Midterm Reviewer in Ge8
Midterm Reviewer in Ge8
Midterm Reviewer in Ge8
TEMPORAL DILEMMA- Same process, different criteria SEQUENTIAL DILEMMAS- Different behaviors, different
applied at a different time times
- A special case of a classic dilemma occurs with an activity - Different behaviors which conflict with each other, but the
which is complex enough to be a work process or a project. most likely solution is to sequence. the dilemma eventually
Often there are criteria dominant in the early part of the becomes one of relative emphasis, timing and transitioning.
process that conflict with criteria that become dominant in a
1.Performance / \ Development
2.Work / \ Home the goals goes unaddressed; unfortunately, the negative
consequences of the imbalance will accumulate regardless.
1.Proportion of time to spend in each
2.Sequencing of the activities through transitioning
UNEQUAL DILEMMA- The dilemma is split across unequal
- Sometimes a person in authority will assert one side of a
dilemma. For example, the CEO announces that the company
will commit to high growth rates, severe cost cutting or
product innovation. And he she ignores the corresponding
position that Defines a dilemma:
1.High growth / \ Organization integrity
2.Fiscal stability through cost cutting / \ Preserving capability
3.Product innovation / \ Support for existing product lines
So, the executive celebrates the growth in business,
while employees are struggling with the shredding of work
processes, the burden of on boarding more and more staff, or
the deteriorating satisfaction of customers from the lower
quality of service. Because of the unequal status of the various
players, only side of the dilemma receives attention. They are
defined as pessimists or “not team players”. So, the tensions in
MORAL DILEMMA EXAMPLE: Would you cheat on a test? Why or why not?
MORAL DILEMMA- is defined as any situation in which the : stealing from the rich to feed the poor.”
person making the decision experiences a conflict between the
moral rightness of a decision and the quality of the results it
- Other times, moral dilemmas involve a decision in which the
person is forced to choose only one of two good things.
- A moral dilemma exists when available choices and
obligations do not allow for moral outcomes. In such instances,
a choice or an action is anticipated or required, and all of the
available alternatives violate some moral obligation.
EXAMPLE: You and your brother were abandoned by your
parents and suddenly your brother got sick and the only way
you could think of was to steal just to buy medicine
: You are hanging out with a friend who isn’t very popular.
You run into other friends who invite you to hang with them,
but they do not want your friend to come.
- A dilemma is a problem offering two possibilities, neither of
which is unambiguously acceptable or preferable. The
possibilities are termed the horns of the dilemma, a clichéd
usage, but distinguishing the dilemma from other kinds of
predicament as a matter of usage.
PERSONAL DILEMMA- These are situations in which an
individual has a choice to be made between two options, ETHICAL DECISION- Ethical Decision Making is a
neither of which resolves the situation in an ethically cognitive process where people consider ethical rules,
acceptable fashion. principles or guidelines when making decisions.
EXAMPLE: Let’s say you’re in a situation in which you can ETHICAL DILEMMA- Ethical Dilemma is a situation with
choose whether your son/daughter dies or the man who can uncertainty about what is right to do from a moral or ethical
cure cancer. If you had a choice to save your child, or the perspective.
person who can cure cancer, who would you choose?
EXAMPLE: The manager of a company may be put in a
ORGANIZATIONAL DILEMMA- Organizational ethics are position in which he must choose between the interests of his
the principals and standard by which businesses operate, employees and his investors. Give more profits or increase the
according to reference for business. They are best salary?
demonstrated through acts of fairness, compassion, integrity,
honor and responsibility.
1. Awareness of an ethical issue
SYSTEMATIC DILEMMA- The process of systematic
moral analysis is predicated on moral rule violations, which 2. Collate the evidences available regarding the issue.
results in harm to another person or persons.
3. Make assessment of alternative action
EXAMPLE: This refers to the conformity and compliance of
each member to the expected code of conduct to be manifested 4. Test your decision
in the agency or workplace. 5. Make an action and mull over the result
There are many ways to make decision, and the one below
is one of its way:
A. Awareness of an ethical issue - know the issue by heart
Is this issue ruin a relationship group and Which actions help the community more as a
individual? Are there good or bad choices in this whole, and not just some selected individuals in
issue? community? (The Common Good Approach)
Are this issue talks about legal or religious Which actions reveals the inner beauty or
matters? Are there alternative choices in this goodness in me? (The Virtue Approach)
issue? A. Test your decision
- Is my choice the best to act?
B. Collate the evidences available regarding the issue.
- If I do this action, how people will react?
What are your factual data in this issue? What is B. Make an action and mull over the result
the present situation of this issue? Do i have - Is the action appropriate or inappropriate?
- Is the action hurt other people? Is the action
enough knowledge on the issue?
affected the majority or minority in the
What is the important concern of this issue? what community?
is to prioritize and what is not? Why?
Do i have options in making decision on this
issue? What are these options? Are those people
involve on this issue had been consulted? Do I
have better choice to solve the problem?
C. Make assessment of alternative action by asking the
following questions:
Which actions will give the best and do the least
harm? (The Utilitarian Approach)
Which actions best respects the rights of other
people? (The Right Approach)
Which actions will give partial or impartial
judgement? (The Justice Approach)
THE SOURCES OF ETHICS AND 3 DIVISONS OF EXAMPLE: It is wrong to kill a person.
SOURCES OF ETHICS- Philosophers back then believed in
What is Normative Ethics?
Supreme Beings and to all types of doctrines that involves all
super natural beings that have a material and spiritual form, - Refers to standards that have norms, guides or rules on how
and these beliefs have been propagated by some institutional to conduct yourself in the society.
religions like the catholic religion to either give warning or
fear to the people back then or maybe super natural beings - It only focuses on moral studies and different standards of
have existed back then. morality which can help us identify what is good and bad.
- The examples of good people at home, society and in the EXAMPLE: Is it wrong to kill one person to save many lives?
community, because they believe in the “Political Power” of META- ETHICS VS. NORMATIVE ETHICS
leaders inside a community or government.
- The human behavior, intention and feelings because they
believe that this will affect the community towards society.
What is Meta- ethics?
- Meta (Beyond)- ethics is not concerned about the standards
nor the goodness or badness of an act, because it deals with the
study of ethics itself and it focuses on the nature of ethics and
it studies the essence of morality.
- It only focuses on the process, speculation and operation that APPLIED ETHICS
is involved only in ethics.
What is Applied-ethics? IMPERATIVE OF ETHICS
- It is a part of ethics that is applied to media and Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a
communication industry, business ethics is a part of applied right to do and what is right to do. - Potter Stewart
ETHICS- The word "ethics" is derived from the Greek word
- Applied ethics focuses on how can they apply ethics on ethos (character), and from the Latin word mores (customs).
various part of the industry. Together, they combine to define how individuals choose to
interact with one another. In philosophy, ethics defines what is
EXAMPLE: The issue of abortion can be seen as applied
good for the individual and for society and establishes the
ethical topic since it involves a specific type of controversial
nature of duties that people owe themselves and one another.
- Area of philosophy that studies free human acts, from the
point of view of their moral value (goodness or badness) in
What is ethics in our life? relation with the last end of man.
- Ethics is what guides us to tell the truth, keep our promises, IMPERATIVE OF ETHICS - The practice of ethical/moral
or help someone in need. There is a framework of ethics life implies imperatives or the "sine qua non" of ethics for
underlying our lives on a daily basis, helping us make without which, ethics would collapse. In her book Emerita
decisions that create positive impacts and guide us away from Quito (2008) has clearly expounded these imperatives.
unjust outcomes.
- Ethical Imperative is a belief or principle which is perceived
- Ethics can help us make moral decisions in order for us to as extremely morally necessary. This intensely-felt moral code
have a reasonable answer on many questions regarding our motivates a person to act accordingly. For instance, fidelity
problems in life. (loyalty/faithfulness) is an ethical imperative in marriage
which inspires husbands and wives to be true to their
marriage vows.
HUMAN FREEDOM- Freedom is an inherent human power EXAMPLE OF HUMAN FREEDOM
to act or not to act that makes them responsible for their
• The Code of Hammurabi in Babylonia (Iraq, c. 2000
BCE) was the first written legal code, established by
- Ethics in this sense will be irrelevant in the absence of human the king of Babylon. It vowed to "make justice reign in
freedom. Responsibility is an indispensable implication in the kingdom, to destroy the wicked and violent, to
human actions which would be meaningless unless humans are prevent the strong from oppressing the weak, ... to
free. enlighten the country and promote the good of the
Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human being.
With freedom comes responsibility. For the person who is • The African worldview ‘ubuntu' captures the essence
unwilling to grow up, the person who does not want to carry is of what it means to be human. Ubuntu emphasizes
own weight, this is a frightening prospect. - Eleanor Roosevelt respect for all members of the community, hospitality
and generosity. The Ubuntu notion is summed up in
- If humans are designed to only follow what they are
this: "A person is a person through other people".
destined obey, their actions then would not deserve any This notion has profound implications for human
rights. If we are human through others, then
reward or punishment. dehumanizing another also dehumanizes us – hence
- Justice is deserved only to humans who are free to choose the need to promote the rights of others, to give and
them course of action. Freedom always entails then right to receive forgiveness and to respect the human rights of
choose. others.
- Ethics, indeed, is the science of the morality of human actions UBUNTU- Is an ancient African word meaning 'humanity to
others'. It is often described as reminding us that 'I am what I
that imply responsibility on the part of the agent only if that am because of who we all are.
agent is free.
EXISTENCE OF GOD- God's presence is a salient factor that Well, it's so easy. You just have to go out in the street to
makes sense in the study of ethics. Without God's existence realize that God does not exist. Oh, tell me, if God existed,
that postulates human's belief, they (humans) find no reason to would there be so many sick people? Would there be
do good and avoid evil. abandoned children? If God existed, there would be neither
suffering nor pain. "I can't think of a God who permits all of
- When one talks about morality, it refers to the goodness or
these things.'
evilness of the acts which presupposed rectification. This
means that a good act deserves reward while evil punishment. The client stopped for a moment thinking but he didn't want to
Reward and punishment can be dispensed only by the Supreme respond so as to prevent an argument. The barber finished his
Being; God alone can give the final judge. job and the client went out of the shop.
- Nevertheless, the Supreme Being or God that Christians Just after he left the barbershop, he saw a man in the street
believe could for others is a law or a process where people in with a long hair and beard (it seems that it had been a long
the ancient cultures have arrived to dispense justice in their time since he had his cut and he looked so untidy).
own tradition.
Then the client again entered the barbershop and he said to the
EXISTENCE OF GOD barber: "know what? Barbers do not exist."
Scenario "How come they don't exist?" asked the barber. “Well I am
here and I am a barber."
A man went to a barbershop to have his hair and his beard cut
as always. He started to have a good conversation with the "No!" – the client exclaimed. "They don't exist because if
barber who attended him. They talked about so many things on they did there would be no people with long hair and beard
various subjects. like that man who walks in the street."
Suddenly, they touched the subject of God. The barber said, 'Ah, barbers do exist, what happens is that people do not
'Look man, I don't believe that God exists as you say so.' come to us.'
“Why do you say that?' Asked the client 'Exactly!’ Affirmed the client.
The only proof for the existence of God is that without God
you couldn't prove anything.- Cornelius Van Til
RESPECT(LITE)- is in play when being polite, considerate • Keep your promises, even if it takes extra effort.
and mindful of another person. It can also be demanded from
another as a mark of deference to their rank, seniority,
• Go back to a store and pay for something you forgot to 1. RESPECT FOR AUTHORIOTY- when you show
pay for. deference to someone who has the right to make decisions or
enforce rules, like police officers and teachers.
someone else's personal space, like when they're sleeping or
RESPECT- Respect is a deep-rooted, complex feeling that
can't be explained with words. It's a feeling that comes from 3. RESPECT FOR PERSONAL BOUNDARIES- when you
within, and it's hard to describe. It's something you feel when don't cross those boundaries too easily or too often, like when
someone does something nice for you. It's also something that you go into someone's room without permission or talk about
you have to earn not just because they did something nice, but personal things with people who aren't close rs or family.
because being kind to others means being kind to yourself. SYNONYMS OF RESPECT
You earn respect from your coworkers and 1. DEFERENCE- The definition of deference is politely
management when you do your job well, show up on time and giving in to another, or courteous respect. An example of
prepared, and are a team player. You also earn respect from deference is taking unwanted parenting advice from your
your coworkers when you're not just a "yes man," but rather mother-in-law.
someone who asks questions and provides constructive
feedback when needed. And finally, you earn respect from 2. OBEDIENCE- Submissive to the restraint or command of
those around you when they see you as a leader and someone authority, willing to obey an obedient child an obedient dog
who can help team succeed. obedient to those whom he feared.
WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENT KINDS OF RESPECT? 3. ATTENTION- Attention is defined as the act of
There are different kinds of respect: concentrating and keeping one's mind focused on something. A
Respect is a word that everyone uses, but it's not student seriously focusing on her teacher's lecture is an
always clear what it means. Here are some common types of example of someone in a state of attention. Notice or
respect: observation. Her smile caught my attention.
4. COURTESY- Is polite behavior and the showing of proper taking on responsibility for your actions (and the
manners or is a polite and socially proper act. An example of consequences).
courtesy is when you shake hands politely when you meet
someone and say please and thank you. An example of a
courtesy is the practice of saying thank you.
Respect is a serious business. It's the foundation of our
Respect means that you accept somebody for who they
relationships with other people, and it's what keeps us from
are, even when they're different from you or you don't agree
hurting each other. Respect can be hard to come by, but it's
worth fighting for and it's more important than ever in this day with them. Respect in your relationships builds feelings of
and age. trust, safety, and wellbeing. Respect doesn't have to come
We all know that respect is not something you can just naturally it is something you learn.
give away; it has to be earned. But how do we do that? By
understanding the different kinds of respect, how they're
earned, and how they relate to each other. 1. Conflict and restlessness in a web of relationship. Respect is
Respect is a two-way street. It's not just about what necessary when we communicate with others and to pacify
you do for others, but also about how you treat them. conflicts.
Respect starts with how we treat other people, because they are
the ones who will determine whether we get respect back in 2. It is necessary to feel safe and to express ourselves without
return. Respect also has to do with how we treat ourselves fear of being judged, humiliated or discriminated against.
because if we don't feel respected by ourselves, then no one
else is going to respect us either. 3. To increase our self-esteem, self-efficacy, mental health, and
So how do you earn respect? By being respectful of well-being.
others' time (and space), their feelings and opinions, and their
individuality. You can also earn respect by working hard or CYCLE OF RESPECT
7. Give rewards to your children whenever they are respectful
or congratulate them when they do good things to others, but
do it from the heart.
- These are the moral people who has the ability to know what - Theoretically, every person in the moral community has
is right from wrong. equal natural rights to moral protection.
AGENT: community of people who act morally or ethically. This could
be a meaning of the term, but it is not the meaning used here.
In ethics, one’s moral community consists of all those beings
that one holds in moral regard.
those agents expected to meet the demands of morality. Not all
agents are moral agents.
- Agents can obey moral laws such as ‘Murder is wrong’ or
‘Stealing is wrong’, then they are moral agents, even if they
MAN AS THE MORAL AGENT- A moral agent is a person
respond only to prudential reasons such as fear of punishment
who has the ability to discern right from wrong and to be held
and even if they are incapable of acting for the sake of moral
TAYLOR: “Culture is the complex whole which includes
knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs, and habits and
any capabilities acquired by man as a member of society”.
LINTON: “Culture is social heredity, which is transmitted THE MORAL AGENT AND CULTURE
from one generation to another with the accumulation of
individual experiences”. WHAT IS MORAL AGENT?
JOHN BEATTE: Culture is the way of life which is - A moral agent is any individual or group with the ability to
transmitted from generation to generation”. exercise moral agency. It is proposed that rational thought and
deliberation are required abilities for any agent. Moral agents
can thus distinguish between right and wrong and be held
accountable for the consequences of their actions.
- A moral agent is a being who is aware of the concepts of
right and wrong. A 7-year-old, for example, who bites her
younger brother and then lies about it to avoid punishment
is displaying moral agent characteristics. She knows what she
did is wrong.
- Moral agents should be aware of their actions, autonomous in
their choices, and able to tell the difference between right and
CULTURE- Moral judgements and behaviors are highly POPULAR CULTURE- it borrows the idea from high culture
culturally sensitive. Individuals with different cultural and popularizes it, making it available for the masses; a
backgrounds or levels of multicultural experience may have product of the media dominated world; it is a positive force for
vastly different understandings and constructions of the same it brings people of different backgrounds together in a common
moral issues. culture.
- Our culture influences how we work and play, as well as how MULTICULTURALISM- it is depicted to be very similar to
we perceive ourselves and others. It has an impact on our cultural diversity, other definitions align multiculturalism with
values, what we consider to be right and wrong. This is how different ethnic groups living alongside each other.
our society influences our choices. However, our choices can
GLOBAL CULTURE- A global culture is a key feature of
have an impact on others and ultimately help shape our society.
globalization, they emerged due to patterns of migration,
TYPES OF CULTURE trends in international travel and the spread of the media,
exposing people to the same images of the same dominant
HIGH CULTURE- is linked with the elite, upper class
world companies.
society, those families and individuals with an ascribed status
position. It is often associated with the arts such as opera, IMPORTANCE OF CULTURE
ballet and classical music, and sports. High culture maintains
its elite and exclusive position.
CULTURAL DIVERSITY- is a concept relating to culturally
embedded differences within society, it's the fact that different
cultures exist alongside each other.
SUBCULTURE- culture enjoyed by a small group within
society. In this sense it is a minority part of majority culture.
They have distinct norms and values which make them sub-
section of society.
is how an individual's culture affects the way he or she's
seen the world. Since culture informs all areas of life
(including the arts, thought, religion, language, food, etc.),
perception (how they see the world) is significantly
impacted by culture.
As culture includes all the things individuals learn
while growing up among particular group: attitudes, standards
of morality, language, notions about the proper way to live,
ideas about how the world works, and so forth, it is without
doubt that culture has role in the development of man’s moral
behaviour. Eastern,Western, and Filipino cultures provide