Challenges of Living in A Global Society
Challenges of Living in A Global Society
Challenges of Living in A Global Society
Let’s begin with a prayer
Let’s play!
Guess the animal
Are you ready?
Guess The Animal
Guess The Animal
Thank you for playing
At the end of this chapter, you should be able to:
• Identify different contributors to cultural diversity in our
• Analyse the challenges we face living in a global village.
• Appreciate unity and harmony amid diversity.
• Recognize the importance of developing the solid
knowledge and skills of intercultural communication.
● Our early ancestors lived in small villages
● They spent their lives mostly communicating through face to face
interactions with people who were much like themselves.
● Over the years, advances in transportation, improvements in
telecommunication technologies, increases in international business,
and political exchanges have brought strangers from different parts of
the world into face-to-face contact.
Marshall McLuhan
● Canadian Media Culture Analyst
● 1964 he coined the term ‘Global Village’
● Global Village was used to describe a world in which
communication technology, such as television, radio, and news
services, brings news and information to the most remote parts
of the world.
McLuhan’s vision of a global village is no longer considered an abstract idea,
but a virtual certainty.
We can exchange ideas as easily and quickly with people across the world as
our ancestors did within the confines of their villages.
We form communities and societies, and we encounter people from different
cultures in business, at school, in public places, in our neighbourhood, and in
Each encounter with new food, clothing, lifestyle, art, language, or practice
teaches us new things outside our ‘village’ culture.
For instance
Whitty, Baker and Inman (2007) show that there are still the usual steps leading
to the establishment and development of a love relationship, when initiated on
the web meeting in specific online places, communicating online, and meeting
in real life are factors in successful and unsuccessful online-initiated
The idea of internet-based romantic relationships is gaining
popularity as the mobility of society increases.
Reason being is;
● Inexpensive communication
● Similar to a conversation technologies make our
● Convenient
community more
culturally diverse than
● Quick ever before.
other cultures is a challenge we face
today, living in a global society.
If we consider that people with the same cultural background may experience
problems communicating with each other, we can appreciate more fully the
difficulties that people from different cultures may encounter when trying
to communicate.
Perspectives on Globalization
In the academic literature (Held and McGrew, 2007), there are three different perspectives on
1. Globalist perspective
2. Traditionalist perspective
Traditionalists argue that the significance of globalization as a new phase has been
3. Transformationalist perspective.
*Castells, Manuel (2008) ‘The new public sphere: global civil society,
communication networks, and global
governance’, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
*Oxley, Laura and Paul Morris (2013) ‘Global citizenship: a typology for
distinguishing its multiple conceptions’,British Journal of Educational Studies
Thank you for your
time :))
Bathan, Ivan Andrei
Rivas, Irish
Umali, Fhebelyn Heart
Valle, Erika Mae