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Game Version: 1.2.1
Version: 1.2.1
Revision: Unknown
System Info:
SystemInfo.processorCount = 8
System.Environment.ProcessorCount = 8
SystemInfo.processorFrequency = 2496
SystemInfo.systemMemorySize = 8029
SystemInfo.graphicsMemorySize = 3962
SystemInfo.graphicsShaderLevel = 50
SystemInfo.supports2DArrayTextures = True
Same save file timestamp for Steam Cloud and local for savedata.dat
Same save file timestamp for Steam Cloud and local for beneathsavemp0.dat
numShardUpgrades: 0
numShardUpgrades: 0
numShardUpgrades: 0
numShardUpgrades: 0
numShardUpgrades: 0
numShardUpgrades: 0
Welcome to the log for Paint the Town Red. Hopefully you're viewing this out of
curiousity and not because something went wrong.
If something did go wrong then please send this log to
along with a description of the problem.
You can also go to the Steam Community for the game and post about your bug there.
OK : FMOD.ChannelGroup
SetAnimationLOD 0
WARNING: [FMOD] Please add an 'FMOD Studio Listener' component to your a camera in
the scene for correct 3D positioning of sounds.
Attempt InitAddressablesSystem
InitAddressables success
AppID: 337320
ResetValuesAfterLevelLoad: FinalMenu
Starting Quitting