Force On Force Deluxe 050409
Force On Force Deluxe 050409
Force On Force Deluxe 050409
Publication History:
Publication Version Copyright Date
Force on Force 1.1.3 June 3rd, 2008
Last Revised: March 4, 2009
Force on Force © 2009 Ambush Alley Games.
Each scenario card will describe how many, if any, Asset Players may declare that units (including vehicles and guns)
cards are drawn by each side. Some scenarios may assign placed in buildings, woods, behind walls, etc. are Hidden
specific Asset Cards to one or both forces. The Asset cards at the beginning of the game unless the scenario dictates
themselves describe their effects and how they are deployed otherwise.
in the game. If Hot Spots (see below) are used in the scenario, place them
at this time.
The scenario will indicate how many units each side will ARRIVAL OF REINFORCEMENTS
receive, what their composition will be, and where they’ll be Some scenarios will indicate that one or both sides may be
placed on the table. The scenario will also indicate which reinforced during the course of the game. Reinforcements
side sets their units up first. will arrive under the circumstances and at the location the
Normally, all units will be set up on the table at the beginning scenario indicates.
of play, but some scenarios will call for units to be held off Reinforcement units always arrive at the beginning of the turn,
the table for later deployment. unless they arrive as the result of a Fog of War card, in which
case they arrive when and where the card indicates.
Some reinforcements may arrive at Hot Spots, as described
Some scenarios require the use of “Hot Spots” to randomize
the entry points for reinforcements. Unless the scenario
dictates a different method, Hot Spots are placed as follows:
At the beginning of the game, place five (5) Hot Spot counters
on the table. No Hot Spot may be placed within 6" of another.
Each Hot Spot should be labeled with a number from 1 to 5.
To determine which Hot Spot a reinforcement unit arrives from,
roll 1d6. A roll of 1 through 5 indicates which numbered Hot
Spot the unit arrives at. A roll of 6 allows the player to pick
which Hot Spot he wishes hiss units to arrive at. Units may
be placed anywhere within 4 of the hotspot they arrive at.
They may arrive Hidden.
Some scenarios will specify Hot Spot locations while others
will leave their placement entirely to the player’s discretion.
Some scenarios may use board edges and forego the use of
Hot Spots all together.
The quality and quantity of a unit’s supplies has a large
impact on its performance on the battlefield. Units with
limited ammunition will be miserly with their fire, possibly
to their detriment, while those that have been subsisting on
sub-standard or spoiled rations are certainly not at their most
combat effective.
Units may merge to form a larger unit if one of the merging
units has been reduced to half strength or less.
To merge, units must move within unit cohesion (explained
later), at the beginning of the next turn, they are considered
a single unit.
Merging units are not required to have the same Troop Quality
or Morale. Units with different Troop Quality and Morale
ratings are referred to as “Mixed Units.”
Irregular units may not merge with Regulars, although Regular
Leaders may attach themselves to an Irregular unit and act
as its leader and a Regular unit may become an Irregular
unit’s Control unit. See the rules for Mixed Force Games.
Troops of different Troop Quality or Morale may be thrown
There are three levels of supply quality: Poorly Supplied, together into a single unit. This usually occurs when two
Normally Supplied, or Well Supplied. The effects of each are units who have been reduced to rumps by casualties and
described below: must merge to form a new unit.
Poorly Supplied: Poorly Supplied units have limited ammu- If troops of different Troop Quality, Morale, Confidence, or
nition, poor rations, a shortage of water, or any number of Supply Quality combine to form a single unit, the following
other logistical shortcomings that might adversely affect their rules apply:
combat effectiveness. In game terms, Poorly Supplied units
lose a die of Firepower. MIXED UNIT MORALE
If a mixed unit has members with different Morale rating, its
Normally Supplied: Normally Supplied units suffer no disad- overall Morale is set by whichever of the following factors
vantages and gain no advantages over other units. that most closely applies to it:
Well Supplied: Well Supplied units have pouches full of • If the mixed unit has a leader, it uses the leader’s Morale
ammunition and bellies full of decent rations. They have all for all checks. If there is more than one leader in the
the “beans, bullets, and bandages” they need to take it to the unit, use the highest leader Morale rating for the unit.
enemy in style. In game terms, Well Supplied units gain a die
of Firepower. • If the unit doesn’t have a leader, the unit has
the morale of the majority of its members.
Some scenarios will indicate the supply quality of one or both
sides – if supply quality isn’t defined by a scenario, then all • If the unit doesn’t have a leader and there are an
units default to Normally Supplied. equal number of troops with different morale in the
unit, it uses the least of all morale values in the unit.
Line of Sight (LOS) If half or more of the firing unit can see the target unit, it may
All infantry units have a 360 degree line of sight. Figure facing fire. If less than half the target unit is visible to the firing unit,
is irrelevant. it cannot be fired upon.
There is no “maximum visual range” unless a scenario or Fog Example: Six Iraqi soldiers are moving around a building.
of War card states otherwise. The boards on which the game Two come into LOS of a unit of US soldiers. Since the
is played are small enough that figures can see (and, indeed, Americans cannot see half or more of the Iraqi unit, they
fire) from one side to the other. cannot react to it. On the other hand, since less than
half the Iraqis can see the Americans, they cannot fire
LOS can be blocked by terrain features, such as buildings, at them, either.
high walls, deep trenches, etc.
When we look at the example above, it may at first seem
LOS is not determined on a per figure basis. LOS is traced odd to say that the Regulars can see two out of six figures
from the rough center of the firing unit to the rough center of in an Irregular unit but cannot shoot at the unit (or at the two
the target unit. exposed individuals, for that matter), but it is our intention
to represent a fluid combat situation. Models on the table
delineate the area controlled by a unit, but do not specifically
represent the static location of individuals. Figure placement
simply indicates that the unit is exhibiting some control of the
area they are placed in.
When you embrace this idea, you’ll discover it opens a wide
array of tactical options and provides a far faster, smoother
game than those that depend on checking line of sight for
individual figures.
If an Aggressor unit wins a Reaction Test when a Defender • Reaction tests are made and Defensive Actions are
Unit reacts to its activation with a Defensive Move, it may resolved starting with the Defensive unit nearest to the
fire first in a round of fire with the Defender unit before it Aggressor unit being activated and working outward. Do
can move. If the Defender unit survives and a Morale result not resolve the Defensive Action/Aggressor Reactions
doesn’t preclude it, the unit may complete its movement. at this time, but note which units the Aggressor
passed its Reaction Test against and which it didn’t.
Once all fire combat is resolved, the Aggressor unit may
finish its movement and/or fire if appropriate. • Once all Reaction Tests have been rolled, resolve
successful Defensive Actions first. Start with the unit
Overwatch units may react to a unit’s Defensive Movement. nearest to the Aggressor and work outward, resolving
If the Overwatch unit wins the Reaction test, resolve the each Defensive Action/Aggressor Reaction in turn.
round of Overwatch fire as normal (Overwatch units fires
first, then Defender unit fires). If the Overwatch unit fails its • Now resolve all Defensive Action/Aggressor Reactions
Reaction test and still has line of sight to the Defender unit, to units against whom the Aggressors passed
the Overwatch unit will still fire first. their Reaction Test. Start with the unit nearest
to the Aggressor, then the next furthest, etc.
Defenders and Aggressors roll one less Firepower die for
each Defensive Action or Aggressor Reaction after the first. • Once all Defensive Action/Aggressor Reactions have
been resolved, the Aggressor unit may complete
Resolving Chains of Defensive Actions its activation. Remember that units lose 1 die of
The Defensive Action/Aggressor Reaction process is pretty Firepower and 1" of Movement for each Defensive
straightforward between a single Aggressor and Defender Action or Aggressor Reaction after the first!
Now Fire between Red and Unit B is resolved. Red won the
Reaction test with Unit B and will fire first.
Red is now firing with 4 figures + a Lt. MG for a firepower of
5. This is Red’s third reaction, however, so it suffers a -2 dice
Successful Aggressor
Reaction test Defender roll Aggressor’s
interruption. Morale
Result? ≥4 & >aggressor reaction
Resolve fire Check
react first
Complete move
Aggressor fire Defender Morale Defender And/Or
on defender Check interruption fire Complete Fire
-1 FP dice/interruption
Reaction Tests and Fog of War draws a Fog of War card and the card is read. The card’s
Reaction Tests also serve as triggers for Fog of War events. effects are read and put into effect immediately, unless the
If either player rolls a “1” on their Troop Quality die while card indicates that it can be saved and played at a later time.
making a Reaction Test, a Fog of War card is drawn and the
effects are applied. Optional Fog of War
If you’d like to see more Fog of War effects in your games,
Example: An Aggressor unit of Veteran Quality rolls a D10 to try this alternative rule: At the beginning of each turn make
react to a unit of Defenders who are about to fire on them. a Quality Check for the highest Quality unit in the Aggressor
The die comes up with a score of 1. The Aggressor player force. If the Quality Check fails draw a Fog of War Card!
Take into account the fact that a stand of trees used on the We recommend that units be placed on top of a building
gaming table might represent an orchard one week and to indicate they occupy it. We also recommend that the
impassable tangle the next, and the abstract approach we’ve number of figures that will fit atop a building be used as a
described above makes even more sense! rule of thumb for how many figures may usefully occupy it.
Common sense must prevail for buildings that are three or
All of this is not meant to imply that terrain has no effect four stories tall, of course.
other than giving us something pretty to look at while playing
a game. It simply means that we prefer to let the scenario Figures within a building may move from one story to another
dictate the true nature of a terrain feature rather than be at will without expending movement to do so.
limited by a one-size-fits-all rule or mechanic. Units that move into a building may immediately set up a
The following sections describe some commons sense defensive position based on the 2" unit cohesion for units in
effects for the most common types of terrain – these effects a defensible position.
may be modified or negated by scenario notes, however, and Units may only use Cautious Movement on turns in which
are only meant as guidelines. they move through, into, or out of a building.
Both infantry and vehicles may only use Cautious Movement/ Average Woods are passable by vehicles, but they may only
Patrol Speed on a turn in which they cross a water obstacle. move at Patrol Speed. Infantry movement is not hindered by
Average Woods. Average Woods block LOS past 4 from their
Vehicles that are capable of swimming may cross water obstacles edge. Visibility within an Average Wood is also limited to 4”.
that do not have fords, but must start their turn at the edge of the Infantry inside an Average wood may claim the benefit of Solid
obstacle and may only use Patrol speed for the turn. Cover.
Infantry units that are trained to cross water obstacles by Light Woods are little more than decorative clumps of trees
swimming (such units are identified by the scenario) may and thin underbrush. They do not block LOS or impede infantry
cross in the same manner as vehicles above. Additionally, or vehicle movement. Light Woods provide no special cover
they must pass a Troop Quality Test to cross the obstacle benefits.
without incident. If the unit fails their Troop Quality test, it
suffers a 4D8 attack and may claim no Defense modifiers (no ARTILLERY AND WOODS
cover, body armor, etc.). Casualties are determined on the Artillery fire into wooded areas adds a storm of wooden splinters
opposite shore of the water obstacle. Fatalities are assumed to the usual hail of shrapnel. Artillery salvos striking units in
to have drowned while seriously wounded figures sustained Average or Dense Woods receive a bonus Firepower die.
some sort of injury in the crossing.
Low Troop Quality units may be using “better” weapons than When both units have fired, the round of fire is complete.
a higher Troop Quality unit, but it’s doubtful that the differ-
ences in weapon performance will make up for the disparity RESOLVING FIRE COMBAT
in training and experience. On the other hand, high Troop To resolve Fire Combat, both units involved determine how
Quality units are familiar with their weapons and know how many dice they have in Firepower and Defense. Each unit rolls
to take advantage of their strengths and compensate for their the appropriate number of Troop Quality dice and discards
weaknesses. any dice with a score lower than the target number (4+).
The defender matches his Defense dice to the attacker’s
Firepower dice, attempting to equal or exceed the score on
each dice. Any die which the unit being fired on cannot equal
or exceed cause a casualty.
A unit’s basic Defense is equal to the number of figures in the
unit or the number of Firepower dice with which it is being
attacked, whichever is less. Extra Defense dice for armor or
cover are then added to the basic Defense to determine the
unit’s final defense value. The type of die thrown is deter-
mined by the unit’s Troop Quality.
A unit’s Defense can never be reduced to zero. No matter
what negative factors apply, a unit will always have at least
one Defense die.
Example: A unit of 8 German soldiers is being fired on by
a Bren team with a Firepower of 5d. The unit being fired
on is moving on the other side of a brick wall and can
claim Solid Cover. Since the unit is being attacked with a
Firepower of 5d, its basic defense is 5d rather than 8d. It
can claim Solid Cover, though, which bumps its defense
to 6d. The Germans have a Troop Quality of Trained, so
their final Defense total in this situation is 6d8.
Optimum Range should not be confused with “effective Example 2: The same fireteam described above is firing
range,” which is a term with a very specific meaning. It is the at an enemy unit that is 14” away. If the entire unit fires
distance at which a weapon may be expected to fire accu- at the distant enemy, the Fireteam does not receive
rately enough to inflict damage or casualties. The effective the Optimum Range bonus (14” is beyond the rifles’
range for most weapons used in the game will be many times Optimum Range). If the fireteam decides to split their
the width of even the largest tables. fire, firing the SAW and grenade launcher at the enemy
unit 14” away, that portion of their fire would receive the
Our term, Optimum Range, refers to the distance on the Optimum Range bonus die.
tabletop at which the average soldier of a given Troop Quality
Flamethrowers may only be fielded by units with a Troop FLAMETHROWERS AND BUILDINGS
Quality of Trained or higher. Flamethrowers are Intimidating Flamethrower attacks against infantry in buildings have a
Weapons. chance to ignite the building. Non fortified and lightly fortified
buildings catch fire on a d6 roll of 4 or higher. Medium and
Flamethrower attacks are resolved separately from any other heavily fortified buildings are flame resistant and will not
attacks made by the unit to which they are attached – in other ignite.
words, the flamethrower’s Firepower dice are not pooled with
its unit’s small arms or support Firepower dice. Infantry units must evacuate a burning building on their next
activation. Treat the burning building as inaccessible for the
Flamethrowers ignore all Cover and Armor dice. A unit attacked rest of the game.
by a flamethrower may only use its basic Defense. Any unit
attacked by a flamethrower must make a Morale check whether FLAMETHROWERS AND AFVS
the attack causes casualties or not. If the unit fails its Morale Flamethrowers may attack tanks and other AFVs, but with
check, it automatically suffers a Pull Back result. a reduced Firepower. Flamethrowers lose one Firepower die
when used against vehicles. Resolve the attack as any other
Casualties caused by flamethrowers are usually fatalities. anti-vehicle attack, but roll to see if the vehicle catches fire
Instead of the regular First Aid check for flamethrower casu- whether the attack damages it or not. On a d6 roll of 1, the
alties, roll a D6. On a roll of 6 the casualty is only singed vehicle is ignited and its crew must make a Troop Quality
and breathless and may return to combat. All other results check to douse the flames. If they fail, they must Bail Out and
indicate a fatality. the vehicle is considered to be destroyed.
Units with flamethrowers attached must make a Morale check
every time they are fired at, whether they take a casualty or
Suppression reduces a weapon’s report and muzzle flash.
Detection Modifiers
Suppressed weapons are normally used by Stealthy units, for Hidden Units
including sniper teams. Only small arms may be silenced, (Modifiers are Cumulative)
including pistols, assault rifles, and sniper rifles. Support
-1 if Detecting Unit Moved Rapidly this turn
weapons may not be silenced.
-1 if Detecting Unit is a Buttoned Up AFV
Since most suppressed weapons use a subsonic round and/
or a heavy suppressor on the end of the barrel, their stopping -1 if Hidden Unit is a Stealthy Unit
power and accuracy are often decreased. Units equipped -1 if Hidden Unit’s Position is
with suppressed weapons lose one Firepower die. Camouflaged (Dictated by Scenario)
A stealthy unit using suppressed fire must be spotted before +1 if Detecting Unit is a Stealthy Unit
it can be engaged with fire – even Reaction fire - and it can
+1 if Hidden Unit is a Vehicle or Gun
only be fired at by the unit(s) that spotted it.
Units armed with vastly superior weapons are said to “outgun”
their opponents. Units who have their opponents Outgunned
receive a bonus Firepower Die.
So, what constitutes “vastly superior weapons?” Scenarios
will usually indicate if one side or the other is Outgunned,
but for general purposes, weapon superiority indicates that
one side possesses firearms that provide them with a clear
advantage over their opponents. Some examples might
1. A unit armed with assault rifles would Outgun an
opposing unit armed with bolt action rifles. The
Going into Hiding assault rifles are roughly equivalent in range and
Units may also go into hiding after the game has begun. To accuracy, but have a far greater rate of fire.
go into hiding, a unit must be out of LOS of any opposing 2. A unit armed with magazine fed bolt action rifles
units and make a successful Troop Quality test. would Outgun an opposing unit armed with
Stealthy units may automatically go into hiding if there are no single-shot, bolt action rifles. Again, accuracy
opposing units in LOS. and range are roughly equivalent, but rate of
fire is superior for the magazine fed rifle.
Vehicles and guns can only be hidden at the beginning of the
game, they may not go into hiding once the game begins. 3. A unit armed with expensive, high quality assault
rifles of western design would not outgun an
UAVs and Hidden Units opposing unit armed with cheap, shoddily made
Some scenarios allow one or both players the use of an assault rifles. The quality of weaponry may be
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle or UAV. A UAV may also be drawn better in one unit, but both units have weapons
as an Asset Card. that provide them with similar capabilities.
Most UAVs are unarmed, but are still a powerful asset. If OVER-PENETRATION
a UAV is present over the battlefield, the opposing player’s Some weapons are so powerful that they blast holes through
units may not use Out of Contact Movement. cover that would ordinarily shelter a unit from fire. This phe-
Additionally, the player owning the UAV may make a Detection nomenon is referred to as Over-Penetration and may be the
Check for all of his opponent’s hidden units at the beginning result of a heavy round, hyper-velocity, or explosive charges.
of each turn and opposing units roll as if they were one Troop Weapons that Over-Penetrate may ignore one or more of a
Quality lower when attempting to Hide (i.e., a Trained unit target’s Defense dice:
(D8 Troop Quality) would roll as if they were Green (D6 Troop
Quality) while trying to hide if their opponent had a UAV in Weapons with an un-modified Firepower of 3d may ignore
the area). one die of Defense.
An armed UAV has the same effect, but has some limited Weapons with an un-modified Firepower of 4d+ may ignore
offensive power as described on its Asset card. two dice of Defense.
If figures from one side surrender to the other, they are
kept with the victorious unit until they are either escorted
off the table or the game ends. This allows their owning
player a chance to rescue them. Rescued POWs become
Dependents to the unit that rescues them until that unit
moves to a friendly board edge (where it is considered
to have handed off the POWs to another friendly unit) or
disposes of the POWs in some other way dictated by a
scenario’s special rules.
Disposing of Dependents
& Casualties
If a unit with Dependents and/or Casualties moves to a
friendly edge of the table, it can hand its POWs or injured
off board unit and negate the Dependent and/or Casualty
Casualties can also be handed off at aid stations or to
on-table casualty evacuation units, as designated by a
Units can also detach healthy figures to escort seriously or
lightly wounded figures to the rear or to a CASEVAC location.
One healthy figure must be detached for each serious
casualty. The escorting figures must move to the home edge
of the table or a scenario identified CASEVAC area and then
move back to their unit.
Each time fire from their unit injures/ Stand Result: If a unit makes a Morale Check and the
kills a civilian or non-combatant number of Successes (4+) is greater than the number of
Failures, the unit’s morale Stands suffers no adverse effects.
Pinned Result: If a unit makes a Morale Check and the
number of Failures is equal to or greater than the number
of Successes, the unit is Pinned.
Hostile Mobs
Sometimes civilian mobs are actively hostile but fall
short of armed resistance. Instead, they make their
displeasure known by hurling taunts and the occasional
rock at regular units. Since rules of engagement usually
disallow firing on unarmed civilians, this harassment
can sometimes add to a unit’s stress level. Hostile mobs
will also move to purposefully interfere with a unit’s
movement and fire.
Hostile mobs are under the control of a player designated
by the scenario. They are activated and moved like any
other unit.
Hostile mobs may move to place themselves in a manner
that interferes with regular lines of fire.
A hostile mob may also taunt any regular unit within 4”.
Each mob may only taunt a single regular unit. Taunting
raises the regular unit’s stress level – see the rules on
combat stress.
Patrol Speed
Vehicles use Patrol Speed when actively patrolling or rolling
in support of dismounted infantry. Most vehicles may move
up to 10" per turn when using Patrol Speed.
Vehicles traveling at Patrol Speed suffer no Reaction
Penalties. Unbuttoned TCs
A player must declare which tank commanders they wish to
Cruising Speed
be unbuttoned at the beginning of a turn. Each TC designated
Vehicles use Cruising Speed when they need to move
must pass a Troop Quality check to spend the turn unbut-
quickly and no maneuvers are required. Most vehicles at
toned. If they fail the check, they remain buttoned or button
Cruising Speed may move up to 18.”
Vehicles traveling at Cruising Speed receive a -1 to their die
TCs may only unbutton at the beginning of a turn and must
roll when making Reaction Tests.
remain unbuttoned for the duration of the turn or until forced
Loading and Unloading Passengers to button up by enemy fire.
A vehicle may not move on the turn it loads or unloads Tanks whose TCs are unbuttoned suffer no Reaction Test
passengers. penalties.
Passengers unloading from a vehicle may only use Cautious Unbuttoned TCs may be fired upon as if they were an infantry
movement. Passengers may use Rapid movement to board unit In Cover behind Solid Cover (+2 Defense dice).
a vehicle, however.
If a tank with an unbuttoned TC is hit by AT fire, the TC
Units may only use Suppression Fire or fire as a Reaction becomes a casualty on a d6 roll of 1 whether the hit causes
on the turn they dismount. any other damage or not.
A TC who is fired upon by either small arms or AT fire and
Tank Commanders – survives must make a Troop Quality test to remain unbut-
Buttoned Up & Unbuttoned toned. If they fail the test, they immediately button up and
Tank commanders (TCs) are faced with a difficult choice remain buttoned up for the rest of the turn.
when their vehicles are engaged in combat, especially at the
short ranges and in the close terrain typical of most Force on If a TC becomes a casualty due to small arms or AT fire, the
Force games: Should they boost their situational awareness tank crew must take a Morale check with their Morale die
while risking becoming a casualty or should they sacrifice reduced by one die type (i.e., if their Morale is normally d10,
quick reactions for safety? To button up or not to button up, it would be reduced to d8 for the purpose of this check).
that is the question.
Buttoned Up TCs
TCs that stand up in the commander’s hatch (referred to as TCs are assumed to be buttoned up unless their player
being “unbuttoned”) are able to view more of the battlespace indicates otherwise at the beginning of the term – if the TC
more clearly than those who are “buttoned up” inside the has not been designated as unbuttoned and has not passed
tank and forced to peer at the world through vision blocks a Troop Quality test, he is buttoned up and must remain that
or periscopes. Unfortunately, an “unbuttoned” TC is far way for the duration of the turn.
more likely to be injured when his tank is fired upon and is
TCs who are unbuttoned during a turn must pass a Troop
a favorite target for infantry units whose rifles and grenades
Quality test at the beginning of the next turn or button up.
have no chance of damaging the hapless TC’s tank.
Tanks whose TCs are buttoned up receive a -1 to their die
rolls when making Reaction Tests. This penalty is cumulative
with other Reaction Test penalties.
Infantry in an APC or IFV with firing ports may fire with half Vehicle Defense Modifiers
their Firepower. Only Small Arms and SAWs may be fired in (Cumulative)
this manner.
Target at Patrol Speed: +1D
Infantry in an APC or IFV with firing ports and top hatches for
Target at Cruising Speed: +2D
carried troops may fire with half their Firepower and may fire
rifle grenade launchers in addition to SAWs and Small Arms. Target more than half obscured: +1D
Infantry in open top or soft-skin vehicles may fire with their Target more than half covered by
full Firepower -1 die. solid cover (hull-down): +1D
Infantry riding on top of a vehicle such as a tank may fire with Discharged smoke this turn: 1D
their full Firepower -2 dice. Reactive Armor (ERA): +1D
on FIRST attack only
Vehicle Defense Attacks vs. Side or Rear of AFV
Like Vehicle Firepower, Vehicle armor is rated in four (Not Soft Skins): -1D
classes to assist with vehicle design. Vehicle Class is also
used to determine a Vehicle’s Reliability Die Type. Attacks vs. Deck: -2D
A vehicle’s Defense can never be reduced to zero.
Below are examples of vehicles from each Defense Class:
No matter what negative factors apply, a unit will
Class 1 Vehicle Defense – Unarmored or “soft-skin” always have at least one Defense die.
vehicles, such as civilian vehicles or military utility vehicles.
Very light APCs, armored cars, or recce vehicles also fall
into this category. This class of vehicle affords their pas- Example: A typical civilian vehicle (Class 1) would have
sengers little or no protection. All weapons roll their full a basic Defense of 1D6, while a USMC LAV25 (Class 2)
Firepower against Class 1 vehicles. would have a basic Defense of 2D8.
Class 2 Vehicle Defense – Light armored vehicles, such Smoke Dischargers
as M113 or Saxon APCs, provide rudimentary protection Vehicles equipped with Smoke Dischargers may discharge
against small arms fire and shell fragments. smoke, usually in an effort to mask a hasty retreat. Vehicles
Class 3 Vehicle Defense – “Medium” vehicles, such as protected by smoke receive an extra Defense die. The vehicle
the Bradley ICV, are designed to provide direct combat receives this benefit whether it moves or not. The smoke dis-
support to the squads they transport. Their armor provides sipates at the end of the turn in which it was discharged.
protection against small arms, artillery, and light anti-tank
ERA Detonation & Nearby Infantry
If any dismounted infantry are within 4 of a vehicle equipped
Class 4 Vehicle Defense – “Heavy” vehicles, such as the with Explosively Reactive Armor on the first turn that it is
M1A1 Abrams MBT, are the kings of the battlefield. Class struck by enemy fire, they suffer an immediate 4d10
4 AFVs are practically immune to any weapon system not Firepower attack. Armor and cover bonuses to Defense count
specifically designed to overcome their massive armor and with regard to this attack.
defense systems.
Determine Hits
Hits against vehicles are determined in much the same way Rolls of less than 4 indicate that the vehicle has received
as firepower attacks against infantry units. The attacker deter- significant damage.
mines the Firepower of the weapon he is firing at the target
Total the number of unsaved hits and roll on the Vehicle
vehicle and the defender determines the vehicle’s Defense.
Damage Chart.
Both sides roll the appropriate number of Troop Quality dice
and discard any rolls lower than 4.
The Defender matches his dice against those of the attacker. Vehicle Damage Chart
Any Firepower dice that the defender cannot match or 1 HIT 2 HITS 3 HITS 4+ HITS
exceed with a Defense die is a hit. 1 PING ½ speed ½ FP Dice Main w/Imm
Total the hits scored against the target vehicle and then 2 ½ speed ½ FP Dice Main w/Imm Main w/Imm
determine the damage resulting from those hits. 3 ½ FP Dice Main w/Imm Main w/Imm BREW
4 Main w/Imm Main w/Imm BREW
Overkill 5 Main w/Imm BREW
Weapons that have more destructive potential than a target
vehicle’s armor was designed to withstand are said to have
an “Overkill” advantage against that vehicle. PING – No damage but make a Bail out
check if crew is Low Confidence.
If a weapon’s unmodified Firepower dice exceed a target
vehicle’s unmodified Defense dice, that weapon has an ½ Speed – Vehicles Patrol and Cruising Speed
are reduced by half. Bail out check.
Overkill advantage against its target and add a bonus
Firepower die to their attack for each die by which their ½ FP Dice – The Firepower for all the vehicle’s
basic Firepower exceeds the target vehicles basic Defense. weapons is cut in half. Bail out check.
Main W/Imm – Main weapon is destroyed or vehicle
Example: An M1A2 Tank fires its main gun at a T55 tank. is immobilized – attacker’s choice. Bail out check.
The M1A2’s 120mm gun has a basic Firepower of 5D. The
Brew – Vehicle “brews up” in a ball of
T55 has a basic Defense of 3D. The M1A2’s Firepower
flame. It and its crew are destroyed.
has two more dice than the T55’s Defense, so the M1A2
will add two Overkill dice to its Firepower for this attack.
Vehicle Crew/Passenger Casualties
Determining Vehicle Damage
Any time a vehicle suffers a damage result other than PING,
For each hit scored against a vehicle, the defender must
check for crew and passenger casualties. Roll a Troop
make a Damage Check to determine if the vehicle has
Quality test for each crew member and passenger aboard
sustained any significant damage. Damage Checks are
the vehicle. A failed test indicates the figure is a casualty.
made using the vehicle’s Survivability Die type.
Vehicles do not need to move to a safe position for their crews
To perform a Damage Check, roll a Survivability die for each
to perform a First Aid check on crew or passenger casualties.
hit the vehicle has suffered.
They may not, however, fire their main gun until a First Aid
Each roll of 4+ indicates the hit has caused no appreciable check is made at the beginning of the next turn.
damage and can be ignored.
Do not confuse vehicle crew Morale checks for Bail Out Bail Outs
checks. A vehicle crew can fail a Morale check and not bail Modern AFVs extremely survivable and most tank crews
out and a bail out check can be caused without any need for would prefer to stay inside their rolling fortress during a
a Morale check. firefight rather than expose themselves to shot and shell.
Still, poorly trained and/or demoralized crews might jump
out of a perfectly good tank if enemy fire is “ringing the bell”
CHECK POINTS Low Confidence crews, as identified by scenarios or force
Low Confidence Vehicle Crews write-ups, must make a Morale Check on ANY hit against
Make a Morale Check: their vehicles – even PINGs.
• Each time their vehicle is fired upon by If a Low Confidence Crew fails their Morale Check, they
an Infantry Gun, AT Gun, or Tank Gun will bail out. Place their figures anywhere within 4 of their
• Each time a friendly vehicle within 12" abandoned vehicle.
and in LOS is damaged or destroyed Confident or High Confidence Crews need only make a
Confident and Low Confidence Vehicle Bail Out check if their AFV suffers actual damage (reduced
speed, firepower, loss of armament or mobility).
Crews Make a Morale Check:
• Each time a friendly vehicle within Crews who bail out suffer an additional loss of confidence,
12" and in LOS is destroyed both in themselves and their AFV. As a result, their Troop
Quality is reduced by one die type for the rest of the game.
• Each time an IED is detonated within 10”
If their die type is reduced below D6, they have become
• Each time a unit is subjected to combat ineffective and are removed from play.
an artillery salvo or air-strike
A crew that has bailed out may not attempt to re-mount
All Vehicle Crews Make Morale Checks: their vehicle till the following turn. They must pass a Morale
• Each time the crew takes casualties test before remounting. Remounting an abandoned vehicle
counts as the crew’s activation for the turn, although they
• When their vehicle is damaged may React or Interrupt as normal.
(immobilized, gun destroyed,
movement or firepower reduced) Fire at Infantry in Open Topped
• Each time fire from their vehicle injures/ Vehicles or Riders on Vehicles
kills a civilian or non-combatant Infantry in open topped vehicles or riding on top of a vehicle
such as a tank are fired at as if they were In Cover (+1
Defense die). If the vehicle is an open topped AFV, they are
Morale Results for Vehicle Crews fired at as if they were In Cover behind Solid Cover (+2
Pinned: Pinned vehicles stop where they are and may not Defense dice). If the unit is in Body Armor, it may claim that
move for the rest of the turn unless forced to Pull Back. Defense bonus as well.
Pinned vehicles may React to fire directed at them, but may
not Interrupt or initiate fire themselves. Vehicles that are
Pinned twice in the same turn are forced to Pull Back.
Limpet Mines, Sticky Bombs, Suicide Vests & VBIEDs Firepower for Typical Sticky
Some forces use explosive weapons that must be placed Bombs & Suicide Vests
by hand upon a vehicle or carried by a person into close
proximity with a vehicle to have any effect. These weapons Improvised Sticky Bomb: 2d, 2" radius
require a great deal of courage (or desperation) to deploy. Sticky Bomb: 3d, 3" radius
To make an attack with a weapon of this sort, a unit or figure Satchel Charge/Limpet Mine: 4d, 4 radius
must declare at activation that it is making such an attack Suicide Vest: 6d, 6" radius
and which opposing vehicle is the target.
VBIED (car): 8d, 8" radius
The unit/figure must immediately make a Morale check (not
Troop Quality check) to determine if they are willing to go VBIED (pickup or van): 10d, 8" radius
through with the attack. Units making such an attack make
An unbuttoned tank (a tank whose commander was When particularly powerful vehicle weapons are fired at
exposed in the commander’s hatch) might have a infantry in buildings, they are more likely to aim at the building
better view of the battlefield, but it was also far more itself rather than the infantry scurrying around inside it. A
vulnerable. In addition to exposing its commander to good hit may well bring the building down around the infantry
gunfire and shrapnel, the open hatch made a prime unit’s ears and flying shrapnel and blast effects are going
target for hand-grenades or allowed close assaulting to make life hard for them even if the building stays up. To
infantry to fire into the tank’s turret, turning it into a reflect this, any weapon with an unmodified Firepower of 4D
bloody bowl of ricocheting bullets. or higher that engages infantry in cover in a structure such
as a building or a bunker will make a Building Destruction
As a result, we assume that all tanks in play on a
Force on Force table are buttoned up unless their check against the structure rather than fire directly at the
controlling player specifically states otherwise. See infantry unit within.
the Tank Commanders – Buttoned Up & Unbuttoned
Infantry Close Assault vs. Vehicles
for rules concerning buttoned and unbuttoned Tank
Infantry who are not equipped with stand-off anti-tank
weapons will sometimes, if desperate enough, attempt
The following rules apply specifically to WWII tanks to take out an AFV by close assaulting it in an attempt to
whose commanders are buttoned up: damage or immobilize it with grenades, Molotovs, gun fire
Infantry moving through or in cover are difficult for a through vision slits, etc. Such attempts are resolved in a
buttoned-up tank to spot. Vehicles can always spot manner similar to ordinary infantry vs. infantry close combat,
infantry that are Exposed and in line of sight, but if any but with a few key differences.
concealing terrain (trees, shrubs, rocks, walls, rubble, Note that the following rules apply only to Class 2+ vehicles.
etc.) is in between the tank and an infantry unit, the Close Assaults against Class 1 (soft-skins and civilian
tank must treat the infantry unit as if it were Hidden vehicles) are resolved as ordinary infantry Close Assaults
(see Hidden Units). Buttoned up tanks may make one – most soldiers would rather dismount and fight than try
attempt to spot infantry per turn, either when the tank to defend themselves while sitting in the back seat of an
is activated or when it takes a Defensive Action. Tanks
armored SUV.
may always attempt to spot infantry units or guns firing
at them, and may react if they succeed in spotting a Infantry attempting to Close Assault a vehicle must be within
target and have Defensive Actions/Reactions left. a Rapid Move of the target vehicle and make a Troop Quality
check to follow through on their intention. Even light armored
Buttoned up tanks may only attempt to spot infantry
units that are actually Hidden when the hidden unit vehicles are intimidating to a man on foot, so the Troop
fires at them. This restriction doesn’t apply to Hidden Quality check is taken with a -1 penalty applied to the die roll
AT or Infantry Guns. (i.e., the unit must roll a 5+).
AH-64 Apache
Defense: 3d10
Survivability: d10
Crew: 2
Multi-Role Mission:
Starboard Wingtip: 2 x ATAM: Special / 5d vs. aerial targets only
Starboard Wing: 4 x Hellfire: Heavy Support / 5d Defense: 4d8
19 x FFAR: Medium Support / 4d (May be salvo fired once Survivability: d8
for a single 10d attack) Crew: 2 + 4
Port Wingtip: 2 x ATAM: Special / 5d vs. aerial targets only Firepower:
7.62mm Gatling Gun: 4d
Port Wing: 4 x Hellfire: Heavy Support / 5d
19 x FFAR: Medium Support / 4d (May be salvo fired once
Rocket Pod: 4d
for a single 10d attack)
Chin: 30mm Chain Gun: Heavy Support / 4d
Close Support Mission
Starboard Wingtip: 2 x ATAM: Special / 5d vs. aerial targets MH-60 Black Hawk
Starboard Wing: 8 x Hellfire: Heavy Support / 5d
Port Wingtip: 2 x ATAM: Special / 5d vs. aerial targets only
Port Wing: 8 x Hellfire: Heavy Support / 5d
Chin: 30mm Chain Gun: Heavy Support / 4d
Ground Suppression
Starboard Wingtip: 2 x ATAM: Special / 5d vs. aerial targets only
Starboard Wing: 38 x FFAR: Medium Support / 4d (Each pod Defense: 3d8
may be salvo fired once for 10d each) Survivability: d8
Port Wingtip: 2 x ATAM: Special / 5d vs. aerial targets only Crew: 3 + 15
Port Wing: 38 x FFAR: Medium Support / 4d (May be salvo Firepower: 2 x M136 Miniguns
fired twice, 10d each) (1 per side): 4d
Chin: 30mm Chain Gun: Heavy Support / 4d
Example Aircraft
F-16 Fighting Falcon
A-10 Thunderbolt
Defense: 6d (Agile, Fast, Good Countermeasures)
Defense: 4d (Agile, Slow, Good Countermeasures)
Survivability: 8d
Survivability: d10
F-22 Raptor
AC130 Spectre Gunship
Defense: 9d
Defense: 3d (Slow, Good Countermeasures)
(Agile, Fast, Superior Countermeasures, Stealth Tech)
Survivability: d8
Survivability: d8
Bombing Runs World War Two saw the birth of Close Air Support.
To perform a Bombing Run, the player controlling the aircraft
The proliferation of radio communication allowed
designates a target point on the table for the bomb to hit.
infantry units to point out ground targets to “angels”
Remember that the Danger Close rule applies to Bomb Runs
circling above the battlefield and aircraft often
when choosing the target point. The ordinance available to
roamed the skies independently hunting tanks, trains,
drop is determined by the air support Asset Card in play.
convoys, and unlucky concentrations of infantry.
The effects of the strike vary according to the ordinance
selected: The process and capabilities of Close Air Support
in WWII differed in some ways from those of today,
JDAM (Joint Direct Attack Munition) however, and those differences are described in the
JDAMs are devastating to structures they strike or to infantry following rules.
or AFVs caught within their blast. JDAMs range in size from
250 pounds to massive 2000 pound bombs. In an area of The process for calling in the strike is the same
as those for contemporary games, although WWII
engagement of the size represented by a typical Force on
units obviously won’t have laser designators and
Force game, no JDAM above 500 pounds would normally be
spotty radio communications is the norm unless the
deployed. The effects of 250 pound and 500 pound JDAMs
scenario states otherwise.
are described below:
Only units with equipped with radios and possessing
250lbs Limited Effect JDAM
the frequencies for assigned CAS assets may call for
This is probably the most commonly used JDAMs. Its
an air strike.
destructive effects are limited, allowing it to be deployed
against vehicles or target buildings without undue collateral Since air control and target acquisition weren’t as
damage. sophisticated in WWII as today, the Danger Close
distance is extended from 4 to 8.”
The 250lbs JDAM has a Firepower of 8d and strikes all units
within 4 of the designated target point. Air Strikes in WWII are limited to Strafing Runs and
Bomb Runs. Gunships with side-mounted weapons
500lbs JDAM
were not yet in use, so Orbital Gun Runs are not
Larger and more destructive than its 250lbs sibling, the
500lbs JDAM can be devastating to buildings and AFVs.
Its larger kill-zone makes it more dangerous to use in close Strafing Runs and Bombing Runs are resolved in the
proximity to friendly troops, however. same manner described for modern air-strikes, but
Bombing Runs are limited to using gravity bombs.
The 500lbs JDAM has a Firepower of 12d and strikes all units
within 8" of the designated target point. The Firepower of the Strafing Run and Bombing Runs
are defined by the air support Asset Card in play.
Multi-Purpose Cluster Bombs
Anti-infantry cluster bombs scatter many individual bomblets
over a wide area. These bomblets generally explode a little
above the ground, raining shrapnel down on exposed infantry by cluster bombs. Vehicles and Infantry units inside buildings
units with devastating effect. Multi-Purpose Cluster Bombs are not subject to attack by this ordinance. Exposed vehicles
attack all infantry units and vehicles within 8" of their impact suffer a -2 die defense penalty for being attacked from
point with a Firepower of 4d10. Buildings are not damaged above.
Spotters & Forward Observers The requested salvo will arrive immediately after the success-
Before artillery of any form can splash onto the board, a spotter ful request for fire.
or Forward Observer (FO) must radio the appropriate artillery To avoid confliction, artillery can never be called on the same
unit, request a fire mission, and provide fire control with the turn as a friendly air strike or heliborne operation.
correct coordinates for the target.
The Danger Close rules may apply to fire missions called in too
Unless noted otherwise by a scenario, any regular unit with a close to a friendly ground unit.
leader may request an artillery fire mission, assuming assets
are available. Forward Observer figures or teams may also Note that these rules may or may not apply to fire missions available
request fire missions. to a player through a Fog of War or Asset card – the method used
to call a fire mission will be described on the card itself.
Calling for a Fire Mission
Only ONE fire mission request may be attempted per artillery Resolving a Fire Mission
asset per turn. So, for instance, if one force had a light mortar To resolve a fire mission, designate a center point of impact for the
unit and a light artillery unit as assigned assets, they could incoming salvo. All infantry units and soft-skin vehicles within the
make two fire mission requests: one for the mortars, and one salvo’s impact radius take an attack using the salvo’s Firepower.
for the light artillery. Some artillery barrages will also affect AFVs within the radius.
A unit with a forward observer attached may not move while the Unless stated otherwise in a scenario, artillery salvos use
observer is calling in a fire mission, but they may fire normally a Troop Quality of Trained (D8). The radius and effect of the
or even go on Overwatch. Note that the leader or FO performing incoming salvo depends on the type of fire mission called:
Mixed Force games might include scenarios involving US This supervision can take one of two forms. An Irregular
troops working with poorly trained Iraqi troops in the early unit must have a trustworthy leader attached or be within
days of the occupation of Iraq, US troops fighting alongside Supervision Range of a Regular Unit that acts as its “mentor”
Montagnards in Viet Nam, or even Allied forces mounting on the battlefield. Without an attached leader or a proper
supervision from a Control Unit an Irregular unit may only be
a raid with the assistance of the French Resistance during
activated if it passes a Troop Quality Check.
Leaders Attached to Irregular Units
Irregular Units An Irregular unit may be led by a Regular or Irregular leader.
In Force on Force, the term “Irregular” is used to describe The leader must be attached to the unit, that is to say, it must
units that lack formal structure, training, and/or discipline. be part of and maintain cohesion with the unit.
Irregulars are not necessarily “bad” troops, they simply lack As long as an Irregular unit has a leader attached, it may
the cohesive command structure and tactical doctrine that be activated like any other unit. If an Irregular unit’s leader
gives Regulars an edge on the battlefield. becomes a casualty, that unit must pass a Troop Quality test
When Irregular forces fight one another, their lack of training to be activated. Failure indicates that the unit must remain in
and discipline is less apparent and the playing field is more place and may only React if fired on.
or less level. In such scenarios, Irregular troops should Free-roaming leaders or leaders who are the last survivor
follow the same rules as Regulars. of their unit may opt to join an Irregular unit. See Leaders
Joining a Unit.
Some scenarios will feature Irregular units fighting alongside
Regular allies – such a force is referred to as a “mixed Irregular Units in Supervision Range of a Regular Unit
force.” Rules pertaining to the use of mixed forces follow. For best performance, an Irregular unit must be within 6"
and line of sight of its Control unit. Radio communication is
not sufficient – without the comforting sight of their Control
unit, Irregular units tend to hunker down in place at best or,
at worst, take to their heels.
Irregular units within supervision range and LOS of their
Control unit may be activated normally, regardless of the
presence of a leader in the unit. They may also freely
interrupt or react whether they have a leader attached or not.
For all intents and purposes, they act like a Regular unit.
Irregular units that are farther than 4 from their Control unit
or out of LOS with it may only be activated if they have a
leader attached or pass a Troop Quality test. If they do not
have a leader attached and fail their Troop Quality check,
Shaken units must move to cover if they have any In game terms, irregular units under the influence of strong
movement left. They may not move towards the enemy stimulants may attempt to interrupt even if they have no leader
while seeking cover. attached and are not subject to “shrinkage” due to morale
checks. They throw an extra Defense die to represent their
Shaken units must spend the next turn recovering their will ability to shrug off all but the most grievous of injuries, but
to fight. They may only move away from the enemy and lose a Firepower die due to their wild and undisciplined fire.
may not take any aggressive actions.
Units under the influence of stimulants are identified in
scenario briefs or the insurgent reinforcement table.
85mm L/55: 4d
Crew Position MGs: 3d
DEFENSE: (Class 3) Front - 3d8; Side/rear – 2d8
Duration of Game: 8 turns
Scenario Diagram
4’ x 4’ for 15mm
6’ x 6’ for 20mm+
A: The Farmhouse
Scenario Diagram
4’ x 4’ for 15mm
6’ x 6’ for 20mm+
X: Objective
A two tier hill dominates the east side
of the table.
Germans deploy in Red Zone.
US deploys in Blue Zone.
2 4 Scenario Diagram
2’ x 2’ (60mm x 60mm) for
4’ x 4’ (1.2m x 1.2m) for
1-5: German Hot Spots
3 Russians set up in the Red Zone.
Germans set up in the Blue Zone.
The Soviet attack was relentless and deadly despite the
heavy losses it incurred. The German defenders were
pushed back and ground down under the weight of Soviet
tanks, artillery, and infantry.
Duration of Game: 8 turns.
Initiative: British have Initiative on Turn 1. Test for initiative
on subsequent turns.
Special Conditions: Treat
N objective building “A” as
Improved Cover.
Fog of War: British player
draws one Fog of War Card
and one Asset Card at the
beginning of Turn 1. Iraqi
player draws one Fog of War
card at the beginning of
Turn 1. Further Fog of War
cards are triggered by
Reaction Tests.
Scenario Diagram
3’ x 3’ (90mm x 90mm) for
4’ x 4’ (1.2m x 1.2m) for
A: Target Building
British forces start west of the
blue line.
Iraqi Forces may set up
anywhere east of the red line.
Scenario Diagram
2’ x 3’ (60mm x 90mm) for
4’ x 6’ (1.2m x 1.8m) for 20mm+
A-D: Buildings containing
Fedeyeen units
1-8: Iraqi Republican Guard
US forces begin within the Blue
Scenario Diagram
3’ x 2’ (90mm x 60mm) for 15mm
6’ x 4’ (1.8m x 1.2m) for 20mm+
See text for key to positions 1-8
1 2 5
6 N
British Starting Position in Wadi
Force on Force Ambush Alley
104 • Force on Force Ambush Alley
• Additional PID: Gunships and fast air must both
make an additional Positive Identification (PID)
TQ roll (in addition to any Hidden rolls) before
releasing any ordnance against any target, even
after being ‘talked onto’ the target by the JTAC.
Fog of War: British player draws one Fog of War Card and
one Asset Card at the beginning of Turn 1. Taliban player
draws one Fog of War card at the beginning of Turn 1.
Further Fog of War cards are triggered by Reaction Tests
Assigned Asset Cards:
Task Force Helmand Assets:
• Fast Air (non dedicated air)- Harrier GR9
SCENARIO INFORMATION with mix of 250 and 500 pound bombs
Duration of Game: 6 turns • Gunship (dedicated air)- AH-1 Apache
Initiative: British force has Initiative for Turn 1. • Off Board Medium Mortar (81mm battery
Test for initiative on subsequent turns. in dedicated support from FOB Delhi)
Special Conditions: Taliban Assets:
• Each building must be breached using Building • Off Board Medium Mortar (82mm battery in
Clearance rules. All Taliban visibly occupying buildings dedicated support- guided by the FO/spotter)
(i.e. on the roof) must be close assaulted. Others rolled
• 2 x Improvised Explosive Devices. 6d8 Firepower
on Building Clearance results are considered stragglers/
(cards can be played at any time however the
die-hard types. ISAF are equipped with breaching kit,
unit targeted is randomized by a die roll. The IEDs
frame charges and grenades although they are not
can only be triggered in the open ground ahead
considered a unit which specializes in breaching and
of the compounds and up to the outer walls – not
thus there is only one breaching kit per fire team.
inside the compounds or in the greenzone)
• The sun baked mud brick of the compound walls
Optional Rules
are rated at a Building Structural Strength of
Infantry Only: Try the same scenario with no Vikings/
Reinforced. All buildings themselves are consid-
Mastiffs. The infantry platoon should be considered inserted
ered as Average and have been Lightly Reinforced.
by Chinook into the edge of the wadi leading toward the
All are rated of Decent Construction (D8).
compound complex. Deploy Task Force Helmand elements
• Allah Akbar Special Rule: While Mullah Khan is within 6" of the southern wadi edge.
on-table, any Taliban unit can re-roll a failed Morale
Test. Conversely, all Taliban units are reduced by one
Morale die type if the Mullah is killed or captured.
• Out Of Contact Movement: The Taliban may utilize
Out Of Contact Movement. To simulate the Taliban’s
local knowledge and extensive use of tunnels, spider
holes and similar ‘rat runs’, Taliban units which have
been seen by ISAF forces can re-use Out of Contact
by moving out of line of sight. On the following turn
they can again use Out of Contact Movement.
• Rules of Engagement: ISAF forces cannot engage targets
in close proximity of civilians. Additionally, no aerial
bombs can be dropped on to the compounds although
they may be deployed along the Green Zone - there
is no such restriction on Hellfire or rocket pods.
Capture Mullah Khan +20
Kill Mullah Khan +10
Exfiltrate without any KIA +10
Each civilian casualty -10 Alpha Fire Team:
BRITISH FORCES 1 x Section Leader with SA80A2 (L85A2)
The British force has High Confidence and its Supply Quality is 1 x Rifleman with SA80A2
Average. All British Troops are equipped with Body Armor. The force’s 1 x Grenadier with SA80A2 UGL
overall Troop Quality and Morale is D10. 1 x Gunner with L110A1 Minimi Para SAW
OR 1 x Gunner with L86A2 LSW
The main Task Force Helmand maneuver elements can deploy
anywhere within the wadi ‘deployment box’- the wadi is 6" wide and Bravo Fire Team:
located on the southern table edge as shown on the map. The RM 1 x Section Leader w/SA80A2 (L85A2)
ASG Vikings and the Scimitar from the Household Cavalry can all 1 x Rifleman w/SA80A2
adopt hull down positions in the wadi allowing their gunners to engage 1 x Grenadier w/SA80A2 UGL (Lt. Support)
if required whilst providing Solid Cover. 1 x Gunner /L110A1 Minimi Para SAW (Lt. Support)
The Fire Support Group must deploy on the hill to the south west of GPMG Group (Weapon Team Bonus Applies)
the board – they have direct LOS against all Taliban outside of the 1 x Gunner w/L7A2 GPMG
compounds and those positioned on the roofs of buildings. They
1 x Assistant Gunner w/SA80A2
may choose to initially deploy either behind the crest and thus out
of line of sight, and line of fire, or on the crest to maximize targeting Dog Team (Dog Team Bonus Applies)
opportunities. 1 x Handler w/SA80A2
Task Force Helmand 1 x Canine
Platoon Headquarters (PHQ) Element 4 x Viking or Mastiff light armored vehicles mounting 1 x GPMG
1 x Platoon Leader w/SA80A2 (Positive Leader) (and rear gunner with L110A1 SAW if Viking). Both feature improved
1 x Platoon Sergeant w/SA80A2 (Positive Leader) bar (even if not shown on model) and gun shields for the GPMG
1 x Medic w/SA80A2 gunner. Each vehicle carries one infantry section or the PHQ command
1 x Radio Operator w/SA80A2) element, Dog Team and GPMG team.
Maneuver (Assault) Element 1 x Scimitar Light Tank. The Scimitar features improved bar armor
3 x Infantry Sections split into two fire teams: even if not shown on the model.
Fire Support Group (FSG)
2 x E-WMIK Land Rover – Both mount passenger operated GPMGs
and each mounts a heavy weapon in the rear ring turret, either an M2
.50 HMG or H&K GMG 40mm AGL.
Each is crewed by three Riflemen (driver, rear gunner and vehicle
commander) with SA80A2. They also have access to a Javelin ATGM
with three rounds which can be operated by any of the crew.
1 x Attached JTAC (Joint Tactical Air Controller) with SA80A2
1 x Sniper Cell (Sniper Team Bonus)
1 x Sniper armed with .338 L115A1 sniper rifle
1 x Spotter with SA80A2
1 x Pinzgauer or Snatch Land Rover, unarmed. This vehicle carried
the JTAC and sniper cell.
Duration of Game: 8 turns.
Initiative: Soviets have initiative on Turn 1.
Test for initiative on subsequent turns.
Special Conditions: Hedges provide cover
but do not block LOS.
Fog of War: Each player draws one Fog
of War Card at the beginning of Turn 1.
Further Fog of War cards are triggered by
Reaction Tests.
Scenario Diagram
3’ x 2’ (90mm x 60mm) for 15mm
6’ x 4’ (1.8m x 1.2m) for 20mm+
A: Exit route
An An
Excellent Excellent What’s this What’s this
Wall Made Wall Made Fire! Fire!
Position Position Your rounds have struck
One of your units has found One of your units has found of? Swiss of? Swiss something flammable and
an excellent position that an excellent position that set a structure ablaze!
affords them unexpected affords them unexpected Cheese? Cheese? You may designate any building
protection from enemy fire! protection from enemy fire! A position that seemed to offer A position that seemed to offer within LOS of one of your units
You may designate which You may designate which decent cover turns out to be a decent cover turns out to be a (or anywhere on the table
of your units has located of your units has located bad spot due to poor construc- bad spot due to poor construc- if you have air support with
this “excellent position.” As this “excellent position.” As tion or weird lines of sight. tion or weird lines of sight. offensive capabilities) and
long as the unit stays in its long as the unit stays in its Your opponent may play this Your opponent may play this declare that it is burning. Any
current position it receives current position it receives card on one building or terrain card on one building or terrain figures in the building must
an additional Defense die an additional Defense die feature that would normally be feature that would normally be immediately evacuate to a point
over and above any Cover or over and above any Cover or considered Solid Cover. The considered Solid Cover. The at least 4" from the building.
Armor dice. If the unit moves, Armor dice. If the unit moves, designated piece of terrain no designated piece of terrain no They may be fired on by units
it loses this advantage. Other it loses this advantage. Other longer counts as Solid Cover longer counts as Solid Cover that are on Overwatch or by
units moving into the same units moving into the same for the duration of the game. for the duration of the game. Defensive Fire if appropriate.
position will not receive the position will not receive the The building is impassable
additional Defense die. additional Defense die. This card may not be played This card may not be played for the duration of the game.
on a fortified position. on a fortified position.
This card may not be played This card may not be played
on a fortified position. on a fortified position.
The Bell
Fire! Fire! Tolls
Your rounds have struck A rumor reaches your men
that one of their favorite
Tougher Tougher
something flammable and
set a structure ablaze! NCOs has been injured or
killed in another engagement.
than they than they
You may designate any building Roll 1d6 to determine how You’re Look! Look!
within LOS of one of your units the news affects them:
(or anywhere on the table
if you have air support with 1-3: Your force becomes Grounded! You just can’t believe pro-
paganda! Your opponents
You just can’t believe pro-
paganda! Your opponents
offensive capabilities) and despondent and demoralized. A ferocious storm blows up, are much more skilled are much more skilled
declare that it is burning. Any Lower your force’s Morale die grounding all air assets. and motivated you’ve and motivated you’ve
figures in the building must by one type (i.e., d8 Morale been led to believe. been led to believe.
is reduced to d6). Morale All units have their Optimum
immediately evacuate to a point Range reduced to 6”. Troop Quality and Morale Troop Quality and Morale
at least 4" from the building. cannot be lowered beyond d6.
are bumped up one die type are bumped up one die type
They may be fired on by units 4-6: Your force is fired up and for each of your opponent’s for each of your opponent’s
that are on Overwatch or by hungry for some pay-back! units. This increase may not units. This increase may not
Defensive Fire if appropriate. Raise the Morale of every raise either value above d10. raise either value above d10.
The building is impassable unit in your force by one
for the duration of the game. die type (i.e., d8 Morale is
raised to d10). Morale cannot
be raised above d12.
Where’d Where’d Unexpected Unexpected
THEY Come THEY Come Praise the
Help! Help!
From? From? Sometimes the cavalry Sometimes the cavalry Lord and
Reinforcements arrive – Reinforcements arrive –
for the wrong guys! for the wrong guys!
shows up whether you
need them or not.
shows up whether you
need them or not. Pass the
Your opponent may draw Your opponent may draw Your may draw an Asset Your may draw an Asset Ammunition
an Asset Card. The asset an Asset Card. The asset Card. The asset described on Card. The asset described on
described on the card described on the card A supply snafu or too much
the card becomes available the card becomes available
becomes available to your becomes available to your time on the line has left your
immediately and may be immediately and may be
opponent immediately and opponent immediately and units low on ammo. Your
placed anywhere on the table placed anywhere on the table
may be placed anywhere may be placed anywhere force is now considered
within 6" of one of your units within 6" of one of your units
on the table within 6" of one on the table within 6" of one to be Poorly Supplied.
and no closer than 6" from and no closer than 6" from
of his units and no closer of his units and no closer any of your opponent’s units. any of your opponent’s units.
than 6" from one of yours. than 6" from one of yours.
Wait, the Wait, the
Colonel Colonel There’s
Watch Said WHAT?! Said WHAT?!
Where You Nothing
Radio communications is on Radio communications is on
BOOM!! Step! the fritz or telephone lines have the fritz or telephone lines have Friendly
A booby-trap or mine A possible booby-trap or mine
been cut. Your force has just
received garbled orders that
been cut. Your force has just
received garbled orders that About It!
has detonated near has been spotted in the path of contradict earlier commands. contradict earlier commands. One of your units has been
one of your units! one of your units. There is no
If the scenario allows Initiative If the scenario allows Initiative struck by friendly fire, either
Randomly determine which time to attempt to disarm the from an errant aircraft
device, so it must be bypassed! to change hands, your to change hands, your
unit has been struck by or off target artillery.
opponent automatically gains opponent automatically gains
the attack. The unit takes Randomly determine the Initiative on the next turn. Initiative on the next turn. Randomly determine which
a 4d10 Firepower attack unit that has spotted the
to which it may not React. If the scenario doesn’t allow If the scenario doesn’t allow unit has been struck. If it is
explosive. Your opponent an infantry unit, each figure
The stricken unit’s Defense may place a marker at least initiative to change hands, your initiative to change hands, your
is determined as usual. units must remain in place until units must remain in place until in the unit must roll a 4+ to
6" from that unit and at least avoid becoming a casualty. If
4" from nearby units. None the end of the next turn while the end of the next turn while
orders are sorted out. Your orders are sorted out. Your a vehicle is struck, roll on the
of your units may approach 2 Hits column of the Vehicle
within 4" of the marker. units may move into cover if units may move into cover if
they are not already there but they are not already there but Damage Results chart.
no other movement is allowed. no other movement is allowed.
Your units may fire as normal. Your units may fire as normal.
Give ‘em
Hell! Browning’s
Hunted! One of your infantry units
Your Area of Operations has gets carried away and
just been transformed into blazes away at the enemy A Medium Machinegun (MMG)
a hunting reserve for two like madmen. They fire with team has been dispatched
Incoming! Incoming! trained killers and it’s open everything they have as fast
as they can the next time
to assist your force.
season on your men!
One of your units is struck by a One of your units is struck by a they engage an enemy unit. The MG team is a two man
random barrage of mortar fire. random barrage of mortar fire. Your opponent gains a sniper Weapons Team with a MMG
team that can be placed Randomly determine (Medium Support). The team
Randomly determine the unit Randomly determine the unit the unit affected. This may be placed immediately
anywhere within 24” of one
that is hit by the mortar rounds. that is hit by the mortar rounds. unit will receive an extra anywhere within 4" of a
of your units. The sniper team
The affected unit is struck The affected unit is struck Firepower die for all attacks, friendly unit but no closer
is In Cover and Hidden. It is
with a Firepower of 6d6. with a Firepower of 6d6. Reactions, or Defensive Fire than 6" to an enemy unit. It
a two man team with a Troop
Quality and Morale of D10. for the rest of the turn. has a Troop Quality of d8
The team is Stealthy. It may be Make a Troop Quality check and Morale of d10. The team
activated or perform Defensive for the unit at the end of may be activated, React,
Fire any time after it is placed. the turn. If the unit fails the or engage in Defensive Fire
check, it is considered to as soon as it is placed.
be Poorly Supplied for the
duration of the game.
Who Won
Tank the ’39
Busters! World
An AT team has been
dispatched to assist your force.
Tank Friendly Series?
The AT team is a two man
Weapons Team with an AT Support Medic! Gremlins (Or ‘what’s the
Fuhrer’s birthday?’)
weapon appropriate to the Your force gains a medic that Your force has managed
A single tank has become Rumors have spread like
force to which it belongs may be attached to any unit. to jam the enemy’s radio
available to your force! wildfire that enemy troops in
(Heavy Support). The team That unit will use the Medic/ transmissions and/or cut
may be placed immediately The tank enters the game from their telephone lines. your force’s uniform and fluent
Special Forces First Aid table in your native language have
anywhere within 4" of a your force’s table edge. It has for the duration of the game. The opposing player loses infiltrated the area to wage a
friendly unit but no closer a Confident crew with a Troop
one Initiative die on the covert war of misdirection,
than 6" to an enemy unit. It Quality and Morale of d8.
next Initiative check. sabotage, and assassination!
has a Troop Quality of d8
and Morale of d10. The team When you can’t trust your own
may be activated, React, people, who can you trust?
or engage in Defensive Fire Reduce your force’s Morale by
as soon as it is placed. one die type. Morale cannot
be reduced below d6.
Off Board
Attached Attached Attached Attached Light
LMG Team LMG Team MMG Team MMG Team Mortar
A two man light machinegun
(LMG) team is attached to your
A two man light machinegun
(LMG) team is attached to your
A two man medium machine-
gun (MMG) team is attached
A two man medium machine-
gun (MMG) team is attached Support
to your force. It is armed to your force. It is armed Your unit has on call
force. It is armed with a light force. It is armed with a light
with a medium machinegun with a medium machinegun support from an off-board
machinegun (Light Support). machinegun (Light Support).
(Med. Support). The team (Med. Support). The team Light Mortar Team.
The team has a Troop Quality The team has a Troop Quality
has a Troop Quality of Trained has a Troop Quality of Trained
of Trained (D8) and D10 of Trained (D8) and D10 Each turn one of your units
(D8) and D10 Morale. Its (D8) and D10 Morale. Its
Morale. Its Confidence and Morale. Its Confidence and may attempt to call down a
Confidence and Supply Confidence and Supply
Supply Quality are the same Supply Quality are the same mortar salvo on a designated
Quality are the same as the Quality are the same as the
as the majority of your force. as the majority of your force. target using the Calling for
majority of your force. majority of your force.
The LMG team is a The LMG team is a a Fire Mission rules. The
The MMG team is a The MMG team is a outcome of the salvo is
Weapons Team. Weapons Team.
Weapons Team. Weapons Team. determined using the Resolving
a Fire Mission rules.
Off Board Off Board Off Board Off Board Off Board
Light Heavy Heavy Light Light
Mortar Mortar Mortar Artillery Artillery
Support Support Support Support Support
Your unit has on call Your unit has on call Your unit has on call Your unit has on call Your unit has on call
support from an off-board support from an off-board support from an off-board support from an off-board support from an off-board
Light Mortar Team. Heavy Mortar Team. Heavy Mortar Team. light artillery battery. light artillery battery.
Each turn one of your units Each turn one of your units Each turn one of your units Each turn one of your units Each turn one of your units
may attempt to call down a may attempt to call down a may attempt to call down a may attempt to call down a may attempt to call down a
mortar salvo on a designated mortar salvo on a designated mortar salvo on a designated salvo on a designated target salvo on a designated target
target using the Calling for target using the Calling for target using the Calling for using the Calling for a Fire using the Calling for a Fire
a Fire Mission rules. The a Fire Mission rules. The a Fire Mission rules. The Mission rules. The outcome Mission rules. The outcome
outcome of the salvo is outcome of the salvo is outcome of the salvo is of the salvo is determined of the salvo is determined
determined using the Resolving determined using the Resolving determined using the Resolving using the Resolving a using the Resolving a
a Fire Mission rules. a Fire Mission rules. a Fire Mission rules. Fire Mission rules. Fire Mission rules.
Off Board Attached Attached
Heavy Half-Track Half-Track
Artillery or Armored or Armored Tank
Support Car Car Support Attached
Your unit has on call
Your force has a Half-Track Your force has a Half-Track Your force has a tank available Medic
support from an off-board to support your mission.
or Armored Car attached. or Armored Car attached. A unit you designate has a
heavy artillery battery.
You may use the vehicle You may use the vehicle The tank’s crew has the medic or corpsman attached.
Each turn one of your units as transport and fire as transport and fire same Troop Quality, Morale, This unit will use the Medic
may attempt to call down a support for you units. support for you units. Confidence, and Supply or Corpsman First Aid chart
salvo on a designated target Quality as the majority for casualty checks.
The vehicle’s crew has the The vehicle’s crew has the
using the Calling for a Fire of your force’s units.
same Troop Quality, Morale, same Troop Quality, Morale,
Mission rules. The outcome
Confidence, and Supply Confidence, and Supply
of the salvo is determined
Quality as the majority Quality as the majority
using the Resolving a
of your force’s units. of your force’s units.
Fire Mission rules.
Air Support
Attached Attached Fighter Bomber Air Support
Forward Air Forward Air Your force has a Fighter Bomber
available. If you have an FAC in your Fighter
Controller Controller force, he may direct the Fighter
Bomber’s attacks. If not, roll a d6:
Your force has a Fighter available. If you
have an FAC in your force, he may direct
Attached A forward air controller
(FAC) is attached to a unit
A forward air controller
(FAC) is attached to a unit
1: Fighter Bomber makes
no attacks this turn
the Fighter’s attacks. If not, roll a d6:
1: Fighter makes no attacks this turn
Medic you designate. The FAC
has the same Troop Quality,
you designate. The FAC
has the same Troop Quality,
2-3: Fighter Bomber bombs a
randomly determined enemy unit
2: Fighter bombs a randomly
determined enemy unit
A unit you designate has a Morale, Confidence, and Morale, Confidence, and 4-5: Fighter Bomber strafes the 3-5: Fighter strafes the rough
medic or corpsman attached. Supply Quality as the unit Supply Quality as the unit rough middle of the enemy force middle of the enemy force
This unit will use the Medic to which it is attached. He to which it is attached. He 6: Fighter Bomber bombs a randomly 6: Fighter bombs a randomly
or Corpsman First Aid chart is armed with a SMG and is armed with a SMG and determined FRIENDLY unit determined FRIENDLY unit
for casualty checks. equipped with a radio. equipped with a radio. The Fighter Bomber’s strafing run The Fighter Bomber’s strafing run
has a Firepower of 4d8 and may has a Firepower of 6d8 and may
Roll a d6 to determine the Roll a d6 to determine the
damage all classes of vehicle. damage all classes vehicle.
air assets available to him: air assets available to him:
The Fighter Bomber’s bomb attack has The Fighter’s bomb attack has a 3"
1-2: Fighter Bomber 1-2: Fighter Bomber a 4" blast radius and a Firepower of 6d8 blast radius and a Firepower of 4d8 and
and may damage all classes of vehicle. may damage all classes of vehicle.
3-6: Fighter 3-6: Fighter Defense: 3d
Survivability: 1d10
Your force has a light AT Your force has a light AT
AT GUN AT GUN Your force has a Light Infantry
Gun. It can be positioned
Gun. It can be positioned Gun. It can be positioned Your force has a Medium Your force has a Medium anywhere within your
anywhere within your Force’s anywhere within your Force’s AT Gun. It can be positioned AT Gun. It can be positioned Force’s deployment zone
deployment zone and may deployment zone and may anywhere within your Force’s anywhere within your Force’s and may begin the game
begin the game hidden. begin the game hidden. deployment zone and may deployment zone and may hidden. The Infantry Gun is
begin the game hidden. begin the game hidden. an Intimidating Weapon.
The crew of the AT Gun has The crew of the AT Gun has
a Troop Quality of Trained a Troop Quality of Trained The crew of the AT Gun has The crew of the AT Gun has The crew of the gun has a
(d8) and a d8 Morale. (d8) and a d8 Morale. a Troop Quality of Trained a Troop Quality of Trained Troop Quality of Trained (d8)
(d8) and a d8 Morale. (d8) and a d8 Morale. and a d8 Morale. The crew is
The AT Gun has a The AT Gun has a
Firepower of 3d. Firepower of 3d. The AT Gun has a The AT Gun has a considered a Weapon Team.
Firepower of 4d. Firepower of 4d. The Infantry Gun is a Medium
Support Weapon and it is
manned by a Weapon Team,
bringing its Firepower to 4d.
Your force has a Light Infantry ENGINEERS ENGINEERS Hunters Hunters
Gun. It can be positioned HQ has assigned a four-man HQ has assigned a four-man
anywhere within your HQ has assigned a two-man HQ has assigned a two-man tank-hunting detachment tank-hunting detachment
Force’s deployment zone team equipped with a team equipped with a to your force. They are to your force. They are
and may begin the game flamethrower to your force. flamethrower to your force. equipped with AT-grenades equipped with AT-grenades
hidden. The Infantry Gun is The flamethrower team has The flamethrower team has and whatever portable AT and whatever portable AT
an Intimidating Weapon. a Troop Quality of Trained a Troop Quality of Trained weapon is appropriate for the weapon is appropriate for the
(d8) and a Morale of d8. (d8) and a Morale of d8. time period and force – if any. time period and force – if any.
The crew of the gun has a
Troop Quality of Trained (d8) The flamethrower is an The flamethrower is an The team’s Troop Quality The team’s Troop Quality
and a d8 Morale. The crew is Intimidating Weapon. Intimidating Weapon. is Trained (d8) and they is Trained (d8) and they
considered a Weapon Team. have a morale of d8. have a morale of d8.
The Infantry Gun is a Medium
Support Weapon and it is
manned by a Weapon Team,
bringing its Firepower to 4d.
Quick Reference Sheets Overwatch
Initiative - Only for aggressor
- May continue to interrupt in LOS until out of FP dice or fail reaction test
Each side rolls quality dice:
1 die per infantry Unit (per 2 units if more than 10 units a side). - Overwatch fire cannot be interrupted
1 die per vehicle - Lose 1 Firepower dice per subsequent interruption
Modifiers: +1 per 3 Victory Pts earned in previous turn (round down) - Irregulars cannot overwatch
+1 per Positive Leader - Overwatch fire is resolved when the enemy unit declares it is going to
-1 per Negative Leader fire at a friendly unit, even before the enemy unit makes a reaction test
+1 if force had initiative last turn against the friendly unit it is firing at.
. +1 if more units than opposing force
Side with most successes gains initiative.
Initiative doesn't change in the case of a tie. Morale effects
Stand: No effects, unit acts as normal.
Pinned: If unit failed a morale check
Infantry Movement rates table
-1 to reaction test - Must move to cover if movement left. Not towards enemy.
Stationary / overwatch 0"
-1 to firepower If can only move towards enemy may attempt to get In Cover.
Cautious 6"
+1 to enemy firepower - Quality dice reduced for turn duration
Rapid 12"
- If pinned to lower than QD6: cannot fire, react or move.
Out of contact Anywhere Must have never been seen
- Morale Dice of pinned units are unaffected.
No movement into enemy LOS
- Unpinned at end of turn
Terrain effect on movement:
Pull back: If unit pinned again
- Cautious speed to move through, into, or out of buildings & Dense wood.
- Immediately move away from firing enemy into cover to regroup.
- Difficult terrain as defined by scenario/players causes ½ speed moves.
Move up to 6" (even if moved already) but into nearest cover.
- Trained troops can cross water. Must stop at edge, then cross next turn.
- Regroup in next turn: Note can be pinned again while regrouping.
If not trained, morale check. Failing will cause 3D8 attack (no cover).
- Can fire while regrouping or go in overwatch
- Cannot move while regrouping
Defender’s actions - Can be pinned again, and fall back if pinned a second time
- Defender can interrupt until no FP dice left or fail reaction test (roll <4)
- Defender declares he is interrupting Movement or Firing (if interrupting
movement specify where) Defense dice Quality Check
- Defender can interrupt by shooting at pinned enemy units A unit's basic Defense is equal to the Aka TQ test
- Interruption is either fire or move. number of figures in the unit or the Roll one die
- Unactivated aggressor can react to defender's interruption if in LOS. number of Firepower dice being thrown at 4< is failed
Counts as activation. it, whichever is less. Add cover dice. 4+ is passed
Successful Aggressor
Reaction test Defender roll Aggressor’s
interruption. Morale
Result? ≥4 & >aggressor reaction
Resolve fire Check
Defender roll
Aggressor Move Morale check
<4 or ≤Aggressor
In cover Roll 1 die per figure in unit Defender Morale
[ -1" per interruption ]
Pass is Successes (4+) dice > failure dice Check
react first
Complete move
Aggressor fire Defender Morale Defender And/Or
on defender Check interruption fire Complete Fire
-1 FP dice/interruption
Infantry Defender
Defender Failed Run
Run up to 12" Morale
Morale check
Defender Failed
Failed Run up
up to
to 12"
12" Morale check Defender
Quality check
Quality check
check Failed pinned
pinned Pinned
Pinned =>
=> Drop
=> Drop
Drop Qd
pinned IfIf Qd<d6, POW strikes
Close assault
Close assault
assault If Qd<d6,
Qd<d6, POW
Failed IF
Failed IF
Passed Passed
Passed Passed
Passed Passed Stand
Stand and
and fight
Stand and fight
No Unit wiped
Unit wiped out
out or
Aggressor No defensive
defensive fire
fire or
wiped out or
Aggressor Flee
Flee No defensive fire surrender
Quality Defensive
Defensive Fire
Quality check
check Defensive Fire up Flee
up to
to 12"
12" Roll surrender
Roll D6/casualty
Quality check -1d
-1d Firepower
Firepower up towith
-1d Firepower
Not with Roll
1= Prisoner
-1d defence*
defence* dependends
Not with
-1d defence*
dependends 1=
5-6= Prisoner
5-6= Dead
Failed 5-6= Dead
No move
move Return
Return toto starting
starting Assaulter
Assaulter IF Morale
Morale check
Close assault:
No move
Activated point
point with
Return to pinned
with starting
pinned Failed
Failed casualties take
casualties take Passed
Passed Pinned =>
=> Drop
Pinned Drop Qd
check Qd
Assaulter strikes
Close assault:
Assaulter strikes
In cover
In cover or
or shaken
point with effects
shaken pinned
effects Failed morale
morale check
casualties take
check Passed If Qd<d6,
Pinned POW
=> Drop
If Qd<d6, POWQd
Assaulter strikes
In cover or shaken effects morale check If Qd<d6, POW
Loading/Unloading Vehicle
Vehicle Vehicle Movement
Vehicle Movement rates
rates table
Vehicle cannot move in turn loading/ Vehicle
Firepower Patrol speed Vehicle10" Movement Norates table
Vehicle cannot
cannot move
move in
in turn
turn loading/ Firepower Patrol speed 10" No restriction
unloading loading/ - UseFirepower
troop quality dice Patrol speed
Cruising speed
Cruising speed
No restriction
turn, facing unchanged
Loading: -- Use
- Use
troop quality
All weapons quality dice
always Cruising
water: patrol speed, No turn,
18" must stop turn, facing
at edge
cross next turn
Loading: -- All weapons always Crossing
Crossing water:
water: patrol
patrol speed,
speed, must
must stop
stop at
at edge
edge and
and cross
cross next
next turn
- Passengers may rapid move into All weapons
in optimum range always
-- Passengers
Passengers may
may rapid
rapid move
move into
into in optimum range
vehicle in optimum
- Same range
vehicle -- Same
Unloading: Same weapon
firepower weapon
against Weapons Vs.
Vs. Vehicles
Unloading: firepower against Weapons
- Passengers move cautious speed only firepower
infantry oragainst
vehicles Weapons Vs.ineffective
--- Passengers
Passengers move
move cautious
cautious speed
speed only
only infantry or vehicles - Small arms (except soft skins) =>
Suppression or react fire only infantry or
- MGs always vehicles
FP 3d -- Small arms (except
(except=>soft skins) => ineffective
-- Suppression
Suppression or
or react
react fire
fire only
only -- MGs - Small arms
Support weapons soft
Use skins)
only => ineffective
firepower of weapon + firer
MGs always
always FPFP 3d3d -- Support
Support weapons
weapons =>
=> Use
Use only
only firepower
firepower of
of weapon
weapon +
+ firer
Determine hits
Determine hits Roll damage effects
Roll effects
Roll Firepower hits
dice Vs. defender’s dice Roll damage
damage effects
Roll Firepower
Firepower dice
dice Vs.
Vs. defender’s
defender’s dice
dice Vehicle combat
Vehicle combat
Vehicle 1 HIT 2 HITS 3 HITS 4+ HITS
2 3 HITS 4+
If unmodified FP>defender unmodified armour
If unmodified
unmodified FP>defender unmodified armour 1 Ping! ½HITS
speed 3
FP dice HITS
Main W/Im.
= Add the FP>defender unmodified
difference in dice armour
to firepower 1
½ speed
½ speed
½ speed
FP dice
½ FP dice
FP W/Im.
Main dice Main W/Im.
Main W/Im.
= Add
Add the
the difference
difference in
in dice
dice to
to firepower
firepower 2 ½ speed ½ FP dice Main W/Im. Main W/Im.
Vehicle Defense Modifiers: (Cumulative) Save Vs.
Vs. hits
hits 2
3 ½
½ speed
FP dice ½ FP W/Im.
Main dice Main
Main W/Im.
W/Im. Main
Vehicle Defense
Defense Modifiers:
Modifiers: (Cumulative) Save
Target at Patrol Speed: +1D(Cumulative) Use vehicle reliability die type
½ FP
FP W/Im.
dice Main
Main W/Im.
Main W/Im.
Target at
Target at Patrol Speed:
Speed: +1D
Target at Patrol
Cruising Speed: +2D Use
Roll vehicle reliability
die type
die fordie type
each hit
Main W/Im.
Main W/Im.
Target at
Target at Cruising
Cruising Speed:
Speed: +2D
+2D Roll
Roll a Reliability die
die for each
each hit 5 Main W/Im. BREW BREW BREW
Target more
than half obscured: +1D Rollsa ≤Reliability
4 = significantfordamage.hit 5
6 Main
Target more than half covered by+1D
more than half obscured: solid cover Rolls ≤ 4 = significant damage. 6 BREW BREW BREW BREW
Target more than half covered by solid cover
(hull-down): +1D Ping = crew takes bail check anyway
(hull-down): +1D Ping = crew takes bail check anyway
Reactive Armor: +1D on FIRST attack only Brew = vehicle and crew eliminated
Reactive Armor: +1D on FIRST attack only Brew = vehicle and crew eliminated
Attacks vs. Side or Rear of AFV (Not Soft For all damages but ping, check crew casualties:
Attacks vs. Side or Rear of AFV (Not Soft For all damages but ping, check crew casualties:
Skins): -1D
Skins): -1D Bail out
Bail out check
check Roll TQ/crew & passenger. If failed = casualty
Attacks vs. Deck: -2D Roll TQ/crew & passenger. If failed = casualty
Attacks vs. Deck: -2D
Vehicle reactions
Vehicle reactions Bail outs
Bail outs Unbuttoned TC
Green Crew: 1 Reaction/Turn Make morale check Unbuttoned
Green Crew: 1 Reaction/Turn Make morale check By default TC is buttoned
Trained Crew: 2 Reactions/Turn Low confidence crew: Any hit By default TC is buttoned
Trained Crew: 2 Reactions/Turn Low confidence crew: Any hit - TQ check to unbuttoned for each turn
Veteran Crew: 3 Reactions/Turn Confident crew: If damaged - TQ check to unbuttoned for each turn
Veteran Crew: 3 Reactions/Turn Confident crew: If damaged - If fired on by infantry: +2 cover
Elite Crew: 4 Reactions/Turn If bail out - If fired on by infantry: +2 cover
Elite Crew: 4 Reactions/Turn If bail out - If AFV hit by A/T, TC hit if 1 rolled on D6
- TQ dice lowered permanently - If AFV hit by A/T, TC hit if 1 rolled on D6
- TQ dice lowered permanently
- Main gun only fires once per turn - Crew moves 4" from vehicle - If survives hits, roll TQ to stay unbottuned
- Main gun only fires once per turn - Crew moves 4" from vehicle - If survives hits, roll TQ to stay unbottuned
-- Generally,
Generally, commander
commander and
and gunner
gunner can
can -- IfIf TQ
TQ reduced
reduced to
to less
less than
than d6,
d6, eliminated
eliminated - If TC injured, AFV crew make Morale
- If TC injured, AFV crew make Morale
man a weapon each in a turn - Cannot remount until next turn check with
with lowered
lowered dice
dice type
man a weapon each in a turn - Cannot remount until next turn check
-1d firepower for each subsequent reaction - Morale check before remounting
-1d firepower for each subsequent reaction - Morale check before remounting
Destroying buildings
Destroying buildings Firing at
at building
Building can
can only
only be
be destroyed
destroyed by
by Firing Apply attack’s
Apply attack’s FP
FP against
Building can only be destroyed by Unmodified HE
FP 4+
4+ Building
Building Apply attack’s FP against
attacks superior
attacks superior toto structural
structural Unmodified Building
infantry inside
inside building
inside building
attacks superior to structural only collapses
collapses +1 FP
FP (use
(use cover)
strength: only
only +1
+1 FP (use cover)
Weak: 33 Dice
Weak: Dice
Weak: 3 Dice
Average: 66 Dice
Average: Dice
Average: 6 Dice
Reinforced: 99 Dice
Reinforced: Dice Attack successful
Reinforced: 9 Dice Compare number
Compare number
number Attack successful
successful Permanent
Fortification Bonus
Fortification Bonus Dice
Dice Permanent
Fortification Bonus Dice of successful
Light Fortification:
Light Fortification: +1
+1 Die
Die of successful
successful -1d to
Light Fortification: +1 Die 4+ rolls
Medium Fortification:
Medium Fortification: +2
+2 Dice
Dice 4+ rolls Structural strength
Structural strength
Medium Fortification: +2 Dice Roll Attack
Attack failed
Strong Fortification:
Strong Fortification: +3
+3 Dice
Dice Roll
Strong Fortification: +3 Dice Explosive weapon
weapon FP FP
Construction Quality
Construction Quality Die
Die Types
Types Explosive
Construction Quality Die Types Vs.
Shoddy Construction:
Shoddy Construction: D6D6 Vs.
Shoddy Construction: D6 Apply
Decent Construction:
Decent Construction: D8D8 Structural strenght
Structural strenght
Building Apply attack’s
attack’s FP
FP against
Decent Construction: D8 Building infantry
Quality Construction:
Quality Construction: D10
D10 (construction quality
(construction quality dice)
remains infantry inside
inside building
Quality Construction: D10 + Fortification
Fortification bonus
bonus remains -1 FP (use cover)
Exceptional Construction:
Exceptional Construction: D12
D12 + -1 FP (use cover)
Exceptional Construction: D12
If target in LOS -> Pass TQ test Light Mortar Salvo: 4D8 (4” radius) May damage Class 1 Vehicles
The following cumulative modifiers apply: Heavy Mortar Salvo: 6D8 (6” radius) May damage Structures & Class 1 & 2 Vehicles
Spotter is
Spotter is an
an actual
actual Forward
Forward Observer:
Observer: +1+1 Light Artillery:
Light Artillery: 8D8
8D8 (6”
(6” radius)
radius) May damage
May damage Structures
Structures &
& Class
Class 1
1&&22 Vehicles
Spotter is
Spotter is a
a Special
Special Forces
Forces leader:
leader: +1
+1 Heavy Artillery:
Heavy Artillery: 10D8
10D8 (8”
(8” radius)
radius) May damage
May damage Structures
Structures &
& Class
Class 1
1––33 Vehicles
Spotter is
Spotter is a
a Squad
Squad Leader
Leader or
or lower:
lower: -1
-1 Heavy Artillery
Heavy Artillery (AT):
(AT): 10D8
10D8 (8”(8” radius)
radius) May damage
May damage Structures
Structures &
& Class
Class 1
1––44 Vehicles
Spotter is
is calling
calling for
for assets
assets other
other than
than his
his own:
own: -1
-1 Missile
Missile Salvo:
Salvo: 12D8
12D8 (10”
(10” radius)
radius) May
May damage
damage Structures
Structures &
& Class
Class 1
1––44 Vehicles
Spotter hashas unreliable
unreliable communications
communications with with fire
control (designated
control (designated by by scenario):
scenario): -1
-1 Danger close
Danger close rules
rules apply
Air Support
Requesting Air
Air Support
Support Strafing
Strafing run
CAC must
CAC must have
have target
target in
in sight
sight and
and pass
pass aa TQ
TQ Test.
Test. 1- Draw
1- Draw a a line
line from
from one
one side
side of
of table
table toto the
the other.
The following modifiers
The following modifiers apply:
apply: 2-
2- All
All units
units within
within 6"6" of
of line
line can
can be
be fired
fired on.
on. Unless
Unless within
within 4"
4" of
CAC has has laser
laser designator:
designator: +1+1 friendly
friendly unit
unit (8"(8" for
for WW2
WW2 strafing
strafing runs).
CAC has has priority
priority for
for air
air support
support (indicated
(indicated by
by scenario):
scenario): +1
+1 If still want to shoot, use Danger
If still want to shoot, use Danger Close rule. Close rule.
CAC has spotty radio reception (indicated
has spotty radio reception (indicated by
by scenario):
scenario): -1
-1 -- AFVs
AFVs hit hit by
by run
run get
get -2D
-2D to
to defense.
CAC is is working
working with
with unfamiliar
unfamiliar aircraft
aircraft (indicated
(indicated by
by scenario):
scenario): -1
-1 -- Strafing
Strafing airplane gets defence +1D
airplane gets defence +1D
On successful
successful request:
request: -- Ground
Ground troops
troops firing
firing an
an arial
arial unit
unit suffer
suffer -1
-1 FP
Priority air support: Airstrike arrives immediately.
Priority air support: Airstrike arrives immediately. 3- All units engaged make
3- All units engaged make Morale. Morale.
Non-priority air support: Airstrike arrives at beginning of NEXT turn. - Units with casualties check with lower dice type.
Non-priority air support: Airstrike arrives at beginning of NEXT turn. - Units with casualties check with lower dice type.
4- After strafing run, all friendly unit’s morale checks done with
4- After strafing run, all friendly unit’s morale checks done with
On an unmodified die roll of 1, air support is no longer available. higher dice type for the rest of the turn.
On an unmodified die roll of 1, air support is no longer available. higher dice type for the rest of the turn.
Ground fire
fire Aircraft
Aircraft damage
damage effects
Warplanes can only be attacked from the
Warplanes can only be attacked from the 1 HIT 2 HITS 3 HITS 4+ HITS
ground while making an attack against 1 HIT 2 HITS 3 HITS 4+ HITS
ground while making an attack against 1 Ping! ½ FP dice Jink! Withdraw
ground targets. 1 Ping! ½ FP dice Jink! Withdraw
ground targets. Danger close 2 ½ FP dice Jink! Withdraw Withdraw
As per rules described below in Helicopters Danger close 2 ½ FP dice Jink! Withdraw Withdraw
As per rules described below in Helicopters Roll if friendly units within 4” of 3 ½ FP dice Withdraw Withdraw CRASH
section, except warplanes can only be Roll if friendly units within 4” of 3 ½ FP dice Withdraw Withdraw CRASH
section, except warplanes can only be indirect or aerial fire. 4 Withdraw Withdraw CRASH CRASH
engaged by Air Defense Weapons indirect or aerial fire. 4 Withdraw Withdraw CRASH CRASH
engaged by Air Defense Weapons 5 Withdraw CRASH CRASH CRASH
- Target player roll D10.
-- Target player 6 CRASH CRASH CRASH CRASH
Friendly unit inroll D10. close
Helicopters -range
- If TQroll
≥4 TQ
roll TQ test. danger close
test. roll, not hit,
& >target
Ping = No damage but make a Morale Check or Jink
½ FP=dice
No damage but make
= Permanent penalty a Morale Check or Jink
hit.≥4 & >target roll, not hit,
LZ & EZ - If TQ ½ FP=dice
Jink = Permanent
No further attackspenalty
this turn
LZ & EZ else
else Jink = No =further attacks
- Landing is done in one turn and take off in
-the Landing is done in one turn and take off in Note:hit.Target is always hit Withdraw Withdraws of turn. Must pass
next turn. Note: Target is always hit Withdraw = Withdraws
morale check for rest
to return next of turn. Must pass
the next turn. can react fire but can only use
- Helicopters regardless. morale=check to return next turn.they get out safely.
Crash If disembarking troops,
Helicopters fire.
can react fire but can only use Crash = If disembarking troops, they get out safely.
-suppression fire.
If Hit, can still land unless CRASH result
-drawn.If Hit, can still land unless CRASH result
- If CRASH while landing, crash at LZ and all Linear Gun Run
If CRASH whileroll TQ landing,
test or crash at LZ and all
are casualties. Linear
Same Gunrules
as Strafing Run above
Landed, helos roll TQ test
can’t useortheir
are casualties.
weapons Same as Strafing rules above
-- Landed, helos can’t
Landed helos fired use their weapons
on don’t get affected by
Landedhit helos
resultfired on don’t
except CRASH.get affected by
- On EZ the hit result
helo mustexcept CRASH.
spend a turn loading Calling Helo Gun run
- On EZ the helo must spend a turn loading CAS must have target in sightCalling
and passHelo Gun run
a TQ Test.
CAS must have
The following target inapply:
modifiers sight and pass a TQ Test.
following modifiers
is a Squad apply: Leader without extensive training: -1
or Fireteam
Fast rope insertion CAS has
is a Squad or Fireteam Leader
CAS laser targeting device: +1 without extensive training: -1
- Specific pointFast rope on
of insertion insertion
table CAS has priority
laser targeting device:(indicated
- Specific point of insertion on table for air support by scenario): +1
Fast roping model must deploy within a 4" diameter priorityradio
for airreception
support (indicated
- Fast CAS has spotty (indicated by
by scenario):
scenario): +1
Only roping model
one squad permust
turndeploy within a 4" diameter
(not fireteam)
CAS ishas spotty with
working radiounfamiliar
(indicated by scenario):
(indicated -1
by scenario): -1
- Only one squad
Fast roping per turn
unit can only (not
by fire.
CAS close
Danger is working
ruleswith unfamiliar aircraft (indicated by scenario): -1
- Fast roping unit
Use ground firecan only
rules React by
to attack fire.
Helo during the turn
Danger close rules apply
Use ground
unit fire
is roped in.rules to attack Helo during the turn
the unit is roped in.
Orbital Gun Run
Ground fire 1- Nominate point on table Orbital Gun Run
Apply to fire
Helos disembarking 1-
2- Nominate point8"
All units within onoftable
line can be fired on. Unless within 4" of friendly unit. If still want
Helos “gun
run” 2- All units
to shoot, usewithin 8" ofClose
Danger line can be fired on. Unless within 4" of friendly unit. If still want
or making
- Same as anti-vehicule “gun with
combat run” -1 FP to shoot,
- AFVsusehitDanger
by run Close
get -2Drule.
to defense.
- Same as anti-vehicule
Vehicules with AA systemscombat with
don’t -1 FP
suffer -1 FP - AFVs
Ground hittroops
by runfiring
get -2D to defense.
an arial unit suffer -1 FP
Reaction fire
- Vehicules withwhile disembarking
AA systems troops-1lowers
don’t suffer FP TQ. 3- All- units
Ground engaged
firing Morale.
an arial unit suffer -1 FP
Use weapon
- Reaction fire facing enemy only. troops lowers TQ.
while disembarking 3- All- units
with casualties check with lower dice type.
make Morale.
- Use can’t rotate while
facing disembarking
enemy only. or making gun 4- After strafing
- Units with run, all friendly
casualties checkunit’s
withmorale checks
lower dice done with higher dice type for the
Helo can’t rotate while disembarking or making gun rest of the
4- After turn. run, all friendly unit’s morale checks done with higher dice type for the
run. rest of the turn.
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