Midterm - Performance Task Rubrics
Midterm - Performance Task Rubrics
Midterm - Performance Task Rubrics
Health Optimizing Physical Education
How to design a Workout Program
From the given criteria, design your own 5 minutes aerobic routine using the various axial movements
and dance steps with music. (40 POINTS)
4 3 2 1 D AVERAG
Choreography Dancers fully combine Dancers combine 90% of Dancers combine 80 % of Dancers combine 70 % of
axial movements and the axial movements and the axial movements and the axial movements and
20% dance steps according to dance steps according to dance steps correctly. dance steps but with
rhythm. rhythm. repetition.
Mastery Dancers effectively Dancers perform their Dancers perform their Dancers perform their
perform their aerobic aerobic routine using aerobic routine with less aerobic routine without
15% routine using variety of variety of movements and variety of movements and variety of movements and
movements and dance dance step but with dance step with slightly dance step with errors.
step found in the various slightly errors. errors.
axial movements.
Rhythm and Dancers are reflecting the Dancers demonstrate the Dancers demonstrate the Dancers cannot cope up
Timing highest level of dance flow reflecting the dance with less with the music.
performance to cop up average level of performance to cope up
15% with the music. performance to cope up with the music.
with the music.
Coordination Dancers coordinate with Dancers make a few Dancers make several Dancers perform without
facial expression to mistakes and use limited mistakes and dance in a condition and expression
15% enhance the movement. facial and inner robotic manner. to enhance the movement.
Costume and Dancers wear correct Dancers wear correct Dancers wear incorrect Dancers dance without
Props costumes (PE UNIFORM costumes (PE UNIFORM costumes (PE UNIFORM costumes (PE UNIFORM
ONLY) and appropriate ONLY) but inappropriate ONLY) and inappropriate ONLY) and no
10% accessories. accessories. accessories. accessories.
Group Attitude Leaders and members are Leaders and members are Leaders and members are Leaders and members are
all well-coordinated and coordinated and unified quiet coordinated and experiencing too much
15% unified in the production in the production unified but slight problems problems during
procedure and procedure and and misunderstanding can production procedure and
performance. performance. be shown in the production performance.
procedure and
Individual Students shows intense Students shows Students shows little Students shows no
Attitude interest, volunteerism, volunteerism, dedication interest, volunteerism, interest, volunteerism,
dedication and passion in and passion in finishing dedication and passion in dedication and passion in
10% finishing the group the group performance. finishing the group finishing the group
performance. performance. performance.
Prepared by:
Ms. Kimberly H. De Torres
Subject Teacher
Email: sbc_alitagtag@yahoo.com
Contact numbers: 0968 300 5629/ 09266466857
Website: www. sbcalitagtag.edu.ph