The Impact of Cultural Global Issues On Communication

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UNIT 4: Globalization and Communication What changes has GLOBALIZATION brought in the

way people communicate?

The Impact of Cultural & Global Issues on

How much has communication changed over the

*The 21st century i1s the century of connectivity,
convergence, and interactivity.
*Since we are now living in a digital age, we are
called digital natives.

What is Globalization?
It is a term that describes how and why the world
continues to evolve in the ways that it does. It
refers to the processes through which local and
regional ideas, products, and practices are
transformed into worldwide ideas, products, and
processes (Griffin and Bone, 2014).
*One of the effects of globalization in
- Transformation communication is the growing complexity of the
- Interconnectedness communication process.
*The world seemed to have shrunk into something
where every person can interact all over the world. Traditional Media
*We became more aware of the things happening Broadcast Print
around us. Television Newspapers
*Wider perspective means we are cognizant, we Radio Magazines
are aware of people’s diversity and uniqueness Music Books
(belief, language, pov, et.) Movies Signs
- Interdependence Billboards
*The dependence of a country to another, that is
the result of opening of countries borders. New Media (Second Age Media)
*Partnership; mutual agreements; alliances Web Sites Blogs
- Transnational exchange Apps Wikis
* Countries now are operating internationally. Email Ebooks
* We do not just think of the local scene, instead we Podcasts RSS Feeds
go across our own border; we think of cultural Smart Phones Social Networks
diffusion. Streaming Video Streaming Music
*Local pertains to the place of origin where the
product is produced, and it does not pertain to the Today’s manner of communication is characterized
quality of the product. by the constancy of the following:
- Connectivity
*Good and effective communication is vital for a *we establish connectivity in a much faster manner
successful crossover of regional ideas, products, - Convergence
and services across international borders. *is achieved when communication is made possible
when technology overlaps with f2f communication.
*grants online participation anytime, and anywhere
*We must remember that the way globalization has
shaped communication today provides both The Impact of Globalization on Communication
barriers and opportunity for us digital natives or as
the key players. Today, people need to understand the dynamics of
long-distance collaboration, the impact of culture on
The Impact of Communication on Society and manners of speaking and body language, and how
Culture to use technology to communicate with people on
Digital technology facilitates an expansion of our the other side of the globe.
interests and advocacies.
*Because of this we are able to expand our According to Ingram (2018), there must be
awareness for issues that we choose to support, concentration on developing certain communication
and advocate. skills for effective global communication:

Distinction between the First and Second Media 1. Virtual Interactions

Ages Media 2. Cultural Awareness in Speech
First Media Age Social Media Age
3. Cultural Awareness in Body Language
(Broadcast) (Interactivity) 4. Time Differences

Centralized: One speaks Decentralized: Many

to many speak to many
(the editor has the control (with the use of the Today's keywords are connectivity, convergence,
of informing the public; internet, it allowed for and interactivity among nations of the world in
has the control over the more voices to be heard which global communication has an important role
information) and more individual
to play in achieving these.
stories to be heard.)

One-way communication Two-way communication

Reproduction of social Democratizing: Facilities

stratification and universal citizenship

Participants as fragments Participants are seen

mass retain their individuality

Influence consciousness Influence individual

experience of time and


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