English 5 Comprehension Check
English 5 Comprehension Check
English 5 Comprehension Check
Name:________________________________Date Accomplished:________________
Section:_______________________________Parent’s Signature:__________________
Name:________________________________Date Accomplished:________________
Section:_______________________________Parent’s Signature:__________________
1. What is the title of the story?
a. Best Friends
b. Best Classmate
c. Best Friend Blues
2. Where did the story happened?
a. In the house
b. At the park
c. At the school
3. What does “fuming” mean in the story? How do you know? Write some clue
words or phrase to support your
4. Have you ever given experienced the situation that the two characters had
in the story?___________
What was it all about and did you resolve the problem?
5. What values did you learned from Best Friend Blues story? Why?
1 2 3 4 Total
Volume Too soft, Can hear, Loud enough Volume was
can’t hear at but not loud and every perfect and
all. enough. word can be added
heard increases or
perfectly. decreases for
Clarity Mumbled a Mumbled a Pronounced There was an
lot. Could bit. Hard to all the words extra
not understand correctly. crispness to
understand. all the the
words. pronunciation.
Fluency Choppy, Stopped now Smooth like Flowed faster
needed to and then to a river. or slower
stop and work on a Knew every depending on
figure out word. word! the story’s
words. mood.
Expression Didn’t Read in a Changed Sounded very
change voice sing-song his/her voice professional!
at all: way or did to make it This reader
monotone not change interesting should be on
voice very the whole stage!
much. time.
Posture Held the Sometimes Held the Moved
reading held the reading comfortably
material in reading material during the
front of material too properly and reading…not
his/her face. high. stood tall all stiff.
Did not Sometimes the time.
stand tall. stayed tall.