Madera1 50 1
Madera1 50 1
Madera1 50 1
� dWorking
46 Set Up Shop
for $5,000
Choose wisely and your first
set of tools could be your last
52 Dust Collection
Tips for choosing and
configuring a system
to fit your needs
li�.f-J Ready-Made
The best are rock solid,
dead flat, and a joy to use
8 Contributors
10 Letters
Methods of Work
Shape chair seats
with a router
• Support wide stock on edge
• New midi-lathes a good
choice for f u rnitu re makers
COLLECTION • Sl ow-speed sha rpener
is a good va lue
64 Get a Handle
in the back
on Your Chisels 72 Wiring a Workshop
Invest new life Plan smart, and you'll know
into old tools with what to tell the electrician
shopmade handles
90 Readers Gallery
96 Fundamentals
78 All About B u i l d a crosscut sled
Spindle for the tablesaw
Impact Drivers
Oscillating drums smooth
Is there a place for them
in furniture-making shops?
The best way to scrape bark
curves quickly and easily from l ive-edge boards
• Cabinet reduces
a ir-compressor noise
Japanese-Style • Why leave layout marks on
121 Reviews
The latest woodworking
86 Lie-Nielsen books and DVDs
Toolworks at 25
Woodworking entrepreneur
rekindled an interest
in serious hand tools
SANDERS FineWoodworking.com5
TO O L S & SHOPS 2007
Free online extras available November 16
at www. FineWoodworking.comjextras
Fine Woodworking editors discuss the anatomy and uses of MANAGING EDITOR Mark Schofield
an oscillating spindle sander.
Christian Becksvoort, Gary Rogowski,
Garrett Hack, Roland Johnson,
and the work he produces there.
William Duckworth, Lonnie Bird
I NDEXER Harriet Hodges
Marjorie Brown
Box-Joint Jig
NOVEMBER 20: Gary Rogowski shares plans for his tablesaw jig
and demonstrates how to use it to cut tight-fitting joinery.
Fine Woodworking: (ISSN: 0361·3453) is published
Bracket Feet bimonthly, with a special seventh issue in the winter,
by The Taunton Press, Inc., Newtown, CT 0647()'5506.
DECEMBER 4: In this three-part video series, Lonnie Bird shows
Telephone 203426-8171. Periodicals postage paid at
how to make a traditional bracket foot using hand and power tools. Newtown, CT 06470 and at additional mailing offices. GST
paid registration #123210981.
Subscription Rates: U.S and Canada, $34.95 for one
Straight Router Bits year, $59.95 for two years, $83.95 for three years (in
U.S. dollars, please). Canadian GST included. Outside
DECEMBER 18: Jeff Miller demystifies the straight router bit and
U.S and Canada, $41.95 for one year, $73.95 for two
helps you choose the best bit for the job. years, $104.95 for three years (in U.S. dollars, please).
Single copy, $7.99. Single copies outside the U.S. and
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sand between coats to attain a show quality finish?
www Or Epifanes Wood Finish Gloss and skip the sanding?
Or topcoat Clear High Gloss with Wood Finish
Gloss? Either way, Epifanes delivers a beautiful
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our subscribers find this to be a helpful way joinery. U nlimi ted widths. Classic
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reproducing antique furniture, firearms, and traditional wooden BusinessOffice: Holly Smith, Gayle Hammond, Patricia
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Production: Philip Van Kirk, Nicole Anastas, Jennifer
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.. ' ,..-. .' "'U:U he especially admires the Arts and Crafts movement and the
Bonnie Beardsley,Deborah Ciccio, Katherine Clarke,
� ,\ Craftsman style in particular. He has rewired many a bungalow,
AlfredDreher, MonicaDuhancik, Eileen McNulty,
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houses. When he's not wearing his tool belt, you'll probably find him
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Threads •
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Fine Homebuilding
Our books are filled with in-depth information and
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Whether you're practicing a craft or engaged in the
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Our website is a place where you can discover more
about the intereSts you enjoy, converse with fellow
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contact customer service.
-Asa Christiana
Letters, FWW #186) that your readers
are purist snobs, and that woodworking
to save money is beneath them. I have
Kitchen-cabinet fallout continues "lO-in Sliding Compound-Miter Saws" been creating sawdust for over 40 years,
I am a novice woodworker-there, I OK, good, I'm thinking about an upgrade. and saving money by doing it myself has
said it. After finishing my first project, a After first thumbing through and lusting always been a motivating factor.
computer desk with cabinets, I thought over ads for tool companies I never knew I am a disgrace to the fraternity. Not
I might be ready to take on Fine existed, my next stop was the letters only have I saved $6,000 by building my
Woodworking magazine. Until now I column, and what was the first letter I own oak kitchen cabinets, but I also have
always felt unworthy. read? Someone wrote in to express his built several bathroom vanities.
I subscribe to Fine Homebuilding, and I have a large bin of wood shavings
while I do not intend ever to build a fine next to my thickness planer; I suppose it
home, building is my profession and I Associate Art Director would be best if I just lower myself into
find the magazine unpretentious and full this bin and set myself on fire.
Fine Woodworking is looking for a
of valuable information at any skill level. -LARRY E. MORAN, Dell Rapids, S . D.
graphic designer with th ree-plus years of
Would the sister publication be as
magazine experience and knowledge
accessible? Would all those ultraslick of woodworking. Must have strong
3M abrasive film suited to sharpening
cover shots with unimaginably beautiful drawing skills and be proficient on the I have been using waterstones for honing
work prove too much? What secret Mac (InDesign, Photoshop). PhotographiC for several years, and I'm tired of the mess
knowledge of the highest levels of abilities are a plus. Send letter and and the constant lapping required to keep
resume to: Human Resou rces, The Taunton
craftsmanship awaited me?
Well, the October issue looked OK
Press Inc., 63 S. Main St., Box 5506,
Newtown, CT 06470 (fax: 203-426-3503),
the stones flat. After trying the technique
described in "Sharpen With Sandpaper"
"Ten Essential Router Bits"-yeah, sure, I
have been planning to buy a few soon.
or email (FWW #184), I'm putting my stones
away. I recognized the 3M filins used in
G ��
ener a l I n t e r n at i o nal has been
profothducie hingg,hesandt qualseliitnygfowoodwor kdes
i n g i g ni
machi n g,n er y
Now available at Woodcraft. r over
60 year s .
10" Tilting Arbor
Model 50-220C M1 This
the article; I had used them before for Ball-and-claw tips removed the knock-out ring to allow
polishing optical fibers. I think this is the I loved the Master Class article by Eugene for the large-diameter bit. I should have
application for which they were originally Landon ("Carve a Ball and Claw Foot," unplugged the router to change the bit.
designed. So alternate sources for the FWW #186). I've always wanted to learn Instead I just laid the router on its side in
polishing film (often listed as "lapping how to carve a ball-and-claw foot, and the lower compartment. The switch hit
film") include vendors of fiber optics and that article gave me the confidence to try a scrap of wood and turned on, and the
related equipment. a couple of test pieces in basswood. I was router began flailing around inside the
-ERIC KALTENBACHER , St. Petersburg, Fla. left with a couple of questions, though. table. At least I had the presence of mind
One, as a beginner, is it best to work not to try to grab it. I pulled the cord.
Why leave the scribe line on dovetails? on all of the feet bit by bit (e.g., work on Did I forget to say that I store the router
Why do some craftsmen ("Half-Blind the first quadrant of each piece before wrenches down there? The bit had all its
Dovetails," FWW #185) go through all the moving to the next) or should you corners knocked off from hitting the steel
trouble to fashion a beautiful piece of complete the first foot before starting the wrenches. Lesson learned: Unplug the
tool before changing bits or blades.
-CHARLES E. WALKER JR . , Atlant a, Ga.
actually incorporate it into the piece as replies: I spoke to Gene Landon and
though it were somehow part of the form. he said that he does his multiple feet
- KEVI N JAYN ES, Bonham, Texas on an assembly-line principle, laying
Editor replies: Some people see the them all out, doing the saw cuts on all
line as a hallmark of handcrafted work. of them, etc. In this way you are much
Otl1ers agree with you: See Q&A, p. 108. more likely to get very sin1ilar-looking
feet. Regarding the species of wood to
use, the easiest is mahogany, followed by
cherry and then walnut, which is slightly
About your safety
Working wood is inherently dangerous.
more fibrous and sinewy. The only other
wood used on historical pieces is tiger
maple, the hardest wood to carve. Stay
lengths, so I can pick and choose for the
exact task at hand. Also, I can sharpen all
of my blades at the same angle.
Using hand or power tools improperly or
away from oak, which is both hard to -WILLIA M LOHR , Frederick, M d .
ignoring standard safety practices can lead
to permanent injury or even death. Don't carve and historically inaccurate. Good
try to perform operations you learn about luck and I hope the feet turn out well. Corrections
here (or elsewhere) until you're certain In "Philadelphia Side Chair" ( FWW #186),
they are safe for you. If something about Unplug router before changing bits the chart for the back legs (p. 82) should
an operation doesn't feel right, don't do it.
I have a shopmade router table with an read 1 sq. = 2 in.
Look for another way. We want you to enjoy
the craft, so please keep safety foremost in enclosure below the table. I put a panel
your mind whenever you're in the shop. raising bit into the router and was about In "Exhibition in Ebony" (back cover,
- Asa Christiana, editor to fit the motor back into its base under FWW #187), the photographer's name was
the table when I realized that I had not misspelled. It should have been lain Gibbs.
Workshops, degree,
and diploma
Basic 7 pc.
Router Bit Set *401.
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Jig cuts
co nto u red seat.
F ron t
c ross ca rr i age
The purpose of this fixture is to shape wooden chair have scooped the entire seat at that depth. Now
seats so that they fit the body. The outside tracks
of the base are higher at the ends and lower in the
lower the bit about \-i6 in. and repeat the process.
Keep repeating until the depth of the scooped area
middle to match the desired profile of the chair seat. �s 3;8 in. or more. Leave a flat area for spindle holes.
The outside tracks are used with the back cross ow remove the back cross-carriage and replace it
After careers in
education and real carriage to shape the seat's back. The inside tracks with the front cross-carriage. Repeat the process to
estate, Bill Gamer are used with the front cross-carriage to shape the shape the pommel at the front. While routing, it is a
returned full-time to pommel (front). good idea to install a small C-clamp at the back end
woodworking, where The back cross-carriage has a smooth concave of a track to prevent pushing the cross-carriage off
he has concentrated shape and extended ears to ride on the outside the end of the track and gouging the seat.
on building and tracks. The front cross-carriage has a double -Bill GARNER, Au burn, Wash.
Our ob at Laguna Tools will never end because we are in constant pursuit
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Laguna Tools TSS sliding tablesaw features the same heavy-duty internal
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P lywood bracket
lamination, lay out and cut four L shapes, making each
one 2 in. wide by 8 in. long by 6 in. tall. It is in1perative
that all the corners be 90°.
The fixtures work in pairs. Clamp one leg of each
fixture to your workbench as shown, then slip the
workpiece between the pairs. For a snugger fit, loosen
clamps as needed and push the fixtures closer together.
To prevent the workpiece from shifting, add a clamp
across the fixtures.
Clamp across brackets to prevent
workpiece from shifting.
18 FINE W O O D W O R K I 'G
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P o w e r e d by i n n o v a t i o n
J Adjustment
the clamp setting tends to change when the tool is used
repeatedly for the same task, because the adjustment screw
loosens. So, I have to constantly readjust the screw.
Nut locks
To solve this problem, I threaded a 7/ 16- 1 4 nut onto the
adjustment screw to create a locknut. Now, once I establish
the needed setting for the clamp, I tighten the locknut
against the tool handle and everytl1ing stays put.
By the way, I cut the nut in half, making it 'Y16
thick instead of % in. thick. The thinner nut allows for a
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Head to Head
Midi-lathes a good size
for furniture making
R I KO N 7 0 - 1 0 0
Rikon requires you to change speeds by moving a Street price: $380 ($280 with
belt on stepped pulleys, but it takes only a moment. manual five speed, model 60170)
Forced to pick between the two, I'd go with the Weight: 7 2 l b .
24 FINE WOO DWOR KING Photos, except where noted: Thomas McKenna; facing page: courtesy of Jet, Grizzly
The International Woodworking Machinery and Furniture Supply
Fa ir i n Atlanta is always a hot event-a nd not just because it's
J ET'S NEW WET SHARPENER HAS A LOT IN COMMON with the held in August. At the fair, held every other year, manufacturers
Tormek SuperGrind 2000, which I reviewed in FWW #182 unveil new and exciting tools for the woodworking market. As
(pp. 38-43), but the Jet has a lower price. Like the Tormek, the usual, editors returned home this year with worn-out shoes,
Jet Sharpener uses an ultraslow lO-in.-dia. by 2-in.-wide grinding sore feet, and a su itcase-load of information about the new
wheel-running through a water trough-and a leather-faced offerings. Here are a few items that turned our heads.
honing wheel. Both machines share a similar micro-adjustable
support arm to hold jigs for grinding and honing.
Unlike the Tormek, the Jet has a variable-speed motor (90
to 1 50 rpm) that allows you to maintain grinding speed as the
wheel shrinks in diameter. And the Jet does a great job at man
aging water by adding splash guards and a large trough.
The Jet system offers a variety of accessory jigs (interchange
able with the jigs on the Tormek system) for sharpening carving
tools and turning gouges, as well. as an accessory support arm
for grinding on the side of the wheel, which can be helpful
when sharpening tools where a hollow grind is not ideal, such
as a skew chisel.
The machine I looked at had a few small problems. The
straightedge jig that came with the machine required me to file GRIZZLY UPS TH E ANTE ON CABI N ET SAWS
a slight hump to allow the tool to register at 90°. Additionally, Grizzly's showcase product was the " Extreme Series 12-in. Table
the support arm exhibited a slight amount of slop and required Saw with Riving Knife" (model G0606X). While adding a true
extra attention to lock it down parallel to the wheel, and the riving knife and keeping the price competitive at $2,000, Grizzly
honing wheel wobbled. Yet despite these small problems, I was has outdone the competition i n a n u m ber of ways: The blade is
able to achieve excellent results when sharpening and honing. 12 in.; the power is 5 h p, single phase; and the trunnions move
The jet's performance and price ( $ 1 00 less than the Tormek) up and down i n a straight line (instead of pivoting), keeping
make this machine a good value. The basic kit ($300; www
. the riving knife just below the top of the blade. Other notable
woodcraft. com) includes the machine, a stone grader, straight features are the q u ick-release action on the riving kn ife, and
edge jig, angle measuring devices, support arm, honing com a digital gauge for blade angle. A three-phase, 71h-hp model
pound, and a training D VD. is available for the same price. Grizzly products are sold direct
-Tim Albers is a hobbyistfurniture maker and tool refurbisher. (
• , I r- " T ..
blum .us) i s adding t o its self-dosing lineup with
Blu motion for Doors. The tiny regulator snaps onto
standard Blum cup h i nges, with options for inset
and overlay doors i n a variety of opening angles.
Bevel-up jointer its Omnijig for a January 2007 release. Like the
Leigh, the new Omnijig uses a single set of sliding
plane makes fingers for both through- and half-blind dovetails, all
silky-smoo h cuts
variably spaced . But what sets the Omnijig apart
is a series of stops for template position and bit
depth designed to remove trial-and-error from the
process. The sliding-finger template is standard on
ITH THEIR LONG SOLES, jointer A big mouth. The adjustable the 24-in. version ($550). A 16-in. version ($400)
planes are unmatched at preparing sole plate on this Veritas plane comes with a template for half-blind and sliding
makes it easy to adjust the
dead-flat surfaces and edges by doveta ils, though all templates will be available for
blade for coarse or fine shavings.
hand. The typical jointer plane both jigs. A versatile mortise-a nd-tenon system will
has its blade with the bevel down, but a be offered for $300.
new Veritas jointer features a bevel-up blade configuration that has some
distinct advantages. First, the blade is supported nearly all the way to its RIKON 14-I N. BAN OSAW HAS BIG RESAW CAPACITY
cutting edge, dampening vibration and chatter. Second, the chipbreaker With 13 i n . of resaw capacity, two speeds, and
is eliminated, which simplifies sharpening, setup, and tuning. Finally, the Ph hp, Rikon 's new 14-in. bandsaw (model 10-325)
bevel-up format allows the plane's cutting angle to be fine-tuned easily to offers big-saw capacity in a sma ll package. The saw
suit the task at hand by sharpening the blade at different angles. has a n u m ber of other useful features: cast-iron
The 22-in. plane has a 2%-in.-wide A2 blade with a 25° bevel, a Norris-type wheels; q u ick-release blade tension; micro-adjust
adjuster, and rosewood handles. Veritas sells accessOlY blades (sharpened roller-blade guides; large,
to 38° and 50°) to handle trickier grain, and a fence to make jointing boards 26-i n . by 201h-in . table; one
easier. Jointing board edges for glue-up was quick and predictable, and pan piece table support trunnions;
els flattened with the plane were ready for finish-flat and smooth, with no blade tracking and tensioning
torn grain. I highly recommend this tool ($245; . windows; forward-facing blade
-Chris Gochnour is a furniture maker and hand-tool user in Salt Lake City. slot; 4-in.-dia . dust port; base
cabinet storage; and a work
light, all for around $750 .
The Noden Adjust-A-Bench is
a heavy-duty, ratcheting leg
(model PS-500) comes with everything system that adjusts a benchtop
you need to keep screw holes discrete: height smoothly between 28 i n .
four countersink bits with built-in stop and 45 in., yet is engineered
collars and four removable drill bits- to withstand the pou nding and
� %4
in., 1Y64
in. , 5/3 2 in., and in.-plus a
matched 10mm plug cutter. With unique
racking pressures of serious
workbench use. A basic bench
and durable carbide-tipped counter package with legs, rails, and
sinks, this $ 1 00 set worked beautifully maple top is $800, but you
( www . can buy just the legs for $430.
-Matthew Teague is a woodworker Nice options include casters, a
and writer in Nashville, Tenn.
Over 1 ,200 articles I 200+ skill-building videos l Over 200 furniture projects
500+ side-by-side tool comparisons I Fu"y indexed, searchable archive I Expert help for every skill level
Get instant access to the most dynamic woodworking site online and enjoy the perfect complement to our
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28 FINE WOODWORKING Photos, bottom left: Roland Johnson; top right: Courtesy of Delta
www .
This display cabinet was built with
Dowelmax to create 60 precise,
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35 TOOLS & SHOPS 2007
shop design "o"o",d
craved. If the next owner doesn't need Setback requirements for local zoning over-engineer the design. If you're not
a shop, the building will work as office restricted me to a 24-ft. by 36-ft. up to dealing with the local building
space or as a studio. structure. With its second-floor loft, the department, be sure that the tin1ber
In my experience, building a timber building has 1 ,500 sq. ft. of floor space. framing contractor you hire can obtain
frame structure involves about as much That's large enough to satisfy my main needed permits and variances.
time and expense as a conventional requirement: being able to work with
stick-frame building. The biggest plywood sheets anywhere in the shop. Getting real
drawback to timber framing is the extra Still, I couldn't make space for a finishing Internet research turned up companies
time needed to get building permits room or a dedicated place to dry wood. that would build a brand-new
and find a reputable, affordable timber Before I could proceed, I had to gain timber frame, but they were way too
framer. Timber framers don't use graded the building inspector's approval. I used expensive-about $45,000 just for
lumber, so a building inspector may Tedd Benson's book Building the Timber materials. That's three times the cost
require a structural engineer to provide a Frame House (Fireside, 198 1 ) to provide of conventional stick framing. My best
set of plans that include all the necessary tables, charts, and stress calculations option seemed to be a company that
load and span calculations. for evelY joint and beam. It helped to could dismantle, repair, and reassemble
'. ---
G i rt
M O D I F I E D J O I N ERY Beam
Foertsch had the origi n a l
mortise-an d-tenon joints recut
to add strength. Mortises in the
Su rface
posts were e n l a rged to add a haunch,
mou nted
a n d beams were cut shorter with a Drywa l l and
cond u it for
new hau nched tenon on the ends. bead board
240v c i rcu its
over OSB
· . . . ..,
···.. ... .. . l>
. . "
· l>
a timber frame on my property. Their oriented strand board, and rigid foam.
prices came closest to fitting my budget. Over the rough sheathing on the
That led me to Jesse Benedict of interior, I attached beadboard wainscot
Benedict Antique Lumber and Stone, panels 4 ft. high. A large beam called
in ew Milford, Pa. Benedict had a a tie gilt hides the seam between the
hundred-year-old barn that could be beadboard and the wallboard that runs
modified to meet my needs by cutting a to the ceiling.
foot off each main beam. And, to stay on The shop cost me about $35,000 in all,
the good side of the building inspector, about what a comparable conventional
I had Benedict recut the post-and-beam building would cost in my area.
joints to make them haunched moltises,
thereby strengthening each joint. Finishing touches
I didn't limit my recycling to the post
Barn raising and-beam structure. The 1 1 double-hung
In early May, Benedict and his four-man windows came from a contractor tearing
crew arrived with a flatbed truck hauling down a nearby house. Windows in the
the components for the basic frame. roof cupola are salvaged French doors
Rafters, roofing lumber, and sheathing turned sideways. The beech hardwood
filled another two trucks. floor came from a company auctioning
The men raised each of the 1 ,000-lb. offcuts and seconds online. I also turned
post-and-beam assemblies (known as to the Internet for the porcelain barn
bents) by hand, pulling it upright with lamps that supply most of the lighting.
ropes. Then, balancing themselves on I still have to finish the second-story
the 8-in.-wide beams like trapeze altists, loft and add window trim and a few
they attached the rafters. That palt of the other details. But from the outside, the
barn raising took them only three days; building looks just like a 1 9th-century
they needed another month to sheathe barn. And my wife says the space inside
the walls and roof with plywood, is already nicer than our house. D
Lots of storage.
The shop has more
than 20 ft. of draw
ers and cabinets
along one wall
(above), with more
built into the work
bench and tablesaw
island. Upstairs, a
loft provides ample
storage for wood and
assorted odds and
ends (right).
They say, "A man is only as good as his tools." At Steel City, we think the
tools should be as good as the man. As a serious woodworker, you need
serious tools. That's why we build our complete line with the same quality
and craftsmanship that you put into your work. And to prove it, we came
up with the best warranty in the business - so you know they'll withstand
the test of time. Wouldn't that be a first? Welcome to the new City.
Visit to find your nearest distributor. BY TOOL GUYS. FOR TOOL GUYS.
Tool Cabinet
Attractive des i gn stores all your tools in a small space
fter a career of 3 5 years I had col tools as well. Think twice before making and that open to reveal additional space
lected a substantial number of the cabinet smaller; even if your tool col for saws and marking tools. The lower area
woodworking tools and I finally lection would look lost in a cabinet of this is divided into cubbyholes for smoothing
decided that they deserved a proper home. size, it's nice to have space to grow into. planes and other specialty planes, willie six
I set out to create a cabinet capable of small drawers in the bottom hold smaller
holding my tools in a relatively small but
accessible area. The result is home to
No wasted space
The inside surfaces of the main doors hold
tools such as block planes, drill bits, and
router bits.
well over 300 tools, yet covers only about thin tools such as chisels and screwdrivers. The cabinet hangs on upper and lower
1 2 sq. ft. of wall. Inside the cabinet, working down from pairs of French cleats. Behind the cabi
I deliberately dedicated this cabinet to the top, the upper shelf seats larger hand net, in the space between the cleats, is a
hand tools to keep them apart from dusty planes; the middle section has a pair of place to hold a carpenter's square on one
power tools, but the design can be modi internal doors that support tools on both side, and three panel saws, held securely
fied easily to accommodate small power sides (increasing the hanging area by 40%) by means of the friction of their teeth, on
Drawers for small objects. The six drawers Hinged pane's add storage. Tools hang Storage behind the cabinet. A carpenter's
at the bottom of the cabinet hold small objects on both sides, adding 40% to the cabinet's square on one side and three panel saws on the
such as block planes. hanging area. other fit into slots in the back of the cabinet.
T h e cabinet i s made almost entirely from birch plywood, which gives di mensional stability a t a
budget price. The main carcase is 3f4-in.-th ick plywood connected with finger jOi nts.
Rabbet, 1/2
i n . deep
by %in. wide
Build a big box.. The main body of the cabinet is connected at each
corner with 1f2-in. fingerjoints cut on the tablesaw (left). Rabbet the
front and rear for the panels. Glue and nail the front panel (above),
but attach the rear with screws for interior access.
I nside doors,
o/s in. thick
Top shelf,
'12 in. thick
Bottom shelf,
i n . thick
G a l l e ry d ividers,
'14 i n . th ick
layers of 'I4-in.
thick plywood.
The i n ner layer
has sections
cut out to hold
panel saws and
a carpenter's
Drawer guides, hard ma ple,
'14 in. thick by '12
in. wide by Drawer d ivider
9'12 in. long
Grooves, '14 i n . deep by
T 9'12 i n .
'12 i n . wide by 9'12 i n . long
7 in.
1*------ 31'14 i n . -----.;+ -.l Drawer sides,
'I2-in.-th ick plywood Drawer fronts and
backs, 'I2-in.-th ick
1¥. i n . plywood
Drawer bottoms, 'I4-i n .
t h i c k plywood, recessed
i nto a rabbet cut in the
o 0 2 3 '14 i n . bottom of the d rawer sides
� 13¥S
in. 2¥. i n .
48 in.
T 10'14 i n . S H E LV E S A N D C U B BY H O L ES
6'12 i n .
..l... P R OV I D E T O O L STO R A G E
____ °
0----ij 1'-_°0
_0' -i'I
8 in.
The Internal doors are 5/S in. thick; the shelves are
either 5/S in. or :lf2 In. thick, and the front and back
a re :lf2-in.-thick panels. The drawers are made from
1h-i n .-thick material with 1/4-in.-thick plywood used for
f..;i<:--- -------?>I)i
32 i n .
r- --1
13'14 i n . the drawer bottoms and the gallery dividers.
parallel, I used the same spacers when cut The two inner doors and their posts With the main cabinet construction com
ting rabbets in the drawer sides and when are made from 5i8-in.-thick plywood. Cut plete, make and attach custom hangers for
attaching the strips to the cabinet. matching recesses on each door and post each tool using scraps of plywood.
On a router table, create a guide channel for a pair of hinges, and then screw each I finished my cabinet with two coats of
the same width as the drawer sides com post to the sides of the cabinet between oil-based sealer that were sanded with
prising two outer guide strips, two center the top of the torsion box and the upper P320-grit sandpaper. Then I wiped on a
strips of wood the width of the straight-cut shelf. Hang the doors on these posts. couple of coats of tung oil.
router bit, and two equal spacers to go The separate unit at the back of the cab The cubbyholes and the bottoms of
above and below the bit that center the inet is built of two layers of lJi-in. -thick the drawers were covered with industrial
drawer side over the router bit. Clamp the plywood and should be designed to ac rubber-backed floor covering, available
outer strips to the table, remove the spacers commodate carpenter's squares and panel from home centers. It comes in many colors
and the center strips, raise the bit to IJi
and cut a groove until just before the fin
in. , saws. Screw this unit to the back of the
cabinet between the French cleats.
and gives excellent protection to edge
tools. The final step was to attach pulls to
ger joints at the front of the drawer. The outer doors are hung using piano the drawers and doors, and stout handles
When all the grooves have been cut, use hinges and magnetic catches; ball catches to the outside of the cabinet. These are a
the spacer strips from the router table and give a positive latch to the doors. After great help when you and a friend lift the
the laminate spacers used earlier when hanging the front doors, conceal the ex cabinet onto the wall-mounted part of
stacking the drawers to establish the loca posed rabbet jOint around the front panel the cleats. Install all of the tools and then
tion for each maple drawer runner. Screw
the runners to the sides, and the central
with a }'\6-in.-thick by ¥I-in.-wide strip of
solid maple, rounded slightly (as all ex
start putting them to use. 0
divider and the drawers are hung. posed corners should be). Jan Zoltowski is a professional antique and art
restorer who lives near Seattle, Wash.
Attach the
inner doors.
Stretching from
the top of the
gallery to the
bottom of the
upper shelf,
each inner door
is hung from a
post screwed to
the cabinet.
Install the upper shelf and gallery. Cut a dado on both sides of the cabinet and Storage behind the cabinet. An inner layer of %-in.-thick
install the upper shelf. This gives the carcase extra rigidity. After routing the dadoes plywood is cut to receive panel saws and a carpenter's
for the upper and lower shelves, test-fit the gallery and then glue it in. square, then covered by a solid outer piece of plywood.
- ------------ .
A 1 4 i n . or 15-i n . bandsaw
TAB LESAW is e n ough, and a riser
Get as powerful a n d block accessory is a good
heavy-duty a s a w a s way to dou ble the resaw
y o u can afford, with a t capacity to 12 i n . This
least 30 i n . o f ripping tool is ind ispensa ble for
capacity. For safety, use ri pping, resawing, a n d
a spl itter or riving kn ife cutting c u rves.
and put an outfeed table
on the back.
Today's s m a l l planers
leave a great finish
with m i n i m a l s n i pe on
boards u p to 13 in.
wide. Get one with
i ndexed kn ives for
easy blade cha nges.
Whether you get
a benchtop or floor
M ITER SAW -------1--.
Aside from rough i n g stock q u ickly
sta n d i n g model, go to length, this m a c h i n e can make
for a %-i n . chuck q u i c k miter cuts that a re clean
a n d at least eight eno ugh for m a ny uses, l i ke
speeds, 3 in. of b u i lt-in cabi nets a n d tri m . Non
spindle trave l , slid i n g, 12-i n. "chop saws" offer
a n d 7 in. between the best va l ue.
Get a l'h-hp, s i ngle-stage collector
the s p i n d l e a n d at a m i n i m u m . To collect the f i n est
t h e post. d ust, opt for a ca rtridge filter or a
felt bag. A 2-h p coll ector is better
because it can be located farther
from a ta blesaw or pla ner and sti l l
c a n do its job.
Today's router kits offer one
motor that changes q u ickly
between a p l u nge base designed
for h a n d held use and a base
that can stay m o u nted in a
router table. Throw in a s m a l ler,
detail router and you have the
equival ent of three tools.
quickly to any thickness, which means you its chips . just fall down random-orbit sander, a cordless drilVdriv
can buy rough lumber. Bottom line: You'll a ramp into a bucket. er, a circular saw, and a biscuit joiner.
need a jointer and planer wide enough to Mortisers and lathes are optional-I I can't imagine woodworking without a
handle most workpieces. made a tough call on these tools. Whether handheld router and a router mounted in
You'll also need a heavy-duty tablesaw hollow-chisel or horizontal, a mortiser a table. The good news on routers is that
that can make smooth cuts in thick hard makes the joinery process quicker and eas there are multi-base models that will allow
woods; a medium-size bandsaw that keeps ier, but is essential for pros only. A router, you to keep a fixed base mounted in your
its blade on track; a miter saw to rough-cut in tandem with shopmade jigs, will make router table and a plunge base free for
lumber to length and to cut moldings; and great mortises. handheld routing, such as mortising. You'll
a drill press to cut clean and accurate holes Choosing a lathe is complicated. If most have to switch the 2-hp motor from one to
with large and small bits. of your woodworking is turning, my list the other, but that takes only seconds.
Mac hines need dust collection--I f only of tools is not for you. But even if you As for a router table, it can be as simple
to keep machines running right, with less dabble, and ever want to try big bowls and as a piece of plywood clamped to the end
maintenance, you'll need dust collection. vessels, you'll need a large-capacity lathe of a workbench, with a shopmade fence
Tablesaws and planers work better when with enough mass to control vibration, and that has a dust port tacked on.
dust is being sucked away. Then there's speed that is variable on the fly. So you'll I also recommend a small fixed-base
the latest government data about fine wood be out $ 1 ,000 or more for a tool you'll use router (the "laminate trimmer" type) for
dust causing nose and throat cancer. It takes only once in a while. However, if all you detail work. They are easier to handle for
very fine filtration to capture the smallest, turn is knobs and spindles for furniture, inlay and light edge work, and there are
most insidious stuff. Finally, it's just more you can get by with a benchtop (mini or times when it is nice to have a second
pleasant to work in a clean shop. midi) lathe. Newer models are solid and router loaded and ready to go.
I keep a tight cluster of the worst of offer bed extensions. Though I ' l l make a case later for a
fenders (tablesaw, planer, bandsaw) per smoothing plane, there are woods and
manently connected to my dust collector Power tools give speed and precision situations for which a sander is simply the
with a simple blast-gate system and flex The next row in your arsenal is the power easiest way to go. A random-orbit palm
ible hoses. I don't bother with the jointer; tools: two-and-a-half routers (you'll see), a sander is aggressive enough to remove
Get a 5-in .-d i a . , pal m-style, random
orbit sander with va riable speed
and hook-a nd-Ioop d isks. A 3-i n .
b y 21-i n . belt sander offers a
great combi nation of size a n d CI RCULAR SAW
m a n e uvera b i l ity. A 15-a mp, heavy-duty,
71/4-i n . saw w i l l power
through h a rdwood.
Look for user-friendly
adjustments a n d a very
flat sole.
For d iffi c u lt woods, a sharp cabinet
scraper w i l l prep f i n a l su rfaces with
n o tea rout. A wide base is h e l pf u l .
A d d a c a r d scraper for a few d o l l a rs.
And the actua l reta i l p ri ce is ...
any time you need to plane right up to a
square shoulder.
In order t o arrive a t a bottom-line street price for new equipment, I h a d to
Even if you make dovetails with a router
choose actual products. To be fair to manufacturers, I checked our
jig, tablesaw, or bandsaw, you'll still need a
recent tool reviews and used authors' picks for Best Value. When
good dovetail saw for those small, preCise
cuts. Western or Japanese, push or pull, reviews were somewhat outdated, I chose tools that got favorable
take your pick. Just get a good one. I pre reviews in our Tools & Materials column. When that didn't work, I went
fer a pullsaw; its thin blade and fine teeth with features I deem essential. Anyway, the point is the class and type of
make it easier to start and control. each tool, not the exact brand and model.
The last hand tools you'll need are chis
els and a mallet. I cut deep mortises with a Craftsman Professlonal l0-ln. Tablesaw (OR35504) $ 1,000
router, so I don't need mortising chisels to
Delta 22-580 13·ln. Two-Speed Finishing Planer $ 380
chop them by hand. You'll be quite happy
with a basic set of five or six bench chisels, Grizzly G0586 8-ln. Jointer $ 655
ranging from \4 in. through 1 in. Look for
those designed for both paring and light
Rldgid BS-1400 14-ln. bandsaw (riser block available) $ 350
pounding. Down the road, look for a few Bosch 3912B 12-ln. Compound Miter Saw $ 310
flea-market chisels-an extra wide one and
Rldgld DP1550 15-ln. Drill Press $ 270
a couple of narrow ones to grind to a right
and left-hand skew angle for cleaning out Delta 50-760 1112..hp dust collector with 1-mlcron bag $ 300
the bottoms of dovetails.
Porter-Cable 7812 lO-Gal. Tool-Triggered Vacuum $ 260
That's the basic equipment. You'll need
clamps, a few marking and measuring Porter-Cable 895PK Router (with two bases) $ 270
tools, sharpening gear, and a heavy bench
Bosch PR10E Colt Palm-Grip Router $ 90
with a woodworking vise. Then you'll be
able to build almost anything. 0 Bosch 1295DVS 5-ln. Random-Orblt Sander $ 80
oodworkers have been battling
sawdust ever since the ancients
invented the handsaw about
5,000 years ago. The Egyptians cleverly
disposed of at least some woodworking
debris by using it to stuff mu mmies, but this
is not an option for today's woodworker.
In more recent times, the dust and chips
created by woodworking machines has
grown vastly more plentiful, fmer, and more
hazardous. Prolonged exposure can cause
respiratolY problems and has been linked
to the development of some types of can
cer. So keeping all of this material out of
the air and off your tools and floor, and
gathering it for disposal, have become more
urgent and more challenging tasks.
Enter the dust collector.
A woodshop dust collector is a simple
exhaust system. Its blower moves contami
nated air tlu'ough hose or ductwork to fil
ters, which clean that air for recirculation
back into the shop. The more effective the
blower, the more ductwork you can add
and still have enough suction at the other
end to do the job.
For many woodworkers, a shop vacuum
is the first dust collector. A shop vac can
handle small amounts of fine debris like
that produced by a 5-in. orbital sander or
a router. But a shop vac moves small vol
umes of air, making it a poor choice for
larger stationary machines.
Dust collectors generally belong to one
of two families. Single-stage collectors
carry the sawdust and other debris directly
through the fan and into filter bags or car
tridges. Two-stage cyclone collectors allow
heavier debris to drop out of the airstream
before it reaches the blower, meaning less
work and abuse for the fan and filters.
The more air a dust collector moves, the
more debris it can carry. Dust from a small
hand sander might be captured effectively
with as little as 1 00 cubic feet per minute
(cfm) , but a tablesaw might require 800
cfm. Also, the faster a collector moves the