Crime File

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Crime System

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Crime File System is a system used to report crimes. This project will be done using VB 6.0 as front end, and MS Access as back end. It can used to report crime. This project is mainly useful for police stations. This system will help to manage all the activities in a police station using computers. Currently all the works are done manually, by computerizing all the activities inside a police station can be managed easily and effectively.

The modules involved in this project are: Login for user and admin Complaint registration View complaint status Criminal register management FIR Management Case History Details management Managing Postmortem details Prisoners register management Manage list about most wanted criminals

Crime System 1. LOGIN This includes Administrator and User login. There will be a username and password to login into the system to use all the facilities.

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This module helps to register the details about the crime. This is done by entering some details, such as incident details, Victim details, crime details etc

3. VIEW COMPLAINT STATUS This module allows us to view the status of the complaint that you ha ve registered earlier. 4. CRIMINAL REGISTER MANAGEMENT

Here we can have the facility to view the details of the criminals.


administrator can add new criminals details and save it in a database. This can be done by entering details such as criminal number, age, occupation, type of crime etc. 5. FIR MANGEMENT

This module allows viewing the First Information Report of all the crimes that took place at recent years. The administrator can enter FIR information and save it in a database.


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Here we can view the details of the case, date of occurrence, the type of crime and place of occurrence etc


This module helps to view the postmortem details of a person. The details such as date of death cause of death, name of the doctor etc.

8. PRISONER REGISTER MANGEMENT This modu le helps the administrato r as well as the user to store, view and manag e the details of the past and present prisoners. 9. MANAGE THE LIST OF MOST WANTED CRIMINALS This is an additional feature added to this Software, which helps us to make a quick search about the mo st wanted criminals. This helps to always keep track o f and identify a perso n qu ickly, who is a most wanted criminal.

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Introduction to System Analysis

System analysis is a process of gathering and interpreting facts, diag no sing problems and the informatio n to recommend improvements on the system. It is a problem so lving activity that requires intensive co mmunicatio n between the system users and system developer s. System analysis o r study is an important phase o f any system develo pment process. The system is studied to the minutest detail and analyzed. The system analyst p lays the role of the interr ogator and dwells deep into the working of the pr esent system. The system is viewed as a whole and the input to the system are identified. The outputs fr om the o rganizatio ns are traced to the var ious processes. System analysis is concerned with beco ming aware of the problem, identif ying the relevant and decisional variables, analyzing and synthesizing the various factors and determining an optimal or at least a satisfactory solution or program o f action.

A detailed study of the pro cess must be made by various techniques like interviews, questionnair es etc. The data collected by these sources must be scrutinized to arrive to a conclusion. The conclu sio n is an understand ing of how the system functions. This system is called the

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existing system. Now the existing system is subjected to close study and problem areas are identified. The designer now functions as a problem solver and tr ies to sort out the difficulties that the enterprise faces. The solutio ns are given as proposals. The proposal is then weighed with the existing system analytically and the best one is selected. The pro po sal is presented to the user for an endorsement by the user. The proposal is reviewed on user request and su itable changes are made. This is loop that ends as so on as the user is satisf ied with proposal.

Preliminar y study is the process of gathering and interpreting facts, using the informatio n for further studies on the system. Preliminary study is problem solving activity that requires intensive communicatio n between the system users and system developer s. It do es various feasib ility studies. In these studies a rough figure of the system activities can be o btained, from which the decisio n abo ut the strategies to be followed fo r effective system stud y and analysis can be taken.

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2.2 Existing System

Lack of security of data. More man power. Time co nsuming. Consu mes lar ge volume of pare work. Needs manual calcu lations. No direct role fo r the higher officials.


Proposed System

The aim o f proposed system is to develop a system of impro ved facilities. The pro po sed system can over come all the limitations of the existing system. The system provides pro per security and reduces the manual work. Secur ity of data. Ensure data accuracys. Proper co ntro l of the higher officials. Minimize manual data entry. Minimu m time needed for the vario us processing. Greater efficiency. Better ser vice. User friendliness and interactive.

Crime System Minimu m time requ ired.

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Feasibility study is made to see if the pr oject on completion will serve the purpose of the o rganizatio n fo r the amount of wo rk, effo rt and the time that spend on it. Feasibility study lets the developer fo resee the future of the pr oject and the usefulness. A feasibility study o f a system pro posal is according to its wor kability, which is the impact on the organizatio n, ability to meet their user needs and effective use of resources. Thus when a new application is pro posed it nor mally goes thro ugh a feasibility study before it is appr oved for develo pment.

The document provide the feasibility of the project that is being designed and lists var ious areas that were consid ered ver y carefu lly during

the feasibility study of this project such as Technical, Economic and Operational feasibilities. The fo llowing ar e its features:


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The system must be evaluated fro m the technical po int of view fir st. The assessment of this feasibility must be based on an outline design o f the system requirement in the ter ms of input, output, pro grams and procedures. Having identified an outline system, the investig atio n must go on to suggest the type of equ ipment, required method developing the system, o f running the system o nce it has been designed.

Technical issues raised dur ing the investigation are:

Does the existing techno lo gy sufficient for the suggested one? Can the system expand if developed?

The project should be developed such that the necessar y functions and performance are achieved within the constr aints. The project is developed within latest technology. Through the techno logy may become obso lete after some period of time, due to the fact that never version of same

software supports older versio ns, the system may still be used. So there are min imal constraints invo lved with this project. The system has been develo ped using Java the project is technically feasib le for development.


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The develop ing system must be justified by cost and benefit. Criteria to ensure that effort is concentrated on pro ject, which will give best, return at the earliest. One of the factors, which affect the development of a new system, is the cost it would requ ire.

The fo llowing are so me of the important financial questions asked during preliminary investigation:

The costs conduct a full system investigation. The cost of the hardware and software. The benefits in the for m of reduced costs or fewer co stly errors.

Since the system is develo ped as part of pr oject wo rk, there is no manual cost to spend for the propo sed system. Also all the resources are already available, it give an indicatio n of the system is eco no mically possible for development.


This includes the following questions:

Crime System Is there sufficient support for the users? Will the proposed system cause harm?

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The pr oject would be beneficial because it satisfies the objectives when develo ped and installed. All behavioral aspects are consider ed carefully and co nclude that the project is behaviorally feasible.


Introduction Design



Design is the first step into the develo pment phase for any engineered product or system. Design is a creative pro cess. A goo d design is the key to effective system. The term design is defined as the process o f applying various techniques and princip les for the purpose o f defining a process or a system in sufficient detail to permit its physical r ealizatio n. It may be defined as a pro cess of applying various techniques and principles for the purpose o f defining a d evice, a process o r a system in sufficient detail to permit its physical r ealization. Software design sits at the technical kernel o f the so ftware eng ineering pro cess and is applied regardless of the develop ment par adigm that is used. The system desig n develo ps the architectural detail required to build a system or product. As in the case of any systematic approach, this so ftware too has undergone the best po ssible design p hase fine tuning all efficiency, per for mance and accuracy levels. The desig n phase is a transition from a user o riented document to a do cument to the pro grammers or database personnel.

Crime System Physical Design.

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System desig n go es through two phases of development: Logical and


Input design

The design of input focuses o n controlling the amount of input requ ir ed, controlling the errors, avo iding delay, avo id ing extra steps and keeping the pr ocess simp le. The input is designed in such a way so that it provides security and ease o f use with retaining the pr ivacy. Input Design co nsider ed the fo llowing things: oWhat data should be given as input? oHow the data should be arr anged or co ded? oThe dialog to guide the operating personnel in provid ing input. oMethods for preparing input validations and steps to follo w when error occur.

3.2 Output Design

A quality output is one, which meets the requirements of the end user and presents the information clearly. In o utput design it is determined how the infor mation is to be disp laced for immed iate need and also the har d co py output. It is the most important and direct source infor mation to the user. Eff icient and intelligent output design impr oves the systems relatio nship to help user decisio n- making. Designing co mputer o utput sho uld pro ceed in an organized, well tho ught o ut manner ; the rig ht output mu st be d eveloped while ensur ing that each output element is designed so that people will find the system can use easily and effectively. When analysis d esign computer o utput, they shou ld :

Crime System Identify the specific output that is needed to meet the requirements. Select methods for presenting information. Create document, report, or other fo rmats that contain informatio n produced by the system.

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3.4 Database Design

A database is an organized mechanism that has the capability of storing info rmation through which a user can retrieve stored infor matio n in an effective and efficient manner. The data is the purpose of any database and must be protected. The database design is a two level process. In the first step, user requ ir ements are gathered together and a database is desig ned which will meet these requ irements as clear ly as possible. This step is called Information Level Design and it is taken independent of any individual DBMS. In the seco nd step, this I nfor mation level design is tr ansfer red into a design for the specific DBMS that will be used to implement the system in questio n. This step is called Physical Level Design, concer ned with the characteristics of the specific DBMS that will be used. A database design runs parallel with the system design. The organization o f the data in the database is aimed to achieve the follo wing two majo r objectives. Data Integrity Data independence Normalization is the process of deco mposing the attributes in an application, which results in a set of tables with ver y simple structure. The

Crime System purpose of normalization is to make tables as simple as possible. Normalization is carried o ut in this system fo r the fo llowing reasons.

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To structure the data so that there is no repetition o f data , this helps in saving. To permit simple retrieval o f data in response to quer y and report request. To simplify the maintenance of the data through updates, insertions, deletio ns. To reduce the need to restr ucture or reorganize data which new application requ ir ements arise. RELATIONAL DATAB ASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (RDBMS): A relational model represents the database as a co llectio n o f relations. Each relation resembles a table o f values or file of records. I n fo rmal relatio nal mo del termino logy, a ro w is called a tuple, a column header is called an attribute and the table is called a relatio n. A relational database co nsists of a collection of tables, each o f which is assigned a unique name. A row in a tale repr esents a set o f related values. RELATIONS, DOMAINS & ATTRIBUTES: A table is a relation. The rows in a table are called tuples. A tuple is an ordered set of n elements. Columns are referred to as attributes. Relatio nships have been set between ever y table in the database. This ensures bo th Referential and Entity Relationship I ntegr ity. A domain D is a set of atomic values. A co mmon method o f specifying a domain is to specif y a data type fro m which the data values fo rming the domain are drawn. It is also usefu l to specify a name for the do main to help in interpreting its values. Ever y value in a relatio n is atomic, that is not decomposable.

Crime System RELATIONSHIPS: Table relatio nships are established using Key. The two main keys of pr ime

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impo rtance are Primar y Key & Foreign Key. Entity Integrity and Referential Integrity Relationships can be established with these keys. Entity I ntegrity enforces that no Primary Key can have null values. Referential Integrity enfor ces that no Primar y Key can have null values. Referential I ntegr ity fo r each d istinct Foreign Key value, there must exist a matching Primary Key value in the same domain. Other key are Super Key and Cand idate Keys. Relatio nships have been set between ever y table in the database. This ensures both Referential and Entity Relationship Integr ity.

As the name implies, it denoted putting things in the normal form. The application develo per via no rmalization tries to achieve a sensible organization o f data into proper tables and columns and where names can be easily co rrelated to the data by the user. Normalization eliminates repeating gr oups at data and thereby avo ids data redundancy which pro ves to be a great burden on the computer resources. These includes: Normalize the data. Choose proper names for the tables and columns. Choose the proper name for the data.

First Form

Normal :

Crime System The First No rmal Fo rm states that the domain o f an attribute must

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include only atomic values and that the valu e o f any attribute in a tuple must be a single value from the domain of that attribute. In other words 1NF disallo ws relatio ns within relations or relations as attribute values within tuples. The only attribute values permitted by 1NF are single atomic or indivisib le values. The first step is to put the data into First Normal Form. This can be donor by moving data into separate tables where the data is o f similar type in each table. Each table is given a Primary Key or Foreign Key as per requ ir ement of the project. In this we for m new relations fo r each nonatomic attribute or nested relation. This eliminated repeating gr oups of data. A relation is said to be in first normal for m if o nly if it satisfies the co nstraints that co ntain the primary key only.

Second Form


Accord ing to Seco nd Normal Form, Fo r relations where primar y key co ntains mu ltiple attributes, no nonkey attribute should be fu nctio nally depend ent o n a part of the primary key. In this we decompose and setup a new r elation for each partial key with its dependent attributes. Make sure to keep a relation with the o rig inal primary key and any attributes that are fully functio nally dependent on it. This step helps in tak ing out data that is only dependant on apart of the key.

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A relation is said to be in second normal for m if and o nly if it satisfies all the first normal fo rm conditions for the primary key and every no nprimary key attributes of the relatio n is fully dependent on its primary key alo ne.

Third Form


Accord ing to Third No rmal For m, Relatio n should no t have a nonkey attribute functionally determined by another nonkey attribute or by a set of

nonkey attr ibutes. That is, there sho uld be no transitive dependency on the primary key. In this we decompose and set up relation that includes the no nkey attributes that functionally determines o ther no nkey attr ibutes. This step is taken to get rid o f anything that does not depend entirely on the Pr imar y Key. A relation is said to be in third normal for m if only if it is in second normal form and mo re o ver the non key attributes o f the relation shou ld not be depend on other non key attribute.

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About Language

The Control Properties Before writing an event procedure for the control to response to a user's input, you have to set certain properties for the control to determine its appearance and how it will wo rk with the event procedure. You can set the pro perties o f the controls in the properties window or at runtime. Handling some of the common controls

The Text Box The text box is the standard control for accepting input fro m the user as well as to display the output. It can hand le string (text) and numer ic data but not images o r pictures. String in a text box can be co nverted to a numeric data by using the fu nctio n Val(text). The follo wing examp le illustrates a simp le program that processes the input from the user.


Testing is a process of executing a program with the interest o f finding an error. A good test is one that has high probability of finding the yet undiscovered error. Testing shou ld systematically u ncover different classes o f error s in a min imum amount of time with a min imum amo unt of effo rts. Two classes of inputs are provided to test the process

Crime System 1. A so ftware co nfiguration that includes a software requirement specif ication, a design specification and source code. 2. A so ftware co nfiguration that includes a test plan and procedure, any testing too l and test cases and their expected results. Testing is divided into several d istinct operations: 1. Unit Testing

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Unit test co mpr ises of a set tests perfo rmed by an ind ividual program pr ior to the integration of the unit into large system. A program unit is usually the smallest free functioning par t o f the whole system. Module unit testing should be as exhaustive as possible to ensure that each representation handled by each mo dule has been tested. All the u nits that makeup the system must be tested independently to ensure that they wo rk as requ ired. During unit testing some erro rs were raised and all of them were rectified and hand led well. The r esu lt was qu iet satisfacto ry and it wo rked well. 2. Int egration Testing Integratio n testing is a system techniqu e for constructing the program str ucture while at the same time conducting tests to unco ver errors asso ciated with inter facing. The objective is to take unit tested modules and bu ild a pro gram structure that has been d ictated by desig n. Bottom-up integration is the traditional strategy used to integrate the

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co mpo nents of a software system into functioning who le. Bottom-up integration consists of unit test followed by testing o f the entire system. A sub-system consists of several modules that commu nicated with o ther defined interface.

The system was done the integration testing. All the mo du les were tested for their co mpatibility with other modules .They test was almo st successful. All the modu les coexisted very well, with almo st no bugs. All the modu les were encapsulated very well so as to not hamper the executio n o f o ther mo dules. 3. Validation Testing After validation testing, so ftware is co mpletely assembled as a package, interfacing erro rs that have been uncovered and corrected and the final series of so ftware test; the validation test begins. Steps taken dur ing software design and testing can greatly impr ove the probability o f successful integratio n in the larger system. System testing is actually a series of different tests whose primary pur pose is to fully exercise the co mpute based system. 4. Recovery Testing It is a system that forces the software to fail in a variety of ways and ver ifies that the recovery is properly per fo rmed. 5. Security Testing It attempts to verify that protection mechanisms built into a system

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will in fact protect it fro m impro per penetration. The systems security must o f course be tested from in vu lnerability fo rm frontal attack. 6. Stress Testing Stress tools are designed to confr ont programs with abno rmal situations. Stress testing executes a system in a manner that demands resources in abnormal quantity and vo lume. 7. Black Box Testing Black box testing is done to find out the fo llowing infor mation as sho wn in below: 1. Incorrect o r missing fu nctio ns. 2. Interface errors. 3. Er rors or database access. 4. Performance erro r. 5. Termination err or. The mentioned testing is carried out successfully for this application accord ing to the users requ irement specification. 8. Test Data Output After preparing test data, the system under stud y is tested using the test data. While testing the system using test data, errors are again uncovered and co rrected by using above testing and corrections are also noted for future use.

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