Creation of New States in India
Creation of New States in India
Creation of New States in India
, 2016 163
The demand for creation of new states fuelled, more often than
not, by linguistic and regional fanaticism, has once again
assumed a new urgency. The increasing demand for new states
raises a number of questions with regard to the well-being of
India’s federal democratic polity. This study is being conducted by
the researcher to investigate into the demands for the creation of
new states on linguistic basis in India and the Parliaments power
to do so. The basic objectives are to know on what basis the
Parliament creates new states, how Parliament deals with the
demand for new states on linguistic basis and the Parliaments
power to form new states. The questions that need to be asked
are: Does India really needs such reorganization? Can the
boundaries of Indian Union be redrawn piecemeal to satisfy the
aspirants of a particular region and others with a stronger case
are ignored? And, what will be the fallout of such reorganization
in other regions if the centre keeps on creating new states?
The Constitution of India is the supreme law of our country and
hence every law enacted by the government of India must conform
to it. We know that it came into effect on 26th January, 1950.
Our Constitution avows the ''Union of India'' to be a sovereign,
democratic republic, assuring its citizens of justice, equality, and
liberty and to promote among them all fraternity. In 1976,
by constitutional amendments, the words 'socialist', 'secular' and
'integrity' and 'Fraternity' were added. Our Constitution is the
longest written constitution of any sovereign country in the entire
world. It contains 395 (three hundred and ninety five) articles in
22 (twenty two) parts, 12 (twelve) schedules and 94 (ninety four)
amendments. There are totally 117,369 words in our constitution.
It was written in English. That too, it was also translated into
Hindi language officially. Amendments to the constitution can be
made by Parliament, yet the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India held
(though it is rather controversial) that not every constitutional
amendment is permissible. An amendment should respect the
Advocate, B.A.LL.B.(H).
5 Ref. by President of India under Article 143 (1), A.I.R. 1960 S.C. 845 (859):
(1960) 3 S.C.R.250 : (1960) S.C.J. 933.
6 Id.
7 Id.
His contention was that the said Act was passed in contravention
of the provisions of Art. 3 of the Constitution, since the
Legislature of Bombay had not been given an opportunity of
expressing its views on the formation of the composite State.
The High Court dismissed the petition.
The period within which the State Legislature must express its
views has to be specified by the President; but the President may
extend the period so specified. If, however, the period specified or
extended expires and no views of the State Legislature are
received, the second condition laid down in the proviso is fulfilled
in spite of the fact that the views of the State Legislature have not
been expressed.
12 Id.