Debecka Crossroads
Debecka Crossroads
Debecka Crossroads
3’ x 2’ (90mm x 60mm) for 15mm or smaller
6’ x 4’ (1.8m x 1.2m) for 20mm or larger
A: US exit point.
B: Iraqi reinforcement entry point
Javelin issues. Due to issues with the US ASSET CARDS
Javelin’s Command Launch Units (CLU’s) Available Air Support (Fast Burners):
warming-up, each time one is fired, roll a Due to tasking issues, when fast air
TQ die. If the die is successful, the Javelin is successfully called, it arrives in
may be used as normal, and no further tests 1d6 turns, with turn 1 being the turn
are needed for that particular Javelin. If the it is called.
test is failed, the CLU does not warm up,
and the Javelin may not be used that turn. IRAQI ASSET CARDS
A TQ roll must be attempted the next time Light Artillery Support.
the Javelin is used. In addition, each time a
Javelin is actually fired, roll a TQ die. If the US MISSION
test is successful, the Javelin may continue ODA’s 044, 391, and 392 are defending a
to be used. If the test is not successful, that low ridge known as the “Alamo”. They must
Javelin is out of rounds, and may not be defend and hold the hill for at least 6 full
used any further. turns (with no non-pinned, non-suppressed
enemy units on it), and must exit the board
Friendly fire incident: When the F18 from point A by the end of Turn 8.
arrived, its pilot mistook friendly forces to
the rear of the Alamo position for the target, VICTORY POINTS
and dropped a bomb that caused significant Each non-pinned ODA team (without
casualties. To account for this, on the turn vehicle) that exits the Board at A on turn 7
immediately following the first turn that an or 8: +1 point.
F18 arrives, one half-team from ODA 391
must mount their Humvee, and leave the Each non-pinned ODA team (with vehicle)
table at Point A (they are called back to help that exits the Board at A on Turn 7 or 8: +2
at the scene of the bombing). They will not points.
count toward either side’s victory points.
Each Iraqi vehicle destroyed: +3 points.
Sniper! Most ODA members had some
sniper-related training and experience, and US FORCES
the gun trucks each had sniper rifles in
them. At the beginning of any turn, any 2 ODA 044: High Confidence, with normal
ODA members within 4” of a gun truck may supply levels – 11 soldiers with a mix of
be converted into a sniper team, with the M4’s and M4/M203’s (TQ d10, morale d12),
appropriate bonuses and advantages. No split in 2 half-teams of 5 or 6 soldiers each.
more than 1 such team may be so deployed One half-team is led by a positive leader,
at any given time. who can influence either half-team. ODA
044 has 2 gun-trucks (Humvee) with them,
Iraqi Secret Police: Iraqi secret police were each mounted with either an M2 HMG or a
known (especially by the Iraqis!) to be MK19 AGL on top, as well as a passenger-
operating in the area. Two times during the side mounted M240 (GPMG). Each half-
game, one Iraqi unit may re-roll a failed team also has a Javelin ATGM they can
morale check. use.
Fog of War: Each player draws one Fog of ODA 391: High Confidence, with normal
War card at the beginning of turn 1. Further supply levels – 10 soldiers with a mix of
Fog of War cards are triggered by reaction M4’s and M4/M203’s (TQ d12, morale d10),
tests split in 2 half-teams of 5 soldiers each. One
half-team is led by a positive leader, who
can influence either half-team. ODA 391
has 2 gun-trucks (Humvee) with them, each
mounted with either an M2 HMG or a MK19 MECHANIZED INFANTRY PLATOON:
AGL on top, as well as a passenger-side Low confidence and poor supply levels. 4
mounted M240 (GPMG). Each half-team MTLB’s, with 1 carrying a Platoon Leader
also has a Javelin ATGM they can use. (AK), Platoon Sergeant (AK), and 2 runners
(AK’s), and 3 carrying squads (6 AK’s, 1
ODA 392: High Confidence, with normal RPK, and 1 RPG). TQ d8 and morale d8.
supply levels – 10 soldiers with a mix of This unit starts out within 6” of the
M4’s and M4/M203’s (TQ d12, morale d10), southwest board edge, just to the right of
split in 2 half-teams of 5 soldiers each. One Point B. MTLB’s can lay smoke.
half-team is led by a positive leader, who
can influence either half-team. ODA 392 TANK PLATOON: Low confidence and
has 2 gun-trucks (Humvee) with them, each poor supply levels. 4 T55 tanks. TQ d8 and
mounted with either an M2 HMG or a MK19 morale d8. This unit enters at Point B on
AGL on top, as well as a passenger-side turn 1.
mounted M240 (GPMG). Each half-team
also has a Javelin ATGM they can use. MOTORIZED INFANTRY PLATOON: Low
confidence and poor supply levels. 3 3-ton
The 3 ODA’s should be set up initially trucks, each carrying 1 squad (6 AK’s, 1
somewhere on the Alamo ridgeline, facing RPK, and 1 RPG). A Platoon Leader (AK),
southwest. Platoon Sergeant (AK), and 2 runners
(AK’s) are split up between the 3 trucks. TQ
IRAQI MISSION d8 and morale d8. This unit enters at Point
US infidels have linked up with those B on turn 2.
Peshmerga dogs. Attack their weakly
defended position, and defeat them in AIR DEFENSE UNIT: Low confidence and
detail. The fools have no armor support, so normal supply levels. 1 ZSU 57-2. TQ d8
this should be easy! The Iraqis must seize and morale d8. This unit enters at Point B
the hill by the end of turn 6, and/or kill as on turn 3.
many Americans as possible. To seize the
hill, at least one non-pinned, non- IRAQI VEHICLE NOTE: If MTLB models
suppressed Iraqi platoon must occupy the are not available, use any soviet Armor
top of the hill, while no non-pinned, non- Class 2 APC’s (BTR, BMP), but limit their
suppressed US troops are on it. armament to one HMG (3d).
Each US SF team left on the board (with or
without vehicle): +5 points
The Alamo is seized by turn 6: +20 points