Water Industry Segment Report Desalination: San Diego, April 2011
Water Industry Segment Report Desalination: San Diego, April 2011
Water Industry Segment Report Desalination: San Diego, April 2011
WORLD TRADE CENTER SAN DIEGO 2980 Pacific Highway San Diego, CA 92101 T: (619) 615 0868 F: (619) 615 0876 www.wtcsd.org
General Provision
This report was conducted by the World Trade Center San Diego (WTCSD). The scope of this report is to provide information about the water industry segment of desalination. The report will not be, and should not be, considered as an opinion regarding a recommendation for, or the reasonableness of any specific business action. No representations or warranties are provided with respect to the results obtained from use of the analysis or surveys of this report. In no event shall the WTCSD be liable for consequential, special, direct, or indirect damages arising out of use of this material. To the best of our knowledge and belief, the statements contained in this report are true and correct. Information, estimates and opinions provided to us and contained in the report were obtained from the sources cited, and to the extent analyzed by us are believed to be true and correct. However, no representation, liability or warranty for the accuracy of such items is assumed by or imposed on WTCSD. Opinions in this report are the authors opinion, and are not the official opinion of WTCSD.
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Table of Contents
General Provision .......................................................................................................................................... 2 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 4 Conversion Measures ............................................................................................................................... 4 Desalination .................................................................................................................................................. 5 Industry at the National Level ....................................................................................................................... 7 Southern California ................................................................................................................................... 7 MENA Desalination Industry ......................................................................................................................... 8 Power Sector ............................................................................................................................................. 8 Water Sector ............................................................................................................................................. 9 Middle East ............................................................................................................................................. 10 North Africa............................................................................................................................................. 13 Small Scale Projects ................................................................................................................................ 14 Trade Shows - Domestic and International................................................................................................. 15 Trade Publications and Internet Sources .................................................................................................... 17 Current Desalination Projects ..................................................................................................................... 18 Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................ 32
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This report is an introductory overview of the desalination (desal) industry. The report focuses on U.S. export to the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region and India. Water scarcity is an acute and growing problem. Essentially the amount of naturally occurring fresh water in the world is constant or even declining because of the over-exploitation of non-renewable ground water resources. Demand for water continues to grow as the need to increase agricultural production sucks up available water for irrigation (85% of MENA water use for agricultural use), forcing urban water users to develop new resources. Desalination has been favored as method to increase the water supply. The regional desalination sector has grown into an $8 billion market in the last 5 years. Historically, especially the Gulf (GCC) region has favored large scale projects to boost supply in favor of targeting the high demand and water waste.1 The financial crisis though has opened policymakers eyes for alternative, less capital intense projects. Campaigns for reduced water usage have also been launched as a method for tackling the regions water shortage and less affluent countries are looking at smaller-scale desalination projects. The attractiveness of desalination has been reduced due to rising oil prices, putting upward cost pressure on a water supply process that consumes large amounts of energy. Desalination today is an expensive technology, but most of the world's 2,000 desalination plants are currently located in the Middle East where water is in short supply but energy has been cheap. Albeit, the low-cost energy has been due to energy subsidies obtained by the mostly state owned utility companies operating desalination plants in the MENA region. Desal plants are frequently built in connection with power stations. The increase in electricity prices has actually recently spurred the power plant components of desal plants. The latest desalination trend is that the increase in energy prices has made it possible for bidders to increase the power plant component with increased excess power revenues, to subsequently subsidize the desalinized water price offered in tenders. Firstly, this paper will look briefly at the desalination industry in general; secondly, we will examine current trends and forecasts for the industry per region. The paper concludes with useful tradeshow and resource information as well as a list of current desal projects.
Conversion Measures
1 m3 = 220 Imperial Gallons (IG) 1 IG = 0.0045 m3 1 m3 = 264 Gallons (G) 1 G = 0.0038 m3 1 IG = 1.2 G 1 Ha = 2.47 Acres 1 Acre = 0.405 Ha 1 Liter = 0.264 Gallons 1 G = 3.785 Liters 1 IG = 4.54 Liters
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Because only 1 percent of the Earth's water is fresh, the oceans are an obvious way of supplementing the fresh-water supply. To be potable (drinkable), however, salt and other chemicals must first be removed from the sea water. This process of salt removal known as desalination has been practiced since ancient times. The most common desalination processes used today are distillation and membrane processes, each accounting for about half the installed global desalination capacity. Historically, distillation technologies have dominated the seawater desalination market, partly because they lend themselves well to co-generation of water and power, partly because energy subsidies favored these more energy-intensive technologies, and partly because of the lower reliability of earlier membrane technologies. However, most new desalination plants now use membrane technologies, in particular reverse osmosis (RO). This is mainly due to reductions in the costs and the energy intensity of reverse osmosis, as well as improvements in its reliability. Reverse osmosis of seawater requires much less energy than distillation processes.2 Looking forward, it is clear that membrane desalination is going to continue to pull away from thermal desalination. Although multi-stage flash and multi-effect distillation represented around 26% of the market during the period 2000-2009, their market share is expected to amount to around 9% in the period 2010-2016. This reflects two factors. First, the desalination market outside the Gulf is expected to grow faster than the desalination market in the Gulf region, where thermal desalination is more frequently used. Second, membrane desalination is making in-roads into the Gulf market a trend which is likely to accelerate with the move towards independent water and power projects in Kuwait and Dubai, as well as greater consciousness about energy efficiency due to rising energy prices.3
The World Bank: Seawater and Brackish Water Desalination in the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia
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Overall global desalination capacity is expected to grow from 68.3 million m 3/d at the beginning of 2011 to 129.9 million m3/d by the end of 2016.4 For 2010 and 2011 though, new capacity is on the decline, with 4.7 million m3/d and 6.8 million m3/d respectively - well below the market peak of 7.5 million m3/d achieved in 2007. There are a number of factors behind the cooling of the desalination market. These include: The completion of major desalination plant building programs in Algeria, Spain, and Australia. The weakness of the real estate market in the UAE, Southern Spain and the Western U.S. Project delays and postponements related to a variety of issues such as elections, financing difficulties, heavy rains, and administrative issues. Increased energy prices in 2011 will probably continue to restrain the market recovery.5
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Southern California
The Southern California region is strong when it comes to water technology and desalination. As of April 2011, an estimated 3,000 people work for companies in the San Diego area supplying equipment or logistical support for desalination plants, earning the industry upwards of $350 million in annual revenues. Many of these companies also supply other related manufacturing segments. The Californian coast may have about 20 desalination plants in a few years, but most of them are still in the early planning stage.8 The regulatory approval process is rigid, especially with regards to environmental protection. Proposed desalination plants must win approval from city and county governments as well as the Public Utilities Commission in the case of investor-owned utilities. The largest project, Poseidon Resources Desal Plant in Carlsbad, spent almost a decade in the State and Federal approval process, receiving final go-ahead in February 2011.9 In California, an estimated 40 percent of the cost of desalination is energy to run the plant. Lobbying by companies that stand to gain financially from desalination has helped earn widespread support from California lawmakers. Poseidon has reportedly spent around $60 million on engineering and attorney fees on its Carlsbad plant before a single spade of dirt has been overturned. A group of California water companies and public agencies formed the non-profit CalDesal last year to educate and lobby for desalination.10
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Neil Callahan: Integration of Power Generation and Water Desalination Operations http://www.ge.com/mea/docs/brochure_sa_english.pdf 8 http://www.dcbureau.org/201103081301/Natural-Resources-News-Service/the-water-business-desalinationmeans-big-business-to-california-industry.html 9 http://www.carlsbad-desal.com/ 10 http://www.dcbureau.org/201103081301/Natural-Resources-News-Service/the-water-business-desalinationmeans-big-business-to-california-industry.html
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Water Sector
The region relies heavily on water for agriculture which comprises 85% of its water use so combating the continued drying of the land mass will be a priority. The climate will become drier and hotter with less rainfall and increased droughts. Water shortages will be experienced by 80-100 million people before 2025. This puts water supply on top of the agenda of the regions leaders. Due to recent infrastructure investments, water supply has increased to allow 75% of the MENA population access to clean water and improved sanitation. MENA already leads the world in desalination technology. The region will require 6% per year water supply increase from desal plants. The majority of desalination plants use thermal desalination technologies and large quantities of fossil fuel are required for the distillation process. Even in small countries such as the UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Israel and Jordon the pumping distances have been a barrier, due to pipe leakages and poor water management in general. Furthermore, as a result of poor regulations, desalination plants in the region have polluted the Gulf seawater by discharging hot wastewater directly into the Gulf. Like the power sector, private water utilities are struggling to perform due to an unreasonable subsidization of tariffs in the public sector. Only two countries in the region have private water utilities that can cover their operational and management costs. In MENA public spending on water accounts for 1-5% of the GDP but these investments have not been cohesive. The World Bank has heavily funded the regions water development. The Bank financed new water projects totaling $229.5 million in 2008 and $123 million in 2009. Iran, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt and Kuwait accounted for around 70% of energy and water investments in the last five years. The total MENA investment in power and water was about $60 billion during this period. Government owned utilities will continue to play the key investment role as only 40% will be funded by the private sector.12
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Chantel McGrath: Renewable Desalination Market Analysis Global Water Intelligence: Vol 10, Issue 10 (October 2009)
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Middle East
The power and water desalination Industry in the Gulf (GCC) nations is characterized by a limited source of supply struggling to cater to the escalating demand fuelled by increasing population and improved standards of living. Spurred by a buoyant economy and population growth, UN-FAO forecasts over $250 billion will be invested in GCC water and desalination projects, over the next decade. Whilst privatization occupies the centre stage in the overhauling process of power and water sector, the initiatives towards alternative energy sources will enable GCC nations to diversify their economic growth from predominantly oil based economies. New power plants often include desal components. Faced with the extreme scarcity of groundwater, the GCC nations are focusing on increasing supply of water through desalination and waste water treatments. The regional governments are also educating the population on water conservation.14 In the GCC region, commonly more than 75% of water consumption is in the agricultural sector, around 15% for public purposes and less than 2% for industrial purposes. Hence, potential for the lower-quality reused wastewater (which is sufficient for irrigation but not for public use) is larger than the potential for desalination. So far though, farmers have been hesitant to accept reused wastewater for food-product irrigation.15 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia relies on seawater desalination for 50% of its water supply and has over 30 operating desalination plant. Saudi Arabia has 4,000 km of water pipelines, but this network is under pressure owing to increased water demand. Current projects include a new pipeline in Saudi Arabia to supply the city of Taif near the Red Sea. Between 2006 and 2016 approximately 20 plants will be built or planned, with over $5 billion of annualized investment in desalination (2005-2015). Environmentalists have pushed for increased use of solar power in desalination, but the government has continued to rely on oil and gas as energy sources. The Saudi Arabians plan to invest USD$170 billion in the energy sector over the next five years, requiring private sector investment to satisfy water and electricity demands for the country. Of this investment, $90 billion will come from Saudi Aramco (national oil company) and will primarily be invested in oil production.16 The first large scale renewable desal plant is an IBM joint venture with King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), the Kingdoms main research and development institute, building a solar powered desalination plant in the city of Al Khafji in the northeast of the country. The plant will be powered by ultra-high concentrator photovoltaic (UHCPV) technology and would provide up to 30,000 m3 of potable water a day to 100,000 people. The KACST/IBM joint research focuses on improving polymeric membranes through nanoscale modification of polymer properties to make desalination much more efficient and much less costly.17 Shoaiba Barge Seawater Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) plant is the largest in the world (completed in 2008), producing 50,000 m3/day using Dow Film Tec membrane elements which have helped speed up the
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Research and Markets: GCC Power & Water Desalination Industry Overview 2010 http://www.fao.org/nr/water/aquastat/countries/untd_arab_em/index.stm 16 Chantel McGrath: Renewable Desalination Market Analysis 17 http://www.ibm.com/news/sa/en/2010/03/31/z337573t40642u34.html
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production of treated water. The project was designed by WETICO Saudi Berkefeld. Saudi Arabias Saline Water Conversion Corporation (SWCC) purchases the water.18 Doosan Heavy Industries of South Korea has won a US$ 1.46 billion contract to supply the Ras Azzour desalination plant, which, at a capacity of 228 MIGD (1,036,500 m/d), will be the largest in the world. The project, for the Saline Water Conversion Corporation, will be a hybrid 160 MIGD (727,000 m/d) evaporation and 67.5 MIGD (307,000 m/d) reverse-osmosis plant. It will supply water from the Gulf to 3.5 million people in the Riyadh area. The project was delayed during the financial crisis as one partner of the proposed consortium withdrew. Doosan will now carry out design, manufacturing, installation, and commissioning of the entire project, which is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2014. It will be integrated with a 2,400 MW oil-fired power plant.19 The United Arab Emirates (UAE) The UAE is the 2nd largest producer of desal water. The UAE relies on 70% desalinated water to supply the country and Kuwait. The UAE has invested a total of $50 billion in power and desalination during the past 10 years and they plan to build three more desalination plant. Dubai has embarked on a mission to more than treble its desalinated water capacity over the next eight to 10 years. It will invest up to $20 billion in five power and water projects.20 The UAE will be spending $3,2 billion per year (2011-2016) on building and operating desalination plants suggests a new report by Global Water Intelligence (GWI). This represents a 305% increase on current expenditure. UAE currently has 8,885,366 m3/d of contracted desalination capacity, but this will rise to 13,700,138 m3/d by 2016.21 Kuwait Several desal plants are in operation and some under construction. A recent project is the pgrading of the Doha desal plant, a $750 million project. In addition, many smaller sites are added. Yearly, up to ten MSF plants each with a capacity of around 60 m3/d are completed.22 Kuwaits Ministry of Electricity and Water (MEW) issued a tender at the beginning of 2010 for a new power and desalination station to be located at the Az-Zour North site. The scope of work encompasses the engineering, procurement and construction of the 463,692 m3/d and 1,500MW plant, followed by a 7-year period of operation and maintenance. Its scheduled for completion in 2013. Kuwait authorities have had previous problems with attracting bidders for their large-scale projects. One reason has been that negative cash-flow is a frequent occurrence for contractors undertaking large MEW-funded power and water projects due to tough tender requirements.23
http://msdssearch.dow.com/PublishedLiteratureDOWCOM/dh_0259/0901b80380259476.pdf?filepath=liquidseps/ pdfs/noreg/609-00619.pdf&fromPage=GetDoc 19 http://www.desalination.biz/news/news_story.asp?id=5480&channel=0 20 Chantel McGrath: Renewable Desalination Market Analysis 21 GWI: Desalination Markets 2010 22 Mohamed Al-bahou: Desalination experience in Kuwait 23 http://www.globalwaterintel.com/archive/11/3/general/kuwait-offers-new-flexibility-az-zour-northcomplex.html
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Qatar Qatar has limited and declining groundwater and is investing in desal to cover the supply shortage. The country has one of the longest-standing desal programs in the Middle East, with considerable experience in the sector. The largest desal IPWW is at Ras Laffan industry complex. It is owned by the Qatar Electricity & Water Company (QEWC) and produces 180,000 m/d. The country has around 1.4 million m3/d of desal water capacity.24 Kahramaa, Qatars General Electricity and Water Corporation is currently tendering for construction of a 60 MGD desal plant.25 Furthermore, Qatar is aiming to build up its water reserves so they can meet the country's needs for a week in an emergency. Existing desalinated water reserves can last only one-and-a-half days in an emergency. The country hopes to be ready with the increased capacity by 2012, according to the Qatar General Electricity and Water Corporation (Kahramaa).26Plans have also been floated to combine nuclear and desal plants, something that probably will be evaluated again after the nuclear disaster in Japan.27 Bahrain More than 65% of water supply is from desalination, but demand exceeds supply as the population grows. The Ras Abu Jargur RO-desalination plant has been expanded during the 2000s.28 Bahrain-based utility Energy Central Co (ECC) started construction of the Durrat Al Bahrain site in 2009, where the company is building a seawater RO desalination plant with an ultimate capacity of 32,000 m/d.29 Jordan Jordan entered the worlds top 20 desal markets in 2010.30 Jordan has several small desal plants. It plans a major $125 million project with a Red Dead Sea Conveyor (RDSC), taking seawater for RO desalination to the Dead Sea. This mega project would aim to restore the Dead Seas water levels. The future of the project is in doubt; the amount of brine has been estimated to be 1,050 MCM/y and the marine environment of the Gulf of Aqaba is very fragile.31 Iraq There are two new desal plants near Basra planned and tendered. There are also plans for small-scale solar-powered desal plants for rural areas.
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http://www.desalination.biz/news/news_story.asp?id=5323&channel=0 http://www.meed.com/sectors/water/kahramaa-to-launch-tender-for-desalination-plant/1972990.article 26 http://www.arabianbusiness.com/qatar-eyes-water-desalination-plant-expansion-305936.html 27 http://www.ooskanews.com/middle-east-africa/qatar-desalination-among-projects-planned-nuclear-techology 28 http://www.desalination.biz/news/magazine_article.asp?id=4702&title= 29 http://www.desalination.biz/news/news_story.asp?id=4775 30 http://www.globalwaterintel.com/archive/11/7/market-insight/desalination-market-returns.html 31 Hani Abu Qdais: Environmental impacts of the mega desalination project: the RedDead Sea conveyor
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North Africa
Algeria Algeria has significant indigenous energy resources and has been involved in desalination for many years but mainly in connection with oil and gas development projects for industrial use. Most of the population lives near the coast, but there are also small inland towns and villages with access to brackish water. The government has recently built some small desalination plants in the vicinity of Algiers as a temporary measure pending the construction of larger seawater reverse osmosis plants. The country has two recently built desal plants. There are plans for series of plants with capacities ranging from 100,000 m3/d to 500,000 m3/d. Morocco Morocco has a semi-arid climate and the country is rapidly experiencing a decrease in available water. Without implementing desalination techniques water scarcity will continue. The country entered the worlds top 20 desal markets in 2010.32 Morocco has access to more than 3,500 km of coastline. Desalination has, however, been impeded by the fact that Morocco imports 95% of its energy, as plant require a considerable amount of energy to operate. The Office National de lEau Potable (ONEP National Office of Potable Water) and the Cherifien Office of Phosphates (COP) have made considerable efforts to implement desalination plants in the south of the country. The current national production capacity from desalination is 30,000 m3/day. ONEP operates the countrys largest desalination plant in Laayoune. The Laayoune Seawater Reverse Osmosis Plant is conventionally powered and has a capacity of 7,000 m3/day. ONEP chose Agadir for its first privately financed desalination project in 2007. The plant will be located on Moroccos Atlantic coast and will produce 45,000m3/day of desalinated water when finished. The Secrtariat dEtat charg de lEau et de lEnvironnement (SEEE) has recently completed a nationwide study on long-term desalination strategy. Although desalination has traditionally been confined to smallscale applications in Morocco, approximately 70,000m3/day of new capacity is under planning and yet to be tendered. The study also address how to approach the development of a large, new desalination plant in the Casablanca region, with a proposed capacity of around 685,000m3/day. Morocco has a large potential for wind and solar desalination technologies, and thus far, some small-scale projects have demonstrated this potential. Moreover, recently completed wastewater treatment facilities are seen as a project formula that can be replicated for future desal plants.33 Tunisia Tunisia has four desal plants in operation, and the government had publicized plans to build 14 new RO desal plants. The unrest might impact these plans. The countrys desal capacity is set to increase to 200,000 m/d during the next five years and 500,000 m/d by 2025.
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Tunisia has gained very useful experience in brackish water desalination using both reverse osmosis and electro-dialysis. These plants are located in the south of Tunisia, which is an arid zone. Additional plants are planned; such as the first large seawater reverse osmosis desalination plant at Jerba.34 The concession to build and operate a 50,000 m3/day plant at Jerba is tendered by the Tunisian Government. After a pre-qualification process, three candidates have been selected.35 Egypt A 35,000 m3/d desal plant on the Sinai peninsula is in operation since 2006, with an ongoing expansion project. There are plans for a new larger plant in Hurghada and at the West Gulf of Suez. Egypt will be spending $393.8m per year on building and operating desalination plants suggests a new report by Global Water Intelligence (GWI). This represents a 120% increase on current expenditure. Egypt currently has 652,024 m3/d of contracted desalination capacity, but this is expected to rise to 1,564,224 m3/d by 2016. During that time the cost of operating existing plants and the new plants that come on line will rise to $172.0m, compared to $90.4m in 2010. These projections were made in late 2010 just prior to the recent unrest, and are therefore subject to revision.36 In regards to smaller scale projects, Ridgewood Egypt has provided over 20 local desalination plants, with capacities ranging between 500 and 6,000 cubic meters on a build, own and operate basis.37
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The World Bank: Seawater and Brackish Water Desalination in the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia http://www.eib.org/projects/pipeline/2009/20090714.htm 36 GWI: Desalination Markets 2010 37 http://www.energyrecovery.com/index.cfm/0/0/41/17-Hurghada-Desalination-Plant-Egypt.html 38 Chantel McGrath: Renewable Desalination Market Analysis
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July 18-21, 2011, Miami Beach, FL AMTA/SEDA 2011 Joint Conference & Exposition Membranes are the Solution http://www.membranes-amta.org/pdfs/2011MiamiExhibitorSponsorship.pdf 04/09/2011 to 09/09/2011, Perth, Australia IDA World Congress http://www.idadesal.org/ 2nd - 3rd October 2011 - Doha, Qatar GCC Power and Water Desalination Summit 2011 http://www.fleminggulf.com/utilities/middle-east/gcc-power-and-water-desalination-summit2011 Mar. 6-9, 2012, Zaragoza, Spain SMAGUA 2012 Water Tradeshow http://www.feriazaragoza.com/
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Kwinana (Perth) Lytton (Brisbane River mouth), QLD Miriamvale QLD Olympic Dam (Upper Spencer Gulf) Onesteel Whyalla Plant Onslow Water Supply Scheme Port Stanvac SE Queensland (possibly Caboolture) Seabird to Jurien coastline (formerly Yanchep, WA) Sino Iron Project Southern Seawater Desalination Plant expansion Sydney Toukley Desalination Plant (formerly NSW Wyong) Tugun Gold Coast expansion Tugun, Gold Coast Walpole Seawater Desalination Plant Wellington Dam, WA West Pilbara Water Supply Scheme augmentation Wonthaggi, (Melbourne, Victoria) Blue Hills expansion (formerly Arawak Cay) Winton Ad Dur Ad Dur 3 Bahrain Petroenergy Complex (BPECO) Durrat Al Bahrain Hidd IWPP Barbados Tynes Bay Niteri SWRO Frank Sound, Grand Cayman Agbar SWRO project, Copiap AguasMin Antofagasta Arica Atacama Sacyr Central Castilla (formerly Cerro Castilla) Chuquicamata Copiap, MOP plants Desaladora Sur, Antofagasta El Morro Esperanza
Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Bahamas Bahamas Bahrain Bahrain Bahrain Bahrain Bahrain Barbados Bermuda Brazil Cayman Islands Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile
In operation On hold In construction In permitting Contract awarded Planned In construction Abandoned On hold In construction Planned In construction In planning Planned In construction Feasibility study in progress Planned Planned Contract awarded Contract awarded On hold Contract awarded Planned On hold In construction In operation On hold In operation Rfp issued In operation Planned Planned Contract awarded Planned Planned Planned On hold Planned In planning Prequalification Contract awarded
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La Chimba Mantoverde copper mine Minera Candelaria Minera Escondida Punta Totoralillo Cangzhou Coastal Port Chemical Industry Zone 2 Caofeidian Dalian City Fujian Coal Group Guohua Cangdong Power Company Huangdao, Qingdao city Huludao, Liaoning Lubei, Wudi county, Binzhou city, Shandong province Qingdao Qingdao Soda Ash (formerly Qingdao City, Shandong) Tangshan Sanyou Group (formerly Hebei Province) Tianjin Tianjin Wenling City, Zhejiang Province Xiangshan County, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province Yantai City Zhanjiang Project of Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Zhoushan and Guangdong Nanao Zhoushan City (Liuheng Island) in Zhejiang Province Zhoushan Power Plant Guanacaste Episkopi-Limassol Kmkoy, Northern Cyprus (formerly Gzelyurt) Larnaca Mobile plant, Yermasoyia, Limassol Paphos Pre-engineered desalination unit Temporary floating desal plant, east of Limassol Vasilikos Power Station Venus Rock Development, Paphos Djibouti City Abu Qir Hurghada Mirage Makadi North Sinai Red Sea, Sinai and Matrouh desalination projects
Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China Costa Rica Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Cyprus Djibouti Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt
Contract awarded Prequalification Contract awarded Planned In permitting Abandoned In construction In construction Planned In construction Contract awarded In operation In construction Contract awarded In construction Abandoned In construction In construction Contract awarded Contract awarded Abandoned Planned Planned In construction Planned Planned In construction Contract awarded In construction Abandoned Contract awarded Abandoned In operation In construction Pre-rfp Contract awarded Contract awarded In planning In operation In planning Prequalification
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Stella Di Makadi West Gulf of Suez Nungua Nungua SWRO, Accra Greek Islands (formerly Cycladic Islands) Chennai (Ennore) Chennai (Minjur) Chennai 3 Chennai Nemmeli Gujarat Karaikal, Pondicherry Krishnapatnam Port, Andhra Pradesh Kutch Mumbai Mumbai 2 Mundra Port SEZ expansion NIOT Chennai Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Islands Tatas Mundra Ultra Mega Power Project Tuticorin, Tamilnadu Vadinar refinery, Gujarat Ancol Desalination Project Asalouyeh Asalouyeh Power Station Assalouyeh Bushehr Kerman Kharg Island SWRO (rehabilitation) Kish Kish MED Plant Pars Economical Energy Zone Pars Site 2 Assalouyeh (Bushehr) Qeshm Island (Hormozghan) Qeshm SWRO Ramchah SWRO, Qeshm Island Salakh Village SWRO, Qeshm Island West Bandar Abbas (Hormozghan) Zahedan BWRO Dublin Region Ashdod Ashdod (Paz Oil Company)
Egypt Egypt Ghana Ghana Greece India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India Indonesia Iran Iran Iran Iran Iran Iran Iran Iran Iran Iran Iran Iran Iran Iran Iran Iran Ireland Israel Israel
In operation In planning Planned Contract awarded In planning Presumed online Pre-construction In planning Contract awarded In operation Shortlist announced Abandoned In planning Feasibility study in progress Planned In planning Bids submitted Pre-rfp Contract awarded Planned In operation In operation Contract awarded Planned Planned On hold Planned Planned Contract awarded Contract awarded Planned Planned Planned Shortlist announced Pre-rfp Pre-rfp Contract awarded Contract awarded Planned Contract awarded Planned
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Ashdod Municipality Plant Ashkelon, Hadera and Palmachim Ashkelon, Palmachim and Hadera expansion Containerised desalination plants Dan Region Association Eilat Ashkelon Pipeline Company (EAPC) desalination plant Granot expansion Hadera Hadera Industrial Zone Hadera inland Jordan Valley BWRO Kfar Masaryk Lahat Lahat site near Ashkelon Maagan Michael Red-Dead Sea Canal project Rishon Le Zion Sabha Sabha expansion Soreq (formerly Shafdan) Soreq 2 Temporary desalination plants Timna Western Galilee Aqaba Jordan Red Sea Project Phase 1 MAEK Kazatomprom Power Plant Az-Zour North Az-Zour North 1 IWPP Az-Zour North Stages 2-5 Az-Zour North SWRO Az-Zour South hybridisation Doha East Khirran South Shuaiba North Shuaibah South Shuwaikh Abu Taraba extension Benghazi Benghazi North
Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Jordan Jordan Kazakhstan Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait Libya Libya Libya
Contract awarded Contract awarded Feasibility study in progress Planned Planned Planned Planned In construction Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned In construction Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned In construction Planned Planned Planned In planning In dispute Pre-rfp Presumed online Abandoned Prequalification In planning Abandoned Contract awarded Abandoned Planned In construction Planned In construction Planned Planned Abandoned
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Benghazi South Darna extension Derna Jfara Misurata Sirte Sirte ext. Soussa Soussa extension Tobruk Tobruk Cogen Tripoli Tripoli East Zawia Zawia Phase 2 Zueitina Zwara Zwara extension South Province SWRO plants Mauritius Acapulco SWRO El Salitral, Ensenada, Baja California Ensenada Rural Hermosillo Ixtapa, Zihuatanejo La Mision La Paz, Baja California Sur Maravia Country Club Planta San Carlos (formerly Empalme, Sonora) Puerto Peasco, Sonora Rosarito (NSC Agua) Rosarito Beach (SDCWA) Rosarito-Tijuana San Quintin, Baja California Tijuana-La Mision-Ensenada, Baja California Agadir Al Hoceima Boujdor Chtouka Dakhla Dakhla BWRO
Libya Libya Libya Libya Libya Libya Libya Libya Libya Libya Libya Libya Libya Libya Libya Libya Libya Libya Maldives Mauritius Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco
Abandoned Planned In construction Planned Planned Planned Abandoned In operation Planned Contract awarded Abandoned Abandoned Planned Planned In construction Abandoned Planned In operation Contract awarded Planned In planning In planning Planned Abandoned Planned Planned Pre-rfp Presumed online Planned Planned Ongoing (ie general) Feasibility study in progress Planned Planned In planning Planned Planned Planned Feasibility study in progress Abandoned Planned
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Jorf Lasfar Laayoune Laayoune SWRO - extension Nador Safi Sidi Ifni Tan Tan Tan-Tan and Guelmim Mile 6 (formerly Swakopmund) Swakopmund, Valenica uranium deposit Uramin Wlotzkasbaken (formerly Swakopmund) Aruba Al Ghubrah Containerised RO plant Duqm Mina Al-Fahal Mukhaizna New IWPP, likely to be at Barka or Sohar Quhreiat Salalah Sohar Sohar (#2) Sohar Industrial Port Sur The Wave, Muscat Tibat, Musandam governorate Yiti Beach/Shinas DHA Karachi Gwadar Industrial Estate Hawkes Bay Karachi Korangi (merged with Port Qasim) Gaza Desalination Plant Aguas de Lima Sur II (formerly Lima South) Lima North Tia Maria Copper Mine Bay City Putatan WTP expansion Rizal WTP Cao Tiburones Abu Samra
Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco Morocco Namibia Namibia Namibia Neth. Antilles Oman Oman Oman Oman Oman Oman Oman Oman Oman Oman Oman Oman Oman Oman Oman Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Palestine Peru Peru Peru Philippines Philippines Philippines Puerto Rico Qatar
Planned Presumed online Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Pre-rfp Planned In construction Presumed online In planning Contract awarded Planned In operation In operation Planned Contract awarded In construction In operation In construction Contract awarded In construction Planned Planned Contract awarded Contract awarded Abandoned Planned Planned Planned In planning Planned Planned Bids submitted On hold Conceptual stage Planned Planned Planned
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Mesaieed Industrial City (Facility B) New RO plant Ras Abu Fontas B2 Ras Abu Fontas refurb Ras Laffan (Pearl GTL Project) Ras Laffan C Solar-powered desalination plants Al Khafji Al Khafji solar-powered SWRO Al Wajh Phase 3 Al-Khafji Phase 3 Al-Khobar Phase 2 expansion Alleeth Phase 1 Al-Waji 4 Barge Duba Phase 4 Farasan Phase 2 Haql phase 3 Jeddah Jeddah Phase 3 Jizan Economic City Jubai Jubail (Marafiq) Jubail Phase 3 Jubail RO upgrade Khobar 4 IWPP King Abdullah Economic City Qunfuthah Phase 1 Rabigh Rabigh Phase 2 Ras Azzour Ras Azzour Maaden aluminium Ras Azzour Maaden phosphate Shoaiba 4 IWPP Shoaiba Phase 3 Shuqaiq 3 IWPP Shuqaiq Phase 2 Ummluj Phase 3 Yanbu Yanbu (Marafiq) Yanbu (Marafiq) 2
Qatar Qatar Qatar Qatar Qatar Qatar Qatar Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia
Contract awarded Planned In operation Contract awarded In construction In construction Planned Planned Planned Presumed online Abandoned Planned Presumed online Planned In operation Planned In operation Planned In construction In construction Planned Contract awarded In construction Abandoned Planned Planned Planned Contract awarded In construction Presumed online Contract awarded Contract awarded In construction Planned Planned Planned In construction Contract awarded Planned Contract awarded Bids submitted
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Yanbu 3 Yanbu MED Multi-plant rehabilitation and upgrade package Tuas II Elektrrne Novky thermal power station, Bratislava Cape Town Coastal cities including Cape Town and Durban Plettenberg Bay Port Elizabeth, Coega Industrial Development Zone Saldanha Swartkops Adeje Arona/Sur de Tenerife Phase II Adra, Almeria Aguilas, Murcia Aguilas/Guadalentn, Murcia Alcudia Alicante II (ex Canal de Alicante) Alicante Phase 2 Almenara, Castelln Almuecar, Granada Alt Empord, Catalunya Andratx Bajo Almanzora, Almeria Balsa del Sapo, Almera Campo de Cartagena, Murcia Campo de Dalas, Almeria Carboneras II City of Ceuta Phase 2 Ciutadella de Menorca Denia, Alicante Desalination for the Costa del Sol El Campello, Alicante El Mojn, Murcia Phase II El Prat del Llobregat 2, Catalunya El Prat del Llobregat, Catalunya Embalse de Guadalhorce, Malaga Foix/Cunit, Tarragona Granadilla, Tenerife Guadalentin Guardamar/Vega Baja, Alicante Gua de Isora, Tenerife
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Seychelles Singapore Slovakia South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain
Planned Contract awarded Contract awarded Preferred bidder announced In operation Abandoned Planned Planned In construction Contract awarded Planned In operation Planned In construction In construction In construction Presumed online Presumed online Abandoned Planned Contract awarded In operation In construction Planned Planned Pre-construction Abandoned In construction In construction Contract awarded Planned Contract awarded Planned In construction In operation Abandoned Planned Contract awarded Presumed online Planned Contract awarded
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Janubio, Lanzarote Jvea, Alicante Phase II La Caleta, Tenerife La Pedrera, Alicante L'Alacanti y Marina Baja, Alicante Lanzarote V, Canary Islands Las Palmas IV, Gran Canaria Las Palmas V, Gran Canaria Levante de Mallorca, Balearics Llanadas BWRO Mahon, Menorca, Balearics Marbella, Malaga refit Marina Alta/Calpe, Alicante Marina Baja/El Campello/Mutxamel, Alicante Marina Baja/Mutxamel Phase II, Alicante Mazarrn, Murcia Melilla Phase II, Melilla Mijas, Fuengirola Moncfar, Castelln Oropesa, Castelln Pilar de la Horadada, Alicante Phase 2 Puerto de Rosario, Fuerteventura Rincon de Leon, Alicante Rincn, Malaga River Guadalhorce BWRO Sagunto, Valencia San Bartolom and Mogn, Gran Canaria Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canaries Extension Telde, Gran Canaria Tordera, Catalunya Expansion Tordera, Catalunya II Torrevieja (ex.Tajo-Segura Transfer), Alicante/Murcia Valdelentisco, Murcia Valdelentisco, Murcia Valle de Gimar, Tenerife Valle Guerra, Tenerife Vinalop/LAlacant, Alicante Taoyuan Chaguaramas Cove (Southwestern Tobago) Cove Industrial Estate
Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Taiwan Trin. and Tobago Trin. and Tobago Trin. and Tobago
Contract awarded Abandoned In construction Abandoned Planned Contract awarded Planned Planned Planned In planning Planned In operation Abandoned In construction Planned Abandoned Planned In construction In construction In construction Contract awarded Contract awarded In operation Conceptual stage In planning In construction Planned In planning In operation Contract awarded Planned In construction In construction In operation In planning Planned In construction Contract awarded Abandoned Abandoned Abandoned
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Erin La Brea (Point Fortin) Mayaro Ortoire Point Lisas Expansion Point Lisas Powergen Pointe-a-Pierre Refinery Djerba Phase 1 Southern Tunisia brackish water plants Phase 2, Southern Tunisia brackish water plants Sfax Zaarat Avsa Colakoglu Steel Mill Famagusta (Magusa), Northern Cyprus Istanbul Nuh Cimento, Gulf of Izmit Abu Dhabi Port Authority Abu Dhabi, Desert Islands Al Hamra Al Zawrah 2, Ajman Al Zawrah, Ajman Desalination plant refurbishment at E Station Phase 1, Jebel Ali Dubal SWRO Emals Emirates Aluminium Project Fujairah Fujairah 1 SWRO expansion Fujairah 2 Ghalilah, Ras Al Khaimah Hamriyah Hamriyah IV MED Hamriyah IV SWRO Hassyan 2 (formerly P Station Hassyan Phase 1) Hassyan IWPP Hydrogen power and desalination plant, Abu Dhabi Jafza Jebel Ali L Phase 2 Jebel Ali M Jebel Ali M Phase 2 Jebel Ali N
Trin. and Tobago Trin. and Tobago Trin. and Tobago Trin. and Tobago Trin. and Tobago Trin. and Tobago Trin. and Tobago Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE
Abandoned Abandoned Abandoned Abandoned Abandoned Abandoned Abandoned Pre-financial close Rfp issued Feasibility study in progress Planned Planned In operation Presumed online Planned Planned Presumed online Contract awarded Planned On hold Contract awarded Contract awarded Planned Abandoned In construction In operation Pre-rfp Contract awarded Bids submitted In construction Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned In construction Contract awarded Planned Contract awarded
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Layyah Layyah/Khor Fakkan Masdar Mina Rashid N Station New plant and relocation, Ajman Palm Jebel Ali (including Madinat Al Arab) RAK Ceramics RAK Petroleum Ras Al Khaimah Saadiyat Island Shuweihat 2 Shuweihat 3 IPP Takreer desalination plant Taweelah C Umm Al Nar Umm Al Quwain Brighton London Alamogordo Baker Water Bay Area Regional Desalination Project (BARDP) Brownsville, TX Calleguas Creek Cambria, CA Camp Pendleton Cape Coral, FL Carlsbad Carlton Water Treatment Facility, Sarasota, FL Chino II expansion, CA City of Kenedy, TX City of San Angelo, TX Clearwater, FL Coastal Water Project, Monterey County, CA Coquina Coast, FL Corpus Christi/Flour Bluff, TX Dominguez Gap Barrier Project East Hanover, NJ El Paso, TX Florida Keys, FL Fort Myers, FL
UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE UAE United Kingdom United Kingdom United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States
Planned In operation Planned Planned Planned Contract awarded Planned Planned Planned Contract awarded Planned Contract awarded Planned Planned Planned Planned Contract awarded Planned In construction Planned In construction Planned Planned In planning Planned Pre-rfp In construction Preferred bidder announced Planned Rfp issued Contract awarded Abandoned Planned Planned Feasibility study in progress Pre-feasibility Abandoned In permitting In operation In construction Planned
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Freeport, TX Gulf of Mexico to supply San Antonio, TX H2Ocean Cristina Haverstraw, NY (formerly Rockland) BWRO Hialeah, FL Hull, MA Huntington Beach, CA Kalaeloa, HI Keansburg, NJ Laguna Madre, TX Long Beach, CA Los Angeles Harbour Area Marin County (formerly San Rafael), CA Mid Pinellas, FL Monterey, Ocean View Plaza, CA Morro Bay Moss Landing/Duke Energy site, CA Moss Landing/Kaiser Refractory site, CA Oceanside, CA Oldsmar City, FL Otay River, CA Oxnard, CA Playa del Rey (Scattergood Generating Station), CA Port St Lucie, FL Rancho Dominguez, CA Reynolds brackish ground water facility (Chula Vista) Rio West, NM Rockland, NY San Antonio, TX San Joaquin River, CA San Luis Obispo, CA Sand City, Monterey, CA Santa Barbara, CA Santa Barbara, William B. Cater Advanced Water Treatment Project Santa Clarita, CA Santa Cruz, CA Scottsdale Water Campus AWT expansion Seminole, TX Somerset County, Maryland South Florida
United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States
Abandoned Conceptual stage Planned In permitting Contract awarded On hold Planned Abandoned Contract awarded Planned Feasibility study in progress Abandoned On hold Abandoned Planned Presumed online Contract awarded Planned Feasibility study in progress In construction Planned In construction On hold On hold Abandoned Planned Planned Contract awarded Planned On hold Planned In construction Planned Planned On hold In planning In construction Planned Contract awarded Abandoned
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South Orange Coastal Ocean Desalination Project (Dana Point, CA) Southwest Groundwater Treatment Plant, Utah Swansea. MA Tarpon Springs, FL Taunton River Taunton River, MA Texas West Basin, CA Withlacoochee Paraguan Refinery Complex Paraquita Bay St Thomas and St Croix Mocha Taiz
United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States Venezuela Virgin Islands, U.K. Virgin Islands, U.S. Yemen Yemen
Planned Contract awarded In operation In permitting In operation In operation Planned Pre-feasibility Planned In construction Contract awarded Contract awarded Planned Planned
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http://www.gulfbase.com/site/interface/NewsArchiveDetails.aspx?n=98458 The World Bank: Seawater and Brackish Water Desalination in the Middle East and North Africa GWI: Desalination Markets 2010 http://www.globalwaterintel.com/gwi-downgrades-desalination-market-expectations-201011/ Neil Callahan: Integration of Power Generation and Water Desalination Operations http://www.ge.com/mea/docs/brochure_sa_english.pdf http://www.dcbureau.org/201103081301/Natural-Resources-News-Service/the-water-businessdesalination-means-big-business-to-california-industry.html http://www.carlsbad-desal.com/ Chantel McGrath: Renewable Desalination Market Analysis Global Water Intelligence: Vol 10, Issue 10 (October 2009) Research and Markets: GCC Power & Water Desalination Industry Overview 2010 http://www.fao.org/nr/water/aquastat/countries/untd_arab_em/index.stm http://www.ibm.com/news/sa/en/2010/03/31/z337573t40642u34.html http://msdssearch.dow.com/PublishedLiteratureDOWCOM/dh_0259/0901b80380259476.pdf?fi lepath=liquidseps/pdfs/noreg/609-00619.pdf&fromPage=GetDoc http://www.desalination.biz/news/news_story.asp?id=5480&channel=0 Mohamed Al-bahou: Desalination experience in Kuwait http://www.globalwaterintel.com/archive/11/3/general/kuwait-offers-new-flexibility-az-zournorth-complex.html http://www.desalination.biz/news/news_story.asp?id=5323&channel=0 http://www.meed.com/sectors/water/kahramaa-to-launch-tender-for-desalinationplant/1972990.article http://www.arabianbusiness.com/qatar-eyes-water-desalination-plant-expansion-305936.html http://www.ooskanews.com/middle-east-africa/qatar-desalination-among-projects-plannednuclear-techology http://www.desalination.biz/news/magazine_article.asp?id=4702&title= http://www.desalination.biz/news/news_story.asp?id=4775 http://www.globalwaterintel.com/archive/11/7/market-insight/desalination-marketreturns.html Hani Abu Qdais: Environmental impacts of the mega desalination project: the RDSC http://www.globalwaterintel.com/archive/11/7/market-insight/desalination-marketreturns.html http://www.eib.org/projects/pipeline/2009/20090714.htm http://www.energyrecovery.com/index.cfm/0/0/41/17-Hurghada-Desalination-Plant-Egypt.html Page 32 of 32
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