Ensembles Notes

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Statistical mechanics handout 4

Explain the dif- Ensembles As discussed in handout three the atoms in any physical system
ference between can adopt any one of a large number of micorstates. For a quantum system
phase space and these microstates are the various quantum levels the system can be in, while
an ensemble. for a classical system these microstates are the various combinations of posi-
tions and velocities the atoms can have. Regardlessly, we refer to the set of
all these microstates as phase space. As discussed in the previous handout
statistical mechanics is concerned with calculating the probability of being in
any given microstate.
The microstates that any physical system can adopt will depend on the walls
that are placed around it. If the system is surrounded by walls that are im-
permeable to heat, work and matter then the system will be confined to a set
of microstates that all have the same energy, volume and temperature. If the
system has walls that can exchange heat but that are impermeable to work
and matter then the system will be confined to a set of microstates that all
have the same volume and temperature. However, as long as they satisfy the
constraints on the volume and number of atoms microstates with all possible
energies are permissible. We call the set of states that are accessible to a
system surrounded by walls the ensemble. Clearly, the set of microstates in
any given ensemble is a subset of the set of microstates in phase space.

Which extensive The microcanonical (N V E) ensemble In statistical mechanics when

variables are we develop models for isolated systems we use the microcanonical ensemble.
fixed in the Neither material, work nor heat can be exchanged with isolated systems so
microcanonical such systems have constant volume, constant number of atoms and constant
ensemble. internal energy. As such these system can only be in microstates that have
energy, E, volume, V and number of atoms N . In other words none of
Give a for- the extensive thermodynamic variables need to be calculated by averaging
mula for the and the only constraint when we perform our constrained optimisation is
partition func- the requirement of normalisation. Consequently, if there are Ω microstates
tion that have energy E, volume V and number of atoms N the microcanonical
partition function is given by:
What is the
probability Zmc (N, V, E) = Ω
of being in a
particular mi- Furthermore, the probability of being in a particular microstate is simply:
crostate 1
pi =
Zmc (N, V, E)
Explain the
connection as long as the microstate in question has energy E, volume V and number
between the of atoms N . The appropriate thermodynamic potential for this ensemble is
microcanon- the entropy, which can be calculated from the partition function using:
cial partition
function and a S(N, V, E) = kB ln Zmc (N, V, E)

To make the connection between classical thermodynamics and the statistical behaviour of atoms we
have to incorporate the effect of the walls surrounding the system. Walls fix the values of certain
extensive variables and will thus force the system to be in one of the microstates in a subset of phase
space (the ensemble). The microcanonical ensemble has fixed number of atoms, fixed volume and fixed
internal energy.

Which extensive The canonical (N V T ) ensemble In statistical mechanics when we de-
variables are velop models for closed systems that cannot do PV work we use the canonical
fixed in the ensemble. Neither material nor work can be exchanged with closed systems
canonical en- that cannot do PV work so such system have constant volume and constant
semble number atoms. The energy, however, has to be calculated as an ensemble
average. Inserting these requirements into the expression for dS that we
Give a for- derived on worksheet 3 we arrive at:
mula for the    
canonical parti- dS ∂E ∂E
= −λ(1) dN − λ(1) dV + λ(1) dhEi
tion function kB ∂N ∂V

Remembering that we can also calculate dS by combining the first and second
Give the proba-
laws of thermodynamics (see handout 2) we arrive at:
bility for being
in a particular P µ 1
microstate in dS = dV − dN + dE
the canonical
ensemble Equating coefficients of dE gives us:
Which is the λ(1) = =β
kB T
thermodynamic This quantity kB1T appears in many places in statistical mechanics so it is
potential to thus given the special symbol β. The canonical partition function is equal to:
use when con-
sidering the Zc (N, V, T ) = e−βEi
behaviour of i
the canonical
ensemble where the sum here runs over all microstates that have volume V and number
of atoms N . The probability of being in any microstate with volume V and
Describe two number of atoms N is:
ways in which e−βEi
pi =
one can cal- Zc (N, V, T )
culate the
By inserting the expression above into i pi and differentiating it with respect
ensemble av- to β it is possible to show that:
erage of the  
energy X ∂ ln Zc (N, V, T )
hEi = Ei p i = −
Explain how
the heat ca- and that:
∂ 2 ln Zc (N, V, T )
pacity can be h(E − hEi)2 i =
calculated ∂β 2
In addition, we can relate the logarithm of the canonical partition function to
the Helmholtz free energy using:

F (N, V, T ) = −kB T ln Zc (N, V, T )

Last but not least we can show that the constant volume heat capacity (a
response function) is related to the ensemble average of the fluctuations in
the internal energy via:
Cv = h(E − hEi)2 i
kB T 2

Closed systems are examined using the canonical ensemble in which the volume and number of atoms
are assumed fixed. The canonical partition function is connected to the Helmholtz free energy. The
internal energy is calculated as an ensemble average.

Which extensive The isothermal-isobaric (N P T ) ensemble In statistical mechanics
variables are when we develop models for closed systems that can do PV work we use
fixed in the the isothermal-isobaric ensemble. Material cannot be exchanged with closed
isothermal- systems so such systems have constant number atoms. The energy and vol-
isobaric ensem- ume, however, have to be calculated as ensemble averages. Inserting these
ble requirements into the expression for dS that we derived on worksheet 3 we
arrive at:
Give a for-     
mula for the dS ∂E ∂V
= − λ(1) + λ(2) dN + λ(1) dhEi + λ(2) dhV i
isothermal- kB ∂N ∂N
isobaric parti-
Remembering that we can also calculate dS by combining the first and second
tion function
laws of thermodynamics (see handout 2) we arrive at:
Give the proba- µ 1 P
bility for being dS = − dN + dE + dV
in a particular
microstate in Equating coefficients of dE and dV gives us:
the isothermal-
1 P
isobaric ensem- λ(1) = =β λ(2) = = βP
kB T kB T
The isothermal-isobaric partition function is equal to:
Which is the X
appropriate Zii (N, P, T ) = e−βEi e−βP Vi
thermodynamic i
potential to
use when con- where the sum here runs over all microstates that have number of atoms N .
sidering the The probability of being in any microstate with number of atoms N is:
behaviour of
e−βEi e−βP Vi
the isothermal- pi =
isobaric ensem- Zii (N, P, T )
ble P
By inserting the expression above into i pi and differentiating it with respect
to (βP ) it is possible to show that:
Describe two
ways in which
X ∂ ln Zii (N, P, T )
one can cal- hV i = Vi pi = −
∂(βV )
culate the
ensemble av- and that:
∂ 2 ln Zii (N, P, T )
erage of the
energy/volume h(V − hV i)2 i =
∂(βV )2
In addition, we can relate the logarithm of the isothermal-isobaric partition
Explain how
function to the Gibbs free energy using:
the isothermal
compress- G(N, P, T ) = −kB T ln Zii (N, P, T )
capacity can be Last but not least we can show that the isothermal compressibility (a response
calculated function) is related to the ensemble average of the fluctuations in the volume
1 1
κT = h(V − hV i)2 i
kB T hV i
Notice also that we can (still) also relate the ensemble average of the energy
to a derivative of the logarithm of the Zii (N, P, T ) with respect to β and
that as such the constant pressure heat capacity is related to the fluctuations
in the total energy for this ensemble.

Closed systems that can do PV work are examined using the isothermal-isobaric ensemble only the
number of atoms is assumed fixed.

Which extensive The grand canonical (µV T ) ensemble In statistical mechanics when we
variables are develop models for open systems that cannot do PV work we use the grand
fixed in the canonical ensemble. P V work cannot be exchanged with such systems so
grand canonical they have constant volume. The number of atoms and the energy, however,
ensemble have to be calculated as ensemble averages. Inserting these requirements into
the expression for dS that we derived on worksheet 3 we arrive at:
Give a for-     
mula for the dS (1) ∂E (2) ∂N
=− λ +λ dV + λ(1) dhEi + λ(2) dhN i
grand canonical kB ∂V ∂V
partition func-
tion Remembering that we can also calculate dS by combining the first and second
laws of thermodynamics (see handout 2) we arrive at:
Give the proba- P 1 µ
bility for being dS = dV + dE − dN
in a particu-
lar microstate Equating coefficients of dE and dN gives us:
in the grand
1 µ
canonical en- λ(1) = =β λ(2) = − = −βµ
semble kB T kB T
The grand canonical partition function is equal to:
Which is the
Zgc (µ, V, T ) = e−βEi eβµNi
thermodynamic i
potential to
use when con- where the sum here runs over all microstates that have volume V . The
sidering the probability of being in any microstate with volume V is:
behaviour of the
grand canonical e−βEi eβµNi
pi =
ensemble Zgc (µ, V, T )
By inserting the expression above into i pi and differentiating it with respect
Describe two
to (βµ) it is possible to show that:
ways in which
one can cal- X 
∂ ln Zgc (µ, V, T )

culate the hN i = Ni pi =
ensemble av- i
erage of the
and that:
energy/number ∂ 2 ln Zgc (µ, V, T )
of atoms h(N − hN i) i =
In addition, we can relate the logarithm of the grand canonical partition
function to the Grand potential using:

Ω = −kB T ln Zgc (µ, V, T )

Notice also that we can (still) also relate the ensemble average of the energy
to a derivative of the logarithm of the Zgc (µ, V, T ) with respect to β and that
as such we can calculate an unnamed heat capacity from the fluctuations in
the total energy for this ensemble.

Open systems can be examined using the grand-canonical ensemble in which only the volume is assumed
fixed. The number of atoms and energy are calculated by ensemble averaging.

How is the Relationships between ensembles We can derive formula that relate the
canonical par- partition functions in the various ensembles. For example, the microcanonical
tition function and canonical partition functions are related by:
connected to Z
the microcanon- Zc (N, V, T ) = Zmc (N, V, E)e−βE dE
ical partition
You can arrive at this formula by remembering that the microcanoncial par-
tition function Zmc (N, V, E) is just equal to the number of microstates with
How is the
number of atoms N , volume V and energy E. Each of these microstates
will make a contribution of e−βE to the sum in the canonical partition func-
isobaric parti-
tion and hence the total contribution of the Zmc (N, V, E) microstates will
tion function
be Zmc (N, V, E)e−βE . The integral can be thought of the continuous limit
connected to
of a summation and hence the formula above. A similar logic allows one to
the canonical
relate the canonical and isothermal isobaric partition functions using:
partition func-
Zii (N, P, T ) = Zc (N, V, T )e−βP V dV
Hos is the
grand canonical and the grand canonical and canonical by:
partition func- Z
tion connected Zgc (µ, V, T ) = Zc (N, V, T )eβµN dN
to the canon-
ical partition

What do we The thermodynamic limit We call the limit when the number of atoms
mean when we goes to infinity (N → ∞) the thermodynamic limit. In this limit fluctuations
talk about the around ensemble averages are zero and consequently all the ensembles are
term thermody- identical. The absence of any fluctuations means that classical thermody-
namic limit namics (especially Gibbs phase rule) is recovered in this limit.

Why is classical
recovered in this

Integrals allow us to connect the various partition functions. The thermodynamic limit is the limit as
N → ∞. In this limit all ensembles are identical and classical thermodynamics is recovered.

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