CE300E Ion Exc
CE300E Ion Exc
CE300E Ion Exc
Experiment Instructions
Please read and follow the safety regulations before the first installation!
Table of contents
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
3 Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
5 Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
6 Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
1 Introduction 1
flow meter
tank with
conductivity 3
pump 5
9 collecting tank
supply tank with
exp. H2O 8 6 intake
rinsing H2O pump 7 pipe
regeneration ( giris)
Fig. 2.1 CE300 unit diagram
2.3 Shutdown
All Rights Reserved G.U.N.T. Gerätebau GmbH, Barsbüttel, Germany 02/2005
3 Safety
and dampness.
3 Safety 9
Cation exchanger CE
Anion exchanger AE
Measuring technique :
• Conductivity measurement
Aqueous solutions of salts conduct electrical cur-
rent as they contain free moving ions. All sub-
stances that conduct electrical current have a
measurable specific electrical conductivity. (This
is the inverse of the specific electrical resistance.)
Even traces of ions increase the conductivity of
pure water by several powers of ten. Accordingly,
electrical conductivity is used as a measure of the
purity of water. In many measuring situations, it is
used as an overall parameter for measuring
dissolved inorganic substances.
m m
test strips
analysis kit
The theoretical water quantity from which ions can be exchanged is calculated
from the NVK as follows:
VH 2O =
[mmol ml] ⋅ [ml ] = [ltr ]
kH2 0 [mmol ltr ]
VH 2O : Exchangeable water quantity
4.3 Regeneration
Regeneration with
NaCl solution
Suyun yumaldılması Ca2+ v onun
aradan qaldırılmasını nzrd tutur
Mg2+ suda hll olunan torpaq sas
kationları, Water softening involves eliminating the Ca2+ and
hng çöküntülrinin yıılmasına sbb Mg2+ earthy base cations dissolved in the water,
ola bilr
borularda v avadanlıqlarda. which can cause the build up of limescale deposits
n çox istifad ediln üsul (msln, evlrd) in pipes and equipment.
natrium ionları il mübadil etmkl
yumalmadır. The most frequently used method (e.g. in house-
Tmizlnmmi su dyidiricidn keçir holds) is softening by exchanging for sodium ions.
sütun. Burada Na+ ionları suya
keçir The untreated water flows through an exchanger
v bunun müqabilind Ca2+ v Mg2+ column. Here, the Na+ ions switch into the water
ionları balanır.
and in return the Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions are bonded.
Prosesdn sonra suyun trkibind After the process, the water contains Na+ cations
Na+ kationları var and various anions. It does not change the salt
v müxtlif anionlar. Duzunu content of the water. This method enables water to
suyun trkibi. Bu üsul suya be softened to <0.01mmol/ltr in terms of the Ca2+
imkan verir and Mg2+ earthy base ions.
<0,01 mmol/- qdr yumaldılmalı
Ca2+ baxımından ltr The exhausted cation exchanger is normally re-
v Mg2+ torpaq sas ionları generated using saturated common salt solution
(NaCl). Tüknmi kation dyidiricisi, adtn, doymu ümumi duz
mhlulundan istifad edrk yenidn yaradılır
Untreated water
(Regeneration with dilute
hydrochloric acid)
All Rights Reserved G.U.N.T. Gerätebau GmbH, Barsbüttel, Germany 02/2005
Yumaldılmı suyun trkibind hl d H+, SO4 The softened water still contains H+, SO42-, CI- and
2-, CI- v NO3- ions, but without cations from the earthy
NO3 base group these do not form any deposits.
- ionlar, lakin torpaqdan kationlar
olmadan The exhausted cation exchanger is normally re-
baza qrupu bunlar heç bir depozit tkil generated using a slight excess of dilute hydro-
chloric acid (HCl).
Tüknmi kation dyidiricisi normal olaraq
az miqdarda seyreltilmi hidroklor turusu
(HCl) istifad edrk yenidn yaradılır.
Untreated water
All Rights Reserved G.U.N.T. Gerätebau GmbH, Barsbüttel, Germany 02/2005
H+ + OH- ⇒ H2O
5 Experiments
In this experiment, only the cations will initially be
exchanged from an experimental water (tap water)
loaded with ions.
The aim is to reduce the hardness of the water pri-
All Rights Reserved G.U.N.T. Gerätebau GmbH, Barsbüttel, Germany 02/2005
• Preparation
– Provide experimental water and demineral-
ised rinsing water in the supply tank.
– Fill one of the exchanger pipes with weak
acidic cation exchanger material
(~40 ... 60mm filling level = ~14 ... 21ml).
– Adjust the valves on the unit so that the ex-
perimental water is fed in at the head of the
exchanger pipe and flows out into the mea-
suring tank at the foot of the pipe.
– If fresh exchanger substance is used, the
material in the exchanger pipe must first be
rinsed with demineralised water.
– Ascertain and note the conductivity of the ex-
perimental water. In addition, use an alterna-
tive method to ascertain and note the hard-
ness of the experimental water.
5 Experiments 23
24 5 Experiments
5 Experiments 25
In this experiment, only the anions will initially be
exchanged from an experimental water (tap water)
loaded with ions.
The aim is to primarily remove the HCO3- ions
from the water.
• Preparation
– Provide experimental water and demineral-
ised rinsing water in the supply tank.
– Fill one of the exchanger pipes with weak ba-
sic anion exchanger material (~40 ... 60mm
filling level = ~14 ... 21ml).
– Adjust the valves on the unit so that the ex-
perimental water is fed in at the head of the
exchanger pipe and flows out into the mea-
suring tank at the foot of the pipe.
– If fresh exchanger substance is used, the
material in the exchanger pipe must first be
rinsed with demineralised water.
– Ascertain and note the conductivity of the ex-
perimental water before the experiment. In
addition, use an alternative method to ascer-
tain and note the hardness of the experimen-
tal water.
26 5 Experiments
5 Experiments 27
(Total demineralisation)
In this experiment, all mineral ions will be ex-
changed as completely as possible from an experi-
mental water (tap water) loaded with ions.
To do this, the two exchanger methods from sec-
tions 5.1 and 5.2 are combined.
• Preparation
– Provide experimental water and demineral-
ised rinsing water in the supply tank.
– Fill one of the exchanger pipes with cation
exchanger material
(~40 ... 60mm filling level = ~14 ... 21ml).
– Fill the second exchanger pipes with basic
anion exchanger material
(~40 ... 60mm filling level = ~14 ... 21ml).
– If fresh exchanger substance is used, the ma-
terial in both exchanger pipes must first be
rinsed separately with demineralised water.
– Adjust the valves on the unit so that the ex-
perimental water is fed in at the head of the
first exchanger pipe and flows out at the foot
of the pipe. The discharged water should
then be fed to the head of the second
exchanger pipe and then from the foot of this
pipe to the measuring tank.
– Ascertain and note the conductivity of the ex-
perimental water before the experiment. In
addition, use an alternative method to ascer-
tain and note the hardness of the experimen-
tal water.
28 5 Experiments
5 Experiments 29
5.4 Regeneration
• Preparation
– Provide dilute hydrochloric acid, 5 ... 10%,
dilute sodium hydroxide, 2 ... 4% and demin-
eralised rinsing water in the supply tank.
– Fill one of the exchanger pipes with the cation
or anion exchanger material to be regenerated
(~40 ... 60mm filling level = ~14 ... 21ml).
30 5 Experiments
• Method
– Turn on the pump and allow the regenerating
solution to flow through the exchanger pipe
– Perform the experiment for approx. 3 ... 5 min-
utes. The exchanger substance is then regen-
– ATTENTION!After regeneration, the rele-
vant exchanger pipe must always be rinsed
with demineralised water until the conductiv-
ity of the discharged rinsing water no longer
shows any significant deviation from that of
the demineralised water fed in.
– To confirm and verify the regeneration pro-
cess, an ion exchange experiment can then
be performed as described in 5.1 or 5.2.
5 Experiments 31
32 5 Experiments
5 Experiments 33
34 5 Experiments
All Rights Reserved G.U.N.T. Gerätebau GmbH, Barsbüttel, Germany 02/2005
CE 300
5 Experiments
6 Appendix
6 Appendix 37
0 ... 85 °C
Electrical supply Battery operated
Items supplied
1 Complete demonstration unit
1 Conductivity meter
1 Instruction manual
38 6 Appendix
6.2 Tables
6 Appendix 39
CE 300 Worksheet
Experiment no.:
Topic of experiment:
Duration of Water
Conductivity hardness
experiment µS
in /cm Comments
in min °f °d
40 6 Appendix