E-Learning and Its Technologies Running Head: E-Learning
E-Learning and Its Technologies Running Head: E-Learning
E-Learning and Its Technologies Running Head: E-Learning
E-learning and its technologies 2 Table of content Abstract:.i Table of Content: ..ii List of Figures:..iii List of Tables:iv
1 Introduction :.6 2 E-learning Essential...7 2.1 The Fundamental Concept ...8 2.2 Traditional Learning VS E-learning ..9-10 2.3 The Importance of E-learning .11 2.4 The Advantages of E-learning .....3 2.4.1 Benefits .5 2.4.2 Beneficiaries ..6 2.5 The Main Components of E-learning ....3 2.6 T E-learning Methods........3 2.6.1 Asynchronous ....5 2.6.2 Synchronous ...... 6 3 Implementing Successful e-learning .......8 3.1 success criteria....8 3.2 E-learning Barriers ........8 4 E-learning technologies :..9 4.1 Web Technology : web2.0 ....... 12
E-learning and its technologies 3 4.2 Mobile Technology ...........12 4.3 Learning Management System LMS .....12 4.3.1 Moodle ..5 4.3.2 Joomla ...... 6 5- E-learning in developing and developed countries ........8 5.1 case study : King Khalid University (SA) ........9 5.2 case study: Deakin University (Australia) ......10
5.3 case study : Hong Kong University (Hong Kong)...10 5.4 case study: FernHagen University (Germany).11 6 - Conclusion :..15 Reference :...16
List of Figures Figure115 Figure216 Figure319 Figure4.20 Figure5.22 Figure 624 Figure 7.26 Figure 8..28 Figure 9...30
Abstract This report paper is subjected to examine how technology has extended its capabilities to education and the strategies adopted by various organizations to implement e-learning systems. It was found out that e-learning has led to the widening need and access jobs and educational opportunities since it enhances quality and efficiency in learning process. The report also describes various benefits realized by individuals and organizations through adoption of elearning. Case studies are formulated in the report to evaluate the actual performance of eleaning programs in different universities, employees reaction to the system and management challenges experienced. The report also describes various e-learning technologies and how these technologies are changing with time due to advancement in technology.
1. Introduction E- Learning involves a technological means of delivering training, education and learning by use of communication and electronic devices (Djamshid, & Markus, & Kristin, & Marc, & Denny, 2004). It is delivery of learning, education programs, training or of materials through electronic mean. It is a mode of teaching and learning either offline or online through networked or standalone computers and other electronic devices such mobile phones, CD/DVD, TV or video tapes. In most cases e-learning involves transfer of skills and knowledge to the learners and instructors through the computer and network enabled devices. This enables the learners to acquire skills on distance learning whereby one has freedom to choose his or her learning environment. For example one can learn from home, work place or in a different country far from the institution of his or her studies. The method of learning saves the learner from travelling expenses, timing and attendance difficulties (Cohen, & Nycz, 2006). 2. E-learning Essential E-learning systems comprises of various essentials as well as modalities as described here. They are facilities which enable the learner to be able to distinguish which type of e-learning system he/she can use depending on his/ her learning objectives and availability of those facilities to ensure accessibility. Thus, they include: Individualized self paced e-learning online- this refers to where the learner is capable of accessing learning resources such as a database or course content over the internet or intranet.
E-learning and its technologies 7 Group based e- learning synchronously this is where a group of learners work together in real time through intranet or internet. It can be audio, video or text based conferencing (real time chat). Individualized self paced e-learning offline- refers to situation where an individual learner can access learning resources such as database and computer package offline. This is usually by use of hard drive, CD or DVD (Cohen, & Nycz, 2006) and in absence of internet connections. Group based e- learning asynchronously- in this case a group of learners are working over the internet or intranet where communication exchange between the participants is within a time delay. An example of this is online discussion through e mails. 2.1 The fundamental concept of E-learning: Due to diversity and rapid change in technology, we are in a knowledge based society where data are collected, stored, disseminated and made available for decision making, teaching and learning purposes using information and communication technologies. Distance education and learning procedures are increasingly being organized and carried out by means of information and communication technologies and the e-learning techniques. The concept of e-learning offers improved and quality learning opportunities to education institutions and corporations. In this case, technology is being implemented to provide lectures and instructions instead of human instructor normally used in traditional method. E-learning concept provides creativity in the usability of resources such as time, authority and space; it is conscious on how behavioral standards are to be established; and it provides consistency in making decisions which reflect critical thinking, communication, compassion, creativity and set values in the community (Connolly, Stansfield, 2006).
E-learning and its technologies 8 E-learning is learner centric which means the focus of education is on the learner which exists virtually. This concept accommodates an individual learners background, capacity, instructional practices, interests and experience that effectively promote high levels of motivation, learning and achievement. Also, there is a concept of e-learning acting as an agent of learners development since it engages him or her with challenging tasks and activities. This increases skills, knowledge, identity and practice to the learner. In this knowledge era, e-learning provides a concept of competence and refer students/learners as the centre of gravity towards the accomplishment of its objectives. Competence is the concept which enables learners to mastering skills; acquire skills; and capability of applying what is learnt in to real life situations (Connolly, Stansfield, 2006). The technology in e-learning concepts ensures the provision of interactive resources which are easy to use and understandable to the learners. They include off-the- shelf content, customized content, performance support, personalized learning portals and granular learning objects (Cohen, & Nycz, 2006). 2.2 Traditional V/s e-learning New technology has changed the learning system in schools, universities and organization from old classroom learning system where the lecturer talks more than the learners and hence discussion and mutual interaction between students and teachers is limited. On the other hand in e-learning, there is equal interaction between students and teachers and the entire learning process is computerized. The traditional learning requires the learner to commute to school every day to get education unlike with e-learning where learner can acquire much more from their homes comfort. The table below gives differences that exist in the two learning system. Traditional Learning E-learning
Programs are so rigid and maintain the same old system thus learners do not acquire new
E-learning programs increases productivity and profitability because employees gain E-learning and its technologies 9
skills apart from what they are taught in knowledge and skills from the training. Table1: Differences between traditional learning and e-learning system. class. Thus, with advanced skills, employees will sell more, produce more efficiently and minimize wastage (Connolly, & Stansfield, 2006). The leaning system is inflexible and learners have to go to institutions e.g schools, colleges and universities to get education. E-learning enables flexibility whereby the trainees and instructors can get their courses and content 24/ 7 from any point in the world. It is the cheapest mode of training though expensive when it comes to travelling to and from school. Learners in different schools or places of learning are taught differently though on the Though expensive to start, it is cost effective because it reduces expenses incurred in travelling and timing. Courses are consistent because they are delivered uniformly across the globe which
same course. This brings about inconsistency removes differences that could be created by understanding course concepts and in acquiring skills. Also, in case the learner misses a lesson the lecturer do not repeat his lecture thus learner looses. There are no security measures in this method of leaning. different trainers teaching on the same subject. It also increases absorption and retention of materials being taught (McLain, 2001). It is easier to monitor learners access and it is more secure because it is installed in secure servers and private networks. Learning materials are spread across different managers computers which make administration and competent management cumbersome Tracing, reprinting and distributing books Ease of management and administration since all data is saved in a centralized server where all key managers can access it whenever they need it. It is quicker and easier to track, update and
E-learning and its technologies 10 2.3 Importance of E-Learning With internet and modern education, E-Learning provides entrepreneurs with a pocket friendly way of training their employees without actually sending them to normal classes. By doing so, they maximize their time working and still gain useful skills from the trainings. E-learning tools are very fast and efficient in updating entrepreneurs about the current changes in the market today (Connolly, & Stansfield, 2006) E-learning tools are cheaper and reliable as compared to hiring professionals. E-learning can be conducted at the company premises hence creating minimal or no interference with employees schedule during seminars or training. It focuses on particular needs of trainees therefore giving learners of diverse backgrounds equal access to the best resources and learning materials and also training lessons from intelligent instructors (Clark, & Mayer, 2007). It can help companies give information very fast to employees or launch out a new product before a competitor does. This is a key factor in success of many businesses. 2.4 Advantages of E-learning Organizations that have incorporated e-learning programs have realized its various benefits. Computerized training delivers sophisticated and custom instructions to the learners all over the world and thus, provides uniformity in the learning process. Among the benefits e-learning helped in managing organizations and creating a global workforce that has improved organizations image and productivity. E-learning is cost effective and ensures profitability to the learner and entire organization. In this case, most organizations implementing e-learning systems and the students become the beneficiaries of the system.
E-learning and its technologies 11 2.4.2 Benefits of E-learning E-learning has clear-cut benefits over normal classroom training which include: Benefit Personalized learning Description Most e-learning programs can be taken when needed. Also learners can control Speed what and when they want to learn. Learners are only interested on what they dont understand thus reducing learning Consistency duration. It eliminates the problems of getting different materials from different trainers Accessibility and flexibility training on the same subject. Lessons and materials can be accessed from anywhere anytime provided there is an Updates active internet connection. It is easier to keep up to date on online elearning because materials are simply Easier understanding uploaded to a server. E-learning combines video, audio, quizzes, and animations which reinforce the message. Parts which have not been understood can be replayed or revisited later.
E-learning and its technologies 12 Increased productivity Since e-learning is not limited by time or geography; trainings can be done during organizations down time to develop the work force. Sharing Conducive environment It encourages sharing resources and knowledge worldwide. E-learning is environmental friendly, Research has show that e-learning emits 85% fewer CO2 and consumes 90% less energy per student than traditional Reduced training and material cost classrooms. Expenses incurred in travelling, laboratory experiments are reduced because some practicals can be done online in a virtual lab. E-learners acquire wide knowledge because of the technologies and tools used in conversations and collaboration.( Cohen, & Nycz, 2006). Table2: Benefits of e-learning 2.4.2 Beneficiaries of e learning Beneficiaries are those parties which acquire and appreciate benefits provided by the system. Below are some of the e-learning system beneficiaries:
Knowledge acquired
E-learning and its technologies 13 E-learning course materials and contents can be accessed from any point of the world anytime provided there is guaranteed quality internet connection. These benefits the sick because sometimes they need to be at home or in the hospital bed at all times. Multinationals
According to (Connolly, Stansfield, 2006) organizations with multiple branches scattered across the globe can conduct online training to all their employees in remote locations without having to incur the costs of hotel bookings, air tickets, meals and other expenses associated with travelling.
They benefit because they can customize whatever they want to learn unlike in normal classrooms where they must cover with teacher even topics they already understand.
National economy
E-learning uses existing infrastructure e.g. free browsers, internet and computers which are cheaper to obtain per student as compared to the cost of constructing new schools, libraries, and laboratories.
Online classes are cheaper as compared to traditional classes because there is reduced travel expenses and cost of learning materials. Employers and employees
Organizations can conduct trainings during down time. By doing so employees gain news skill which they in turn use to increase productivity and marketing of the companys product. Also it does not disrupt the employee work schedule and those who dont have time to travel to and from school.
E-learning system involves various components which are integrated and coordinated in order to achieve the objectives for which it is designed for (Cohen, & Nycz, 2006). The components are as described below:
Learning management
Content creation
This component describes how the e-learning materials and resources are designed and organized for the learner to easily access them. The structure of the e-learning system contains items such as; content grouped into logical modules; interactive concepts incorporated together; graphical interface to help understanding the concepts and ideas easily. The design should be consistent and easy to navigate. The facilities used for content creation include authoring, assembling, multimedia, HTML, and learning content tools. These tools provide descriptions of the elearning contents. b) Storage and distribution
E-learning and its technologies 15 This component provides the learner with all relevant materials and tools necessary for his or her learning objective. Enables real time response upon request and also provides security to the system by keeping track on the usage of the system and checking for authority before delivery of content to the learner. The technological tools used to enable the capabilities of this component include test banks, knowledge management systems, web servers, repositories and learning catalogs. c) Interaction This e-learning component supports players, chat, emails, real time collaborative and simulation environments through technology. It allows mentors, learners and instructors to interact with the e-learning content and with each other during learning session (McLain, 2001). The component provides the learner with navigation aids, collaborative work space and opportunity to report results. d) Learning management This involves the management of the e-learning system in order to ensure its performance and continued support to its users. This is done through implementation of system standards which control conversation among learners and other components determine how well the system is working and protect its resources. Thus the functions of this component involves creating and updating the learners profile, give access authority to users, assigning certification and scheduling of the contents resources (Cohen, & Nycz, 2006). The following diagram is an elearning management system.
The system comprises of various components which are as well integrated together to ensure quality management and its efficiency towards the accomplishment of organizational goals. Institutional management ensures control of certain information that remains private to the organization while pedagogical maintains and give control to instructive and educational information and materials to ensure its accessibility to authorized learners. The management system also ensures the e-learning interface design is user friendly and protects it from malicious changes. The technological issue is also an importance to the management since new changes should always be expected and necessary measures taken to implement the changes. The other components are ethical, resource support and evaluation which ensure right procedures are observed in the usage of the system; the necessary support is available for its maintenance; and evaluation of security and authorized access to the system. 2.6 E-learning methods
E-learning and its technologies 17 Despite advancement of technology and the need to implement e-learning and its general benefits into an organization it is necessary to consider and understand various methods and techniques available and compare their benefits as well and also their limitations. In order to make a decision on which method to use in delivery of e-learning benefits to the learners, various factors should be considered which include; user requirements, accessibility of the resources, support availability, quality assurance and acceptability of the method by its users. Elearning comprises of various methods such as Asynchronous and synchronous as described here below. 2.6.1 Asynchronous e-learning In this type of e-learning, learners make use resources available on the website such as discussion boards, email and links that facilitates interactive communication among learners and their teachers either both parties available online at the same time or not. Thus asynchronous provides an environment that is flexible to suite the learners schedule, inexpensive and also can be available in relatively small bandwidth. It is a user guided training method where the learner can access to learning material 24/7 over the internet and the content is complete, learner oriented and reference enabled to ensure comprehensive self-study to an individual learner (Hrastinski, 2008). The asynchronous nature of e-learning is preferred due its flexibility and thus most people can combine working and learning at the same time without interfering with organizational performance expectation of an individual. Also does not limit the learner from having quality time with the family or accomplishing further commitments. This mode of learning comprises various feature such as multimedia enabled (e.g animations, video, audio, text and graphics) to
E-learning and its technologies 18 facilitate understanding; resources interactivity for learners practical activities; bookmarking capabilities; simulation ability; and availability of experts online through live discussions and chats. Asynchronous e-learning is mostly used when the learner is addressing on complex issues during the learning process since the resources are readily available and one has enough time for research since and immediate response is not mandated. This mode of learning enables the learner to acquire strong virtues which include being responsible, initiative and innovative which help him/her to gain more skills and knowledge and be able to accomplish learning objectives within specified period of time otherwise he/she gets influenced by massive information and resources on the internet and fails to manage time properly (O'Neil, &, Perez, 2006). The picture below shows an asynchronous lesson taking place.
2.6.2 Synchronous E-learning This model of e-learning involves use of web media through the internet to provide training. The learner uses same resources as asynchronous like video conferencing and chatting on the web page but in this case, both interacting parties must be online to ensure real time communication between the learner and the teacher. Thus, students are capable of asking their instructor questions of which they receive immediate answers so long as they stay online hence provides social environment since learners are made to feel more participant than detaches (Clark, &, Mayer, 2007). This method of learning is quite expensive and requires high band width (high internet speeds) as compared to asynchronous method. Due availability of internet during the learning session, the method facilitates the learners to ask and get answers to content related questions; share learning information with others; and ability to give an expression to an idea or consideration since communication is fast and both parties are connected. The picture below shows a synchronous learner. Both the student and teacher are online at the same time and connected to the same website
Synchronous is an inflexible method of learning since the learner has to be available during the training otherwise he/she will not be able to access what was taught in his/her absence. Thus, it is not a good option for those who have other commitments besides learning. For example it is not possible for an employee who suppose has an organization meeting to attend at 10 a.m to login to the internet for a lesson about to take place same time as the meeting. The problem is that the learner has no opportunity to learn at his or her own time and pace (Rosen, 2009). Since the learners and instructors all log in to the e-learning system at the same time, is possible to identify strengths and weaknesses of the learners during the participative learning process. This facilitates the learners to express their problems and difficulties whereby social support is available for advice and solution. Thus the instructor is capable of drawing a performance analysis of his students through the same space. Asynchronous e-learning facilitates the learners to discuss less complex issues; plan for assigned tasks; and the due to real time communication they are motivated and committed to attainment of learning goals and objectives.
E-learning and its technologies 21 3. Successful implementation of e-learning Due dynamic environment that is brought about by the rapidly changing technologies, most companies and organizations are bound to accommodate the resulting challenges (change in business practices, skills, competition and loss of employees) through implementation of such technologies as e-learning among others that comes along with. Considering the earlier mentioned benefits, the implementation of the e-learning facilities requires prior strategic survey and planning so as to deliver its capabilities successfully to the organization (Kearns, 2010). 3.1 Success criteria For an organization to achieve the implementation of an e-learning system, a good research should be conducted to evaluate the level of infrastructure laid, budget readiness, and human resources availability and reaction/attitude. The main approaches to it implementation include a traditional course through integration of online activities in order to enhance the learning experience; supplementing traditional face to face course through employment of technologies; and complete online course delivery (Kearns, 2010). To achieve a successful system, various factors should be put into consideration, analyzed and evaluated so that the entire organization and its resources can eventually be comfortable with the system. These factors to include (Goodridge, 2001) Good implementation team Phased implementation Organizational goals
E-learning and its technologies 22 Employees support and development Business investment and return on investment turn over. Detailed implementation plan to be used (the architecture drawn that meet system goals and budget). In most cases the implementation of the e-learning system is a systematic process from one stage to another. A three phase process includes system design and its development, evaluation of the design and finally its implementation and institutionalization (Broadley, 2007). This process ensures that everyone and especially users needs are recognized in every stage for their ease of use and satisfaction. Also, the implementation of the system also requires various facilities such as spacious tutorial room, projectors, computer systems, cameras, WAN/LAN internet and storage devices (Abdul Karim, & Hashim, 2004).
E-learning and its technologies 23 The implementation team involves various shareholders such as Director, Multimedia specialist, Technician, Graphic artist Author, Mentor, Typist, Instructional designer, Photographer, Heads of Dept, Evaluator, Content expert, Systems Administrator, and Quality Controller. Full precipitation to the process and coordination among themselves is necessary for successful development and implementation of a good e-learning system. 3.2 E-learning Barriers Though almost everyone understand various benefits that come along with e-learning systems, its implementation process into an organization is faced with by number of challenges hence barriers to e-learning. However helpful e learning has been there are several factors that have made its advancement to slow (Spratt, 2008). Some of the mostly noticed barriers in many organizations include the following:-Virus threats by malicious individuals or organizations. Virus threats are known to destroy the operating systems and in some cases the hardware of either a computer or a mobile hand set -the cost of implementing e learning in institutions or organizations is very high. Some of the costs incurred while trying to actualize e learning include buying computers, mobile handsets and setting up facilities that enable reception of internet such as the fiber optic cable. These facilities are often very costly. - inadequate access to the internet and facilities such as computers and internet enabled mobile handsets may be brought about by remoteness of a place such as the case in some places in Africa or India.
E-learning and its technologies 24 - Lack of proper methods of assessment over internet since most methods of assessment are prone to malpractice such as cheating in examinations. This can result in a less competitive method of assessment. - Inadequate technical knowhow required to execute e learning system. This is often because professional skills are required in order to set up the facility and also because the users need prior information on the use of e learning therefore a method of educating them 4. E-learning technologies Rapid changes in computers and internet technologies have greatly participated in changing the trends in e-learning. Thus the e-learning technologies have to change in order to contain and satisfy the increasing demand of the learners and its general environment. There are various elearning technologies used today which includes personal digital assistants, electronic performance support system, mp3 players, web 2.0 tools, emails and among others chats. These technologies have incorporated educational design with the learners requirements; and provide readily information for the users. 4.1Web Technology: web 2.0 Web 2.0 was created way back in 1999 by Darcy DiNucci. The original concept was to create a user oriented interface and the current web page is considered as a blue print of what is to come in the near future. The main idea is to create an internet interface whereby the day to day activities can be simulated through the sharing of information. The new technology has led to advancement of earlier version of web from its text based internet to a more graphical world wide web. Individuals with access to the website are capable of
E-learning and its technologies 25 customizing various tools and items or even share them in real time unlike it used to be with older web. Web 2.0 integrates web tools that are emerging. Most functions are user oriented that are links enabled to increase efficiency. Most of web 2.0 tools are freely available, influence self expression and they are social in nature e.g sharing photos and video, wikis, blogging and social networks (Solomon, &, Schrum, 2007). For conditions that allow the application to serve or rather communicate with the content the 2.0 web performs asynchronously. However some of the software that has been used in this web application as a frame work to enhance the performance of web application includes; Adobe flash player, Java Script among others. Web 2.0 tools facilitate several users to interactively use and customize one page at the same time other than how it could be if otherwise this technology was not invented. This was a great invention to facilitate the implementation of an e-learning system by many organizations due to the capabilities it comes along with. The benefits of this technology include increased productivity, efficiency in communication, digital age literacy and development of inventive thinking to the users. Also, it allows for sharing of information and exchange of ideas locally and globally. This is known to be important in any ideal education process; the users not only share information but also contribute in generating the contents of the web application; and it provides the user with a user oriented interface which can act as storage for content. 4.2 Mobile Technology Mobile technology provided mobile learning where learning and training is facilitated by use of mobile devices e.g PDAs, mobile phones and smart phones. The capability to exchange messages, images, videos and quizzes enable efficient communication among the learners.
E-learning and its technologies 26 Mobile technology provides flexibility in of the e-learning system thus, learners do not necessarily have to sit in front of the PC all day to learn or train but they can access learning resources from anywhere and at anytime through their mobile devices. The main advantages of mobile technology include its mobility/portability, familiarization and also ensure digital divide between the PCs and the mobile devices. Despite its advantages, the challenge to this technology is that the text size exchanged is too small for the learner and also, its compatibility with the learning program (Iskander, 2008). Mobile e -learning refers to the wrap up process of earning with the aid of mobile handsets. Mlearning has different perspectives from which it can be looked at that include:The process whereby learning is experienced at a place that is mobile or rather that changes. It could also entail the use of mobile phone handsets to acquire information to facilitate the learning process for a learner. The use of advanced handsets with a large variety of media reception have allowed a majority of people to access information via their handsets for the sake of accessing information or basic know how and also for the purposes of learning. Mobile handsets come in handy as a fast and convenient means to acquire information as can be received by the learner from almost everywhere he or she chooses. Upcoming trends meant to advance the use of mobile handsets for the purpose e learning have been enabled through research in the fields include; Creation of contents by a user is being researched on in order to enable users generate their own contents; Creation of games and simulations in order to make the learning process much more entertaining and student involving;
E-learning and its technologies 27 The use of 3G internet to enhance speed for convenience; and the use of sensor systems to allow the observation of mannerisms and behavior in learning based on the observation of behavior. 4.3 Learning Management systems E-learning is an integral part of a learning management system that manages documents, prescribes and publishes reports on the events that pertain to online learning such as the programs available, the class work and the course content. This has been made possible through a web application available to e learners. In order to have an efficient e- learning management systems certain conditions must be met, such conditions include: the ability to collect and make available the learning material; the ability to prescribe work or content that allows for users to use on their own and at their own will; make resources always available even for the sake of using it over and over again; make content easy to understand, use and operate; meet general standards. There are various learning management systems that are characteristic of e learning and we are going to shed light on; 4.3. 1 Moodle Moodle is an abbreviation for Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment. It is an e-learning technology that is described as an open leaning course management system used by schools, universities, business and trainers in improvising web technology in their learning programs. Moodle is available free on the web and it is used to deliver online courses to the learners (Remenyi, 2008).
E-learning and its technologies 28 Moodle is software or a web application that is used to derive courses that are based from the internet; likewise they are also used to replicate websites. It can also be defined as a virtual learning environment due to its availability on the internet and thus the actual presence of a learner is not of essence but a conducive learning environment is of essence thus, Moodle is usually provided on the conditions of being an open source software whereby the program developer designs, creates the program and makes it copy right protected but the users have permissibility to copy the program, use and also to make changes to it. The moodle program or software can be installed in many operating systems and is used to manage courses by education theorists. Moodle facilitate social communication through integration of various contents available online to ensure effective learning process between students and their instructors. Mooodle tools provide quality education to the learners and society at large. Since moodle is an open source (software), it facilitates the capability for the learners to navigate, customize, freely access and improve the program. It has led to development of virtual learning environments that ensure individualized, collaborative, interactive and exploratory features which helped the learners to achieve their objectives. This program contain features that enable the capabilities of e-learning which are quizzes, sharing and uploading materials, chatting and forums, recording performance grades and capability to gather and review assignments (Cole, & Foster, 2007). Moodle ensures the following capabilities for successful learning process; -the fact that moodle is a software which is open source and can be installed into many operating systems such as windows XP, Linux etc
E-learning and its technologies 29 -it has allocated forums which are meant for discussions. This is more of a social site whereby the users or the learners can communicate with the developers of the program or the owners of the learning management system. -Places for handing in assignments. This is a site whereby the students are able to upload assignments projects or reports to the teachers. -download site where the learners are able to obtain relevant course material such as the course outline, the course content or material. - grading systems to assess performance of learners who has sat for the assessment examinations, this system should however be elaborated. - provides instant messaging service whereby the application can relay urgent messages to the learners and users of the software from its developers. This completes the cycle of information as the learners get to communicate with the developers of the program (Remenyi, 2008).
4.3.2 Joomla Joomla is defined as a management system that concerns itself with managing the contents of the World Wide Web. It is a type of content management system (CMS). Joomla is an open source program that can be installed in many operating systems such as Linux or the windows XP operating system. This means that the users are able to copy the contents of the management system, modify them but the copy rights of the programmer remain intact. This system can also be said to be free for use over the internet (Shreves, 2009) Joomla is normally written in the form of php. Some of the features that characterize Joomla include;-
E-learning and its technologies 31 -it uses object oriented programming whereby the programs that are created are meant for appeal and should enable easy access by the users -it has its storage places at MySQL databases - it offers contents that can be printed, RSS feeds, blogs, news flashes, opinion polls, search engines etc. - Its ease of use in order to make online applications and websites. The essence of having Joomla is to monitor the contents of a website or online application, however this content can be textual, a document, pictorial, musical or a video. There are many other content management systems that have been made available however Joomla overrides all the rest and is considered one of the worlds best content management systems. Some examples where joomla is used in monitoring the content of websites include the following; publications on the internet such as online magazines, online newspapers; applications made by the government to the public for example while advertising; business web sites that are used for the purposes of managing business catalogues; and websites for schools and churches. Joomla is usually made easy to use and provided as a one click installation program on many sites. The essence of this is to make information available. Some of the features in which joomla can be used to build or monitor include; - Tools used for monitoring data; business inventories and advertisement contents. - Business catalogues for businesses and organizations, this change with the current stock in business and the current market prices; and gadgets used for the purposes of communication.
E-learning and its technologies 32 - Directories used for businesses. Directories tend to be complex in nature and are bound to keep changing or to be confusing as a result; joomla has been used to monitor such.
5. E-learning in developing and developed countries Regarding to the research topic (e-learning and technologies), case studies will help us to improve our understanding the strength and complexity of e-learning and its environment. A case study allows the researcher to investigate a given phenomena in it real life perspective. For example for us to distinguish various impacts and capabilities of e-learning in developing and developed countries we carried some case studies from different countries. Thus, we realized that in developed countries, there is intensive use of e-learning facilities as compared to the developing ones. In this case we are going to investigate about e-learning in the following areas. 5.1 Case study 1 from King Khalid university- Saudi Arabian
E-learning and its technologies 33 The established of this university was through amalgamation of Imam Muhammad and King Saud universities in 1998 in Saud Arabian kingdom. King Khalid has tremendously grown and developed to one of the largest centers of learning in and outside Saud Arabian. Currently it accommodates more than 70,000 students both in-class and distance learners. This has made the university to build its reputation worldwide (www.edutech.com, 2008) In its efforts to improve learning methodologies and accommodate new technologies, King Khalid University implemented e-learning system in 2005. The main objective for incorporating e-learning in the university was to streamline teaching methods and provide quality education to its entire society. Thus e-learning infrastructure of the University incorporated virtual classrooms and the associated tools, learning management system, digital repository system, assessment management system and security assurance tools. The e-learning system of the University was adopted through integrated phased implementation which was designed by Edutech. The ensured the integration of students and the system to ensure its efficiency and also provided training to all users and staff to ensure its adoption/acceptance and goal accomplishment. Edutechs Integrate e-learning implementation approach
The e-learning system has provided quite a number of benefits such as enabling innovative capabilities to students and its supporters, integrating modern methods of learning with the universitys procedures, implementation of virtual classrooms and increased teaching methods for quality production in education. 5.2 Case study 2: Deakin University Australia Deakin University was established in 1974 and started its operation in 1977. It is located in Australia and since it has various sub-campuses, it has really helped the community in its environments through employment opportunities and providing learning resources to local students and worldwide. E-learning capabilities have facilitated the universitys fame on distance learning programs that accommodates more than 40,000 students and also provides electronic
E-learning and its technologies 35 books and journals for students research purposes (Balbo, S, &, Silvas, &, Mcguire, &, Li, &, Penticoss, 2009). E-learning has enabled flexibility in learning and teaching methods in the university which involves course planning, unit learning design, unit development and its evaluation. These processes are eventually integrated; evaluated and continuous support is necessitated to ensure quality improvement and productivity. The vision of Deakin University in the process of implementing e-learning system was based on ensuring a learning space that is student- centered, integrated learning management system and a good system infrastructure that is systems enabling. The figure below shows interaction of various resources within Deakins studies online (DSO) system.
Figure9: E-leaning resources interaction at Deakins University:(Balbo, S, &, Silvas, &, Mcguire, &, Li, &, Penticoss, 2009).
E-learning and its technologies 36 The university has achieved various benefits through e-learning which includes efficiency in finding and ability to access learning resources; security and retention of the universitys IP; improved management of resources. 5.3 E-learning in Hong Kong University The university is located in Hong Kong and it is one of the top universities in the country. It is the only university in the region that has the privilege to possess a court of arms. The management of Hong Kong University established a cyber learning center in 1999 to facilitate the use of technological advances within and outside the university. The main objective for the decision was to implement and support the development of e-learning systems; to boost professionalism; and also to stretch educational programs to international levels. E-learning in the university has proven quite a number of benefits to the university such as improved learning performance, social bondage among students from different cultures and background, students and employees feels motivated to working hard hence increased productivity in both education and service delivery. Effectiveness of e-learning in learning and teaching within the university has created awareness about the university to many individuals and boosted its reputation worldwide. E-learning space is currently serving more than 20,000 users since the portal provides easy accessibility to all learners 24/7 from anywhere in the world. The system is user friendly to allow users/ learners to access learning resources through the website. Hong Kongs e-learning system contains various features which enable it to delivers the benefits expected and also for the organization as whole to acquire its set of objectives and excellence in education. They include upcoming news, links and learning resources, enquiry and
E-learning and its technologies 37 communication channels, learners information, bookmark facility and personalized objects. All these features are made available for the learner to access and navigate them to suite their learning need. The e-learning facility within the university provides a more interactive and multimedia enabled materials and environment between the learners and their teachers than it was used to be earlier before the implementation of this technology (Moneta, &, Moneta, 2002). This facility therefore enabled the students to feel free and more encouraged to ask questions and comfortably answer when asked during the learning process unlike it is normally the case when learning and teaching from classrooms where students may tend to get afraid of other students. These facilities also enabled the management to conduct meetings and exchange management ideas through teleconferencing or telecommunication (http://hkuspace.hku.hk/learners/e-learningsupport/learner-portal) Despite the many mentioned e-learning benefits realized by the university, there were a number of challenges that the university community faced during and after its implementation. Some of the mentioned challenges include the technicality of the system that was not easy for teachers to adapt to and inadequate support for quality maintenance.
5.4 E-learning in FernUniversitt Hagen- distance learning University This is a public university that was established in 1974 with the objective to provide distance education to Germany citizens and in international levels. It is located in Hagen Germany and is a top of the list recognized university in the state and worldwide. Due to rapid and advance change in technology, the university and its branch campuses have implemented elearning systems in order to create more leaning opportunities to its students. Currently the university is accommodating 67,000 students taking distance courses. The purpose of establishing e-learning to the university was to improve the universitys learning programs, status and also its productivity hence becoming among the leading in producing
E-learning and its technologies 39 skilled and learned people in the country through e-education. In this university, E-learning main objective is to provide a framework that supports the community relying on online education and to ensure acquire quality education and also that resources are readily available at their access. This is made possible when the websites provides an easier way of exchanging information, submitting ideas and even receiving learning materials from lecturers online through the elearning system (http://www.fernuni-hagen.de/) This mode of study was found to be more important in analyzing the perspective of the students as well as their teachers to ensure that they were interested with educative materials through online studies and also to evaluate their general performance. The e-learning system implemented is capable of giving estimates and evaluation of how much the teacher delivers during the learning process otherwise they would leave students to learn from the system alone hence their significance wont be accountable in the organization. Thus, the system ensures integration of everyones needs for accomplishment of the objectives. These facilities has brightened future of many individuals in Germany and especially to those with disabilities are given opportunity to learn from home a problem solved because otherwise they wouldnt be able to attend classroom learning systems. This also has reduces the level of illiteracy in the country since anyone can access the e-learning system despite their physical ability (Ommerborn, &, Schuemer, 2001). This system provides openings to enhance a cooperative environment between this University and other universities within the region and outside; hence providing students with an opportunity to study oversees. This also allows a wider range of students linking together oversees while experiencing exchange of ideas between students of different cultures and from
E-learning and its technologies 40 different migrants. The University and its world spread branches have enjoyed flexibility and mobility in learning and communication through e-learning facilities.
The e-learning facilities has enabled these universities to win worldwide reputation and in improving their image for marketing purposes. More so, employees conditions have been improved as the technology improves the through e-learning facilities and programs; they are making better salary than before. This has also created more employment opportunities to the local and international job seeker and also e-learning as was found out play a great role in training and development of staff hence quality and productivity ensured.
E-learning and its technologies 41 6. Conclusion There are much to show and explain when it comes to technology and its new developments. It changes so rapidly that it demands people and environments around to changes in order to accommodate it. Thus, e-learning which was established through the emergence of technology and innovation, has made it necessary to change the learning systems and programs in various learning institutions. E-learning has provided flexibility in learning methodologies and their implementation facilitates development of learning management systems which controls the learning process in particular institutions. Though quite expensive to implement, e-learning facilities and resources are cost effective and brings about a lot of benefits to the learner, instructor and to the entire community. It increases productivity and efficiency to the organization or to institutions experiencing its capabilities, increases creativity and innovation and also provides quality education to the learners as would compared to the traditional mode of learning.
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