1. This document contains 35 multiple choice questions related to pediatrics. The questions cover topics like neonatal resuscitation, complications of prematurity, neonatal jaundice, childhood infections, childhood developmental milestones, childhood malnutrition and pediatric rheumatology.
2. The questions are designed to test knowledge of identifying clinical presentations, making diagnoses, interpreting exam findings and choosing appropriate treatment plans for a variety of pediatric conditions.
3. Answering the questions correctly would demonstrate mastery of important concepts in neonatal and general pediatrics.
1. This document contains 35 multiple choice questions related to pediatrics. The questions cover topics like neonatal resuscitation, complications of prematurity, neonatal jaundice, childhood infections, childhood developmental milestones, childhood malnutrition and pediatric rheumatology.
2. The questions are designed to test knowledge of identifying clinical presentations, making diagnoses, interpreting exam findings and choosing appropriate treatment plans for a variety of pediatric conditions.
3. Answering the questions correctly would demonstrate mastery of important concepts in neonatal and general pediatrics.
1. This document contains 35 multiple choice questions related to pediatrics. The questions cover topics like neonatal resuscitation, complications of prematurity, neonatal jaundice, childhood infections, childhood developmental milestones, childhood malnutrition and pediatric rheumatology.
2. The questions are designed to test knowledge of identifying clinical presentations, making diagnoses, interpreting exam findings and choosing appropriate treatment plans for a variety of pediatric conditions.
3. Answering the questions correctly would demonstrate mastery of important concepts in neonatal and general pediatrics.
1. This document contains 35 multiple choice questions related to pediatrics. The questions cover topics like neonatal resuscitation, complications of prematurity, neonatal jaundice, childhood infections, childhood developmental milestones, childhood malnutrition and pediatric rheumatology.
2. The questions are designed to test knowledge of identifying clinical presentations, making diagnoses, interpreting exam findings and choosing appropriate treatment plans for a variety of pediatric conditions.
3. Answering the questions correctly would demonstrate mastery of important concepts in neonatal and general pediatrics.
1) An infant of pre-eclampsia of mother 20 years old is suspected to be:
A. Post-term B. Large for gestational age C. Small gestational age D. Average for gestational age 2) A preterm neonate developed hypoglycemia In nursery. He is also infant of diabetic mother He is 32 weeks& his body weight is 5 kg. Developed hypoglycemia discovered by chance. The treatment is: A. 10 ml DW 10% IV bolus B. 25 ml DW 10% IV bolus C. 10 ml DW 5% IV bolus D. 5 ml DW 5% V bolus 3) An obstetrician calls you for an elective cesarean section due to eclampsia mother. The fetus is preterm. You suspect the following findings: A Wrinkled skin B Active alert newborn C Long meconium stained nails D. Lungo hair or red shiny skin 4) The long term complication that is suspected in a preterm neonate remains in NICU for 1 month for mechanical ventilation is: A Bronchopulmonary dysplasia B. Hyaline membrane disease C. Hypoglycemia- D. Apnea 5) A preterm neonate of 3 days old neonate, developed apnea in nursery. He admitted due to premature rupture of membrane > 18 hours before labor. The first treatment that you can give him not include: A Phenobarbitone B. Aminophylline, C. Propranolol D. Phenytoin 6) While you are preparing your NRP bag for delivery of a postdate pregnancy, obstetrician told you that he is meconium stained. You observe that he is inactive, lethargic& apneic. You first step in resuscitation is: A. Cardiac massage B. Adrenaline injection C. Ambu bag ventilation D. Endotracheal intubation & suction 7) Hyaline membrane disease can occur in the following neonates except: A. Preterm 6. Precipitated labor C. Infant of diabetic mother D. Infant of pre-eclampsia mother 8) A primi-gravida mother developed obstructed labor due to contracted pelvis. Her neonate develops birth asphyxia. The suspected complications not include: A Necrotizing enterocolitis B Myocardial ischemia C Liver Cirrhosis. D. Seizures 9) A father brings his neonate to clinic due to Jaundice. You advise him to admit his son to nursery for phototherapy. The father afraid of complications of phototherapy. You told him that it not includes: a Diarrhea b-Dementia c-Dermatitis d-Damage of eyes 10) The most common time of hemorrhagic disease of the newborn is: A. First day B. First week C. First month D. First year 11) A 7 days old neonate in NICU due to severe sepsis. He developed oozing of back puncture site. He received vitamin K in labor room. He appears ill& lethargic& Start to have petechia.The most probable diagnosis A. Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy B. Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn C. Autoimmune anemia D. Hemophilia 12) While you are in labor room doing resuscitation of full term newborn, you notice that his moro reflex is asymmetric In his arm. Your conclusion would be: A. Sedated newborn due to maternal sedation B. Intracranial hemorrhage C. Erb's palsy D. Premature 13) While you are in E/R, a father brought his 2 days old son due to pustules in his skin& poor feeding. He mention that the mother has premature rupture of membrane. You told him that he should be admitted due to: A. Late onset sepsis. B. Early onset sepsis C. Nosocomial infection. D. Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection 14) While doing round of fellowship, you notice a neonate in Incubator passes blood per rectum. The possible causes of necrotizing enterocolitis Include: A. Full term B. Breast-feeding C. Slow scheduled feeding D. Umbilical catheterization 15) While you are in E/R, a mother of 1 month old male brought him due lethargy. He has small head, jaundice, petechial& hepato-splenomegaly. He may got : A Congenital rubella syndrome B. Congenital herpes simplex C. Cytomegalovirus D. Toxoplasmosis 16) A 3 days newborn brought by his family due to deep yellowish discoloration of his eyes& skin. O/E: he is Irritable, no pallor, orange yellow color. His weight is 2 kg and total bilirubin is 12 g/dl& direct bilirubin is 2g/dl . Your advice is: A Exchange transfusion B. Observation only C. Phenobarbitone D. Phototherapy 17) A pregnant mother of O-ve blood group came for delivery.The single blood test from cord blood to know the possibility of neonatal hemolysis : A. Blood group B. Coombs test C. Hemoglobin D. Bilirubin 18) The blood amount that is needed for exchange transfusion of a lethargic 6 days old infant, body weight 3 Kg, total bilirubin 22 mg/dl& direct bilirubin 5 mg/dl is: A. 50 ml B. 100 ml C. 250 ml D. 500 ml 19) The abdominal parasite that can lead to anemia due to absorption of blood from the small intestinal wall by its hooks is: A Ascaris B. Strongyloids C. Anchylostoma D. Enterobius vermicularis 20) A 12-year-old male child came from Ibb due to Intermittent terminal hematuria for months. The drug of choice to treat him Is: A Niclosamide B. Praziquantel C. Tertracyclin D. Ciprofloxacin 21) A 4-year-old male child presented with paroxysmal cough followed by cyanosis vomiting. You advise him to give erythromycin for older children and do vaccination to younger children by: A BCG vaccine B. DPT vaccine C. Rota vaccine D. Influenza vaccine 22) A 4-month-old female developed watery diarrhea after Rota vaccine. You told her mother that she may develop : A. Meningitis B. Myocarditis C. Dehydration D. Pneumothorax 23) At Eid time, most of the families want to travel to Alhodidah for vacation time. Your advice for Malaria prophylaxis is: A. Quinine B. Proguanil C. Primaquine D. Mefloquine 24) It is contraindicated to give Immune-compromised patient live attenuated vaccines .The following vaccines are live attenuated except: A. BCG B. Measles C. Rota virus D. Salk vaccine 25) Assessment of child's weight more than 1 year old depending the following formula: A. 80+ 5x age in years B. 8+ 2x age in years C. 9. age in months/2 D. 90 2x age in years 26) A mother asks what is the normal body height of 3 years old male? A 50 cm B. 95 cm C. 120 cm D. 150 cm 27) While you measure the head circumference of an Infant, you notice that it is small for his age. The cause of small anterior fontanel Include: A. Craniosynostosis B Down syndrome C Achondroplasia D. Hypothyroidism 28) While you take a history from a mother of 1-year-old male, you notice that he has mental& Language delay but good in motor milestones. He can do: A. Stand alone B. Dress himself C Draw a triangle D. Cut with scissors 29) The breast milk is a complete nutritious formula that is compatible to infant's age. It starts to be deficient in Iran, zinc & iodine at the age of: A. 1 month B. 6 months C 12 months D 18 months 30) A seven-month-old male from a poor family. He came with signs of acute severe malnutrition. Kwashiorkor is characterized by the following: A. Senile face B. Miserable mood. C. Loss of subcutaneous fat. D. Bilateral lower limb edema. 31) A 2-month-old male infant diagnosed as pneumonia. He appears to have absent eyelashes, eyebrows& alopecia. In addition to signs of rickets. The most probable diagnosis is: A Congenital rickets C Vitamin D resistant rickets D Vitamin D dependent rickets 32) The best treatment for your younger brother who has secondary nocturnal enuresis: A. Enuresis alarms B. Desmopressin C. Tofranil D Miniril 33) A father is concerned about his child feature who has abnormal or absent language, seems to be alone most of the time, no interaction with people & an ordinary movement that was started before the age of 3 years. Your diagnosis is: A. Attention deficit B. Hyperactivity C. Tourette D. Autism 34) A 7-year-old female child came due to fitness for her right eye cataract operation. You notice that she has arthritis of her right elbow& knee joints that lasts for 1 year. Your diagnosis is: A. Polyarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis B. Pauciarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis C. Systemic lupus erythematosus D. Henoch schonleen purpura 35) A male neonate has lungo hair, soft ear, breast-tissue is 1 cm, testis in scrotum, skim wrinkles in anterior third. His gestational age is: A. 30 weeks B. 32 weeks C. 34 weeks D.37 weeks