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SWIVEL JOINTS | SPM long radius swivel joints are engineered and manufactured for high pressure well service applications. SPM ‘swivel joints are machined from forged alloy steel, and heat-treated for extended product life, They are manufactured by SPM in numerous styles for 360° rotation in one, two or three planes. Available in standard service and sour gas models. 2" and 3° swivel joints are ‘esigned or high-pressure ‘applications such as, fracturing, aiding, ‘cementing and ereulating hoses, and test ines TE ada eM Design features include: + Three rows of bearings in hardened and. «ground races to provide better flow and longer product ife. 4” models utilize a dual race design + Long radius configuration to minimize cavitation, + Uniform wall thickness throughout for a including slurries and abrasives. + Elastomeric packing for service to 225°F; instream packing designed not to enter stream regardless of velocity. SPM 4 swivel ints aro rated at 6,000 pst. ‘SPM SWIVEL JOINT WITH CONSISTENT WALL THICKNESS, OTHER LEADING ‘BRAND OF STYLE 10MXM ‘SWIVEL JOINTS _ ‘Wit ( INCONSISTENT | r WALL THICKNESS. & “These un-etouched an un-enhanced ~ Cutaway photographs of suv fins show SI the content wall thickness of the SPM a | gillemssandincaaitoney tthe oer | STYLE 10F XM STYLE 100FXM STYLE 100MXM | feaaing bran STEEL HOSE LOOPS | spttastetnos op are sed | tora varity of high pressure well | | service applications including discharge lines, water lines, ‘cementing and circulating lines, well test lines and temporary flow lines. SPM all-stee! hoses utilize field- proven SPM Swivel Joints for greater flexibility, shock and vibration resistance, and more uniform flow. Also utilized are SPM wing union end connections for fast pressure-tight make-up and break- out. ‘These rugged hoses handle a full range of fluids to cold working pressures up to 15,000 psi and come in sizes and configurations to meet any need. Hoses for sour gas service are available at cold working pressure up to 10,000 psi. SPM hoses are designed to easily and conveniently fold up for storage and transportation. FLOW LINE SPM all-steel, one-piece flow line piping with wing union end connections eliminate the need for welds or threads for an uninterrupted bore and greater flow. This light-weight piping is available in lengths to 10 feet to handle fluids at cold working pressures to 15,000 psi. They are used on high-pressure discharge lines, auxiliary flow lines, cchoke-and-kill ines and for abrasive applications. 3" (one-piece) piping feature a capture nut. SPM also manufactures flow line piping in non-pressure seal thread styles as well as butt weld styles in sizes up to 4” in pressure ranges from 6,000 to 20,000 psi, up to 20 feet in length. Ah roy Q. gsssarmnn 3 Seu Ls Long Roan Hooe 7 ‘SPM LR-15 Long Radius Hose, SPM LR-15 Long Radius Hose, Oremeneianaem 5) O — J SPM LR-10 Long Radius Hose, SPM LR-10 Long Radius Hose sou | Come tthod OF Constction | cog verning |___280) | Hts | Coit veel WS ier wee Foie S| 2 | a | ge fom |. | = Sever | ¥ dus | Green viejy | woo [vie Sanet 1 sms! | Red vile lel som | vl’ = |v | oj ¥ Bales | om | | 1000 | | PIPING secon STYLE FORGED-END ONE-PIECE CONSTRUCTION 1" Tera] — cay ca [63 [Ses [SSRIS | commtn [2 [see [iso | Fa nn 3 | Standara 15.000 Fig. 1502 Union| vs ‘Sour Gas. 10,000 Fig. 1502 Union [3 ‘Standard 20,000 Fig. 2002 Union | [a ‘Standard 15,000 Fig. 1502 Union soupncseuneseac rena [sme | wwowe | oe [om |e | Fig 602 | 6,000 PS! viv v v Fig 1002 | woors | v | wv» |w | wv rats | wore |e ¥ |» Fate | sso at eee, Fig. 2002 ooo Psi | ai v | Fig 2200 [15,000 PSI HS] v v PLUG VALVES 1", 1" 2", 1%", and 2" PLUG VALVES SPM high pressure plug valves are tough, field-proven units that provide dependable service for applications ‘such as cementing, fracturing and acidizing, coiled tubing and sand control. Available in 1", 1° x2", 1%" | and 2" sizes and in pressure ratings to 15,000 psi NSCWP". SPM plug valves | feature quality components throughout {or greater dependability, minimum weight and maximum strength. Available in standard service and sour gas service models. Also, special models are available to 20,000 psi 3" and 4" PLUG VALVES SPM three-inch plug valves are available in pressure ratings to 20,000 psi NSCWP*. Features include a flanged body for easier maintenance, integral inlets and outlets, hand crank, locked-open and shut gear drive standard, and multiple lubricating inlets. Standard service and sour gas service models are available. REMOTE OPERATION Hydraulic and pneumatic actuators are available for all sizes of plug valves which enhances SAFETY in the field REPAIR and SEAL KITS ‘SPM repair kits and seal kits contain all the parts necessary to rebuild valves in the field or in the shop. SPM seal kits contain all items in the standard repair kit, except the plug. Individual components and elastomer kits are Gea U aren and PNEUMATIC as ACTUATORS AVAILABLE also avaiable Valve Rated End sizes] Model | NSCwP* Connections =| 1" x 2" 4 2 ca a SPSOTF 5000 Trreaded ¥ ¥ ‘SP1O0TF 10,000 Threaded a ¥ SPIGOTF 16.000 Threaded v v | ‘SP150TM 15,000 ‘Threaded v ‘SPISOTMF_ 15.000 | Threaded a v SP1sONU 15,000 Fig 1502 ia |S | v vl ‘SP200WU 20,000 Fig. 2002 v v Z ‘Special models are availabe to 20,000 psi FLOW LINE SAFETY EQUIPMENT a Safety Restraint System “%; FSR Field Transporter SPM Flow Line Salety Restraint f er2'tongx6' wide. System for use with energized . fluids is designed to help provide gg a safer environment in case of 7 + Specially designed rupture or disengagement of the j racks for hanging flow line while under pressure. , SPM's Ribs and Spines. PATENTED ‘ | + Specially designed “Shackle ‘Spine | sail system for easy loading ané | Anchor Assembly _ loading and unloading of SPM's ‘Anchor Assemblies. Applications can * Standard ball hitch for easy hookup to most trucks. | vary. Contact SPM | for application ig critical that, since most SPM products generate, contro! | guidelines. or direct pressurized fluids, those who work with these | producte be throughly trained in their proper application and safe hhandling. iieuse, side loading, Improper maintenance, or disassembly | lunder pressure can cause serious injury or death! | ‘SPM emergency relief valves provide over-pressure protection for reciprocating pumps, treating lines, pressure vessels and other equipment operating under a variety of pressure and flow conditions. The valves are compact, simple to operate and rely on the system's pressure to open when a preset pressure is exceeded, and automatically snap shut when the pressure drops. The valves are externally adjustable, and unlike shear relief valves which use common nails to trigger the valve, SPM's emergency relief valves utilize an internal spring, nitrogen or rig air to activate opening and closing. Valves are available in 2", 3° and 4" models. Operating pressures, range from 5,000 psi to 20,000 psi. Standard service and sour gas models are available. "WELL SERVICE sx comer | erro] SR % [502M niet Line Pipe Outt || ONS 1502 M inlet, 1502 F Oust v = seine er Owe [vv ‘et in 2 val et We 12 Fu vow 7 [een Fost vw i oF Cue voto CHECK VALVES | SPM check valves are made of | applications such as acidizing, cementing, fracturing and high strength steel and are energized fluids. precision manufactured to exact | tolerances in clapper styles in | SPM carries the most complete line of 2" through 4” sizes, dart styles | check valves available to the well service in 1" through 3" sizes and industry. Various configurations are offered, CO2Initrogen styles in 2” and 3"| including wing-ahead styles. Clapper designs include | (standard flow) or the standard coating or the —_| thread-ahead superior abrasion and acid _| (reverse flow) models. resistant coating to give longer | Each check valve operating life in corrosive is color-coded applications, for safety and convenience. These rugged valves operate at working pressures from 6,000 | SPs cape, sive, dart sive dra CODhtapen sy cece aos aro t0 20,000 psi in well service fad proven for upped wel service applications. CLAPPER STYLE . D REVERSE FLOW STANDARD FLOW ‘an eave wscwr Sn ae omer aa eccrerass ror car | ww | a a Pas a [ce | ona | wae | Sts ew [1800 me ees wae | _sandostew | 20000 ra st [acess | NN | eos | Tos oa eso | Male pe bee ‘000 = ronal 1002 Female 7 ‘Male ‘Standard Flow: 10,000 Blue EE 1120 | 31502 Male Female ReverseFiow | __ 15.000 Purple 1148 iste | _Fenol ao Sena Fw ‘noo | red i 32002 Female Male Standard Row 20.000 | white 245 eon ae Fomaie | Revere Few 2000 | nee 8 re ve Sanaa Fw e900 ek a ea a m7 fae Fon row Bue 7] | [sme [sme Fora | Reese Fw 6000 ‘aon =| | a cs ihe coneerd Fw 15000 fee sr *Non-Shock Cold Working Pressure Clapper siyle check valves avaiable in standard service ony, Abrasion resistant clappers avalable fr 3" valves, CHECK VALVES DART STYLE REVERSE FLOW Valve | Upstream Size Inlet | Outlet | downstream es" Color Weight Service 171502 | Female | Male Standard Fow “15000 Red om Standaré 1502 | Female | Male "Standard Fow 15,000 Red 628 Standard z 1502 | Mate | Female Reverse Flow 15000 | Purple ean Standard 21502 | Female | Male Standard Flow 15.000 Red em | Standard sr1s02 | Male | Female Reverse Fow 15000 | Pune | 1108 | Standard [sr1sc2_| Femaie | Male ‘Standard Flow 15,000 Res | 1108 Standard 1502 | Male | Female Reverse Flow H2S 10.000 Gro | out Hes 1802 | Female | Male ‘Standard Fow #25, 10,000 Green| 64 Hes 1502 | Male | Female Reverse Flow H2s 10.000 Green 1108 Hes 1802 | Female | Male Standard Flow H2 10,000 Green 1108 Hes “Non Shack Cold Working Pressure CO2/NITROGEN STYLE (WLLL ee STANDARD FLOW va) | Upstream NscwP Sze | inlet | Outlet Downstream sy Color | Weight | Service | zrs02 | mae | Female | Reverse riowtowTemp | 15000 Pupie za | Standard z1502 | Femae | mae | standardFiowtowtemp | 15,000 ea rae | Standard | sttsa2 | Male | Female | Reverse Flow Low Temp. 15,000 Purple 1438 ‘Standard 1502 | Female | Male | Standard ow Low temp | 15,000 Red ase | Standars Nex Shock Cold Working Pressure HAMMER UNIONS Fig. 100 eb NUT YeLLow sues cy Es Sain Fig. 200 BLUE NUT Gray sues ‘etal sein Stace between irate anaterale ‘hte, Fora wae, Steams Nsowe, Fig. 206 ee wor Say Ses oe aaa Erste ee Fig. 207 aLUe CAP Gray sua nerchargea Fp on: wh Hsing cap fg seit msnure roteaccoaue ct tran anes zones Fig. 400 BLACK NUT RED SUBS prodison tal ana (5 and mod SPM hammer unions are available in a wide range of sizes and in ‘working pressures to 20,000 psi. Pressure seal, non-pressure seal and welded styles are offered in various sizes and pressures. All SPM hammer unions provide pressure-tight, postive sealing, Available for standard service and sour gas models. SPM hammer unions for sour {gas service are specially heat-treated for controlled hardness and utlze fluorocarbon elastomer seal rings, 1] 2 [2% sisi S sivisisis|& sisis S Fig. 402 BLACK NUT BLACK SUBS ester ipsype to4.00per Nscwe" Fig, 602 aubknur Geant ues ieocoes cae Fig. 1002 RED NUT BLUE SUBS tert ope ‘acco seal ‘ans abrasion a ‘3 wae, gas 10000 pst sisisisisic/< (Po. 1502 aso abi for aur gas sorace) Fig. 1502 BLUE NUT RED SUBS for anid and tcourtnng gh presures ncn Sat oh ‘S00 pa Fig. 2002 WE NOT viare Sos a — Fig. 2202 GREEN NUT GREEN SUBS Especial fo sour (as sre hoa. ‘ated comeenents sng. For sorce a sce SPM manufactures a quality line of high pressure integral union connections in a broad range of configurations and sizes from 1” through 4” and in pressure ratings to 20,000 psi NSCWP". Manufactured from high strength alloy steel forgings, SPM integrals are ofa lightweight design not found in competitive products. All SPM integral union connections are subjected to controlled heat-treat processes, CG crosses GAUGE CROSSES (Sha andLong Rais) Pressure ratings to Soe h sid 20,000 psi NSCWP* conve suis wees ey fg. soe | fg ta | Fg ne | ig an0a | ig 2a [al Fen Ale |_conbiation 10,000 ps | 15,000 ps | 10,000 ps" Hs | 20.00 psi|15000 ps H2s| {Tivead) | (Wing) Sys and Sizes | v_ | - viv |e [+ vw v ¥ v v | v v v yl = v v v_ |” vi 7 a cama «pv p+ | fo I vp v UNION ADAPTER FLANGES UNION CHANGEOVER and CROSSOVER ADAPTERS In flange sizes from 2-1/16'tru | Availabe in a variety of cilferent sizes and thread types in female-to- 7-4/16" and integral union male, female-to-lemale and male-to-male configurations from 1 thru 4° end sizes from in pressure ratings from 6,000 to 20,000 psi NSCWP” in standard service We thru 4 | and up to 15,000 psi in sour gas service UNION BULL, GAUGE and LIFTING BULL PLUGS — Available in 1", 1'%", 2", 3" and 4" | UNION MALE and FEMALE TO PIPE AND TUBING THREAD. sizes in male and female models in. | swaGES | pressure ratings to 20,000 psi NSCWP in standard service Available in numerous different sizes and threaded configurations from 1° and up to 20,000 psi in thru 4" in pressure ratings from 6,000 to 10,000 psi NSCWP* sour gas service. Also available with special ports a = for high pressure testing MANIFOLDS PUMP DISCHARGE, FLOW-THRU, TEST and CIRCULATION MANIFOLDS Pump discharge manifolds are available in single or multiple discharge outlets in a variety of integral union connections up to 20,000 psi NSCWP*. Features include full bore, thick-wall tubing and pump discharge flanges to fit most major brands of pumps. Flow-thru, test and circulation ‘manifolds are available in both 5,000 and 10,000 psi NSCWP* for threaded and to 20,000 psi NSCWP* for all- integral connection sizes. All styles utilize proven SPM plug valves of all sizes, 1" through 3", Available variations include gauge ports, fixed choke and adjustable choke models. ip d INTEGRAL UNION and FABRICATED MANIFOLDS Fabricated manifolds are available in 3* and 4” sizes with various end branch Connections in pressure ratings of 6,000 and 15,000 psi, NSCWP". Integral union ‘manifolds come in many configurations using SPM integral laterals, crosses, tees and ells. Stands and lifting eyes are available on request. “Non Shook Cold Working Prossure CHOKE TEES Adjustable and positive choke tees are primarily used in choke manifolds, flow thru manifolds and test manifolds. Various forged-body configurations are available in 2-inch and 3-inch sizes, each rated at 15,000 psi NSCWP*. Also available in sour gas configuration. BUTTERFLY VALVES SPM butterlly valves are manufactured with features that make them the most up-to-date products of their kind in today’s market. ‘The valve's specially designed disc allows for a noticeably smoother mediaflow, reducing or eliminating turbulence commonly found in other valves. Another superior design feature is the split stem, which allows, the disc to automatically center in the media flow path, thus assuring an even seal around the disc. The upper stem also incorporates a positive hex drive located out of the media flow; this feature eliminates the often troublesome bolt-and-screw attachments inf other designs. SPM triple stem seal eliminates premature leakage | into the stem area, avoiding stem seizure. A two-piece phenolic back-up ring allows internal pressure to anchor the seat within the valve body and prevents seat walking. WELL SERVICE PRODUCTS HIGH PRESSURE FILTER UNIT |SUR-DROP™ BALL INJECTOR — JET MIXERS and Cus Pe ie sr oh Weel ENINW Tn it eliminates bacterial con- MUD MIXERS The unit eiminates bacterial con- | the SPM Sur-Drop high pressure tamination of brine solutions or ball injector has other types of completion tuids features that make it during gravel packing obs. Standard | atures that make fiters are offered in 1, 3, 5 and 10 Ps Pie reliable than conven- es tional units. Its unique Flowyate fe “positive feed system | iwatanels eliminates the need for per minute multiple units to handle through each different size balls. One side at §,000 Sur-Drop unit handles as psi or four barrels per minute many as six ifer- 4 through both sides. ent ball sizes by : simply changing the e internal cartridge. The unit PIPEVISES _____ } __. | teatures a man- SPM jet mixers feature quick disconnect hoppers with accessories including goose: neck assembly and mixing bowls with single and ual hand crank, remote control or combination | manual/remote_ : control system. SPM Sur-Grip™ screw- type vises feature heavy J Le alloy steel bodies and screws, reinforced anvils and optional rotating base, Available with a Tare Car multet nozzles, allowing for S.98"jew opening ho FE mvemasnete| single, dual or tr-jet selection while eee eres S mixing is taking place. valves, fitings a | and many other 12 iter. 109 100 WELL SERVICE PUMPS ‘SPM manufactures the most ‘comprehensive range of high pressure plunger pumps in the industry. SPM's pump designs incorporate the ultimate Jn weight and space savings while ‘having a reputation for dependable service even in today's hybrid continuous duty applications, such as under-balanced coiled tubing driling ‘SPM offers 13 intermittent service pump madels forthe fll range of well, service applications; six extended duty plunger pump models for those oilfield and industrial applications requiring a ‘small footprint, lightweight pump; and two mud service pumps that are both ‘compact and lightweight, 'SPM's DNV Type Approved intermittent Service plunger pumps range from 250 BHP to 2500 BHP with pressure Capabilities up to 20,000 psi. Premium plungers, valves, seats, packing, ete can be configured to a variety of well service needs fram mud based coiled tubing support services to hot oi cementing, acidizing, fracturing, gravel packing, etc ‘SPMs small footprint, yet heavy duty extended service plunger pumps range from 175 BHP to 1575 BHP. These ‘extended duty plunger pumps are specially designed to provide durable service in extended applications one day and provide exceptional high pressure / high rate intermittent service the next. These pumps’ unique versatility in duty cycle adaptability greatly increases the range of work that can be performed and the amount of revenue that can be generated with ‘a single pump. These pumps are designed so that the expendable parts (packing, etc:) can easily be reconfigured for mud, water, drill cuttings, acid, cement, ete. ‘SPM pumps are available with life cycle ‘enhancing ‘auto-frettage" processing ofthe fluid cylinder. This very ‘economical process adjusts for the harmful effects of cyclic stress and the stress corrosion cracking which can ‘occur in high pressure fluid cylinders, ‘SPM state-of-the-art auto-rettage process results in a fui cylinder with several mes the fatigue life cxpecancy ata fractonal erase in| cost 1SO recognized classroom and shop training are availabe to better familiarize the customer with the | design parameters, tachnical specifications and operating characteristics of each pump model. SPM provides a wealth of technical data, assembly drawings and ‘maintenance information on i's plunger pumps (and flow control products as Wel) through an interactive home page (on the Internet at www. spmitlo.com. at of SPM lew control and pump seminars icluae hands-on ‘emonstratonsin the company’s manufacturing maintenance facies. WORLDWIDE SERVICES IRON RECERTIFICATION ‘SPM's Iron Management Program for refurbishment and/or recertification is designed to provide customers with products on an ongoing basis that maximize reliability and safety. * Insures customers of the most comprehensive refurbishment and recertification procedures in the industry, performed by skilled technicians with significant experience. Provides the customer's client with third party certifiable safety on the job site. Provides the customer with complete certification packages. Reduces downtime. Insures that treating iron is ready to go when the customer needs it Maximizes the useful lfe of the product which reduces the customer's inventory requirements. Global database tracking system allows customer to monitor and analyze flow control iron worldwide Via the Internet. PUMP REPAIR ‘You can count on the experts at our repair facilites to handle all your pump repair and rebuild needs. * All makes and models of well service pumps repaired and rebuilt * Detailed diagnostic analysis and evaluation of required repairs. * Itemized cost estimates provided. ‘+ Repairing and rebuilding done by professional SPM technicians. + On-site, off-the-shelf availability of most replacement parts. + Certified testing to verify quality.

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