Research Manual
Research Manual
Research Manual
1. The students should submit three research titles in relation to their track or
specialization to their research teacher. The teacher will endorse the submitted
research titles to the research coordinator and schedule a date for the title hearing.
B. Title Hearing
1. Students must wear business attire or complete school uniform during the title
hearing. Slippers, earrings for males are strictly prohibited.
2. Each group is given 10 minutes to present their research title, objectives, research
questions and methodology (setting, participants, design). Another 10 minutes is
allotted for the question and answer.
3. The panel shall then give constructive feedback and advice to the student and should
agree with an effective working research titleappropriate for every group.
4. The panel has to pinpoint precisely what the students will measure and what
research approach would be most suitable for their project.
1. Before the end of the first semester, the student should submit the following materials
to the Research Coordinator, and to their Panel (in both electronic and hard copy
Slides 7-9
Methods (all elements in bullet form)
B. Proposal Hearing
1. The presenters are required to wear business attire or complete school uniform
during the proposal hearing.
2. Each group will be given a maximum of 20 minutes to present their study
proposal. A time-keeper will be assigned to give the signal when only 5 minutes
is left for the presentation.
3. Right after the presentation, the presenters are to answer the question/s which
may be raised by the panel.
4. To assist the panel in making an objective evaluation of the oral performance of
the students, a rubric will be used (See Appendix D).
1. The students should submit a copy of the research manuscript to each member of the
examination panel at least one (1) week before the expected date of oral defense and
an electronic copy of their powerpoint presentation that shall include the following:
Slide Content
B. Oral Defense
1. Students must wear business attire during the defense. Slippers, earrings for males
are strictly prohibited.
2. The Research Teacher shall notify the students of the rating they received on the oral
examination, together with the revisions, if any, required in the research paper.
3. Research paper shall be rated qualitatively (Passed/Failed/Conditional) in the
attached form using a rubric (See Appendix D).
C. Approval for Binding
1. The students shall incorporate the required revisions and submit the revised copy to
the members of the Oral Defense Panel for the approval prior to the reproduction of
copies and binding of research paper.
2. No other pages may be added to the paper after it has been approved and returned
to the students for reproduction and binding.
1. Students shall submit four (4) bound copies and one (1) electronic copy in CD-WR of
the research paper to the Research Coordinator two (2) weeks after the oral defense.
Bound copies shall be distributed to the Research Teacher, School Library, Research
Hub and the Group Leader. The electronic copy shall be kept by the Research
2. Students shall undergo another oral defense if they failed to submit the bound copies
and its electronic file two weeks after the approval.
3. The manuscript is bound using a hard cover, wrapped in transparent plastic, in light
blue for HE, green for ABM, red for GAS, and golden yellow for ICT.
A. Organization of Entries
1. Front Matters
Preliminary Pages (use lower case Roman Numerals for all pages)
Fly Leaf
Title Page (Required) Page i, but does not appear
Approval Sheet (Required) Page ii, but does not appear
Acknowledgment (Required) Page iii
Dedication (Required) Continue pagination
Abstract (Required)
Table of Contents (Required)
List of Tables (Required)
List of Figures (Required)
List of Appendices (Required)
2. Text
The text of the research paper is divided into chapter. The text section is
paginated using Hindu Arabic numerals, beginning with the number 1 on the
upper right-hand corner. The page number does not appear on every beginning
page of the chapter. Each chapter must begin on a new page.
3.Back Matter
1. Front matters
This page contains the Institution logo, research title, author/s and
The final line of the title page is the month and year in which thesis is
approved by the oral Defence panel
c) Approval Sheet
This form must be typed or printed on a laser printer and must contain
the seal of the Research Center. This can be secured from the Research
The approval Sheet must contain the signatures of all the members of
the Oral Defense Panel. Date for affixing the signature must also be indicated.
The signatures should be original and must rendered in blue ink.
This is page number ii, but unmarked. The pagination is reflected in the
Table of Contents.
This page expresses the student/s’ recognition of, and appreciation for any
special assistance made by individuals that are not mentioned in the manuscript
but have made an important contribution to the study.
e) Dedication
f) Abstract
The heading for this page is ABSTRACT in uppercase and bold attribute,
centered without punctuation. (See SAMPLE FORM 3: ABSTRACT)
The body of the abstract, printed in double space, begins on fourth line
below the heading not more than one page.
g) Table of Contents
The heading for this page is TABLE OF CONTENTS in upper case and
bold attribute, centered without punctuation.
The titles of chapters must be listed exactly as they appear in the body of
the research paper. Side headings must not be numbered.
Titles for the preliminary pages and for all chapters except subchapters,
are in uppercase.
The page number of the starting page of each part is listed flash at the
upper right margin.
h) List of Tables/Figures/Appendices/Illustrations/Symbols/Abbreviations
The headings for these pages are in uppercase and bold attribute,
centered without punctuation.
Each entry must list the same caption or title used for a table in the text,
although a long caption maybe abbreviated to the extent of using only the first full
sentence or clause.
2. Text
Definition of Terms
Research Design
Research Environment
Research Respondents
Sampling Design
Research Instrument
Data Analysis
The next line starts on the fourth line below the title of the chapter.
The first page of each chapter is counted, but unmarked. All pages are
marked with Arabic Numeral at the upper right hand margins.
All tables and figures, if possible should be located such that they
do not run over into the next page. If this happens, subsequent pages of
the illustration must include at least the illustration number and the
notation that is continued, something like Table 1, cont.
Table captions are typed above the table and figure caption are
typed below the figure. If an illustration is rotated, the coordinating caption
must also be rotated.
For tables and figures copied from the sources, the caption of such
should include the source.
The captions for table and figures must be identical with those used
in the LIST OF TABLES and LIST OF FIGURES in the preliminary pages.
Below is a sample of a table in a figure; note that the left and right
border line of the table flush with left and right margins.
Table 1. This is the title of the first table. If the title is long such that it runs
down the next line, the first word of the text line must be flush with that of
the previous as shown by this example
Row one
Row two
You can put any figure ( caricature,
graphs, photograph, illustrations,
maps, chart, drawing, diagrams, etc.)
in this frame.
3. Back Matters
a. Reference
The heading must be in uppercase, centered and in bold attribute. This must be
in the same font style and point sides at the rest of the thesis.
Entries are listed alphabetically by the author’s last name or by the title of the
article. Books if there is no author or editor giver.
The first line of each entry starts at the margin; the second and the third line and
indented five spaces (one tab). (Format>Paragraph>Hanging indentation in Microsoft
Use the latest publishing date for the book or encyclopedia and the complete
data for newspaper, magazines, or the internet.
b) Appendix or Appendices
The font type and point size for the main headings, sub-headings, and
illustration captions of an appendix must watched that of the text.
c. Curriculum Vitae
It is a bibliography of the authors that may include place and date of birth,
educational background, etc.
It should be short, concise written in the third person, and the same font type and
point size as the rest of the thesis; as be double-space.
d. Technical Specification
2. Paper Layout
3. Margins
To provide allowance for trimmings during binding and later case in microfilming
and copying, every page of a manuscript must meet these minimum margin standards.
Top: 1.00”
Bottom: 1.00”
Right: 1.00”
Left: 1.50” (binding edge)
All manuscript materials must fit within these margin requirements (including
page numbers, tables, figures and graphs)
A 12- point Arial/Times New Roman is recommended. A consistent font and size
must be observed throughout all sections that thesis except tables. Italic may be used
for quotations and words in foreign language.
5. Spacing
The text and back matters and numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals.
Page numbers must appear in the same location (upper right hand corner) on
each page except on the first page of Chapters where the page is counted but not
Page numbers must be consistent with the text in the font size and style; must
also fit within the margin requirements.
References may be cited by giving the last name(s) of the author(s) and the year
of publication of the reference.
No correction in the form of correction tape or fluid, erasures, crash outs, and the
light must be made on the final copy.
9. Printing
All print should be letter quality with dark black characters that are consistently
clear and dense.
The hard cover contains the title, name of author, school, place, date of approval
of binding, all of which are stamped in gold/black foil and set in 14-point Arial font with
bold attribute for all elements.
A Research Paper
Research Adviser
Grammarian Statistician
Consultant Consultant
Research Coordinator
Attitudes toward science have received substantive research, mainly because they
influence students’ science learning and their participation in science. This study was
designed to determine the students’ attitude towards science with the implementation of
Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) was adapted and administered to the
public secondary junior high school students randomly chosen in the Quality Learning
Circle (QUALCI) 6 of the Division of Zamboanga del Sur. Mean, standard deviation and
Pearson r product moment of correlation were used in interpreting the data. Results
show that students are moderately high in motivation and found to have moderately
high usage rate of learning strategies in science. Respondents gave the lowest score to
effort regulation which could be translated into their lack of focus and being prone to
distractions. The analysis result of motivation scale shows that the students consider
science as a difficult subject for them as revealed by the low score for self-efficacy.
From the findings of this study, it is suggested that teachers and parents should actively
care about students’ motivation and appropriate learning strategies as these have found
(Name/s of Students)
Name Signature
1. Research Adviser
2. Statistics Adviser
3. Grammarian
4. Consultant
5. Consultant
The members of the above-mentioned Panel shall be present during the Title
Hearing, Proposal Hearing and Final Oral Defense.
Requested by:
Name/s of Students
Grammarian Date
Consultant Date
Consultant Date
Name/s: ______________________________________________________________
Overall evaluation:
Passed _______________
Failed _______________
Conditional _______________
Note: Write all suggested modification or changes(if there are any) on the other sheet of
Research Teacher
Research Teacher