The document provides criteria for evaluating song lyrics across 4 levels from excellent (4) to poor (1). A level 4 song will have lyrics that are natural, easy to sing, and understandable with only 1-2 minor issues. The lyrics will create vivid images and fit the story/characters accurately. There will be no grammar/spelling errors. A level 3 song will be similar but have more minor issues across some criteria. A level 2 song will have some issues with readability, repetition, or understanding of lyrics and minor issues in other areas. A level 1 song will have major problems across several criteria like difficult lyrics, lack of clarity, and multiple grammar/spelling errors.
The document provides criteria for evaluating song lyrics across 4 levels from excellent (4) to poor (1). A level 4 song will have lyrics that are natural, easy to sing, and understandable with only 1-2 minor issues. The lyrics will create vivid images and fit the story/characters accurately. There will be no grammar/spelling errors. A level 3 song will be similar but have more minor issues across some criteria. A level 2 song will have some issues with readability, repetition, or understanding of lyrics and minor issues in other areas. A level 1 song will have major problems across several criteria like difficult lyrics, lack of clarity, and multiple grammar/spelling errors.
The document provides criteria for evaluating song lyrics across 4 levels from excellent (4) to poor (1). A level 4 song will have lyrics that are natural, easy to sing, and understandable with only 1-2 minor issues. The lyrics will create vivid images and fit the story/characters accurately. There will be no grammar/spelling errors. A level 3 song will be similar but have more minor issues across some criteria. A level 2 song will have some issues with readability, repetition, or understanding of lyrics and minor issues in other areas. A level 1 song will have major problems across several criteria like difficult lyrics, lack of clarity, and multiple grammar/spelling errors.
The document provides criteria for evaluating song lyrics across 4 levels from excellent (4) to poor (1). A level 4 song will have lyrics that are natural, easy to sing, and understandable with only 1-2 minor issues. The lyrics will create vivid images and fit the story/characters accurately. There will be no grammar/spelling errors. A level 3 song will be similar but have more minor issues across some criteria. A level 2 song will have some issues with readability, repetition, or understanding of lyrics and minor issues in other areas. A level 1 song will have major problems across several criteria like difficult lyrics, lack of clarity, and multiple grammar/spelling errors.
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CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Lyric/Song Almost all lyrics The lyrics are
All lyrics sound Almost all lyrics sound natural and difficult to read/sing natural and are easy- sound natural and are easy-on-the- aloud because they on-the-ear when are easy-on-the-ear ear when read sound awkward, read aloud, but 1or 2 when read aloud, aloud, but 1or 2 and are distractingly lines are still stiff and but 1or 2 lines are lines are still stiff repetitive, or awkward or are still stiff and and awkward or difficult to difficult to awkward or are are difficult to understand. Music understand. Music difficult to understand. Music does not fit or there choice is excellent. understand. Music choice is good. is no music. choice is good. Song Lyrics Writer uses vivid Writer uses lyrics Writer uses lyrics Writer uses vivid lyrics that linger or that communicate that do not lyrics that linger or draw pictures in the clearly, but the communicate draw pictures in the reader’s mind, but song lacks variety, strongly or capture reader’s mind, and occasionally the punch or flair.. the reader’s the lyrics seems words to the song interest. accurate, natural and are used inaccurately not forced. or seem overdone
Grammar, Writer makes .
spelling and Writer makes no Writer makes more more than 4 errors Writer makes more Neatness error in grammar than 1-2 errors in in grammar or than 4 errors in or spelling that grammar or spelling spelling that grammar or spelling distracts the reader that distracts the distracts the that distracts the from the content. reader from the reader from the reader from the Paper is neatly typed content. Paper is content. The content. Many with no distracting neatly typed with 1 writing is generally words are corrections. or 2 distracting readable, but the unreadable or there corrections. reader has to exert are distracting quite a bit of effort corrections. . to figure out some of the words. Content Main idea/ The main idea is not There is one clear, Main idea/emotion emotion clear. There is a well-focused is clear but the somewhat clear seemingly random topic/emotion. Main supporting lyrics are but there is a need and/or inaccurate idea stands out and general or not for more collection of words. is supported by completely supporting lyrics. It lyrics. Song clearly connected. Song is unclear how the supports the somewhat supports song fits the character(s) and the character(s) and character(s) and story story. story.