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“Culture Identity in Intercultural Business
Supporting Lecturer: Ivo Selvi Agusti,SE,M.Si

Arranged By 6 Group Members:

Gia Cinta Saria Manik (7223341008)
Josua Adrio Sihombing (7223141014)
Kristin Margaretha Simarmata (7223141018)
Malvira Pohan (722214002)
Sernanda Putri Darma (7221141011)


Praise and gratitude we pray to the presence of God Almighty, for Her blessings and
Grace. The author can complete the preparation of this task properly and timely collection
of assignments Mini Research.

This assignment was made with the intention of fulfilling one of the eight tasks
required in college contract, which is a Mini Research for English courses. The author
would like to thank our lecturer Ivo Selvia Agusti, SE, M.Si who has given the author the
opportunity to complete this task. The author realizes that in making this Mini Research
there are errors, both in terms of language errors and typing errors. For this reason,
constructive criticism and suggestions at the writer's need for improvement in the writing
of the next paper and thank you.

Medan,05 November 2022

6 Group



List of Contents...................................................................................................................................

Chapter I Introduction.....................................................................................................................

1.1 Background Research ..................................................................................................

1.2 The Problem Identification........................................................................................

1.3 The Purpose of Research.............................................................................................

Chapter II Theoritical Material ....................................................................................................

Chapter III Methodology Research...............................................................................................

Chapter IV Closing.............................................................................................................................

4.1 Result and Discussion....................................................................................................

4.2 Conclution and suggestion...........................................................................................

Reference Material............................................................................................................................

1.1 The Background Research

Business communication is a core step when doing business. In today's globalized

economy, business communication often meets cultural identity. Wherever you do
business, people there have their own cultural identity that greatly influences business

Business communication in an intercultural environment should take cultural

identity seriously, as cultural identity plays a large role when communicating with business
people in other cultures and influencing results. People involved in intercultural business
communication can also use cultural identities to enhance communication and develop
their own cultural identities.

This mini research will explain the role of cultural identity in intercultural business
communication in four main points. First, the meaning of cultural identity will be
introduced through two aspects. They are distinction and respect. Second. The reasons why
cultural identity is so important in intercultural business communication will be discussed.
Furthermore, this paper will discuss how to use language and behavior to develop cultural
identity in intercultural business communication. And the last part is how cultural identity
promotes intercultural business communication with multicultural understanding and
1.2 The Problem Identification

As for the identification of problems with cultural identity in intercultural

business communication

1. What is the relationship between cultural identity and intercultural


2. What obstacles will be encountered in interpersonal and intercultural


3. How does intercultural communication affect business?

4. How to solve problems that arise in intercultural communication?

5. How to overcome misunderstandings in intercultural communication?

1.3 The Purpose of Research

Based on the formulation of the problem above, the purpose of this mini-research
on cultural identity in business communication is to add insight and experience in doing
business. Intercultural communication can essentially create harmony and togetherness. In
addition, they can also understand each other's differences between individuals and
become a material for comparison of the businesses being carried out.


 The Meanings of Culture Identity

Every culture group has its own unique identity in every area, such as knowledge, beliefs,
and values. In addition to distinction, respect is another meaning of culture identity. People
should not only respect their own culture identities, but also respect other culture
identities, especially in intercultural business communications.

 Respect

Respecting the distinctions of different culture identity is an effective way for successful
intercultural business communications. Just like accepting everyone is unique, people
should also accept that there is a substantial amount of cultures in the world. Respecting
every culture is a deeper meaning of culture identity. The world consists of many different
countries, so people cannot expect others to obey their own cultural customs that are
different. As the values of intercultural communication competence is more and more important
in organizations, understanding and respecting other culture is essential in order to communicate
successfully. Business people would not want to deal with people who did not respect their
culture identity.

 Importance of Culture Identity

Intercultural business communications without culture identity will cause many blocks
rather than communications with culture identity.

 Consequences of Globalization
As economy globalization is growing quickly, the world is getting smaller. Even in domestic
businesses, there are many people with different culture background. As an example, the
US is one of the greatest economic powers all around the world, and it has an international
population. Almost every country has its own culture identity, which means almost every
culture identity of the world can be found in the U. The growing of globalization in the US.

Results in business communications often happen in intercultural environment with

different culture identities. Many business people have to face different culture identities.
More and more business organizations send out their employees for foreign investments
and operations because of economy globalization. Intercultural business communications
without culture identity will give rise to a risk consequence of the communications

When a business communication between a Chinese spoken person and an English spoken
person involves thetorical questions, the answers may lead to misunderstandings if these
two people did not consider each other's culture identity before. Without culture identity in
intercultural business communications can push the business into risk. Fatima Oliveira also
mentioned that organizations that lack cultural sensitivity were less likely to recognize
risks and earn profits of a potential crisis. Especially for the corporations operate overseas,
adjusting to the local culture will help foresee local economy tendency.

One of the reasons of this failure is that the investors did not consider the difference of
culture identities. The investors just saw the success of shopping malls in some foreign
countries, and wanted to exactly copy from them without thinking deeper in Chinese
culture identity.

 Developing Culture Identity

There is still a large amount of business people do not know how to develop culture
identity during intercultural business communications. Business people can get immersive
exposure through language and behavior, two basic ways to understand a culture identity.
In order to communicate effectively in business environment, knowing a language should
master three required elements that will lead to successful negotiations with people who
have different culture identities. They are usage of proper business concepts, usage of
corresponding English terminology, and usage of suitable communicative skills (Palmer-
Silveira 91121).
 Developing Culture Identity

There is still a large amount of business people do not know how to develop culture
identity during intercultural business communications.

 Language
Born and Peltokorpi said. «Language acts as a carrier of cultural values». It represents not
only an agreed-on symbol system, but also the experiences of a culture In order to have
successful business communications with business people who speak another language,
learning some basic language they speak. Although now English is the official language in
the world, speaking the guest or host countries language could be an easy way to build a
friendly impression.

Take France as an instance. People who want to negotiate with French-speaking business
people should basically learn some simple greeting words like «bonjour» and «honsior» in
formal business settings. Words like «au revoir». Which means good bye, should also be

 Behavior

Behavior is another symbol of culture identity, which curries more impression of a culture
because it can easily be seen and felt by others.

 Consequences of Globalization

As economy globalization is growing quickly, the world is getting smaller. Even in domestic

businesses, there are many people with different culture background. as an example, the US
is one of the greatest economic powers all around the world, and it has an international
population. Almost every country has its own culture identity, which means almost every
culture identity of the world can be found in the U. The growing of globalization in the US.
Results in business communications often happen in intercultural environment with
different culture identities. Many business people have to face different culture
identities. More and more business organizations send out their employees for foreign
investments and operations because of economy globalization.

 Intercultural business communications without culture identity will give rise

to a risk consequence of the communications.

When a business communication between a Chinese spoken person and an English

spoken person involves theoritical questions, the answers may lead to
misunderstandings if these two people did not consider each other's culture identity
before. Without culture identity in intercultural business communications can push the
business into risk. Fatima Oliveira also mentioned that organizations that lack cultural
sensitivity were less likely to recognize risks and earn profits of a potential crisis.
Especially for the corporations operate overseas, adjusting to the local culture will help
foresee local economy tendency.


The research methodology in this journal uses Case Study and Field Research, this
research focuses on a case intensively and in detail about the background of the situation at
hand. The purpose of this research is to study intensively about the background of the
situation, and environmental interactions in social units, namely individuals, groups,
institutions, or communities.

Study method research or field study (field study) is intended to study intensively
about the background of the problem situation and the position of an event that is
currently taking place, as well as environmental interactions certain social units that are
given. Research subjects can be: individual, group, institution or society. Case study
research is in-depth study of a particular social unit and the results of that research provide
a broad and in-depth picture of a particular social unit. Subject researched is relatively
limited, but the variables and the focus under study are very wide dimensions

As discussed in this journal, namely Culture Identity in Intercultural Business

Communications, in this journal researchers get information by studying the background of
the case, and the habits that are often carried out by individuals or groups of cases being
studied. After getting a lot of information from the habits of individuals and groups, the
researcher makes a study or journal that is about the conclusions from the results of the

4.1 Result and Discussion

Chapter 1: This paper will explain the role of cultural identity in intercultural business
communication in four main points. First, the meaning of cultural identity will be
introduced through two aspects. They are distinction and respect. Second. The reasons why
cultural identity is so important in intercultural business communication will be discussed.
Furthermore, this paper will discuss how to use language and behavior to develop cultural
identity in Intercultural business communication. And the last part is how cultural identity
promotes intercultural business communication with multicultural understanding and

Chapter 2: Cultural identity is the sense of self that arises from formal or informal
membership in groups that impart and impart knowledge, beliefs, values, attitudes,
traditions and practices.

A. Results of globalization with today's global society, more and more people prefer to
combine business and culture. Thus, cultural identity is increasingly emerging in business
communication. Therefore, business persons engaged in cross-cultural business
communication must create a cultural identity involved in communication and be prepared
in its appearance.

B. Behavior is another symbol of cultural identity that conveys more culture because it can
be easily seen and felt by others. Politeness is the most important factor in cross cultural
business communication. As with language, if you want to communicate with people from
other cultures, you must respect their culture and the way that culture learns and behaves.

C. Promote business communication respecting the cultural identities of others is a

fundamental way of building good relationships.
4.2 Conclusion and Suggestion

A. Conclusion
According to the development of globalization, especially in economy area,
culture identity plays an important role in intercultural business communications.
Business people should consider carefully the effects culture identity will make
during intercultural business communications in order to produce effective and
satisfied business communications.

B. Suggestion

We hope that this journal will be complete in the future, therefore the author
is expected to be able to accept criticism and suggestions from readers. Our
suggestion is that the author can develop this Journal.
Be better so that it is more attractive to readers. Weaknesses that have been
conveyed can be minimized so that this journal can be better.

1. Ainsworth, Judith "Business Languages For Intercultural And International Business

Communication: A Canadian Case Study." Business Communication Quarterly 76.1 (2013):
28-50, Business Source Premier. Web. 11 Mar 2014.
2. Cardon P. W. "Using Films To Learn About The Nature Of Cross-Cultural Stereotypes In
Intercultural Business Communication Courses." Business Communication Quarterly 73.2
(2010): 150-165. British Library Document Supply Centre Finance and Market
Inside Serials & Conference Proceedings, Weh 11 Mar. 2014.
3. Fall, Lisa T, et al. "Intercultural Communication Apprehension And Emotional Intelligence In
Higher Education; Preparing Business Students For Career Success." Business
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