Disclosure To Promote The Right To Information

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इंटरनेट मानक

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 14439-1 (1997): Legal metrology - Gas volume meters,

Part 1: General requirements [PGD 26: Weights and Measures]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
( Reaffirmed 2003 )
m m f%m—% @-Nw-llTf
m lwT41wmrm

Indian Standard

ICS 17.120.10

@BIS 1997


NEW DELHI 110002

October 1997 Price Group 7

I i“”+
Commercial Weights and Measures Sectional Committee, LM 06


This Indian Standard (Part 1)wasadopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by
the CommercialWeightsand Measures Sectional Committee had been approved bythe Light Mechanical
Engineering Division Council.

This standard prescribes the general requirements applicable to all types of gasvolume meters including
electronic gas meters. The additional requirements, specificto a particular type of gasvolume meter, are
being specifiedin separate standards coveringparticular type of gasvolume meter.

The standard includes the terminology and definitions applicable to the gasvolume meters. It also covers
the provisions relating to location of verification and protection marks to detect/prevent any tempering
and the provisions relating to pattern approval for metrological control.

The contents of this standard havebeen alignedwith OIMLRecommendation, OIML R 6:1989 ‘General
provisionsfor gas volume meters’issued by the International Organization of Legal Metrology, France.

The standard on gas volume meters is currently being published in 3 parts as follows:

Part 1 General requirements,

Part 2 Diaphragm gas meters, and

Part 3 Rotary piston and turbine gas meters.

It is intended to bring-out Part 4 of this standard in due course to cover the particular requirements for
Electronic Gas Meters.

For the purpose of decidingwhether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final
value,observedor calculated,expressingthe result of a test or analysis,shall be rcmndedoff in accordance
with IS 2: 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. The number of significant places
retained in the rounded offvalue should be the same as that of the specifiedvalue in this standard.

IS 14439 (Part 1) :1997

Indian Standard

1 SCOPE 3.1 Working Range of a Gas Volume Meter

This standard specifies the terminology, and The range of the flow rates of gas limited by the
general requirements applicable to gas volume maximum flow rate Qrnaxand the minimum flow
meters. rate Qrnin.
2 REFERENCES 3.2 CyclicVolume of a Gas Volume Meter (P’)
The following Indian Standards contain provisions The volume of gas corresponding to the working
which through reference in this text, constitute cycle of the gas volume meter, that is to all the
provision of this standard. At the time of movements of the moving components which,
publication, the editions indicated were valid. All except for the indicating device and the
standards are subject to revision, and parties to intermediate transmissions, resume for the first
agreements based on this standard are encouraged time the position they occupied at the beginning of
to investigate the possibility of applying the most the cycle.
recent editions of the standards indicated below
Thisvolume is determined by multiplying the value
IS No. Title of the volume corresponding to one complete
revolution of the test element, or the value of the
9000 Basic environmental testing
smallest scale interval, by the transmission ratio of
procedures for electronic and
the measuring deviceto the indicating device.
electrical items:
(Part 2/See 3): Cold test, Section 3 Cold test for 3.3 Test Element
1977 non-heat dissipating items with
gradual change of temperature A device to enable precise reading of the gas
(Part 3/See 5): Dry heat test, Section 5 Dry heat volume.
1977 test for heat dissipating itemswith
3.4 Metering Conditions and Base Conditions
gradual change of temperature
(Part 5/See2): Damp heat (cyclic)test, Section 2 3.4.1 Metering Conditions
1981 12+ 12 h cyclic
(Part 7/See 3): Impact test, Section 3 Drop and Conditions of the gas, volume of which is to be
1979 topple measured, at the point of measurement (examples:
temperature and pressure of the measured gas).
(Part 8): 1981 Vibration (sinusoidal) test
9001 Guidance for environmental 3.4.2 Base Conditions
Conditions to which the measured volume of gas is
(Part 2): Cold and dry heat tests converted (examples: base temperature and base
1977 pressure).
(Part 4): Damp heat test NOTE — Metering and base conditions relate to the volume
1979 of gas to be measured or indicated onty and should not be
NOTE — Referenee has also been made to certain IEC eonfuaed with ‘rated operating conditions’ and ‘referenee
publications where the Indian Standarda do not existon the conditions’, whichrefer to influeneequantities.
subjects at present.
3.5 Conversion Device
A device which converts the volume measured at
For the purpose of this standard, the following the metering conditions to a volume at base
definitions shall apply. conditions.
IS 14439 (Part 1) :1997

The type of conversion may 3.13 Intrinsic Error

a) temperature only,
The error of a gas meter used under reference
b) temperature and pressure, and
c) temperature and pressure with cmrection
for deviations from the ideal gas law. 3.14 Initial Intrinsic Error
3.6 Working Pressure The intrinsic error of a gas meter as determined
The differencebetween the amolutepressure of the prior to performance test and durability
gas to be measured at the inlet of the gas volume evaluations.
meter and at the atmospheric pressure. 3.15 Fault
3.7 Pressure Absorption
The differencebetween the error of indication and
The difference between the pressures at the inlet intrinsic error of a gas meter.
and outlet of the gas volume meter while the gas is NOTES
flowing. 1 Principallya fault is the result of an undesired change of
NOTE — In some gasvolume metem the pressure rccovety data contained in or flowingthrough an electronic gas meter.
is not complete at the outlet tlange and it maybe necessary 2 From the definition it followsthat a “fault”is a quantity
to measure the pressure absorption at a point in the with a numericalvalue.
downstream pipe. Ttds point shall be specified in the
standard particular to that type of gas meter. 3.16 Significant Fault
3.8 Output Drive Constant 3.16.1 A fault greater than 0.5 of the maximum
The value of the volume corresponding to one permissible error on initial verification.
complete revolution of the shaft of the output
3.16.2 The following faults are considered not to
driv~ this value is determined by multiplying the be significant, even if they exceed the significant
value of the volume corresponding to one $nmplete
revolution of the test element by the transmission
a) faults arising from simultaneous and
ratio of the indicating device to this shaft.
mutually independent causes in the gas
3.9 Transitional Flowrate (@) meter itself or in its checking facilities.
The flowrate at which the maximum permissible b) transitory faults being momentary
error changes in value. variations in the indication, which cannot be
interpreted, memorised or transmitted as a
3.10 Electronic Gas Meter measurement result.
A gas meter equipped with electronic devices. 3.17 Durability Error
NOTE — For the purpose of this standard auxiliaty
equipment, as far ap it is subject to metrological control, is The difference between the intrinsic error after a
cmsidered to be part of the gas meter, unless the auxilia~ period of use and the initial intrinsic error of a gas
equipment is approved and verified separately.
3.11 Electronic Device
3.18 Significant Durability Error
A device employing electronic components and
performing a specific function. Electronic devices 3.18.1 The significant durability error is specified
are usually manufactured as separate units and are in the particular standard.
capable of being independently tested. 3.18.2 Durability errors are not relevant, even if
NOTE — An electronic device, as defined above maybe a they exceed the significant durability error, where
complete gaameter or part of a gas meter.
the indications cannot be interpreted, memorized
3.12 Error (of Indication) or transmitted as measurement results.
The indication of a gas meter minus the 3.19 Influence Quantity ‘,!
(conventional) true value of the measurand.
NOTE — Errom (E) are expreaaedin refativevalueaby the A quantity which is not the subject of the
ratio (expressedas a percentage) of the difference between measurement but which influences the value of the
the indicatedvalue (Vi)and the conventionaltrue value (Vc) measurand or the indication of the gas meter.
of the volume of the teat medium which has passed through
the gss meter, to this latter value 3.19.1 Influence Factor
n-v. An influence quantity having a value within the
E(%) =loo~
normal operating conditions of the gas meter.

-, . .. . . ...*.
IS 14439 (Part 1) :1997


An influence quantity not being an influencefactor.
4.1 Field of Application
3.20 Normal Operating Conditions
These requirements apply to the followingtypes of
Conditions of use, giving the range of values of gas volume maters:
influence quantities for which the metrological a) Positive displacement gas meters
characteristics are intended to lie within the (volumetric gas meters): diaphragm gas
specified maximum permissible errors. meters, rotary piston gas meters.
b) Inferential gas meters: turbine gas meters.
3.21 Reference Conditions
NOTE — In this standard gasvolumemeters are referred to
A set of specified values of influence factors f~ed as ‘gasmeted.
to ensure valid intercomparison of results of 4.2 Construction
4.2.1 General
3.22 Performance Gas meters shall be designed and manufactured in
such a way that they do not exceed maximum
The ability of the gas meter to accomplish the
intended functions. permissible errors under normal operating
conditions of temperature as specified in 10.2(a)
3.23 Durability and over the ranges of temperature and pressure of
the measured gas (metering cmditions) as claimed
The ability of the gas meter to maintain its by the manufacturer.
performance characteristics over a period of use.
4.2.2 Materials
3.24 Checking Facility Gas meters shall be made of sound materials
A facilitywhich is incorporated in a gas meter and changinglittle with age and sut%cientlyresistant to
enables significant faults to be detected and acted corrosion and to the attacks of the gases for which
upon. the gas meters are intended to be used and their
NOTE — By ‘acted upon’ is meant any adequate response
possible condensates.
by the gas meter. 4.2.3 Soundness of Cases
3,25 Durability Protection Feature The eases of gas meters shall be gas-tight up to the
maximumworking pressure of the gas meters.
A feature which is incorporated in a gas meter and Ifmeters are to be installed in the open air they shall
which enables durability errors in excess of the be impermeable to runoff water.
significantdurability error to be detected and acted
upon. 4.2.4 Protection Against Ertemal Interference
Gas meter shall be constructed in such a way that
3.26 Test
any mechanical interference capable of affecting
A series of operations intended to verify the the measuring accuracy results in permanently
compliance of the equipment under test (EUT) visible damage to the gas meter or to the
with certain requirethents. verification mark or protection mark.
3,26.1 Test Procedure 4.2.5 Dkection of the Gas F1OW

A detailed description of the test operations. On gas meters where the indicating deviceregisters
positivelyfor one direction only of the gas flow,this
3.26.2 Test Programme direction shall be indicated by an arrow. This arrow
is not required if the direction of the gas flow is
A description of a series of tests for a certain type
of equipment. determined by the ecmstruction. .1

3.26,3 Pe~ormance Test A protective deviee may also be provided which

would prevent the functioning of the gas meter
A test to verify whether the EUT is able to when the gasflowis in the direction opposite to that
accomplish its intended functions. intended for measuring.
3.26.4 Durability Test 4.2.6 Metrolo@cal Properties
A test to veri~ whether the EUTis able to maintain At a f!owrate equal to ‘Q~~’ a gas meter shall be
its performance characteristics over a period of use. able to function continuously for a time freedby the

IS 14439 (Part 1): 1997

particular standard without the changes in its Ci (i = 1, 2, ...n) represents the constant for the
metrological properties exceedingthe limits freed drive shaft characterized by the symbolML
by these requirements. When not connected to an attachable
4.3 Additional Devices additional device, the exposed ends of the drive
4.3.1 Gas meters may be fitted with: shafts shall be suitably protected.
a) prepayment devices, The cxxtnection between the measuring
b) integral pulse generators, the outlets of device and the intermediate gearing shall not
which shall bear an indication of the value be broken or altered, if a torque .of three times
of one pulse in the form: the permissible torque as indicated in
‘1im = ... m3 (or dm3)’ or applied.
‘1m# = ... imp.’,
c) a built-in conversion device,and 5 MARKINGS
d) a built-in self-checking and possibly self-
adjusting device. 5.1 Each gas meter shall bear, either on, the face
plate, or on a special data plat~ the following
These devices are regarded as forming an integral markings:
part of the gas mete~ they shall have been installed a) he pattern approval sign of the gas meter,
in the gas meter at the time of pattern approval and if appropriate,
initial verification. b) The manufacturer’s identification mark
4.3.2 Gas meters may be fitted with output drive c) The serial number of the gas meter and its
shafts which should be taken to include drive shafts year of manufacture,
or other facilities for operating detachable d) The designation of the gas metev this desig-
additional devices.The torque whichthe gasmeters nation is in the form of the capital letter ‘G’,
are required to produce in order to drive the followedby a number fixedin the particular
additional devices fitted shall not produce any standard,
changesin the gasmeter indication greater than the e) The maximum flowrate ~- = ... m3/h,
specifiedvalues. f) The minimum flowrate Q* = ...m3/h(or If there is only one drive shaft, it shall be dm3/h)
characterized by wt indication of its constant (C)in g) The ~aximum working pressure Pm= =
the form”1 Rev. = ... m3(or dm~”, of the maximum kgkxn (or gtn/cm2),
permissible torque in the form “Mm= ...N.mm”. h) For volumetric gas meters, the nominal
and of the direction of rotation. value of the cyclicvolume V = ... m3 (or
dm~, If there are several drive shatl.s,each shaft
j) The range of the metering coriditions in
shall be characterized by the letter ‘M’ with which the gas meter is required to work
subscript in the form “Ml,Mz... Mn”,as well as by within the specified maximum permissible
an indication of its constant in the form”1 rev. = ... errors, expressed as:
m3 (or dm3)”and of the direction of rotation. tnl = .4.-... “C,
The following formula shall appear on the gas Pm= ...- ...kg/cm2(or gmkrn~,
meter, preferably on the data plate k) Ifrequira a commercial designation of the
klMl+k2Mz+ ..........+k&. s A AJ.mm gasmeter, a special serial number, the name
of the gas distributor, the name of the
repairt?rahd the year of repair.
‘A’ is the numerical value of the maximum
permissible torque applied to the drive shaft with These markings shall be directly visible, easily
the highest constant, where the torque is applied legiile and indeliile under normal conditions of
only to this shafi, this shaft shall be characterized use of the gas meters.
by the symbolMI, !5.2The particular standard may prescribe other
ki (i = 1,2, ...n) is a numerical value determined as markings, such as the nature of the gas to be
follows: measured
5.3 Without special authorization, the use of any
Li marking other than those prescrii in the pattern
Mi (i = 1,2, ...n) represents the torque applied to approval document, unless required by other
the drive shaft characterized by the ‘symbol.Mi, national regulations, is prohibited.

IS 14439 (F’art1) :1997

6 INDICATINGDEVICESANDTEST 6.1.2 Mechanical Indicating Device

ELEMENT A mechanical indicating device shall
6.1 Indicating Device consist of drums; the last element (that is, the one
6.LI General Requirements with the smallest scale interval) mayhoweverbean
exeeption to this rule.
6.L1.1 Gas meters shall be equipped with an
NOTE — It appears that in certain designs, the mandato~
indicating deviee directly indicating the volume of use of drums in mtAattical indkating devices cauaea, at
gas measured. present, great inconvenience.Inconsequence, these deaigna
are, pti]onalfy, in need of requirements for indkating
The indicating deviee shall indicate the volume of devices with pointem. It is recommended that for this
the measured gas in cubic meters. llte symbol ‘m3’ purpose they apply to the requirements in AnnexA.
shall appear on the face plate. Where the indicating device includes
The scale intetval shall not exceed ‘1 m3’or the drums showing deeimal submultiple of the cubic
volume passed during one hour at Qtnin,whichever metre, these drums shall be separated by a clear
is the greater. decimal sign from those showingettbicmetres. The The indicating device may be decades after the deeimal sign shall be clearly
a) a mechanical indicating device as meant in distinguished from those in front of the decimal
6.1.2, sign.
b) an electromechanical or electronic in- Where the last drum shows a decimal
dicating device as meant in 6.1.3, and multiple of the cubicmetrt$the faceplate shall btxm
c) a combinatiomof ( a) and,@).
a) either one (or two, or three, etc) fixed The indicating deviee shall correspond to zero(s) after the last drum,
one of the following possibilities: b) or the marking’ X 10’ (or’ X 100’,or’ X
a) The gas meter has one indicating deviee I@O’,etc), so that the reading is always in
displaying the volume at metering con- cubic metrea.
ditions. The symbol‘r& shall appear on the
face plate, 6.12.4 A mechanical indicating device shall have
b) The gas meter has two indicating devices, at least a sufficient number of drums to ensure that
one displaying the volume at metering con- the volume pw+?dduritig2000 hours at maximum
ditions, the other displaying the volume at flowrate does not return all the drums to their
base conditions. The symbol ‘m~ shall ap initial positions.
pear on the face plate, accompanied by the
specification of those base conditions, ex- 6.12S The diameter of the drums shall be at least
pressed as: 16 mm.
m = ..: C (or “K), The advance by one unit of a figure of any
Pb = ... kg/em2(or gntktn~. order shall take place completely while the figure
It shall be clear and unambiguous as to which of the of an order immediately below passes through the
indicating devices these markings relate. last tenth of its eottrse.
NOTES A mecltanieal indicating device shall be
I The valuea chosen for base conditiom shatl preferably easily removable if such removal is necessary for
be: WC,15°CorWCand0.0102 kg/em2.
2 One displaymaybe used for both indicatioxw
c) A diaphragm gas meter with a built-in 6.1.3 Electromechanical or Electronic Indicating
temperature eonversion deviee may have Lkvice
only one indicating deviee displaying the
volume at base conditions. The symbol ‘m% Electromeehanierd or electronic indicating
shall appear on the faceplate, accompanied devices shall be nonresettable and shall be
bythe specification of the base temperature, nonvolatile (that is, it must be able to show the last
expressed as: correct indication after the deviee has recovered
h = ...”C from an intervening power failure).
NOTE — The VdUeS chosen for base temperature ahatt
preferably be tY’~15°Cor WC 6.132 The provisions of, The indicating deviee shall be so designed and are also applicable to electro-
that the reading is by simple juxtaposition. mechanical and electronic indicating devices.

— ,’
1S 14439 (Part 1) :1997

6.2 Test Element 6.2.3 Pulse Generator Used as Test Element

6.2.1 General Requirements A pulse generator maybe used as a Gas meters shall be designed in such a way test element if it complies with the
that they maybe verifiedwith sufficientaccuracyin requirements of to
a reasonably short time. For this purpose they shall The value of one pulse, expressed in units
be constructed either with an integral test element
of volume, shall be marked on the gas meter. This
or with arrangements permitting the connection of
a portable test unit. value shall comprise at least 6 significant figures,
unless it is equal to an integer multiple or decimal If a gas meter has two indicating devicesas fraction of the unit of volume indicated on the face
permitted in, each indicating deviceshall plate of the indicating device.
have a test element, in order to verify the
performance of the conversion device with The pulse value shall be calculated from the
sufficient accuracyin a reasonably short time. transmission ratio between the indication of the gas
meter and the location where the pulses are
6.2.2 Test Element of a Mechanical Indicating generated.
The manufacturer shall, at verification, submit The integral test element mayconsist of the documentation by which the calculation of the
last element of the mechanical indicating devicein pulse value can be checked.
one of the two following forms:
a) A continuously moving drum bearing a The gas meter shall be constructed in such
scale, a way that, prior to initial verification, the
b) A pointer moving over a fwed dial with a calculated pulse value w specified can be checked
scale, or a disk with a scale moving past a experimentallywith an uncertainty not greater than
fixed reference mark. The diameter of the 0.05 percent.
graduated scale shall at least be 16 mm. If a removable pulse generator is used, it On the numbered scale of a test element shall be possible to attach and remove this pulse
referred to in 6.2.2.l(b) the value of one complete generator easily.
revolution of the pointer shall be indicated in the
form:’1 rev. = ... m3(or dm~’. The beginning of the If the gas meter needs to supply a torque to drive
scale shall be indicated by the figure zero. the removable pulse generator, this torque shall
have a negligible influence on the performance of The scale spacing shall not be leas than the gas meter. The removable pulse generator is
‘1mm’and shall be constant throughout the whole considered to comply with this requirement if the
scale. influence is less than 0.1 percent at a flowrate equal
to 0.1 Qmax. The scale interval must be in the form
‘1x 10n’,‘2x 10n’,or ‘5x 10nm3’(n being a positive Measures shall be taken to prevent the
or negative whole number or zero). cyclicvolume of the gas meter having an influence
on the accuracyof the verification. The scale marks shall be fine and uniformly NOTE — This can be accomplished by counting a number
drawn. ofputaea that match an integer multiple of the cyclicvolume,
or bymeasuringa volumetargeenough to make the influence
In the case where scale interval is in the form negligible.
‘1 x 10R’,or’2 x 10nm3’all the lines representing
multiples of 5, and where the scale interval is in the 7 MAXIMUMPERMISSIBLE ERRORS
form ‘5 x 10n mx all the lines representing
multiples of 2, shall be distinguished by being 7.1 The values of the maximum permissible errors
longer than the other lines. The scale marks shall are f~ed in the particular standard. They are valid
be sufficiently thin to permit accurate and easy for the authorized direction of flow.
7.2 If the gasmeter has two indicating devices,one The test element may be provided with a reading the volume at metering conditions and the
scale mark which stands out in contrast to the scale other the volume at base conditions, the values of
and is of sufficient size to allow automatic the maximum permissible errors apply to the
photoelectric scanning. This scale mark shall not indicating device for the volume at metering
obscure the graduation and its presence shall not conditions. The difference in the errors of
be detrimental to the accuracyof reading, indication de~erminedfrom both indicating devices

IS 14439 (Part 1): 1997

shall not be more than the value stxxitled in the

likelyto affect the accuracyof the measure-
following table ment.
TyF of Conversion hi arimurn Diff2renee in Error (%) c) on the connection with the detachable addi-
tional devicesreferred to in
verification VOLUMEMETERS
eonditiona conditions
Ref Non Ref Ref Non Ref It specifiesthe general, technical and metrological
requirements for electronic gas meters, as they are
a) Temperature 0.5 1.0 0.7 1.5
b) Temperature and 0.s 1.3 1.2 1.9
flefinedin this standard, in view of the application
pressure of electronics.
c) Temperature and 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.2
pressure and ideal 10.1 Application Conditions for Electronic Gas
eas lawdeviations
I Meters
The reference conditions asspecifiedin 10.2(a) are 10.LI CfassiJcatwn for Environmental Conditions
applicable. Non reference conditions are normal Gas meters are classified according to their
operating conditions as specifiedin 10.2(a), other intended use under various environmental
than reference conditions. conditions, into the followingclasses.
Class B : This class applies, to enclosed
lIt maybe possibleto use one displayfor both indieationa.
locations, having only low levels
21n-servieevalues are recommendedvalues. of vibration and shock.
7.3 For a gas meter as meant in the class c : This classapplies to locations having
conventional true value at the metering a general open air climate and only
temperature shall be converted to the volume at low levels of vibration and shock
base temperature. The particular standard may
Class F : This classapplies to locations having
specifylarger maximum permissible errors for the
a general open air climate and
type of gas meter covered in that particular
medium levels of vibration and
10.2 Influence Factors
The maximum permissible values of pressure
a) Temperature
absorption may be fixed if appropriate, by the
particular standard. i) Normal operating conditions: ClassB:
between - 1(PCto + 40”C
9 LOCATIONOF VERIFICATIONAND ii) Class=’C and F: between – 25°Cto +
9.1 General Provision iii) Reference conditiotx a value between
15°Cto 25°C
The location of the marks shall be chosen in such a
b) Relative humidity
way that the dismantling of the part sealed by one
i) Normal operating conditions: s 93
of these marks results in permanently visible
damage to this mark. percent
ii) Reference conditions: a value be-
9.2 Data Plate twqen 40 to 60 percent
Gas meters shall have a special location for c) Variations in the mains power supply
applying the verification mar~ removal of the data i) Normal operating conditions: the
plate shall result in permanently visible damage to specified severity level (seeAnnex B)
this mark. ii) Reference conditions: no variation
9.3 Other Locations d) External magnetic tielck
i) Normal operating conditions: test
Locations for verification or protection marks shall conditions specified in 12.5.3
be provided on everygas meter:
ii) Referenm condition:the absence of
a) on all plates which bear information external magnetic fields.
prescribed by this standard and/or by the
particular standard, 10.3 Disturbances
b) on all parts of the case which cannot be
otherwise protected against interference a) Vibration (Class F only),

- ,,
IS 14439 (Part 1): 1997

b) Shock (Class F only), 11.2 Requirements for electronic gas meters fitted
.c) Power interruptions, with durabHity protection features
d) Bursts,
e) Electrostatic discharge, and 11.2.1 It shall be possible toveri@’the presence and
correct functioning of these features.
f) Electromagnetic interference.
NOTE — Tbia veritieationmaybeaccomprihed bymeans
Operating conditions:the specified severity levels ofa test buttonorbyanyothermeana.
(see Annex B)
11.2.2 The requirement of 11.2.1does not apply to
Reference conditions: the absence of the gas meters or parta of gas meters for which the
disturbance. manufacturer claims that they comply with the
10.4 Battery Power Supply requirementsof 1LL3(a)andwhichare nevertheless
equipped with durability protection features.
Gas meters which operate from a battery or other
power source which must periodically be replaced 12 METROLOGICALCONTROL
shall indicate the need for replacement, at least 90
days before power Mlure. Replacement of the As the gas meters are subject to state metrological
power source shall not adversely affect the controls, it is recommended that they include all or
programming, metering information, or some,of the followingcontrols.
subsequent operation of the gas meter.
12.1 Pattekn Approval
METERS 12.1.1 Each pattern of a gas meter from each
Electronic gas meters shall comply with the manufacturer is subject to the pattern approval
following requirements, notwithstanding all other procedure.
technical and metrological requirements:
12.1.2 Without special authorization, no
11.1 General Requirements modification maybe made to an approved pattern.
11.1.1 Electronic gas meters shall be designed and 12.1S Applications for pattern approval for gas
manufactured in such a waythat they do not exceed metetx shall be accompanied by the following
maximum permissible errors under normal documents
operating conditions.
— a description of the meter giving the technical
11.1.2 Electronic gas meters shall be designed and
characteristic and the principle of its opera-
manufactured in such a way that, when they are
exposed to disturbances, significant faults do not —
occur. a perspective drawing or photograph of the
NOTES — a nomenclature of parts with a description of
lAkult~ti Ww~tititiw=~tti Al&l
is allowed irrespectively of the value of the error of constituent materials of such’parts,
indication. — an assembly drawingwith identification of the
2Thii requirement does not prohibit the uae of eheeking component parts listed in the nomenclature,
Exilities. — a dimensioned drawing

11.L3 The provisions of 11.1.1and 11.1.2shall be — a drawing showing the location of verification
met durably. Electronic gas meters shall be marks and seals,
— a drawing of the indicating device with adjust-
designed and manufactured in such a waythat
ment mechanisms,
eithec . a diinensioned drawing of metrologically im-
a) the signitkmtt durability error is not ex- Pc@antcomponents,
ceeded, or — a drawingof the data plate ‘orfaceplate and of
b) a durability error ex&@ng the significant the arrangements for inscriptions,
durability error is detected and acted upon — where appropriat~ a drawingof the additional
by means of a durability protection feature. devices,
11.1.4 The pattern of a gas meter is presumed to — where appropriate a table setting out the char-
comply with the requirements stated in 11.1.1, acteristic of the drive shafts,
11.1.2 and 11.1S if it passes the examination and — where appropriat~ a list of electronic com-
tests specifiedin 12.5and in the particular standard. ponents with their essential characteristics,
— where appropriate; a description of the
11.1.5 The choice,whether 11.13(a) or 11.13 (b)
is applied, is left to the manufacturer. electronic devhx=$ with drawin~, diagrams

-... ,“ ‘3>
IS 14439 (Part 1): 1997

and general softwareexplainingtheir cmstruc- c) durability evaluation (that is, tests and/or
tion and operation, other measures) to verify compliance with
— where appropriat~ the application for pattern the requirements of 11.1.3.
approval shall be accompanied by any docu- d) examination and test to verify where ap-
ment or other evidence which supports the plicablethe complianceof theelectronicgas
assumption that the designand construction of meter with the requirements of 11.1.3 and
the electronic gas meter comply with the re- 11.1.4.
All gas meters, whether or not equipped with
NOTE — Safetyrequirements are to be respected.

checking facilities and whether or not equipped
a list of the documents submitted, and

with durability protection features, are subject to
a declaration specifying that the meters the same test-programme.
manufactured in conformity with the pattern
meet the requirements for safety, particularly 12.L5.I Perjiormance tests (carried out prior to
those concerning the maximum working pres- durability testi)
sure as indicated on the data plates. During these tests the gas meter shall complywith:
12.1.4 The following particulars shall appear on — the requirements of 11.1.1, the maximum
the pattern approval certificate permissible error and being the maximumper-
missible error on initial verification,
— the name and address of the person to whom — the requirements of 11.1.2.
the pattern approval certificate is issued,
— the type of the gas meter and/or commercial Durability programme
designation, During performance tests carried out after each
— the principal technical and metrological durability test the gas meter shall comply with
characteristics, such as the minimum flow, requirements of 11.1.
maximum working pressure, nominal inter-
nal diameter of the connecting pieces and, in Testpe@ormance
the case of volumetric gas meters : the The followingtests shall be performed
nominal value of the cyclicvolume, Influence factors:
— the pattern approval sign, a) Static temperatures, dry heat
— the period of validity of the pattern approval, See Annex B, B-1,
— for meters equipped with drive shafts: Severitylevel: Class B: severitylevel 1 Clas-
a) the characteristics of the shaft as set out in ses C and F: severity level 2 there is only one drive shaft), b) Static temperature+ cold:
b) the characteristics of each shaft and the See Annex B, B-2,
formula given in (where there are Severitylevel: Class B: severity level 1
two or more drive shafts), Classes C and F: severity level 2
. the environmental classification, c) Damp heat, cyclic:
— information on the location of the pattern ap- See Annex B, B-3
proval sign, initial verification marks and seals Severity level : Class B : severity level 1
(where appropriate, in the form of Classes C and F: severity level 2
photographs or drawings), d) Mains power supply variations:
— a list of the documents accompanyingthe pat- See Annex B, B-4, severity level 1
tern approval certificate, and - - - - e) External magnetic fields:
any speeial comments. Electronic gas meters shall be subject to
tests in any orientation within a 50 Hz
12.L5 Tests for Electronic Gas Meters (60 Hz) alternating magnetic field
equivalent to that produced by a circular
Electronic gas meters shall be subjected to the
following examinations and tests: coil, one meter in diameter having 400
Ampere turns.
a) examination to verifywhether the gas meter
complies with the requirements of 11.1. Disturbances:
b) performance tests to verifycompliancewith a) Vibration (Class F only):
the requirements of 11.1.1, regarding in- See Annex B, B-5 severity level 1
fluence factors, and 11.1.2,regarding distur- b) Shock (Class F only):
bances. During these tests the EUTshallbe See Annex B, B-6, severity level 1
in an operational state (that is, the power c) Short time power reduction:
shall be switched on). See Annex B, B-7, severity level 1

KS 14439 (Part 1) :1997

d) Electrical bursts: included in a simulated measurement set-up,

See Annex B, B-8, severity level 1 sufficiently representative for its normal operation.
e) Electrostatic discharge. NOTE — It is not intended that the gas meters or devieesbe
See Annex B, B-9,severitylevel 1 dismantledfor the tests.
f) Electromagnetic suseeptibili~
See Annex B, B-10, severity level 1 13 INITIAL VERIFICATION

12.L5.4 Testprocedures New gas meters are subject to the procedure for
The test procedures are specified M Annex B. initial .veriikation. They shall comply with the
relevant requirements. These requirements apply Equipment under test (EUT) equally to subsequent verifications of repaired or
As a rule, tests will be carried out on the complete readjusted gas meters.
gas meter. If the size or configuration of the gas
meter does not lend itself to testing of the gas meter 14 SUBSEQUENT VERIFICATIONS
as a whole unit, or if only a separate device of the
gasmeter is concerned, the tests shall be carried out Recommended requirements for subsequent
on the electronic devices,provided that, in case of verifications may be given in the particular
tests with the devieesin operation, these devieesare standards.

IS 14439 (Part 1) :1997


A-1 The face of an indicating devicewith pointers this pointer shall correspond to 10 m3, or 100 m3,
shall have circular scales intended for reading the or, etc.
volume of measured gas, each graduated into 10
divisions of the same length. The scale marks shall A-4 Each numbered circular scale shall indicate
be numbered successivelyfrom Oto 9, the ‘O”scale clearly and nonambiguously the value, in units of
mark being at the top of the scale. The diameter of volume, corresponding to one complete revolution
the circular scales shall beat least equal to 16mm. of its pointer. The direction of rotation of the
pointer shall be indicated by means of an arrow.
The face shall have enough numbered circular
scalesto indicate the volume delivered during 2000 A-5 Circular scales not intended to indicate the
hours working at maximum flowrate. measured volume of gas (for example, scales
The symbol ‘m3’shall appear on the dial. intended for the verification of the meter or the
control of its metrological qualities) are
A-2 The intermediate transmissions of the
authorized. However, these scales shall be off the
indicating devicewith a pointer shall be so arranged
geometric line on which the circular scales used for
that the direction of rotation of the pointers of
indicating the volumes of measured gas are,aligned.
circular scales alternates when one considers the
next circular scale of which the value, in volume, A circular scalenot intended to indicate the volume
shall be ten times greater or ten times smaller. ofgasmeasured for use shall carry,within the circle,
A-3 The pointer moving at the highest speed shall a clear indication of the value of the volume
be on the right hand side of the indicating de~ce corresponding to one complete revolution of the
when viewedby an observer standing in front of the pointer. The scale shall have 10 divisions of the
meter. same length, the scale marks not being numbered.
The direction of rotation of this pointer shall be An arrow shall indicate the direction of rotation of
clockwise. The value of a complete revolution of the pointer.

(Clauses 10.2,10.3, and 12.L5.4)


The followingseverities shall apply:
B-1.l The test consists of exposure to the specified
high temperature under “freeair”condition for the
time specified (The time specified is the time after
the EUT has reached temperature stability).
B-1.2 The test shall be conducted in accordance B-2 COLD TEST
with IS 9001 (Part 2) and IS 9000 (Part 3/See 5).
B-2.1 f’hetest consists of exposure to the specified
B-1.3 The change of temperature shall not exceed low temperature under “freeair” condition for the
1°C/minduring heating up and cooling down. time specified (The time specified is the time after
the EUT has reached temperature stability).
B-1.4 The absolute humidity of the test B-2.2 The test shall be conducted in accordance ,,
atmosphere shall not exceed20 g/m3. with IS 9001 (Part 2) and IS 9000 (Part 2/See 3).

B-1.5 Prior to the test the ELJTshall be calibrated B-2.3 The change of temperature shall not exceed
under reference conditions. During the test the 1°C/minduring heating up and cooling down.
error of indication shall be determined several B-2.4 Prior to the test the EUT shall be calibrated
times. under reference conditions. During the test the


. .
I ‘ ““”r
IS 14439 (part 1) :1997

error of indication shall be determined several of the EUT during the exposure. The EUT shall be
times. tested in t~ree mutually perpendicular axesin turn,
mounted on a rigid fixture by its normal mounting
B-2.5 Test Severity
The following severities shall apply
The EUT shall normally be mounted so that the
I Severity 1 21 gravitational force acts in the same direction as it
Temperature(”C) -10 -25 would when the instrument is in use. Where the
Duration (hours) 2 2 effect of gravitational force k not important the
EUT ma~be mounted in any attitude. ”
B-5(a).2 Test Severity
B-3.1 The test consists of exposure to cyclic
temperature variation between 25°C and the The followingseverityshall apply
appropriate upper temperature, maintaining the Severity 1
relative humidity above 95 percent during the
temperature change and low temperature phases, Total frequencyrange Hz) 10-150
and at 93*3 percent at the upper temperature Total RMS level (m.s-$ ,6
phases. ASD level, 10-20Hz (m .s-3) 0:048
ASD level, 20-150Hz (dB/octave) –3
B-3.2 The test shall be conducted in accordance Number of axea 3
with’IS 9001 (Part 4) and IS 9000 (Part 5/See 2). Duration per axis Minimum 2 minutes in each
functional mode
B-3.3 Condensation should occur on the EUT
during the temperature rise. NOTE — For teat detaits reference maybe made to IEC
publication6S-2-36,first e&ion, 1973,Basic environmental
B-3.4 Prior to the test the EUT shall be calibrated testingprocedures, Part Z Teat, teat Fdb: Random vibration
repruducabWy wide band — medium, as there is no fndmn
under reference conditions. During the test the Stancfmt availabk?on the subject at present.
error of indication shall be determined several

B-3.5 Test Severity (As an alternative to the random viiration test)

The following severities shall apply B-(b).l The te$t shall be conducted in accordance
with IS 9000 (Part 8).
I Severity 1 2
B-5(t3).2 Test procedure
Upper temperature (“C) 40 55
Duration (cycles) 2 2 The EUT shall be tested by sweepingthe frequency
in the specified frequency range, at 1 octave/
minute, at the specified acceleration level with a
B-4.1 The test for variation in ac mains power specified number of sweep cycles per axis. The
supply (single phase) consists of exposure, at EUT shall be tested in its three, mutually
normal atmospheric conditions for testing, to the perpendicular,mainaxes,mountedon a rigid fixture
specified power supply condition for a period long byita normrdmeans. It shallnormallybemourtted so
enough to achieve temperature stability and to that the gravitationalfirm actsin the samedirection
perform the required measurements. as it wouldwhen the instrument is in use. Where the
effect of gmvitational forti is not important, the
B-4.2 Test Severity EUT maybe mounted in any attitude:
The following severity shall apply B-5(b).3 TEST SEVERITY
[ Severity 1
The followingseverity shall apply
Mains voltage(V) upper limit V(nom) + 10%
I Severity 1
lower limit V(nom) - 15%
Mains frequenq upper limit f(nom) +2% Frequency range (Hz) 10-150
(Hz) lower limit f(nom) -2% Mux acceleration level (rft/s2) 2
NOT17 — For a three-phase power supply the voltage Number of sweep cyclesper axis 20
variation shatfappfyto each phase successively.
B-5(t@ VIBRATION (RANDOM) B-6.1 Test Procedure
B-5(a).l The test consists of exposure to vibration The test shall be conducted in accordance with
for a time long enough to test the various functions IS 9000 (Part 7/See 3). The EUT, standing in its

IS 14439 (Part 1) :1997

normal position of use on a rigid surface, shall be NOTE — For fulltest details refe~nce maybe made to IEC
tilted about one bottom edge and then allowed to publicationS01-4(19S4)Electromagnetic compatibilityfor
industrial-proeeas measurement and control equipment,
fall freely onto the test surface. All coversshall be Part 4: Electricalfast transienmumt requirements, as there
properly fitted. is no Indian Standard availableon the subject at present.
B-6.2 Test Severity B-9 ELEC1’ROSTA~C DISCHARGE
The following severity shall apply B-9.1 Test Procedure
Severity 1 A capacitor of 150pF shall be chargedby a suitable
Height of fall (mm) 25 DC voltage source. The capacitor shall be then
Number of falls (for each bottom edge) 2 discharged through the EUT by connecting one
NOTE — Height of till meansd~tance betweenthe elevated terminal to ground (chassis) and the other via 150
edge and the test surtke. However,the angle made by the ohms to surfaces which are normally accessible to
bottom and the teat surface shall not exceedW. the operator.
B-7 SHORT-TIME POWER REDUCTION B-9.1.1 At least 10dischargesshall be applied. The
B-7.1 The test is carried out to determine the time interval between successivedischargesshall be
effectof short-time interruptions and reductions in at least ten seconds.
mains voltage. B-9.1.2 An EUT without a ground (earth)
B-7.2 Test Procedure terminal shall be placed on a grounded plate which
projects beyond the EUT by at least 0.1 m on all
A test generator suitable to reduce the amplitude sides. The ground connection to the capacitor shall
of one or more half cycles(at zero crossings)of the be as short as possible.
ac mains voltage is used. The test generator shall
be adjusted before connecting the EUT. The B-9.1.3 The dischargeelectrode shall approach the
mains voltage interruptions and reductions shall be EUT until discharge occurs, and shall then be
repeated ten times with an interval of at least 10 withdrawn before the next discharge.
seconds. B-9.2 Test Severity
B-7.3 Test Severity The followingseverity shall apply
The following severities shall apply: Severity 1
Severity la lb DC voltage (kV) up to and including 8
NOTE— For fufftest detaits reference maybe made to @C
Reduction 100 % 50% Publication S01-2(19S4) Electromagnetic compatibtity for
Number of half cycles 5 10 industrial-process measurement and control equipment,
B-8 ELECTRICAL BURSTS Part 2: Electpxtatic discharge requiremems, as there is no
Indian Standard avaifableon the subject at present.
B-8.1 Test Procedure
The test consists of exposure to bursts of double
exponential waveform transient voltages. Each B-10.1 Test Procedure
spike shall have a rise time of 5 ns and a
half-amplitude duration of 50 ns. The EUT shall be exposed to an electromagnetic
field strength as specified by the severity level.
The burst length shall be 15 ma, the burstperiod
(repetition time interval) shall be 300 ms. The B-10.1.1 The field strength may be generated in
burst generator shall have an output impedance of various ways:
50 ohms and shall be adjusted before connecting
— the stripline is used at low frequencies (below
the EUT. Bursts shall be coupled to the EUT both
in common mode and differential mode 30 MHz or in some cases 150 MHz) for small
interference. At ieast 10 positive and 10 negative EUTS:
randomly phased bursts shall be applied in each — the long wire is used at low frequencies (below
mode. Insertion of blocking filters in the cables to 30 MHz) for larger ELJT’s;
the EUT may be necessary to prevent the burst — dipole antennas or antennas with circular
energy being dissipated in the mains or in other polarization placed 1m from the EUTare used
interconnected units. at high fr(xpencies.
B-8.2 Peak Value Amplitude B-10.L2 The specified field strength shall be
The peak value amplitude used for the test shall be established prior to the actual testing (without
0.5 kV. EUTin the field).At least 1m of all external cables


IS 14439 (Part 1) :1997

shall be included in the exposure by stretching them B-10.2 Test Severity

horizontally out from the EUT.
The followingseverities shall apply
B-10.1.3 The field shall be exposed in two
orthogonal polarizations and frequencyrange shall
be scanned slowly. If antennas with circular
polarization (that is a log-spiral or a helical
antenna) are used to generate the electromagnetic ~
field,a change in the positicmof the antennas is not
required. When the test is carried out in a shielded
~ I
NOTE —For fulltest detailareference maybe made to IEC
enclosure to comply with international laws Publication S01-3(1984) Electromagnetic compatibilityfor
prohibiting interference to radio communications, industrial-process measurement and control equipment,
Part 3: Radiated electromagnetic field requirements, as
care needs to be taken to control reflections from there is no Indian Standard available on the subject at
the walls. Anechoic shielding maybe necessary. present.
At least 1m of wiring to and from the EUT shall be


Bureau of Indian Standards

INS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and
attending to conneeted matters in the country.


BE3 has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be repmduccd in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of neeessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publication), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Stmdards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue
of ‘BIS Handbook’ and ‘Standards Monthly Additions’
This Indian Standard has been developed from Dot: No. LM 06( 0276).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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