Project Overview: Modules of The Project

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Crime File System is a system used to report crimes. This project will be done using VB 6.0 as front end, and MS Access as back end. It can used to report crime. This project is mainly useful for police stations. This system will help to manage all the activities in a police station using computers. Currently all the works are done manually, by computerizing all the activities inside a police station can be managed easily and effectively.

The Crime Records Management System applies to Police Stations all across the country and specifically looks into the subject crime prevention, detection, conviction of criminals depending on a highly responsive backbone of Information Management. The efficiency of the Police and the effectiveness with which it tackles crime depend on what quality of information it can derive from its existing records and how fast it can have access to it. I had done this project using ASP.NET as front end and SQL Server as back end easing the effort of user. Modules of the Project 1) Station module Each of the station must first register with the Software. For the registration part each station enter their details like station name, address, phone no, station in charge etc. and get a User Id from the Software. Once the prospective station registers with the software they can avail the existing records. 2) Citizen module

Each of the citizens, who has a complaint to register, must first register with the Software. For the registration part each person enter their details like name, address, phone no., E-Mail ID etc. and get a User Id & password from the Software. Once the registration is complete, the citizen can sign-in to the website & register their complaint. 3) Crime module This module is used for entering all details about the crime. It contains the date and time, police station where it is recorded, place, Nature of Crime, Location of the Crime etc. 4) Search module In this module we can search the crime in station wise, nature of crime. 5) Administrators Module The module will be protected by user ID and password. Ordinary users of the software will not be permitted to enter into this area of the software. The module will be focusing on the maintenance like Master Data Maintenance, Removal of old and outdated data from the software etc. 6) Avocation Module This Module deals with the Law part of every Crime.

Scope: We can update this system as online application The main advantage of online application is that, a person can report the crime any time from anywhere. Users can view the progress of their complaint online. By the future technology user can view the case details and progress of the complaints on their mobile phones Face recognition technology can apply. User or witness of the crime can give the physical information of the thief.

Purpose:The aim of proposed system is to develop a system of improved facilities. The proposed system can overcome all the limitations of the existing system. The system provides proper security and reduces the manual work. Security of data. Ensure data accuracys. Proper control of the higher officials. Minimize manual data entry. Minimum time needed for the various processing. Greater efficiency. Better service. User friendliness and interactive. Minimum time required.

ABOUT THE DEVELOPING SYSTEM The system has developed in ASP.NET as front end and SQL server 2000 as back end.

CHAPTER - 2 Software and Hardware Requirements


SOFTWARE SPECIFICATIONS The Crime Reporting System must use Microsoft SQL server 2000 as its database component.

Software Requirements

The software requirements include the software that is required for working. Software requirements are as follows:

Developments Tools ASP .NET uses the new ADO .NET. ASP .NET supports full Visual Basic, not VBScript. ASP .NET supports C# (C sharp) and C++.ASP .NET supports JScript

as before. Database SQL Server

Application Server Sun Microsystems

Operating System

Windows XP Professional

HARDWARE SPECIFICATION Hardware interfaces specifies the logical characteristics of each interface between the software product and the hardware components of the system. Many business type applications will not have hardware interfaces, since Crime Reporting System is an application it too will not require any particular hardware interface. Hardware Requirements

The hardware for the project should be selected in such a way that it should give the maximum optimal result .Hardware requirements are as follows: Server Side Processor :Intel Pentium (II) or higher 128 MB RAM 2 GB Hard Disk or more SVGA Color Monitor 104 Keyboard Any Mouse Any modem

Client Side Processor :Intel Pentium (II) or higher 128 MB RAM 2 GB Hard Disk or more SVGA Color Monitor 104 Keyboard Any Mouse Any Modem


Literature Survey & Introduction of Methodology SYSTEM ANALYSIS

System Analysis works with users to identify goals and build systems to achieve them. System analysis is an important phase of any system development process. The system is studied to the minutest details and analyzed. The system analyst plays the role of an interrogator and dwells deep in to the working of the present system. In analysis, a detailed study of these operations performed by a system and their relationships within and outside of the system is done. A key question considered here is, what must be done to solve the problem? One aspect of analysis is defining the boundaries of the system and determining whether or not the candidate system should be considered. The system is viewed as a whole and the inputs to the system are identified. The outputs from the system are traced through the various processing that the input phases through in the organization. During analysis, data are collected on available files, decision points, and transaction handled by present system. Once analysis is completed the analyst has a firm understanding of what is to be done.

EXISTING SYSTEM In the existing crime management system, most of the operations are done manually like send complaints, taking actions against crimes, view status etc. So with the existing system if anybody wants to complaint against crimes he must do it through the police. If we are doing the system manually, so many minor errors will occur. Error detection in the previous entries made and data cross verification is another important function. These are done manually, and it would take time. Drawbacks of the existing system can be concluded as follows: The existing system is time consuming and not very user friendly.

The FIR brought by a person hailing from a family beyond poverty, the existing system shows ignorance for the same The officer dealing with a particular case cannot take decision by himself even when he is having the first hand knowledge/information about the case and he can expect obstructions from higher authorities/officials. Even an efficient officer cannot/may not able to handle more than one case at a time. As we all know, a covered truth, Bribery plays an important role in the existing system. Many cases are pilled up in the corners, which are not proved, due to lack of commitment in the job. In most of the cases, the innocent are accused in the existing system. As per our jurisdiction, Let thousand criminals escape-not a single innocent be punished . As a result of this and other factors that influence investigation, such as bribery, the innocent becomes accused in several situations in the eyes of Justice. The existing system could provide only investigation and there is no Advocating, Counseling facilities etc. hence no contact or control or co-ordination on these cell. They criticized it for being inefficient, time consuming, poorly managed, disparate and lacking flexibility. Evaluation requires monitoring crime before, during and after the initiative. Facts other than these initiatives may also impact on crime levels which makes evaluation particularly difficult. Because of the amount of serious crime, lesser crime goes unchecked. Many crimes become regarded as antisocial activities.

PROPOSED SYSTEM Our mission statement directs us to promote the public interest while balancing the Law. Obviously well not rush to judgment, but will look at the facts and render a thoughtful decision based on these facts. Organization is an independent statutory body which was created to maintain an effective an effective and efficient police service for the public. Its primary task includes securing continuous needs of the public in an efficient manner. As part of the responsibility, our committee is responsible for performance monitoring (performance planning and review formerly professional standards and performance monitoring) decided to look at the contribution and effectiveness of the organization within the public. We need the whole hearted support of each and every individual member of the site and cooperation of the users. The administrator, along with the investigators, lawyers, counselors, and other authorities statutory partners in our organization. Given their key role in these partnerships, we felt that an overview of strength and Weakness of the organization is needed. The aim of the project is to bring about improvement to the organizations contributions; this report necessarily concentrates on overcoming weakness and raising standards. To avoid conducting and unfair evaluation efforts which are made to put this contribution into this context. It believes that partnership work is highly beneficial to the organization and that partnership work is the way forward to reduce crime and disorder. Advantages of the Proposed System: The scrutiny was carried out through the collection of written and oral evidence. Better communication, better leadership, better training, more defined roles Working with partners.

in terms of contribution to contribution to the society.

Reducing crime and disorder. Confidently and anonymity issues.

The proposed system has control over all its cells and is perfectly coordinated. Also the cells can act individually. To take our organization to heights we need the wholehearted co-operation of the public.

Objectives of the Proposed System

In the fast moving world, if people lack something, it is time. All are busy in their world. It will be welcomed if services are provided at their will. So the main objective of our product is better communication, better leadership, reducing crime and disorder etc. The product provides a framework within which a user can easily work with. That was out next objective. We know users are of many categories, like users from who know working with computers very well to users who didnt know about computers. So all the category can use the software. So it should be user friendly. The product provides a framework, which is error free. We know a crime management system is actually a critical process having many calculations and operations. So each simple error laid to big problem. So it should be error free and our objective is to build error free software.

The Crime Records Management System applies to Police Stations all across the country and specifically looks into the subject crime prevention, detection, conviction of criminals depending on a highly responsive backbone of Information Management. The efficiency of the Police and the effectiveness with which it tackles crime depend on what quality of information it can derive from its existing records and how fast it can have access to it. I had done this project using ASP.NET as front end and SQL Server as back end easing the effort of user. INTERFACE DESIGN AND DATAFLOW External machine interface:- We need a high quality modem to connect to the internet. NIC i.e. network interface card is also required to access the internet.TCP/IP and http are the protocols used. If we want some hard copy of any receipts, we need a printer for that. External system interface:- Since Crime Reporting System requires a database and is working as online, the client machines requires proper connection with the server machine. Human interface:- In project work entitled Crime Reporting System the user will interacts with product through Graphical User Interface (GUI) which will be developed in front pages. Since GUIs are the interface, workings with GUIs are very simple and not at all complicated. So any user who had no knowledge about softwares and computers can use this Crime Reporting System very simply.

Functional Requirements:The modules involved in this project are:

Login for user and admin Complaint registration View complaint status Criminal register management FIR Management Case History Details management Managing Postmortem details Prisoners register management Manage list about most wanted criminals



This includes Administrator and User login. There will be a username and password to login into the system to use all the facilities. 2. COMPLAINT REGISTRATION

This module helps to register the details about the crime. This is done by entering some details, such as incident details, Victim details, crime details etc

This module allows us to view the status of the complaint that you have registered earlier.

Here we can have the facility to view the details of the criminals. The administrator can add new criminals details and save it in a database. This can

be done by entering details such as criminal number, age, occupation, type of crime etc.

This module allows viewing the First Information Report of all the crimes that took place at recent years. The administrator can enter FIR information and save it in a database.


Here we can view the details of the case, date of occurrence, the type of crime and place of occurrence etc


This module helps to view the postmortem details of a person. The details such as date of death cause of death, name of the doctor etc.

This module helps the administrator as well as the user to store, view and manage the details of the past and present prisoners.



This is an additional feature added to this Software, which helps us to make a quick search about the most wanted criminals. This helps to always keep track of and identify a person quickly, who is a most wanted criminal.

Non-Functional Requirements:Hardware Requirement:Hardware Interface 1: The system should be embedded in the PC/Laptop. Hardware Interface 2: 40 GB hard disk and 256 MB RAM.

Software Requirement:TOOLS & PLATFORMS USED TOOLS & PLATFORMS Operating System Front End Back End : Windows NT/2003 Server : ASP.Net with VB : SQL SERVER 2005

5.Design and Development

MODELING During the evaluation and solution synthesis activity, the analyst creates models of the system in an effort to better understand data and control flow. The model serves as foundation for software design and as the basis for the creation of specification for the software. For the better understanding of data and control flow we use Data Flow Diagram.

Data Flow Diagrams Data Flow Diagram is used to define the flow of the system and its resources such as informations. DFDs are a way of expressing systems requirements in graphical manner. DFD represents one of the most ingenious tools used for structured analysis. It has the purpose of clarifying system requirements and identifying major transformations that will become programs in the system design. It is the major starting point in the design phase that functionalities decompose the requirement specification to the lowest level of detail.


Level 0 DFD



Crime Automation & Reporting





Level 1.0 DFD (admin)









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