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Website: http://journal.uinsgd.ac.id/index.php/tadris-kimiya/index
ISSN 2527-9637 (online) ISSN 2527-6816 (print)
Semarang, Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka No. 3-5, Semarang, 50183, Indonesia
*E-mail: suhada.speed3@gmail.com
The Indonesian children's literacy is still relatively low, and it has become a severe problem that the
government, teachers, parents, and librarians should face. The data shows that only 10% of Indonesian children
like to read a book, while most chemistry material is written in textbooks. This study aims to produce digital
comics with chemical bonding material, determine comics' feasibility, and respond to readers. The research
method develops the Borg and Gall model with seven stages of development without compromising the
essence of the model. Meanwhile, data collection techniques are interviews, validation, and questionnaires
using a Likert scale. The media and material validator has validated the product developed in this study. As a
result, the media aspect has an overall score of 48 or 100%; the score belongs to the very decent criteria. The
material aspect has got a score of 26 or 93% from the basic chemistry lecturers; Also, the chemistry teachers
give 100%. In addition, the digital comic readers have an extensive test. Conversely, 48 respondents have been
assessed with an overall score of 2753 or 90%. Hence, this percentage value relates to the very feasible
category. Thus, the characteristics of this digital comic have fulfilled the material, media, language, and visual
aspects; since it is included in the worthy category as an independent learning medium without replacing the
role of educators.
Keywords: borg and gall, chemical association, digital comics, learning media
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15575/jtk.v7i1.17426
understanding chemical concepts is due to the Media is a tool for channeling information that
abstract concept of chemistry. connects the source of information with the
recipient. In this sense, learning media is
One example of material in abstract chemistry defined as a communication facility that can
lessons is chemical bonds. Chemical bonding clarify the meaning of communicators and
materials are grouped into four sub-materials: communicants (Nur'aini, 2005). In general, the
ionic, covalent, metallic, and intermolecular media is a tool in the learning process. Learning
(Vrabec & Prokša, 2016). Therefore, this aids must support students to learn quickly and
material explains how the atoms in a efficiently; even if needed, students can learn
compound form bonds with each other or with independently (Nurrita, 2018). On the other
other atoms that are abstract. Furthermore, side, good learning is active learning, so that
students lose interest in learning and learning media has advantages, and it can
understanding the concepts of this material. increase student participation (Sardiman,
2010). The active involvement of students will
In science, especially chemistry, students are encourage the formation of students’ learning
required to read so that the learning objectives motivation. High learning motivation will have
can be adequately achieved. According to a very positive effect on the cognitive activity
Tiemensma (2009), reading is a component in of students, so it is hoped that student learning
the 21st century to survive the global economic outcomes will be even better.
competition. Therefore, the teachers, parents,
and librarians face a considerable challenge in Furthermore, a Learning media development
creating this reading habit. Meanwhile, the by varying the writing into the form of color
Indonesian' literacy culture is low, and it is images and using a daily life story approach is
estimated that only 10% of Indonesian children one way to convey learning material excitingly
belong to the reading group (Sugiharti, 1997). (Rahmawati et al., 2017). This development can
Thus, this case presents because some also be collaborated by utilizing the
Indonesian children have just reached the level development of information and
of liking to see or hear, not yet reaching the communication technology supported by
hobby of reading (Sugihartati, 2018). internet facilities that make it easier for people
to interact and exchange information and
In addition, reading is a process of interaction messages. Moreover, this evaluation can make
between language and thought (Trianto, 2009). it easier for students to access and understand
Most science, especially chemistry, is contained chemistry concepts, especially chemical
in written form or textbooks, which are the bonding material.
dominant instructional media in learning
activities (Ulumudin et al., 2017). Moreover, the The development of the media is in the form of
complexity and abstraction of the material in digital comics. Webtoons or webcomics are
chemistry make students less interested in comics that are distributed over the internet.
learning chemistry (Gabel, 1999). Meantime, Masdiono (2014) explains that comics are a
students will get interest in reading when they form of a cartoon that plays a story using
find something interesting and give its characters that aim to entertain the reader.
meaning (Hurlock, 1980). On the other hand, Comics have a unique attraction for readers,
Sugihartati (2018) explains that one type of which will entertain readers with humor that
reading that is in demand by urban youth is spurs them to think creatively and not boringly
popular fiction novels and graphic comics; so, so that they can be developed in such a way as
the use of learning media that vary writing with a learning medium that does not escape
pictures can be a solution to grow the evaluation and supervision (Hadi & Dwijananti,
attractiveness of students in reading activities. 2015).
In other words, media can engage students’
interest to learn some materials. On the other hand, conventional comics
entered Indonesia in 1931; the comics were
published in the Sin Po newspaper, a
newspaper originating from China. Meanwhile, science education and communication. In other
this comic had published in Malay with the title words, comics can make students think about
"Put On" (Bonneff, 1998). In 2010, conventional science with a different approach, where this
comics began to be abandoned and changed media can introduce scientific problems
to digital comics. This development of comics visually entertainingly with image appeal (Di
can be seen in the number of digital comics Raddo, 2006). In this way, chemistry becomes
created by the nation's children on social more interesting than memorizing, and
media platforms. Furthermore, digital comic students can take exams successfully and
reading applications such as LINE Webtoon, express new ideas in problem-solving through
Manga Toon, Comic Rack Free, and other free the knowledge gained (Arroio, 2011). Based on
comic reading applications that can be these problems, the learning media Petuah
accessed via Android appeared in 2014. LINE Kimia (digital comic material on chemical
Webtoon is a digital comic platform that bonds) was developed, which can be used by
provides accessibility and convenience for all groups.
readers and opportunities for creators to work.
In addition, Indonesia became the country with 2. Research Method
the most digital comic readers compared to
other countries, with 6 million active readers This development is carried out from June 3,
(Anggraeni et al., 2020). 2021, to October 29, 2021. The research
method used is the research and development
The development of comics media as learning (RnD) method with the Borg and Gall
media can also erase the bad image attached development model. The Borg and Gall
to comics. According to Locke (2005), comics development model consists of ten stages of
are often underestimated as a medium and an development: Research and Information
art form. In the Anglo-Saxon world, comics are Collecting, Planning, Develop Preliminary Form
not part of culture, art, or literature. This of Product, Preliminary Field Testing, Main
problem has become the popular of comics, Product Revision, Main Field Testing,
not because they are noble and have the Operational Product Revision, Operational
strangest fantasy genre by involving crazy, Field Testing, Final Product Revision, and
absurd characters that are only suitable for Dissemination and Implementation. Besides,
children and adults who are developmentally the researchers only took seven stages to
disabled (Locke, 2005). In addition, several simplify and shorten the product design. In
studies found that young people enjoy reading addition, the researchers also adjust the
comics and animation, and these media offer process to development needs. Therefore, the
scientific views and stereotypes that deviate development begins with three design
from scientists. However, not a few fictional development schemes: (1) The product
comics contain accurate and factual references development, is a conversion of story scripts
to scientific ideas. For example, the Donald into illustrated stories, and it consists of: (a)
Duck comics and Marvel Classic Comics contain Storyboard, the researchers were designing a
various principles, processes, and chemical systematic outline of comic book illustrations
equations, which are valid. Although its for story panels; (b) Penciller/Inker, the
effectiveness as a medium is not known how illustrations contained in the storyboard are
much success, comic media can help students made in detail; (c) Colorist and Screen, tone
remember concepts (Tatalovic, 2009). giving color and background attracts attention
and creates an aesthetic impression for comic
Therefore, this research uses comics to make readers; (d) Letterer, giving balloons and
fun learning tools. Besides, comics are an dialogues; (e) Designing a comic outline,
entertaintment media that can engage starting from the main menu, learning
students' interest in learning chemistry. objectives and indicators, character
Tatalovic (2009) said that comics are a popular introduction, materials, and bibliography; (f)
art form, especially among children and adults; Layouting, compiling and arranging images; (g)
thus, comics can provide potential media for Publication, publishing comics into the
selected application; in this case, the author method, namely the medium bias or trend
uses the Webtoon application. (2) Validation Of error.
the Expert Team. (3) Schematic Design
Improvement. The percentage of assessment scores from
experts/validators is calculated using the
Data analysis techniques are used in the form formula below:
of qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative was ∑𝑠
used to manage data in the form of comments %𝑋𝑖𝑛 = × 100%
and suggestions from validators listed in the 𝑠 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑠
validation sheet, while quantitative was used to Description:
manage Likert scale percentage data into a %Xin = Percentage of score answers to the i-
measurement scale. The data is stated in a question research instrument.
statement accompanied by four responses that ∑s = Total answer scores
determine the standard level of learning media. s maks = Maximum Score
Meanwhile, the data collection methods in this (Sudjana, 2005).
study consisted of: (1) Interviews, interviews
were conducted in unstructured or open The calculation of the average percentage of
interviews. The instrument is used in the form product assessment results is converted into an
of interviews to determine the outline of the assessment statement to see the quality and
problem. It aims to determine the benefits of the product sourced from the
characteristics and difficulties of students in assessment of digital comic readers. The
learning chemistry as an analysis of the needs assessment of the learning media product of
of chemistry learning media. Furthermore, this Petuah Kimia (chemical bond digital comics) is
way was used to identify the students' completed when a score is obtained, which
cognitive, psychomotor, and affective indicates that the product has occupied the
characteristics. (2) Questionnaire, This research eligibility rules with the level of the technical
used a questionnaire instrument with a Likert quality of the media and the suitability of the
scale. Besides, the form of a checklist (√) learning media in the very feasible or
belonged to a scale of 4. The purpose of using appropriate category.
a questionnaire: (a) Questionnaire for media
and material validators, testing the feasibility of 3. Result and Discussion
the product in terms of material and media, (b)
Questionnaire of readers to find out the The research and development stages of the
response or responses of readers in the form of Borg and Gall model carried out in this study
comments and product suggestions developed include the preliminary study, planning,
as improvement materials, as well as to test the schema design, limited-scale testing, product
practicality of the product. It is intended that improvement, broad-scale testing, and product
the learning media developed are genuinely improvement improvements that have been
valid and follow the needs of students. tested. From the results of the research at each
Although the learning media developed was stage, the following results are obtained:
declared feasible by the validator, if the student
response was negative, it was necessary to 3.1. Previous Studies
make improvements. (3) Documentation, is In the preliminary study stage (Research and
used to add information/evidence to this study. Information Collection), there are two research
In this study, the scale measurement level with stages: (a) Literature study to collect
neutral answers was not used so that information about problems that arise in the
respondents could determine their opinions chemistry learning process. The data obtained
and attitudes regarding the statements that the becomes a guide for researchers to analyze the
researchers had proposed in the questionnaire/ needs of learning activities and develop the
questionnaire. This way is used to reduce errors concept of learning media, and (b) Field
in data management using the Likert scale observations were conducted on students of
the 2019/2020 Chemistry Education study
(a) (b)
Figure 1. (a) Front Cover Before Revision; (b)
Front Cover After Revision.
Figure 3. Changes in Material Aspects: (a)
Before Revision (b) After Revision.
The trial results of research and development students, teachers, and the general public.
of the digital comics on chemical bonds However, the researcher also got several
indicate that the product is very suitable as a suggestions, such as not showing the
learning medium that provides visualization of uniqueness or identity of the archipelago,
chemical bonding material to students using good Indonesian language to make it
without replacing the role of educators. On the easier for readers from eastern Indonesia to
other hand, the strength of this media lies in enjoy this comic, as well as extending comic
narration, images, and the use of episodes, or making a sequel to the comic that
complementary colors, where comic art was developed. These suggestions are input
becomes a medium to convey complex for researchers to develop better chemistry
information more straightforwardly and comic-based learning media in the future.
enjoyably. This finding is in line with Lova et al.
research (2013), comic media featuring 4. Conclusion
illustrations attract attention, and using
complex colors can build students' motivation The learning media of Petuah Kimia (digital
to study harder. Furthermore, comics as comic material on chemical bonds) is
learning media can also increase students' produced and published through the webtoon
reading motivation. In addition, the comic digital comic platform with the scientific
illustrations create a sense of pleasure, so the fantasy genre. This comic was developed
students' interest in reading the learning through the Borg and Gall model, consisting
material increased by 90% (Herawati et al., of seven stages: Research and Information
2014). Collecting, Planning, Develop Preliminary
Form of the Product, Preliminary Field Testing,
Added by Malviya & Verma (2010), digital Main Product Revision, Main Field Testing, and
reading has improved students' reading Operational Product Revision. In addition, the
interest because of the development of material on chemical bonds includes the types
technology and the maturation of the world of of chemical bonds, such as ionic, covalent, and
education into the digital era. Moreover, this metallic bonds, as well as the octet and duplet
digital reading trend also occurs in comic rules, Lewis structures, and formal charges.
reading activities. Furthermore, developing This comic is categorized as feasible to be a
comic learning media into digital form makes learning media based on assessing media and
learning media more practical. In addition, the material expert validators. This learning media
researcher has evidence that is found by doing has a percentage of the feasibility value of
a researcher's practicality test of readers 100% in the media aspect and 93% in the
obtained a score of 2753 out of 3072 with a material aspect. Meanwhile, the learning
percentage of 90%. Besides, Purnama et al. media for digital comics on chemical bonds
(2015) stated that comics media in digital was developed online to disseminate learning
form, either through applications or websites, media products more open and sustainable.
are more preferred than comic media in print. Besides, this system is supported by the
Even less, digital comics are more practical and comment column provided by the Webtoon
easier to carry anywhere. application for each story episode; Also, the
readers can provide input to creators
3.7. Product Evaluation of Extensive
regarding published comics.
The last stage of this digital comic learning
media development is revising the results of
the comprehensive practicality test
(Operational Product Revision). Meanwhile,
the readers come from students, chemistry
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