Table of Contents
Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1 Repair Kits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10
Approvals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
Attention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2
Lock-up Pressure Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3
Regulator Orifice Diameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3
Mounting Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3
Mounting & Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
Pressure Tap Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
Outlet Pressure Spring Selection . . . . . . . . . . Page 6
Breather Plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6
Vent Limiting Device & Vent Line Connection Page 7
External Impulse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7
Outlet Pressure Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8
Spring Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8
Flow Curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 9
Accessories & Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10
FRS 7../6 series are CSA Certified: ANSI Z21.18/CSA 6.3.
FRS 5... series are CSA Certified: ANSI Z21.18/CSA 6.3.
The installation and maintenance On completion of work on the
of this product must be done Safety pressure regulator, perform a
under the supervision of an ex-
first leakage and function test.
perienced and trained specialist.
Never perform work if gas pres-
sure or power is applied, or in
the presence of an open flame.
MC • Karl Dungs, Inc. • FRS Gas Pressure Regulator • Edition 2015.09 • P/N 261398
Explanation of symbols
1, 2, 3 ... = Action
• = Instruction Never close Breather hole!
1 … 10
FRS The FRS series balance type, pressure regulator is a spring-loaded pressure regulator with adjustable setpoint
spring and an internal sensor for regulating output pressure.
Body Size Size Order No. 7 PSI max. Order No. 10 PSI max.
MC • Karl Dungs, Inc. • FRS Gas Pressure Regulator • Edition 2015.09 • P/N 261398
FRS 705/6 1/2“ NPT 229595 269318
FRS 707/6 3/4“ NPT 229608 267003
FRS 710/6 1“ NPT 229609 267005
FRS 712/6 1 1/4“ NPT 229610 267007
FRS 715/6 1 1/2“ NPT 229611 267009
FRS 720/6 2“ NPT 229612 267011
FRS 725/6 2 1/2“ NPT 229613 269324
FRS 730/6 3“ NPT 229614 269327
FRS 5040 (internal pulse) 1 1/2“ DN (ISO) Flanged 065144 not available
FRS 5050 (internal pulse) 2“ DN (ISO) Flanged 065151 not available
FRS 5065 (internal pulse) 2 1/2“ DN (ISO) Flanged 058792 not available
FRS 5080 (internal pulse) 3“ DN (ISO) Flanged 079681 not available
FRS 5100 (internal pulse) 4“ DN (ISO) Flanged 082552 not available
FRS 5125 (internal pulse) 5“ DN (ISO) Flanged 013250 not available
FRS 5150 (internal pulse) 6“ DN (ISO) Flanged 013268 not available 2 … 10
Lock-up Pressure Parameters
Per ANSI Z21.80, lock-up is defined as an outlet pressure not Per DUNGS, lock-up is +30 % of the outlet pressure set-
more than 150 % or 5 in. W.C, whichever is greater, above the ting after downstream shutoff valve slowly closes within 30
setpoint after a downstream safety shutoff valve closes with 2 seconds. Therefore, in a given application, a lockup greater
seconds, and the two following conditions exists: than +30 % or 5 in. W.C could occur, depending out the inlet
pressure, the outlet pressure of the regulator, the flow rate of
1. outlet pressure is set to the highest set point of the spring, the regulator, and the pipe volume downstream the regulator
and and upstream the safety shutoff valve.
2. the regulator is set to maximum capacity or flow at which
the regulator will control lockup pressure within the ac- If in a given application the lock-up pressure is too high,
ceptable limits. employing one or more of the following should reduce the
lock-up pressure:
This means that in a given application, a lockup greater than 1. Increase the size of the regulator.
150 % or 5 in. W.C could occur, depending out the inlet pres- 2. Increase the pipe volume downstream the regulator and
sure, the outlet pressure of the regulator, the flow rate of the upstream the safety shutoff valve.
regulator, and the pipe volume downstream the regulator and 3. Decrease the inlet pressure.
upstream the safety shutoff valve. 4. Decrease the oulet pressure.
5. Reduce the flow rate.
6. Disconnect vent line, if installed.
Mounting Preparation
Mounting Preparation FRS 7../6 & FRS 5... Flanged
• The main gas supply must be shut off before starting the
• Carefully examine the unit for shipping damage.
• Remove all dirt and debris before installing.
• Failure to remove dirt/debris could result in damage or
MC • Karl Dungs, Inc. • FRS Gas Pressure Regulator • Edition 2015.09 • P/N 261398
improper performance.
MC • Karl Dungs, Inc. • FRS Gas Pressure Regulator • Edition 2015.09 • P/N 261398
Bolts: as per DIN 939
Tmax [Ib-in] 443
NPT 1/2” 3/4” 1” 11/4” 11/2” 2” 21/2” 3”
Tmax 443 560 750 875 940 1190 1310 1310 NOTE: There are no limits for required pipe lengths
[Ib-in] immediately downstream of the FRS.
Do not overtorque threaded connection or If the flow is not in the same direction as the
bolts. Permanent damage will occur. arrows, the FRS will not operate properly.
4 … 10
Pressure Tap Connections
Pressure Taps - FRS 7../6 Threaded Version
1 Vent/breather connection
FRS 705/6 - FRS 710/6, G 1/4 in.
FRS 712/6 - FRS 730/6, G 1/2 in. Field mountable
adapter for vent
2 External feedback pressure connection connection
FRS 705/6 - FRS 710/6, G 1/4 in. - one side. G 1/4 to 1/4“ NPT
Order No. 231944
FRS 712/6 - FRS 730/6, G 1/4 in. - both sides. G 1/2 to 1/2“ NPT
Order No. 231945
3 Upstream pressure connection
FRS 705/6 - FRS 710/6, 1/4 in. NPT - one side.
FRS 705/6 - FRS 710/6, G 1/4 in. - one side.
FRS 712/6 - FRS 730/6, 1/4 in. NPT - both sides.
FRS Flanged
1 Vent/breather connection
FRS 5040 - FRS 5150, G 1/2 in.
5 … 10
Outlet Pressure Spring Selection
Outlet Pressure Spring Selection (outlet pressure values are for horizontal pipe mounting)
The output pressure is controlled by the force of the adjustable spring. The pressure regulator is supplied with the blue
spring No. 4. By exchanging springs, other output pressures can be attained. Subtract 1”W.C. when mounted vertically.
FRS 705/6 229817 229818 229820 229821 229822 229823 229824 229825 229826
FRS 707/6 229833 229834 229835 229836 229837 229838 229839 229840 229841
FRS 710/6 229842 229843 229844 229845 229846 229847 229848 229849 229850
FRS 712/6, 715/6, 229851 229852 229853 229854 229869 229870 229871 229872 229873
FRS 720/6 & 5050 229874 229875 229876 229877 229878 229879 229880 229881 229882
FRS 725/6, 730/6, 229883 229884 229885 229886 229887 229888 229889 229890 229891
5065, 5080
FRS 5100 229892 229893 229894 229895 229896 229897 229898 229899 229900
FRS 5125 229901 229902 229903 229904 229905 229906 229907 229908 243416
FRS 5150 229909 229910 229911 229912 229914 229915 229916 243417
Breather Plug
• All FRS’s have a breather plug that threads into the regula-
tors’s vent connection.
Do not removed plastic breather plug unless
venting outdoors is required.
This plug is not the vent limiter, and it prevents debris from
entering the upper chamber of the regulator. Debris in the
upper chamber of the regulator could adversly affect regula-
tor performance.
• The FRS regulator must also be able to exchange air through
the breather hole in order to properly regulate. Do not plug
the breather hole. Clear out if necessary.
MC • Karl Dungs, Inc. • FRS Gas Pressure Regulator • Edition 2015.09 • P/N 261398
6 … 10
Vent Limiting Device & Vent Line Connection
Vent Limiting Device
The FRS/6 series regulator contains an internal, factory in-
stalled vent limiting device, which limits the escape of gas to
less than 0.5 CFH @ 5 PSI in case atmospheric diaphragm
ruptures. Venting required unless accepted by the authority
having jurisdiction.
Vent Line Requirements
• Follow the local code for vent sizing and termination re-
quirements. In the absence of local codes, follow National
Fuel Gas Code NFPA 54, the International Fuel Gas Code
or the CSA B149.1 installation code for venting require-
• Terminate the vent to an approved location.
• At the point of termination, the vent line must be protected
from insects and water intrusion. It is highly recommend
to install an insect screen and terminate the pipe with the
exit facing downwards to prevent rain water from entering.
NOTE: For appliances using direct spark ignition, DUNGS
recommends using the FRS’s factory installed, internal vent
limiting device rather than installing a vent line.Vent lines
can cause resistance or even feedback pressures that
increase the lock-up pressure, potentially leading to hard
light-offs or even damaging the appliance.
Installation Procedure
• If venting the regulator, the vent line is to be connected to
the upper dome of the FRS regulator as illustrated.
• Remove the beather plug.
• On indoor installations requiring venting outdoors, run the
piping as short and as direct as possible.
• The vent connecton is G 1/4 for FRS 705/6 to FRS 710/6 and
In the absence of venting codes and where vent-
G 1/2 for FRS 712/6 to FRS 730/6 and for all ISO flanged
ing is required, each regulator must be vented
regulators. G 1/4 to 1/4”NPT adapters are available:
separately from all other vents.
(Order No. 231944) and G 1/2 to 1/2 NPT (Order No. 231945).
External Impulse
• When it is desirable to use the external impluse as the feed- • The external impulse must be properly terminated and made
back for the regulator, the internal impluse must be plugged. of a durable, metal material that is suitable for gas service.
Seal the interal impulse connection with a silicone or RTV
sealant suitable for exposure to natural gas, propane, or
MC • Karl Dungs, Inc. • FRS Gas Pressure Regulator • Edition 2015.09 • P/N 261398
Internal Impulse
Spring Replacement
• Remove the adjustment cover.
• Completely release the spring tension by turning the
adjustment spindle completely counterclockwise with a
screwdriver, and remove the aluminum cap.
• Remove existing spring and insert new spring.
MC • Karl Dungs, Inc. • FRS Gas Pressure Regulator • Edition 2015.09 • P/N 261398
• Re-install the adjusment cover, and apply the new outlet Adjustment cover
pressure label provided with new outlet pressure range
onto the name plate. Adjustment spindle for
• Reinstall the adjustment cover. outletpressure adjustment
Never have your head above or near Aluminum Cap. Turn only to remove
outlet pressure spring
the aluminum cap when removing
regulator spring. The spring tension
can be high enough to rapidly eject
the aluminum cap with a large force.
Breather plug
8 … 10
Flow Curve
Flow Curve (mechanically open) Using Natural Gas.
DN 150 (6”)
DN 100 (4”)
DN 125 (5”)
NPT 2 1/2”
DN 50 (2”)
NPT 1 1/2
NPT 1 1/4
NPT 1/2
NPT 3/4
NPT 2”
NPT 3”
DN 65
DN 80
Pressure Drop (in . W.C.)
100 200 300 400 600 800 1000 2000 4000 6000 10,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 100,000 200,000 300,000
3) Add the desired outlet pressure to the pressure drop determined in step one above. The sum of these is the required
minimum inlet pressure to achieve the desired maximum flow rate.
Repair Kits
Repair Kit Order No. Repair Kit Order No.
(contains all internal hardware to rebuild regulator) (contains all internal hardware to rebuild regulator)
FRS 705/6 Not available FRS 725/6 & 5065 068940
FRS 707/6 Not available FRS 5080 & 730/6 091868
FRS 710/6 Not available FRS 5100 091876
FRS 712/6, 715/6 & 5040 068924 FRS 5125 069005
FRS 720/6 & 5050 068932 FRS 5150 069013
MC • Karl Dungs, Inc. • FRS Gas Pressure Regulator • Edition 2015.09 • P/N 261398
Orange 2.8“ - 8“ 5 - 200 5 - 220 5 - 1,500 5 - 1,500 5 - 1,500 5 - 1,500 5 - 1,500
Blue 4“ - 12“ 5 - 300 5 - 350 5 - 1,700 5 - 1,700 5 - 1,800 5 - 2,000 5 - 2,000
Red 10“ - 22“ 5 - 500 5 - 600 5 - 2,000 5 - 2,100 5 - 2,200 5 - 2,400 5 - 2,400
Yellow 12“ - 28“ 5 - 600 5 - 700 5 - 2,200 5 - 2,300 5 - 2,500 5 - 2,700 5 - 2,700
Black 24“ - 44“ 5 - 700 5 - 850 5 - 3,000 5 - 3,200 5 - 3,500 5 - 3,700 5 - 3,700
Pink 40“ - 60“ 5 - 800 5 - 1,000 5 - 4,000 5 - 4,100 5 - 4,300 5 - 4,700 5 - 4,700
We reserve the right to make modifications in the course of technical development.