <45, vertical
0 1 2 km

A A'


Fig. 35. a) Geological map of the Gåsborn granite. The pluton is discordant to the wall-rocks along its northern,
western and southeastern margins. Due to emplacement-related as well as post-solidification late Svecokarelian
deformation, there is considerable distortion of Svecokarelian wall-rock structures, such as the Saxå syncline and the
antiform to the southeast of the granite. Svecokarelian shear zones exist along the western margin of the pluton, to
the north and south, and to the east (eastern limb of the Grythyttan Syncline). The shear zone separating metarhyolite
from felsic metatuffs and pyroclastic rocks to the north and south of the pluton is the inferred conduit for the Gåsborn
granite magma (Cruden et al. 1999). Sveconorwegian shear zones envelope the pluton to the west (e.g. close to
Långban) and east (along the west limb of the Grythyttan Syncline). A–A´ shows location of profile in b). (After
Cruden et al. 1999 based on Björk 1986, Baker 1985, Baker et al. 1988, Lundegårdh 1987, Lundström 1995).
b) Cross-section A–A´ through the Gåsborn granite. The interpretation is based on surface mapping of the pluton
constrained at depth by local aeromagnetic and gravity data. Sveconorwegian reverse shear zones and steep post-
Sveconorwegian normal faults modified the originally asymmetric pluton. A major Svecokarelian shear zone that off-
sets marble and metavolcanic rocks below the pluton is the inferred conduit for the Gåsborn granite. (After Cruden
et al. 1999).

data) and essentially no amphibole or muscovite. (Figs. 5, 36). The intrusion age of the pluton is not
Common accessory phases include zircon, apa- known, but it is inferred to be of approximately
tite, titanite, and rather abundant fluorite. The the same age as the surrounding SVB granitoids
composition is subaluminous (A/CNK close to 1) (c. 1.78 Ga; Cruden et al. 1999).
and similar to other SVB granites, but relatively In the southeastern part of the pluton there is a
evolved with particularly high HREE abundances 1.5x2 km area of a medium-grained sparsely

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

Fig. 36. Chondrite-normalised REE patterns for Gåsborn granites

(U.B. Andersson, unpubl. data) in comparison with silicic Småland-
Värmland Belt granites from the Tjällmo-Vättern zone (Andersson
Fig. 37. Sketch of the restored shape and kinematics of regional
Svecokarelian deformation of the Gåsborn granite after removal of
the offsets on post-Sveconorwegian faults. Black ellipses in the
pluton are average sectional YZ-ellipses associated with the foliation
(thin straight lines) determined by Fry-analysis of K-feldspar
phenocrysts. Ellipses in the wall-rocks surrounding the granite repre-
sent the inferred regional strain increment due to Svecokarelian
transpression. The northnorthwest-southsoutheast black line across
porphyritic granodiorite. Such granodiorite oc- and below (dashed) the pluton represents the inferred conduit for the
Gåsborn granite magma. Thin curved lines represent the traces of the
curs as small enclaves within the entire pluton. distorted Saxå syncline on the western side and the stratigraphic
The composition of this phase is very close to that metaandesite/metarhyolite contact on the eastern side of the pluton,
respectively. (After Cruden et al. 1999)
of the main granite (U.B. Andersson unpubl.
data). It is interpreted to be an early pulse of
magma that crystallised close to the roof of the
pluton and subsequently sank into the main magma
(Magnusson 1925, Cruden et al. 1999). This also the granite. Microstructures indicate that this
suggests that the original intrusion was horizon- fabric, and local structures in the wall rock,
tally stratified with an upper lid of porphyritic developed during the cooling history of the plu-
granodiorite (Cruden et al. 1999). ton, from high temperature solidus to regional
Apart from some metre to kilometre scale apo- metamorphic conditions (Cruden et al. 1999).
physes at the western boundary, the Gåsborn Localised, from millimetres to centimetres wide,
granite is discordant to the surrounding supracrust- plastic shear zones were formed simultaneously.
al rocks. It locally exhibits chilled margins and This deformation during cooling also deflected
contact metamorphic effects are limited except less competent wall rocks around the western and
for a spotted hornfels developed in grey slates eastern contacts of the pluton.
west of the pluton. In this locality the mineral Gravity anomaly data indicate that the pluton is
assemblages change towards the contact from c. 300 m thick in the east and approximately 3 km
pyrophyllite+bitotite±andalusite to andalusite+al- in the west where a NNW-trending root zone is
mandine+bitotite to andalusite+cordierite to silli- suggested to exist (Cruden et al. 1999). This root
manite+K-feldspar. In addition to these paragen- zone roughly coincides with the inferred underly-
eses preliminary thermometry indicate a temper- ing tectonic contact between the lower and upper
ature increase from 430° to 680° C at the contact. Svecofennian supracrustal units (Figs. 35a, b).
Pressure is bracketed by mineral reactions be- During emplacement this structure was reacti-
tween 2 and 3 kbar (J.-O. Arnbom unpubl. data vated in a regional dextral transpressive environ-
cited in Cruden et al. 1999), corresponding to an ment (Fig. 37), and it has been implied that it
intrusion depth of c. 10 km. acted as a conduit for the Gåsborn granite magma,
A weak to strong, steep, predominantly NW as well as for the Saxå and to some extent for the
striking preferred orientation of biotite and K- Filipstad granites, based on the elongated gravity
feldspar megacrysts has developed throughout and aeromagnetic lows (Cruden et al. 1999). The

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

Gåsborn pluton itself is thought to have spread margin of the pluton as well as NNW-SSE re-
out laterally eastwards, from the feeder in the verse shear zones in the surrounding rocks. Also
west, mainly by floor depression during inflation later brittle, normal faults have formed across the
(Cruden et al. 1999; cf. Cruden 1998). As late pluton.
Svecokarelian deformation continued after em- Nd isotopic data (U.B. Andersson unpubl. data)
placement the shape of the Gåsborn granite and on two samples from the pluton yielded initial εNd
its wall rock was modified by a NE-SW shorten- values of c. +1 to +2 (at the approximated intru-
ing, during which steep, oblique dextral shear sion age of 1.80 Ga), which is fairly juvenile but
zones with SW side-up displacements were in the range of values from SVB granites else-
formed. The final shape was somewhat modified where. The result does not support material older
by Sveconorwegian E-W shortening, resulting in than 2.1 Ga in the source (cf. Fig. 6, Chapter 2.1).
a shear zone that deformed the south-eastern

2.5. Geochemical character of mafic-hybrid magmatism in the Småland-Värmland Belt

Ulf B. Andersson, Olav Eklund & Dick T. Claeson

Mafic rocks are an important integral compo- (Claeson & Andersson 2000) and Tiveden-
nent in many parts of the TIB (Fig. 3), which is Askersund rocks (Wikström 1996), the 1.81–
particularly true for the SVB. The Järna granitoids 1.76 Ga Kårtorp (Andersson 1997a), Mjölby
as well as the volcanic rocks of the Dala Province (Wilson et al. 1986), central Småland (Persson
contain abundant mafic lithologies (Hjelmqvist 1985, 1989), eastern Värmland (Vinnefors 1985,
1966, Nyström 1999), and in the Rätan Batholith Claeson 2001), and southern Småland-Blekinge
mafic bodies occur in several places (Gorbatschev (Rimsa 2002) areas, and the c. 1.70 Ga Rymmen
1997). In contrast, within the Revsund granitoid (Claeson 1999) and Roted (Annertz 1984,
suite mafic rocks are uncommon (Lundqvist et al. Stephens et al. 1993) intrusions.
1990, Gorbatschev 1997), except in some areas in It is just most recently that trace element data
its northernmost part (e.g., Weihed & Antal 1998, has become available for mafic rocks in different
Bergström & Sträng 1999, Bergström & Triumf TIB regions. There may be problems in compari-
2002, Larson & Hellström 2003). Mafic-hybrid sons between the different regions, since some
magmatic enclaves are frequent in many areas of areas represent volcanic rocks, while other repre-
the SVB, in the Järna granitoids (Ahl et al. 1999), sent plutonic ones. To avoid “non-basaltic”
and within the Revsund suite (Lundqvist et al. samples, i.e. cumulates, ultramafic rocks and
1990, P. Weihed, pers. comm 1996). strongly fractionated varieties, the following cri-
Intermediate rocks of quartz-monzonitic to teria have been used to identify rocks as close as
monzodioritic compositions are typical of the possible to primary basaltic compositions: SiO2
TIB (cf. Fig. 5), in the SVB particularly in central 40–52.5, MgO < 12, Al2O3 < 20 wt%, Sc < 50 and
Småland (Persson 1985, 1989, Wikman 1998, Ni < 200 ppm. From the rocks that fulfilled these
2000b), northern Öster- and Västergötland, and criteria, samples with a proper set of analysed
southern Närke (Wilson et al. 1986, Andersson elements were selected for spider, REE and trace
1989, 1991, 1997a), in the Järna granitoids (Ahl element discrimination diagrams. The geochemi-
et al. 1999) and in the Revsund suite (Persson cal data from the Eriksberg intrusion is used with
1978, Lundqvist et al. 1990, Gorbatschev 1997, restriction here because of its cumulate character
Andersson 1997a). (except in Fig. 39E). An exception is the data set
Within the SVB, mafic to intermediate rocks from the Kårtorp area, which comprises fraction-
belong to all TIB age generations. Some ex- ated varieties of mafic rocks from SVB with Mg#
amples are the c. 1.85 Ga Nygården norite pluton around 20.

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

Fig. 38. A–H. N-MORB-normalised (Sun and McDonough 1989) spider diagrams and chondrite-normalised (Sun
and McDonough 1989) REE diagrams for mafic rocks from the Småland-Värmland Belt, southwestern Finland
and Lake Ladoga region. Rocks from all areas show a relative enrichment in the LIL elements (in the east
particularly for Ba). Significant troughs for Nb and Ta are noted for mafic SVB rocks of different age generations,
except for the somewhat anomalous rocks in the Kårtorp area and related enclaves. LRE elements are enriched,

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

but less strongly compared with LILE, and HFS elements are not enriched at all in the SVB rocks (except for the
enclaves and Kårtorp rocks). The coeval postcollisional rocks further east are much more strongly enriched in LREE
and HFSE, but not in HREE. Data from: Andersson (1997a), Rutanen et al. (1997), Eklund et al. (1998), Claeson
(2001), Andersson & Claeson (unpubl.), Andersson & Wikström (unpubl.), Eklund et al. (in prep.).

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

The SVB mafic to intermediate rocks vary to HREE, with flat HREE, and slightly positive or
considerably in character. At present, analytical negative Eu anomalies. The orthopyroxene-domi-
data exists from a limited number of occurrences, nated character and partly less primitive mineral
amongst which the following will be discussed compositions, particularly plagioclase (An58–76),
and compared: the Nygården norite pluton suggest a magma relatively rich in SiO2, possibly
(Claeson & Andersson 2000, and unpubl. data), related to a component of crustal contamination
the Kårtorp complex (Andersson 1997a), the in the Nygården pluton. (see Chapter 2.4.1. for
Tjällmo-Vättern zone (TVZ) + Tiveden area field and petrographic description).
(Andersson 1997a), mafic rocks in the Lofta- Recently, Rimsa (2002) showed that suites of
hammar area (Andersson & Wikström, unpubl. mafic intrusions in the SVB granitoids of south-
data), the Rymmen gabbro (Claeson 2001), and ernmost Småland and in the Tving granitoids of
the Eriksberg gabbro (Claeson 2001). Compari- Blekinge have similar calc-alkaline to tholeiitic,
son is also made with the roughly coeval c. 1.8 Ga destructive margin characteristics, on both sides
post-collisional shoshonitic (lamprophyric) of the Småland-Blekinge deformation zone.
magmatism in SW Finland and in the western The mafic rocks of the TVZ have not been
Lake Ladoga area (Rutanen et al. 1997, Rutanen dated, but occur in between the c. 1.85 Ga Tiveden
2001, Konopelko 1997, Konopelko et al. 1998, and 1.81 Ga Kårtorp areas. The TVZ gabbroic
Eklund et al. 1998). rocks are enriched in LILE and the more incom-
Claeson (2001) argues strongly that the cumu- patible HFSE relative to N-MORB (Andersson
late-rich (mostly cumulus olivine plus plagio- 1997a), but otherwise show the typical subduc-
clase), LILE, Sr, Pb, and LREE enriched rocks of tion-related Nb and Ta depletion (Fig. 38C).
the 1.69 Ga Rymmen and 1.79 Ga Eriksberg They classify as continental-arc calc-alkali basalts
gabbros were formed in convergent settings of (Figs. 39A, B, C). Note that Andersson (1997a),
continental arcs. Sources were depleted lithos- based on incorrect Nb analyses, classified them
pheric mantle wedge material, subsequently meta- as continental-type calc-alkali to tholeiitic basalts.
somatically enriched by subduction-derived flu- The peridotites found within the TVZ are also
ids. Some compositional ranges of minerals are: enriched in LILE and LREE relative to MORB,
plagioclase An69–96, orthopyroxene Mg# 55–83 but depleted in HFSE (Fig. 38D). These may
and clinopyroxene Mg# 67–88. The parental represent megaxenoliths of previously depleted
magmas are inferred to have been low-K, high- upper mantle source lithologies, later meta-
alumina olivine tholeiites, which differentiated somatised to their present state. This is supported
under relatively static conditions at 6–8 kbar by their enriched chemistry and mildly depleted
(Rymmen; Claeson 1998) and 4–6 kbar Nd-isotopic composition (initial εNd: +1 to +2).
(Eriksberg; Claeson 2001); crustal contamina- However, an origin as cumulates from primitive
tion was insignificant. water-rich magmas cannot be ruled out. Major
The chemistry of the 1.85 Ga Nygården noritic and trace element modelling (Andersson 1997a)
to gabbronoritic pluton is subalkaline (Claeson & suggests that the most primitive mafic rocks
Andersson 2000, and unpubl. data). This intru- among the TVZ basites may have been derived by
sion is as old as the oldest SVB granites in the area 25–30 % melting of source rocks similar to these
and is one of the very few noritic intrusions in the peridotites. From such parental magmas, the evo-
SVB. However, also the Stavsjö intrusion east of lution up to the most evolved TVZ basites could
Graversfors contains gabbronoritic parts (Asklund be accomplished by 30–45 % fractional
1925, Wikström et al. 1980). The trace element crystallisation of dominantly clinopyroxene, later
signatures are similar to those of the Rymmen and joined by plagioclase. The most primitive mafic
Eriksberg gabbros, with enrichment in LILE, Sr rocks in the suite are found among the dykes that
and LREE, but depletion in HFSE, particularly may represent a late pulse of slightly differenti-
Nb and Ta, relative to N-MORB (Figs. 38A, B), ated magma of the same type as the one that was
suggestive of a subduction-related origin. The parental to the earlier, more evolved basic TVZ
REE patterns show enrichment in LREE relative rocks.

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

:B") ?&(, 6F&*

0 *3 1 2
*2 0
07 (1 )1
077 *1
3 1

2 (0
3 )0 *0 (

@P&+ ? 8A&(' :B&. >G :B&(-


QM 3 .
4 '%)'
( K




2A 4L -
>G 4$9;<1
'%( M SP + '%('
ED )
O JER ;71
%'( '%( ( (' ' ,' ('' (,' '%'' '%', '%(' '%(,
>A&?B =P&:D
Fig. 39. Various discrimination diagrams for mafic rocks of the Småland-Värmland Belt, SW Finland and Lake Ladoga region. The symbols
used in the discrimination diagrams are: blue diamonds = Nygården norite, green triangles = Rymmen gabbro, blue half-filled squares = mafic
rocks from the Tjällmo-Vättern Zone, red triangles = Eriksberg gabbro, filled red circles = mafic rocks from the Loftahammar area, small lilac
crosses = shoshonitic monzonites and lamprophyres from SW Finland, small green triangles = shoshonites from lake Ladoga region. Data
sources the same as for Fig. 38.
A. Discrimination diagram for basalts after Meschede (1986). The field definitions are as follows: AI, within plate alkali basalts; AII, within-
plate alkali basalts and within-plate tholeiites; B, E-type MORB; C, Within plate tholeiites and volcanic-arc basalts; D. N-type MORB and
volcanic arc basalts.
B. Discrimination diagram for basalts after Cabanis and Lecolle (1989). Field 1 contains volcanic-arc basalts, field 2 continental basalts and
field 3 oceanic basalts. The subdivisions of the fields are as follows: 1A, calc-alkali basalts; 1C, volcanic-arc tholeiites; 1B is an area of overlap
between 1A and 1C; 2A, continental basalts; 2B, back-arc basin basalts; 3A, alkali basalts from intercontinental rift; 3B, 3C, E-type MORB
(3B enriched, 3C weakly enriched), 3D, N-type MORB.
C. Discrimination diagram for basalts after Wood (1980). The fields are: A, N-type MORB; B, E-type MORB and tholeiitic WPB and
differentiates; C, Alkaline WPB and WPB and differentiates; D Destructive plate-margin basalts and differentiates. According to Pearce
(1996b), arrow 1 represent crust-magma interaction while arrow 2 represent subduction zone enrichment.
D. Tectonic discrimination diagram for mafic rocks after Pearce (1983). Ca = calc-alkaline, Th = tholeiitic. In this diagram with selected data
the Rymmen analyses show an oceanic arc affinity while the Nygården and Tjällmo-Vättern Zone analyses tend to be of more continental arc
E. Diagram discriminating between basalts enriched by slab-derived fluids, by sediments or crustal materials (after Woodhead et al. 1998).
If there was a volcanic arc setting Th/Yb vs. Sr/Nd may give an indication if the mantle was enriched by fluids (here represented by Sr over
Nd) or by melts (here represented by Th over Yb) from the subducting slab (Woodhead et al. 1998). The Rymmen gabbros show clear indication
for sources enriched by fluids, and so do at least partly also mafic rocks from Eriksberg and Tjällmo-Vättern Zone. Most samples, however,
show no relative enrichment in Sr or Th, including all of the Nygården and Loftahammar rocks. For the rocks from SW Finland and Lake Ladoga
area enrichment seems to be derived mainly from melting of subducted sediments (Eklund et al. in prep.). It should be noted that this diagram
was constructed for volcanic arc rocks, wherefore Th may also indicate crustal melts.
F. Nb/Zr vs. Nb/Ba diagram discriminating basalts derived from a lithospheric mantle source from basalts derived from an asthenospheric
source according to Hooper and Hawkesworth (1993). In the selected data all rocks from the Småland-Värmland Belt plot around the field
defined for the subcontinental lithospheric mantle with low relative Nb contents indicating a negligible imprint of an asthenospheric source.
This applies also to the post-collisional shoshonites from SW Finland and Lake Ladoga region.

The most mafic rocks of the 1.81 Ga Kårtorp hybrid magmatic enclaves within the SVB
complex are monzodiorites with strongly elevated granitoids of the Kårtorp and TVZ areas have
HFSE contents (Fig. 38E) but LILE contents trace element contents identical to, and partly
similar to those of the more evolved basites in the even higher than in the Kårtorp rocks (Fig. 38F).
TVZ (cf. Fig. 38C; Andersson 1997a). Mafic- The HFSE contents of these rocks are by far

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

Fig. 40. Whole-rock geochemical trends of selected elements from the Tjällmo-vättern Zone, Kårtorp, and Tiveden rocks of the
Småland-Värmland Belt (Andersson 1997a). MMEs = mafic-hybrid magmatic enclaves. W&K 1991 refers to Wikström & Karis
(1991) and W&K 1998 to Wikström & Karis (1998). The Kårtorp and Tiveden rocks form separate trends, and the Kårtorp rocks and
enclaves are enriched in HFSE.

higher than those in the associated granitoids. been derived by extreme fractionation (>80 %)
The chemical compositions show close resem- from the latter, of mainly plagioclase and
blance to lamprophyres, but the Kårtorp and clinopyroxene, but neither Fe-Ti oxides nor apa-
enclave rocks have considerably lower Mg-num- tite, since the P2O5 and TiO2 contents are high in
bers (mostly below 20) than normal lamprophyres these highly evolved rocks (Fig. 40) (Andersson
(generally above 40), (e.g. Sabatier 1991). They 1997a).
are also strongly depleted in mafic elements and At the southeastern edge along the exposed
Sr, and are possibly related to parental magmas Svecofennian margin, in the Loftahammar area
similar in composition to the evolved TVZ basites. (Figs. 7, 12), abundant mafic rocks are associated
The enclaves and mafic Kårtorp rocks may have with the Loftahammar granitoids (cf. Gavelin

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

Fig. 41. Compilation of initial εNd values of mafic rocks from the Svecofennian and TIB domains of the Fennoscandian Shield. Green
corresponds to TIB rocks. The TIB rocks are, in general, ‘mildly depleted’ with εNd values between +0.5 and +2.5, in similarity with the majority
of the early Svecofennian mafic rocks. Younger mafic rocks vary widely in initial εNd composition. The c. 1.25 Ga rocks in central Sweden
and western Finland (central Scandinavian dolerite group, CSDG) tend to be more depleted than the TIB rocks, while the c. 1.6 Ga rapakivi-
related rocks range from c. 0 in SE Finland, –1 to –3 in SW Finland and Nordingrå, to between –6 and –10 in central Sweden. The c. 1.2 Ga
Protogine zone (PZ) dolerites are slightly enriched (–1 to – 2), while the younger PZ and Blekinge-Dalarna dolerites (BDD) cluster close to
CHUR. One of the two dykes from the Nygården area has an unrealistically high εNd(1.85) but their evolutionary lines converge at BDD initial
compositions, suggesting that they most probably belong to this suite. References for the data: Huhma (1986), Björklund & Claesson (1992),
Patchett & Kouvo (1986), Patchett et al. (1987, 1994), Rämö (1990, 1991), Lindh et al. (2001b), Andersson (1997a, c), Andersson et al. (2002)
Fröjdö et al. (1996), Nyström (1999), Claeson (2001), Claeson & Andersson (2000), Persson (1997), Kumpulainen et al. (1996), Billström &
Weihed (1996), Valbracht (1991), Claesson (1987), Johansson & Johansson (1990), Larson & Hellström (2003), U.B. Andersson (unpubl data).

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

1904). They occur as larger intrusions (e.g. the result of mixing of two magmatic components
Grundemar gabbro), as numerous smaller occur- and a cumulus component, remains unclear.
rences, and as synplutonic dykes showing abun- In a general comparison, it thus appears that
dant signs of mingling and mixing relations with mafic rocks from all areas were derived from
the surrounding granitoids (e.g. Gavelin 1910, lithospheric mantle sources, at least partly en-
Wikström 1988a, b). One gabbroic sample from riched by slab-derived fluids. In a subduction
a synplutonic dyke system at Hallmare gave an zone, non-conservative elements are contributed
age close to 1.80 Ga (F. Hellman, pers. comm. from the slab to the subarc mantle wedge and
2000), which is at some variance with the older advected into the melting column, whereas con-
ages obtained for the granitoids (cf. Chapter servative elements are retained in the downgoing
2.3.2). However, more than one generation of slab. During slab dehydration Nb, Zr, Hf, Ti and
TIB-basites in the area cannot be dismissed. HREE are conservative and, hence, define a
Geochemically, these rocks appear to be of calc- baseline for the subarc mantle wedge. The incom-
alkalic continental-arc affinity (Andersson & patible elements Cs, Rb, Ba, K, Pb, and Sr are
Wikström unpubl. data), in similarity with SVB highly non-conservative, and U, Th and LREE
basites from the other areas (Figs. 38C, 39). are moderately conservative. Consequently, these
The intermediate rocks of the Kårtorp area elements are enriched in the mantle wedge by
follow straight-line trends between a strongly fluids derived from the slab and define positive
HFSE-enriched mafic end-member represented anomalies above the baseline. If thermal condi-
by some mafic enclaves (Andersson 1997a), and tions in the subduction zone are such that the slab
the coarse-porphyritic (Filipstad type) SVB gran- melts, then Nb, Zr and Hf become non-conserva-
ites of the area with a SiO2-content close to 70 % tive and plot above the baseline interpolated from
(Fig. 40), suggesting an origin by plutonic magma Ti (Kerrich & Wyman, 1996).
mixing processes. Rocks of all intermediate com- The geochemical data summarised above sug-
positions are present, showing gradual transi- gests that the granitoids of SVB over wide areas,
tions in the field, with more sparsely distributed particularly along the Svecofennian margin, are
and smaller feldspar and quartz crystals upon associated with mafic rocks of destructive mar-
increasing basic composition. gin, continental-type affinities, which seem to
The intermediate monzo-rocks of Tiveden have support an Andino-type setting for the SVB (cf.
completely different compositions (Fig. 40) with Nyström 1982, 1999). Whether this is true for the
much lower contents of HFSE, compared with entire SVB area must await further studies of
the Kårtorp hybrids (Andersson 1997a). While mafic rocks all over the TIB, and particularly in
the felsic end-member is also here represented by eastern-central Småland.
the SVB granites of c. 70 % SiO2, a possible mafic In relation to TIB, coeval post-collisional mafic
end-member must have been much less enriched magmatism further east, within the Svecofennian
in HFSE and similar in composition to the most Domain up to the Archaean craton, becomes
evolved basites of the TVZ. The intermediate gradually richer in LILE and HFSE from SW
rocks are, however, enriched in certain elements, Finland to Russian Karelia (Figs. 38G, H)
e.g., Al, Ba, Eu, Zr, and Hf, relative to both end- (Konopelko 1997, Eklund et al. 1998, Konopelko
members (Fig. 40), and display flat to positive et al. 1998). It is suggested that the melts were
Eu-anomalies (Andersson 1997a). This implies a derived from strongly enriched lithospheric mantle
contribution to these rocks from a cumulus com- sources with low solidus temperatures. These
ponent, comprising both feldspars and zircon. enriched mantle sources melted at the same time
Textures of closely packed euhedral plagioclase and in the same tectonic framework as the exten-
and in some instances subhedral-euhedral K- sive magmatic processes further west in the TIB
feldspar can explain the geochemical data. area (Eklund et al. 2000, in prep.).
Whether the geochemical evolution of these rocks The Nd isotopic compositions of the mafic to
was dominated by a process of restite unmixing intermediate rocks from the TIB (Wilson et al.
(Chappell et al. 1987, Chappell 1996), or was the 1986, Andersson 1997a, Nyström 1999, Claeson

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

Granitoids DM
Hybrids, Kårtorp 0

Hybrids, Tiveden
Mafic rocks
Ultramafic rocks 25
2 0
Svecof. granitoids Mixing
Kårtorp mix. trajectories
(1.80) Tiveden mix. 50


0 50 100
CHUR 8811A

-1 100

-150 -100 -50 0 50 100
Fig. 42. εNd(1.80) – εSr(1.80) diagram for Småland-Värmland Belt rocks from the
Kårtorp, Tjällmo-Vättern Zone, and Tiveden areas (modified from Andersson 1997a).
Values (at 1.80 Ga) for three early Svecofennian granitoids are also included. The
Rb-Sr whole-rock system is obviously disturbed for several rocks, particularly
granites, due to postmagmatic loss of 87Sr and/or increase of the Rb/Sr ratio. In spite
of this, and the narrow εNd range with considerable overlaps, the intermediate rocks
plot in between the granitic and basic endmembers. Two calculated mixing lines are
given as possible examples. Values used in the calculations are, for the Kårtorp
curve, basic endmember: ε Nd +3.5, 17 ppm Nd, εSr –15, 260 ppm Sr, granitic
endmember: εNd ±0, 40 ppm Nd, εSr +50, 150 ppm Sr; and for the Tiveden curve, basic
endmember: εNd +2.0, 17 ppm Nd, εSr –10, 720 ppm Sr, granitic endmember: εNd –1.0,
37 ppm Nd, εSr +50, 150 ppm Sr. Dots on the curves represent mixing proportions of
25, 50 and 75 %.

2001, Claeson & Andersson 2000, Larson & indicated by very strong variation in the degrees
Hellström 2003, U.B. Andersson unpubl. data) in of depletion of the early Svecofennian mafic
relation to the evolution of Svecofennian crustal rocks (Fig. 41). Depleted mantle sources, partly
sources, and to other mafic rocks of different ages enriched during early Svecofennian subduction,
in the Svecofennian and TIB Provinces are shown are thus viable as protolith material, tapped par-
in Fig. 6 and Fig. 41, respectively. In general, the ticularly by the early basic TIB-1 magmas, while
initial εNd compositions show a mild to relatively younger TIB-basites may derive from mantle
strong depletion, consistent with the inference sections depleted during TIB-1 subduction and
from geochemistry that the basic TIB magmas enriched during continuous subduction.
were derived from mantle sources previously The intermediate SVB rocks have intermediate
melt-depleted but overprinted by variable de- isotopic compositions relative to the associated
grees of metasomatic enrichment (Andersson mafic and felsic rocks (Fig. 6). This is seen in
1997a, Nyström 1999, Claeson 2001). It is pos- plots of the initial εNd-εSr values (Fig. 42) even
sible that this mantle depletion took place already though there is scatter that may to some degree be
prior to the early Svecofennian arc-accretion at due to the small variation in εNd and postmagmatic
1.91–1.86 Ga. During the latter period, subduc- disturbance of the Sr isotope system in many of
tion may have caused mantle enrichment. This is the samples (Andersson 1997a).

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

2.6. Tectonometamorphic reworking of TIB rocks during the Sveconorwegian orogeny, south-
central Sweden

Carl-Henric Wahlgren & Michael B. Stephens

An important tectonic model for the Sveco- 1.84 Ga intrusive rocks, including the oldest TIB
norwegian orogen north and northeast of Lake rocks, display older, pre-Sveconorwegian
Vänern, south-central Sweden, was presented by (Svecokarelian) deformation and metamorphism.
Berthelsen (1980). Both the Mylonite Zone and In the northeasternmost part of the Sveco-
the frontal area of the Sveconorwegian orogen norwegian orogen, volcanic rocks belonging to
were interpreted to be related to large-scale com- the TIB (c. 1.80 and 1.70 Ga) and Mesoproterozoic
pressional tectonics. Earlier thrusting to the sandstone (“Dala sandstone”) are present. A sig-
present west was inferred to be followed by later nificant lithological component in the TIB-domi-
thrust movement to the present east. nated area north of Lake Vänern is the c. 1.57 Ga
New structural and geochronological data from dolerite dyke swarm. The youngest rocks which
the northeastern part of the Sveconorwegian are affected by ductile deformation are c. 1.00–
orogen have recently been presented (e. g. 0.90 Ga dolerite dykes, which mainly occur in the
Wahlgren et al. 1994, 1996b, 1996c, Page et al. easternmost, frontal part of the orogen, east and
1996, Stephens et al. 1993, 1996, Söderlund et al. northeast of Lake Vänern.
1999) and the following text presents a brief During the c. 1.1–0.9 Ga Sveconorwegian orog-
overview of the results in these studies. These eny, all the above mentioned rocks were more or
data confirm the broad structural geometry and less strongly deformed and metamorphosed. In
tectonic regime envisaged by Berthelsen (1980), the eastern part of the orogen the Sveconorwegian
but the new kinematic data demand some revi- structural overprinting is spaced to semi-penetra-
sion of the model presented earlier. An attempt to tive, whereas the deformation is more or less
understand the deeper crustal geometry of a part penetrative between Kristinehamn, at the north-
of this area using reflection seismic profiling has eastern shore of Lake Vänern, and the MZ. The
been presented by Juhlin et al. (2000). transition from penetrative to semi-penetrative
North and east of Lake Vänern, the Eastern deformation coincides more or less with the loca-
Segment of the Sveconorwegian orogen, i.e. the tion of the traditional “Protogine Zone”. Besides
area between the Mylonite Zone (MZ) in the west new fabric development, the Sveconorwegian
and the Sveconorwegian Frontal Deformation deformation is also responsible for some reorien-
Zone (SFDZ; Wahlgren et al. 1994) in the east, is tation of older Svecokarelian structures in the
dominated by intrusive rocks belonging to the c. easternmost part of the orogen into the
1.855–1.66 Ga Transscandinavian Igneous Belt Sveconorwegian approximately N-S structural
(Fig. 3). The SFDZ corresponds more or less to trend. The syn-deformational metamorphic grade
the Sveconorwegian front of Berthelsen (1980). increases from low-grade in the east to medium-
All age-generations of TIB intrusions have been to high-grade in the western, penetratively de-
recorded in the area. Older (c. 1.855–1.84 and formed area, which is in accordance with the east
1.81–1.76 Ga) intrusions dominate in the eastern, to west increase in bulk strain.
frontal part of the orogen, while U-Pb zircon and In the area immediately north of Lake Vänern,
titanite ages demonstrate that distinctly younger between the MZ in the west and the SFDZ in the
(c. 1.70–1.66 Ga) TIB intrusions dominate far- east, the shear foliation constitutes a strongly
ther west. In the easternmost part of the orogen asymmetric fan-like structure (Fig. 43) in an east-
(westernmost Bergslagen), Svecofennian west cross-section. In the penetratively deformed
supracrustal rocks (c. 1.91–1.89 Ga), calc-alka- area between the MZ and Kristinehamn, the shear
line intrusions (c. 1.89–1.875 and 1.855–1.84 Ga) foliation is subhorizontal. In the Kristinehamn
and a suite of granites and pegmatites (c. 1.845– area, the shear foliation dips gently to moderately
1.75 Ga) occur. The supracrustal and c. 1.89– to the east, is vertical farther to the east and dips

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

Fig. 43. Structural cross-section across the Eastern Segment of the Sveconorwegian orogen north of Lake Vänern, from the
Sveconorwegian Frontal Deformation Zone in the Karlskoga area in the east to the Mylonite Zone in the northern part of the
Värmlandsnäs peninsula in the west. The cross-section is based on data in Wahlgren et al. (1994) and Stephens et al. (1996).

steeply to the west in the eastern frontal part of the like configuration is interpreted to be the result of
orogen. The general strike is N-S. Dip-slip move- an east-verging thrust system which subsequently
ments predominate and a kinematic analysis based was rotated into the SFDZ. The thrust system is
on several reliable kinematic indicators has re- inferred to be the initial result of oblique collision
vealed a constant top-to-the-east sense of dis- and crustal shortening in a WNW-ESE direction.
placement across the entire fan-like structure. Shortening at this stage was absorbed by crustal
Thus, the broad-scale structural geometry in the thickening. Subsequently, the deformation was
frontal part of the orogen is similar to that pre- constrained to discrete zones at shallower crustal
sented by Berthelsen (1980). However, the estab- levels. The MZ overprints and defines the west-
lished top-to-the-east sense of displacement across ern flank of the east-verging thrust system, and is
the entire frontal part of the orogen does not the result of sinistral transpression in connection
support thrusting to the west along the east- with escape-like tectonics. Top-to-the-east, pos-
dipping shear zones in the western part of the area sibly out-of-sequence thrusting along the SFDZ
as suggested by Berthelsen (1980). marks the final expression of the oblique colli-
Two phases of Sveconorwegian deformation sion.
have been identified in the area. Apart from the The fan-like configuration of the shear foliation
predominant, more or less regionally developed, east of Lake Vänern is confirmed in a 17 km long
older shear foliation and ductile deformation zones reflection seismic profile from the eastern shore
which strike c. N-S, a set of younger well-defined of Lake Vänern south of Kristinehamn and east-
deformation zones occurs in the easternmost part wards (Juhlin et al. 2000). Apart from slight
of the orogen. These zones define the SFDZ discrepancies, there is good general agreement
(Wahlgren et al. 1994) and the most prominent between the fan-like configuration as interpreted
zones strike NNE-NE, dip westwards or are from surface structural information and the seis-
subvertical, and display both dextral and reverse mic image. The interpretation of the seismic data
senses of shear. Although less abundant, zones also supports a two-stage structural develop-
striking NW-WNW and displaying a sinistral ment, where the west-dipping SFDZ overprints
component of shear sense also occur. the east-dipping thrust system.
The older fabric which is oriented in the fan- 40
Ar/39Ar age determinations of hornblende in

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

the penetratively deformed area north of Lake play U-Pb ages similar to U-Pb zircon ages of c.
Vänern have yielded ages in the range 1009-965 1661 and 1674 Ma for the metagranites, indicate
Ma, which is inferred to be the minimum age for that no major tectonothermal event has affected
the crustal thickening event during which the the Eastern Segment north of Lake Vänern from
regional foliation was developed (Page et al. the time of TIB emplacement until the late
1996). U-Pb ages of c. 976 and 956 Ma for Sveconorwegian orogenic overprinting. 40Ar/39Ar
metamorphic titanites in metagranites from the white mica ages in the time range 930–904 Ma
same area (Söderlund et al. 1999) confirm the are interpreted to date the final compressional
Sveconorwegian age of the regional foliation. displacements along the SFDZ (Page et al. 1996).
The preservation of igneous titanites, which dis-


3.1. Dala volcanism, sedimentation and structural setting

Jan-Olov Nyström

3.1.1. Geology and petrography in the sequence. Basal layers of the Dala
volcanites, resting unconformably on a strongly
The Dala volcanites and associated granites eroded basement of folded and regionally meta-
have earlier been called the sub-Jotnian complex. morphosed Svecokarelian supracrustal and grani-
The term refers to their position relative to an toid rocks, are exposed in Orsa finnmark (Los-
unconformably overlying 800 m thick pile of Hamra region; Lundqvist 1968). The volcanic
Jotnian sandstone with intercalated flows of ba- sequence is flat-lying; most observations of dip
salt that occupies large areas in western Dalarna. are in the range 10–25°. However, near its base
Hjelmqvist (1966) divided the sub-Jotnian com- and in local zones moderate to steep dip is re-
plex into an Upper Dala group and a Lower Dala corded.
group. The former included seemingly unmeta- In contrast to many other volcanic rocks in the
morphosed volcanic rocks of different composi- TIB, the original structures and textures of the
tion, whereas the latter were mainly acid metavol- Dala volcanites are generally preserved, without
canic and metasedimentary rocks of controver- penetrative deformation. Primary volcanic min-
sial age distributed in several areas. Based on U- erals are common as phenocrysts in basic to
Pb dating, Lundqvist and Persson (1996, 1999) intermediate lavas. Secondary mineral assem-
found that the volcanic rocks formed during two blages in altered parts of rocks show that the Dala
major magmatic events, TIB-2 at 1.7 Ga and TIB- volcanites have been affected by burial metamor-
1 at 1.8 Ga, and concluded that the Upper and phism (Nyström 1983). The metamorphic grade
Lower Dala groups of Hjelmqvist (1966) should decreases from greenschist facies in Orsa finnmark
be abolished since they are not in harmony with (bottom) to pumpellyite-actinolite facies in the
the radiometric data. more centrally situated Älvdalen area, and to
This chapter which is based on Nyström (1999) prehnite-pumpellyite facies near Våmhus (present
treats the Dala volcanites and associated rocks top) where megablocks of the volcanic sequence
belonging to the TIB-2 group, excluding granites were displaced during the meteorite impact that
(Fig. 44). They form a several thousands of meters gave rise to the Siljan ring structure (Wickman
thick sequence of ignimbrites, lavas, and interca- 1981, Nyström 1983; the latter facies also
lated sedimentary rocks dominated by conglom- characterises the Jotnian rocks). The burial meta-
erates and sandstones (Digerberg formation) de- morphic pattern and the regional unconformity at
rived mostly from volcanic rocks similar to those the top of the sequence indicate considerable

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden






10 km

Paleozoic rocks Gabbro

Jotnian Öje basalt Dala porphyry
Jotnian Dala sandstone Dala porphyrite
Rätan granite Digerberg formation
Dala granite Older rocks

Fig. 44. Simplified geologic map of the central-northern part of Dalarna Province and adjacent region to the north.
The numerous dykes and sills of dolerite in the region are omitted for clarity.

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

erosion. Since rocks metamorphosed at zeolite of them as shown by fiamme and/or vitroclastic
facies are lacking, the original thickness of the texture. The Bredvad porphyry, for example, that
sequence was, very likely, thousands of meters covers the western half of the porphyry area, has
thicker. a relatively coarse recrystallised groundmass but
The Dala volcanites comprise two main rock fiamme are still discernable. This seemingly uni-
types often referred to as porphyrites and porphy- form porphyry possibly comprises several ash
ries (Hjelmqvist 1966, Lundqvist & Persson flows which would be consistent with some varia-
1999). The Dala porphyrites are with a few ex- tion in phenocryst abundance and grain size.
ceptions lavas whereas the Dala porphyries con- Subvolcanic porphyries have granophyric ground-
sist of ignimbrites and less abundant subvolcanic mass and their phenocrysts tend to be unbroken.
rocks, ranging from small dykes to stocks of According to the stratigraphy of Hjelmqvist
considerable size. On Hjelmqvist’s (1966) geo- (1966) for the Upper Dala formation, the red
logical map of Dalarna (Kopparbergs län) the porphyrites formed the lowest unit, followed
porphyrites are subdivided into andesite, gray upwards by Digerberg formation, grey porphy-
porphyrite and red porphyrite. The andesites of rites, and porphyries at the top. Comparison with
Hjelmqvist are basic fine-grained rocks of both regions of active volcanism and an inferred caldera
volcanic and subvolcanic character: basalt flows structure in the Älvdalen area led Nyström (1982)
and a kilometre-sized microgabbro intrusion to conclude that no stratigraphy of general valid-
southeast of Älvdalen. The grey porphyrites cor- ity for the entire region can exist, which Lundqvist
respond to a varied suite of subaerial lavas rang- (1968) already demonstrated in Orsa finnmark.
ing from basalt to andesite in composition. They The lavas range from black or dark grey basalts
also include dacitic ignimbrite with mafic en- to brownish red dacites; the andesites are gener-
claves, earlier regarded as lava. This ignimbrite is ally dark to medium grey. Among the basalts
present in three separate areas and can be followed there are both fine-grained types with no or only
for a distance of 30 km. It is a remnant of a thick a few small phenocrysts and highly porphyritic
sheet of wide distribution, and serves as a strati- varieties (Figs. 45A–B); the less basic lavas are
graphic marker. The red porphyrites are lava flows porphyritic as a rule (Figs. 45C–D). The most
of uniform appearance and dacitic composition. common minerals occurring as phenocrysts are
The intercalated Digerberg formation consists pyroxene and plagioclase, followed by olivine
of conglomerate, sandstone, and pyroclastic ma- (pseudomorphs), dark mica, amphibole and Fe
terial (agglomerate and tuff). The conglomerates oxide.
vary from >100 m thick units to a few centimetres Pyroxene phenocrysts are relatively resistant to
thick trains of clasts in sandstone. The clasts are alteration and in some lava flows pyroxene is
well-rounded and matrix-supported. The appear- even preserved in the groundmass. Only
ance of the conglomerates suggests deposition in clinopyroxenes have been found; they grade from
a fluvial environment. Thick volcanic agglomer- diopside in basalts to augite in andesites and
ates suggesting volcanic centres are mentioned in dacites. Chromian diopside (ca. 0.5 wt% Cr2O3)
Hjelmqvist (1966). An alternative interpretation occurs as core in phenocrysts in the most basic
is that localities with red porphyrite passing into lava sample. Olivine, invariably altered to
thick agglomerates represent autobrecciated lava phyllosilicates and other phases, is recognised by
flows. The red porphyrites are commonly associ- the typical habit of its pseudomorphs. It is com-
ated with conglomerates. mon in the basic lavas and occurs even in andes-
Porphyries occupy ca. 2000 km2 and are much ites (Figs. 45B and 45D).
more abundant than porphyrites south, west and Samples with primary volcanic plagioclase can
north of Älvdalen (Fig. 44). Hjelmqvist (1966) be found in most lava flows in the Älvdalen area
distinguished four types of porphyries on his map except in the five most basic lavas (<51.5 wt%
(schlieric or ignimbritic porphyry, phenocryst- SiO2) where plagioclase phenocrysts are uncom-
rich porphyry, Bredvad porphyry and unspeci- mon or absent. Unaltered plagioclase phenoc-
fied porphyry). Ignimbrites are present among all rysts generally show zoning of normal type. The

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

Fig. 45. Volcanic rocks from Älvdalen (the depicted areas in most thin sections are 2.5 x 4 mm; A–D crossed polars, F–
H plane polarised light). (A) basalt with plagioclase and pyroxene crystals in devitrified glassy matrix, (B) basalt with
phenocrysts of pyroxene, and altered olivine at left side, (C) basaltic andesite with phenocrysts of pyroxene and
plagioclase; note embayed quartz grain at upper left side, (D) andesite with phenocrysts of plagioclase, pyroxene, and
altered olivine at upper right side, (E) hand specimen of mixed ignimbrite (see text) with an 11 cm long mafic enclave
surrounded by many smaller ones, (F) contact between mixed ignimbrite and mafic enclave rich in quartz-filled vesicles
which increase in average size away from the quenched contact, (G) mixed ignimbrite with phenocrysts of embayed
plagioclase, partly altered dark mica, and pyroxene in a welded vitroclastic matrix; depicted area = 0.6 x 1 mm, (H) well-
preserved shards in rhyolitic ignimbrite.

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

volcanic plagioclase still remaining is labradorite laths. The Ab content of the K-feldspar is high in
in basalts and basaltic andesites, and andesine in the most basic lavas, and there is a pronounced
andesites and more acid rocks. Presence of linear decrease with increasing SiO2 content of
bytownite zones in the phenocrysts of a very the rock in the analysed samples. Small grains of
well-preserved andesite suggests that the original embayed or rounded quartz (Fig. 45C) have been
plagioclase had a wider compositional range. A observed in thin sections from several flows of
single or a few crystals of sieve-textured plagio- basaltic andesite and andesite. This suggests that
clase, i.e., plagioclase with the inner portion or a corroded quartz is relatively common.
thin outer zone displaying a spongy cellular tex- The extensive sheet of dacitic ignimbrite with
ture, can be observed in almost half the samples mafic enclaves, here referred to as the mixed
of basaltic andesite and andesite. The borders of ignimbrite, is recognised in the field by the pres-
the crystals are euhedral, clear and without cavi- ence of dark grey or black enclaves in a medium
ties. This texture can result from dissolution and/ to reddish grey porphyritic rock (Fig. 45E). The
or melting due to reheating, and it is described in enclaves are commonly one or a few centimetres
rocks with other textures compatible with magma large and have a rounded or lobate-irregular
mixing (Andersson & Eklund 1994, Hibbard outline. Some enclaves contain quartz-filled
1995). Several of the samples with sieve-textured vesicles which are smaller or absent near the
plagioclase also contain pyroxene phenocrysts contact with the host rock (Fig. 45F), suggestive
with a partly embayed inner part. of quenching. Typically, the enclaves are fine-
The primary amphibole is pargasite in basic to grained and carry only a small number of plagio-
intermediate lavas, and edenite in more SiO2-rich clase and pyroxene phenocrysts. The host rock, in
rocks. It is greenish brown in thin section and contrast, is rich in phenocrysts of plagioclase.
displays a broad reaction rim toward the ground- Other phenocryst minerals are pyroxene, biotite
mass. Pseudomorphs after radially grown pris- and Fe oxide; quartz and amphibole occur in
matic mineral(s) can be seen in some rims; none small amounts. The basal part of the mixed ig-
of the rim minerals have been determined. Occur- nimbrite sheet outcrops at one locality. Samples
rence of small pargasite phenocrysts in a basalt collected just above the contact show fiamme
demonstrates that amphibole crystallised early. with vesicles of the original pumice still visible.
The secondary amphibole replacing pyroxene in Unwelded shards are found near the bottom of the
altered parts is a pale green actinolite. Unaltered ignimbrite sheet and in one pisolite-bearing level
dark mica can only be found in the best preserved higher up, which indicates that the sheet consists
lavas. It is replaced by ‘Fe oxide’ in the ignim- of more than one flow unit. Otherwise, discernable
brites. Chemically, the mica forms two popula- shards are welded as a rule (Fig. 45G). These
tions according to the emplacement level of the features strongly suggest that intrusion of a basic
rock containing it. The micas in volcanic rocks magma, now represented by the enclaves, into a
are more Mg-rich (phlogopites) than subvolcanic less hot dacitic magma triggered a series of erup-
ones (biotites). Following current terminology in tions that gave rise to the composite sheet of
which end member names are preferred, all the mixed ignimbrite.
micas are phlogopites. The acid volcanic and subvolcanic rocks (por-
A few andesites contain scattered and relatively phyries) have colours ranging from pink, red and
large crystals of K-feldspar recognised mega- brown to grey and black. Lundqvist (in Ahl et al.
scopically by its pink colour (plagioclase in the 1997) divided them into two types with regard to
same samples is grey to white). However, K- their phenocryst composition: feldspar porphy-
feldspar is ubiquitous in the groundmass of the ries and quartz-feldspar porphyries. The former
lavas, even in rocks as basic as basalts. Back- are quartz trachytes to rhyolites which often
scatter electron images show that it tends to form display vitroclastic texture (Fig. 45H), whereas
continuous or discontinuous thin rims around the latter, uncommon in most of the Dala region,
plagioclase crystals, i.e., giving rise to antirapakivi are SiO2-rich rhyolites. According to Lundqvist
mantling. The K-feldspar can also occur as small (1968) the feldspar phenocrysts are perthitic K-

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

feldspar, structurally intermediate between or- dant and often large phenocrysts of ‘olivine’ and
thoclase and microcline, and plagioclase. The pyroxene; plagioclase is absent or scarce as phe-
plagioclase in phenocryst-rich porphyries may nocrysts. Thus, with regard to wt% SiO2 the Dala
show normal zoning with cores of andesine or volcanites can be divided into four groups: (a)
oligoclase (and rarely labradorite) surrounded by basic basalts (<51.5), (b) less basic basalts and
margins of oligoclase or albite, but the more basaltic andesites (51.5–54.5), (c) andesites and
abundant porphyry varieties poorer in phenoc- dacites (59–64), and (d) porphyries (>68), ex-
rysts generally contain albite (secondary). cluding the few samples mentioned above.
Perthitic K-feldspar forms thin mantles on the A conspicuous chemical feature of the Dala
plagioclase and perthitic K-feldspar phenocrysts, volcanites is their high alkali content, as pointed
and albite mantles the perthite. Mafic minerals out by Lundqvist (1968). A plot of K2O vs. SiO2
(altered mica and pyroxene) are present in minor indicates that the Dala volcanites have a chemical
amounts. The quartz phenocrysts in quartz-feld- affinity transitional between the high-K calc-
spar porphyries are small, generally corroded and alkaline and shoshonitic series (Fig. 47). Most of
occur sparingly except in the western and north- the basic lavas should be classified as absarokites
ern parts of the region. and shoshonites. In view of the transitional chemi-
cal affinity of the suite of lavas they are here
3.1.2. Geochemistry referred to as basalts, basaltic andesites and andes-
ites for simplicity.
Chemical analyses of 52 samples of Dala Shoshonitic rocks erupt under specific tectonic
volcanites show a bimodal distribution, with a regimes, typically in extensional settings: active
gap at 64–68 wt% SiO2 between porphyrites continental margins above the deeper part of the
(lavas and microgabbro) and porphyries. The gap Benioff zone, and late in the evolution of island
is obscured by an ignimbrite rich in feldspar arcs with a thickened crust. For this reason it is
phenocrysts, a red porphyrite and samples from important to establish the shoshonitic character
the mixed ignimbrite (Fig. 46; see Nyström, 1999, of the basic Dala volcanites beyond doubt. It
for sample locations and analytical data). There is could be argued that their high K2O content is a
a second gap at 54–58 wt% SiO2 which means secondary feature since K is a mobile element
that basalts and basaltic andesites form a well- during alteration and the rocks have been affected
defined population of basic lavas. The five most by burial metamorphism. However, the rims of
basic lavas differ significantly; they contain abun- K-feldspar around plagioclase crystals in the


/2(0 $ .(0 "EB%;#

" 6=4:2D6
$ <9F65 97=9<3A9B6
:2D2 @C2ABH 97=9<3A9B6
# " <%7233A> ?>A?8GAG
A65 ?>A?8GA9B6 @C2ABH ?>A?8GAG
)* *& ** +& +* ,& ,*
190( "EB%;#
Fig. 46. Total alkali vs. silica variation diagram (TAS) for Dala volcanites and two
associated subvolcanic intrusions, a microgabbro and a porphyry. Among the lavas,
red porphyrites are indicated with a special symbol; mixed ignimbrite = ignimbrite
with magma-mixing features including mafic enclaves. The boundary line separates
the subalkaline series (below) and alkaline series (above). All oxides in diagrams and
text are recalculated anhydrous. The data for the Dala rocks plotted in Figs. 46–53 are
from Nyström (1999).

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

, ,563<95 3>5 '5?9@6 5=<?9<6<?3:

/'2 "DB%=#

* )' "
39@A9@?:B:5 "
4<;4<:?7 &

' " 176:C>$/

0@D$/ "- B9@<7::B:5# )'


() )& )) *& *) +& +)

3:2' "DB%=#

Fig. 47. K2O vs. SiO2 diagram for Dala volcanites and associated
subvolcanic intrusions. Symbols as in Fig. 46.
%#%& %#& &
Fig. 48. Th/Yb vs. Ta/Yb diagram after Pearce (1982) for basic lavas
belonging to the Dala volcanites, an associated microgabbro (cross)
and a mafic enclave from a mixed ignimbrite (filled square). WPB =
within-plate basalt, SHO = shoshonitic, CA = calc alkaline, TH =

lavas and the composition of the K-feldspar indi-

cate that the groundmass-forming melt became
enriched in K as crystallisation proceeded. More-
over, other diagrams based on major elements
and immobile trace elements (e.g., Fig. 48) sup- drite-normalised La/Yb ratio (La/Yb)c in the range
port a shoshonitic affinity. 10–15 which is quite high compared with the
Another conclusion that can be made from ratio for calc-alkaline basic lavas from Cenozoic
Figure 48 is that the basic rocks seem to have volcanic arcs along continental margins but lower
formed in an active continental margin, provided than the (La/Yb)c ratio of shoshonites erupted in
that present tectonic processes can be extrapo- the inner arc at greater distance from the trench,
lated back 1.7 Ga. Formation in a continental for example in the Central Andes (Déruelle 1991,
volcanic arc at a plate margin is also suggested by Kontak et al. 1986, Schreiber & Schwab 1991).
the Zr-Y-Ti contents of the basalts. The geochem- The high ratio is due to enrichment in LREE in
istry of the Dala basalts is inconsistent with spite of relatively high HREE values. The HREE
eruption in a continental rift: MORB-normalised values of the basalts indicate absence of HREE-
multi-element variation diagrams for the analysed retaining garnet in their source. In addition, the
basalts have patterns that clearly contrast with the lack of a negative Eu anomaly suggests that the
patterns of within-plate basalts (Figs. 49A–B). source was plagioclase-free or that plagioclase
The most conspicuous difference is a trough had been consumed by melting. The concave-up
defined by low Ta-Nb contents in the diagrams MREE-HREE pattern is consistent with pyrox-
for the Dala basalts. In fact, pronounced troughs ene and/or amphibole remaining in the source
for Ta-Nb and Zr-Hf are characteristic of subduc- since the REE partition coefficients in these two
tion-related volcanic arc lavas (Fig. 49C; Pearce minerals are highest for the MREE, slightly less
1983). Again, the Dala basalts show the closest high for the HREE and low for the LREE.
similarity with shoshonitic basalts. The ignimbrites and associated subvolcanic
All the lavas including the mixed ignimbrite intrusions (porphyries) have REE patterns re-
(Dala porphyrites) have similar, strongly frac- sembling those of the lavas, but with more con-
tionated REE patterns with concave-up MREE- cave-up MREE-HREE. Most of the rocks are of
HREE. With increasing SiO2 content the MREE- rhyolitic composition and have a distinct to strong
HREE become successively more concave-up, negative Eu anomaly, suggesting that calcic pla-
and a very weak to small negative Eu anomaly gioclase was retained in the source. The largest
appears among andesites and dacites (Figs. 50A– Eu anomaly is shown by the porphyries with
D). Basalts and basaltic andesites have a chon- quartz phenocrysts (Fig. 50E). However, intru-

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

100 100



WP alkali basalt
WP tholeiitic basalt
0.3 0.1
100 Sr K Rb Ba Th Ta Nb Ce P Zr Hf Sm Ti Y Yb


1 min
Fig. 49. MORB-normalised multi-element variation diagrams for (A)
the 12 analysed Dala basalts (the field defined by their maximum and
VA shoshonitic basalt minimum values is shown in B–C, (B) two within-plate basalts
VA calc-alkaline basalt illustrating the range from tholeiitic to alkalic compositions, and (C)
0.2 calc-alkaline and shoshonitic volcanic arc basalts (data from Pearce
Sr K Rb Ba Th Ta Nb Ce P Zr Hf Sm Ti Y Yb 1982).

sive as well as extrusive porphyries of dacitic with many A type features by Ahl et al. (1999).
composition lack Eu anomaly, and have REE The extrusive and subvolcanic porphyries of this
patterns almost identical to those of dacitic lavas study are likewise transitional between I and A
(red porphyrites) and the mixed ignimbrite (Fig. type. They appear to be closer to A type in the
50F). central part of the region (Lundqvist & Persson
Acid extrusive and intrusive rocks in northern 1999).
Dalarna have very similar REE patterns, which is The variation diagrams for certain elements are
a strong argument for the generally assumed smooth curves (e.g., TiO2 and FeO), but there is
comagmatic relationship between them (Lund- a break in the diagrams for other elements that is
qvist 1968). An example is the close REE resem- consistent with the existence of both basic and
blance between the Bredvad porphyry, the most acid magmas (Fig. 52). The break is best seen for
voluminous ignimbrite of the region, and the Ba, Zr, and Eu/Eu*; see also total alkali in Figure
Garberg granite that intruded volcanic rocks at a 46. The scatter in the variation diagrams is re-
high crustal level and outcrops between Älvdalen markably small. Samples responsible for the larg-
and Mora (Fig. 44; Lundqvist & Persson 1999). A est scatter are mainly from feldspar-rich lavas
close relationship is supported by other trace and the mixed ignimbrite. The lavas from Orsa
elements, e.g., Rb, Y and Nb (Fig. 51). Chemi- finnmark (three samples at 52–55 wt% SiO2 in
cally, the Garberg granite is classified as I type Fig. 52) differ from the Älvdalen lavas only by

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

300 300
100 100

+ +
+ +
10 + + + + + 10

basalt (<51.5 wt.% SiO2)

basalt (>51.5 wt.% SiO2) basaltic andesite (53.4-54.5 wt.% SiO2)
+ microgabbro basaltic andesite (56.7 wt.% SiO2)

300 300

100 100

10 10

mafic enclave
andesite mixed ignimbrite
red porphyrite (dacite) associated tuff
1 1
300 300
100 100

10 feldspar-rich 10
red porphyrite
mixed ignimbrite
quartz ignimbrite
feldspar-rich ignimbrite
porphyry intrusion porphyry intrusion
quartz porphyry ignimbrite (NW Argentina)
1 1
La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu

Fig. 50. Chondrite-normalised REE patterns for Dala volcanites and associated subvolcanic rocks: (A) basaltic rocks, (B) basaltic andesites,
(C) andesites and dacites, (D) mixed ignimbrites, (E) acid rocks; the two samples without Eu anomaly have dacitic composition, all the others
are rhyolitic, and (F) different dacitic rock types, including an average for eleven ignimbrites associated with shoshonites in the inner volcanic
arc of the Central Andes (from Schreiber & Schwab 1991).

their high contents of Cr, Ni and Co; this is a real For rocks of basic to intermediate compositions
anomaly and not an artefact (Nyström 1999). Of the variation diagrams (Fig. 52) are consistent
possible relevance is that Ni and Co minerals with very early crystallisation of olivine and Cr-
occur in Orsa finnmark, in rocks stratigraphically bearing pyroxene (inferred from the diagrams for
below and northeast of the Dala volcanites (the Ni, Mg and Cr, and the cores of Cr-diopside in the
element nickel was discovered 1751 in ore from most basic sample). Absence of plagioclase and
Los). occurrence of Cr-diopside are consistent with

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

A enlarged
1000 A ignimbrite

syn-COLG quartz ignimbrite


porphyry Dalarna
100 quartz porphyry
Rb (ppm)


VAG Garberg granite

10 dacitic ignimbrites, NW Argentina

dacitic ignimbrites
NE Chile
rhyolitic ignimbrites
1 10 100 1000
Y + Nb (ppm)



Fig. 51. Dala porphyries plotted in (A) the Rb vs. Y+Nb diagram of Pearce
A1 et al. (1984) and (B) the Rb/Nb vs. Y/Nb diagram of Eby (1992). Garberg
granite (average of ten samples; Ahl et al. 1999), and ignimbrites from the
1 Central Andes are also plotted: an average of six dacitic ignimbrites from
Argentina (Schreiber & Schwab 1991) and three dacitic & rhyolitic ignimbrites
from Chile (de Silva 1991). VAG = volcanic-arc granites, WPG = within-
0.5 plate granites, syn-COLG = syncollisional granites, ORG = ocean-ridge
0.1 1 10 granites, A1 = rift, plume and hotspot environments, A2 = postcollisional,
Y/Nb postorogenic and anorogenic environments.

high pressure, suggesting crystallisation at deep crustal level in the TIB (Andersson 1989, 1997a),
crustal levels. Then followed crystallisation of and in younger rapakivi granites (Andersson
more olivine, clinopyroxene lower in Cr ± am- 1997a). A simple calculation shows that magma
phibole (diagram for Mg), magnetite (Fe and Ti), mixing is a realistic process for the origin of the
and apatite (P), together. At c. 52 wt% SiO2 in the andesites: for example, by mixing 63 % of the
magma, plagioclase started to crystallise, as is best preserved basalt with 37 % of corresponding
suggested in the Al2O3 diagram, in good agree- ignimbrite to obtain the SiO2 content of the best
ment with the petrography of the lavas. However, preserved andesite, a REE pattern very similar to
the diagrams in the andesite-dacite range could the measured pattern is obtained. Magma mixing
also be explained by mixing of basic and acid may lead to unusual mineral assemblages. Such
magmas as suggested by Lundqvist (1968), with phenocryst assemblages are indeed found: oliv-
assimilation of acid crustal material in hot basic ine and biotite (+ clinopyroxene-plagioclase) in
magmas as a contributing process. one andesite, and K-feldspar phenocrysts in other
The voluminous sheet of mixed ignimbrite with andesites. The widespread occurrence of cor-
mafic enclaves demonstrates that mixing of mag- roded quartz grains in basaltic andesites and
mas took place on a large scale in at least one case. andesites suggests crustal contamination.
Magma mixing and hybrid rocks was reported as Additional evidence for separate basic and acid
a common feature in plutons emplaced at a mid- magmas are the gap in SiO2 content (Fig. 46), and

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

TiO 2 Al2O3
+ 15


0.0 5
10 J

12 FeOt MgO
+ 6
0 0

2000 Ba

0.2 +

0 0

Zr Eu/Eu*

300 0.6

200 0.4
100 +
0 0.0
750 160
Cr Ni
700 150
60 –

50 + 20 +
0 0
45 50 55 60 65 70 75 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
SiO2 SiO2
Fig. 52. Variation diagrams for Dala volcanites and associated subvolcanic intrusions (oxides in wt% and elements in ppm). Symbols as in
Fig. 46.

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

Nd isotope data. There is only a small overlap

between the εNd values for basic lavas (range:
from +3.0 to +1.2; mean = +1.7) and dacitic to
rhyolitic ignimbrites (range: from +1.3 to + 0.5;
mean = +1.0; Nyström 1999). Seemingly unal-
tered transparent fragments of pyroxene sepa-
rated from phenocrysts have very low initial 87Sr/
Sr ratios (Nyström 1999). Their Nd-Sr isotope
values plot to the left of the mantle array, prob-
ably due to disturbance of the Sr isotopic system
during burial metamorphism. No Sr ratios can be
given, but if it is assumed for the sake of argument Fig. 53. Zr/Yb vs. Nb/Yb diagram after Pearce and Peate (1995) for
basic lavas from Dalarna.
that before alteration the initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios
plotted in the mantle array, then they would have
been in the range 0.7036–0.7045. Dala granites
have rather low initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (around
0.705) according to Wilson (1980), and Wilson et not have played a major role in the formation of
al. (1986) reported initial ratios from 0.7033 ± 6 the porphyries because the proportion of acid
to 0.7044 ± 14 for three granitoids in the south- compositions among the Dala volcanites and
central part of the TIB which have many features associated intrusions is by far too high. They
in common with Dala granites (Wilson 1980). must have been generated in a different way,
partial melting of crustal rocks being the most
3.1.3. The origin of the Dala volcanites likely process. Lower crust of a small isotopic
contrast to the Dala rocks, or upper crust domi-
The εNd values of the basic lavas, around +1.7, nated by Svecokarelian granitoids and metamor-
indicate a large contribution from the mantle. A phosed supracrustal rocks like those that consti-
mantle source is supported by trace elements like tute the basement for the Dala volcanites in Orsa
Zr, Hf, Y and HREE for which there is no detect- finnmark and outcrop in western Bergslagen are
able slab contribution to the source of arc volca- possible sources. Most analysed granitoids and
nism. For example, the Zr values of the basalts metavolcanic rocks from Bergslagen have εNd
and basaltic andesites define a differentiation values in the same range as the Dala porphyries:
trend located only slightly above the MORB eight samples of Early (1.88 Ga) Svecokarelian
array in the Zr/Yb vs. Nb/Yb diagram of Pearce granitoids have εNd values from -1.2 to +2.5 with
and Peate (1995; Fig. 53). The basic Dala lavas a mean of +1.3 (only one negative value), six
plot to the right of N-MORB, i.e., on the enriched samples of spilite to metarhyolite vary between
side of this composition, which argues against a +0.2 and +1.7 (mean +0.8), and six samples of
depleted mantle source. Late (1.79–1.78 Ga) Svecokarelian granitoids
The high contents of elements like Sr, K, Rb, have values from -0.1 to +7.7 (to +2.7 with a mean
Ba, Th and LREE in the Dala basalts (Fig. 49A) of +1.1 if one extreme sample is excluded; Patchett
indicate a sizeable contribution from subduction- et al. 1987, Valbracht et al. 1994).
related fluids and/or crustal material to the mantle- A comparison between the Dala porphyrites
derived basic melts that formed the Dala basalts. and lavas of the shoshonite series formed in an
Part of these elements could have come from the active continental margin at considerable dis-
mantle if it was metasomatised or contained mica. tance from the trench, using examples from the
This is supported by the discovery by Andersson Central Andes, reveals many mineralogical and
(1997a) of ultrabasic mantle xenoliths with large chemical similarities. Quaternary shoshonitic
amounts of unaltered phlogopite in plutonic rocks lavas in northwestern Argentina described by
at three locations within the south-central TIB. Déruelle (1991) among others are composed of
Fractional crystallisation of basic magmas could olivine, clinopyroxene (± orthopyroxene), phlo-

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

gopite and brown pargasite to edenite in a ground- generated a suite of basalt and basaltic andesite
mass of plagioclase, sanidine, clinopyroxene and melts, some of which reached the surface. The
glass. The clinopyroxene is diopside in basaltic influx of hot basic magmas resulted in localised
lavas and augite in the other lavas; many py- partial melting of the lower crust; melting of
roxenes are Cr-bearing with values up to that upper crust could also have taken place. The
recorded for the diopside cores in the most basic crustal melts gave rise to the porphyries and
Dala sample. Sieve-textured plagioclase and cor- granites, and mixed with basic magmas to pro-
roded quartz grains are ubiquitous in these and duce the Dala volcanites of intermediate compo-
other Andean shoshonites. Moreover, the Dala sition. This explains the conspicuous composi-
porphyries are chemically similar to Andean ig- tional gap between basaltic andesites and andes-
nimbrites (Figs. 50F and 51) associated with ites with regard to silica, the unusual mineral
shoshonites in the inner volcanic arc of NW assemblages in some andesites, and the volumi-
Argentina and associated with high-K calc-alka- nous sheet of mixed ignimbrite. Crustal contami-
line lavas in the main arc of northern Chile, where nation, revealed by corroded quartz grains in
the crustal thickness is 50–60 km and 70 km, many basaltic andesites and andesites, modified
respectively (Déruelle 1991, Schmitz et al. 1997). the composition, especially at upper-crustal lev-
The interpretation preferred here for the origin els, but was probably not the major chemical
of the Dala volcanites is that the basic magmas control. The geological setting, lithology, burial
were derived by small-scale partial melting of metamorphic pattern, and mineralogical and
metasomatised upper mantle or phlogopite-bear- chemical features of the thick pile of Dala
ing mantle peridotite and became modified by volcanites indicate that they were deposited dur-
subduction-related fluids. Fractional crystalli- ing extension in a subsiding volcano-tectonic
sation at deep crustal levels of mafic minerals, graben within a thick active continental margin.
with addition of plagioclase at a later stage,

3.2. The Dala granitoids

Martin Ahl, Ulf B. Andersson, Thomas Lundqvist & Krister Sundblad

3.2.1. Introduction SW zone (Magnor et al. 1996). The graben for-

mation made the preservation of the extensive
Northwest of the southern Svecofennian areas, volumes of supracrustal rocks possible. There is
in Dalarna and southern Härjedalen, a major unit also an apparent upward movement in stratigra-
of the TIB is exposed; the Dala Province, cover- phy from southeast to northwest, where the oldest
ing c. 7000 km2 (Fig. 54). In the NW this province and most basic granitoids (Järna type) occur in
consists of extensive areas of voluminous basic- the SE closest to the Svecofennian margin, sug-
intermediate lavas, felsic ignimbrites, and inter- gesting an oblique downfaulting where the NW
calated conglomerates and sandstones (cf. Chap- part was relatively most down-faulted. Deeper
ter 3.1), while granitoid plutonics dominate in the levels of emplacement are also indicated from
SE (Hjelmqvist 1966, Lundqvist 1968, Lunde- relations in the haplogranite system for the Järna
gårdh 1997). The Dala Province appears to form granitoids as compared with the more near-sur-
a large-scale graben structure down-faulted rela- face Siljan and Garberg types further to the NW
tive to the Småland-Värmland belt in the SW and (Ahl et al. 1999).
the Rätan Batholith in the NE along two major The Dala Province extends into the Trysil area
NW-trending tectonic zones, the kinematics of of Norway (Wolff et al. 1995, Heim et al. 1996).
which are poorly known. SW-side up movements The Dala rocks are in the western parts overlain
of probable Sveconorwegian, c. 1.0 Ga age, have, by a 1270 m thick package (Juhlin et al. 1991b) of
however, been observed to dominate along the Jotnian continental-type sandstones covering

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden



!!! !



border Siljan



Dolerite and basalt Nordkölen
Scandinavian monzonite
Domain Sandstone
Volcanic units Shear zone
Rätan granitoids
Värmland-Järna granitoids

Fig. 54. Simplified geological map of the Dala region. Modified after Hjemqvist (1966), Lundegårdh
et al. (1984), Kresten et al. (1991). SEDZ = Storsjön-Edsbyn Deformation Zone, SFDZ =
Sveconorwegian Frontal Deformation Zone.

extensive areas, with minor conglomerates and 1.27–1.26 Ga, while the lower parts of the Dala
shales as well as an intercalation of basaltic rocks sandstone are cut by c. 1.46 Ga old dykes
(Öje basalt) (Hjelmqvist 1966). The time of Jotnian (Söderlund et al. 2004). In the northwesternmost
deposition is constrained between an upper age of part of the province the rocks of the Dala Prov-
the underlying Dala rocks (c. 1.70 Ga; Lundqvist ince are covered by Caledonian nappes (Fig.
& Persson 1999) and the age of cross-cutting 3.11). The intrusion of a small cancrinite-
dykes and sills of the central Scandinavian doler- nepheline syenite at 280 Ma (the Särna complex)
ite group (CSDG; Gorbatschev et al. 1979, Patchett in a felsic Dala volcanic inlier in the Jotnian
et al. 1994), referred to as Åsby-type dolerites, sandstones marked the end of magmatic activity
with Rb-Sr whole rock ages of 1.25–1.20 Ga in the province (Hjelmqvist 1966, Bylund &
(Patchett 1978). Recent U-Pb baddeleyite ages of Patchett 1977).
CSDG in Dalarna, and elsewhere, has yielded

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

3.2.2. The Dala granitoids mm) groundmass are common. Syenitic and more
even-granied varieties do occur. An age of 1710
The Dala granitoids are found as several gen- Ma was reported by Lundqvist and Persson (1999).
erations, where the oldest occur as pebbles in Miarolitic cavities and the porphyritic textures
conglomerates intercalated in the Dala volcanites, with fine-grained matrix in Siljan and Garberg
and the youngest have intruded stratigraphically granites suggest that they were emplaced at shal-
high in the volcanic pile (Hjelmqvist 1966). Only low crustal to subvolcanic levels. Small,
burial metamorphism has affected the Dala rocks polymetallic (Sn-Pb-Zn-Au-Ag-Cu-Mo-Be-F)
(Nyström 1982), and no anorthosites and very greisen mineralisations are present within the
few pegmatites are known associated with the Siljan and Garberg granites.
granites. The entire Dala Province is characterised
by a positive aeromagnetic anomaly (Riddihough 3.2.3. Geochemical characteristics of the Dala
1972, Dyrelius 1980). Circular and semi-circular granitoids
magnetic patterns suggest caldera structures in
the granites (Nyström 1982). The main types of Compositional differences (Ahl et al. 1999) are
Dala granitoids, the Järna, Siljan and Garberg most marked between the Järna granitoids and
granites, were recognised already 100 years ago the two other types, where the former is consis-
(Sederholm 1897, Holmquist 1906), but their tently more basic showing a spread in SiO2 be-
spatial relations were not clarified until the county tween 55 and 71 %. This spread corresponds to a
map was published (Hjelmqvist 1966). trend from monzodiorite, over monzonite and
The Järna granitoids are greyish to greyish red quartz monzonite into the granite field (Fig. 55a).
relatively coarse (2–5 mm) rocks, rich in biotite The Siljan and Garberg granites are evolved
and amphibole, containing also (in excess of granites s.s. with SiO2 between 70 and 78 %.
quartz) abundant oligoclase, microcline, and eu- The less silica-rich composition of the Järna
hedral titanite. They are locally enriched in small granitoids also corresponds with a lower degree
(a few centimeters in diameter) rounded magmat- of alumina saturation (average A/CNK=0.97)
ic enclaves, consisting of mainly plagioclase and compared with the other two types (average 1.02;
amphibole. With decreasing quartz content they Fig 55b; Ahl et al. 1999). The Siljan and Garberg
gradually become monzonitic or syenitic. In con- granites tend to have high total alkali contents
trast to the other Dala granites, the Järna grani- (average 8.33 %), but are still classified as
toids are associated with appreciable amounts of subalkaline according to Irvine and Baragar
cogenetic mafic rocks (Hjelmqvist 1966, Ahl et (1971).
al. 1999). U-Pb zircon age determinations have With respect to Sr-Ba-Rb variations the Järna
yielded ages close to 1.79 Ga (Åberg & Bollmark granitoids show primitive, relatively Sr- and Ba-
1985, Persson & Ripa 1993, Lundqvist & Persson rich compositions, while Garberg, and in particu-
1999). lar Siljan, granites show a spread towards evolved
The Siljan granites are typically red, leucocratic, Rb-rich compositions (Ahl et al. 1999). Further,
medium to coarse (1–5 mm) rocks, containing the Järna granitoids plot generally within I-type
alkali feldspar, quartz, plagioclase, small amounts and volcanic-arc fields of trace element discrimi-
of biotite, and muscovite in the most evolved nation diagrams (Figs. 55c, d), while the Garberg
parts. Accessory minerals include magnetite, granites have transitional characteristics, and the
titanite and fluorite. Age determinations lie in the Siljan granites tend to be distinctly A- and within-
range 1.70–1.68 Ga (Lee et al. 1988, Juhlin et al. plate type (Ahl et al. 1999). The Siljan granites
1991a, Ahl et al. 1999). also have pronouncedly high FeO*/MgO-ratios.
A felspar porphyritic texture is well developed In addition to enrichment in Rb, Sn, Be, Y, Nb,
in the likewise leucocratic Garberg granites. Pla- Ce (and depletion in Ba and Sr) the Siljan and
gioclase-mantled K-feldspar phenocrysts Garberg granites are typically high in fluorine, up
(rapakivi texture) lying in a fine-grained (0.5 to 5500 ppm (average 1980 ppm). Also U and Th
tend to be clearly above values for average gran-

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

(Maniar & Piccoli 1989)

Within-plate granites

(Pearce 1996)
Ocean-ridge granites



syn-collision granites

Volcanic arc granites















(Middlemost 1994)

Swedish Rapakivi granite


Garberg granite

Rätan granite
Järna granite
Siljan granite


(Whalen et al. 1987)

SiO 2


10000 Ga/Al


S-type felsic


I-type felsic








K2O+Na2O FeO*/MgO

Fig. 55a–d. Geochemical plots of TIB and related rocks from the Dala and Rätan areas. GDG is granitoid-dioritoid-gabbroid rocks from
the Bergslagen area, GSDG is granite-syenitoid-gabbroid rocks from the Bergslagen area. For a detailed explanation of the diagrams, see
Fig. 5. In a) is basic-ultrabasic rocks also included. In b) A/CNK is molecular [Al2O3/(CaO+Na 2O+K 2O)], and A/NK is molecular [Al2O3/
(Na 2O+K 2O)]. Source of data: Ahl et al. (1999), Andersson (1997a), “The Bergslagen project, SGU” Stephens et al. (in prep.).

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

ite in the Siljan and Garberg granites (cf. Armands may be significant, particularly in the Järna rocks
& Drake 1978). With respect to REE (Ahl et al. (cf. elsewhere in TIB; Patchett et al. 1987,
1999, Lundqvist & Persson 1999), the patterns Andersson 1991, 1997a).
for all three types of Dala granites are LREE- The Järna granitoids may represent relatively
enriched with relatively flat HREE patterns and high degrees of melting of calc-alkaline early
LaN/YbN ratios from 2 to 12. The Järna granitoids, Svecofennian crust. The small negative Eu
however, show only small negative Eu anomalies anomaly and high Ba and Sr contents show that
(Sm N/Eu N c. 2), while the two others are almost all feldspar in the source was exhausted.
characterised by more pronounced anomalies The lower contents of Ba and Sr as well as the
(SmN/EuN around 4). Some highly evolved Siljan deeper Eu anomaly in the least evolved members
granites have extremely deep Eu anomalies (SmN/ of the Garberg and Siljan suites suggest appre-
EuN up to 55), and elevated contents of both ciable amounts of feldspar remaining in the
LREEs and HREEs. protolith, and thus lower degrees of melting if the
The initial εNd isotopic compositions of the Dala source was the same as for the Järna granitoids.
granites range from -1.0 to +1.1 (Patchett et al. The strongly evolved types may represent a very
1987, Heim et al. 1996, Andersson & AlDahan, small percentage of melting, or, more likely,
unpubl.), essentially the same as for the associated volumes of magma that experienced extensive
ignimbrites (±0 to +1.7; Patchett et al. 1987, fractionation of particularly feldspars, but not of
Nyström 1999, Lundqvist & Persson 1999; Fig. 6). REE-containing phases (except Eu).
The Garberg and Siljan granites have overlap-
3.2.4. Source of granitoid magmas ping geochemical characteristics with the c. 1.5
Ga rapakivi granites of central Sweden (Fig. 55;
Geochemical comparison clearly shows a more Andersson 1997c, 2001, Lundqvist & Persson
primitive character for the Järna suite than for the 1999) suggesting similar conditions of formation
Siljan and Garberg granites. The widespread and (Ahl et al. 1999), although the rapakivi granites
common association with mafic rocks including have old, pre-Svecofennian source components
structures indicating mingling and mixing, ar- (cf. Andersson et al. 2002). However, the lack of
gues for a significant component of mafic magma features such as e.g. associated anorthosites and
that mixed with the originally presumably mainly basic dyke swarms suggests that the Garberg and
crustal magmas of the Järna granitoids to account Siljan granites may represent “primitive
for, at least parts of, the low-silica compositional anorogenic magmatism” (in the sense of
variation. Restitic source components may also Greenberg 1990), which developed during an
play a significant role in the more mafic Järna extensional regime c. 100 Ma after accretion of
types. juvenile crust (Ahl et al. 1999). It is even possible
The Nd and Sr isotopic data (referred to above) that the c. 100 Ma older Järna suite rocks partly
indicate no pre-Svecofennian material in the acted as source rocks for the Siljan and Garberg
source regions of the Dala granite/ignimbrite magmas, as is indicated by some c. 1.8 Ga zircon
magmas. Although the Dala granitoids have a cores in the Siljan granite (Ahl et al. 1999).
relatively juvenile character, the isotopic data do Moreover, this would provide a model that more
not require mantle sources. The Nd isotopic evo- easily facilitates the increase in alkalinity in a
lution of the Svecofennian (1.91–1.86 Ga) crust stepwise fashion to the level of the 1.7 Ga Dala
encompasses the initial compositions of the Dala granites, and a shift from compressional (1.8 Ga
rocks (Fig. 6) indicating that the pre-existing Järna rocks) to extensional (1.7 Ga Garberg and
crust represents suitable source lithologies, al- Siljan rocks) setting (Ahl et al. 1999).
though juvenile (1.8–1.7 Ga) mantle additions

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden


4.1. The Rätan Batholith

Martin Ahl, Roland Gorbatschev & Krister Sundblad

The Rätan Batholith, covering an area of c. al. 1979; also described as the “Åsby dolerites”),
5000 km2 (Figs. 3 and 54), is located mainly in the and is overlain by Phanerozoic cover rocks and
county of Jämtland in central Sweden. It was first Caledonide nappe piles in the north and north-
described by Högbom (1894) and Svedmark west. A concealed continuation into the granitoids
(1895). Major recent publications are those by of the Olden tectonic window, c. 200 km farther
Lundegårdh et al. (map, 1984) and Gorbatschev to the north (cf. Gorbatschev 1985, 1997), is
(1997). In addition, a number of specific occur- supported by an aeromagnetic anomaly (Fig. 56).
rence areas and aspects have also been studied In the south and southwest, the batholith is bor-
(Blomberg 1895, von Eckermann 1936, Lundqvist dered by the volcanic rocks and granites of the
1968, Gorbatschev 1972, Welin & Lundqvist Dala igneous complex. Many of these are nearly
1977, Delin 1996, Lundegårdh 1997, Mattsson & coeval with the Rätan granitoids (cf. Lundqvist &
Elming 2001). Persson 1996). Locally (e.g in the Härjeåsjön
The batholith constitutes a rather homogeneous area), the Rätan-Dala contact is determined by
group of mostly undeformed intrusions, with shear zones. Farther to the north (in the Linsell
only a few aplites and pegmatites, and no immedi- area), the contact with the Dala igneous complex
ately associated volcanic units. It is mainly com- may be intrusive, but the limited number of
posed of fairly coarse-grained, megacryst-bearing exposures hampers an evaluation of these rela-
granitoid rocks with subordinate amounts of fine- tionships. The northeastern part of the Rätan
to finely medium-grained equigranular granites, Batholith is separated from the Ljusdal and
which form dykes and minor, irregular bodies. Revsund granitoids by a boundary zone nearly
All available U-Pb age determinations of the coinciding with the NNW-trending Storsjön-
Rätan granitoids (Wilson et al. 1985, Patchett et Edsbyn Deformation Zone (SEDZ; Bergman &
al. 1987, Delin & Aaro 1992, Ahl et al. in prep.) Sjöström 1994; Fig. 64).
range from c. 1.70 to 1.68 Ga. While the earliest The predominant rock type in the Rätan
of these datings have wide error limits, a con- Batholith is a fairly coarse-grained, greyish, grey-
straint is imposed by the c. 1.68 Ga age of the ish-red or red hypersolvus granitoid. The greyish
cross-cutting main body of the Nordkölen quartz varieties are more common in the north than in the
monzodiorite (Gorbatschev & Schöberg, unpubl. south but always only form minor, diffusely
data). That limitation, and the absence of distinct delimited individual occurrences. Normally, this
boundaries between the various types of coarse- rock type has a somewhat indistinct porphyritic
grained Rätan granitoids, indicate that the entire texture, with megacrysts of microcline perthite
batholith must be considered as one single igne- with exsolved albite mostly 0.5 to 2 and occasion-
ous complex. ally up to 3 cm in length. The medium-grained
Several stocks of quartz monzodiorite and re- matrix consists of plagioclase (oligoclase), quartz,
lated mafic plutonics are found near Nordkölen in biotite, and hornblende. The latter occasionally
the northeasternmost part of the batholith. Con- carries cores of augite. Magnetite and titanite are
trary to the microcline-bearing Rätan granitoids, also present, as are minor accessories like apatite,
the Nordkölen rocks regularly contain ortho- ilmenite, fluorite, allanite, zircon, monazite, tour-
clase. In the present context, they are considered maline, and pyrite. A much less abundant rock
as a separate igneous group and are described in type is an almost equigranular, nearly fine-grained
Chapter 4.2. The Rätan Batholith is also cut by granite with subsolvus textural features and little
the significantly younger (c. 1.2 Ga) dolerites of or no hornblende. That granite commonly forms
the Central Scandinavian Group (Gorbatschev et dykes in the coarser-grained rocks.

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

The SiO2 content in the common, coarse-grained, anomalies are weakly negative with (Sm/Eu)N =
porphyritic type of Rätan granitoids ranges be- 1.0–5.9, which is a normal granitic signature.
tween 61 and 73 wt%. The equigranular, fine- Typically, the Rätan rocks are enriched in LIL
grained granite carries more silica (SiO2 between elements such as Sr, Ba and Rb. HFS elements
75.6 and 76.8 wt%). like Zr, Nb and Y, as well as other incompatible
The coarse-grained granitoids follow a syenitic elements (Hf, Th, K and REE except for Eu) also
to quartz-monzonitic to granitic magmatic trend show enrichment. The F contents range from 440
in the TAS diagram (Fig. 55a). In the Debon-Le to 2630 ppm with an average of 1237 ppm. The
Fort PQ-diagram (Fig. 58), the variation is from FeOt/(FeOt+MgO) ratios vary between 0.73 and
the monzonite to the granite field. The molecular 0.87 in terms of wt%.
Al2O3/(Na2O+K2O+CaO)-ratio is slightly less The equigranular, fine-grained granites plot in
than unity, indicating a metaluminous character the granite field of the TAS diagram (Fig. 55a).
(Fig. 55b). While the contents of K2O range Their molecular Al2O3/Na2O+K2O+CaO varies
between c. 4.5 and slightly less than 6 %, the between 0.98 and 1.02 (Fig. 55b), and the con-
Na2O/K2O wt% ratios are commonly close to 1, in tents of K are high. In the alkali-lime-index
some rocks even with a slight predominance of diagram (Fig. 60), some of the more siliceous,
Na2O (Fig. 59). As a result, the overall alkali usually fine-grained dyke rocks are calc-alkaline.
oxide contents are extremely high, approaching The chondrite-normalised REE patterns show
10 % (Fig. 55a). Particularly in the northeastern rather flat trends, the (La/Yb)N ratios being c. 2.2.
part of the batholith there is substantial variation Two analysed samples have strong Eu anomalies
in the quartz content, which locally decreases to with (Sm/Eu)N ratios of 25.5 and 10.6, respec-
5–10 %. In general, the relationship between tively. The most evolved sample of felsic granite
quartz and feldspars is antithetic, the sum of is depleted in LREE but enriched in HREE. The
alkalis decreasing somewhat as silica increases tectonic discrimination diagrams of Whalen et al.
(Fig. 59). In regard to the alkali-lime index acc. to (1987) and Pearce (1996a) demonstrate trends
Peacock (1931), all the analyses of the coarsely transitional to A-type granitoids (Figs. 55c–d).
porphyritic Rätan rocks plot in the alkali-calcic The initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the Rätan granitoids
field. The chondrite-normalised REE patterns are low (c. 0.703), while the εNd values vary
show a slightly enriched LREE trend, the (La/ between +0.2 and +2.0 (Fig. 6; Wilson et al. 1985,
Yb)N ratios ranging from 8.0 to 14.3. The Eu- Patchett et al. 1987, Ahl et al. in prep.).

4.2. The Nordkölen quartz monzodiorite and associated rocks

Roland Gorbatschev

The Nordkölen quartz monzodiorite with ac- not yet continuously mapped rim of fine-grained
companying granite and presumably associated red granite(s). In addition, the Nordkölen belt
intrusions of monzogabbroic rocks defines a c. 10 contains six or seven minor intrusions. One well
km wide belt of minor stocks extending for a exposed intrusion and one mostly documented by
distance of about 40 km from the Caledonide boulders in till consist of monzodioritid to gab-
Front near Åsarna towards the south-east (Fig. broic rocks, while the rest are only indicated by
56). Most of this belt is situated within the Rätan near-circular positive magnetic anomalies. A four-
Batholith, but the easternmost extreme appears to fraction U-Pb zircon age of the Nordkölen quartz
cross over into the adjoining Svecofennian coun- monzodiorite is 1684±13 Ma, MSWD=0.7
try rocks (Gorbatschev 1997). The largest of the (Gorbatschev & Schöberg, unpubl. data).
Nordkölen stocks comprises a quartz monzo- Rather few data exist on the composition of the
diorite of c. 26 km2 in the central part, surrounded Nordkölen quartz-monzodioritic rocks. Despite
by a 0.5 to 2.5 km wide, seemingly coherent but quartz contents ranging from c. 5 % to slightly

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

Fig. 56. Sketch-map of the Nordkölen quartz monzodiorite with presumably associated mafic intrusions and semi-circular
aeromagnetic anomalies. Modified from Gorbatschev (1997).

less than 20 %, no sharp boundaries between 15–17, total iron FeO 5.5 to 8.5, MgO <2 to 3.5,
different varieties of the quartz monzodiorite Na2O 3–4 and K2O c. 3–4.5.
have been observed. The principal minerals are The textures of the quartz monzodiorites are
plagioclase, biotite, and pyroxenes; amphibole is medium-grained, unfoliated, almost even-grained,
relatively subordinate. Altogether, the content of with only occasional larger crystals of feldspar.
dark minerals is around 25–30 %. Apart from The rock colours are brownish medium grey to
plagioclase and quartz, the light minerals also greenish-greyish brown, the absence of red hues
comprise substantial amounts of orthoclase. The being due to the lack of microcline.
ratios of dark to light minerals vary substantially, In the two partly exposed mafic massifs, the
likely as the result of cumulation. In terms of rocks are mostly dark brownish to blackish grey
weight percentages, the approximate chemical and finely medium-grained. There are abundant
composition of the most common variety of quartz pyroxene and, particularly, biotite phenocrysts
monzodiorite is SiO2 58–62, TiO2 1±0.3, Al2O3 c. reaching c. 5 mm across. The matrices mainly

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

consist of irregularly subhedral dominant ortho- with An-values around 50. Apatite is very com-
and subordinate clinopyroxene, some late am- mon. Small amounts of orthoclase occur regu-
phibole, and substantial amounts of plagioclase larly, while quartz may be present sporadically.


5.1. Precambrian crustal provinces and their relationships with Revsund-type granitoids

Roland Gorbatschev

In Jämtland, a tectonic belt called the Storsjön- magmatism related to the formation of the TIB.
Baltic Sea Zone in Fig. 57 marks a major crustal Within the Jämtland part of the Bothnian Basin,
province boundary. Generally, that boundary has the metavolcanic intercalations in the metasedi-
the same trend as the Hassela Shear Zone (Högdahl mentary rocks are always mafic, but their volume
& Sjöström 2000, 2001), while its course in the does not exceed some few p.c. of the total ex-
northwest coincides with the Storsjön-Edsbyn posed rock mass.
Deformation Zone (SEDZ, cf. Chapter 6). Within Similarly to the different supracrustal litholo-
the Jämtland part of the Storsjön-Baltic Sea Zone gies in the central and southern Svecofennian
and farther to the southwest, the Svecofennian provinces, also the TIB rocks exposed in the
supracrustal rocks are largely metavolcanics be- Jämtland region differ. Within and for some dis-
longing to the South Svecofennian Province (the tance to the southwest of the Storsjön-Baltic Sea
“Bergslagen Province”), where the ages of the Zone, the prevalent TIB lithology is the Rätan
crust are between c. 1.9 and 1.87 Ga. To the granite (Chapter 4), a rather typical alkali-calcic
northeast of the South Svecofennian Province is TIB-2 rock with a monzonitic-quartz monzo-
the Central Svecofennian Province, traditionally nitic-granitic compositional trend (Fig. 58) and
also known as the Bothnian Basin. Here, the ages around 1.69–1.70 Ga.
dominant supracrustal rocks are metagreywackes In the Bothnian Basin, in contrast, the totally
associated with subordinate argillaceous schists. dominant plutonic components are granitoids of
Both of these contain substantial proportions of the Revsund family with ages around 1.8 Ga,
Archaean detritus (Patchett et al. 1987, Claesson comparable to those of the TIB-1 granites farther
et al. 1993, Claesson & Lundqvist 1995). In the south (Gorbatschev 1997). These rocks form
zone marked in Fig. 57 as the Transition Belt, interconnected batholiths occurring in a vast re-
central- and southern-province Svecofennian gion with a total north-south extent of nearly 400
lithologies alternate. km (Fig. 3). In Jämtland, they occupy an area of
The Storsjön-Baltic Sea Zone and the adjoining more than 6000 km2. The term Revsund granite
parts of the Transition Belt are virtually the only was introduced by Högbom (1894) to describe
parts of the Precambrian region in Jämtland where usually massive to submassive granites in
a massive input of Palaeoproterozoic mafic Jämtland which carry K-feldspar megacrysts in
magma has occurred. The resulting rocks com- an even-grained matrix. Based on these charac-
prise mafic metavolcanics intercalated with other teristics, similar granitic rocks in the entire
supracrustals, layers of amphibolitised mafic Bothnian Basin region were classified as belong-
hypabyssals, and plutonic mafic- and even ultra- ing to the Revsund suite.
mafic intrusions. All these are distinctly linked to In Jämtland and its immediate neighbourhood,
the Svecofennian Province boundary and most Revsund granites form two large massifs, the
are obviously of an early, Svecofennian date. Fjällsjö massif in the north and the South Jämtland
Thus they have little to do with the mafic massif in the south (Fig. 57). At least in the

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

Fig. 57. TIB granitoid massifs in Jämtland and Härjedalen.

western third of the latter massif, however, it has to finely medium-grained light grey granite occur
recently been demonstrated that rocks previously in the two Revsund massifs in Jämtland.
classified as Revsund granites have ages of c. In the part of Jämtland southwest of the Storsjön-
1.85 Ga (Högdahl 2000a, Högdahl & Sjöström Baltic Sea Zone there are almost no TIB-type
2001). In the present context, it is important that granites with ages comparable to those of the
while there exist no U-Pb age determinations Revsund massifs. The few exceptions are the
from the eastern part of the South Jämtland mas- small intrusion of 1775±7 Ma Känne granite
sif (i.e. the part within the Bothnian Basin in Fig. (Delin & Aaro 1992), too small to show in Fig. 57
57), the Revsund rocks there distinctly cut exten- but in that Figure situated just to the north of the
sive migmatite terrains and Härnö-type, largely easternmost tip of the “Rätan Granite Region”,
equigranular medium-grained granites with pre- and a 1795±7 Ma intrusion (Delin 1996) some-
sumable ages close to 1.82 Ga (cf. Lundqvistet al. what farther southeast. These rocks are megacryst-
1990). At present, therefore, the best “informed bearing, medium- to coarsely medium-grained,
guess” may still be that the South Jämtland massif (greyish-) red, and in appearance somewhat re-
of Revsund granite(s) mostly contains c. 1.8 Ga, call the Rätan granite. However, the chemical
not c. 1.85 Ga rocks. compositions are drastically different with, among
A few dyke- and minor-body intrusions of fine- other things, higher K/Na-ratios than in the Rätan

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

(Gorbatschev 1997). Chemically, they thus rather ferent in appearance from everything else seen in
resemble the grey Revsund granite in the eastern Jämtland, another, the rather leucocratic but in-
part of the South Jämtland massif. Regrettably distinctly megacryst-bearing, reddish Bingsta
there still exist no isotopic Nd data for the Känne granite some distance farther southeast. A third
granite and therefore it cannot yet be assessed body, finally, is a granite closely west of Gillhov,
whether that rock shares the commonly negative which has been marked as an “older granite” by
epsilon Nd(T) values of the grey Revsund varieties. Gorbatschev (1997) but as a Revsund rock in the
Within the two Revsund massifs in Jämtland SGU Project-Jämtland maps (Sjöblom 1982).
there occur large intrusions of somewhat later Highly suspect in regard to age and Revsund
rocks, chemically resembling those in the TIB appurtenance are the megacryst-bearing granites
family. In the case of the Fjällsjö massif, these are on the isthmus between Lakes Näkten and Storsjön
the c. 1.77 Ga Sörvik granite (Chapter 5.2) and in and their extensions east- and southeastwards, as
the South Jämtland massif the c. 1.74–1.75 Ga well as numerous elongated, in the maps almost
Grötingen granite (previously referred to as a ribbon-like bodies of foliated, megacryst-bear-
“Red Revsund”, see Chapter 5.3). ing granite in other places in the area between
To make the present account nearly complete, Lakes Näkten and Revsundssjön (within the
a number of minor granite bodies within the “Transition Belt”, Fig 57). By way of technical
Storsjön-Baltic Sea Zone to the southwest of information for possible future quarrying, these
Lake Näkten should also be mentioned. One is received the Revsund markings in the solid-rocks
the fairly coarse-grained, equigranular, whitish- county map of Jämtland (Lundegårdh et al. 1984).
pinkish Skucku granite of unknown age and dif-

5.2. The Revsund massifs

Roland Gorbatschev

In regard to the set-up of various rock types and several minor, sharply delimited plutons of the
chemical composition, the Fjällsjö (North somewhat younger, medium-grained, rather
Jämtland) and the South Jämtland Revsund mas- leucocratic Sörvik granite. This is an orthoclase-
sifs (the latter probably also including the two rich, pyroxene-, amphibole- and biotite-bearing
tongues of rock SE and ESE of Hammerdal, see rock with very high Fe/Mg ratios and therefore an
Fig. 57) are somewhat different. The Fjällsjö occasional presence of fayalite. Geochemically,
massif is much more diversified. It features both the Sörvik granite resembles, and in regard to
microcline- and orthoclase-bearing grey major-element chemistry is virtually identical
metaluminous, amphibole-containing granites and with the Grötingen granite to the east of Bräcke
quartz monzonites (Fig. 58), reddish granites, (Fig. 59, cf. Chapter 5.3). The latter, however, is
and the “Black Revsund” which is a coarse- a markedly red, coarse-grained microcline rock
grained, pyroxene-rich, mostly (quartz-) while the Sörvik granite, due to its orthoclase
monzodioritic rock. The latter occupies substan- contents, is greenish-brownish grey and rela-
tial areas in the southwestern part of the Fjällsjö tively dark in colour. It is distinctly quartz- and
massif. All these rocks pass gradually into each feldspar-porphyritic but lacks large megacrysts.
other, but particularly the “Black Revsund” con- In contrast to the Revsund rocks proper, both the
tains pods and fragments of mafic lithologies, and Sörvik and the Grötingen granites feature
occasionally distinct indications of magma mix- pegmatites, but in the Sörvik case these are minor
ing and mingling. Apparently selectively con- dykes and veins, whereas the Grötingen granite
centrated to that monzodioritic to quartz contains three major, commercially exploited
monzodioritic rock there occur four major and internal pegmatite bodies. For the Sörvik granite,

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

South-Jämtland Revsund 300
Fjällsjö-massif, grey Revsund
Black Revsund (Fjällsjö massif)
to gd gr

qd qmzd
qmz qs 50
go mzgo mz s

-500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200

P= K-(Na+Ca)

A =Al-(K+Na+2Ca)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
200 Mu>Bi Bi>Mu
150 I
granitoids II
50 Bi

B =Fe+Mg+Ti

Fig. 58. Debon and Le Fort classification diagrams (1983) for Jämtland TIB rocks.
Data from Gorbatschev (1987).

a U-Pb zircon age of 1772±2 Ma, MSWD=1.2, megacryst-rich granite in the southwest, in the
has been obtained in a recent study (Gorbatschev terrain east of Gillhov, the other occurs in the area
& Schöberg, unpubl. data). between Bräcke and Revsund. Within the latter,
As different from the Fjällsjö massif, the South the most marked reddish-pink colours are found on
Jämtland massif is dominated entirely by rather northern Ammerön Island where the rock features
light-coloured, coarse to very coarse-grained grey, very closely spaced but relatively small megacrysts.
more often biotite- than biotite plus amphibole- In the Fjällsjö massif and in the eastern part of
bearing rock varieties, adamellitic to granitic in the South Jämtland massif, foliation is rare, and
Debon and Le Fort’s (1983) PQ-diagram (Fig. when present it is often of a flow character rather
58), and rich in microcline megacrysts. These are than caused by tectonic movements. In the area
commonly mantled by (unmixed-) plagioclase, marked the Transition Belt (Fig. 57), however,
and are euhedral to subhedral and often distinctly tectonic foliation is very common, occurring in
rectangular. They can reach lengths of 10 cm, but distinct zones as well as regionally. Previously, it
usually vary from 3 to 6 cm, more coarse-grained was taken to solely reflect deformation along the
in the east than in the west, and commonly ar- various ductile and brittle tectonic zones trending
ranged in flow patterns. Shifts toward reddish- (south-)south-eastwards from the southern tip of
grey colour occur in places, while there are two Lake Storsjön, but the recent 1.85-Ga ages ob-
large areas of more or less pink to red rock. One tained here by Högdahl (2000a) and Högdahl and
comprises a well-defined body of coarse-grained, Sjöström (2001) indicate otherwise.

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

In the South Jämtland massif there are very few 14

intermediate to mafic rock components more or

FeOt wt.%
less coeval with the granite.
Absorption of country rock probably occurred 6
already soon after the formation of the melts of 4 c
the Revsund granite, but in the South Jämtland 2
massif, in contrast to the Fjällsjö massif, local 0
contamination by mostly metasedimentary rocks 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
but also by TTG-type Svecofennian plutonics 2.5
was massive. This is documented by partly re-

MgO wt.%
sorbed wallrock xenoliths, by the peraluminous 1.5
geochemistry of the South Jämtland massif and 1
the presence of compositionally different schlieren 0.5
of rock in some specifically studied localities.
Also there are numerous garnet- and/or cordier- 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
ite-bearing rock varieties, garnet dominating in 8
greywacke-, cordierite in argillaceous-schist set- 7
tings. In contrast, all samples of Revsund grani- 6
toid rocks from the Fjällsjö massif proper are
K2O wt.%

metaluminous. The two apparent exceptions (Fig. 4
58) derive from the southernmost rock tongues 3
SE and ESE of Hammerdal. These are extensions 2
of the South-Jämtland massif rather than the 1
Fjällsjö Revsund. As already mentioned, the 0
Revsund granites commonly have negative ini- 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
tial epsilon Nd values, possibly lower in the 12
South Jämtland than in the Fjällsjö massif, but
there are too few measurements to really estab-
Na2O+K2O wt.%

lish that distinction (Patchett et al. 1987, cf. 8

Claesson & Lundqvist 1995, Andersson et al. 6
2002). As discussed above, the chemical differ-
ences between these two suites of rocks very
probably at least in part depend on different 2
degrees of country-rock interaction, but that still 0
remains to be assessed quantitatively. 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
Harker diagrams (Fig. 59) show that both mas- 6
sifs of Revsund granite feature high to very high
contents of alkali oxides, mostly 6 to 9 wt%, the
Fjällsjö Revsund granite being somewhat richer 4
CaO wt.%

in alkalis than the South Jämtland rock at similar 3

contents of SiO2. This difference is still more 2
marked than immediately evident from the graph-
ics, the reason being analyses of the two already
mentioned peraluminous, relatively alkali-poor
50 55 60 65 70 75 80
rocks from the area SE of Hammerdal. In Figs. 58
SiO2 wt.%
through 60, these have received Fjällsjö-massif South-Jämtland Revsund Sörvik
Fjällsjö-massif, grey Revsund Grötingen
markings. In terms of weight percentages, there is Black Revsund (Fjällsjö massif) Rätan
a distinct prevalence of K over Na.
Fig. 59. Harker diagrams for Jämtland TIB rocks. Data from
The South Jämtland Revsund granites are gen- Gorbatschev (1987).

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

CALCIC South-Jämtland Revsund
-0.2 Fjällsjö-massif, grey Revsund
Black Revsund (Fjällsjö massif)
-0.4 Sörvik

log (CaO/Na2O+K2O)


-1.0 CALC -


50 55 60 65 70 75 80
SiO2 wt. %
Fig. 60. Alkali-lime index for Jämtland TIB rocks. Data from Gorbatschev (1987).

erally substantially richer in Mg than the Fjällsjö field. In contrast, all “Black Revsund” quartz-
granitoids, this being true in regard to absolute monzodiorites and monzodiorites, and a majority
contents (Fig. 59) as well as the Mg/(Mg+Fe) of granites and quartz-monzonites from the
ratios. In terms of atomic proportions, these are Fjällsjö massif are alkali-calcic. The rest plot
between 0.2 and 0.3 throughout the Fjällsjö- close to the line between the alkali-calcic and
massif Revsund granitoids, which applies even to calc-alkalic fields.
the least siliceous “Black Revsund” monzo- As has been emphasised by Andersson (1997a),
diorites. In the South Jämtland massif, in con- the Revsund granites despite certain chemical
trast, the named proportions mostly vary between similarities with rapakivis (cf. Persson 1978)
0.3 and 0.4, which should be compared with lack the syenitic trend of these rocks. This is
values between 0.45 and 0.50 in the Bothnian- evidence of a different mode of origin. In conse-
Basin greywackes. quence, the monzo-trend observed in the Fjällsjö
In the alkali-lime-index diagram (Fig. 60), al- massif has recently been interpreted as a result of
most all granites from the South Jämtland massif plutonic mixing processes (Andersson 1997a)
(most samples deriving from its eastern, Bothnian- rather than magma differentiation as suggested
Basin part) and the two samples from the by Persson (1978).
Hammerdal rock tongues plot in the calc-alkalic

5.3. The Grötingen granite

Roland Gorbatschev, Ulf B. Andersson & Sten-Anders Smeds

The Grötingen granite forms two intrusions in also been known as the “Red Revsund”. How-
Jämtland. One is a sizable massif to the east of ever, already Högbom (1894) indicated that it
Bräcke, c. 20 km across (Fig. 57), the other a may form a distinct, later body. Recent work has
much smaller body – not shown in the map- demonstrated intrusive contacts all around the
occupying Hebbergsberget hill, slightly less than Grötingen pluton and shows that previously dis-
25 km WSW of Bräcke. The latter has not been cussed gradational contacts towards a reddish-
dated and its correlation with the Grötingen mas- greyish rock close to the southern edge of the
sif is therefore tentative. Because the Grötingen Grötingen massif (Gorbatschev 1997) represent
intrusion is largely situated within the South within-massif Grötingen rock-type variation
Jämtland massif of Revsund granite, its rock has rather than transition into Revsund granite.

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

A recent U-Pb dating of the Grötingen granite The microcline megacrysts locally reach lengths
(Gorbatschev & Schöberg unpubl. data) has of c. 4 cm but normally are smaller, very numer-
yielded ages of c. 1.74–1.75 Ga, varying some- ous and therefore visually relatively subdued.
what in accordance with the inclusion or exclu- Myrmekitic textures are not very marked, but
sion of zircon fractions with the highest contents commonly there are graphic intergrowths be-
of uranium. The best estimate of crystallisation tween quartz and microcline. The granite is partly
age is 1744±14 Ma, with MSWD=2.1 at the 95 % leucocratic, the contents of dark minerals (mostly
confidence level. The absence of visible cores, biotite and almost everywhere also amphibole)
the morphologies of the zircons, and age overlap ranging from less than 5 to c. 12 %. Depending on
between an abraded and the unabraded fractions this variation, the colour is either bright or dull
contradict major admixture of inherited materi- red.
als. Thus, the Grötingen massif is one of the rare The SiO2 content of the Grötingen granite var-
apparently TIB-related rocks that crystallised ies between 70 and 77 weight % (Fig. 59;
between the formation periods of the TIB-1 and Andersson 1997a, Gorbatschev 1997, Smeds &
TIB-2 generations. Cerny unpubl. data) and thus the rock is a granite
The Grötingen granite is a coarse-grained, in in the strict sense of that term. There is pro-
places coarsely medium-grained, reddish rock, nounced prevalence of Fe over Mg (Fig. 61c).
rich in large microcline crystals . This gives it an The molecular Al2O3/(Na2O+K2O+CaO) ratios
appearance much different from that of the chemi- follow the boundary between the per- and
cally similar Sörvik granite (cf. text section 5.2). metaluminous fields or plot short distances inside

Fig. 61a–d. Geochemical plots of TIB and related rocks from central Sweden. GDG is granitoid-dioritoid-gabbroid rocks from the Bergslagen
area, GSDG = Granite-syenitoid-gabbroid rocks from the Bergslagen area, KFM = K-feldspar megacryst-bearing granites. In a) also basic-
ultrabasic rocks are included. In b) A/CNK is molecular [Al2O3/(CaO+Na 2O+K 2O)], and A/NK is molecular [Al 2O3/(Na2O+K 2O)]. Source of
data: Ahl et al. in prep, Andersson (1997a, c), “The Norrbotten project, SGU” Bergman et al. (2001), Smeds and Cerny (unpubl. data), “The
Bergslagen project, SGU” Stephens et al. (in prep.). For a detailed explanation of the diagrams, see Fig. 5.

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

Fig. 62. Bulk crust-normalised (Taylor & MacLennan 1985) spider diagram of average compositions
for some TIB and related rocks. Data as compiled in Andersson (1997a,d), except Grötingen granites
(Smeds & Cerny unpubl. data). The Grötingen granite has many geochemical similarities with Finnish
subalkaline rapakivi granites, and differ more from average Revsund granites or Rödö granites
(example of Swedish rapakivi). Note also the close geochemical similarity between the Revsund and
Filipstad type (coarse porphyritic Småland-Värmland) granitoids.

the latter (Fig. 61b). In terms of weight percent- However, in comparison with most of the gran-
ages, K2O prevails over Na2O, the sums of alkali ites in central Sweden, the Grötingen granite is
oxides mostly varying between 8 and 9 except in distinct in its strong enrichment in e.g. U, Th, Nb,
the most siliceous rock varieties where that range Y, and the HREE (but not Zr and Hf), and its low
is between 7 and 8 (Fig. 59). Fluorite is an contents of Ba, Sr, and the transition elements. In
important minor component and there are large fact, it is geochemically most closely similar to the
grains of allanite, zircon and monazite, and less Finnish subalkaline rapakivi granites (Fig. 62).
markedly tourmaline. Molybdenite occurs lo- Recent Nd-isotopic work on two coarse-grained
cally. Within internal NYF-type (niobium-yt- Grötingen granites (samples Gr 1 and Gr 3b in
trium-fluorine) pegmatites, which are fairly com- Andersson 1997a) has yielded εNd (1.75 Ga) values
mon, the fluorite crystals in some cases reach between +0.5 and +1.5 (U.B. Andersson, unpubl.
substantial sizes and along with the usual bluish- data). This is somewhat more positive than gen-
purple colours are pink, clear green, yellow, light erally obtained from the Revsund-suite granitoids,
blue or transparent. Topaz has been noted in but is still encompassed by the time-integrated
external pegmatites along the southern margin of evolution trend of the early Svecofennian felsic
the Grötingen pluton. Three of the largest metaigneous rocks (cf. Patchett et al. 1987, Wil-
pegmatites have been quarried. Locally, rapakivi- son et al. 1985, Claesson & Lundqvist 1995,
type weathering has caused disintegration of the Andersson 1997a). Thus the Grötingen pluton
granite into large fields of reddish rubble. may derive from juvenile early Svecofennian
Strong enrichment of Fe over Mg , high Ga/Al sources. Such an origin is in strong contrast to that
ratios, and elevated HFSE contents in the of the chemically somewhat similar rapakivi gran-
Grötingen granite correspond to A-type granite ites of central Sweden. In the latter, the much
characteristics. They overlap those of Swedish lower initial εNd(T) values require contribution of
rapakivi granitoids and partly also those of silicic materials from Archaean sources (Andersson et
Revsund granites from other localities (Fig. 61). al. 2002).

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

5.4 Granite ages and some problems of rock classification

Karin Högdahl & Martin Ahl

5.4.1. Geochronology regression through the zircon fractions from one

of these two rocks yields a Model-2 (Ludwig
The range of emplacement ages of the Revsund 1999) age of 1778±100 Ma. All the fractions are
granites is usually taken to be c. 1.80–1.77 Ga rather discordant, while the error of ±100 Ma
(Patchett et al. 1987, Skiöld 1988, Billström & conforms with the large scatter of these points.
Öhlander 1989, Claesson & Lundqvist 1995, The other rock yields a Model-2 age of 1763±20
Delin 1996, Delin & Aaro 2000). Despite the Ma. Here, the points are less discordant than in
enormous volumes of these rocks, that estimate is the first case, but the scatter is still substantial.
only based on a limited number of analyses with However, the age could probably be accepted as
a wide geographical scatter. In addition, a closer a crystallisation age.
examination of the results reveals that most of The 1787±9 Ma result of Patchett et al. (1987)
them are not reliable. from the Fjällsjö massif does not derive from a
Geochronological data of acceptable analytical state-of-the-art zircon dating. That study was
quality have been provided solely by Claesson only intended to provide estimates for εNd calcu-
and Lundqvist (1995), Delin (1996), and Delin lations. Here, three of the four fractions are
and Aaro (2000). Claesson and Lundqvist (1995) grouped closely, whereas one is 88 % discordant.
dated a granite in the eastern part of the Bothnian Excluding that fraction from the regression,
Basin in Sweden which yielded an age of 1798±8 Claesson and Lundqvist (1995) obtained 1817±30
Ma. An isolated Revsund granite from a site c. Ma. Calculating a Model-2 age according to
100 km south of Revsund village and a granite Ludwig (1999), however, yields 1816±610 Ma,
occurring in a marginal part of the type area as which can be regarded as geologically meaning-
defined by Högbom (1894) yielded 1795±7 and less.
1797±4 Ma, respectively (Delin 1996, Delin & The aim of the U-Pb zircon study by Billström
Aaro 2000). and Öhlander (1989) was to date a W-bearing
The low reliability of the calculated ages from greisen vein in the Joran granite in Västerbotten,
the remaining Revsund granites is due to one or i.e. not to obtain the magmatic age of a Revsund
several of the following factors: (1) poor linear fit granite. The contents of common lead in the
resulting in high MSWD values (Patchett et al. analysed zircons were high, with 206Pb/204Pb ra-
1987, Delin 1996), (2) highly discordant data tios of c. 15, and the authors therefore justly
points (Patchett et al. 1987, Skiöld 1988, Billström concluded that this complicates the interpretation
& Öhlander 1989), (3) high contents of common of their data. Due to the high degrees of uncer-
lead (Billström & Öhlander 1989), and (4) re- tainty in the data presented by Patchett et al.
gressions calculated from zircon fractions col- (1987), Skiöld (1988), Delin (1996) and Billström
lected from different rocks (Skiöld 1988). and Öhlander (1989), these are not recommended
One of the Revsund granites of Delin (1996) for use when assessing the emplacement ages of
yielded an age of 1803+31/–25 Ma with a very the Revsund suite. The acceptably dated Revsund
high MSWD value of 73. That value reflects poor granites have all crystallisation ages of c. 1.80
linear fit, and the result suggests a “composite” Ga. This is in agreement with the ages of the
age. principal intrusion phases of the TIB-1 rocks (cf.
In the concordia diagram of Skiöld (1988), the Chapters 1 and 2.1), and those of numerous
upper intercept at 1778±16 was calculated from granitoids in northern Sweden and northern Fin-
nine zircon fractions collected from two different land (Huhma 1986, Skiöld et al. 1988, Welin
rocks in Västerbotten, situated c. 30 km apart. A 1987).

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

5.4.2. K-feldspar megacryst-bearing granites have mostly been described as Revsund granites
(KFM granites) in the western part of the (Lundegårdh et al. 1984, Gorbatschev 1997).
South Jämtland massif
Normally, these rocks have a distinct field ap-
pearance, they carry K-feldspar megacrysts and
The South Jämtland Revsund massif can be are texturally isotropic (Fig. 63). However, vari-
divided into an eastern and a western part eties lacking megacrysts also occur (Lundqvist &
(Gorbatschev 1997). The latter is situated mainly Antal 2000) and magmatic flow structures may
within the Transition Belt of Fig 57. The bound- be present (Lundqvist et al. 1990, Gorbatschev
ary between the two parts more or less coincides 1997). Locally, the rocks have even been affected
with the junction of two crustal-scale shear zone by plastic shearing and attendant foliation. In
systems, the Storsjön-Edsbyn Deformation Zone addition, granitic rocks of various other ages and
(SEDZ) and the Hassela Shear Zone (HSZ), re- origins occasionally resemble Revsund granites.
spectively (Bergman & Sjöström 1994, Högdahl Some of the late Svecofennian S-type granites
& Sjöström, 2001, Högdahl et al. 2001b, cf. (e.g. the Härnö granites) thus sporadically carry
Chapter 6). In the Transition Belt, these tectonic K-feldspar megacrysts larger than normal for
zones dominate the regional structure and form a these rocks (Lundqvist et al. 1990). At the con-
pattern of anastomosing shear zones and shear tacts towards the Revsund granites and some
pods in a c. 50 km wide belt. They truncate the other younger granites, the early Svecofennian
early orogenic rocks as well as younger, K- granitoids have sometimes been recrystallised.
feldspar megacryst-bearing granites (KFM gran- As a consequence, the previous gneissic fabrics
ites). Most commonly, the shear zones are a few have been texturally overprinted and secondary
metres up to c. 100 m wide, but there exists at least feldspar megacrysts have occasionally been
one km-wide zone (Lundqvist 1996, Högdahl & formed (Lundqvist et al. 1990, Gorbatschev 1997).
Sjöström 2001). Along that zone, elevated con- These features complicate the field classification
tents of uranium and thorium have been noted of the KFM granitic rocks in the Svecofennian
(Lundqvist & Antal 2000). Outside the shear Domain.
zones, most of the KFM granites are generally Some of the different types of KFM rocks,
undeformed but feature occasional magmatic flow previously classified as either Revsund granites
structures. or early orogenic granitoids in the Transition Belt
In contrast to the eastern part of the South (Lundegårdh et al. 1984, Lundqvist & Antal
Jämtland massif, where major relics of older 2000), have similar U-Pb zircon and titanite ages
rocks are not very common, the western part between 1849±14 and 1859±11 Ma (Högdahl
hosts a number of very large xenoliths striking 2000a, Högdahl & Sjöström 2001). Consequently,
northwest-southeast. These often exhibit diffuse a previously unknown major c. 1.85 Ga batholith
contacts with the Revsund granite (Gorbatschev of megacryst-bearing granitoids is present, and
1997) and consist of early Svecofennian litholo- some of the Transition-Belt granites originally
gies such as primitive greenstones (Sundblad classified as part of the Revsund suite
1994), calc-alkaline metavolcanic rocks (Gorbatschev 1997, Lundqvist & Antal 2000) are
(Mansfeld et al. 1998), metasedimentary rocks, considerably older than the c. 1.80 Ga Revsund
and metagranitoids. All these rocks have been granites occurring elsewhere (Claesson &
affected by deformation and metamorphism dur- Lundqvist 1995, Delin 1996, Delin & Aaro 2000).
ing the Svecokarelian orogeny. Commonly, they The KFM granites in the Transition Belt of
have a variably strong gneissic fabric, and Jämtland are associated with minor pegmatites
migmatites are not unusual. However, early oro- and fine- to medium-grained granitic dykes. The
genic rocks with well preserved primary igneous maximum and minimum ages of these rocks are
textures and/or sedimentary structures occur oc- constrained by their relationships with plastic
casionally. shearing. While the fine-grained dykes have been
The dominant rock type in central Jämtland east affected by the 1816–1794 Ma plastic shearing
of the Caledonide front are KFM granites which (Högdahl & Sjöström 2001, Högdahl et al. 2001b,

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

Fig. 63. Red (a) and grey (b) varieties of K-feldspar megacryst-bearing granites from the
Transition Belt in Jämtland. Diameter of lens cap is 52 mm.

cf. Chapter 6), the coarser-grained varieties and alkali-lime index (Peacock 1931), the composi-
the pegmatites cut the shear fabric. tions are calc-alkaline. In that regard, the Transi-
tion Belt rocks are mostly I-type granites similar
5.4.3. Geochemical characteristics of the KFM
to the rocks in the eastern part of the South
granites in the Transition Belt Jämtland massif (Whalen et al. 1987) (Fig. 61c).
The rare-earth element patterns show weak en-
The SiO2 contents in the KFM granites and richment in LREE, depletion in HREE (LaN/YbN
associated rocks in the Transition Belt range ratio from 5.9 to 23.0), and slightly negative Eu
between 65 and 72 wt%, and plot in the fields of anomalies (SmN/EuN ratio from 1.7 to 3.6). The
granite and granodiorite in the TAS diagram (Fig. initial εNd-values range from –1.6 to +1.7 (Ahl et
61a). These rocks are mostly peraluminous as al. in prep). In the tectonic discrimination dia-
shown by molecular Al2O3/(Na2O+K2O+CaO) gram employing Rb versus Y+Nb (Pearce 1996a),
ratios above unity (Fig. 61b) as well as by mod- the Transition Belt granites plot in the VAG/post-
erate to high normative corundum values of 0– COLG to syn-COLG fields, while the other South
2.2 %. The relationships between SiO2 and K2O Jämtland Revsund rocks also extend into the
(Gill 1981) indicate that they are granites with WPG field (Fig. 61d).
ultra-high potassium contents. According to the

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

5.4.4. Origin of the KFM granites in the geochemical signatures (Figs. 61a–d) suggest
Transition Belt that the KFM granites have originated from re-
worked older, mainly early Svecofennian igne-
During the last five decades, several models for
ous rocks with a minor component from an older
the origin of the rocks of the Revsund suite have
been proposed. Previously, these were described source. The scatter of the data in the tectonomag-
as ser- (or late-) orogenic with respect to the matic diagrams (VAG, syn-COLG to post-COLG,
Svecokarelian orogeny, and were thought to have Fig. 61d) may indicate multiple reactivation of an
originated from in situ granitisation (Gavelin & igneous source.
Kulling 1955, Svensson 1970) or anatexis of The deviating geochemical signatures and the
greywackes to produce S-type granites (Wilson older emplacement ages of the granitic rocks in
& Åkerblom 1980, Armands & Xefteris 1987, the Transition Belt, as compared to the rocks of
Patchett et al. 1987). More recently they have the Revsund suite proper, indicate that they might
been classified as post-orogenic (Lundqvist et al. not be a constituent of that suite. They could,
1990, Claesson & Lundqvist 1995), or as parts of however, represent an earlier phase of Revsund-
the TIB suite (Gorbatschev & Bogdanova 1993, type magmatism, with a different magma source.
Gorbatschev 1997, Andersson 1997a). Their It is also possible that the 1.86–1.85 Ga KFM
geochemical signatures indicate that they are granites in Jämtland are part of the 1.85–1.84 Ga
predominantly I-type but have some S- to A-type Ljusdal Batholith (Fig. 66, cf. Chapter 7.1) lo-
signatures (Wilson, 1980, Lundqvist et al. 1990, cated further south (Delin 1993, Welin et al.
Ahl & Sundblad 1994, Claesson & Lundqvist 1993). However, in contrast to the generally
1995, Andersson 1997a). coeval KFM granites in the Transition Belt of
In regard to their appearance in outcrop, the Jämtland, the Ljusdal granitoids are mostly folded
KFM granites in the Transition Belt form a rather and foliated (Lundegårdh 1967). They are also to
heterogeneous group. Nevertheless, their geo- a large extent metamorphosed in the amphibolite
chemical signatures show striking similarities. facies, locally even in the granulite facies
The major-element compositions resemble those (Lundegårdh 1967, Lundqvist et al. 1990, Delin
of early Svecofennian granitoids, the rocks have & Aaro 1992, Bergman & Sjöström 1994,
calc-alkaline trends and belong to the magnetite Sjöström & Bergman 1998). This indicates that
series (Ahl et al. in prep), but the εNd-values are they have experienced a tectonic and metamor-
slightly lower than those of the early Svecofennian phic event which escaped the Transition-Belt
granitoids. These features and the overall KFM granitoids.


Stefan Bergman, Karin Högdahl & Håkan Sjöström

6.1. The Storsjön-Edsbyn Deformation Zone

The Storsjön-Edsbyn Deformation Zone form lines and folds rotate clockwise as the SEDZ
(SEDZ) extends from Lake Storsjön to Village is approached, which suggests that dextral shear-
Edsbyn in central Sweden (Fig. 64). On the mag- ing was superimposed on the pre-existing
netic anomaly map it is outlined as a conspicuous, Svecokarelian structures. Conservative estimates
10–20 km wide and >200 km long, NNW-SSE or of the displacement that caused this rotation are
N-S (southern part) complex belt with banded between 15.5 and 16.9 km in three profiles.
and lenticular patterns discordantly cutting the Several narrow, very persistent low-magnetic
regional magnetic pattern. East of the zone, E-W lineaments truncate the plastic structures indicat-

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

Fig. 64. Geological map of central Sweden (compiled from Lundegårdh 1967, Lundegårdh et al. 1984, Lundqvist 1987,
Delin 1989a, b and Delin and Aaro 1992), and added with interpretation of major lineaments. Locations where metamorphic
orthopyroxene has been found are shown by stars and high grade and low grade areas are also shown. VFZ = Vikbäcksviken
Fault Zone, SEDZ = Storsjön-Edsbyn deformation Zone.

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

ing a prolonged history of deformation at differ- III) are most characteristic for the SEDZ (Fig.65)
ent crustal levels. A WNW-ESE oriented linea- compared to the entire region, whereas the forma-
ment terminates the banded pattern of the SEDZ tion of high-grade mylonites and cataclasites are
in the Edsbyn area. To the north, the magnetic not obviously linked to the zone.
signature of the SEDZ disappears below the
Caledonian front. 6.1.1 Southern and central part
The deformation zone broadly coincides with
the boundary between the c. 1.7 Ga old Dala- Type II mylonites: Plastic mylonites within the
Rätan magmatic rocks to the west and the older SEDZ exhibit a pronounced schistosity defined
Svecofennian/Svecokarelian rocks (c. 1.8–1.9 Ga) by quartz plates, preferred orientation of recrys-
to the east. However, most deformation in the tallised grains and aggregates of quartz and mica,
zone, recorded at the present level of exposure, and flattened feldspar aggregates. The mylonitic
occurred east of the crustal province boundary. foliation generally strikes oblique to the main
Locally, metamorphic patterns developed dur- shear zone and is locally folded due to progres-
ing regional Svecokarelian deformation and early sive shearing. Fold axes and stretching lineations
shearing were significantly disturbed by later commonly plunge close to the dip direction of the
movements on mostly steep, greenschist facies foliation.
deformation zones. Also the shape of the com- Both W-side-up and E-side-up kinematics have
posite Ljusdal Batholith is more or less controlled been recorded in the mylonites. In the Haverö
by shear zones: the SEDZ to the west and the c. E- area most mylonites indicate reverse movement,
W Hassela Shear Zone along its northern margin. in other areas this pattern is not as consistent but
There are also a number of c. 1.8 Ga old shear there is a slight dominance for W-side-up reverse
zones within the batholith (Sjöström & Bergman movement in the data set. As the main shear zone
1998, Högdahl 2000b). bends from NNW-SSE to N-S near Kårböle, the
Four main phases of deformation have been mylonitic foliation also rotates. The orientation
recognised along the deformation zone; associ- of the generally steep stretching lineations also
ated mylonites are characterised by their mineral- changes along this bend. North of it the plunge of
ogy, microstructures, kinematic patterns, mag- the stretching lineation varies most across and
netic signatures and relative ages (Table 1). The south of it along the shear zone, and most plot in
two intermediate mylonite types (Types II and the NW-quadrant.

Table 1. Generalised summary of characteristic features of the different mylonites along SEDZ.

Type I Type II Type III Type IV

Plastic, synmeta- Mostly plastic, Brittle-plastic Brittle

morphic retrograde typical of SEDZ regionally
regionally distributed typical of SEDZ distributed

Temperature / high, syn-peak medium-low, low very low

metamorphic grade metamorphism, post-peak
pegmatites metamorphism

Deformation crystal plastic, plastic quartz, plastic quartz, cataclastic

mechanisms, polygonal mica and locally pressure solution,
textures texture feldspar pseudotachylite

Magnetic commonly high commonly high low low


Common minerals magnetite in chlorite, magnetite epidote, chlorite locally laumontite


indicators rotated foliations, rotated foliations, rotated foliations, displaced markers,
porphyro-clast wings porphyroclast wings, s-c fabrics, Riedel fractures
s-c fabrics, quartz fibres,
shear bands Riedel fractures

Estimated age 1.85–1.8 Ga 1.674±5 Ga <1.6 Ga? <1.2 Ga?

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

a b

Fig. 65. a) Incipient brittle-plastic (or plastic?) deformation in Revsund granite. The two zones across the picture are the result of intense
grain-size reduction. Together with the grain-shape fabric (lower left to upper right) defined by the feldspar phenocrysts, they make up
an S–C fabric indicating a dextral strike-slip component. Långviken, 6.7 km east of Hackås. Lenght of compass is 10 cm.
b) Photomicrograph showing sinistral S–C-mylonite cut by cataclasite, in turn cut by discrete contractional microfault. The protolith is
a metaarenite. The long dimension of the photograph is 18 mm. Shore of lake Havern at Löten, 17 km SSE of Haverö. The horizontal size
of the picture corresponds to 5.8 mm.
c) Brittle-plastic type-III mylonite in the Storsjön-Edsbyn Deformation zone. Quartz-epidote-chlorite rock with dextral shear indicated
by tensional quartz veins and pull-apart structures. Mörthålet, 1 km SW of Ytterturingen (SNG 6923100/1457550).

A qualitative strain analysis in the Haverö area results of Gapais and Cobbold (1987). The analy-
was made by comparing the orientations and sis indicates that the shear zones accommodated
kinematics of mesoscale shear zones with the a bulk non-coaxial deformation of flattening type

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

(0<k<0.4) with a subvertical X-axis and a NW- chlorite-epidote-carbonate assemblage. The dis-
SE striking XY-plane of the strain ellipsoid. The tribution of dextral and sinistral zones, and the
data is asymmetric, indicating SW-side-up move- orientation of quartz veins constrain a N-S short-
ment during bulk transpressive shear. ening direction. The field relations of these veins
The textures and mineral assemblages suggest and parallel epidote-filled veins corroborate their
that these mylonites formed under greenschist relation with the brittle-plastic deformation. The
facies conditions. In thin section quartz grains average angle between the sinistral and dextral
show undulose extinction and feldspars are frac- zones is close to 90°, which is typical for this
tured and sericitised or more rarely have regime of deformation.
recrystallised mantles and asymmetric wings. Pseudotachylite is often associated with this
Post-tectonic pinitisation of cordierite and type of mylonite. Their textures include amygdules
sericitisation of feldspar porphyroclasts is com- (up to 5 mm in size), microlites, included frag-
mon in mylonites in the Haverö area. Post-tec- ments of wall rock, flow banding and intrusive
tonic growth of white mica is also common. apophyses. The pseudotachylite veins rarely ex-
Biotite is either recrystallised or more or less ceed 3 cm in thickness.
replaced by chlorite. Secondary magnetite and/or
titanite (U-Pb age 1674±5 Ma, Högdahl 2000b) 6.1.2. Northern part (Svenstavik-Hackås)
have formed during chloritisation. Magnetite
appears as well-shaped post-tectonic porphy- The distribution of rocks within the SEDZ in
roblasts or as porphyroclasts in sheared chlorite. the Svenstavik-Hackås area is essentially con-
In extreme cases, up to 1 cm thick magnetite trolled by deformation. According to the county
(+hematite) veins have formed. The formation of map (Lundegårdh et al. 1984) thin slices of NNW-
secondary magnetite in mylonites has important SSE, steeply-dipping gneissose granitoids and
implications for the interpretation of magnetic amphibolites, with interleaved minor occurrences
anomaly maps. In many cases the banded pattern of supracrustal rocks, characterise a c. 10 km
on these maps is due to this neomagnetisation wide zone between the lakes Storsjön and Näkten.
associated with mylonitisation, although stretching The geometry of a strike-slip duplex or the deeper
of already magnetic bodies may also be significant. levels of a flower structure is indicated.
Type III mylonites: Brittle-plastic mylonites An important feature for the field classification
are associated with persistent low-magnetic lin- of syn- and post-kinematic granitoids is that the
eaments. The magnetic susceptibility is low in latter (e.g. Revsund and Rätan granitoids) are
almost every measured outcrop. Characteristic essentially isotropic as they post-date the re-
epidotisation gives these mylonites a greenish gional Svecokarelian deformation. However, such
colour. Quartz veins and pods are common along, a distinction is not possible along the SEDZ,
or at a small angle to a more or less well-devel- because plastic and brittle-plastic deformation
oped anastomosing cleavage. The cleavage is has affected all generations of granitoids. Conse-
heterogeneously developed and the coexistence quently, post-kinematic granites may be more
of curved and offset markers across it suggests common within this part of the SEDZ than previ-
mixed brittle and plastic deformation. A gently ously assumed.
plunging stretching lineation exists only locally, The magnetic signature of the SEDZ on re-
but steep intersections of Riedel fractures and gional maps is characterised by SSE-wards con-
shears suggest dominantly strike-slip movement. verging bands of positive magnetic anomalies.
Dextral shear is most common in this type of The pattern indicates high strain, but generally
mylonite. lacks the indications of apparent sense of shear
In thin section quartz shows undulose extinc- which are typical further to the south. On the
tion and recrystallisation, and a well-developed detailed 1:50 000 magnetic anomaly maps (18E
S-C fabric is frequent, whereas feldspar is de- NO and SO), the SEDZ is well defined by a
formed cataclastically. Microfractures are ubiq- banded magnetic pattern including isoclinal folds.
uitous. Biotite and feldspar are retrogressed to a To the west of the deformation zone, a few, some

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

kilometres long NE-SW and N-S striking shear approximately correspond to the orientation of
zones (apparent dextral) are indicated within the principal stresses, compression (σ1) at a high
Rätan granitoids. In the Revsund granitoids and angle across the SEDZ is indicated contempora-
older Svecofennian rocks, the banded magnetic neously with dextral shear, i.e. transpression.
pattern indicates more pervasive deformation. An important feature is that σ1 (maximum
High-temperature gneiss zones (Type I in Table compression) bisects the obtuse angle, and σ3
1) appear to be rare in the area between Lakes (maximum tension) the acute angle between con-
Storsjön and Näkten, where the SEDZ-deforma- jugate shear zones. This demonstrates that the
tion is localised, both according to the magnetic overall character of the deformation is plastic.
signature and direct studies in the field. Compos-
ite microstructures in mylonitised rocks show 6.1.3. Tectonic significance and relation to the
that intense overprinted deformation has obscured Rätan Batholith
the early pattern. In such mylonites strain-free,
high-temperature domains with triple points de- One of the main enigmas with the SEDZ is the
veloped between crystals, exist together with combination of a clockwise rotation of foliation
lower temperature structures like ribbon- and in adjacent rocks (which indicates dextral strike-
dynamically recrystallised quartz and cataclas- slip), and an overwhelming dominance of plastic
tically deformed feldspars. The low-temperature dip-slip mylonites. The dextral brittle-plastic
fabrics are often accompanied by the formation mylonites are unlikely to have caused the rotation
of epidote and/or white mica and/or chlorite, and of the foliation, so other possibilities must be
locally pseudotachylite. explored. Either the dextral rotation and the dip-
The kinematics of plastic mylonites within the slip mylonites represent separate deformation
deformation zone show no consistent pattern. episodes or they are the expressions, on different
Both normal and reverse dip-slip components are scales, of bulk transpressional deformation. This
indicated, possibly with a dominance of the former. kind of deformation was suggested by the Gapais
Stretching and mineral lineations vary along the and Cobbold (1987) analysis above and the inter-
strike of the deformation zone, from shallow pretation of the SEDZ as a transpressional zone is
plunge (large strike slip component) to steep supported also by theoretical studies (e.g. Tikoff
plunge (large dip-slip component). The overall & Teyssier 1994). Applying these results to the
picture indicates a large dip-slip component which SEDZ, the oblique orientation of individual dip-
is similar to conditions further to the south. South lineated mylonites within the deformation zone
of Hackås, a subhorizontal post-Jotnian (c. 1.25 would be the result of dextral simple shear and the
Ga) dolerite dyke truncates the steep type II- dip-slip components record pure shear across the
structures within the SEDZ. zones.
Brittle-plastic deformation zones show a rela- Near the Rätan Batholith (cf. Chapter 4.1) the
tively simple pattern. Pre-existing foliations in maximum shear strain in the SEDZ is shifted
the various early Svecofennian rocks rotate clock- towards the batholith. This asymmetry, and the
wise into dextral, generally steep-dipping NNW- fact that the deformation zone broadly follows
SSE shear zones. Slip-lineations on movement the boundary of the batholith, suggests causal
surfaces are shallowly plunging, indicating domi- relationships between the two. That is, either the
nantly strike-slip. Measured and constructed (on batholith margin acted as a rigid boundary during
stereograms) intersection lineations generally shearing, or the emplacement was simultaneous
have a steep plunge consistent with strike-slip. with, and thereby also affected the shearing. Both
The principal axes of the strain ellipsoid de- mechanisms would explain the existence of
rived from conjugate dextral and sinistral shear mylonitised Rätan granitoid. The latter alterna-
zones recorded in eight outcrops indicate NE- tive is favoured because it provides a heat source
trending short axes (Z), vertical intermediate which facilitates strain localisation, and also opens
axes (Y) and NW-trending long axes (X). If the the possibility of ballooning as a mechanism for
orientation of the strain axes are considered to shortening across the zone. In addition, it is

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

supported by the partly overlapping ages of and the known age range of Rätan intrusives
titanites (1674±5 Ma, Högdahl 2000b), that (1702–1679 Ma, referred in Lindström et al.
formed during type-II deformation along SEDZ, 2000. p 146).

6.2. Plastic shear zones in the southern Revsund Transition Belt

In south-central Jämtland the SEDZ partly join ites were essentially undeformed before the de-
the Hassela Shear Zone (HSZ) (Fig. 66). To- velopment of the tectonic lenses.
gether they form a c. 50 km wide network of sub- Brittle deformation is widespread in the area. It
vertical, NW-SE to N-S trending, shear zones resulted in the formation of cataclastites ranging
(Högdahl & Sjöström 2001). The HSZ is located from millimetres to several centimetres in width,
to the northeast of SEDZ, and its constituent occasionally accompanied by pseudotachylite
shear zones are wider, more pervasive and ar- melts. Open fractures occur mainly in fine-grained
rested at higher temperatures than the deforma- granites, but also in the K-feldspar megacryst-
tion zones further to the south assigned to the bearing granite. These fractures sporadically host
SEDZ. The higher temperature zones developed large quartz crystals up to several centimetres in
in the dominating K-feldspar megacryst-bearing size, and in some cases these contain bitumen-
granitic rocks are characterised by a penetrative, rich inclusions. In places the quartz crystals occur
sub-vertical S-C fabric. With increasing strain together with epidote and fluorite crystals, and
the S-C fabric is in places transformed into occasionally with calcite.
millimetre to metre wide mylonites. Locally the
change from S-C fabric to mylonites and 6.2.1. The Forsaån Zone
ultramylonites is abrupt where the latter cuts the
S-C fabric. In the early syn-kinematic rock S-C One of the most conspicuous plastic deformation
fabric is rare, probably due to different initial zones in the area occurs along River Forsaån at the
fabric and/or strain variations. The most common southern end of Lake Lockne (Lundqvist & Antal
structures in these rocks are plane-parallel 2000, Högdahl & Sjöström 2001) (Fig. 67). The
mylonites and L>S-mylonites. The shear zones zone is c. 1 km wide and can be traced for more
form an anastomosing pattern with large tectonic than 10 km in a NNW-SSE to NW-SE direction.
lenses consisting of early syn-kinematic rocks, The deformational fabric is more or less continu-
and have affected the younger K-feldspar mega- ous through the width of the zone and the bound-
cryst-bearing granite. Occasionally these plastic aries to undeformed rocks are distinct. Towards
deformation zones are truncated by felsic dykes the northwest, the deformation zone follows Lake
and pegmatites which post-date the deformation. Locknesjön where it affects early Svecofennian
There is a good correlation between the linear metavolcanic rocks (Mansfeld et al. 1998).
magnetic anomalies and the plastic shear zones The dominating structure is a coarse, penetra-
(Bergman & Sjöström 1994). The linear mag- tive, subvertical S-C fabric (Fig. 68), sometimes
netic anomalies also emphasise the pattern of grading into pervasively deformed gneiss zones
anastomosing zones, which occasionally envelop without S-C fabric. With increasing strain, the S-
tectonic lenses. There is a distinct difference in C fabric is transformed into millimetre- to metre-
magnetic signatures between the early syn-kine- wide mylonites. Locally, the S-C fabric is cut by
matic rocks and the K-feldspar megacryst-bear- mylonites indicating that the latter are slightly
ing granite. The former shows an internal band- younger. Subordinate ultramylonites have been
ing and the latter a more homogeneous pattern, recorded, in which the foliation is defined mainly
which reflects both a composite versus homoge- by platy quartz (i. e. recrystallised ribbons) and
neous composition and a difference in strain thin mica-rich bands.
intensity. That is, the syn-kinematic gneisses The bulk sense of shear is not obvious in the
were intensely deformed while the younger gran- steep, NE-dipping Forsaån shear zone and kine-

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

Fig. 66. Geological map of central Sweden (modified after Lundqvist 1987, Bergman & Sjöström 1994 and Högdahl & Sjöström
2001), showing the locations of the HSZ and the SEDZ. These shear zone systems partly join in southern Jämtland where they form
a c. 50 km wide pattern of anastomosing deformation zones.

matic indicators are contradictory. Dextral shear In pervasively deformed gneissic parts, there is,
zones truncating a sinistral S-C fabric exist, as at least locally, a faint asymmetric pattern indi-
well as sinistral shear zones truncating a perva- cating dextral sense of shear in sub-horizontal
sive gneissic foliation, or tensile quartz veins sections. Still, sinistral shear bands and minor
indicating sinistral rotation. Altogether, these shear zones dominate among the data collected.
examples indicate a sequential formation of sin- However, more important is that dextral and
istral and dextral kinematic patterns. sinistral shear bands (C´) and minor shear zones

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

Fig. 67. Simplified geological map over east, central Jämtland and the southwestern part of Västernorrland.
The distribution of elongated early Svecofennian rocks are arranged in a large scale dextral C–S pattern
consistent with the a clockwise rotation of lithological units in the southeastern part of the area. The filled
circles show sample localities which have been dated by Pb–Pb-zircon-, U–Pb zircon- and U–Pb titanite
methods (Högdahl 2000a, b, Högdahl & Sjöström 2001, Högdahl et al. 2001) (modified after Lundegårdh
et al. 1984, Lundqvist 1987, Lundqvist & Korja 1997).

are symmetrically arranged with respect to the lineations. The former also shows a variation in
pervasive, partly mylonitic (C) foliation. plunge from steep to moderate within the mylonitic
Stretching lineations are generally weak and foliation, comparable in amount to the variation
dominated by gentle to moderate plunges. Con- in plunge of the stretching lineations.
structed intersection lineations between minor The orientations of strain axes, derived from
shear zones or C´ and the mylonitic foliation (or conjugate dextral and sinistral shear zones, are
C) tend to be perpendicular to the stretching NNW-trending (close to horizontal) X-axes

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

Fig. 68. Pervasive sinistral C–S-fabric in a 1.85 Ga K-feldspar megacryst-bearing

granite along the Forsaån deformation zone. Lens cap for scale is 52 mm.

(stretching), WSW-trending (close to horizontal) stretching lineation plunging c. 45° to the south-
Z-axes (shortening) and steep Y-axes. X and Y east. A weak, shallow plunging lineation is lo-
thus plot in the fields of stretching- and con- cally developed in platy quartz.
structed intersection lineations, respectively, and
Z close to the field of poles to the mylonitic 6.2.2. Plastic deformation zones in the Lockne,
foliation, i. e. Z is more or less perpendicular to Näkten and Pån areas
that foliation. In terms of strain axes, the distribu-
tion of stretching and intersection lineations indi- To the southwest of the Forsaån zone, in the
cates that X and Y rotate within the shear plane, area between the lakes Näkten, Lockne and Pån,
while Z is less variable and more or less ortho- several anastomosing, plastic shear zones exist.
gonal to that plane. This indicates that pure shear They envelop two mega-sized tectonic lenses
predominated during the development of the de- consisting of early syn-kinematic rocks. Less
formation zone. defined tectonic lenses have also formed in the
Another plastic shear zone occurs c. 20 km NE younger, dominatingly K-feldspar megacryst-
of the Forsaån zone, at the boundary between the bearing granite (Fig. 69).
K-feldspar megacryst-bearing granite and the One system of moderate-T deformation zones
adjacent metasedimentary rocks to the east enveloping the tectonic lenses can be traced from
(Lundqvist 1996, L. Lundqvist, Uppsala, pers. the Caledonide front in a SSE direction along
comm. 1997). Within the granitic rock there are topographic lineaments defined by River Gölån
steep, metre-wide ultramylonites, which strike and lake Pån. Shear zones in the K-feldspar
NNW-SSE and have a strong, oblique stretching megacryst-bearing granite are NW-SE to NNW-
lineation plunging c. 45° to the southeast. Kine- SSE trending with a steep to moderate dip. These
matic indicators (shear bands, rotation of gneis- zones are generally several hundreds of meters
sosity) verify oblique dextral- and southwest- wide and have often developed a dextral S-C
side-up displacement. fabric, or appear as gneiss zones. With higher
Such kinematic conditions have been recorded strain, or possibly in finer-grained protoliths, a
also in intensely deformed, very planar, steeply mylonitic fabric has developed. In the early syn-
dipping metagreywackes c. 200 m from the con- kinematic rocks the zones are often plane-paral-
tact to the granitic rock. In this case the kinemat- lel, which could be due to higher strain or accen-
ics are verified by asymmetric boudinage and tuation of pre-existing structures. In these rocks
shear bands (C´), combined with a pronounced compositionally layered zones occur. The layers

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

Fig. 69. a) Geological map over the area east of Lake Näkten with deformation zones (modified after
Lundegårdh et al. 1984 and Sturkell 1998).
b) Enhanced linear magnetic anomalies interpreted from standard aeromagnetic maps showing that most
of the identified deformation zones coincide with magnetic anomalies. Two distinct shear pods are
defined by linear anomalies and shear zones to the west of Lake Pån and in the northeastern part of the
map. Comparison with Fig. 69a shows that they are lithologically complex.

range from a few millimetres to tens of centimetres lineation, and when continuing into more homo-
in width, and represent different lithologies found geneous rocks the foliation is often subordinate
outside the deformation zone, which have been compared to lineation.
juxtaposed during the shearing event. These lay- Near Lake Pån there are two systems of shear
ered zones occasionally have a pronounced, shal- zones trending in a NNW-SSE to N-S and a NW-
low to moderate, southward plunging stretching SE direction, respectively. The NNW-SSE to N-

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

S trending deformation zones are part of the supracrustal rocks during the deformation, re-
previously described zones in the south Revsund flecting the pre-deformational anisotropy of these
area. North and east of the lake the shear deforma- rocks. The western margin of the tectonic lens is
tion has affected two different types of K-feld- defined by a NNW-SSE trending zone with a well
spar megacryst-bearing granites as well as a fine- developed planar foliation, with a steep to mod-
grained, equigranular granite and possibly a felsic erate westward dip. The eastern part of this zone,
metavolcanic rocks. In K-feldspar megacryst- which affects older, syn-kinematic rocks, has the
bearing granite the shear zones have a weakly strongest planar fabric, whereas to the west in the
developed, mainly dextral S-C fabric. With higher K-feldspar megacryst-bearing granite, the fabric
strain, or possibly in finer grained protoliths, a is more gneissic in character.
mylonitic fabric has formed. The dextral kine- The geometry of the anastomosing shear zone
matics of the zone is further illustrated on a larger system in the whole area is dominated by an
scale by the clockwise rotation into the zone of apparent dextral asymmetry judged from NW-SE
contrasting lithologies in the vicinity. trending magnetic anomalies that rotate clock-
The NW-SE trending shear zone outlines the wise into NNW-SSE to N-S zones. In addition,
eastern margin of the other large-scale tectonic elongate early syn-kinematic rocks to the west
lens which can be traced westward to Lake Näkten. are arranged in a large-scale S-C pattern. A dex-
East of Lake Pån deformation has resulted in the tral horizontal component also dominates in the
development of a L>S zone with a strong sub- plastic shear zones. Combined with observed
horizontal, SE-trending lineation and a steep, stretching lineations dipping generally to the
weak foliation. The westward continuation of the southeast, the most common kinematics is ob-
zone truncates the boundary between partly lique dextral shear with NE-side down, although
migmatised supracrustal rocks and early syn- dextral horizontal and NE-side up also exists,
kinematic granitoids. In contrast to the L>S- probably as a result of the development of the
tectonite found in the plutonic rock a plane paral- tectonic lenses. The difference in kinematic con-
lel (i.e. S>>L) structure has formed in the ditions recorded along the zones in the Lockne,

(F9>7;7C 87G;B;CH
*DJ;F;: (F9>7;7C 87G;B;CH
4J;9D<;CC?7C +DB7?C
3;JGIC: GI?H; 0 -) 3IGG?7
37E7@?J? =F7C?H;
4J;9DCDFK;=?7C +DB7?C
2>7C;FDMD?9 FD9@G
2A7GH?9 G>;7F MDC;G



$"" @B

Fig. 70. Simplified geological map of the Fennoscandian Shield (modified after Gaál &
Gorbatschev 1987, Bergman & Sjöström 1994, Stephens et al. 1994, Sjöström et al. 2000).
The map including the plastic shear zones in central Sweden. Thick broken line shows the
inferred continuation of the Hassela Shear Zone (HSZ) towards the shear zone system in
southern Finland

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

Näkten and Pån areas, the zone at the eastern regional metamorphism (Sjöström & Bergman
margin of the K-feldspar megacryst-bearing gran- 1998). A conjugate sinistral zone and two defor-
ite (dextral and southwest-side-up) and in the mation zones located southeast of the HSZ yield
Forsaån section (dominantly pure shear condi- ages between 1.80–1.81 Ga (Högdahl & Sjöström
tions) demonstrates partitioning of strain during 1999, Högdahl 2000b). The inferred eastward
their formation. continuation of the HSZ, the Late Svecofennian
Granite and Migmatite Zone in southern Finland
6.2.3. Regional correlation (Fig. 70) was also active at 1.80 Ga (Ehlers &
Skiöld 2001). All these zones were formed due to
U-Pb analyses on brown titanite from three plastic deformation and indicate major defor-
deformation zones in the Näkten, Lockne and Pån mational events under approximately the same
areas and from the Forsaån zone yield ages of c. PT-conditions. The timing, the NW-SE to WNW-
1.80 Ga and 1.82 Ga, respectively, interpreted to ESE orientation and dextral kinematics of these
reflect the timing of plastic shearing (Högdahl & zones, as well as the sinistral kinematics of con-
Sjöström 2001, Högdahl et al. 2001b). This is jugate ENE-WSW trending zones suggest a
accordance with the timing of other shear zones roughly SSW-NNE or SSE-NNW contraction
related to the HSZ. The major dextral shearing late during the plastic evolution (Fig. 70) (Högdahl
along the HSZ is late syn-metamorphic with & Sjöström 2001, Lindroos et al. 1996).
respect to the inferred 1.85–1.80 Ga Svecokarelian


7.1. The Ljusdal Batholith

Håkan Sjöström & Karin Högdahl

The c. 130 (N-S) x 100 (E-W) km Ljusdal formed, the Ljusdal granites resembles locally
Batholith is a major unit in the Svecofennian of some varieties of the Revsund suite.
central Sweden. It is located south of the Bothnian The granitoids within the Ljusdal Batholith
Basin, which is a marine Palaeoproterozoic belong to the synkinematic suite of intrusions,
metasedimentary sequence, and continues east- and have emplacement ages of c. 1.85–1.84 Ga
wards to the coast of the Bothnian Bay (Fig. 66). (Delin 1993, 1996, Welin et al. 1993). They are
The northern and western boundaries of the the youngest rocks of the suite and their ages
batholith coincide with the Hassela Shear Zone overlap those of the oldest TIB intrusives. Intru-
(HSZ) and the Storsjön-Edsbyn Deformation Zone sive rocks with similar ages have also been found
(SEDZ), respectively. To the south, the granitoids to the north and to the west of the batholith (Delin
of the batholith have a complex boundary to the 1996, Delin & Persson 1999, Högdahl 2000a).
rocks of the Bergslagen region (Delin 1993). The Remnants of older Svecofennian supracrustal
batholith is composed of different calc-alkaline rocks exist within the batholith and in the vicinity
rocks, ranging in composition from tonalite to of these rocks garnet porphyroblasts have occa-
granodiorite; granite sensu stricto is less common sionally formed in the granite. Some of the
(Delin 1989a, b, Delin & Aaro 1992, Sukotjo supracrustal rocks are well-preserved (Los and
1995). The granitoids vary from fine-grained Hamrånge areas) while others are intensely
equigranular to coarse-grained megacryst-bear- migmatised, particularly in the granulite grade
ing types. The latter are referred to as Ljusdal areas in the east.
granites and often appear as augen gneisses. A major part of the Ljusdal Batholith has been
Although generally metamorphosed and de- affected by amphibolite facies metamorphism

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

(Lundegårdh 1967, Lundqvist et al. 1990, The batholith has locally been affected by in-
Bergman & Sjöström 1994, Sjöström & Bergman tense deformation. At least two phases of re-
1998, Delin & Aaro 1992). However, in certain gional folding has been recorded. It has also been
areas granulite facies conditions prevail (Lundegårdh truncated by several WNW-ESE, generally ob-
1967, Sjöström & Bergman 1998). Close to lique, dextral c. 1.8 Ga old plastic shear zones
Hudiksvall, monazites indicate a minimum U-Pb such as the HSZ (Sjöström & Bergman 1998,
age of 1826±2 Ma for that high-grade low-pressure Högdahl 2000b).
metamorphism (Sjöström & Bergman 1998).

7.2. The late Svecofennian magmatism

Ulf B. Andersson & Björn Öhlander

The late Svecofennian magmatism (Fig. 3) de- Bergman et al. 2002). Their protoliths contain
veloped within the Svecofennian Domain to the large portions of Archaean components mixed
east of the TIB, roughly synchronously with the with juvenile material, mainly non-pelitic, I-type,
TIB-1 magmatic activity (e.g. Gaál & Gorbatschev in composition (Öhlander et al. 1987, 1999, Skiöld
1987, Andersson 1991, 1997a, b, Öhlander & et al. 1988); the latter may comprise early
Romer 1996). It is more or less entirely related to Svecofennian granitoids or metaigneous material
reworking of the pre-existing early orogenic crust which occur in the same general area and have
in the form of anatexis as local migmatite granites overlapping time-integrated Nd isotope compo-
or larger plutons. In different areas this magmatism sitions (Öhlander et al. 1987, 1993, Öhlander &
has been allocated local names which have be- Skiöld 1994). The contemporaneous c. 1.80 Ga
come established terms. In northernmost Swe- alkali-rich, more A-type, Boden-Edefors
den, where the Svecofennian rocks are largely granitoids are characterised by much more juve-
underlain by an Archaean basement (e.g. Öhlander nile sources, with only small Archaean contribu-
et al. 1993, Mellqvist 1999), the Lina type gran- tions (Öhlander & Skiöld 1994).
ites cover extensive areas (Bergman et al. 2001). The Skellefte and Härnö suite granitoids com-
In the Bothnian basin areas of central Sweden, prise a group of smaller, dominantly S-type intru-
this group of granites is known as Skellefte (north) sions (two-mica granites) in east-central Sweden
and Härnö (south) granites (e.g. Lundqvist et al. (Fig. 3) with generally peraluminous composi-
1990, Claesson & Lundqvist 1995). In the south- tions (mean A/CNK=1.2) (Claesson & Lundqvist
ern Svecofennian Bergslagen area two main types 1995, Weihed et al. 2002). The range of silica
are recognised: the Stockholm type, which domi- content is restricted (70–76 % SiO2; Lundqvist et
nates in the southeast and is a heterogeneous but al. 1990) and with few exceptions they plot as
usually fine-grained greyish granite; and the monzogranites in the diagram of De la Roche
coarse-porphyritic mainly red Fellingsbro type (1980). In the Pearce et al. (1984) diagrams they
occurring in the north and west (e.g. Öhlander & plot in the syn-collision granite field due to high
Zuber 1988b, Andersson 1991, Öhlander & Romer Rb contents (300–400 ppm). The determined
1996). Hardly any mafic-intermediate bodies have crystallisation ages are in the range 1.82–1.80 Ga
been observed in association with the late (Claesson & Lundqvist 1995, Eliasson & Sträng
Svecofennian granites. 1997, Weihed et al. 2002)
The Lina type granites in northernmost Sweden The Skellefte and Härnö granites vary from
are essentially reddish, leucocratic, minimum- finely medium- and even-grained, to coarser types
melt type, migmatite-related granites (Öhlander with tabular K-feldspar crystals up to 3 cm long,
et al. 1987, Öhlander & Skiöld 1994, Ahl et al. usually greyish in colour and commonly carrying
2001, Bergman et al. 2001), with crystallisation metasedimentary (restitic) enclaves (Lundqvist
ages of 1.81–1.77 Ga (Skiöld 1981, Öhlander & et al. 1990). The latter, together with a tendency
Schöberg 1991, Wikström & Persson 1997, for grading into migmatites, suggest an origin by

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

anatexis of metasediments. The isotopic compo- Öhlander 1990). This contrasts with the Småland-
sition of Nd and Sr, and the metaluminous char- Värmland Belt (SVB) granites of the TIB, which
acter of some types, however, implies also a generally have lower contents of Nb, Y, and other
contribution from early orogenic metaigneous trace elements such as e.g. Th and Rb, but over-
sources (Claesson & Lundqvist 1995, Weihed et lapping major element characteristics with the
al. 2002). These groups of granites are thus de- late Svecofennian granites (Zuber & Öhlander
rived from mixed (but sedimentary-dominated) 1990, Andersson 1991).
crustal sources, with no detectable mantle com- The larger massifs of late Svecofennian gran-
ponent. ites in Bergslagen mostly occur in areas domi-
Abundant pegmatites are spatially associated nated by early Svecofennian metaigneous litholo-
with these granite types, partly enriched in Li, Cs, gies. The higher contents of the generally incom-
and Ta and related elements (LCT-type), occur- patible trace elements in the large homogeneous
ring particularly in lower metamorphic (greens- plutons, have been related to smaller degrees of
chist to low amphibolite facies) areas (Smeds partial melting of this composite metaigneous
1994). U-Pb columbite ages of these pegmatites crust as compared with the SVB granites, rather
are c. 1.80 Ga in the Bothnian basin area and than variation in the protoliths (Andersson 1991).
somewhat lower (1780–1765 Ma) in the Skellefte Also available Nd isotope data support derivation
area (Romer & Smeds 1994, 1997). from early Svecofennian metaigneous sources
In the Bergslagen area of southern Sweden for the late Svecofennian granites, with occa-
numerous late Svecofennian granites (Fig. 3) sional minor mantle contributions (Patchett et al.
have ages in the range 1.81–1.75 Ga (Åberg & 1987, Andersson 1991).
Bjurstedt 1986, Patchett et al. 1987, Billström et However, regional gravity surveys have indi-
al. 1988, Stephens et al. 1993, Sundblad et al. cated the existence of a major E-W-trending
1993, Ivarsson & Johansson 1995, Bergman et al. anomaly of relative gravity (the Central Swedish
1995, Öhlander & Romer 1996, Högdahl & Gravity Low), spatially correlated with some of
Jonsson 2004). A few migmatite granites are the larger late Svecofennian intrusions (Öhlander
somewhat older (c. 1.85 Ga; Romer & Öhlander & Zuber 1988a, Zuber & Öhlander 1990). These
1995). This granite generation is thus roughly intrusions were therefore (and from geochemis-
coeval with the regional metamorphic peak in try) interpreted to result from extensive melting
Bergslagen (Romer & Öhlander 1994, Andersson of lower crustal lithologies, followed by magma
1997b) and TIB rocks in the Svecofennian mar- rise to form deep-reaching granitic ridges. This
gin (see Chapter 2). Pegmatites of both LCT and was thought to have developed in a tensional
NYF (Nb, Y, F) affinity yield overlapping ages in environment on the continental side of a subduc-
the range 1.82–1.77 Ga (Romer & Smeds 1994, tion zone (Öhlander & Zuber 1988a, b).
1997). The small, heterogeneous granitic bodies have
The granites occur as two principal types: large, generally been interpreted as local anatectic, mini-
homogeneous plutons of dominantly coarse K- mum-melt type rocks that owe their heterogene-
feldspar porphyritic (typically rectangular mega- ity to variation in the local source lithology and
crysts) granites (e.g. Fellingsbro, Lisjö, Örebro degree of melting (Zuber & Öhlander 1991,
and Hedesunda) of relatively restricted composi- Andersson 1991). They could either be related to
tional variation (mostly 65–77 % SiO2: Öhlander regional migmatisation or local remobilisation
& Zuber 1988a, b); and small heterogeneous, due to, e.g., TIB intrusions. The trace element
migmatite-related granites (Zuber & Öhlander chemistry is variable, but contents of e.g. Nb and
1991, Öhlander & Romer 1996). Y are usually lower than in the larger intrusions
The large homogeneous plutons range from (Öhlander & Romer 1996), and these granites
metaluminous to peraluminous with increasing therefore plot in the volcanic-arc or syn-colli-
silica content, and consistently plot in the within- sional fields of Pearce et al. (1984). The low
plate field in the diagrams of Pearce et al. (1984), contents of certain trace elements seem to indi-
due to high Nb and Y abundances (Zuber & cate that important accessory minerals remained

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

in the sources, most notably zircon. In areas dersson 1991, Öhlander & Romer 1996). How-
dominated by metasedimentary gneisses (e.g. the ever, very little, if any, mafic-intermediate
Sörmland basin), these small-scale intrusives are magmatism is observed associated with these
peraluminous, S-type, two-mica granites. granites. The general lack of high-pressure re-
The anatectic granite and pegmatite formation gional metamorphic mineral assemblages in
in Bergslagen has been related to continental Bergslagen (cf. Andersson 1997b) and overlap-
collision and crustal thickening (Romer & Smeds ping ages of both granite types and TIB rocks,
1994, 1997, Öhlander & Romer 1996). In con- seem to support a model of continued subduction,
trast, the larger intrusions have been interpreted reworking and transpression/transtension, rather
as induced by mafic underplating in response to than collisional thickening for the period 1.85–
subduction or lithospheric delamination (An- 1.75 Ga (see Chapter 8).


Ulf B. Andersson, Håkan Sjöström, Karin Högdahl & Olav Eklund

As outlined in the previous chapters, rocks type granitoids exists (Ahl et al. 1999, Chapter
grouped together under the TIB heading com- 3.2). The significance of these transitions need to
prise a diverse temporal and spatial collection be addressed in any crustal evolution model for
with a large variation in individual characteris- the TIB.
tics. The concept of TIB may be used without There is a temporal and partly spatial overlap
genetic connotation, including all magmatic rocks between the late tectonomagmatic processes
representing a transition in time and space be- within the Svecofennian Domain and the em-
tween the processes that formed the calc-alka- placement of the earliest TIB generations (1.86–
line, juvenile, arc-related early Svecofennian 1.80 Ga). From the previous descriptions
(1.95–1.86 Ga) crust to the east and the essen- (Wikström et al. 1997, Chapter 2.3) it is clear that
tially younger calc-alkaline crust to the west (c. several of the earliest (1.86–1.84 Ga) intrusions
1.70–1.58 Ga) of this belt. In spite of overlaps in of TIB affinity along the Svecofennian margin
ages at both ends (Fig. 71), the TIB granitoids can were subjected to Svecokarelian plastic deforma-
in most cases be distinguished by their typical tion (1.85–1.80 Ga). Moreover, the granitoids of
alkali-rich geochemistry and/or coarse, mostly the Ljusdal Batholith and the coeval K-feldspar
porphyritic textures. However, in the last years megacryst-bearing (KFM) granitoids in the Tran-
several transitions into calc-alkaline units have sition Belt (1.86–1.84 Ga) appear to reflect a
been recognised both among older and younger change from TTG to more alkali-calcic composi-
generations, e.g. in the Transition Belt of the tions, approaching TIB chemical affinity (Fig.
south Jämtland Revsund massif and possibly 61; Ahl et al. in prep). However, most of the
within the Ljusdal Batholith (1.86–1.84 Ga) Ljusdal Batholith is affected by deformation and
(Chapters 5.2 and 7.1, Ahl et al. in prep), in the (c. metamorphism in amphibolite-, locally up to
1.85 Ga) Tiveden area (Wikström & Karis 1998), granulite facies, which has not affected the KFM
in southern Småland and Blekinge (c. 1.77 Ga) granitoids (Lundegårdh 1967, Bergman &
(Kornfält & Bergström 1991, Gorbatschev 2001, Sjöström 1994, Sjöström & Bergman 1998).
Lindh et al. 2001a), and in the transition to the The TIB-1 magmatism overlap in time with the
gneisses of the Eastern Segment of the Southwest late Svecofennian granitic magmatism that in-
Scandinavian Domain (c. 1.7–1.65 Ga) (Gorbats- truded the early Svecofennian lithologies east of
chev 1980, Berglund & Larson 1997, Gorbatschev the TIB in the period 1.82–1.75 Ga (Chapter 7.2,
& Bogdanova 2003). Furthermore, in the c. 1.7 and ref. therein). The small volume of the latter
Ga Dala Province, a transition into alkaline, A- intrusions compared to the TIB, and the apparent

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

Fig. 71. Time-evolution diagram showing the duration and tectonic setting of TIB-related geological processes. See Fig. 4 for abbreviations.

control of their chemistry by the local country zone between the TIB and the Svecofennian of
rocks (generally peraluminous S-type in southern Bergslagen. In the Lake Mälaren area,
metasedimentary- and metaluminous I-type gran- there is a rapid change of total crustal thickness
ites in metaigneous-dominated areas; Chapter from c. 50 km in the south to c. 40 km in the north
7.2) support the interpretation of a local, anatectic (northern Bergslagen). The thinning is entirely
magmatism in areas of lower heat flow due to less within the mafic lower crust, while the felsic
extensive mafic underplating during subduction upper crustal rocks here extend deeper than 20
(Andersson 1991, Öhlander & Romer 1996). km. Northwards, below the Ljusdal Batholith the
The variation in crustal thickness and composi- crustal thickness increases again to more than 50
tion along the TIB and neighbouring areas has km, followed by a gentle decrease across the
profound implications for the understanding of Bothnian Basin/Revsund granitoid areas to around
the crustal development. Several interpretations 40 km in the Skellefte juvenile arc area. In the
of reflection and refraction seismic data along the area of the Bothnian Basin, the uppermost crust
FENNOLORA, BABEL and Coast profiles (e.g. consists of a c. 8 km thick layer of especially low-
Clowes et al. 1987, Guggisberg & Berthelsen velocity crust, which terminates just south of the
1987, Guggisberg et al. 1991, BABEL-group Skellefte district (Guggisberg et al. 1991).
1993, Abramovitz et al. 1997, 2002, Korja & In the west, there is a general shallowing of
Heikkinen 2000, Lund et al. 2001) yield roughly Moho depth that approximately coincides with
similar results for crustal sections from Blekinge the Sveconorwegian frontal deformation zone
in the south to the Skellefte district in the north. (SFDZ; Wahlgren et al. 1994) (cf. BABEL work-
The thinnest crust (c. 35 km) is present in the ing group 1993, Korja et al. 1993). This may be
south, south of the Oskarshamn-Jönköping belt correlated with an uplift of the southern part of
(OJB), with a stepwise thickening of the mafic the Eastern Segment of SW Sweden in late Sve-
lower crust from c. 20 km in the south to a conorwegian time (c. 0.96 Ga), as determined
maximum thickness of c. 30 km in the transition from P-T-t considerations (e.g. Johansson et al.

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

1991, 2001, Johansson 1992). The shallowing of margin setting of Andean type (Wilson 1982,
Moho continues northwards below the Cale- Nyström 1982, 1999, Andersson 1991, Åhäll &
donides up to the Norwegian coast, with an abrupt Larson 2000); 2) an ensialic tensional setting
crustal thinning in the northernmost TIB areas of (Wilson et al. 1985, Johansson 1988, Öhlander &
the Lofoten Islands (cf. Korja et al. 1993). Zuber 1988b); and 3) or post-collisional exten-
Concerning the formation of the juvenile calc- sional collapse after overthickening of the crust
alkaline Svecofennian crust, most authors agree (Korja et al. 1993, Korja & Heikkinen 1995). The
that it was formed as a series of island arc sys- latter two models are faced with some objections:
tems, successively accreted to the Archaean cra-
ton in the NE, with a sedimentary basin (the 1) There is no intermediate to high pressure meta-
Bothnian Basin) in between (e.g. Hietanen 1975, morphism documented so far in the Sveco-
Nurmi & Haapala 1986, Gaál 1986, Berthelsen fennian Domain recording overthickened con-
1987, Gaál & Gorbatschev 1987, Lahtinen 1994, tinental crust, which would be expected to be
Nironen 1997, Korsman et al. 1999, Väisänen exhumed after post-collisional extensional col-
2002, and ref. therein). The earliest arc crust lapse (cf. e.g. Ruppel & Hodges 1994, Davies
appears to have formed during 2.1–1.9 Ga (e.g. & von Blanckenburg 1995, Chemenda et al.
Huhma 1986, Patchett & Arndt 1986, Patchett et 2000, 2001, Borghi et al. 2003). Variations in
al. 1987, Valbracht et al. 1994, Lahtinen & Huhma the Moho depth are essentially related to an
1997), of which only remnants exist (Wasström uneven thickness of the lower, high velocity
1993, 1996, Skiöld et al. 1993, Welin et al. 1993, (density) crust, which tends to be thick below
Lahtinen & Huhma 1997, Lundqvist et al. 1998). high grade, low P-high T domains such as the
In addition, abundant inherited zircons of 2.1– Ljusdal Batholith and the Sörmland Basin of
1.87 Ga are found in 1.9–1.86 Ga Svecofennian southern Bergslagen. Moreover, low to inter-
rocks (Claesson et al. 1993, Kumpulainen et al. mediate pressures (4–6 kbar) are typical for
1996, Andersson et al. 2000, 2004, Lahtinen et al. amphibolite-granulite terrains over the entire
2002, Sultan et al. 2004). Due to the pronounced Svecofennian area up to the Archaean margin
bimodality of especially the volcanic rocks, sev- (Rickard 1988, Andersson 1997b, Koistinen
eral workers invoke rifting and almost complete et al. 1996). Korsman et al. (1999, 2000)
reworking of the earliest arc crust at 1.9–1.86 Ga related the low P/high T metamorphism in the
(e.g. Vivallo & Claesson 1987, Baker et al. 1988, Svecofennian to mafic underplating shown by
Lagerblad 1988, Vivallo & Willdén 1988, Gaál the thickening of the lower high-velocity seis-
1990, Allen et al. 1996). mic crust. Accretion of mafic material to the
Regional metamorphism occurred earlier in lower crust would not promote gravitational
central and eastern Finland (at c. 1.88–1.87 Ga; instability and collapse to the same extent as a
Koistinen et al. 1996, Korsman et al. 1999, and major thickening of silicic crust by continent-
ref. therein), than in southern Finland and Swe- continent collision.
den (1.85–1.78 Ga; Romer & Öhlander 1994, 2) The geochemical signatures of essentially all
1995, Andersson 1997b, Sjöström & Bergman mafic TIB rocks studied so far are of subduc-
1998, Väisänen 2002, Väisänen et al. 2002, 2004, tion-related continental-margin type (Chapter
and ref. therein); in the latter areas overlapping 2.5, Nyström 1999, Claeson 2001, Claeson &
with early stages of TIB formation (TIB-0,1). Andersson 2000). This could be related to an
Areas of lower grade metamorphism (e.g. north- entirely inherited signature from previous sub-
ern Bergslagen) represent shallower crustal lev- duction event/s, e.g. by postcollisional
els (pressures 2–4 kbar and temperatures <600ºC; asthenospheric upwelling, resulting in thin-
Rickard 1988, Stålhös 1991, Sjöström & Bergman ning and melting of the enriched continental
1998, Ripa 1994). lithosphere (e.g. Väisänen 2002). However,
Three different main scenarios have been pro- the large volumes of magmas involved along
posed after the arc-accretion stage and onset of an essentially linear belt, as well as transitions
TIB magmatism: 1) a convergent continental to calc-alkaline units, is reminiscent of conti-

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

nental-margin type belts (e.g. Cordani et al. corresponding dextral kinematics due to c. N-S
2000, and ref. therein). convergence (cf. Chapter 6, Bergman & Sjöström
3) The lack of related extensional or transtensional 1994, Sjöström & Bergman 1998, Högdahl et al.
structures and scarcity of dyke generations 2001, Högdahl & Sjöström 2001). Some of these
coeval with the TIB argues against an exten- shear zones seem to have a continuation in south-
sional collapse setting. ern Finland (Ehlers et al. 1993, Lindroos et al.
1996, Högdahl & Sjöström 2001, Ehlers & Skiöld
In fact, the southern TIB (the Småland-Värmland 2001). The displacements along the dextral shear
belt; SVB) seems to represent a massive post- zones are not known. However, assuming onset
accretional reworking of the juvenile early of shearing at c. 1.82 Ga (Högdahl & Sjöström
Svecofennian crust along a newly established 2001), the pre-1.82 Ga position of each crustal
apparently (N)NW-(E)SE-oriented continental block south of the Bothnian Basin should be
margin in the SW. This reworking started around stepwise increasingly eastwards compared to their
1.86–1.84 Ga (TIB-0), due to northward subduc- current positions (Fig. 72 inset). A north-, or even
tion, with possibly slightly oblique convergence northnorthwestward (cf. Ehlers et al. 1993), con-
(Fig. 72). Abramovitz et al. (1997) traced a vergence would account for the transpressive
north(east) dipping suture through the crust and shear resulting in the present-day geometry.
into the upper mantle below southern Bergslagen From magnetic structures and lithologies it is
which they interpreted as a fossil trace of c. 1.86 also possible to discern an apparent clockwise
Ga subduction. Lund et al. (2001) also recognised rotation of the magmatic flow in TIB-1 magmas
this suture, but added the aspect of a continuing from essentially E-W to N-S around the SW
episodic southwards accretionary and collisional Svecofennian Bergslagen Province (cf. Fig. 4 in
growth of the crust across the entire TIB (SVB) Andersson 1991, Fredén 1994, Koistinen et al.
area down to Blekinge during 1.84–1.77 Ga. See 2001), indicating that dextral horizontal move-
also Korja & Heikkinen (2001), who considered ments were active during TIB-1 intrusion, i.e.
the Sörmland Basin of SE Bergslagen to repre- long before the western continuation of TIB was
sent an accretionary prism of this subduction. pervasively overprinted by the 1.2–0.95 Ga
However, new calc-alkaline crust was apparently Sveconorwegian orogeny. The development of
still being produced by 1.86–1.84 Ga in the Ljusdal the transpressional shear zones in the older crust
Batholith/KFM granitoid transitional area, pres- could, in fact, have been instrumental in the
ently located further north between the Bothnian localisation of TIB magma flow and emplace-
Basin and the Bergslagen area. This magmatism ment in accordance with the models of e.g. Brown
probably included some reworking of the slightly & Solar (1998a,b). Most of these plausible zones
older juvenile crust, as indicated by its transi- are now obliterated by the TIB intrusions, with a
tional calc-alkaline – alkali-calcic geochemistry possible exception associated with the Gåsborn
(cf. Fig. 5.5; Chapter 5.4). pluton (Chapter; Cruden et al. 1999).
Around 1.81–1.80 Ga a transpressional regime The present geometry of the lower crust most
seems to have dominated the overall tectonic likely developed essentially during the time of
setting for the TIB and southern/central Sveco- TIB formation (1.85–1.65 Ga). The thick section
fennian Domain (Figs. 71, 72). Large-scale dex- of mafic lower crust in the northern SVB and
tral and minor conjugate sinistral plastic shear southern Bergslagen could be related to volumi-
zones become predominant features both within nous mafic underplating (cf. Lund et al. 2001)
the TIB marginal areas in Östergötland and NE with a related strong reworking of the pre-exist-
Småland (Beunk & Page 2001), as well as within ing juvenile crust, that in southern Bergslagen
the adjoining Svecofennian areas of southern resulted in amphibolite to granulite facies meta-
Bergslagen (Stephens et al. 1994). Concurrently, morphism, as well as anatexis that produced both
major shear zones bounding and within the Ljusdal TIB intrusions and late Svecofennian magmatism.
Batholith and in the KFM granitoids in the Tran- To the south, the 1.84–1.82 Ga OJB in central
sitional area further north were active with a Småland represents a sliver of younger, post-

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

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Fig. 72. Sketch showing the proposed palaeotectonic environment during early TIB time (TIB 0–1; c.
1.86–1.77 Ga), characterised by eastward subduction in the north and northward subduction in the
south. The coeval shear zone kinematics in southern Sweden is in accordance with c. N–S convergence.
Arrows in SE Sweden indicate retreating subduction associated with a southwards progressing
continental margin growth and reworking. HSZ = Hassela Shear Zone, SSZ = Singö Shear Zone, OBS
= Ornö Band Series Shear Zone and LLDZ = Linköping-Loftahammar Deformation Zone. Inset: LjB
= Ljusdal Batholith, Bergsl. = Bergslagen area, SVB = Småland-Värmland Belt.

Svecofennian, juvenile crust, indicating that is- c. 1.45 Ga. However, the increase in calcic char-
land-arc accretion continued oceanward from the acter of TIB rocks southwards (Gorbatschev
continental margin, while reworking occurred 2001), and particularly so in the uplifted block in
concurrently further north. Continuous retreat of Blekinge (Lindh et al. 2001a), suggests that an
the continental margin reworking south(south- area of juvenile crust-production is encountered
west)wards resulted in a progressive consump- here by c. 1.77 Ga. Strong NE-dipping crustal
tion of the recently accreted crust (Fig. 72). reflectors in the Blekinge-Bornholm block (BA-
The marked thinning of the mafic lower crust BEL working group 1993, Abramovitz et al.
south of OJB, and particularly in Blekinge, may 1997) may represent remnants of accreted sub-
be partly a post-TIB feature associated with the duction structures (cf. Korja & Heikkinen 2000),
‘anorogenic’ Blekinge-Bornholm magmatism at most likely later reactivated as normal faults in

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

association with the Blekinge-Bornholm & Lundqvist 2000, Weihed et al. 2002). How-
magmatism. However, Abramovitz et al. (1997) ever, crustal reworking in this region continued
suggest that the lower crustal sections below with the formation of late Svecofennian anatectic,
southern TIB and the Blekinge-Bornholm Prov- mostly S-type granites (1.82–1.80 Ga Härnö/
ince consists of a triangular area, “the intermedi- Skellefte type) and the voluminous, more deeply
ate terrane”, of suppressed early Svecofennian derived, I- to A-type, TIB-1 Revsund granitoid
crust, overthrust from the south by c. 1.70–1.58 magmatism (RGS) (1.81–1.77 Ga) (Claesson &
Ga Gothian crust. The presence of this intermedi- Lundqvist 1995, Chapter 7.2), where at least the
ate terrane was questioned by Lund et al. (2001). RGS is associated with significant contact meta-
The increased thickness of felsic upper crust morphism (c.f. Lundqvist et al. 1990). The RGS
and thinning of the mafic lower crust in northern is essentially elongated N-S and associated TIB-
Bergslagen suggest that this is a crustal block that 1 rocks continue northwards as basement rocks of
moved down relative to the adjoining areas to the the Caledonides up to the Lofoten area of north-
south and north. This is supported by lower T and, ern Norway (Romer et al. 1992, Corfu 2000, Skår
in particular, lower P of the metamorphism in this 2002, Rehnström 2003, and ref. therein). This N-
block (Stålhös 1991, Sjöström & Bergman 1994, S trend is oblique to Svecofennian lithologies,
Ripa 1994, U.B. Andersson unpubl. data), but and appear to be related to N-S oriented shear
questioned by the kinematics of the conjugate zones active c. 1.8 Ga and associated with E-W
Singö and Ornö band series shear zones (Persson compression in the area of the Skellefte district
2002, and ref. therein). However, in the north the (Bergman Weihed 2001, Weihed et al. 2002).
metamorphic break follows a major E-W shear Weihed et al. (2002) proposed an Andino-type
zone (cf. Kresten & Aaro 1987) (cf. Fig. 3), of still continental-margin setting with E-directed sub-
unknown kinematics. duction for the RGS and related rocks, including
Beneath the Ljusdal Batholith the mafic lower the anatectic S-type suites, in central Sweden and
crust thickens considerably again, presumably as Norway. Moreover, this subduction scenario could
a result of a major episode of mafic underplating, then also apply to the generation of the coeval
syn- to post-batholith emplacement in age, caus- intrusive rocks inland further to the northeast
ing high-grade metamorphism in many areas transgressing across and into the Archaean craton
(Sjöström & Bergman 1998, and ref. therein). nucleus, e.g. the roughly 1.8 Ga Lina and Edefors
Based on existing geochemical data (including suites and corresponding rocks in Finland (cf.
isotopes), the Ljusdal Batholith appears to con- Chapter 7.2). However, little is yet known about
sist of dominantly calc-alkaline components (cf. the tectonic regimes in these areas, as well as the
Chapter 7.1). This suggests that relatively juve- nature of the transition from N-S to E-W com-
nile arc crust was still forming by 1.84 Ga some- pression across the Bothnian Basin.
where in between the (proto)continents (or The coeval (1.81–1.77 Ga), partly bimodal,
microcontinents of Nironen et al. 2002) of the ‘post-collisional’ intrusive complexes stretching
early Svecofennian Bergslagen area in the south from SW Finland to Russian Karelia (Eklund et
and the Bothnian Basin in the north, the latter al. 1998, Konopelko et al. 1998, Rutanen 2001),
underlain partly by Archaean basement (Anders- appear to represent increasingly continent-ward
son et al. 2002). Whether it formed in situ or was magmatic expressions related to the overall tec-
transported to its present position shortly after tonic regime associated with the TIB in the west,
formation from a previous position further east, and where the mafic magmatism shows evidence
as is indicated by shear zone kinematics (Sjöström of strongly increasing mantle enrichment charac-
& Bergman 1998), is not known. ter eastwards towards the Archaean craton mar-
Further north in the Bothnian Basin regional gin (Eklund et al, in prep).
metamorphic reworking of the Svecofennian crust At c. 1.71 Ga (TIB-2), extensive igneous activ-
is bracketed between the youngest affected ity commenced in the central provinces of TIB
supracrustals and oldest unaffected late (Dala and Rätan, Chapters 3 and 4, Lundqvist &
Svecofennian granites (c. 1865–1820 Ma; Kousa Persson 1999). This magmatism tends to be more

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

alkaline in character than the earlier TIB genera- Bergman et al. subm.). The increased alkalinity
tions (e.g. Ahl et al. 1999), but is associated with and occurrence of some of c. 1.8 Ga zircons imply
calc-alkaline subduction-related mafic rocks that the TIB-2 rocks, at least some of the c. 1.7 Ga
(Nyström 1999). The graben and horst environ- Dala granites, may in part represent a reworking
ment represented by the large volumes of well- of the earlier TIB-1 crust (Ahl et al. 1999, Chapter
preserved supracrustal rocks in the Dala Prov- 3.2). The very large positive aeromagnetic and
ince, and the lack of such rocks in the Rätan gravity anomalies associated with the Dala Prov-
Batholith, may be the result of post-TIB block ince, and in particular the Rätan Batholith (cf.
movements. However, the more alkaline charac- Korhonen et al. 2002a,b), suggest that these areas
ter of these rocks argues for an extensional setting are underlain by large volumes of mafic-interme-
already at the time of magmatism, possibly in an diate rocks, possibly representing the heat source
overall dextral transpressional regime which for the crustal magmatism by mafic underplating.
caused a NW-SE extensional environment for the West of the Dala Province, and to the south
Dala and Rätan Provinces (Fig. 73) as indicated along the western margin of the TIB-1 magmatism
by the kinematics in the coeval Storsjön-Edsbyn (1.81–1.76 Ga), 1.71–1.65 Ga alkali-rich
Deformation Zone (Bergman & Sjöström 1994, granitoids of TIB-2 and 3 generations were

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Fig. 73. Sketch showing the proposed palaeotectonic setting during late TIB time (TIB 2–3; c. 1.71–
1.66 Ga), characterised by northeastward subduction, complete reworking of the earlier crust in the
shaded areas, and juvenile growth further southwest. SEDZ = Storsjön Edsbyn Deformation Zone,
which was active by dextral traspression during this stage.

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden

emplaced (cf. Koistinen et al. 2001). In Värmland, of south Bergslagen (TIB-0). Whether the simul-
this magmatism seems to cover the whole area up taneous formation of the calc-alkaline Ljusdal
to the Mylonite Zone in the west (Lindh & Batholith further north was the result of a sepa-
Gorbatschev 1984, Lindh & Persson 1990, rate subduction in this area is unclear, although
Söderlund et al. 1999), while south of Lake Vänern seismic data suggests remnants of south-dipping
a westward transition into more calc-alkaline (Guggisberg et al. 1991), or north-dipping
rocks is recorded (Gorbatschev 1980, Berglund (Heikkinen & Luosto 2000) slabs. During 1.81–
& Larson 1997, Gorbatschev & Bogdanova 2003). 1.76 Ga roughly N-S convergence continued and
The latter represents a transition from TIB into produced TIB-1 magmatism with a general
juvenile ‘Gothian’ arc-related crust-forming rocks younging of SVB-rocks (and protoliths) south-
overlapping in time (cf. Åhäll & Larson 2000). In wards, from southern Bergslagen to Blekinge. In
contrast, the alkali-rich TIB-2 and 3 rocks repre- the south the geochemistry of the TIB-crust
sent reworking of earlier rocks in a continental changes in character to more calc-alkaline and
margin setting, where the precursors were prob- juvenile (Lund et al. 2001). The retreating, north-
ably both calc-alkaline and alkali-calcic. ward subduction thus created new, juvenile, calc-
Synthesis of tectonomagmatic models: The dis- alkaline crust just prior to its reworking and
tribution of lithologies and ages among TIB- consumption while forming TIB-1 in SE Swe-
assigned rocks mark a shift from the last calc- den. The general tectonic regime was dextral
alkaline arc-related crust formation (1.86–1.84 in tranpressional, as recorded by several major plas-
central Sweden, and 1.84–1.82 Ga in southern tic, 1.82–1.78 Ga, shear zones within the
Sweden) to partly coeval and successively younger Svecofennian rocks, from the 1.86–1.82 Ga mar-
(1.85–1.65 Ga) remelting of the crust. Massive ginal TIB-0 and coeval rocks in the south to at
mafic underplating in a convergent continental- least the Hassela Shear Zone in the north (e.g.
margin setting caused remelting of this juvenile Högdahl & Sjöström 2001, Högdahl et al. 2001b,
crust and produced the alkali-calcic, I- (to A-) Beunk & Page 2001). Partly, the early stages of
type, crustal magmas of the TIB (1 to 3). The this deformation may have been accommodated
coeval development of minor metaluminous and by magmatic flow in the TIB (or coeval) intru-
late Svecofennian intrusions within the Sveco- sions.
fennian interior represents areas of compara- However, between 1.81–1.76 Ga, east-directed
tively (to TIB) less extensive underplating and subduction appears to have been active in the
accompanying heat flow. A similar development north to generate the northward continuation of
of subduction-related metaluminous (I-type) and TIB-1 rocks, particularly the extensive RGS and
peraluminous (S-type) granitoids within the con- the TIB continuation below the Caledonides to
tinental interior of western North America, east northwestern Norway (cf. e.g. Gaál 1990, Nironen
of the coeval to somewhat older, more juvenile, 1997, Weihed et al. 2002, Skår 2002). The north-
Cordilleran batholiths was described by Miller & ern TIB rocks represent a similar, mainly alkali-
Barton (1990). Both types of the Jurassic to calcic reworking of early Svecofennian crust as is
Tertiary interior plutonic suites are, like TIB, recorded for the SVB further south. These simul-
crustally derived, but from much older, Protero- taneously active subduction directions may rep-
zoic crust. In agreement with the model presented resent two intersecting plates (Fig. 72), as in the
here for TIB development, Karlstrom et al. (2001) areas of present subduction in southeastern Asia
concluded that long-lived continental-margin (cf. e.g. Hall et al. 1995, Lee & Lawver 1995,
subduction of Andean type best explains the 1.8– Milsom 2001).
1.0 Ga magmatism along the southern margin of At c. 1.76 Ga the northwards convergence was
Laurentia-Baltica. inactivated and during 1.76–1.71 Ga little mag-
During 1.86–1.83 Ga northwards (to north- matic activity is recorded. After c. 1.71 Ga the
northeast) convergence was probably dominant, continental margin subduction shifted and re-
resulting in the earliest reworking and magma sumed with a direction essentially northeastwards,
formation along the early Svecofennian margin causing renewed crustal reworking and alkali-

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
Karin Högdahl, Ulf B. Andersson and Olav Eklund

rich TIB activity (TIB-2 and 3) along the western magmatism is marked by the transition to more
margin of TIB-1. Further north, the dextral juvenile, 1.70–1.65 Ga, calc-alkaline rocks fur-
transpressive shearing resulting in NW-SE ex- ther to the west, in the southern part of the Eastern
tension enhanced the voluminous, alkaline TIB- Segment of the Southwest Scandianavian Do-
2 magmatism in the Dala-Rätan Provinces main.
(Bergman et al. subm.). The end of TIB

Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 37
The Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) in Sweden


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