Manual CRJ-200 2018 en Web
Manual CRJ-200 2018 en Web
Manual CRJ-200 2018 en Web
The window should then look like this. Now press Okay.
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Excursus: Navdata • Now in Environment - Weather set 20°C (68°F) and Baro to
30.22 inches or 1023 millibars.
The CRJ-200 ships with an initial set of navigational (AIRAC) data You have opened the main door (consult manual to know how) and
which that also includes terminal procedures. For this tutorial flight it is entered the aircraft.
crucial to use this included navdata, otherwise airway or procedure
names will be different. Once you have completed this tutorial and feel The first thing we need to know is the route we are going to fly. We will
confident to fly on VATSIM or IVAO, you may update your navdata to use a very nice webpage that I have been using for a long time:
be consistent with other network users. You can purchase a “cycle” Route Finder
on Various data formats are offered. The one for
the CRJ is labelled “vasFMC Flightmanagment/JRollon CRJ-200 – na- Input LESA in the departure field and LEVC into destination. Change
tive**”. Download it as zip file which you have to extract. The the FL330 prompts to FL240, and press “Find route”:
extracted data consists of various files (such as “Airports.txt” and
ID FREQ TRK DIST Coords Name/Remarks
folders. Drag all these, files and folders, into your X-Plane/Aircraft/
CRJ-200/plugins/CRJAvionics/navdata folder. It will ask you to over- LESA 0 0 N40°57‘07.29“ SALAMANCA/
write the content which is already there. Allow it to replace/overwrite W005°30‘07.28“ MATACAN
the data. Now you will have the latest cycle installed. UNSOL 78 42 N41°09‘32.30“ UNSOL
Open X-plane 9.70 or 10 and load the plane with engines not running W004°36‘40.00“
(more info below). DISKO 121 20 N41°00‘54.88“ DISKO
INDEG 121 22 N40°51‘12.50“ INDEG
Excursus: W003°47‘32.20“
Cold & Dark vs Engines Running MAGIN 121 12 N40°46‘01.29“ MAGIN
The tutorial assumes that X-Plane is configured to start up in cold HORTA 121 14 N40°39‘37.70“ HORTA
&dark mode. You can find the option in Settings - Operations and W003°17‘10.80“
Warnings where the checkbox says “Start each flight with engines
running”. If the checkmark is set, the CRJ will load completely CJN 115.6 121 38 N40°22‘19.06“ CASTEJON
configured and all systems are ready for takeoff. If the checkmark is W002°32‘40.58“
not set, the CRJ will load the systems in a cold and dark state. We BENED 123 20 N40°12‘37.50“ BENED
need the cold and dark state for this tutorial. See if the checkmark is W002°09‘30.00“
set, uncheck it now and restart X-Plane.
PRADO 123 8 N40°08‘50.96“ PRADO
• Go to Environment - Date and time and set 15th April, Local W002°00‘37.23“
time 7:20h. Don’t worry if it is dark, it will be a sunny morning CENTA 123 30 N39°54‘02.22“ CENTA
when we are ready for takeoff. W001°25‘55.21“
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For flight stability it is necessary for the wing tanks to be filled up first
and used up last. Upon aircraft load the CRJ will transfer fuel from the Safety Checklist
center to the wing tanks to ensure this. • Circuits Breakers, closed (red text means the item is not
Another thing to take into consideration is the payload weight, simulated so you can skip it)
meaning all the weight loaded into the aircraft. Passengers and • N/W Steering, off
luggage, not counting the pilots. This is a rare ferry flight as we are
going to deliver this plane to Valencia empty. Only 3 friends will be on • Hydraulic Pumps, All off
board. Anton, Austin and Cameron. Philipp will be flying the plane • Landing gear lever, down.
with me. On the weight and balance sheet you will later see how the
payload is calculated. For now just set the payload slider in X-Plane to • Spoilers lever. Retracted.
a weight of 650lb. It is hard to set it that accurately, so somewhere • Flaps lever. zero degrees.
around 650 to 700 is okay. The total fuel slider goes to about 8200lbs,
and the CRJ will automatically take care of putting the fuel in the wing • Radar. Set to off.
tanks rather than to fill the center tank as X-Plane indicates. • ADG Manual Release. In and
• Battery Master. I always set it on.
Once you switch the battery master switch on, the 2 central displays
will appear and a warning and caution light will flash, accompanied by
the warning and the caution sound.
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Switch off the warning and caution flashing lights by pressing both • Press the MCDU MENU button.
• Press the Line Select Key (LSK) next to the <PLANE MENU label.
• APU / AC electrics, External Power.
• Press the LLSK1 (Left Line Select key 1) next to the <EXT AC
Because fuel used by the APU is expensive we hook on to external POWER label.
power from the ground power unit as soon as
• The label will change to green indicating the ground power
possible. To receive ground power we do the
unit has been connected.
In spot view you can now see that ground power is connected.
• Make sure the parking brake is set.
Back in cockpit view look up to the overhead panel, and locate the
• Click the screen of the CDU (Control
ELECTRICAL POWER SERVICES panel in the upper left section. You will
and Display Unit) to display the 2D
see the external AC available light in green (Fig 5). To connect AC
popup window.
power to the plane‘s AC buses, press that button so the label reads
“IN USE” in white (fig 3).
Pilot View plugin
fig 1
All panels, including the CDU, can also be used in 3D view. However, fig 2
mouse or keyboard navigation in 3D view is a bit cumbersome and
slows down your reaction in complex situations such as an instrument
approach. This is the reason why the CRJ comes with a configuration
file for the pilot view plug-in which lets you use keyboard shortcuts to
get fixed, 2d-like views of certain panel sections. To install pilot view, fig 3
go to this webpage and
You will notice that now all DUs (display units) have lit up – however
download the latest version of Pilot View for your operating system.
the PFD (Primary Flight Display) and MFD (Multi Function Display) don‘t
provide any useful information yet, since the IRS (Inertial Reference
System) is still off. But for now, continue with the checklist:
Excursus: Remote CDU
As the CDU is probably the most needed popup panel during flight
operations, we also made it available to be used on a second monitor,
second PC, or a tablet computer device like the Apple iPad. Look at
the files Manual/Remote-CDU-Howto.pdf for detailed instructions.
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The lamp test will light up all lights in the cockpit just as a Christmas
tree. Click the test switch again to reset.
fig 5
• Fuel Panel. Checked.
Check the hydraulic pressure on the Hyd EICAS display (fig 6).
Open the Fuel EICAS page to see how the
fuel is distributed in each tank. Fuel quantity
between center and wing will be changing
because the auto transfer will ensure that
wing tanks are used first (usually while
taking on fuel add fuel to wing tanks first).
The total quantity however will not change,
since we have not started the APU yet.
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fig 5 fig 6
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Don‘t worry if you can´t match the number precisely, the input is (Chart 2)
rounded up to 10‘s of feet. Wait, why did we know that number? We
As we can see the GND frequency is
can find it on the approach chart of the destination airport:
121.850 so we tune this into the
COM radio. We will now use the
RTU (Radio Tuning Unit), later we
will also learn how to tune all radios
remotely from the FMS. Press the
first right line select key (1RK) on
the RTU to select the COM1 fig 7
preselect frequency. (fig 7).
Now tune to the frequency 121.850 in
the preselect position using the rotary
knobs. (Fig 18) Now press 1RK again
to switch the preselected frequency
with the active frequency. (fig 9).
(Chart 1)
Now it is time to listen to the ATIS for the altimeter setting. Salamanca • Salamanca Tierra, IB032 fig 8
however is a very small airport and doesn´t have ATIS so we will have (spanish. ATC in Salamanca
to contact ground. is of course spanish!)
(- Salamanca Ground, IB032)
fig 9
• Solicitamos aprobación plan de vuelo instrumental con destino
a Valencia, IB032.
(request IFR clearance to Valencia, IB032)
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IB032 Autorizado a Valencia con salida directa hacia UNSOL, Do this by once again opening the
CENTA via A33, Temperatura 22º. QNH 30.22. Llame cuando CDU popup and pressing the INDEX
esté listo para rodar. (IB032 Valencia Cleared direct to UNSOL button. By pressing LLSK2 (left line
and CENTA via A33, Temperature 22º. QNH 30.22. Call when select key in the second row) we get to
you are ready for taxi). the POS INIT page: (Fig 12).
• Autorizado a Valencia directo UNSOL y CENTA por via A33, Enter the ICAO code for our departure
QNH 30.22, llamaremos listos para rodar. (Valencia Cleared, airport, LESA. You can either do this
direct UNSOL and CENTA via A33, QNH 30.22. Will call when by clicking the character keys, or you
ready for taxi). can use direct keyboard input. To
activate keyboard input, click the
Now that we have the QNH, we can set the altimeter.
upper left corner of the CDU popup fig 12
Go to the lateral left panel to find where a small orange “K” will appear. Now all your key
the Baro knob. Set it to 30.22 (to presses go will go straight to the scratchpad. Should you ever notice
set the pressure in HPA press the X-Plane‘s key commands not working any more, you will probably
button above the knob) have forgotten to deactivate the CDU keyboard input. To deactivate,
click the upper left corner again and the “K” will vanish, or just simply
(fig 10).
close the CDU popup which will also de-activate the keyboard.
The barometer setting is visible on
When making a typing error entering the letters use the CLR key of
the PFD (fig 11).
the CDU, or with an activated keyboard input, the backspace key on
fig 10 your keyboard.
• Anti Skid test. Complete. When LESA is shown in the scratchpad, press LLSK1 to set the
departure airport. Note the coordinates will show next to it.
• FMS and IRS initialization.
Copy these coordinates to the scratchpad. To do so, press RLSK1 and
you will see the coordinates appear in the scratchpad. Insert these
This is an important one! As seen coordinates in the SET POS entry prompt by pressing RLSK5.
in Fig 11, red error boxes are
shown in the PFD which is
Great! In a few minutes we will have all
supposed to display navigational
our instruments fully functional.
information. This is because the
IRS (Inertial Reference System) has If you take a look at the PFD now, you
not been aligned yet. To do so, we will see the message “IRS ALIGN DO
have to give the IRS our initial NOT TAXI”. This must be taken
position, in this case the coordi- seriously, because the IRS acceleration
nates of Salamanca so they are sensors must calibrate on zero accelera-
loaded from the database. tion now.
fig 11
fig 13
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If you wait for changes on the PFD you will ID TRK DIST That means the FMS doesn‘t know
see how it first shows the altitude and speed in which direction we are taking the
tapes, and later the artificial horizon. But we airway and where we are going to
are not going to sit and wait as we now UNSOL 78º 42 leave it. To delete the discontinuity
need to program our route into the FMS. DISKO 121º 20 enter the waypoint CENTA and
INDEG 121º 22 press RLSK5 to fill the prompt. Now
To program the route go to the FPLN page.
the discontinuity will have vanished
Press the FPLN button every time we use the MAGIN 121º 12
and the FMS knows we are taking
FMS to reach that page. Remember our route: HORTA 121º 14 the A33 airway from UNSOL to
Because we have already entered our BENED 123º 20 By the way, did you notice the word
departure airport on the POS INIT page, this PRADO 123º 8 “EXEC” appearing in the message fig 16
information will be already there (if you later CENTA 123º 30
line below the scratchpad? The blue
start the plane with aligned IRS, you can also ACT designator of the flight plan was replaced by a white MOD.
insert the departure airport on the FPLN LEVC 123º 50 Whenever you edit the flight plan by inserting or deleting points or
page in the LLSK1 prompt). airways, by changing runways or procedures or performing directs,
you modify a temporary flight plan while the plane on autopilot will
To enter the destination, type LEVC into
still follow the old flight plan. This way you can review your changes
the scratchpad and press RLSK1. The
and make sure your new route is correct before the autopilot starts
direct distance will be displayed in the
tracking it. To set a route to active for the autopilot to follow you must
middle of the first row.
execute it. Do this by pressing the
Now insert the flight number for visual EXEC button. If you are however
reference (it will also appear on the dissatisfied with a change you have
EICAS as a reminder). Type IB032 into made because you´ve inserted a
the scratchpad, and press RLSK5R. wrong waypoint, go back to the old
active route by pressing the LLSK6
The first leg of our flight plan is “direct fig 14
when there is a “<CANCEL MOD”
UNSOL”. Type the waypoint name “UNSOL” and
prompt next to it. This will revert all
press RLSK4 to insert it as the first “to” waypoint. Note that “DIRECT” will
your changes since the last EXEC
appear on the left, indicating that we are going “direct” to this waypoint as
and you can start fresh with editing.
Salamanca has no published SIDs (Standard Instrument Departures). The
flight plan page now looks like this. The next leg is the A33 airway to the We will now review our route and
waypoint CENTA. But we don‘t have any more input space left on this press the LEGS button to bring up
fig 17
page! You might have noticed that on the top right the indication has the LEGS page on the CDU.
changed from 1/1 to ½, displaying that a second page of flight plan
information is available. Press the NEXT PAGE button.
Enter the airway identifier A33 into the scratchpad and press LLSK1 to
insert it into the flight plan. You will notice a discontinuity appearing.
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Note the 1/3 indication on the top We want to zoom out a bit, but how? It´s easy!. Remember the big knob
right. Just as on the FPLN page it on figure 19. Go for the smaller (inner) one!
says there is more information
available on the other pages. To
check all legs of the flight plan, use
buttons. It is standard procedure to
check if all waypoints in the flight
plan (from the routefinder website
in our case) match with the ones fig 21
picked by the FMS.
Now we can navigate through this view by changing the waypoint that
When we are satisfied with the indi- fig 18 serves as the center on the MFD. To pan the view press the up or down
cation on the LEGS page, there is one arrow keys on the CDU.
more check we can do with the route: a visual one. The MFD (Multi
Function Display) has a mode to display the flight plan and follow it
through all the legs while we are safely sitting on the ground.
To do this, we are going to use one of the modes of the Multifunc-
tion Display (MFD). To select the mode we must go to the left panel
and rotate the big (outer) FORMAT knob.
fig 22 fig 23
We are happy with our route to CENTA, so we can press EXEC. Note
that the route will change from a dashed line to a solid line on the
MFD. A dashed line denotes a temporary flight plan which the
autopilot will not follow! Only if the flight plan is executed and there is
fig 19 fig 20 a continuous the line, the autopilot will follow it.
When you see an image like the one on (Fig 20) you have the desired The last thing left to do is to tell the FMS from which runway we are
MFD format. It will be centered on the first airport of the route. In our going to take off at LESA. Press the DEP ARR button. Then press LLSK1
case LESA. to go to the departure screen of LESA. Press the RLSK adjacent to
runway 03. Don‘t forget to press EXEC again to activate the change.
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Once we have checked that everything including the route correct we The CRJ has an auto-tuning feature on the FMS so verify that it is on.
are going to leave the MFD mode, the one shown in figure 24, by You can access the page with the RADIO Button.
turning the outer MFD format knob back one position (fig 24).
As we are happy with our route, we are going to save it in case we
want to fly this route again (it is always a good idea to fly the tutorial
more than once to get the hang of it). To save the route press FPLN to get
to the flight plan page. Enter a name for the route in the scratchpad. Type
LESALEVC. Now press LLSK5 to copy the active route to the file.
fig 25
fig 24 We have to check that the radios are in AUTO (cyan color is selected
The routes are stored in the CRJ-200/plugins/CRJAvionics/routes folder. option). In our case we can see that both NAVs have been tuned to
If you want to load the route later, type the name into the scratchpad frequency 112.20 , the one near LESA - BBI VOR. If we want to tune
and press LLSK2 to load it as a company route. other frequencies, insert a frequency here and the mode will change
to manual. Note that the auto-tuning mode will not set VORs by your
• Radios and Nav Aids. Set for departure. flight plan or even tune the ILS for you – it is merely there to make
sure the FMS has DME information from known stations in the vicinity
to update the calculated position. Remember the CRJ-200 doesn‘t
have a GPS so it relies on the IRS and position updating through DME
stations. That‘s the sole purpose of Auto-tuning.
On the PFD we should now see if the Navaid is tuned correctly. The
first thing we need to change is the Nav Source if it is not already on
NAV1. To do that, go to the right panel NAV SOURCE knob and rotate
it until we see NAV1 on the PFD .
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To show the bearing pointers for the tuned Navaids press the BRG buttons. IMPORTANT NOTE: As said, there is game, birds and random failures
One push shows VOR bearings and a second push shows the ADF bearings. which appear in X-Plane. I think it is important to stress that before
A third push hides the pointers. anyone thinks there is a problem with the aircraft (bug) because a
failure has come up, first check if you have activated the random
Ok? Now you can continue with the Checklist!
failure function of X-Plane. It is nice to have it activated as it makes the
• Parking Brakes. On. flight more challenging. But when beginning, please deactivate it. The
CRJ has a very complex systems simulation and what you might think
• Take-off briefing. Align with runway 03, take off to 4500 feet
is a failure because it is not working might be because you didn’t
and turn direct to UNSOL.
follow the procedures correctly.
The 4500ft is taken from the airport chart and it is the go-around and
To deactivate the random failures go to AIRCRAFT / EQUIPMENT
holding altitude at LESA (LESA doesn‘t have any published standard
FAILURES menu and uncheck the box below that says “use meantime
departures, so this is the value we‘re using). If we encounter any kind
between failures / random failures”.
of problems, e.g. a bird strike which is fairly common in X-Plane, we
need to go back to BBI VOR and hold until ATC gives us further
Before Start Check completed!
A quick look at the approach plate of LESA gives us this info:
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Cleared to Start Check Once the RPM has reached 100%, the green AVAIL light will be visible on
the START/STOP button (fig 4).
• APU. On.
To start the APU, bring up the STATUS page of the EICAS by pressing
the STAT key. Right now, it only will show the Trims and some
information about the pressurization. fig 4
• On the APU panel press the PWR FUEL button to open the fuel Now we are burning fuel so we better hurry up! With the green light
Valve to the APU (fig 1). on, we can now feed the plane from the APU generator.
• Go to the Overhead panel and turn on the APU GEN switch (fig 5).
fig 1
• Two gauges without any needle will appear on the STATUS
page and the label DOOR OPEN will be shown (fig 2).
fig 5
Then switch of external power.
• Go to the ELECTRICAL POWER SERVICES panel and click the
AC button which is lit with the white IN USE label. It will
fig 2 change to the green AVAIL.
The air inlet door will have opened as • Press the MCDU MENU on the FMS and select Plane Menu
you can see from the spot view. then press the 1LK next to EXT AC POWER to turn it white.
• Press the START/STOP button next This will cause the GPU unit to be removed from our aircraft. This is
to the PWR FUEL you´ve pressed important as we don‘t want to start taxiing with this thing dangling
before to start the APU. Two green from our nose!
needles will appear on the APU In fact we have built a little safety mechanism here: You will not be
gauges and will start increasing RPM able to release the parking brake if the GPU is still connected. So if you
and EGT (fig 3). start wondering why you can‘t release the brakes, you probably forgot
to either close the doors or to disconnect the GPU.
fig 3
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• Papers. On Board. • Rotate the HDG knob until we can see that the HDG bug is on
the 30° (runway heading) make sure this value is also shown
• Take off Data. Set.
on the PFD (fig 10 and 11).
We are going to change the Autopilot command panel to set it for a
good take off.
First switch on the Flight Director servos as they will guide us manually
or automatically.
fig 14
fig 8 fig 9
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• Fuel Pumps, Gravity XFlow & Quantity. • We press the ARM IGNITION A (or B depending on the day)
On, and check quantity. (fig 15) (fig 20).
Open APU bleed air valves to let the air coming from the APU drive the
starter of each engine.
Go to the 10Th Stage panel and click the APU LCV and the ISOL
fig 15 buttons to open both valves (fig 58). You can see on the ECS Page of
the EICAS how air is going to the engines. If we had the PACKS open
Check the opened valve of the pressure to the engines would be lower so we could have trouble
Gravity crossflow on the Fuel starting them. This is why they are off (fig 22).
EICAS page and also the fuel
pumps (fig 16 and 17). Now we can start the engines.
• Hydraulic Pumps. Auto • Start with the right engine. Press the
(fig 18). START button. (fig 60) The N2 gauge
of the right engine will show a rising
• Parking brake. On. rpm in % (fig 24).
fig 16 fig 17
• Packs for start. Off (by When the N2 % is over 17 we can proceed
default they are off but it to open the fuel valves for the right engine.
is better to check). Do this by pulling the right red lever to
unlock the throttle (fig 25). fig 20
• Ignition A (on an odd
day, B on an even day). You will see how the N1, ITT and N2 gauges
Arm. are increasing until they stabilize. The oil
We now begin with the engine pressure will also start to increase (fig 26).
start procedure. Because we can • Once we have started the right
fig 18
taxi straight ahead from our engine we repeat the procedure on
parking position we do not need the left engine by selecting the left fig 21
pushback service and we can start the buttons and levers respectively.
engines right now.
At the end the Primary EICAS display will
Take a look at the Primary EICAS display. All show the gauges in this way (fig 27).
the gauges will be reading zero values,
except for the ITT which will read close to Maybe you noticed that once oil pressure for
ambient temperature or higher if the aircraft both engines is in the green arc only the
was flown before cool-down (fig 19). numerical indication will remain and the
gauges will be replaced by the vibration
fig 19
fig 22
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fig 1
You will notice on the STAT EICAS page the
fig 25 APU EGT will decrease a bit because it no longer has to supply bleed
air. Allow the EGT to decrease (30 seconds should definitely be
enough) and then shut down the APU:
• Turn off the APU by pressing the START/STOP button again.
Watch the APU spool down on the EICAS and when the RPM gauge is
safely below 30% switch off APU Fuel which in turn will also close the
APU door.
• Press the PWR FUEL button. The APU gauges will disappear
from the STATUS page and the label APU DOOR CLOSED will
be visible.
We have now shut down the APU.
fig 26
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For calculating the Pitch trim necessary for take off we must go to the
page 4 of the pilot manual (you can find it in your Aircraft/CRJ-200/
Manual directory). I recommend to print out this page for every flight
you make and write down the calculations. Here is an example of the
calculation. Please observe the yellow correction boxes because we
had to revise the fuel flow with new data from our consulting pilot.
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Where those lines cross, we follow the nearest blue, red or green line
to read the % MAC (mean aerodynamic chord) on the top of the
graph. We end at roughly 11%.
Subtracting the 6.2 load index for the fuel we get a Load Index
Now look at the table to get our stabilizer trim setting. With a bit of linear
at Take Off Weight (LITOW) of 26.44
interpolation, we get 7.8. Finally, this is our trim setting for take off!
Using the X-Plane trim up command (either on our joystick or on
keyboard) we move the stabilizer trim so that the Stab Trim tape on
the STATUS page shows 7.8. (fig 4).
Too much calculation for such a little
number? Well that is what pilots do in real
life. Most of them have company software to
do it on their notebooks in cockpit and
modern aircraft like the A380 can do it right
in the FMS but all pilots need to know how
to do it by hand if all else fails.
I have to thank our great real-life CRJ pilot
who showed me all this! Thanks Ed!
Now continue with the checklist...
• Thrust Reversers. Armed (fig 5). fig 4
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Ok, so we will have: • Now rotate the samller rotary to set the speed required (fig 7).
There will be a mark over the vertical speed tape labeled T
V1: 122kts (with correction 123kts)
(others will be 1, 2 and R) (fig 8), and you can see the number
VR: 125kts (with correction 126kts) you are modifying on the PFD (fig 9).
V2: 137kts and
Vfto: 153kts
With the new fuel consumption plane
change, you should check the table at
Check that we have to correct the V1 39,683lbs (18,000kgs) to calculate
the VSpeeds. They should be:
by one knot because of a temperature V1: 122 + 1 (correction) = 123 knots
of 20°C at 791 ft (elevation of Vr: 125 + 1 = 126 knots
Salamanca. V2: 137 knots
Vfto: 163.
Now set the speed bugs on the PFD
Sorry for the inconvenience! fig 7 fig 8 fig 9
• To set the Vspeeds you turn the big knob to the VSPDS as said
and then start tuning them with the little rotary like the Vt
• Go to the left side panel and play with the SPEED REFS knob. speed. When you have finished with one select next Vspeed
First check that the big knob is on the TGT position to set the with the SEL button over the rotary (fig 7). The sequence is V1,
Vfto. If we want to modify Vspeeds drag the rotary to the Vr, V2 then goes back to V1 again.
VSPDS position (fig 6).
• Continuing with the checklist:
• FMS. Autotune (radio).
• BTMS. Checked.
Taxi Checks Completed!
We are now ready to call Ground to ask for the taxi clearance to
holding point of rwy 03.
• IB032.
• Adelante IB032. (Go ahead IB032).
• Estamos listo para rodar, IB032. (Ready for Taxi, IB032).
• Muy bien. Proceda a punto de espera de la 03 desde su
fig 6 posición por C6 - Tango - C5, cuando llegue contacte con torre
en 118.100. Responda en 5372.
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(Ok, proceed to holding point runway 03 from your position via Apply a little bit of thrust on both engines until the plane starts moving
C6, Tango, C5. when ready contact tower on 118.100). and control the turns using the pedals. LETS ROCK AND ROLL! When
Squawk 5372. we reach the holding point of 03 we tune to the tower on the radio and
• C6,T,C5 hasta punto de espera de la 03. Llamaremos torre en
18.100 cuando lleguemos IB032 (C6, T, C5, to 03 holding • Torre de Salamanca, IB032 (Salamanca Tower, IB032).
point. We will call tower on 18.100 when ready, IB032).
• Le veo, Puede entrar y mantender, IB032. Responda on Charlie.
(chart insert)
(Visual. Taxi into position and hold, IB032. Set Squawk mode
From our position, see Charlie).
the map with the route
• Entramos y mantenemos, IB032. (Position and hold, IB032).
the aircraft has to taxi to
HP of RWY 03. We have
taxi clearance so we
continue with our
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Before Take-off check Go to Pilot Manula and look for Reduced Thrust Take-off setting %N1
in page 17. We are at 790 feet and the temperature is 20°, so with a
• Press 4RK on the RTU to change the transponder mode from bit of interpolation between the cells you will see the required thrust is
Standby to Charlie mode (R in cyan). ca 91.2% N1.
• Switch on the Emergency Lights. To set and confirm this with the FMC, press the PERF key, go to the
Thrust Limits page and enter outside air temperature. Type 20 into the
• Landing Lights on. scratchpad and press RLSK4. Roughly 91.2 percent will appear in the
• Taxi Lights off. T/O field (depending on whether you use X-Plane 9 or 10). To activate
the limit, press LLSK1 so the limit is marked ACT.
• Strobe Lights to on.
• Elapsed timer start.
You should use the Pop-Up screen for the PFD so open it.
Hint: if you want hide the frame of the displays you can go to Aircraft/
CRJ-200/plugins/CRJAvionics/Resources folder, and rename the file
DisplayFrame.tiff to
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Take-off Climb
• Push the throttles about a third of their way forward and Ok, you have autopilot active which is following a heading of 30° and
observe the engine indications. If all show a steady upward climbing to 4500 feet. We are drifitng away from the route but don’t
manner with little or no asymmetry between them, call worry.
“Stable!” and push the throttles full forward. Do not jam the
• Set the NAV source selector
throttles forward, just a nice steady push will do. The limiter
to FMS, by dragging it again
will catch the N1 and hold it at the preselected value.
as shown in Fig 38. So that
• Once we are over 40 knots the speed tape will start to move. the indication on the PFD
We will see the bugs of Vspeeds coming into view. Call becomes that of Fig 1.
“Airspeed alive!”
• Passing 3000ft, turn the
• Crossing V1 we need to commit to takeoff. No matter what autopilot speed bug to
happens now (X-Plane‘s game showing up on the runway, for 250kts (the limit below fig 1
example). 10000‘).
• Crossing Vr speed we gently pull the yoke (or stick) and pull We notify Salamanca tower:
the nose up to a 15° pitch up, taking perhaps 4 seconds to go
• IB032 en el aire. (IB032 airborn.)
from 0° to 15° pitch.
• IB032 contacte con centro en 132.55 (IB032, contact Madrid
• With a glance over the vertical speed indicator and the radio
Center on 132.55
altimeter tape (next to the baro alt tape) we announce
“Positive rate” and put the gear lever in the UP position. • 32.55, muchas gracias, IB032. (32.55 thank you very much,
• Hold speed at V2+15 = 152kts and trim if necessary.
• Press SPD, HDG and 1/2 BANK button on the autopilot.
Now on the COM radio we tune that frequency and call.
• At 600ft RA you may activate the autopilot
• Madrid Centro, IB032. (Madrid Center, IB032).
• At 1500ft RA (Flap retraction altitude) retract the flaps, set the
• centro, IB032 contacto radar, prosiga ruta según plan y
autopilot speed bug to 200kts and press 1/2 BNK again to
ascienda a nivel de vuelo 240. (Madrid Center, IB032, radar
de-select it.
contact. Proceed with route as filed and climb to FL240).
• With flaps retracted, we continue climb to 3000‘ with 200kts.
• Ascendemos a 240, IB032. (Climb to 240, IB032).
• Disarm the auto-reversers.
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• Now it is time to catch the route again. First we need to arm We have probably reached 4500ft by now and the aircraft will pitch
the NAV mode. Just press the NAV button on the autopilot down. Pull back the throttles! The CRJ-200 doesn‘t have auto-throttle
panel and the FMS route will be armed as shown on the PFD. so once the autopilot changes from SPD to ALT CAPture mode, the
We are still flying in heading mode (if you activated NAV mode plane will accelerate. So ease back the throttles and use the magenta
away from the route) so turn the aircraft directly to intercept trend vector on the speed tape of the PFD to find a thrust that will
the route at an angle between 20° and 60°. hold 250kts.
• Turn the HDG knob on the autopilot panel and point to intercept WE ARE ON ROUTE!
the route (in most cases you will be given the heading by ATC).
• Turn the ALT knob on the autopilot to 24000 ft.
Note that this manual intercept is only necessary because we didn‘t have
• Next, we press SPD mode. The speed bug will reset the speed
a route to track from our runway to our first waypoint. Remember
to the actual speed the aircraft is travelling now. Turn the
Salamanca is a little regional airport and has no published SIDs. At a
speed knob as necessary for a setting of 250kts.
major airport, you would be tracking the SID right from the runway and
would not need to intercept it manually. • Nothing has changed with the green CLB 250 label on PFD and
ALTS on white armed.
• the aircraft will start turning (to the right in our case).-
• How do we start to climb? Just push the throttles. The aircraft
will have more thrust and as the speed mode is selected and
with the aircraft having to maintain that speed, it´s the only
way to start climbing. If we use, for example, the speed mode
for descending, then we should do the opposite. Just pull the
throttles back. The aircraft will maintain the speed with a pitch
down. Easy, isn’t it?
You control pitch angle with the thrust of engines.
• When almost back on track the plane will change from HDG mode to
FMS mode (shown on the PFD) and the aircraft will start its turn to the
left to catch the route.
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We are nearing DISKO and should be close to our final altitude. The
aircraft is still climbing so we must take care of it.
• 23,000 feet and the 1000 feet alert sounds. We are close. Put
one hand on the throttles.
• Nearing 24,000 the aircraft starts to pitch down to level. You
will see how the magenta speed trend vector starts to go up. It
is time to start pulling back the throttles of the aircraft while
When crossing 10,000 feet it is time to letting it continue to increase the speed.
set the altimeter to a standard setting of
29.92. It is easy, instead of tuning to • 24,000. The aircraft has leveled out and has increased the
29.92 just press the BARO knob. We speed. We are going to reach 0.75 Mach (the speed in Mach is
may also now increase our climb speed over the speed tape)
to 280kts. • Be careful with the red band that appears on top of the speed
The aircraft is close to UNSOL and is tape!
going to start its turn to the next Time to have that coffee or a refreshing drink! But don’t relax too
waypoint DISKO. soon because still we have to change several things.
• Turn off Landing lights and set fig 17 First we need to do is to find out the active runway at Valencia. Call
the seat belt signs to off so the folks Madrid center to find out.
can move around and visit us in the cockpit (FAA, eat your
hearts out!). Madrid Centro, IB032. (Madrid Center, IB032).
• We are going to release the CRJ from the thrust limit. To do so, IB032 adelante. (IB032 go ahead).
go to the thrust limit page on the FMS again and on a clean Si. ¿Nos podría decir la pista activa de Valencia? (Ah, May we know
Scratchpad press the DEL button. DELETE will appear on the active runway at Valencia?)
Scratchpad. (fig 82) When we see this DELETE function on the
scratchpad we can delete all kinds of entries like this thrust Si, claro. Es la 30. (Sure!, it is rwy 30).
limit or waypoints on the LEGS page or airways on the FPLN
page The only thing we need to do to delete the limitation is
press 1LLSK. The indication on the EICAS will blank out and we
will have full thrust if we desire it (at higher altitudes it is
harder to get too much power from the engines because of the
thinner air).
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Ok, so now we can selected the STAR (Standard Terminal Arrival We are going to select CENTA1C.
Route) for Valencia.
• Go to the FMS and search for the STAR CENTA1C.
• Go to the DEP/ARR page pressing the same button on the FMS
• Because it is not on the first page of Arrivals we have to press
and then press RLSK2
NEXT PAGE button. As we can see there are 6 pages of STARs
to see all arrivals for
we can select from.
Valencia (fig 19).
• Find CENT1C and press the Left
• W
hen you are
Line Select Key next to that
selecting SIDs you
option. Everything will disappear,
have to select the
but don’t worry, that‘s because
runway first and then
we are not on the first page and
the SID. Selecting is
the rest of the STARs disappear
the opposite way
once you have selected one. Press
round. You have to
the PREV PAGE button until we
select the STAR first,
are on page 1/2 again (fig 85).
then the approach.
CENT1C<SEL>. fig 19
Because our first
waypoint of the STAR • If you want to select another STAR because
(which is the last fig 18 maybe you missed the correct one, or because ATC assigns you
waypoint of our route) to a new one, press LLSK1 (the Left Line Select Key next to the
is CENTA we take a look at the LEVC charts to see how the selected STAR) and all the available STARs will appear again.
arrival works. This is also possible with the approach and also the departure
runway and the SID.
• Only one Transition appears (could be more for other approa-
ches). We have to select it nonetheless so press the RLSK next
Note that both the STAR and the Approach
selection require you to select a transition
even if there is only one, to become active.
If you enter a STAR and wonder why it
doesn‘t appear on the LEGS page, make fig 20
sure you selected a transition, by pressing PREV PAGE until
you see the list of transitions. European airports don‘t have STAR
transitions, so there was none we could select for CENT1C. In the U.S.
STAR transitions are common however and you must make sure to
select one.
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But when will we be 42 nm from CENTA? Easy... Of course we need to reduce the thrust drastically to avoid goint into
overspeed. Remember, there´s no auto-throttle on this aircraft!
When we are 4 nm from BENED
Because 30nm from PRADO to CENTA + those 8 from the aircraft at When reaching more or less 10,000 feet over CENTA, ATC comes back
that moment to PRADO, equals 38 + 4 from BENED; 42nm. Set the to us (it is not necessary to reach that altitude. We only need to be
altitude on the autopilot to 10,000 and wait for the aircraft to reach above 6000 feet. But the more we descend now, the less trouble we
4nm from BENED. have during the STAR later).
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The aircraft will proceed to complete the second holding and once • Turn the inner knob to set the DH to
over CLS again, resume tracking the rest of the route. 256 as indicated on the PFD (Fig 99).
(If we were to set a barometric
minimum descend alt, we would first
have to turn the outer knob to the
• We are descending through 5,000
feet (our goal is a progressive descent to 2,200 feet where the
Glide Slope will turn active) fig 34
and slow down to 220kts.
Below 230kts we can set flaps 8
(Observe the red checkerboard
marks that show the speed limit).
(The direct-to mode explanation is left out
here because it makes the final turn into
the approach more complicated. Direct-To
STAR and Approach is explained in the cruise chapter). fig 35
When we are on our last leg to MULAT
It is time now to configure the ILS
and at 2200ft, ATC calls us again:
• IB032, autorizado aproximación
• First we need to tune the
fig 32 ILS30, contacte torre en 118.55
NAV1 (or Nav2) radio to the
cuando tenga la pista a la vista.
ILS frequency which is 110.10 as we can read on the Approach
(IB032, authorized IL30 approxima-
map of runway 30 in LEVC.
tion. Contact tower on 118.55
• On the RADIO page of the CDU, type 110.10 into the scratch- when you have runway in sight).
pad and insert it with LLSK3 to NAV1. Note that the label at
• Contactamos Torre cuando fig 36
LLSK4 will change to indicate that manual tuning is active.
tengamos la pista a la vista.
• Next we are going to set the decision height. Looking at the IB032. (We will contact tower when we have the runway in sight).
approach plate, we find
• Press HDG mode and press the center of the HDG button to
that the decision height for
de-activate FMS navigation. FMS navigation for approach is
the ILS30 into Valencia for
prohibited in this airplane and it is also not certified to make
a category C airplane is
PRNAV approaches for example.
fig 33
• Slow down to 190kts and lower the flaps to 20°.
• On the left side panel click the
DH inner knob to make the label appear on the PFD.
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Then set the speed bug selector to VT (left position) and turn the inner • Flaps up.
knob to set the bug to Vref. • Spoilers in and disarm.
• Stop the elapsed timer.
• Extend the landing gear no later than 1300ft RA. You probably • F/D off.
want to extend it earlier because it helps slowing down to Vref.
• Probe heat off.
• Arm the Auto-Spoilers.
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