ID NO:PGR/28055/15
This statistical ensemble is highly appropriate for dealing
with a physical system which is completely isolated from
the outer system; in such an isolated system, there is no
exchange of particles and energies.
The probability density is called the micro canonical
distribution for this statistical ensemble and expressed
as : ρ(r)=C
in which r means a certain microscopic state, and C is a
constant. The above Equation means that all microscopic
states arise with the same probability.
If the total number of microscopic states is denoted
by W, the constant C is written as: C=1/W
Thus ρ(r) is expressed as:
ρ(r) =1/W
Probability of finding the energy state (P) is proportional to
finding the particular energy level (E). Therefore the
probability P is given by:
The partition function of the micro canonical ensemble
is a function of the extensive variables E, V,
and N given by:
Ω= Ω(E, V, N)
The entropy of micro canonical ensemble is:
S=kB logΩ
2. Canonical Ensemble
It is a statistical ensemble which is specified by the volume of
system V, number of particles N, and temperature T.
We will develop the method of canonical ensembles by
considering a system placed in a heat bath at temperature T.
The canonical ensemble is the assembly of systems with fixed N
and V. 8
In other words we will consider an assembly of systems closed
to others by rigid, diathermal, impermeable walls.
The energy of the microstates can fluctuate, the system is kept
in equilibrium by being in contact with the heat bath at
temperature T.
Schematically, we can view this ensemble as
State 1.....E1,V,N…..Bath T
State 2…..E2,V,N…..Bath T
State 3…..E3,V,N…..Bath T
State v….En, V, N….Bath T
The system for which the canonical ensemble is appropriate can be
thought of as a sub-system of the system for which the
microcanonical ensemble is appropriate.
Isolated system with E,V,N fixed. Basically what we do is
to examine one state and consider the rest to be in the heat
bath. Thus the macroscopic system is specified by T,V, and
N as illustrated.
Let the combined energy of the system and the heat bath
= E0
E1 ≤ E2 ≤ E3 ≤ ... ≤ Er ≤ ...
We’ll select δE so that we select one energy level but
several microstates.
Let the system be in a state with energy Er, the energy
of the reservoir (heat bath) is then E0 −Er.
What’s the probability that the system will be in a
microstate with energy Er? When we considered an
isolated system, we found the probability of it being in a
macrostate specified by (E,V,N,α) was proportional to
the multiplicity Ω(E,V,N,α). 11
The multiplicity of the heat bath is:
Ω(E0 −Er)
We have an isolated system with two sub-systems, labeling
the heat bath as system 2, we have:
Pr = Const Ω2(E0 −Er)
The ratio of probabilities for the states Ei, and Ej is
we can add them to give
S = k ln Ω, so S/k = ln Ω, and Ω = eS/K. Using this we write
pr = (constant) × exp
With a large reservoir, we can assume that E0 Er. If the heat
bath is large this inequality holds for all states with a
reasonable chance of occurring. Now we’ll expand in a
Taylor series about S2(E0). Recall
where T is the temperature of the heat bath. Thus, we have
Now using
Substituting and
We get:
3. Grand canonical ensemble
In microcanonical ensemble, each system
contains same energy as well as same number of
particles. Hence, the system dealt within this
ensemble is a closed isolated system.
With microcanonical ensemble, we can not deal
with the systems that are kept in contact with a
heat reservoir at a given temperature
In canonical ensemble, the condition of constant energy
is relaxed and the system is allowed to exchange energy
but not the particles with the system, i.e. those systems
which are not isolated but are in contact with a heat
This model could not be applied to those processes in
which number of particle varies, i.e. chemical process,
nuclear reactions (where particles are created and
destroyed) and quantum process.
So, for the method of ensemble to be applicable to such
processes where number of particles as well as energy of
the system changes, it is necessary to relax the condition
of fixed number of particles. 18
Such an ensemble where both the energy (E) as well as
number of particles(N) can be exchanged with the heat
reservoir is called Grand Canonical Ensemble.
In canonical ensemble T, V and N are independent
variables. Whereas, in grand canonical ensemble, the
system is described by its temperature (T),volume (V)
and chemical potential (μ).
Since, the system is not isolated, its microstates are not
equally probable. So, for this we have to first construct
an isolated system where we can apply the assumption of
equi-probable microstates and then to calculate the
probability of a microstate of an open system.
Let us consider a subsystem ‘s’ in contact with a heat
reservoir ‘r’ and the subsystem can exchange energy as
well as particles with the reservoir. Total energy of the
system is represented by microcanonical ensemble with
constant energy E and number of particles N.
If Es refer to the energy of subsystem, Ns refers to the
number of particles of subsystem; Er refers to the energy of
reservoir, Nr refer to the number of particles of reservoir
and Et is energy of total system and Nt is number of
particles of the total system then,
Et= Es + Er and Nt= Ns + Nr
To get the entropy of grand canonical ensemble, by
using the first law of thermodynamics. we have for a
reversible process
dE= TdS - PdV+μ dN ………………………..(1)
From (2) and (3), we get
…………… ..(4)
Now, probability of a microstate is given by:
Where and
where constant ‘α’can be determined by the normalization condition
then we have:
< A˃= Tr(ρA) 26
Here, the definition of the trace (Tr) is:
If the systems or objects under investigation are all in
one and the same state |ψ˃, we speak of a pure
ensemble, or else we say that the systems are in a pure
Along with the statistical character which is inherent to
quantum-mechanical systems, in addition a statistical
distribution of states can be present in an ensemble. If
an ensemble contains different states, we call it a mixed
ensemble, a mixture, or a mixed state. We assume that
the state |ψ1˃ occurs with the probability p1, the state |
ψi˃ with the probability pi, and so on. with:
The mean value or expectation value of A is then: