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Pertemuan 10. Fitoterapi Tumor

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Anticancer Phytotherapy

Pharmacy Study Program

Binawan University
Learning Outcome

Students are able to know and explain the definition of


Students are able to explain about anticancer phytotherapy

Students are able to explain the method of testing the potential

of plants for anticancer
⚫ Cancer is the term used in which abnormal cells divide without
control and are able to invade other tissues.

⚫ Cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body through the
blood and lymph system.

⚫ There are more than 100 types of cancer, named after the
organ or cell type where they start, for example colon cancer
(because it starts in the large intestine)
Cancers can be grouped into:

Carcinoma: cancer that begins in the skin or in tissues that include internal lines or

Sarcoma: cancer that begins in bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, blood vessels,
or otherwise.

Leukemia: cancer that begins in the blood-forming tissues and causes

a large number of abnormal blood cells are produced and enter the blood.

Lymphoma and myeloma: cancers that start in the cells of the immune
system lymph nodes and bone marrow).

Adenomas: cancers that start in glands, such as the prostate, mammary glands

Melanoma: cancer of the skin

Cancer cell

Cancer is a malignant tumor. A tumor is a neoplasm that causes lumps in

body tissues. Neoplasms are the result of new growth of cells/tissues from
neoplasia. Neoplasia is the formation of new tissue characterized by rapid
Herbal Medicine Therapy

➢ There are no plants with anticancer activity yet vincristine isolate, vinblastine
is not phytotherapy

➢ Treatment through other activities:

➢ Antioxidant
➢ Anti-inflammatory
➢ Immunomodulator
➢ Analgesic

Medications to reduce the side effects of cancer therapy: anti-nausea and

Anticancer Screening Method

Has antioxidant activity

Cytotoxicity test

Mutagenic Test (Ames, 1982)

Brine Shrimp Lethality Test Method (Meyer, 1982)
Has antimicrobial activity (mechanism cell
synthesis inhibitor)
Anticancer Screening Method

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has the COMPARE database and
fingerprint anticancer drugs with indicators:
GI50 = 50% cell growth inhibition concentration TGI = 100% cell growth
inhibition concentration LC50= 50% cell death concentration
Anti-Cancer Herbs as Cancer Palliative and Supportive

Anticancer herbs:
1. Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata Burm. F, Ness)
2. Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.)
3. Temu Putih (Curcuma zedoria (Berg.) Roscoe)
Leaf Connecting Life (Gynura procumbens (Lour)
4. Merr.)
5. Leaf of God (Gynura pseudochina L.) Nutmeg
6. (Myristica fragrans Houtt.)
7. Crown of the Gods (Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff.)
8. Boerl.) Ciplukan (Physalls minima L.)
9. Rodent Taro (Typhonium flagelliforme Lodd.)
(Fitoterapi Dasar, 2011)
Andrographis paniculata
(Burm. F.) Wallich ex N ees

Synonyms : Andrographis subspathulata C. B. Clarke.

Division : Spermatophyta Sub division : Angiospermae Class :
Dicotyledoneae Nation : Scrophulariales Tribe : Acanthaceae
Genus : Andrographis
Species : Andrographis paniculata (Burm. F.) Wallich ex Nees
Common name: Sambiloto
Regional name : Sambilata (Malay); Sambiloto (Central Java);
Ki Oray (Sundanese); Pepaitan (Maluku).
⚫ Habitus in the form of annual herbs with a height of 30-100
cm. The stem is woody, the base is round. When young, the
stem is rectangular in shape and when old it is round,
monopodial branching, green. Single leaf, oval in shape,
alternating opposite, tapered base and tip with flat edges,
leaf 5-10 cm long and 1.2-2.5 cm wide, pinnate leaf veins
with stalk length ±30 mm, whitish green. .
⚫ The taproot is brownish white.

⚫ Traditional use:
⚫ Part used: Herbs
⚫ colic, otitis media, vaginitis, pelvic inflammatory disease,
⚫ smallpox, eczema and burns.
Chemical content

diterpene lactones (in free form and glycosides) include andrographolide,a

deoxyandrographolide 11,12-didehydro-14-deoxyandrographolide,
neoandrographolide, andrografiside deoxyandrographyside and andropanoside.

⚫ The andrographolide content of the plant top has a

hepatoprotective effect in vitro and in vivo
⚫ The mechanism of action is not clear, the possibility of increasing
⚫ endogenous antioxidant compounds and glutathione
⚫ Aerial part methanol extract of sambiloto (861.3 mg/kg BW) in
CCl4 induced rats.
⚫ Intraperitoneal administration of andrographolide 100 mg/kg BW
and 500 mg/kg BW increased the activity of serum glutamate
oxaloacetate transaminase, serum glutamate pyruvate
transaminase, alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin and hepatic
• Simplicity
• Capsule
• Tablet
• Pill
In powder form 1.5-3.0 grams three times a day or other equivalent dosage

Preclinical Test
In vitro inhibition of cancer cell proliferation.
Dichlormethane fraction of methanol extract inhibits colon cancer
In vivo as an anti-inflammatory
administration of leaf infusion in mice 51.4 mg/100g BW

⚫ The active compound content of sambiloto is

proven to be safe. The results of the acute
toxicity test showed that the LD50 of
sambiloto reached 27.5 g/kg BW. In other
toxicity tests, administration of dry extract of
sambiloto up to 100 mg/kg for 60 days did not
have a toxic effect on the reproductive
⚫ There are no known teratogenic effects and
fertility problems
⚫ Does not cause mutagenic effects.
⚫ At a dose of 5000 mg/kg does not provide
⚫ toxic effect for 14 days
Curcuma domestica Valenton.

Division : Spermatophyta
Sub division : Angiospermae
Class : Monocotyledoneae
Nation : Zingiberales
Tribe : Zingiberaceae
Genus : Curcuma
Species : Curcuma domestica
Synonyms : Curcuma
domestica Rumph.; Curcuma
longasensu Val non L.
Habitus in the form of a bush with a height of ± 70 cm. Pseudo stem, erect, round,
forming a rhizome. Yellowish green in color. Single leaf, elongated lanceolate.
Leaves three to eight. The tips and bases of the leaves are pointed, flat edges, 20-
40 cm long, 8-12 cm wide. Pinnate leaf spines. The leaves are pale green.
Compound flowers, hairy, scaly. Stem length 16-40 cm. Crown length ± 3 cm,
width ± 1 cm, yellow. The petals are cylindrical, three-lobed, thin and purple.
White protective leaf base. The roots are fibrous roots and are light brown in
Traditional use

Part used: root

Peptic ulcer, inflammation (rheumatoid arthritis),
amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, diarrhea, epilepsy,
pain, skin pain
Chemical content

monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes, including zingiberene, curcumene, - and -turmerone.

Curcuminoids affect 5% of turmeric color
50–60% is a mixture of curcumin, monodesmethoxycurcumin and

Curcumin shows the activity of inhibiting the proliferation of various cancer cells
in vitro.
The mechanism is through the modulation of hydrocarbon receptors or the
decarboxylation activity of ornithine.
antioxidant activity of curcumin

Simplicia powder (root)

Dosage of use
450-3600 mg of curcumin for a week
750 mg tablets of curcumin 2 times a day
Preclinical Test

In vitro study of turmeric extract and curcumin as anticancer → inhibit the

proliferation of various cancer cells
In vivo study of curcumin → administration of 0.2-0.5% curcumin provides
preventive, curative and proapoptotic effects in colon, prostate, stomach and
skin cancers
Clinic test
Phase I and II clinical trials indicate curcumin can be tolerated up to a dose of 8000
mg a day. Can prevent colon cancer.

• Turmeric alcohol extract in various doses up to 3 g/kg BW, turmeric powder

2.5 g/kg or ethanol extract 300 mg/kg in rats, guinea pigs and monkeys did
not cause toxic signs.
• The LD50 value intraperitoneally in mice for alcohol extract was 3,980 g/kg
BW; water extract 0.430 g/kg BW; curcumin1.5 g/BB
• Not mutagenic and genotoxic up to a dose of 5 g/kg BW in rats
• Not teratogenic in rats for 12 weeks with turmeric administration
• 0.15% and curcumin 0.015 g
• NOAEL (No Observed Adverse Effect Level) curcumin 250-320 mg/kg.
1. Annona Muricatae Folium
2. Curcuma Zedoariae Rhizoma
3. Gynura Procumbens Folium
4. Myristicae Semen
5. Gynura Pseudochinae Folium
6. Phaleriae Macrocarpae Pericartum
7. Physalis Angulatae Folium
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