This document provides a 10-week budget of work for the content strand of mathematics involving operations with fractions and decimals for the 6th grade. It outlines the most essential learning competencies to be covered each week, including adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions and decimals, as well as solving routine and non-routine problems involving multiple steps using appropriate strategies. It also covers ratios, proportions, and expressing values as fractions of others.
This document provides a 10-week budget of work for the content strand of mathematics involving operations with fractions and decimals for the 6th grade. It outlines the most essential learning competencies to be covered each week, including adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions and decimals, as well as solving routine and non-routine problems involving multiple steps using appropriate strategies. It also covers ratios, proportions, and expressing values as fractions of others.
This document provides a 10-week budget of work for the content strand of mathematics involving operations with fractions and decimals for the 6th grade. It outlines the most essential learning competencies to be covered each week, including adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions and decimals, as well as solving routine and non-routine problems involving multiple steps using appropriate strategies. It also covers ratios, proportions, and expressing values as fractions of others.
This document provides a 10-week budget of work for the content strand of mathematics involving operations with fractions and decimals for the 6th grade. It outlines the most essential learning competencies to be covered each week, including adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions and decimals, as well as solving routine and non-routine problems involving multiple steps using appropriate strategies. It also covers ratios, proportions, and expressing values as fractions of others.
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MATHEMATICS 6 S.Y. 2020 – 2021
Content Strand Performance Standard
Quarter Most Essential Learning Competencies K to 12 CG Duration (MELCs) Code (Week) The learner… The learner Quarter 1 demonstrates understanding is able to apply the four adds and subtracts simple fractions and mixed numbers without of fundamental operations M6NS-Ia-86 or with regrouping. the four fundamental involving fractions and solves routine and non-routine problems involving addition Week 1 operations involving fractions decimals in mathematical and/or subtraction of fractions using appropriate problem-solving M6NS-Ia-87.3 and decimals. problems and real-life situations. strategies and tools. multiplies simple fractions and mixed fractions. M6NS-Ib-90.2 solves routine or non-routine problems involving multiplication M6NS-Ib-92.2 Week 2 without or with addition or subtraction of fractions and mixed fractions using appropriate problem-solving strategies and tools. divides simple fractions and mixed fractions. M6NS-Ic-96.2 solves routine or non-routine problems involving division without or with any of the other operations of fractions and M6NS- Ic-97.2 Week 3 mixed fractions using appropriate problem-Solving strategies and tools. adds and subtracts decimals and mixed decimals through ten M6NS- Id-106.2 thousandths without or with regrouping. solves 1 or more steps routine and non- routine problems M6NS-Id-108.2 Week 4 involving addition and/or subtraction of decimals and mixed decimals using appropriate problem-solving strategies and tools. multiplies decimals and mixed decimals with factors up to 2 Week 5 M6NS-Ie-111.3 decimal places. multiplies mentally decimals up to 2 M6NS-Ie-111.4 decimals places by 0.1, 0.01,10, and 100. solves routine and non-routine problems involving multiplication of decimals and mixed decimals including M6NS-Ie-113.2 money using appropriate problem-solving strategies. solves multi-step problems involving multiplication and addition or subtraction of decimals, mixed decimals and whole M6NS- If-113.3 Week 6 numbers including money using appropriate problem-solving strategies and tools. divides: a. whole numbers by decimals up to 2 decimal places and vice Week 7 versa b. decimals/mixed decimals up to 2 decimal places divides decimals: a. up to 4 decimal places by 0.1, 0.01, and 0.001 Week 8 b. up to 2 decimal places by 10, 100, and 1 000 mentally differentiates terminating from repeating, non-terminating M6NS-Ii-119 decimal quotients. solves routine and non-routine problems involving division of Week 9 decimals, mixed decimals, and whole numbers including money M6NS-Ii-120.2 using appropriate problem-solving strategies and tools. solves multi-step routine and non-routine problems involving division and any of the other operations of decimals, mixed M6NS-Ij-120.3 Week 10 decimals, and whole numbers including money using appropriate problem-solving strategies and tools. Quarter 2 demonstrates understanding is able to apply the four expresses one value as a fraction of another given their ratio of fundamental operations M6NS-IIa-129 and vice versa. the four fundamental involving fractions and Week 1 defines and illustrates the meaning of ratio and proportion using operations involving fractions decimals in mathematical M6NS-IIb-131 concrete or pictorial models. and decimals. problems and real-life situations. finds a missing term in a proportion (direct, inverse, and M6NS-IIb-133 partitive). solves problems involving direct proportion, partitive Week 2 proportion, and inverse proportion in different contexts such as M6NS-IIc-134 distance, rate, and time using appropriate strategies and tools. finds the percentage or rate or percent in a given problem. M6NS-IId-142 Week 3 solves routine and non-routine problems involving finding the M6NS-IId-143 percentage, rate and base using appropriate strategies and tools. solves percent problems such as percent of increase/decrease (discounts, original price, rate of discount, sale price, marked- M6NS-IIe-144 Week 4 up price), commission, sales tax, and simple interest. describes the exponent and the base in a number expressed in M6NS-IIf-146 exponential notation. Week 5 gives the value of numbers expressed in exponential notation. M6NS-IIf-147 interprets and explains the Grouping, Exponent, Multiplication, M6NS-IIf-148 Division, Addition, Subtraction (GEMDAS) rule. Week 6 performs two or more different operations on whole numbers M6NS-IIf-149 with or without exponents and grouping symbols. describe the set of integers and identify real-life situations that make use of it. Week 7 compares integers with other numbers such as whole numbers, M6NS-IIg-152 fractions, and decimals. compares and arranges integers on the number line. describes and interprets the basic operations on integers using Week 8 M6NS-IIh-155 materials such as algebra tiles, counters, chips, and cards. performs the basic operations on integers. M6NS-IIi-156 Week 9 solves routine and non-routine problems involving basic M6NS-IIj-157 Week 10 operations of integers using appropriate strategies and tools. Quarter 3 visualizes and describes the different solid figures: cube, is able to construct and describe prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone, and sphere using various demonstrates understanding the different solid figures: cube, concrete and pictorial models. Week 1 of solid figures. prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone, differentiates solid figures from plane M6GE-IIIa-28 and sphere. identifies the faces of a solid figure. M6GE-IIIb-30 demonstrates understanding is able to apply knowledge of formulates the rule in finding the nth term using different of sequence in forming rules, sequence, expressions, and strategies (looking for a pattern, guessing and checking, M6AL-IIId-7 expressions and equations. equations in mathematical working backwards) Week 2 problems and real-life e.g. 4,7,13,16,…n (the nth term is 3n+1) situations. differentiates expression from equation. M6AL-IIId-15 gives the translation of real-life verbal expressions and M6AL-IIIe-16 Week 3 equations into letters or symbols and vice versa. defines a variable in an algebraic expression and equation. M6AL-IIIe-17 represents quantities in real-life situations using algebraic M6AL-IIIe-18 expressions and equations. Week 4 solves routine and non-routine problems involving different M6AL-IIIf-19 types of numerical expressions and equations such as 7+ 9=+6. calculates speed, distance, and time. M6ME-IIIg-17 Week 5 solves problems involving average rate and speed. M6ME-IIIg-18 finds the area of composite figures formed by any two or more of the following: triangle, square, rectangle, circle, and semi- M6ME- IIIh-89 circle. is able to apply knowledge of Week 6 demonstrates understanding solves routine and non-routine problems involving area of speed, area, and surface area of of rate and speed, and of area composite figures formed by any two or more of the following: M6ME- IIIh-90 plane and solid/space figures in and surface area of plane and triangle, square, rectangle, circle, and semi-circle. mathematical problems and solid/space figures. visualizes and describes surface area and names the unit of real-life situations measure used for measuring the surface area of solid/space M6ME- IIIi-91 Week 7 figures. finds the surface area of cubes, prisms, pyramids, cylinders, M6ME-IIIi-93 Week 8 cones, and spheres. solves word problems involving measurement of surface area. M6ME- IIIj-94 Week 9 Quarter 4 demonstrates understanding is able to create and interpret determines the relationship of the volume between a of pie graphs and representations of data (tables rectangular prism and a pyramid; a cylinder and a cone; and a M6ME- IVa-95 Week 1 experimental probability. and pie graphs) and apply cylinder and sphere. experimental probability in finds the volume of cylinders, pyramids, cones, and spheres. M6ME-IVb-97 solves routine and non-routine problems involving volumes of Week 2 mathematical problems and M6ME-IVc-98 solids. real-life situations. reads and interprets electric and water meter readings. M6ME-IVd-100 solves routine and non-routine problems involving electric and Week 3 M6ME-IVd-101 water consumption. constructs a pie graph based on a given set of data and Week 4 interpret it. solves routine and non-routine problems using data presented M6SP-IVf-4.6 Week 5 in a pie graph. describes the meaning of probability such as 50% chance of M6SP-IVg-19 rain and one in a million chance of winning. Week 6 performs experiments and records outcomes. M6SP-IVh-21 makes listings and diagrams of outcomes and tells the number of favorable outcomes and chances using these listings and Week 7 M6SP-IVi-22 diagrams. makes simple predictions of events based on the results of M6SP- IVi-23 Week 8 experiments. solves routine and non-routine problems involving M6SP- IVj-24 Week 9 experimental and theoretical probability. A - An enabling competency developed to bridge the MELC B - The MELC is a refinement/restatement of the available K to 12 LC. C - The MELC was developed by merging/fusing a set of related LCs. D - The MELC originally appeared in other grade level/s based from the K to 12 Curriculum Guide. E - The MELC originally appeared in other quarter/s based from the K to 12 Curriculum Guide.