Block Working Manual: Eastern Railway
Block Working Manual: Eastern Railway
Block Working Manual: Eastern Railway
Eastern Railway
I. – Preliminary .. .. .. .. .. 1–3
VII. – Rules for Working Trains on the Single Line in the event of 91 – 99
Total Interruption of Communication.
VIII. – Rules for working of trains on the Single line by means of 100 – 145
Tokenless Block Instrument, Handle Type and Push Button
APPENDIX-A – Rules for the use and working of V.H.F. Sets 146– 150
APPENDIX-B – Specimen of the forms used in connection with Train 151 – 190
Correction Slip
Correction Slip
Correction Slip
1.01. Issue of Block working Manual – This book of rules and regulations for working trains
on Single and Double Line by Electrical block Instruments on the Absolute Block System
shall be issued to all staff responsible for train passing duties and to such other staff
as directed by prirreipal the Ch ief Operations Manager.
1.02. Study of Manual – This Manual shall be studied by the staff in conjunction with
General and Subsidiary Rules Book for which it is a companion volume. Nothing in
this volume will modify or supersede provisions of General and Subsidiary Rules.
1.03. Addenda and Corrigenda – All alterations or corrections that may, from time to
pasted at appropriate place in the Manual.
1.04 System of working – The systems of working on different sections of Eastern Railway
are indicated in the working Time Tables of different divisions.
1.05. Object of Electrical Block Instrument – The object of governing the movement of
trains by Electrical Block Instruments is to provide at all times a visual indication of
the state of the Block sections to which they refer and to guard against two trains
being admitted into a Block section at the same time. Where the trains are worked
on Absolute Block System.
1.06. Fixed Hand and Fog Signals – Signalling trains by Electrical Block Instruments do not
in any way do away with the use of Fixed, Hand or Fog signals, whenever and
wherever such signals may be required. The use of such signals is governed by GR’s
and SR’s from 3.09. to 3.75.
(a) Method of Block working employed on Double Lines is of the type of Control
with block Instruments located at Block Station.
(c) The Block Instrument used for the above method is of three position Lock and
Block Instrument.
1.08. Block Instruments with Lock – These instruments in addition to giving visual
indications of the state of the Block sections to which they refer are provided with
locking arrangement which ensure that “Line Clear” is only granted after operations
prescribed for clearing the block section have been done by station in advance.
1.09. Single Line Methods :
(a) Where electrical Block Instruments are used the clearing of Last Stop Signal is
controlled by the “train going to” indication on the Block Instrument.
(b) For the method of working as per a (I) in instruments in use are :
1.10. Station Master – ‘Station Master’, means the person on duty who is for the time
person who is for the time being in dependent charge of the working signals and
responsible for the working of train under the system working in force and duly
appointed and authorized by the Railway administration in this regard.
1.11. Use of Instruments – Block Instruments shall be operated only by the Station Master
GR-1.02 (53) and shall be used exclusively for the purpose of
signalling trains strictly in accordance with the rules and regulation laid down. Every
train in its progress from the Block station to another shall be signalled on the Block
1.12. Instruction of Staff – Instruments in actual use for train working shall on no account
be used for the purpose of educating or instructing the staff.
1.13. :
Principal/Zonal Railway Training Institute shall issue the necessary certificate of Block
competency to the staff concerned undergoing training after the Initial,
Promotional and Refresher Course.
Where, however, for any reason staff are not sent for Refresher Course within
Principal, Zonal Railway Institute Centre may be extended locally for a period of one
year only after jointly re-examining the staff by TI(M) / Station Manager and
Section Engineer (Signal) concerned. After extension of the validity has been
be co
or an Asstt. Operations Manager duly authorized on this behalf.
ii) The TI(M) / Station Manager and Section Engineer (Signal) must also have
E / DSTE / Principal, Zonal Railway Training
Institute for Block competency for the purpose of discharging their duty under
Rule 1.13(i).
1.14. Working of Block Instruments – Block Instruments shall be worked steadily and
deliberately. The Bell plunger shall be pressed in to the extent with slight pause
between each stroke, otherwise the signals on the bells will be indistinct or lost.
1.15. Extra care during repairs to line wires – When the Station Master on duty has been
advised by the person in charge of a Telecommunication Department working
party that they intend to work at the station or in a Block section, he shall advise the
Station Master at the other end of the Block section concerned and both Station
Masters shall work with extra care and vigilance until advised that the working party
have completed their task. Whichever Station Master receives the latter advice
shall be responsible for informing the Station Master at the other end of the Block
1.16. Admittance into cabins – The admittance of unauthorized persons into cabins
(whether railway servants or otherwise) is strictly prohibited. No railway servant shall
enter any Cabin except when required to do so in connection with his regular
2.01. Type of Instruments – Double Line Block Instruments in use on Eastern Railway are of
three position Lock & Block type.
2.02. Description of Instruments – The various parts of the Block Instruments, as marked in
the Diagram below and their functions are described below :-
From the illustration it will be seen that the instrument is provided with :-
(a) Two needles, an upper and a lower indicating ‘Train on Line’ ‘Line Closed’
and ‘Line Clear’ on segments coloured red, white and green respectively.
(b) A Commutator
The “Line Closed’’ indication is that shown when there is no train in the Block
Section and “Permission” has not been given for any train to enter it.
The “Line Clear” indication is that shown when permission has been given or
received for a train to enter the Block section.
The “Train on Line” indication is that shown when the Block section is occupied by a
2.04. The Upper Needle – The indications of this needle refer to trains leaving the station
and give a visual indication of the condition of the Block section in advance. It is
electrically controlled by the Station Master at the Block station immediately in
advance and its indication can only be altered by him. The indications of the upper
needle corresponds with those of the lower needle of the corresponding instrument
at the station in advance.
2.05. The Lower Needle – The indications of this needle refer to trains approaching a
station and give a visual indication of the condition of the Block section in rear. It is
worked entirely by the Station Master of the station at which the instrument is
located. The indications of the lower needle correspond with those of the upper
needle of the corresponding instrument at the station in rear.
2.06. Relation of the needle indications to Block sections – Two Block Instruments are
provided at each station, the Up instrument for signalling trains to and from the next
Block section in the Up direction and the Down instrument for trains to and from the
next Block section in the Down direction. The lower needles indicate the condition
of the Block sections for trains approaching from either direction and the upper
needles the condition of the Block sections for trains proceeding from the station in
either direction.
2.07. The Commutator – The turning of the Commutator operates the lower needle of the
(i) Normal position : when the lower needle of the Block Instrument
indicates “Line Closed” and the pointer on the face of the Commutator
in vertical (Segment-white).
(ii) Line Clear position : when the lower needle of the Block Instrument
points to “Line Clear” and the pointer on the face of the Commutator is
ected to the right (Segment-Green).
(iii) Train on Line position : when the lower needle of the Block Instrument
indicates “Train on Line” and the pointer on the face of the
(b) The Commutator is locked in the “Train on Line” position only if the “Line Clear”
indication has been previously given.
It remains locked until the train clearing the station operates a treadle or a
track circuit or an Axle Counter and the reception/last stop signal has been
placed to “On”.
If, however, the Commutator is turned direct from its normal (Line Closed)
position to “Train on Line” it does not become locked.
(c) The commutator shall be turned immediately the Bell Code (GR-14.05) has
been signalled and before releasing the Bell Plunger. The Bell Code shall
always be given before turning the Commutator.
2.08. The Bell Plunger – The plunger is placed in the centre of the Commutator and when
depressed gives one beat on the bell of the corresponding instrument at the other
end of the Block section. The Bell Plunger shall only be employed for signalling trains
on the prescribed Code of Bell signals.
2.09. Block Bells – These bells are provided to give an audible signal by means of the
prescribed Code of Bell signals. (GR-14.05))
2.10. Method of governing the movement of trains from Block station to Block station. – In
the case of each train, after the “Call Attention” beat has been given and
acknowledged by station in advance, before any other operation on Token or
Block Instrument is made, the names of stations working together shall be
exchanged on the telephone, as an assurance that the correct stations are in
The following is the sequence of operations for signalling train at either A, B or C
class stations –
Taking three stations X, Y and Z and a train travelling from X to Z and proceeding on
its journey the Block sections being clear and the Block Instruments showing “Line
Closed”, then –
Station X Station Y Station Z
Station X Station Y Station Z
(27) Sends “Attention Signal” (28) A c k n o w l e d g e s
to Z. “Attention Signal” to Y.
(29) Sends “Is Line Clear” (30) Acknowledges “Is Line
signal to Z according to Clear” signal by an
the description beat exact repetition and on
prescribed in the bell the last beat of the
code. signal turns the
commutator of its Block
Instrument to the right
indicating “Line Clear”
(two beats).
(31) Immediately after receipt
of the last beat of
acknowledgement and
on seeing that the upper
needle of its instrument
now points to “Line
Clear” takes off
departure signals for the
(32) Sends “Attention Signal” (33) A c k n o w l e d g e s
to Z after departure of “Attention Signal” to Y.
the train.
(34) Sends “Train entering (35) Acknowledges “Train
section” signal to Z. Entering Section” signal
by an exact repetition
and on the last beat of
the signal turns the
commutator of its Block
Instrument to the left.
(36) Returns the departure
signals to “ON” after the
train has passed the last
stop signal.
(37) On the train clearing the
rear block section, sends
“Attention signal” to X.
Station X Station Y Station Z
(40) Acknowledges “Train out of
section” signal to Y by an
exact repetition (Four beats).
(43)A c k n o w l e d g e s
“Attention Signal” to Z.
I – General
3.01. Code of Bell Signals – The following code of Signals shall be used for Double Line
Block Working and each signal shall be given slowly and distinctly.
Ref. How
Indication Code How Signalled
No. Acknowledged
1. Call Attention and/or 0 One stroke or One stroke
Attend Telephone. beat
(b) Stop and Examine Train. 000000-0 Six pause one Six pause one
(c)Train passed without Tail 000000-00 Six pause two Six pause two
Lamp or Tail Board.
(d) Train divided. 000000-000 Six pause three Six pause three
(e) Vehicles running 000000-0000 Six pause four Six pause four
away on the Block Section.
3.02. Acknowledgement of Signals –
(a) Each signal received shall be acknowledged by sending the authorized beats
in acknowledgement.
(d) Should the station to which a signal is sent fails to reply, the signal shall be
repeated at intervals of not less than 20 seconds until the reply is received.
(a) This signal shall be sent and acknowledged before sending any other
(b) The “Call Attention” signal is not required to proceed the “Train Entering
Section” Signal (three beats)
(2) “Is Line Clear” or “Line Clear Inquiry” – This signal denotes that permission of
despatch a train is required and shall not be sent until and unless the “Train
Out of Section” signal has been received for the preceding train and the “LINE
CLOSED” indication has appeared on the Block Instrument. Should the station
in advance not be in a position to accept the train he shall answer the “Is Line
Clear” inquiry by following method prescribed for refusing line clear.
(i) Under normal condition, when Line Clear cannot be granted for want
of accommodation at the station from which Line Clear is being asked,
refusal shall be communicated by stating the fact on block telephone
and by giving Bell Code.
(ii) When due to some obstruction, it becomes not possible to grant line
clear by the station from which it is asked refusal shall be
communicated by giving “Obstruction Danger” signal (six beats)
without turning the commutator of the Block instrument to “Train On
Line” position.
(3) “Train Entering Section” – This signal shall be sent to the Block Station in
advance as soon as the train has passed the Last Stop signal.
Note : In cases, where, due to any reason, there is delay in conveying the “Train
Entering Section” signal by beats on Block Instruments or acknowledgement,
thereof, the time of the train, entering the section should also be repeated on
the block telephone and an entry made to this effect in the “Remarks”
column of the “Train Signal Register”.
(4) “Train Out of Section Signal” – This signal is sent when the train has arrived
complete and when the conditions under which line clear may be given as
per GR 8.02, 8.03 & 8.04 have been complied with.
I. When refusing “Line Clear” this signal shall be sent without turning the needle
to “Train On Line”. The fact that “Line Clear” was asked and refused, shall be
recorded in the Train Signal Registers at both stations together with a remark
as to the circumstances.
II. When it is required to stop an approaching train at the Block station in rear for
which “Line Clear” has already been given -
(i) The Station Master who requires the train to be stopped at the station in
rear shall immediately place all signals at his station pertaining to the
line on which the train is approaching in the “ON” position or keep
them in that position if they have not been taken “OFF”. He shall then
give the “Obstruction Danger” signal and turn the commutator of his
Block Instrument to indicate “Train on Line” (obstruction).
(ii) The Station Master of the Block Station receiving the “Obstruction
Danger” signal shall put all signals to the “ON” position and employ
every other means available to stop the train after which he shall
acknowledge the signal.
(iv) Should he succeed in stopping the train, he shall at once acknowledge
it and advise the Station Master who sent the “Obstruction Danger”
signal by telephone. On no account shall the train be allowed to
proceed until the “Obstruction Removed” signal has been received
(four beats).
(v) On being advised that the train has been stopped at the Block station
in rear, the Station Master who sent the “Obstruction Danger” signal,
removed and has received information about track being clear and
safe from eering department, send the
“Obstruction Removed” signal, and
(A) At stations where the Block Instruments and signals are locked, follow
the procedure laid down in the case of treadle failure.
(B) At other stations, turn the Commutator to “Line Closed” and follow the
procedure laid down for passing trains.
The Station Master sending the “Obstruction Danger” signal shall turn the
Commutator of his Block Instrument to “Train on Line” and shall on no account
obstruction has been removed and has given the “Obstruction Removed”
(i) This signal is sent to the Block station in advance when anything
unusual is observed on a train passing a station, such as –
・ Signals of alarm by a Passenger,
・ Goods falling off from an open wagon,
・ Hot axle-box,
・ A carriage door opening outwards,
・ A goods wagon door open and not fastened or secured,
・ Steel consignments loaded in unsafe condition, or
・ Any other dangerous condition likely to foul or obstruct the railway line
or lines.
(ii) Station Masters and their staff shall observe the condition of vehicles
on trains passing their stations. In the event of any defect or irregularity
as referred to in sub-paragraph (I) above, being detected,
immediately steps shall be taken to stop the train by showing danger
signals. If the train cannot be stopped, the Station Master shall at once
send “Stop and Examine Train” signal (000000-0) Six pause one to the
Station Master of the Block station in advance and advise him by
telephone why the signal was sent, under exchange of Private
(iii) The Station Master sending the signal shall, if he considers it
advisable, stop a train coming in the opposite direction, with a view to
ascertaining whether, any injury to a passenger or damage to the train
has been caused by the train for which the signal was sent.
(v) If, after examination of the train the reason for the signal is not
apparent or there is a likelihood of a passenger having fallen down or
some goods or materials having fouled or obstructed the railway lines,
trains may be permitted to enter the section by the same or adjacent
lines after advising the Loco Pilot of the circumstances and warning
them through a Caution Order to proceed at a speed not exceeding
15 Kmph to the next Block station and to keep a sharp look-out for any
possible obstruction, Issuing of Caution Order shall be discontinued
only when it has been ascertained that the concerned block sections
are free from obstructions.
(vi) If, however, the Station Master sending the signal notices, signals of
alarm by a passenger in the passing train or goods falling off an open
wagon or any other dangerous condition likely to have fouled or
obstructed the railway line or lines of the section in rear also he shall,
after taking action as per sub-paragraph (ii) above, use all means
available to stop trains, if any, proceeding in the opposite direction
toward the Block Station in rear by adjacent lines and send
immediately “Obstruction Danger” signal to the Station Master of the
Block station in rear to stop trains. If, any approaching train in the same
direction either by the same line or adjacent lines. He shall then advise
him by telephone why the signal was sent, under exchange of Private
Numbers. Thereafter, trains may be permitted to enter the section by
the same or adjacent lines after advising the Loco Pilot of the
circumstances and warning them through a Caution Order in
accordance with the procedure as mentioned in Sub-paragraph (v)
(6) (c) Train passed without Tail-lamp or Tail-board” – This signal shall be sent to
the Block station in advance should a train pass without a Tail-lamp
which must be burning by night. The “Train out of Section” signal shall
not be sent to the Block Station in rear, until advice has been received
from the station in advance, that the train is complete.
(i) If after sending the signal the Station Master has reason to believe
that a portion of the train is missing he shall immediately put or keep all
Up and Down signals in the “ON” position. He shall use all means
(ii) When the train has been stopped, the Station Master shall satisfy
himself whether it is completed or not and shall advise the Station
Master in rear accordingly. If the train is found to be complete and
conditions under which “Train Out of Section” signal can be given, are
prevailing. He shall signal “Train Out of Section”. Before allowing the
train to proceed he shall see that the last vehicle is indicated in one of
the following ways prescribed in General Rule 4.16.
(iv) Should the signal be received too late to stop the train the signal
shall be forwarded immediately to the Block station ahead.
(6) (d) “Train Divided” – This signal (six pause three) is sent to the station in
advance in case a train is seen to be running through a station in two
or more parts.
(i) The Station Master receiving the signal shall after acknowledging it
turn the commutator of his Block Instrument to “Train on Line” and take
(ii) When the remainder of the train has been brought into the station
ahead and
of the train
portion and the “Train out of section” (four beats-0000) signal given to
the Block Station in rear, provided the conditions under which line clear
may be given, have been complied with.
(iii) This signal shall also be sent to the station in advance should a train
become divided when starting from a Block station and the Loco Pilot
(6) (e) “Vehicles running away on wrong line” – This signal (000000-0000) six
pause four shall be sent when a train, portion of a train or a vehicle be
proceeding on a wrong line. The Station Master sending the signal shall
immediately put all his signals in the “ON” position and shall issue a
Caution Order to the Loco Pilot
direction (on the right line) mentioning the circumstances and
instructing him to proceed cautiously.
(i) The Station Master receiving the signal shall immediately endeavour
to stop the runaway vehicles by diverting them into a siding. Where no
siding is available or where this course would result in a serious
accident, he shall cross the vehicles over to the right line, provided the
Block Section on that line is clear.
(ii) Station Master receiving the signal should also transmit the same to
the station in advance. He should also take action for stopping the
runaway vehicle.
(6) (f) “Vehicles running away on right time” – This signal (000000-00000) six
away on the right line or when a train has entered a Block Section
without authority. The Station Master sending the signal shall keep all
signals in the “ON” position and use all measures available to stop any
train entering the Block Sections between the Block Stations concerned
whether on the line occupied by the runaway vehicles or on any other
line in the occupied Block Section.
(i) The Station Master receiving this signal shall also put or keep all
signals in the “ON” position. Should the section which the runaway
vehicles have entered, be already occupied by a train on the same
line, the signals taken off shall be kept “OFF” until the train has passed
them. The Station Master shall also use every means available to stop
any train following the runaway vehicles or proceeding in the opposite
(ii) If the signal is received too late to take the action mentioned in the
preceding clause the Station Master shall repeat it to the next station
towards which the runaway vehicles are proceeding and should also
take action for stopping the runaway vehicle.
(7) “Testing Signal” – This signal is used by the Block Maintenance Staff to
ascertain whether the Block Instruments etc. are in order and if shall be
promptly repeated by Station Masters.
(8) The Lock and Block instrument should be treated as defective and its working
should be suspended under any of the following conditions –
(i) The Last Stop Signal is not restored to ‘ON’ position automatically by the
passage of the train.
(ii) If it is found possible to take off the last Stop Signal without obtaining the
“Line Clear” indication on the instrument.
(iii) If the Block Instrument Commutator could be turned from ‘TOL’ to ‘Line
Clear’ position without the arrival of the train.
(iv) When the Block Instrument shows erratic movements of the indicators or is
defective in any other way.
3.04. Failure of Electrical Block and Speaking Instruments. – In the event of failure of the
Block and Speaking Instruments trains shall be signalled in accordance with rules laid
down below -
(a) Should the Block Instrument fail – The block Bell shall only be used for sending
the “Call Attention” signal. All signals in connection with the passing of a train
shall be given by telephone. The “Line Clear Advice” obtained on phone or
by any other me an exchange
of Private Numbers.
(b) Should the Block Bell fail - The Block Instruments shall be put out of use and
the Station Master shall inform the Controller who will advise the station
concerned to attend the telephone and trains shall be passed as prescribed
in paragraph (a).
(i) Should the direct telephone communication also fail all messages for
passing trains shall be transmitted through Control telephone and Line Clear
will be obtained and given through Control phone after exchange of Private
(ii) The Station Master asking Line Clear from the Station Master at the other
end of the Block Section will indicate the departure time from this station of
the last two preceding trains, Similarly, the Station Master who will grant Line
Clear, shall give to the Station Mater asking Line Clear, the arrival time at his
station of the last two preceding trains.
(iii) Thereafter, Line Clear shall be asked and given after due exchange of
Private Numbers.
(iv) Section Controller should ensure that the Station Master at either end
shall, before asking and granting “Line Clear” repeat the arrival and
departure timings of the last two preceding trains. He should also check
correctness of the particulars to ensure that correct stations are contacted
and record on his control chart the Private Numbers exchanged between the
stations concerned. The Station Masters concerned shall, however, be
entirely responsible for safety of trains.
(d) Should all means of communication fail – All messages for passing trains shall
be transmitted through the VHF sets, if provided, and trains shall be passed as
prescribed in paragraph (c).
Note – VHF should also be taken as an available means of communications for train
passing work which is detailed in Appendix – B of this Manual.
3.05. Rules and Regulations for working of trains during total interruption of
Communications on double line section –
1. In the event of total interruption of communications occurring between two
stations on a double line section i.e. when “Line Clear” cannot be obtained by
anyone of the following means stated in order of preference viz.
(a) Block Instruments; Track circuits or Axle Counters;
(b) Telephones attached to the Block Instruments;
(d) Fixed Telephones such as Railway Auto Phones, BSNL Phones under special
instructions. (i.e. “Line Clear” shall be
separately for each train as detailed in Appendix – “A” of BWM).
(e) Control Telephone;
(f) V.H.F. sets under special instructions, but not as sole means of communication
on sections where Passenger trains run.
Provided further that –
(A) The order of preference, as mentioned above, should not be violated under any
circumstances. Any violation should be treated with utmost severity for taking up
the defaulters.
(B) In case of failure of all other means of communication, leaving VHF as the only
alternative, it can be used for line clear only under special instructions specifying
the circumstances, duration and manner in which VHF will be used till restoration
of any one of the other means of communication.
The use of VHF sets for prolonged duration will be permitted only in presence of
supervisory staff in terms of the following instructions –
i. In a single line station, in case of any defect in block instrument whereby
paper line clear ticket has to be introduced, SSE/JE (S&T) should reach the
station immediately, within one hour of occurrence of such failure.
ii. any
other nearby supervisory Station Master should go to the station for assisting the
staff there and to ensure that all rules are meticulously adhered to and
appropriate authority for each and every train issued, taking care that there are
no mistake.
iii. In such incidents, Section Controller should also ensure that no crossing or
precedence is arranged at a station where such failure is continuing.
iv. Similar precaution to be taken during introduction of single line working in
double line sections.
v. In case of failure of block instruments in double line section, similar action
should be taken for rectifying the failure in three hours. Section Controller should
not allow precedence at such stations till the Instruments are put right.
vi. Further, in case the senior supervisors mentioned above do not reach the station
where such failure occurred within the stipulated period and if there is mishap, they
should be held equally responsible for the same. In case, the non- attendance
is due to orders of the Superiors, level should be held
This procedure should be introduced immediately. The speed restriction of 30
Kmph wherever being imposed on this account should be discontinued.
A speed restriction of 30 kmph be imposed additionally if working train on PLC
exceeds duration of 24 hrs. of PLC working introduction. (Authority : Rly. Board's
Letter No. 2005/Safety (A&R) / 19/16 dated : 16/10/2007)
(C) VHF sets can, however, be used as the only means of communication, under
are running.
(D) In all cases where line clear is obtained / granted by a means of communication
other than Block Instrument / Track Circuit / Axle Counter or telephone attached
to Block Instrument, the system of calling station name, followed by establishing
identity of the Station Master on duty by either cross checkin g by Private Numbers
given for line clear to preceding three trains, or identification number sheet
should be prescribed.
(E) Further, wherever Global System of Mobile Radio has been / is being provided,
the use of VHF sets for the purpose of line clear should not be permitted.
2. Before any train is allowed to enter a block section in advance, it shall be brought
to a stop and the Loco Pilot and the Guard of the train shall be advised of the
circumstances by the Station Master on duty.
3. The Station Master shall give an authority for working of trains during total
interruption of communication on double line section to the Loco Pilot of each
train on Form T/C 602 which shall include :-
(b) A caution order restricting the speed to 25 kilometres per hour over the
straight and to 10 kilometres per hour when approaching or passing any
portion of the line where the view ahead is not clear due to curve,
obstruction, rain, fog or any other cause.
(c) An authority to pass the last Stop signal in the ‘On’ position.
4. In the event of a Loco Pilot approaching or passing any portion of the line where
the view ahead is not clear, a railway employee with hand signals must be sent in
advance to guide the further movement of the train. A sharp look out ahead
should be kept and the engine whistle freely used.
5. No train shall be allowed to enter the block section until there is a clear interval of
30 minutes between the train about to leave and the train which has immediately
6. Fixed signals with the exception of the Last Stop signal may be “taken off” for the
reception and departure of trains. The First Stop signal shall, however, be “taken
off” only after the train has been brought to a stand outside it.
7. A tunnel should be entered only after it has been ascertained that it is clear. If
there is any doubt on this point, the train should be piloted by a railway employee
equipped with hand signals and detonators.
8. The Guard shall keep a sharp look out in the rear and be prepared to exhibit a
hand danger signal to prevent the approach of a train from the rear and to
protect it if necessary.
9. When a train stopped in the block section the Guard shall immediately exhibit a
hand danger signal towards the rear and check up that the tail board or the tail
light is correctly exhibited. If the stoppage is on account of accident, failure,
obstruction or other exceptional cause and the train cannot proceed, the Loco
Pilot shall sound the prescribed code of whistle to apprise the Guard of the fact,
where upon the Guard shall protect the train by placing one detonator at 250
metres from the train on the way out and two detonators, 10 metres apart, at 500
metres from the train, irrespective of the gauge. When a train is detained outside
signals and if the detention exceeds or is likely to exceed 10 minutes it shall also be
protected accordingly. In the absence of the Guard, the duty of protecting the
train shall devolve on the Loco Pilot.
11. Before entering a tunnel, the head lights, side and tail lights and other lights (where
provided) shall also be lit.
12. When approaching the station ahead, the Loco Pilot must bring his train to a stop
outside the first Stop signal and sound continuous whistle (or any other code
prescribed by special instructions), if no one from the station turns up within 10
minutes the train shall be protected as per para 9 above and the Loco Pilot may
send his Assistant Loco Pilot immediately thereafter, to the station or the cabin to
inform the Station Master or Cabin man of the fact that the train is waiting at the
signal for its admission into the station. In the absence of the Assistant Loco Pilot,
the Guard, after protecting the train, shall give this information.
13. The Loco Pilots of all trains shall make over the “Authority for working of trains during
total interruption of communication” on Double Line Section on Form T/C 602 to the
Station Master of the station at the other end of the affected section. These shall be
kept by the Station Master in his safe custody for inspection by the Transportation
Inspector of the section, who shall prepare a report on the working of trains and
shall forward the same along with his report to the Divisional Railway Manager
within 7 days of resumption of communications.
14. A record of all trains passed over the block section on “Authority for working of
trains during total interruption of communication” on Double Line Section on Form
T/C 602 during the course of total interruption of communications, shall be
maintained on the Train Signal Registers at both the stations concerned.
15. Trains must continue to work on this system until any one of the means of
communications, mentioned in rule (1) above is restored by the competent
16. As soon as any one of the means of communications has been restored, the
Station Master must send a message to the Station Master at the other end of the
section on the “Message on Restoration” on T/I 602 form.
17. “Line Clear” shall not be obtained or given by means of communications restored
until both the stations are satisfied that all trains and engines etc. dispatched from
their stations have arrived complete at the other station. When the trains referred
to in paragraph (16) above arrive complete at the stations, after “restoration of
communication”, their No. and their arrival time will be communicated to the
other Station Master concerned under exchange of Private Numbers. There after
an intimation about this shall be given to Section Controller also, on
controlled sections, if communication with the Section Controller has also got
restored and normal working resumed. If however, communication with Section
Controller has not got restored along with restoration communications between
two stations. The Section Controller shall be advised of the position immediately on
restoration of communication with him.
(a) All failures of Electrical Block and Electrical Speaking Instruments or any
Electrical Signalling Apparatus shall be reported to the following persons by
message –
(b) The Station Master shall record details of all failures in the Block Failure Register
maintained at his station.
(c) When a failure has been rectified, the SSE (S&T) or his authorized
representative shall certify to that effect in the column provided in the Block
Failure Register.
3.07. Obstruction of the Block section – No obstruction of the Block Section shall be
allowed to take place under any circumstances without the permission of the Station
Master controlling the section having been first obtained.
3.08. Thick, foggy or tempestuous weather – Drawing of a train, waiting for an “Authority to
Proceed”, up to a Starter in an advanced position or up to an Advanced Starter is
totally prohibited under the following conditions:
(i) In thick, foggy or tempestuous weather impairing visibility even if track circuits
or Axle Counters indicate the presence of the train in the advanced position,
(ii) At night when track circuits and Axle Counter have failed to indicate the
presence of the train in the advanced position.
(a) The exact time at which all signals are sent or received and also Private
Numbers when used shall be entered, immediately after being
acknowledged in the Train Signal Register by the Station Master on duty.
(b) The entries shall be in ink and no erasures shall be made in any circumstances.
If an incorrect entry is made, a line shall be drawn lightly through it and the
correction made above it and initialed so that the original entry may be
clearly seen.
(c) The Train Signal Register is on no account to be taken out of the Block Cabin.
It shall be examined and signed daily by the Station Master. The only
exception to this rule is when an accident has occurred under which
circumstances the register may be removed for safe custody by the Station
Master or by an Inspector after a new register has been brought into use.
(d) The Train signal Register shall also be scrutinized by the Transportation
Inspector (Movement), who shall place his initials against such portions of the
register as he has examined.
(a) The Station Master who makes any entry for a train shall continue on duty until
all the entries affecting that train are completed. By this it shall be understood
that the man who gives permission for the train to enter the Block Section shall
remain on duty till the train has arrived and the “Train out of Section” signal
has been given and acknowledged. The man who receives permission for the
train to enter the Block Section shall remain on duty till the “Train out of
Section” signal has been received and acknowledged.
(b) In the case of a train working in the Block section and in exceptional
circumstances like accidents engine failure, OHE failures when abnormal
delay to the train is apprehended sub-rule (a) need not be observed, but the
fact shall be recorded in the remarks column of the Train Signal Register by
the Station Master going off duty who shall be responsible for seeing that the
entry is initiated by the Station Master coming on duty.
(c) A line shall be drawn across the Train Signal Register whenever a Station
Master changes duty and the Station Master going off duty shall sign his name
legibly an enter the time above the line. The Station Master coming on duty
shall sign his name below the line.
3.11. Custody of keys of points. – At stations where there is no locking between the points
and signals the keys of points which connect with a running line shall be kept in the
custody of the Station Master or some Railway servant appointed in this behalf and
the Station Master shall not give permission for a train to approach or leave unless
he has satisfied himself that the point connecting with the line on which the train is to
be received or dispatched are correctly set.
3.12. Conditions under which line clear may be given – (GR 8.02). The line shall not be
considered clear, and line clear shall not be given unless –
(a) The whole of the last preceding train has arrived complete;
(b) All signals have been put back to “on” behind the said train;
(c) The line on which it is intended to receive the incoming train is clear up to the
Starter; and
(d) All points have been correctly set and all facing points have been locked for
the admission of the train on the said line.
3.13. Obstruction when train is approaching – (GR 8.05) – When line clear has been given,
no obstruction shall be permitted outside the Home signal, or on the line on which it is
intended to admit the train, up to the Starter pertaining to the line on which the train
is to be received.
3.14. At ‘A’ Class stations on the Double line where Advanced Starters are not provided
and except where special instructions are issued to the contrary, if “Line Clear” has
been given to the station in rear when the Block section in advance is obstructed, all
signals shall be kept at danger and the train must be brought to a stop at the Home
signal, then only it shall be taken off to allow the train to draw up to the Starter.
Should however, the Block Section in advance be cleared before the train for which
“Line Clear” has been given has arrived at the Home Signal/Signals may be taken off
in the usual manner.
3.15. Refusing “Line Clear” – If a station receives the “Is Line Clear” signal and is not in a
position to accept the train, the “Is Line Clear” Signal shall be answered as per
procedures prescribed in sub-paragraphs (I) & (ii) of paragraph. 3.03(2). The time
that the “Obstruction Danger” signal is sent and received shall be entered in the
Train Signal Register at both stations.
3.16. “Train Entering Section” – The “Train Entering Section” signal shall be sent as soon as
the train or a part of the train passes the last Stop signal.
(a) This indication on the lock Instrument is preceded by the prescribed Bell code
signal of four beats and shall be sent in acknowledgement of the Train
Entering Section signal received from the station in rear.
(b) If the Station Master finds his Block Instrument still showing “Train on Line” after
the lapse of the full running time of the train plus five minutes he shall take
steps to ascertain from the Station Master in advance the cause of the delay
in giving the “Train out of Section” signal. Failing any response from the Station
Master in advance the matter shall be reported immediately to the Controller.
3.18. “Train out of Section” – The “Train out of section” signal shall not be sent until –
(i) The train has passed the Starter or there is a line which is clear up to the
starter, the facing points of which have been correctly set and locked;
(ii) The Station Master has satisfied himself that the whole train has arrived
complete; and
(iii) All signals protecting the rear of the train have been put back to “ON”.
3.19. Obstruction in rear of Starter when Block section is clear – G.R. 8.06 (2) –
(a) If when the Block section in rear is clear, it becomes necessary to obstruct the
line outside the Home signal or between the Home and the Starter the line
shall be blocked back.
(b) The following is the method to be followed for blocking back – if “Line Clear”
has not been given for a train to approach, the Station Master of the station
wanting to “Block Back”, shall telephone to the next station in rear as follows :-
The Station Master at the shunting station shall then turn the needle of his
Block Instrument to “Train On Line”.
As soon as the Block section is cleared, the station blocking back shall advise
the station in rear as follows –
“I note shunting has been completed and Block Section is clear. Private
The Station Master at the station blocking back shall then turn the needle of
his Block Instrument to “Line Closed” position.
(c) The time at which each of the above mentioned messages are exchanged
shall be entered in the Train Signal Registers at both stations separately for
each message.
3.20. Obstruction outside last Stop signal when Block Section is clear – [G. R.8.06 (3)] – If
when the Block section in advance is clear, it becomes necessary to obstruct the line
outside the last Stop signal –
(a) either a shunting arm (which may for this purpose be provided on the post of
the last Stop signal) shall be taken off or a written permission to shunt on (Form
T/806) be given to the Loco Pilot; and
(a) The Station Master shall telephone to the next station in advance as follows –
“I note that you are blocking section forward for shunting purposes. Private
Numbers………………………………..” and shall then turn the needle of the
Block Instrument to “Train on Line” position.
(b) If the section is occupied by a train proceeding to the next station shunting
may be performed without blocking forward, but should the section be
cleared while shunting is still in progress the section shall be blocked forward
as above.
(c) As soon as shunting has been completed and the Block section is cleared the
station performing shunting shall telephone to the station in advance as
Private Numbers………………………………..”
“Block removed. Private Numbers ………………………” and shall turn the
needle of his Block Instrument to “Line Closed” position.
(d) The times at which each of the above mentioned messages are exchanged
shall be entered in the Train signal Registers at both stations separately for
each message.
3.22. The last stop signal is interlocked electrically with the Block Instruments and an
electric lock is provided inside the Block Instrument on Commutator. The operation of
the last stop signal and Block Instrument Commutator are described below :-
(i) The last stop signal shall be so controlled that it cannot be taken “off”
until the Block Station in advance is signalled “ Line Clear” on the Block
(ii) The lever/switch button is free and the signal can be put back to “on”
any time.
(b) Lock on the Block Instrument – The Block Instrument Commutator is locked
when turned to indicate “Train On Line” after the passage of train over
treadle/track circuit/axle counter placed in advance of Last Stop Signal and
the signal goes back to “ON” position for which “Line Clear” has previously
been signalled. The commutator remains locked in that position until –
(ii) The Home Signal Lever has been put back to “Normal” position.
(iii) The whole of the train has cleared the first facing point fully.
3.23. Release Plungers – These are only provided at stations having back shunt dead end
siding. In the Station Master’s Office, there are two Release Plungers and two Bells
(one Plunger and one Bell referring to the Up line and the other Plunger and Bell
referring to the Down line). Each plunger works a counter which records the number
of times the Plunger has been operated. In the Signal cabin are located two Bells
and two sets of press Buttons, each set consisting of two buttons one marked
“Release” and the other Bell one set of Press Buttons and one Bell refer to the Up line
and the other see an bell to the Down line.
3.24. Use of Release Plungers- The circumstances under which the release the Block
Instrument Commutator may be effected by means of the Release Plungers are as
under :-
(a) When a train has been shunted for precedence to enable a following train to
pass and consequently the Treadle/Track Circuit in advance of the last Stop
Signal has not been operated.
(b) When a train has procceded and the Treadle Track circuit failed to operate.
(i) the sound resulting on operation of the treadle being not audible, and
(ii) the commutator of the Block Instrument getting locked in the “Train on
Line” position.
3.25. Method of operating Release Plungers – When a train has been shunted or a
Treadle/Track circuit has failed the person operating the Block Instrument presses the
button marked “Bell” (Up or Down as the case may be) to call the Station Master’s
attention. The Station Master having satisfied himself by personal inspection that the
line is clear for a following train, signals protecting the rear are in “On” position and
points are correctly set presses the corresponding Release Plunger to its full extent
and holds it for about ten seconds. This action rings the bell in the cabin and the
person operating the Block Instruments shall immediately press the button marked
“Release” at the same time turning the Block Instrument Commutator to “Line
Closed” the combined action having released the Block Instrument.
(a) A record shall be maintained by the Station Master every time the Release
Plungers are used. This record shall include–
(i) The number of the train in serial number which did not operate the
Treadle/Track circuit in consequence of being shunted or through
failure of the Treadle/Track circuit.
(iii) The number appearing on the counter after the operation of the
Release Plunger.
This record shall be entered in a book especially set apart for the purpose.
(b) The person operating the Block Instruments in the cabin will likewise record the
operation by making a remark in the Remarks Column of the Train Signal
Register as follows –
3.27. Failure of Treadles/Track circuit- At stations where Release Plunger are not provided
the following shall be the procedure –
(a) The Station Master on finding that his Treadle/Track circuit has failed shall
inform the station in rear of the fact by telephone and exchange Private
Numbers with him. The Station Master in rear shall ask for the obtain “Line
Clear” for the next train on the block bell after previously obtaining a Private
Numbers from the station in advance. The Private Numbers shall be recorded
in the Train Signal Registers against the train in question at both stations.
(b) The Station Master in rear shall then issue (Form T/369-3b) to the Loco Pilot of
the train as an authority to pass the Stop Signal in the “On” position
3.28. Conditions under which line clear may be given- [(G. R. 8.03 (i)] – The line shall not
be considered clear, and Line Clear shall not be given unless,
(a) the whole of the last preceding train has arrived complete;
(b) all necessary signals have been put back to ‘on’ behind the said train; and
(c) the line is clear –
(i) at stations equipped with two aspect signalling up to the Home signal or
(ii) at stations equipped with multiple-aspect signalling or modified lower
quadrant signalling –
Up to the outermost facing points or the Block Section Limit Board (if any).
3.29. Obstruction when train is approaching - (G.R. 8.05) – When Line Clear has been
given, there shall be no obstruction of the line outside the Home signal but shunting
between the Home signal and the last Stop signal of the station may go on
continuously, provided the necessary signals are kept at “On”.
Note : When Line Clear has been given for a train, no obstruction of the line
between the Home signal and the last Stop signal of the stations shall be
permitted under the provisions of paragraph 3.29 above in thick, foggy or
tempestuous weather, impairing visibility.
3.30. Refusing “Line Clear” – If a station receives the “Is Line Clear” signal and is not in a
position to accept the train, the “Is Line Clear” signal shall be answered by sending
the refusing line clear signal (six beats) without putting the Block Instrument needle to
“Train on Line”. The time that the refusing line clear signal is sent and received shall
be entered in the Train signal register.
3.31. “Train Entering Section” – the “Train Entering Section” signal shall be sent to the
station in advance as soon as the train passes the last Stop signal.
(a) This indication on the Block Instrument is preceded by the prescribed Bell
Code signal and shall be sent in acknowledgement of the “Train Entering
Section” signal received from the station in rear.
(b) If the Station Master finds his Block Instrument still showing “Train On Line” after
the lapse of the full running time of the train plus ten minutes for passenger
train and 20 minutes for Goods trains he shall take steps to ascertain from the
Station Master in advance the cause of the delay in giving the “Train out of
Section” signal. If there is no response from the Station Master in advance the
matter shall be reported immediately to the Controller. Station Master will also
ensure that no train is allowed to enter the section which is not clear. He will
also ask Station Master in advance if he has initiated action as per GR and SR
6.04 for a train being over due.
3.33. “Train out of Section” – The “Train out of Section” signal shall not be sent until –
(1) the train has passed the Home signal or any other signal where block section
(2) the Station Master has satisfied himself that the train has arrived complete;
(3) all signals have been put back to “On” behind the said train.
3.34. Obstruction outside Home signal when Block section is clear. – (G.R. 8.06)
(a) If, when the Block section in rear is clear, it becomes necessary to obstruct the
line outside the Home signal, the line shall be blocked back.
(b) The following is the method of blocking back – If “Line Clear” has not been
given for a train to approach the Station Master of the station performing
shunting shall telephone to the next station in rear as follows-
(c) The times that the above messages, signals and Private Numbers are sent shall
be entered in the “Train Signal Registers” at both stations separately,
immediately after sending the message, signal or Private Numbers as the case
may be.
3.35. Obstruction beyond the Last Stop signal when Block section is clear. – [G.R. 8.06 (3),
8.15] If when the Block section in advance is clear, it becomes necessary to obstruct
the line outside the last Stop signal –
(a) either a shunting arm (which may for his purpose be provided on the post of
last stop signal) shall be taken “off” or a written permission to shunt on Form
T/806 shall be given to the Loco Pilot and the block instrument of the section
concerned should be put on “Train On Line” position.
(a) The Station Master shall telephone to the station in advance as follows-
Private Numbers……………………………..”
“I note you are blocking section forward for shunting purposes.
(b) If the section is occupied by a train proceeding to the next station shunting
may be performed without blocking forward but should the section be
cleared while shunting is still in progress the section shall be blocked forward
as above. This should not be done if there is a falling gradient from the block
section towards the station.
(c) As soon as shunting has been completed and the Block section is cleared the
shunting station shall telephone to the station in advance as follows –
and shall turn the needle of his Block Instrument to “Line Closed”.
(d) The times that the above messages, signals and Private Numbers are sent shall
be entered in the Train signal Registers at both stations separately immediately
after sending the message, signal or Private Numbers as the case may be.
3.37. At such stations Electric locks are provided on the last Stop signal lever and on the
Block Instrument Commutator. The operation of the locks is described below –
(i) The last Stop signal lever is locked in the normal or “On” position and
the signal cannot be taken “Off” until the Block Station in advance has
given “Line Clear” on the Block Instrument following prescribed
procedure –
(ii) The lever is free in the reverse or “Off” position and the signal can be
put back to “On” at any time.
(iii) The signal once it has been “taken off” and put back to “On” cannot
be “taken off” again for the same “Line Clear” nor can it be “taken
Off” for a subsequent “Line Clear” unless “Train On Line” indication has
been signalled previously by the station in advance.
(b) Lock on the Block Instrument – The signal, once it has been “taken Off” and
put back to “On” should not be “taken off” again for the same “Line Clear”
nor should it be “taken Off” again for a subsequent “Line Clear” unless the
Block Station in advance turns his Commutator cautiously to “Line Closed”
and then gives a fresh “Line Clear” or grants a “Line Clear” after a “Train On
Line” has been signalled previously.
3.38 Failure of Treadles/Track circuit –
(a) The Station Master on finding that Treadles has failed shall inform the station in
rear of the fact by telephone and exchange Private Numbers with him. The
Station Master in rear shall ask for/and obtain “Line Clear” for the next train on
the Block Bells after obtaining a Private Numbers from the station in advance.
The Private Numbers shall be recorded in the Train Signal Registers against the
entries of train in question at both stations.
(b) The Station Master in rear shall then issue Form T/369(3b) to the Loco Pilots of
the train as an authority to pass the last Stop signal in the “On” position.
3.39. Conditions of granting Line Clear – (GR 8.04) – The line shall not be considered clear
and line clear shall not be given, unless –
(a) the whole of the last preceding train has passed complete at least 400 metres
beyond the Home signal and is continuing its journey; and
(b) all signals taken “off” for the preceding train have been put back to “on”
behind the said train.
3.40. Refusing “Line Clear”. – If a station receives the “Is Line Clear” signal and is not in a
position to accept the train, the “Is Line Clear” signal shall be answered as per
procedures prescribed in sub paras (i) & (ii) of Para 3.03(2). The time that the
“Obstruction Danger” signal is sent and received shall be entered in the Train Signal
3.41. “Train Entering Section” – The “Train Entering Section” signal shall be sent as soon as
the train passes the last Stop signal of the station.
(a) This indication on the Block Instrument is preceded by the prescribed Bell
Code signal (three beats) and shall be sent in acknowledgement of the “Train
Entering Section” signal received from the station in rear. The Station Master
receiving the train on line signal will also turn his Commutator to “Train On
Line” position.
(b) If the Station Master finds his Block Instrument still showing “Train on Line” after
the lapse of the full running time of the train plus five minutes he shall take
steps to ascertain from the Station Master in advance the cause of the delay
in giving the “Train Out of Section” signal. Failing any response from the Station
Master in advance, the matter shall be reported immediately to the
Controller. Action as per GR/SR 6.04 shall also be taken.
3.43. “Train Out of Section”.- The “Train Out of Section” signal shall not be sent until –
(i) The whole of the last preceding train has passed complete at least (400
metres) beyond the Home signal and is continuing its journey; and
(ii) All signals taken off for the said train have been put back to ‘on’
behind it.
3.44. Blocking Back and Blocking Forward – Blocking back and blocking forward are
never necessary at “C” class station. At such stations action as details below shall be
taken by the Station Master when the stations in advance and rear are either “A” or
“B” class and desire to block back or block forward for shunting purpose –
(a) In the case of the station in advance desiring to block back he shall
telephone to the “C” class station in rear as follows –
The Station Master at the shunting station shall then turn the needle of the
Block Instrument to “Train On Line”.
As soon as the Block Section is cleared the shunting station shall advice the
“C” class station in rear as follows –
The Station Master at the shunting station shall then turn the needle of the
Block Instrument to “Line Closed” position.
The times that the above message, signals and Private Numbers are sent shall
be entered in the Train Signal Registers at both stations, separately and
immediately after each operation.
(b) In the case of the station in rear desiring to block forward he shall
telephone to the “C” class station in advance as follows –
and shall then turn the needle of the Block Instrument to “Train On Line”
position .
The “C” class station in advance shall reply as follows-
The times that the above messages, signals and Private Numbers are sent shall
be entered in the Train Signal Registers at both station separately and
immediately after each operation.
3.45. Additional rules and regulations applying to stations at which the Block Instrument
and Signals are interlocked.
At such stations electric locks are provided on the last Stop signal lever and on the
Block Instrument Commutator. The operation of the locks is described below –
(i) The last Stop signal lever is locked in the normal or “On” position, and
the signal cannot be taken “off” until the Block station in advance has
signalled “Line Clear” on the Block Instrument.
(ii) The lever is free in the reverse or “off “position and the signal can be
put to “ON” at any time.
(iii) The signal once it has been taken “off” and put back to “ON” should
not be taken “off” again for the same “Line Clear”, nor should it be
taken “off” again for a subsequent “Line clear” unless the block Station
in advance turns his Commutator cautiously to “Line closed” and then
gives a fresh “Line Clear” or grants a “Line Clear” after a “Train on line”
has been signalled previously.
(b) Lock on the Block Instrument – The Block Instrument Commutator is locked
when turned to indicate “Train on Line” provided that “Line Clear” has
previously been signalled. The Commutator remains locked until the train for
which “Line Clear” and “Train On Line” were signalled has operated a Treadle
placed in advance of the Home signal and the Home signal lever has been
returned to the normal or “ON” position.
(a) The Station Master on finding that his Treadle has failed shall inform the station
in rear of the fact by telephone and exchange Private Numbers with him. The
station Master in rear shall ask for and obtain “Line Clear” for the next train on
the Block bells after previously obtaining a Private Numbers from the station in
advance. The Private Numbers shall be recorded in the Train Signal Registers
against the train in question at both stations.
(b) The Station Master in rear shall then issue form T/369(3b) to the Loco Pilot of the
train in question as an authority to pass the last stop signal in the “on” position.
3.47. (A) Rules and regulations for single line working on a double line section when
one line is obstructed. –
3. If there is reason to suspect that the line over which temporary single
line working is to be introduced, is also fouled or damaged, temporary
single line working must not be introduced until a responsible
engineering official of the rank not less than that of an Inspector has
inspected that section and certified that the road is safe for the
passage of trains.
5. All trains will be worked in accordance with the rules for the use of
electric speaking instruments on single line and “Line Clear” shall be
obtained on the telephone attached to Block Instrument or Control
Telephone or VHF set.
6. At all stations on the portion of the section on which single line working
has been introduced, the Commutators of the Block Instruments
pertaining to both obstructed and un-obstructed lines shall be kept in
“Train On Line” position throughout the period single line working is in
force. The Commutators shall be locked also in that position with SM’s
key, wherever possible. In cases where it is not possible to keep the
Commutators in “Train On Line” position as, in Daido Instruments, the
Block Instruments shall be put out of the use and Caution Indicator
hung on the handle of the Block Instruments. At these stations, if the
train is running on the wrong line, all fixed signals shall be kept in the
“ON” position.
7. After ascertaining that one of the lines is clear for passage of traffic, the
Station Master proposing single line working shall issue a message
containing the following information under exchange of Private
Numbers to the Station Master of the other end of the affected section.
(g) assurance that the trap points, if any, have been spiked or
clamped and padlocked;
(h) assurance that if the train is running on the right line, the last
Stop signal shall be kept in the “ON” position. In case the train is
running on the wrong line, all fixed signals shall be kept in the
‘on’ position; and
(i) the number and timings of the last train which arrived or left the
block station issuing the message.
(iii) any restriction of speed which may have been imposed by way
and works staff; and
(iv) an assurance to the effect that any trap points on the line in
question have been spiked or clamped;
(v) authority to pass the last Stop signal in the ‘On’ position. In case
the last Stop signal is the Starter, in addition to the written
authority, he shall also be shown hand signals at the foot of this
10. An endorsement will also be made in the Caution Order given to the
Loco Pilot of the first train to inform all Gateman and Trackman on the
way about the introduction of temporary single line working and
specifying the road on which the train will run. This information shall be
conveyed through the Loco Pilot of a subsequent train also, if
11. The speed of the first train passing over the temporary single line, will
be restricted to 25 kilometers per hour. Subsequent trains may run at
their booked speed, subject to observance of other speed restrictions
imposed by Way and Works staff.
12. When a train is stopped between stations on account of accident,
failure, obstruction or other exceptional cause and the Loco Pilot finds
that it cannot proceed, it shall be protected as per G.R. 6.03.
13. In the case of a train proceeding on the right line :
(a) The last Stop signal of the station in rear of the affected section
may be passed in the “ON” position on a written authority issued
by Station Master in the prescribed form T/D 602. In case the last
Stop signal is the starter, in addition to the written authority hand
signal shall also be shown at the foot of this signal.
(b) The approach Stop signals if any of the station in advance of the
affected section, may be taken off.
14. In the case of train proceeding on the wrong line :-
(a) The train shall be piloted out of the station on a written authority
issued by the Station Master after all the facing points have
been correctly set and locked and trailing points correctly set
& locked over which the trains will pass.
(b) On approaching the next station the Loco Pilot shall bring his
train to a stop opposite the first Stop signal pertaining to the right
line or at the last Stop signal pertaining to the Wrong line (on
which he is running), whichever he comes across first.
(c) The Station Master of the station in advance shall depute railway
servant in uniform at the foot of the signal (whichever the train
would encounter first) who shall stop the train on hand danger
signal and thereafter pilot it into the station on a written authority
issued by the Station Master .
(d) If the Loco Pilot finds that no railway servant in uniform has been
deputed at the foot of the signal to pilot the train into the
station, G.R. 4.44 shall be observed.
15. All the cross-over points in the facing direction over which the train shall
proceed, while temporary single line working is in force, shall be
clamped and pad locked.
16. Resumption of normal working –
17. All the records in connection with the temporary single line working
shall be retained at the station and the Transportation Inspector of the
section must scrutinize them and submit his report to the Divisional
Railway Manager within seven days of the resumption of normal
3.47.(B) Single Line Working on Double Line during total Interruption of Communication
The following rules must, in addition to the rules prescribed in “rules and
regulations for working of trains during total interruption of communications
on single line” be observed by the staff.
(c) Any restriction of the speed which may be imposed by way
and works staff;
(d) An assurance to the effect that any trap point on the line in
question have been spiked and clamped.
3. All the cross-over points in the facing direction over which the train shall
proceed, while temporary single line working is in force, shall be
clamped and padlocked.
(a) The last Stop signal of the station in rear of the affected section
may be passed in the “ON” position on a written authority issued
by the Station Master in the prescribed form. In case the last
Stop signal is the starter, in addition to the written authority, hand
signals shall also be shown at the foot of this signal.
(a) The train shall be piloted out of the station on a written authority
issued by the Station Master after all the facing points have
been correctly set and locked and trailing points correctly set
over which the train will pass.
(b) On reaching the next station, the Loco Pilot shall bring his train to
a stop opposite the first Stop signal pertaining to the right line or
at the last Stop signal pertaining to the wrong line (on which his
train is running), whichever he comes across first.
accordance with the instructions for the movement of traffic
during temporary introduction of single line working on double
(b) If, however, before communications are restored, the other line
is released for the passage of traffic, trains shall be worked in
accordance with the instructions for running of trains on double
line section during total interruption of communications.
Note – (i) In cases when single line working is introduced first on a double
line section and then total failure of communications occurs,
single line working would be introduced first as per instructions
contained in 3.47(A) above and subsequently during total failure
of communications, the rules contained in Chapter VII of the
Block Working Manual would be followed.
3.48 Working of trains in cases of obstruction on sections where there are Triple or
Quadruple lines. –
(a) When owing to an obstruction or for any other cause it becomes necessary to
use a line solely for trains to travel in the wrong direction all concerned shall
be advised and trains shall proceed on the authority of a Caution Order, “Line
Clear” being obtained by Telephone. The signals pertaining to the normal
working of the line shall be put out of use and trains shall be admitted on
hand signals which shall be displayed at positions where the Home and
Warner (or Outer and Warner) signals would be situated. In the event of a
Block Hut intervening Line Clear shall be obtained through the Control as laid
down in paragraph 3.04 (C).
All points whether facing or trailing at the station and Block Hut intervening
shall be properly locked, clamped or spiked for the line on which trains will
(b) The Authority for Temporary Single Line working on Double Line on form T/D
602 shall clearly state –
(i) that it constitutes the authority for an Up/Down train to proceed in the
wrong direction on the Down/Up line. The Private Numbers confirming
the “Line Clear” received for the train shall be entered on the form.
(ii) any restriction of speed which the Permanent Way Staff might have
(c) First train will run with 25 KMPH and second and subsequent train will run with
booked speed.
3.49. Failure of Electrical Speaking Instruments –
The Block Instruments having been put out of use.
(a) Should the direct telephone also fail, this shall be done through the
(b) Should communication with the Controller also fail trains shall be
passed on (Forms T/C 602) as laid down in Chapter VII of this Manual.
(c) First train will run 25 kmph and second and subsequent train will run
with booked speed.
3.50. Persons to be advised. –
(a) The persons to be advised in case of obstruction on a section are –
(i) The Controller.
(b) The Station Master sending this advice shall do so by the quickest means
possible and mention what action has been taken by him.
The Divisional Railway Manager shall also be furnished with full particulars
immediately through the Controller.
If Control working is suspended, full particulars shall be communicated to the
persons concerned.
(c) Each Divisional Railway manager shall appoint Controlling Station Masters and
detail their lengths. The jurisdiction of each controlling Station Master shall be
notified to the staff on the division.
The Controller shall be responsible for regulating traffic while Single Line Working is in
Whenever an accident on the Double Line involves the necessity of Single Line
working, the person sent to rouse the Labour gangs shall be instructed to warn them
of the line on which trains will run.
(a) Station Masters at all Double Line stations shall keep in their offices ready for
emergencies one complete set of abnormal working books and forms.
(b) Transportation Inspectors (Movement) shall see that these books and forms
are ready for use when they inspect stations.
Numbers that the Block Instrument, has been taken on maintenance. During the
period the Block Instrument is under such maintenance, “Line clear” will not be
signalled on the Block Instruments and trains to be passed according to rules for
failure of Block Instrument according to Chapter III of BWM.
The Cabinmaster/SM in charge of the Cabin/Station shall not however resume normal
working on the Block Instrument unless Private Numbers has been exchanged with
the Cabinmaster/SM of the block station in rear in co n i f rmaoti n that no train is in the
block section or the last train leaving the rear station on Private Numbers has cleared
the section.
3.55. Special instructions for working of trains on Absolute Block System through
continuous track circuit control and associated indications.
(a) At stations in double line territory where block instruments at cabins are not
provided the movement of trains on Absolute Block System shall be controlled
through continuous track circuit and inter-slotting or track circuiting only with
associated indications at the concerning cabins.
(b) In sections where movements of the trains are controlled by this method the
whole of the section on the pertaining line in the direction a train is to move
normally continuous track circuit between last stop signal of the station in rear
to the first stop signal and an adequate distance beyond it of the station
receiving the train with illuminated indications, to be provided at both the
cabins on either end of the track circuit to indicate whether the respective
section is clear or occupied. In addition to joint control over the track by the
two block cabins at either end of the block section by means of continuous
Track Circuit inter-slotting may also be provided if considered necessary.
No train shall however be allowed to enter into the continuous track circuited
block section unless Private Numbers has been exchanged between the
cabins at either end of the section before the concerning signals of the
respective cabins are taken off.
(c) In the event of total interruption of communication between the block cabins
and the block station at either end of track circuit controlling the block
section trains shall be worked as per following.
(i) When from the track indication it appears that the section from last
stop signal to the first stop signal and overlap in the direction of the
train is clear trains will be worked as per chapter III paragraph 3.05 of
Block Working Manual.
(ii) when track indication shows occupied though 15 minutes have passed
after the preceding train entered no train shall be allowed to enter the
A messenger shall be sent to block station in advance with written messages – one
for “line clear enquiry” and one for “line clear reply”. The forms of the messages are
given below :-
Form No. T/A 1425
Train No…………………..Up/Dn.
Last Train No………………Up/Dn left………………………….station at…………….. hrs.
Form No. T/B 1425
Train Out of Section
Number of Train……………………….Up(Description)……………………………….
Date……………………. Time…………………….hours…………………….minutes
*You are authorized to pass Last Stop Signal in danger, when the signal is interlocked with Block
Form No. T/D-1425
Sr. No…………..
(Loco Pilot/Record)
Date……………………. Time…………………….hours…………………….minutes
*You are authorized to pass Last Stop Signal in danger, when the signal is interlocked with Block
(d) On receipt of the line clear through the reply message duly signed by the
Cabinmaster/SM of the station in advance, the train will be started on the
authority T/C-1425 or T/D-1425 for the last Stop signal recording thereon
the Private Numbers received in confirmation of the Line Clear.
(e) In the event of total interruption of communication when single line working is
in force between the two block cabins trains between these two cabins will
be worked on line clear obtained by sending a messenger in the manner
indicated in paragraph (c) above and as per procedure laid down in rule
3.47(A) of Block Working Manual.
(f) In case of stations provided with inter-slotting arrangement in addition to the
continuous track circuit the last stop signal of the station despatching the train
shall be taken off after receiving the slot for the last stop signal from block
cabin at the other end of the section in advance confirmed by exchange of
Private Numbers for allowing the train to enter into the block section leading
to the station in advance.
Such slots for the last stop signal of the rear station shall not be released by the
station in advance unless the line concerned is clear not only up to the first
stop signal but up to an adequate distance beyond it which shall not be less
than 120 metres.
(g) Illuminated indications for the track circuit and the block sections will be
provided separately to indicate clearance or occupancy of the same.
Chapter – III A
This Chapter of Block Working Manual is for ‘Block Panel’ with ‘Block proving by Axle
counter’. These rules must be studied in conjunction with the General and Subsidiary
Rules and the Block Working Manual.
A Block Panel means a Panel associated with Axle counter equipment to control the
movements of trains on double line Block section.
Every railway servant working in Block Panel must be conversant with the rules
relating to the Block Working.
(2) No unauthorized person (whether railway servant or otherwise) shall enter any
block/signal cabin except when requires to do so in connection with the
regular duties. All concerned supervisory staff will monitor strict compliance of
these instructions through regular and surprise checks.
(3) The authorized persons for the purpose are SM or any other person
authorised by the competent Railway authority.
The running of every train shall in its direction from one block station to another on
double line be regulated by means of a block panel with associated axle counter
and other equipments.
3A.05. Block Panel Diagram.
The Block panel consists of push buttons, keys indications, counters, block bell, block
telephone and buzzer etc. mounted on a frame. The Block panel can be divided
into three portions viz. A, B & C for the purpose of its explanation.
Upper row – it houses various indications pertaining to ‘Train Going To’ direction.
Middle row – it houses various push buttons SM’s key and LCB key.
Lower row – it houses LSS, TGT, ACK and TCF, ACK indications.
Portion “B” – It houses various indications pertaining to ‘Train Coming From’ direction.
Portion “C”– It houses Reset Counter, Reset key and Reset co-operation indication.
The description of the various parts / portions is as given below :
(i) TGT push button – ‘Train Going To’ Push button is located in the portion – ‘A’ of
block panel and is to be pressed along with ‘BELL’ push button to obtain line
clear, to send a train into the block section.
(ii) ‘TGT ACK’ - ‘Train Going To acknowledgement push button is located in the
portion ‘A’ of Block panel and is to be pressed for acknowledgement of line
occupied axle counter failed or line free axle counter restored in the ‘Train
Going To’ direction.
(iii) ‘TCF ACK’ – Train coming from acknowledgement push button is located in
the portion ‘A’ of Block panel and is to be pressed for acknowledgement of
line occupied / axle counter failed or line free / axle counter restored in the
‘Train Coming From’ direction.
(iv) ‘BELL’ push button – It is located in the portion ‘A’ of Block panel and when it is
pressed a bell beat is heard in the single stroke bell, at the other end of the
block section.
The Bell Push button shall be used to –
(v) ‘RSB’ Push button – Reset push button, when it is intended to reset the axle
counter by the receiving end SM.
3A.08. Keys.
(i) SM’S KEY: SM’s control key for block panel is a two position key. It is located in
the portion ‘A’ of Block panel. This key is provided to enable Station Master to
have control on the Block panel.
SM’s key should normally remain in the personal custody of SM. It should be
inserted and turned whenever any operation on the Block panel is to be
done. When this key is ‘out’ only the under mentioned operations are possible
(ii) LCB Key: Line clear blocking canceling key is a two position key normally kept
inserted and turned. It is located in the portion ‘A’ of Block panel. It is to be
taken ‘out by receiving end Station Master in the following cases only.
(c) The LSS of sending station will also be replaced to ‘ON’ automatically if
already taken ‘OFF’ for sending the train in the section.
Note: This facility is to be used only in an emergency and adequate safeguards are
to be provided in the Station Working Rules for recording this action, so that
this facility is not misused.
(iii) RSK KEY - This reset key is located in the portion ‘C’ of the Block panel. It is a
non-locking key and when at receiving station this key is inserted turned and
pushed in, it reset the axle counter provided to prove the clearance of the
block section.
(iv) This key, therefore, has to be used with great caution, be sure that the Block
section is clear of all obstructions.
3A.09. Indications –
Separate indicators are available on the Block panel for TCF and TGT directions.
‘ ‘Line Closed’ - Indication appears as ‘Yellow’ light on the panel when there is
no train; in the Block section and when the section has not been blocked.
(b) ‘Train coming From’ – Indication appears as a ‘Green light on the panel at the
receiving station, when TGT and BELL push buttons are pressed simultaneously
at sending station and the condition of granting line clear at receiving station
have been compiled with.
(c) ‘Train on Line’ - Indication appears as a ‘Red light on the panel, when the
block section is occupied by a train or any other rail vehicle like motor trolley
etc. after ‘ line clear’ has been obtained on the block panel.
(d) ‘Line Free’ - A–‘Green light’ to indicate that the block section is clear of trains
or vehicles.
(a) “Line Closed” - Indication appears as ‘Yellow’ light on the panel, when there is
no train in the block section and when the section has not been blocked.
(b) “Train Going to” - Indication appears as a ‘Green’ light on the panel at the
sending station, when TGT and BELL push buttons are pressed simultaneously
at sending station and conditions for “granting line clear” for the train at
receiving station been complied with.
(c) “Train on Line” – Indication appears as ‘Red’ light on the panel when the
block section is occupied by a train or any other rail vehicle like motor trolley
etc. after line clear has been obtained on the Block panel.
(d) “Line Free” – A Green light to indicate that block section is clear of train or
(iii) “LSS indication” – (In the lower row of portion ‘A’ of the Block Panel).
(a) A ‘Red’ lamp indication to indicate.
(ii) When train passes, the LSS in ‘OFF’ position and the same replaced to
‘ON’ position.
(b) A ‘Green’ lamp indication to indicate that the Last Stop Signal has been
cleared for the train to enter the block section.
(iv) Acknowledgement indications: (In the lower row of portion ‘A’ of the
Block panel)
(v) Reset Co-operation Indication – (In the portion ‘C’ of the Block panel).
‘Axle Counter Reset’ – Counter for registering the number of attempts made to reset
the axle counter.
3A.11. Buzzer :
This is a single stroke bell and is operated by pressing the BELL push button provided
on the panel at either end of the block section, this gives audible signal at the other
This provides speech communication between the Station Masters at the two ends of
the block section.
3A.14. Locks:
Two locks have been provided in the rear of the Block panel as under:
(a) Signal maintainer’s lock
(b) SM’s lock
Unless both these locks are unlocked, the block panel from the rear cannot be
opened for maintenance purposes.
(i) Trains are worked on the Absolute Block System. Block working is by means of
Block panel, Axle counters and associated equipments. The movements of
trains in the block section are controlled by a Block Panel provided with
operating buttons, keys and indications.
(ii) Each Block section is provided with two Block panels, one at either end of the
block section; serving for both the lines of the double line section. All
operations like obtaining Line Clear, canceling Line Clear, etc. are done on
these panels.
(iii) The occupancy or otherwise of the entire block section is proved by provision
of Axle counters. It is not possible to either obtain Line Clear or close the block
section unless the entire section is clear of trains. The Line Clear is obtained by
the sending end SM and the Block section gets closed automatically with the
complete arrival of the train at the receiving station.
(i) The Last Stop signal at sending station cannot be taken ‘OFF’ until the sending
station SM has pressed the ‘TGT’ & ‘BELL’ Push buttons and all the conditions
for granting of Line Clear are available at the receiving station. The latter is
automatically checked by axle counter and associated equipment installed
on either side of the Block Section.
(ii) (a) The Last Stop signal lever (in the case of lever frames) is free in the reverse
position so that it can be put back to normal position when desired.
(b) Where a switch/push button has been provided for operating the Last
Stop signal it is possible to replace this signal to ‘ON’ position with the help of
signaling circuits provided at the station.
(iv) The principle of ‘One Line Clear for one Train’ and ‘One signal for one Train’
has been followed in the circuit so that if the Last Stop signal of the sending
station goes back to ‘ON’ by the departure of a train from the sending station
the same cannot be re-cleared unless fresh Line Clear is obtained after the
previous train has arrived complete at the receiving station.
Following is the sequence of operations for obtaining Line Clear to send the train
from station in rear to station in advance.
Taking two stations ‘X’ and ‘Y’ and a train awaiting for traveling from ‘X’ to ‘Y’, the
block section being clear and the Line Closed. Yellow indication being displayed in
‘TRAIN GOING TO’ part of the portion ‘A’ of the Block panel at ‘X’ station & ‘TRAIN
COMING FROM’ part of the portion ‘B’ of the Block panel at ‘Y’ station.
‘X’ Station (Sending) ‘Y’ Station (Receiving)
13 Takes off reception signals. As soon
as the train passes the Home signals,
the signal goes back to ‘ON’
automatically. A buzzer sounds
continuously after the train has
completely passed the block overlap
ahead of the Home signal.
14 Block Panel displays ‘Line Closed’
Yellow indication and ‘Train On Line’
red indication disappears.
15 SM presses ‘TCF ACK’ to silence the
16 Block panel displays ‘Line Closed’ 17 The Home signal lever and its SM’s
yellow indication & ‘Train On Line’ red control slide, where provided, are put
indication disappears and buzzer back to normal position.
sounds which is silenced by pressing
‘TGT ACK’ push button by SM.
18 Gives ‘Train out of section’ signal
after satisfying himself that the train
has arrived complete or passed with
the tail lamp/tail board on the last
19 Acknowledges Train out of section
3A.18. Refusal to the ‘Is Line Clear’ signal & sending of the obstruction Danger signal.
(1) If the Line being blocked by the presence of a train in the section, or by
shunting or for any other reason, the block station in advance is unable to
accept, “is Line Clear” signal, such station must refuse that on telephone
communication and also take out LCB key from the portion ‘A’ of the Block
(2) If the block station in advance does not give consent to accept the train, the
train must be stopped at the station in rear and should not be allowed to
leave, until a fresh consent has been given and accorded by the block
station in advance.
(1) On departure of train across a block station and occupying the track circuit
just in advance of LSS. A buzzer will sound at both, train sending as well as train
receiving station. This should be acknowledged by pressing the respective
acknowledgement buttons i.e. ‘TGT ACK’ button by train sending SM and ‘TCF
ACK’ push button by train receiving station.
(2) Then so acknowledged, the section shall be considered to be blocked for any
other train.
3A.20. ‘Train out of section’ or ‘Obstruction removed’ signals.
When the section is cleared after the arrival of the train or by removal of the cause
of blocking the block section, which shall be detected by axle counter device,
buzzer will start at both train receiving and train sending stations. This should be
acknowledged by pressing the respective acknowledgement buttons, i.e. TCF ACK
button by train receiving SM and TGT ACK button by train sending SM.
(1) This signal is a ‘Danger’ signal’ and shall be operated in any case of danger
when it is necessary to stop a train or to attract the immediate attention of the
SM of the next station.
(3) If a ‘Line Clear’ has been obtained, the station receiving the obstruction
danger signal must cancel the ‘Line Clear’ so obtained.
(4) The ‘Obstruction Danger’ signal should be recorded as a danger signal and it
should be used only in case of danger or sudden emergency. When it is
necessary to stop train for which line clear has already been given, the station
transmitting this signal, i.e. train receiving station shall take out LCB key and
press ‘BELL push button simultaneously. This should be done with SM’s key in
‘IN’ position. The receiving station SM must record the reasons for this in TSR
and exchange Private Number with station in rear.
After a train has been received at the receiving end station or when no train has
entered into the block section or after any block forward or block back operation is
completed, if the ‘Line occupied’ indication still persists, then receiving station SM
and sending station SM shall adopt the following procedure for resetting the axle
(i) Verify, that the block section is clear of vehicles, by any one of the following
(a) Observing the procedure laid down in G&SR, the complete arrival of a train to
the station in advance will be ascertained by the Station Master at the
receiving station by sending the complete arrival register to the Guard of the
train who will certify by signaling in the complete arrival register with time but if
the train was running with L.V. without brake van/with L.V. No. the Station
Master himself will verify the Last Vehicle No. personally.
(b) By checking up from the train signals register, the details of the last train
passed through that block section and finding out from the SM of the station
in advance or from the controller that the last train that has passed, has
arrived complete.
(ii) After the above verification, exchange Private Numbers with the receiving
end cabin in token of such verification.
(iii) The axle counter is to be reset by receiving station. The receiving station SM
after satisfying that no vehicle is left behind in the Block section, advises the
full facts to the sending station SM and requests him to co-operate in resetting
the axle counter.
(iv) The sending station SM presses the ‘RSB’ push button provided on his block
(vi) The reset counter increases by one number. On release of pressure on the RSK
key; ‘Line Occupied’ Red indication disappears on the Block panels at both
the ends.
(vii) This increment of counter should be recorded in the train register along with
exchange of Private No. for every reset of axle counter done manually. The
receiving end SM should then extract the RSK key and keep it in safe custody.
At the receiving end a counter register to be maintained at the station for
each resetting of the axle counter.
Note: In case the SMs are unable to check the complete arrival of the train by any
one of the means listed in para (1) above. Then before following the resetting
procedure for resetting the axle counter, the first train should be sent on “Authority to
proceed without line clear” (for Up trains on form No. T/C 1425 and for Down trains
on form No. T/D 1425) with a Caution Order informing the Loco Pilot to look out for
any obstruction and restricting the speed to 15 KMPH in day time with clear visibility
and 8 KMPH at night time and when the visibility is poor during day time. After this
train has completely arrived at the receiving end station, the axle counter should
then be rest by following the procedure as indicated above.
(A) When a line clear has been obtained and afterwards found that the train for
which line clear already obtained has to be detained owing to any reason,
the following procedures must be adopted:
(i) if LSS is not taken off, SM should not clear the LSS.
(ii) If LSS is already taken off, it must be put back to ‘ON’ and SM should
inform the Loco Pilot of the train for which the LSS was taken off,
regarding canceling the line clear obtained for the said train.
For canceling the ‘Line Clear’ the following procedures must be adopted:
5 Inform that the train for which line 6 Acknowledges and gives consent
clear has been obtained is being by giving a Private Number. Also
detained and the line clear is to takes out the LCB key and
be cancelled. In support of this he simultaneously presses Bell push
gives a Private Number button with SM’s key ‘IN’
7 ‘Train Going To’ green indication 8 ‘Train Coming From’ green
disappears & ‘Line Closed’ yellow indication disappears & ‘Line
indication appears on the Block Closed’ Yellow indication,
panel. appears on the Block panel.
9 LCB key is inserted and turned.
Note: Next train can now be sent following the regular procedure as per para 3A.17
(B) Where Line Clear has been obtained and the train has also been dispatched
into the Block Section and it is afterwards found that the train has to return
back to the station from which it was started the following procedure must be
Note: The following train shall be worked on ‘Paper Line Clear’. After the arrival of
the said train at the station in advance, ‘Train On Line’ indication disappears and
‘Line Closed’ Yellow indication appears at both the stations and further trains will be
worked in the normal way.
(C) When station in advance wished to cancel the ‘Line Clear, he must (except in
case of emergency when the Obstruction Danger; signal is to be used)
informs the station in rear on the telephone and when the station in rear
agrees. The cancellation must be done as described in para 3A.23 (A).
3A.24. Loco Pilot’s Authority to Proceed.
(i) On the Double Line sections, the Loco Pilot shall not take his train into a block
station unless the Last Stop signal pertaining to him has been taken ‘OFF’ as
laid down in GR. 14.08.
(ii) When the ‘Block Panel’ is in working condition & LSS has failed.
If the Block Panel is in normal working condition but there is only failure of Last
Stop signal, Line Clear working shall continue to be done on the Block Panel
itself and a written authority on the Form T 369(3b) with an endorsement
thereon, by the Station Master that the Line Clear has been obtained on Block
Panel along with the Private Number received from the Block station in
advance, shall constitute the Loco Pilot’s Authority to proceed.
If there is failure of Block Panel and Line Clear cannot be obtained on it, then
line clear should be obtained using identification sheet through electrical
communication as laid down in SR 14.13
(a) The Station Master who intends to block forward the Line shall advise the
Station Master of the station in advance on Block telephone by supporting a
Private Number and ask permission to ‘Block forward’ who will acknowledge
the message and grant permission supported by a Private Number. The SM in
advance will ‘take out’ LCB key and keep it in safe custody. Loco Pilot shall be
given shunting Authority in Form T/806 for entering the block section for
shunting. On completion of shunting, the Station Master shall inform the
Station Master of the station in advance of the completion of shunting
supported by a Private Number which shall be acknowledged by the SM of
the station in advance by a Private Number.
(b) All the entries in the TSR will be made in ‘RED’ ink. Reasons for Block Forwarded
has to be recorded against the entry in the remarks column.
7 Prepares T/806 and sends it to the 8 The buzzer sounds, which is
Loco Pilot. When the movement silenced by pressing ‘TCF ACK’
takes place into the Block section, push button. The ‘Line Occupied’
the buzzer sounds, which is red indication appears.
silenced by pressing ‘TGT ACK’
push button. The Line occupied
red indication appears.
9 When the shunting is completed 10 The buzzer sounds, which is
and the train has cleared the silenced by pressing the ‘TCF
block section the buzzer sounds ACK’ push button.
which is silenced by pressing the
‘TGT ACK’ push button
11 ‘Line Occupied’ red indication 11 ‘Line Occupied’ red indication
disappears and ‘Line Free’ yellow disappears and ‘Line Free’ yellow
indication appears. indication appears.
12 Gives ‘Call Attention’ signal and 13 Acknowledges ‘Call Attention’
attends telephone. signal & attends telephone.
14 Informs that shunting is completed 15 Acknowledges supported by a
supported by a Private Number. Private Number and restore the
LCB key.
(a) The Station Master who intends to Block Back the line shall ask the Station
Master of the station in rear on the telephone for permission to ‘Block Back’
who will acknowledge the message and grant permission supported by a
Private Number. The LCB key shall be ‘taken out’ by the SM who intends to
perform shunting and shall be kept in personal custody of SM. The SM will then
issue the necessary memo to the Loco Pilot on the prescribed shunting Order
Form No. T/806 authorized to him to perform shunting in the Block Section.
(b) On completion of the shunting the LCB key shall be restored to the Block
Panel. Then the SM shall inform the Station Master of the station in rear, of the
completion of shunting supported by a Private Number which shall be
acknowledged by the Station Master of the station in rear by a Private
(c) All the entries in the TSR will be made in ‘RED’ ink. Reasons for Block Back must
be recorded against the entry in Remarks Column.
(d) The following operations are to be done on the Block Panel for ‘Block Back.
(Shunting being performed at station ‘X’ towards ‘Y’ on the wrong line).
7 Takes out the LCB key and keeps it
in his personal custody. Issues T/806
to the Loco Pilot for performing
shunting into the Block section.
8 When the movement takes place 9 The buzzer sounds which is
in the block section, the buzzer silenced by pressing ‘TGT ACK’
sounds which is silenced by push button ‘Line Occupied’ Red
pressing ‘TCF ACK’ push button. indication appears.
‘Line occupied’ red indication
10 When the shunting train has 11 The buzzer sounds which is
cleared the block section, the silenced by pressing ‘TGT ACK’
buzzer sounds which is silenced by push button ‘Line Occupied’ Red
pressing ‘TCF ACK’ push button. indication disappears and ‘Line
‘Line occupied’ red indication Free’ Green indication appears.
disappears and ‘Line Free’ green
indication appears.
12 Restores the LCB key and gives 13 Acknowledges and attends
‘Call attention’ attend telephone telephone.
14 Informs that shunting is completed 15 Acknowledges supported by a
supported by a Private Number. Private Number.
The Block Panels must be considered to be defective for Up and/or Down trains, as
the case may be in the following cases:
(i) When no indication of any sort at all appears on the block panel.
(ii) When none of the indications viz. “Train coming from/Train going to”, appears
on the block panels except ‘Line Free’ or “Line Occupied” panels except
“Line Free” or “Line Occupied”
(iii) when no train has entered in the block section but the Block Panel show “line
Occupied” red indication and this indication persist even after resetting has
been tried as per para 3A.22.
(iv) When “TRAIN GOING TO” or “TRAIN COMING FROM” indication does not
appear by appropriate action, though condition for asking “LINE CLEAR” and
granting permission to approach are available.
(v) When “TRAIN ON LINE” indication does not appear on the entry of train into
Block section at either of the station.
(vi) When a train has arrived at the receiving station but the block panel still shows
“TRAIN ON LINE” Red indication and/or also shows “Line Occupied: Red
indication and these indications persist even after resetting has been tried as
per para 3A.22.
(vii) Total failure of communication during which trains shall be worked as per
extant rules in force on the railway.
(viii) Any damage is seen or reported to block equipments i.e. Block Panel, Axle
Counter, Track Devices, Axle counter equipment and Block multiplexer
equipment etc.
(ix) When Last Stop signal cannot be kept at ‘ON’ during its suspension /
(x) When Last Stop signal of the station does not go back to ‘ON’ position on the
entry of a train into the Block section.
Note: (i) In all the above cases, the Block panel must be treated as defected block
working suspended and trains must be dealt with by taking Line Clear on the
Electric communication Equipments provided and by following provisions of
GR 14.13 & SR.
(ii) In respect of the failure indicated in the terms No. A (vii) of the para above,
trains must be dealt with under the extant rules as outlined in GR 14.13 & SR.
(iii) In respect of failures indicated in the item Nos. (v), (ix) & (x) of the para (A)
above, all efforts must be made to keep the LSS in the ‘ON’ position. If it is not
possible, then a competent railway servant should be deputed with Red Hand
Signal to take his position at the foot of the LSS to warn Loco Pilots of the
approaching trains. In addition, all trains in the relevant directions should be
stopped at the Home signal and after ensuring that they have come to stop,
the Home signal should be cleared to caution aspect only. The Starter should
not be taken off and the train should be dispatched by issue of relevant
authority to pass the Starter and the LSS. Caution Order should also be issued
to the Loco Pilots about the defect of the LSS.
(iv) The Block Panel should not be restored for normal working until it is tested
by a competent signaling staff and certified fit by him for use.
The Last Stop signal must be considered to have failed for Up or Down direction as
the case may be in the following cases –
(i) The Last Stop signal cannot be taken ‘OFF’ even though Line Clear has been
(ii) The Last Stop signal can be cleared without getting ‘Line Clear’.
(iii) The Last Stop signal does not restore on ‘ON’ position after the train enters the
Block section.
In all the cases indicated paras (A) and (B) above failures should be informed
to S&T staff immediately.
Note: In respect of the cases indicted in paras (B) (ii) & (iii) above, the precautions
indicated in Note No. (iii) & (iv) under para 3A.27 (A) dealing with failures of
the Block panels should strictly be adhered to.
Block working must be suspended and trains dealt with in accordance with the
extant instructions in the following cases.
The Block Panel shall be considered inoperative and should be suspended in the
following cases –
(i) When material lories, motor trolleys, tie-tamping machines and rail motor /
tower wagon (4-wheeler) has to run in the section, these shall be worked on
authority of Caution Order.
(ii) Abnormal movement i.e. Single Line Working on Double Line or mid-section
accidents etc.
(iii) Block Back / Block Forward with the respective direction only.
(iv) When un-signaled reception has been restored at the receiving station.
(v) When any part of the Block Equipment is to be opened for repairs which shall
be done only under duly accepted disconnection notice. Block Panel
working shall only be resumed by a Railway servant authorized as per extant
rules on the Railway.
The Stop signal shall be considered inoperative and deemed to have suspended in
the following cases –
(i) When the Last Stop signal has been undertaken for repairs by S&T staff.
(iii) During the single line working on double line section due to some emergency
like; mid-section accident or otherwise.
(iv) When the material lorries/trollies, tie-tampering machines or tower wagon has
to run in the section.
Note: In respect of the cases listed in para (A) & (B) above, as soon as the causes of
block working is removed normal working can be restored by SM.
Whenever the Block Panels fail, Line Clear should be obtained on the electric
communication equipment and by following provisions of GR 14.13.
If block working can be carried on the Block Panel but the LSS cannot be taken off,
then Line Clear should be obtained on the Block Panels but Caution Order should be
issued as an Authority for entering the Block section.
All light vehicles and heavy material trollies will work with block back or block
(2) Please insert the following para after item No. 1 (B) (vi) and 2(B)(vi) of A/C 2 of BWM
(Reprinted 2004) dated 26-10-2006.
4.01 Types of Instruments – The following types of Electrical Block Instruments are in use on
the Eastern Railway where Single Line working is in force-
4.03. Neale’s Token Instrument (Old type) – This instrument is illustrated and is provided with
the following.
4.04. The Operating Handle is circular disc with a pointer engraved on it as shown below :-
(a) The Pointer indicates the three positions of the Operating Handle –
(i) Line Closed which is the normal position of the handle and indicates
that no Token has been extracted at either end of the Block section
which is therefore clear of trains.
(ii) Receiving position TCF which indicates that Line Clear has been given
for a train to approach and that a Token has been extracted at the
other end of the Block section, and
(iii) Sending position (TGT) which indicates that line clear has been
received to despatch a train and a Token has been extracted from the
(b) The Operating Handle cannot be turned without the permission of the
Station Master at the other end of the Block section who has electrical
control over it.
4.05. Bell Plunger – The Bell Plunger is placed in the centre of the Operating Handle and
when depressed rings the bell of the corresponding Block Instrument at the other
end of the Block section. It shall only be employed for signalling trains by means of
the prescribed code of Bell signals. Each depression of the Bell Plunger causes one
beat on the bell of the corresponding Block Instrument at the other end of the
4.06. Block Bells – These bells are provided to convey the prescribed Code of Bell signals.
4.07. Current Indicator or Galvanometer – The Galvanometer is provided with a needle
the movement of which indicates the passage of an electrical current received or
sent and also the operation of the corresponding Block Instrument at the other end
of the section.
4.08. Drawer – This provides the means for inserting a Token into the instrument and is so
formed that only the correct Token can be inserted.
4.09. Lock on Drawer – This lock where provided to enable the Drawer to be locked by the
Station Master when he leaves the office or cabin. The keys shall always remain in
the possession of the Station Master on duty.
4.10. Token Delivery Aperture – This is the opening at the bottom of the instrument through
which tokens are obtained.
4.11. Mechanical Key Lock – The Mechanical Key lock is an attachment to the Token
instrument added where required for the purpose of providing an interlock between
the Token Instrument and the Starter signal of the section which it controls. It may
also be used for other purposes such as the control of outlying points. The key can
only be removed from the lock after the Token has been extracted from the
instrument and the removal of the key locks the operating Handle in the sending
4.12. Glass Window – This provides a means whereby the station Master can observe
whether the Tokens are falling short.
4.13. Description of Tokens-
(a) The Tokens used in this instrument are of the ball type with grooves cut into them,
these grooves being of a different pattern for adjoining Block section.
(b) Each Token has engraved on it the Code initials of the two stations at either end
of the Block section to which it applies. Every Token also bears a distinctive number.
4.14. Method of signalling trains from Block station to Block station with Neale’s Token
Instrument (Old type) – Before any operation on Token or Block Instrument is made
the name of Stations working together shall be exchanged on the telephone one
with the others, as an assurance that the correct stations are in communication.
Taking two adjacent station X and Y and supposing that a train is to proceed from X
to Y and the Operating Handles of the Token Instruments at both stations are normal,
the following is the sequence of operations for signalling the train.
Station X Station Y
(6) Y gives a Private Numbers to X.
(7) Sends Y “Attention” signal.
(8) Acknowledges “Attention” signal to
(9) Sends “Is Line Clear” signal
inquiry to Y, keeping the Bell
plunger pressed in for a count of
five on the last stroke.
(10) On the last beat of X’s “Is Line Clear”
signal turns the operating Handle of
his instrument to the ‘Receiving’
position and acknowledge the “Is
Line Clear” signal to X keeping the
Bell Plunger pressed in for a count of
five on the last stroke.
(11) Turns the Operating Handle to
the “Sending” position on
receipt of the last beat of Y’s
acknowledgement signal. This
will release a Token from the
instrument, which he shall
intimate to Y by giving the
“Attention” signal (one beat).
(12) Sends “Attention” signal to Y on
departure of the train with the
(13) Acknowledges “Attention”
signal to X.
(14) Sends “Train entering Section”
signal to Y.
(15) Acknowledges “Train entering
Section” signal to X.
(16) Obtains the Token from the Loco
Pilot on arrival of the train and
places it in the instrument.
(17) Turns the Operating Handle of the
instrument to the “Line Closed”
(18) Sends “Attention” signal to X.
(19) Acknowledges “Attention” signal
to Y.
(20) Sends “Train out of Section” signal to
X keeping the Bell plunger pressed in
for a count of five on the last stroke.
(21) On the last beat of Y’s “Train out
of Section” signal turns the
Operating Handle of his
instrument to the “Line Closed”
position and acknowledges
“Train out of section” signal to Y.
4.15. Neale’s Token Instrument (New Type) – the following is an illustration of this type of
(a) The operating Handle indicates “Coming From” and “Going To” in place of
“Receiving” and ”Sending”.
(b) When there is no Token in the instrument the Operating Handle can only be
moved to the “Coming From” position.
(c) The Token is inserted by placing it in a drum at the top of the instrument and
drum must be revolved to allow the Token to drop into the Token Chamber.
(d) Four small circular glass windows are provided in place of the rectangular
window in the old instrument for observing whether Tokens are running short.
(i) A green Disc with a white cross to indicate that there are one or more
Tokens in the instrument, and
(ii) A red disc with word “Empty” on it to indicate that there is no Token in the
(f) the Tokens instead of having grooves of different patterns for adjoining Block
sections have holes of different shapes.
(g) The difference in the operation of the two instruments is that with the old type
the Station Master giving the “Line Clear” for a train to approach is the first to
restore his operating Handle to normal while with the new type the reverse is
the case.
4.16. Method of signalling trains from Block station to Block station with Neale’s Token
Instrument (New Type) –
Before any operation on Token or Block Instruments is made the names of the
stations working together shall be exchanged on the telephone one with the other
as an assurance that the correct stations are in communication.
The method of signalling trains from Block station to Block station is exactly similar
to that laid
d won for the Neale’s Token Instrument (Old Type) until the operation of
sending Train out of Section signal is arrived at when the procedure differs slight as
Station X Station Y
4.17. Neale’s tablet instrument. – The following is an illustration of this type of instrument.
This instrument differs from the Neale’s token (new type) instrument in the following
respects. –
(a) a flat tablet is used in this instrument as a token instead of a ball. The tablet is
a metal disc and is engraved with the code initials of the stations at each end
of the block sections to which it applies. The Tablets are provided with
different grooves so that they cannot be put in to the instruments other than
those to which they relate. The Tablets are numbered serially.
(c) a small rectangular shutter is provided to show whether there are tablets in
the instrument or not. If there are less than five tablets, these will not be seen.
The Cabinmaster/SM in charge of the cabin/Station shall not however resume normal
working on the block instrument unless Private Numbers has been exchanged with
Cabinmaster/SM of the block station in rear in confirmation that no train is in the block
section or the last train leaving the rear station on Private Numbers has cleared the
5.01. Class of stations. – All single line stations on the Eastern Railway are ‘B’ class.
5.02. Conditions under which line clear may be given – [G.R. 8.03(2)] – at a Class ‘B’
station on single line, the line shall not be considered clear and Line Clear shall not
be given, unless –
(a) the whole of the last preceding train has arrived complete.
(b) all necessary signals have been put back to ‘on’ behind the said train; and
(i) at stations equipped with two aspect signalling – Up to the Shunting Limit
Board or Advanced Starter (if any) at that end of the station nearest to the
expected train;
upto the Home signal if there is no Shunting Limit Board or Advanced
upto the outermost facing points if there is no Shunting Limit Board or
Advanced Starter or Home signal.
Upto the Shunting Limit Board or Advanced Starter (if any) at that end of
the station nearest to the expected train;
upto the outermost facing points if there is no Shunting Limit Board or
Advanced Starter.
Note.- At a class ‘B’ single line station, this rule does not forbid direct reception of a
train from one side, when Line Clear has been given to the Block station on
the other side provided the distance between the outer signal and outermost
facing points in two aspect signalling, and between the Home signal and
outermost facing points in multiple aspect signalling, or modified lower
quadrant signalling is not less than the sum-total of the adequate distance
prescribed in Rule 8.01 in regard to conditions for granting Line Clear and
Rule 3.40 in regard to condition for taking “off” Home signal for the admission
of train even where shunting Limit Boards or Advanced Starters have not been
provided as prescribed in sub-rule (1) of Rule 3.32.
5.03. (I) Obstruction in the face of an approaching train equipped with two aspect signals
– (G.R. 8.09) the line outside the Home signal in the direction of a train for which Line
Clear has been given shall only be obstructed when a Shunting Board or an
Advanced Starter is provided in accordance with General Rule 3.32(1) and under
special instructions which take into consideration the speed, weight and brake
power of train, the gradients, the position of the Outer signal and the distance from
which that signal can be seen by the Loco Pilot of an approaching train.
5.03 (II) Obstruction in the face of an approaching train at stations provided with
manually operated multiple-aspect or modified Lower quadrant signal – (G.R. 8.09) –
The line outside the outer most facing points in the direction of a train for which Line
Clear has been given, shall only be obstructed when a shunting board or an
Advanced Starter is provided and under special instructions which takes into
consideration the speed, weight and brake power of trains, the gradients, the
position of the first stop signal and the distance at which that signal can be seen by
the Loco Pilot of an approaching train.
5.04 (I) Obstruction within station section equipped with two aspect signals. –
(G.R.8.10) – If necessary signals are kept “on” shunting may be carried on
either –
(c) between the outermost facing points, if there are no Home signals or
Advanced Starters or Shunting Boards.
Provided that when signals have been taken “Off” for an incoming train on to
a line which is not isolated in accordance with General Rules 4.11 (I), no
shunting movement shall be carried on towards points over which the
incoming train will pass.
Note : When line clear has been given for a train, Shunting shall not be carried out
under the provisions of Rules 5.04 (a) (b) and (c) above in thick, foggy or
tempestuous weather impairing visibility.
5.04 (II) Obstruction within station section at a station equipped with manually
operated multiple aspect signals.– (G. R. 8.10(I) – If the necessary signals
are kept “on” shunting may be carried on either –
(b) between the outermost facing points, if there are no Shunting Boards or
Advanced Starters.
Provided that when signals have been taken “off” for an incoming train on to
a line which is not isolated in accordance with G. R. 4.11(I) no shunting
movement shall be carried on towards points over which the incoming train
will pass.
Note : No obstruction shall be permitted within the Station Section when line clear
has been given for a train in thick, foggy or tempestuous weather impairing
5.05. (I) Obstruction outside Station Section at a Class ‘B’ single line station equipped
with two aspect signals. (G. R. 8.11) – The line between the station section and the
outer signal shall not be obstructed unless a railway servant specially appointed in
this behalf by the Station Master is in charge of the operations, and unless –
(a) the Block section into which the shunting is to take place is clear of an
approaching train; or
(b) if an approaching train has arrived at the Outer signal, the Station
Master has personally satisfied himself that the train has been brought
to a dead stand at that signal.
Provided that the line shall not be obstructed under clause (b) in thick, foggy
or tempestuous weather impairing visibility, or in any case unless authorized by
special instructions.
5.05. (II) Obstruction outside station section at a Class “B” Single line station equipped
with manually operated multiple aspect signals (G.R. 8.12) – The line outside the
station section upto the first stop signal shall not be obstructed unless a Railway
servant specially appointed in this behalf by the Station Master is in charge of the
operations, and unless the block section into which the shunting is to take place is
clear of an approaching train.
5.06. Obstruction outside the first stop signal at a class “B” station on single line (G.R. 8.13)
– The line outside the first stop signal shall not be obstructed unless the line has been
blocked back.
If “Line Clear” has not been given for a train to approach, the station Master of the
shunting station shall telephone to the next station concerned as follows-
As soon as the Block section is cleared the shunting station shall telephone
as follows :-
(a) The station Master on duty is the sole person authorized to take a Token from
or place one in the instrument. No Token shall be taken from the instrument
unless a Private Numbers has been obtained. The Station Master is responsible
for seeing that the Token is correctly placed in the pouch before it is handed
over to a Loco Pilot.
(b) If there is any reason to suspect that the line is in contact which is indicated by
the irregular ringing of the bell, or by the irregular movement of the
Galvanometer needle, the Station Master shall immediately suspend Token
Working and introduce paper Line Clear Working advising the Divisional
Railway Manager. The Controller, Transportation Inspector (Movement) and
the Signal Inspector of the occurrence.
(c) This action shall also be taken if there is any reason for thinking that the
instrument at the other end of the block section is being worked by an
unauthorized person or that the man at the end is not working the instrument
5.09. Code of Bell Signals – The following Code of signals shall be used for single line Block
Ref. How
Indication Code How Signalled
No. Acknowledged
1. Call Attention and/or Attend 0 One stroke or One stroke or
Telephone. beat beat
(b) Stop and Examine Train. 000000-0 Six pause one Six pause one
(c) Train passed without Tail 000000-00 Six pause two Six pause two
Lamp or Tail Board.
(d) Train divided. 000000-000 Six pause three Six pause three
(e) Vehicles running away on 000000-0000 Six pause four Six pause four
the Block Section.
(f) Vehicles running away on 000000-00000 Six pause five Six pause five
right line.
5.10. Acknowledgement of Signals –
(a) Each signal received shall be acknowledged by sending the authorized beats
in acknowledgement.
(d) Should the station to which a signal is sent fails to reply, the signal shall be
repeated at intervals of not less than 20 seconds until the reply is received.
(1) “Call Attention”- This signal shall be sent and acknowledged before sending
any other signal.
The only exception to this rule, is when “Obstruction Danger” signal (six beats)
is being sent. In such cases the “Attention” signal shall not precede the
“Obstruction Danger” signal and the Station Master receiving the
“Obstruction Danger” signal shall immediately acknowledge it by an exact
(2) “Is Line Clear” or “Line Clear inquiry” – This signal is sent when permission to
withdraw a Token is required. It shall not be sent unless the “Train out of
Section” signal has been received and acknowledged for the last preceding
train. The beats describe the class of train for which Line Clear is required.
(3) Train entering Section – (a) This signal is sent when a train enters the Block
section and shall not be sent until the train has passed the last Stop Signal.
Note: In cases, where, due to any reason, there is delay in conveying the “Train
entering Section” signal by beats on block instruments or acknowledgement
thereof, the time of the train entering the section should also be repeated on
the block telephone and an entry made to this effect in the “Remarks”
column of the Train Signal Register.
(a) This signal is sent when the whole train has arrived complete and the
conditions under which Line Clear may be given, have been complied
(5) “Cancel Last Signal” or “Signal given in Error” – This signal is sent when it is
required to cancel the previous signal or when the previous signal has to be
altered. When used to cancel a “Line Clear” signal (given or received) it shall
be confirmed by the exchange of Private Numbers and a record of Private
Numbers shall be made in the Train Signal Registers at both station with a brief
statement of the reasons for cancellation.
(i) This signal is sent to the Block station in advance when anything
unusual is observed on a train passing a station such as –
(ii) Station Master and their staff shall observe the condition of vehicles
on train passing their stations. In the event of any defect or
irregularity, as referred to in subparagraph (I) above, being
detected, immediate steps shall be taken to stop the train by
showing danger signals. If the train cannot be stopped, the Station
Master shall at once send “Stop and Examine Train” signal to the
Station Master of the Block station in advance and advise him by
telephone why the signal was sent under exchange of Private
case the fouling of adjacent line/lines is considered likely, the
station Master receiving the message shall use all available means
to stop the train in question and also any train proceeding by
adjacent lines likely to be fouled. Till such time as the affected
train which was likely to foul adjacent line or lines arrives complete
at the station where the message was received, the Station
Master, at either end of the block section shall not allow any train
by such adjacent lines in either direction. When the affected train
has been stopped it shall be carefully examined and dealt with as
the occasion may require.
(iv) If after examination of the train the reason for the signal is not
apparent or there is a likelihood of a passenger having fallen down
or some goods or materials having fouled or obstructed the railway
lines, trains may be permitted to enter the section by the same or
adjacent lines after advising the Loco Pilots of the circumstances
and warning them through a Caution Order (Form T/409) to
proceed cautiously to the next Block station and to keep a sharp
look out for any possible obstruction. Issuing of Caution Order shall
be discontinued only when it has been ascertained that the
concerned block sections are free from obstructions.
(v) If however, the Station Master sending the signal notices signals of
alarm by a passenger in the passing train or goods falling off and
open wagon or any other dangerous condition likely to have
fouled or obstructed the railway line or lines of the section in rear
also he shall after taking action as per sub-paragraph (ii) above,
use all means available to stop trains, if any, proceeding in the
opposite direction towards the Block station in rear by adjacent line
and send immediately “Obstruction Danger” Signal to the Station
Master of the Block station in rear to stop trains, if any, approaching
in the same direction either by the same line or adjacent line. He
shall then advise him by telephone why the signal was sent, under
exchange of Private Numbers. Thereafter trains may be permitted
to enter the section by the same or adjacent lines after advising
the Loco Pilots of the circumstances and warning them through a
Caution Order (Form T/409) in accordance with the procedure as
mentioned in Sub-paragraph (v) above.
(c) “Train passed without Tail Lamp or Tail Board” – This signal is sent to the
station in advance should a train pass without a Tail-lamp on the last
vehicle, which shall be burning by night and the “Train out of Section”
signal shall not be sent to the block station in rear and the Token
delivered by the train shall not be inserted in the instrument but shall be
kept in the custody of the Station Mater until he has heard from the
station in advance that the train has been stopped and found to be
If the station in advance reports that the train is incomplete, the Block
section in rear shall be considered obstructed and the Station Master
shall take immediate steps to clear the section.
(d) “Train Divided” – This signal is sent if a train parts when leaving a station
or if it passes a station in two or more parts. The Station Master receiving
the “Train Divided” signal shall take off signals to admit the first portion
of the train into the station where it shall be brought to a stand. After
ascertaining the number of vehicles that have arrived on the train the
Station Master shall advise the station in rear. The “Train out of Section”
signal shall not be sent until the Station Master has satisfied himself that
no portion of the train has been left in the Block section.
(i) The Station Master receiving this signal shall keep all signals in the
“ON” position but if there is a train in the same Block section running
in front of and same direction as the runaway vehicles, the signals
shall be taken off to allow the train into the station where it should
be stopped.
(ii) The facing points shall then be reversed to protect the train
standing at the station and all possible measures taken to stop the
runaway vehicles.
(iii) If the signal is received too late to take the action mentioned
above the Station Master shall repeat the signal to the next
station towards which the runaway vehicles are proceeding.
(7) “Testing Signal” – This signal is used by the Block Maintenance staff to
ascertain whether the Block Instruments, etc. are in order and it shall be
promptly repeated by Station Master.
(a) In the case of a stopping train the “Is Line Clear” Signal shall not be sent until
the “Train Entering Section” signal has been received.
(b) In the case of a train booked to run through the “Is Line Clear” signal may be
sent before the “Train Entering Section” signal is received but not earlier than
five minutes before the train in question is booked to leave the station in rear.
(a) The Station Master is responsible for seeing that the proper Token for the
section into which a train is proceeding is given to the Loco Pilot.
(b) When an incoming Token is received, the Station Master on duty shall
examine it and satisfy himself that it is the correct Token for the particular
Block section and shall enter the number of the Token in the Train Signalling
Register before inserting it in the instrument.
(c) Under no circumstances shall a Token be handed over to the Loco Pilot unless
it has been obtained from the instrument in accordance with the rules laid
(d) The Station Master shall be responsible for seeing that every member of his
staff through whose hands Tokens may have to pass, is acquainted with the
distinguishing features of the Tokens of the adjoining sections.
(a) If, after “Line Clear” has been received and a token/tablet has been extracted,
it becomes necessary to cancel the “Line Clear”, the Token shall be replaced
in the instrument and the Operating Handle returned to its normal position in
accordance with the sequence of operations laid down for signalling trains.
(c) If a Token/tablet has to be returned to the instrument from which it has been
extracted owing to the return of the Train, as in the case of a Divisional
Material Train the Station Master shall, after having returned the Token send
the “Train out of Section” signal and then proceed to turn the Operating
Handle to its normal position in accordance with the sequence of operations
laid down for signaling trains.
When a Station Master is asked for a Private Numbers for a train but desires
precedence to be given to a more important train to proceed from his station
he shall state the fact and a record of the transaction shall be entered in the
Train Signal Registers at both stations.
(a) No train shall enter a Block section from a station where Electrical Block
ball/token/tablet Instruments are in use without a Token/tablet being in
possession of the Loco Pilot, except in the case of failure of the token/tablet
Instrument or in case of an engine or a train proceeding to assist a disabled
train in which case the Loco Pilot shall be given a written authority.
(b) The Loco Pilot shall satisfy himself that the Token/tablet handed to him applies
to the section he is about to enter. He shall keep the Token/tablet in his
possession until he reaches the end of the section when he shall make it over
in the authorized manner except in the following circumstances –
(i) When a train disabled and a portion of the train is left in the section in
charge of the Guard, the Loco Pilot before proceeding shall hand over
the Token/tablet to the Guard and obtain from him receipt for it.
(ii) When a train parting occurs and a portion of the train is left in the section,
the Loco Pilot shall not deliver the Token on arrival at the station but retain
it in his possession until he has brought-in the rear portion of his train.
(c) Whenever it may be necessary to give a Loco Pilot any special instructions
respecting the road or any other circumstances demanding caution, the
Token/tablet shall be supplemented by a Caution Order on Form T/409.
5.17. Wrong Token/Tablet delivered to Loco Pilot –
(a) The outgoing Token shall be made over to the Loco Pilot by means of a loop
at the Line Clear post. The Loco Pilot shall deliver the incoming Token by
carefully dropping the loop (with Pouch and Token) on the station platform or
in the Token net where provided. At night a torch
light shall be displayed at the Line Clear post and at the place where the
incoming Token is to be dropped.
(b) Should a Loco Pilot over carry a Token to a station beyond the section to
which it applies he shall hand it over to the Station Master on duty on arrival of
his train at that station and obtain a receipt for the same.
(a) The Loco Pilot shall deliver the loop with Pouch and Token to the station
group-D staff waiting to receive it on the platform or on that side of the line
where he can remain with safety. At night the station group-D staff shall be
provided with a lighted torch. If Loco Pilot finds that there is no station group-D
staff waiting to receive the incoming Token he shall keep it in his possession
until it is sent for.
(b) the outgoing Token shall be handed over to the Loco Pilot by a group-D staff.
(c) When a train is worked by more than one engine or two or more light engines
are coupled together, the token shall be carried by the Loco Pilot of the
leading engine.
5.20. Transferring Tokens – When a Station Master observes that Tokens are nearly
exhausted at his station he shall advise the Block Signal Inspector of the section by
message as follows –
The Block signal Inspector (supervisory) of the section shall at once arrange for the
transfer of Tokens.
(a) When removing tokens from an instrument the member of the Signalling staff
who is authorized to carry out this duty shall show the Tokens removed to the
Station Master and make the following entry in the Token Register which shall
be signed by the Station Master on duty.
No. of Tokens………………………….
Time removed ………………………….
Date ………………………….
Signature of Station Master
(b) The member of the Signalling staff shall then proceed to the next station. Show
the Tokens to the Station Master on duty before inserting them into the
instrument and make the following entry in the Token Register which shall be
signed by the Station Master –
No. of Tokens………………………….
Signature of Station Master
(c) The member of the Signalling staff shall keep a record in the Token Register of
the individual numbers of the Token transferred.
(a) When a Token/Tablet is lost or damaged or when through any defect both
instruments remain locked, the following procedure shall be carried out –
The Station Master at the station where the instrument is defective shall-
(i) after having given the intimation to the Station Master at the other end
of section and obtained his acknowledgement, immediately suspend
Token/Tablet working and introduce paper Line Clear working. On
sections where Traffic Control is in operation the Controller shall also be
(ii) record the failure and time in the Train Signal Register.
(b) The Station Master receiving advice that Token/Tablet working is suspended
shall acknowledge the message by repeating it and make a record in his Train
Signal Register.
(c) When the failure has been rectified it shall be recorded in the Train Signal
Register and the entry signed by the Station Master and the member of the
Signalling staff who rectified the failure.
(d) Token/Tablet working shall not be resumed while there is a train in the Block
(e) Before resuming Token/Tablet working the Station Master at the stations where
the instrument was defective shall intimate regarding resumption of normal
working to the Station Master at the other end of the section and obtain his
(f) After Token working has been resumed the Station Master shall -
(i) Intimate signal Inspector (Supervisory) Signal Inspector & the Signal &
Interlocking Maintainer (Electrical) of the section (Omitting the person)
who rectified the failure.
Record the time Token working was resumed in his Train Signal Register.
(g) The Station Master receiving advice that Token working has been resumed
shall acknowledge the message by repeating it and make a record in his Train
Signal Register.
(h) If a lost Token is found after a failure message has been sent, but before the
arrival of the Signalling staff and even if trains have been passed meanwhile
on Paper Line Clears, the instruments shall be restored by the Station Master
personally, who shall provided that the Block Section is clear, advise the
Station Master at the other end of the section as follows :-
“No……………..Token No……………….found. Propose to restore Token
(i) The Station Master receiving the advice shall reply as follows –
Both station Masters shall then proceed to place their instruments in the
normal position carrying out the regular sequence of operations and the
Station Master who reported the failure shall advise the Signalling staff as
follows –
and send a copy of the message by train to the Divisional Railway Manager.
(j) If a lost Token is found after the instruments have been restored by the
Signalling staff it shall be put in paper cover and kept in the station safe until it
can be put into the instrument by the Signalling Inspector to whom the
following message shall be sent.
“Token No……………………..found.”
(k) If a lost token is found at a station to which it does not belong it shall be put
into a stout cover and dispatched to the Divisional Railway Manager of the
section to which it refers.
5.22 I. Failure of Electrical Block and Electrical Speaking Instruments – In the event of
failure of the Token/Tablet instruments train shall be passed on Paper Line Clear
which may be obtained –
(a) All failures of Electrical Block and Electrical speaking Instruments or any
electrical signalling apparatus shall be reported to the following
persons by message –
(b) The Station Master shall record details of all failures in the Block Failure
Register maintained at his station.
(c) When a failure has been rectified, the Signal Inspector or his authorized
representative shall certify to that effect in the column provided in the
Block Failure Register.
5.23. (i) Should the direct telephone communication also fail all messages for
passing trains shall be transmitted through Control telephone.
(ii) The Station Master asking line clear from the Station Master at the other end of
the block section, will indicate the times of arrival at or departure from his
station of the last two trains. Similarly the Station Master, who is granting “Line
Clear”, will give to the Station Master asking permission the times of arrival at
or departure from his station of the last two preceding trains.
(iii) Thereafter line clear shall be asked and given under exchange of Private
(iv) Section Controller should ensure that the Station Master at either end shall,
before asking and granting “Line Clear” repeat the arrival and departure
timings of the last two preceding trains. He should also check correctness of
the particulars to ensure that correct stations are contacted and record on his
control chart the Private Numbers exchanged between the stations
concerned. The Station Masters concerned shall however be entirely
responsible for safety of trains.
Note : On A.C. electrified sections due to poor audibility of direct speech between
two stations on control telephone system the “Line Clear” messages shall not
be conveyed direct between the stations but will instead be exchanged
through the Controller on duty. A record of Private Numbers shall be kept by
the stations and the Controller.
(a) The exact time at which all signals are sent or received and also Private
Numbers when used shall be entered immediately after being acknowledged
in the Train Signal Register by the Station Master on duty.
(b) The entries shall be in ink and no eraser shall be made in any circumstances. If
an incorrect entry is made, a line shall be drawn lightly through it and the
correction made above it and initialed so that the original entry may be
clearly seen.
(c) The Train Signal Register is on no account to be taken out of the Block Cabin.
It shall be examined and signed daily by the Station Master. The only
exception to this rule is when an accident has occurred under which
circumstances the register may be removed for safe custody by the Station
Master or by an Inspector after a new register has been brought into use.
(d) The number of every Token extracted from and inserted into the instrument
shall be entered in the Train Signal Register.
(e) The Train Signal Register shall also be scrutinized by the Transportation
Inspector (Movement), who shall place his initials against such portions of the
register as he has examined.
(a) The Station Master who makes any entry for a train shall continue on duty until
the entries affecting that train are completed. By this it shall be understood
that the man who gives permission for the train to enter the Block Section shall
remain on duty till the train has arrived and the “Train Out of Section” signal
has been given and acknowledged. The man who receives permission for the
train to enter the Block Section shall remain on duty till the “Train Out of
Section” signal has been received and acknowledged.
(b) In the case of train working in the Block Section and in exceptional
circumstances like accidents, engine failures, OHE failures etc. where
abnormal delay of the train is apprehended, Sub-rule (a) need not be
observed, but the fact shall be recorded in the remarks column of the Train
Signal Register by the Station Master going off duty, who shall be responsible
for seeing that the entry is initialed by the Station Master coming on duty.
(c) A line shall be drawn across the Train Signal Register whenever Station Master
changes duty and the Station Master going off duty shall sign his name legibly
and enter the time above the line. The Station Master coming on duty shall
sign his name below the line.
6.01. Preliminary –
The rules in this Chapter apply at stations on the Single Line where the normal method
of passing trains is by means of Electrical Speaking Instruments and also at stations
where the Electric Block Instruments have failed.
(a) The authority to proceed shall be a Paper Line Clear Ticket, no engine or train
shall leave a station unless the Loco Pilot has in his possession a Line Clear Ticket
written on the authorized form and applicable to the Block Section which the
train is about to enter.
(i) when an engine or train enters a Block Section to assist a disabled train,
(c) When it is necessary to give a Loco Pilot any special instructions respecting
the road, or any other circumstances demanding cautious driving, the paper
Line Clear Ticket shall be supplemented by a Caution Order on Form T/409.
(a) The form in use for obtaining line clear is “Line Clear Enquiry Message
(Outward/Inward)”, T/A 1425 or T/B 1425.
(a) Conditional Line Clear Ticket for up in Form T/G 602 is a form in red font with a
water arrow mark in the middle facing upward. The Station Master will sign the
form only after mentioning the time the last train left and endorsing the Private
Numbers in support of “Line Clear”. He also shall mention the particulars of last
three trains left and particulars of three trains to follow. For Loco Pilots, as special
instruction it is mentioned there in that when following a train keep sharp look
out at speed not exceeding 25 KMPH when view ahead is clear and 10 KMPH
or less when view is impaired due to any reason.
(b) The Conditional Line Clear Ticket shall not be signed by the Station Master or
renewed from the book until the train, on the arrival of which its issue is
contingent, has arrived complete and shall only be used on sections where
Conditional Line Clear Working is authorized by approved special instructions
and during failure of telephonic or other electrically operated means of
communication and trains have to be worked according to the rules as laid
down in Chapter VII.
(c) Conditional Line Clear Ticket for Dn in Form T/H 602 is same form as described in
6.05 (a) except only water colour arrow heading downward.
In both Up and Down Line Clear Inquiry Message Forms are used for recording the
messages that pass between the two stations concerned, namely –
6.07. Messages not to be recorded in wrong way – Messages dispatched to and received
from one station shall not on any account be entered wrongly. According to the
sequences all the entries shall be made.
6.08. Cancelling Line Clear – When a “Line Clear” is cancelled, all the entries relating to it
shall be remarked “Cancelled” and the foils preserved.
6.09. Describing trains in messages. – In Inquiries for “Line Clear” and in replies to them the
train shall be distinctly described thus “No. 1 Up Mail” or “No. 101 Up Goods or No.
102 Down goods” as the case may be. A separate inquiry and reply message shall
be sent for each train and on no account shall a Line Clear message received for
one train be used for another train.
6.10. Persons authorized to obtain and give “Line Clear” – No one except the Station
Master on duty is permitted to give or ask for “Line Clear”.
(b) When a message is in reply to another, each station’s consecutive number shall
be quoted at the beginning of the message, thus –
“No……………………..Your No………………………
(c) When the message bears reference to a former message in the same direction
the number of that message shall also be quoted at the beginning, as in the
case of a Line Clear Message being cancelled, thus –
6.12. Inquiry for “Line Clear” or Line Clear Inquiry Message – This message is dispatched
from a station asking the station in advance if the line is clear for a train which is
either waiting or expected to arrive.
6.13. Procedure in sending inquiry Message – This message shall be written by the Station
Master in his Line Clear Inquiry Message (Inward/Outward) Book in space “A” and
communicated as soon as it has been written out. The time of dispatch being
entered on it together with the detail of the Last Train which passed over the section.
(a) When the Station Master on duty receives the Train Entering Section advice or is
informed that a train is approaching his station, he shall apply for Line Clear to
the next station in advance.
(b) In cases where owing to the run between stations being short there would not be
sufficient time to ask for and receive “Line Clear” under the provisions of the
foregoing paragraph without causing delay to trains, the Line Clear Inquiry
message shall be dispatched to the station in advance immediately Line Clear is
given to the station in rear.
(c) At terminal station and where trains have long halls, the Inquiry Message shall not
be sent more than 15 minutes before a train is due to leave.
6.15. Replies to Inquiries –On receiving an inquiry as to whether the Line is Clear, the
Station Master shall give a reply in accordance with the prevailing conditions and
prescribed rules.
(a) This message shall be dispatched on the departure of a train from a station
and shall be recorded in space “C” of the Line Clear Inquiry Message
(Inward/Outward) Book.
(b) The Station Master receiving the “Train Entering Section” messages shall enter it in
space “C” of the Line Clear Inquiry Message (Inward/Outward) Book.
(a) This message shall be dispatched when a train has arrived complete and the
conditions under which “Line Clear” for another train in the same direction can
be given, have been complied with. This message shall be recorded in space
“D” of T/A 1425.
(b) The Station Master receiving the TOs advice shall record it in space “D” of
T/B -1425 form.
6.18. (I) Obstruction outside the Outer signal – The line outside the outer signal shall not be
obstructed unless the line has been blocked back.
If Line Clear has not been given for a train to approach the Station Master of the
shunting station shall communicate by means of electrical speaking instruments
to the next station concerned as follows –
“I am blocking section back for shunting purpose.
Private Numbers…………………………”
The Station Master receiving this advice shall acknowledge it as follows –
“I note the section is to be blocked back for shunting purposes.
Private Numbers…………………………..”
As soon as the Block Section is cleared the shunting station shall communicate
by means of electrical speaking Instruments as follows –
“Shunting has been completed Block section is clear.
Private Numbers……………………….”
The Station Master receiving this message shall reply as follows –
“I note shunting has been completed and Block Section is clear.
Private Numbers…………………………”
6.19. Writing and signing Trains Messages –
(a) All Inquiry and Line Clear messages shall be written in black ink or using a
dot pen and signed in full by the Station Master.
(b) Every messages relating to the passage of trains shall first be written in the
Line Clear Inquiry Message Book as prescribed and then communicated
word for word. Such messages shall be written immediately before these
are required to be communicated and not in advance.
6.20. Writing signing and dating Paper Line Clear Tickets –
(a) All written matter on Paper Line Clear Tickets shall be entered with the
greatest care every word and number including the Station Master
signature being carefully and distinctly written. The date shall be clearly
written in numerals thus “9.2.79” and not thus “9th February 1979.” The name
of issuing and destination stations shall be written in full and in addition the
code initials of both the issuing station and the destination station shall be
inserted in block letters in the spaces provided for the purpose.
(b) Signing and dating the Authority to proceed – In all cases the date and time
of receipt of the Line Clear Inquiry Message shall be entered on the Paper
Line Clear Ticket and Station Master shall be careful to see that this is done
before signing the Paper Line Clear Ticket. And then it shall be handed over
to Loco Pilot.
(c) Station Masters shall be held responsible for the accuracy of the Paper Line
clear Ticket and no alteration or correction shall be permitted on a Paper
Line Clear Ticket whether initialed or not.
(d) A Paper Line Clear Ticket without the signature of the Station Master and
the date is to be treated as incomplete and shall not be accepted as an
Authority to Proceed. Loco Pilots shall satisfy themselves that the Paper Line
Clear Ticket is complete in every detail i.e. –
(i) that the date and time of receipt are noted thereon.
(ii) That it applies to his train, and
(iii) That the Private Numbers is entered both in figures and words.
In the event of any of these details being omitted or incorrectly entered
the Loco Pilot shall not proceed until the Station Master gives him a correct
Line Clear Ticket. He should, if requested by the Station Master state in what
way it is incorrect.
(e) All incorrect Paper Line Clear Ticket shall be retained by the Loco Pilot and
not surrendered by him to anyone except the Running Shed Foreman to
whom he shall report the matter. The Running Shed Foreman/Traction Loco
Controller shall in turn submit a report to the Divisional Railway Manager
enclosing the incorrect Paper Line Clear Ticket.
(f) A Paper Line Clear Ticket which is required to be cancelled in order to give
precedence to another train is not to be treated as incorrect but shall be
surrendered by the Loco Pilot/Motorman to the Station Master on request.
6.21. Private Numbers –
(a) Every Line Clear message shall be allotted a Private Numbers by the
Station Master giving “Line Clear”.
(b) The Private Numbers shall form part of the Line Clear Inquiry message and
shall be communicated as the last words in it. It shall be entered on the
Paper Line Clear Ticket both in figures and words thus – P.N. 24 – twenty-four.
(c) When Private Numbers are given by means of telephone in order to avoid
error or confusion the number should be given and acknowledged in three
different ways e.g. “Thirty six”, “Three-six” and “Chhatis”.
(d) A Private Numbers allotted to a “Line Clear” subsequently cancelled
hall not be re-allotted. A fresh number shall be given to each “Line
Clear” whether cancelled or not.
6.22. Private Numbers Sheet –
(a) The Station Master shall be provided with sheets of numbers printed in
groups of five. One sheet only shall be in use at a time for both Up and
Down trains (Main as well as Branch lines) and for all purposes for which
Private Numbers are used . Private Numbers shall be allotted in the order in
which they are printed on the sheet and each Private Numbers as it is
allotted shall be scored out by a line drawn diagonally across it, the
occasion for which is used being entered against it thus –
(b) Any numbers of a group of five which have not been allotted up to mid
night shall be scored through vertically the next days date being written at
the head of the next group of five as shown above.
6.23. The Same Private Numbers appearing consecutively. Should it occur from any cause
(such as a misprint or the changing form one group to another that a Private
Numbers is the same as the last one issued the issuing station shall cancel this number
in his sheet, and the remark “Same as Last Private Numbers” sign it and issue the next
different number. Should the message have been completed before the duplication
of numbers is discovered it shall be cancelled and entirely rewritten with a fresh and
different Private Numbers.
6.24. Custody of Private Numbers Sheet – Private Numbers sheets in stock shall be kept
under lock and key by the Station Master who shall issue one sheet at a time as
required and see that an adequate supply is always on hand. The sheet in use shall
also be kept under lock and key by the Station Master on duty, who shall be
responsible for seeing that no other person is allowed to see or have access to it and
when he goes off duty shall hand it over to his relief. Each sheet as it becomes
exhausted shall be sent in a sealed envelop to the Divisional Railway Manager.
(a) The Station Master shall be responsible for seeing that the proper Paper Line
Clear Ticket for the proper direction into which the train is proceeding is
given to the Loco Pilot.
(b) The Station Master shall be responsible for seeing that every member of his
staff through whose hands Paper Line Clear Ticket Form may have to pass is
acquainted with difference between Up and Down Paper Line Clear Ticket
Form and that they know which is the Up and which is the Down direction.
(c) When a train stops at a station the Paper Line Clear Ticket shall be handed
to the Loco Pilot by one of the Group-D staff appointed by the Station
Master to do so where conditional Line Clear working is authorized. If a train
is detained to cross another train the Station Master shall not issue the Paper
Line Clear Ticket until the whole of the other train has arrived clear of the
points and particulars of its arrival have been entered on the Paper Line
Clear Ticket.
(d) In the case of a non-stopping train, the Paper Line Clear Ticket Form shall
be delivered to the Loco Pilot at the outermost facing points by means of a
Loop. At night a lighted torch shall be displayed, so that the Loop can be
seen by the Loco Pilot.
(a) The Loco Pilot shall hand over all Paper Line Clear Ticket Forms to the
Running Shed Foreman at the end of the run.
(b) The Running Shed Foreman shall in turn send them to the Divisional Railway
Manager’s Office where they shall be checked before being destroyed.
6.27. Disposal of used Paper Line Clear Ticket Books – Used Paper Line Clear Ticket Books
shall be retained at stations intact for six months and then be disposed of in
accordance with instructions issued from time to time.
7.01. Rules for Working of Trains on the Single Line in the event of Total Interruption of
Communications. – The following procedure shall be adopted for train passing in the
event of total interruption of communications occurring between two block stations
i.e. when “Line Clear” cannot be obtained by one of the following means stated in
order of preference viz.
(d) Fixed Telephones such as Railway Auto Phones, BSNL Phones under
Special instructions. (i.e. “Line Clear” shall be obtained with
identification number separately for each train as detailed in Appendix
– “A” of BWM.
(f) V.H.F. sets under special instructions, but not as sole means of
communication on sections where Passenger trains run.
The use of VHF sets for prolonged duration will be permitted only in
presence of supervisory staff in terms of the following instructions –
ii. In case the failure is not rectified within three hours, the Sectional TI or
any other nearby supervisory Station Master should go to the station for
assisting the staff there and to ensure that all rules are meticulously
adhered to and appropriate authority for each and every train issued,
taking care that there are no mistake.
iii. In such incidents, Section Controller should also ensure that no crossing
or precedence is arranged at a station where such failure is continuing.
iv. Similar precaution to b taken during introduction of single line working
in double line sections.
v. In case of failure of block instruments in double line section, similar
action should be taken for rectifying the failure in three hours. Section
Controller should not allow precedence at such stations till the
instruments are put right.
vi. Further, in case the senior supervisors mentioned above do not reach
station where such failure occurred within the stipulated period and if
there is mishap, they should be held equally responsible for the same.
(C) VHF sets can, however, be used as the only means of communication,
under separate special instruction, for specific sidings / sections where
only freight trains are running.
(E) Further, wherever Global System of Mobile Radio has been / is being
provided, the use of VHF sets for the purpose of line clear should not be
7.02. The Station Master who has a train to despatch through the affected block section
shall open communications by establishing contact with the Station Master of the
block station at the other end of the affected block section by sending an engine or
self propelled vehicle or any other vehicle, enumerated below, in the order of
preference laid down.
7.03. Before the light engine / train engine / Motor Trolly / Tower wagon / Trolly / Cycle
Trolly / Moped trolly / Diesel car / Rail motor car / EMU / MEMU / DMU rake is sent into
the affected block section to open communications, the Loco
Pilot/Motorman/Guard/Station Master being sent to do so shall be advised by the
Station Master on duty of the circumstances in which and the purpose for which he is
being sent. The Station Master on duty shall also satisfy himself that the Loco
Pilot/Motorman/Guard/Station Master being sent to open communications,
thoroughly understands the rules for working of trains during total failure of
communications on the single line. If the Loco Pilot/Motorman/Guard/Station Master
who is being sent to open communications, is not conversant with the Rules for
working of trains during total failure of communications on single line, the Station
Master on duty shall explain these rules to such staff. The Station Master on duty shall
also obtain the signature of the Loco Pilot/Motorman/Guard/Station Master on
Authority for Opening of Communication during Total Interruption of Communication
on Single Line Section (Form T/B 602) in token of such staff having fully understood the
circumstances in which and the purpose for which he is being sent and the Rules for
Working of Trains during total failure of communications on single line.
(a) A Caution Order, specifying the speed upto which the engine or self
propelled vehicle or other vehicle referred to in para 2 may run to the
affected block section.
(b) An Authority to pass the last stop signal in the “On” position in case
there is a last Stop Signal at the station.
(c) A Line Clear Enquiry message addressed to the Station Master of the
block station at the other end of the affected block section asking for
“Line Clear” for the train waiting to be despatched to his station.
(d) A conditional “Line Clear” message to the Station Master of the block
station at the other end of the affected block section permitting him-
(e) To return the Light Engine/Train Engine, either light or attached to a train
waiting to be despatched from his station, or attached with another
engine; or
(f) To return Tower Wagon/Diesel Car/Rail Motor Car/EMU Rake running by
itself; or
(g) To return Motor Trolly/Cycle Trolly/Moped Trolly either running by itself or
loaded in a train waiting to be despatched from this station.
7.04. (2) The Line Clear Enquiry message asking Line Clear for the trains to be despatched
through the affected block section, and the Conditional Line Clear message for
the return journey or the engine or self propelled vehicle or other vehicle referred
to in para 2, as the case may be, shall be written out on Form T/B 602.
N.B. : The particulars of engine either running light or attached to a train or attached
to another engine/Tower Wagon/Diesel Car/Rail Motor Car/EMU Rake/Motor
Trolly or Trolly or Cycle Trolly or Moped Trolley running by itself or loaded in a train,
as may be applicable, shall be correctly filled in while preparing the message.
7.04. (4) In case a light engine or an engine and brake van is to be despatched to
proceed to the next block station and then continue its journey onward after
arrival at the next station and is not meant for opening communications, the
Loco Pilot of engine or the engine and brake van, shall be given with the
“Authority for opening communication during total interruption of
communication” and the items “Line Clear Enquiry Message and Conditional
Line Clear Message” shall be striked out in form. Such engines or engine and
brake van shall be issued only the “Authority to Proceed Without Line Clear”, the
Caution Order and the Authority to Pass the Last Stop Signal in the ‘On’ position,
referred to in para 4.1 (i), (ii) and (iii) where necessary. Should it be necessary to
dispatch another light engine or another engine and brake van in the same
direction, an interval of at least 30 minutes shall be allowed to elapse before it is
7.04. (5) The Last Stop Signal shall not be taken ‘OFF’, while permitting an engine or self
propelled vehicle or other vehicle to proceed to the next station on “Authority
for opening communication during total interruption of communication on single
line section”.
7.05. After an engine or self propelled vehicle or other vehicle is despatched to the
next station to open communications with Line Clear Enquiry Message and a
Conditional Line Clear Message to the next station for the return journey of the
engine or self propelled vehicle or other vehicle no other train or engine or self
propelled vehicle or other vehicle shall be allowed to leave the station and
proceed in the same direction until the engine or self propelled vehicle or other
vehicle sent to open communications returns. This does not, however, prevent
and engineering officials going into the section on his push trolley for his work on
section on which push trolleys do not run on Line Clear.
7.06. (a) The engine or self propelled vehicle or other vehicle proceeding on “Authority for
opening communication during total interruption of communication on single
line section” shall switch on the Flasher light wherever provided and shall
proceed at a speed not exceeding 15 kilometres per hour by day and when the
view is clear and 10 kilometres per hour during night or when the view is
obstructed, making free use of engine whistle or horn of the self propelled
vehicle, where provided. In thick, foggy or tempestuous weather or in dust storm
etc. when visibility is impaired, the engine or self propelled vehicle or other
vehicle proceeding on “Authority to Proceed Without Line Clear” shall proceed
at walking pace only making repeated use of the engine whistle or horn of self
propelled vehicle, where provided, preceded at an adequate distance by two
men on foot, one displaying a red light and the other carrying fog signals ready
for immediate use. Normally one of these men will be provided by the Station
Master from his Group-D staff and the other from the crew of the engine or the
person whose Motor Trolly/Trolly/Cycle Trolly/Moped Trolly is being used. In case
of single manned self propelled vehicle, both these men shall be provided by the
Station Master. The Station Master on duty shall explain to both of them their
duties, in the presence of the Loco Pilot / Motorman / Guard / Station Master
incharge of the self propelled vehicle or other vehicle being sent to the next
station and satisfy himself that they understand the same.
(b) Both by day and night a tunnel must not be entered until the Loco
Pilot/Motorman/Guard/Station Master has ascertained that it is clear. should
there be any doubt on this point, the engine or other vehicle etc. should be
piloted by a railway servant equipped with hand signal and detonators. Before
entering the tunnel the head lights, side and tail lights and other lights (where
provided) shall also be lit.
(c) No obstruction on the line beyond the outermost facing points shall be
allowed until the return of the engine/Tower Wagon/Diesel Car/Rail Motor
Car/EMU Rake/Motor Trolly/Cycle Trolly/ Moped Trolly.
7.08. On sighting the station to which the engine/self propelled vehicle/other vehicle
running by itself or with another similar unit coupled together or separately, to which
it is/they are proceeding, the leading engine/self propelled vehicle/other vehicle
shall stop out side (i.e. in rear of) the first Stop signal of the station. The engine or self
propelled vehicle or other vehicle following the leading engine/self propelled
vehicle/other vehicle, shall stop at a safe distance behind the leading engine/self
propelled vehicle/other vehicle. The Station Master shall be advised of the stoppage
out side the first stop signal either by using the engine whistle/horn of the self
propelled vehicle, if provided, or by sending a man if necessary. They shall not enter
the station till permitted by the Station Master to do so either by taking ‘Off’ the
relevant signals or otherwise.
7.09. When the engine or engines/self propelled vehicle or self propelled vehicles/other
vehicle or vehicles have been admitted into the station, the “Authority for opening
communication during total interruption of communication on single line section” T/B
602 with the Line Clear Enquiry Message and the Conditional Line Clear Message
giving the Line Clear for the return journey shall be delivered to the Station Master on
duty who shall keep this document in his safe custody and also post the Line Clear
Enquiry Message and the Conditional Line Clear Message in his Line Clear Books. On
the Authority of the Conditional Line Clear Message for the return journey the Station
Master on duty shall make out a Conditional Line clear Ticket T/G 602 (UP) or T/H 602
(DN) and hand over it to the Loco Pilot/Motorman/Guard/Station Master to return to
the block station from where he came with his engine (either light or attached to a
train or another engine or a self propelled vehicle if one is waiting to proceed in that
direction)/self propelled vehicle/other vehicles.
7.10. In case of the engine or self propelled vehicle or other vehicle returning to the station
from which he was sent without reaching the next station the “Authority for opening
communication during total interruption of communication on single line section”
shall be taken back by the Station Master on duty of the station from which this was
issued and cancelled. The original entries shall also be cancelled.
7.11. Station Master on duty before dispatching the engine either light or attached to a
train/self propelled vehicle/other vehicle, on the return journey shall hand over to the
Loco Pilot/Motorman/Guard/Station Master, ‘Conditional Line Clear Reply Message’
for the ‘Line Clear Enquiry Message’, giving Line Clear for the train waiting at the
other station, thereby authorizing the Station Master at that station to start the train
waiting there on complete arrival of the engine, either light or attached to a
train/self propelled vehicle/other vehicle at his end.
7.12. The Conditional Line Clear Reply Message in Form T/F 602 shall be worded as follows:-
Message No ………………………
Your Message No ……………………… on arrival of * Train Engine with/without
train/self propelled vehicle/other vehicle No ……………………… at yours line
will be clear and kept clear for following train/s -: ………………………
(i) Train No ……… Private No. (in words) ………..(in figures) ………..
(ii) Train No ……… Private No. (in words) ………..(in figures) ………..
(iii) Train No ……… Private No. (in words) ………..(in figures) ………..
(iv) Train No ……… Private No. (in words) ………..(in figures) ………..
* Strike out whichever is not applicable.
7.13. On the return journey, engine either light or attached to a Train/Diesel Car/Rail Motor
Car/EMU Rake/Train loaded with Motor Trolly/Push Trolly/Cycle Trolly/Moped Trolly
may run at booked speed observing speed limits in the Working Time Table and other
relevant rules. The Motor Trolly/Push Trolly/Cycle Trolly/Moped Trolly returning by itself
may run at their normal speed observing the rules governing their running on Line
7.14. On reaching the station, the engine either light or attached to a train/Self-propelled
vehicle/other vehicle shall again stop outside (i.e. in rear of) the first Stop Signal of
the station and thereafter be guided by the instructions from the Station Master, who
may arrange to receive it by taking ‘Off’ the relevant signals or otherwise.
7.15. On arrival at the station the “Conditional Line Clear Reply Message” shall be handed
over to the Station Master who shall record in the Line Clear Message Book and on its
authority issue a Conditional Line Clear Ticket for the waiting train.
7.16. If there be an even flow of trains in both directions, Enquiry and Conditional Line
Clear Messages for each succeeding train may be sent through the Guard of the
preceding train.
7.17. The arrival and departure time of all trains, engines, trollies etc. which are passed
under the above rules must be carefully recorded in the Line Clear Enquiry and Reply
Books, and also in the counterfoil of the “Authority to Proceed Without Line Clear”
and in the Train Signal Register.
7.18. If the Station Master at one end of the interrupted section has more than one train to
dispatch in the same direction before another train is normally expected from the
opposite direction, he shall, in such cases, send the available engine of a train to
obtain “Line Clear” not only for that train but also for the following trains which may
be waiting or expected at his station. In the Line Clear Enquiry Message, it shall be
stated that these latter trains will be despatched after the first train at intervals of 30
minutes. After the Loco Pilot returns with the Line Clear for the required number of
trains to the station at which he had left the train, the Station Master shall dispatch
the first train on the authority of the Line Clear for the trains and shall also endorse on
that Line Clear that a particular train (giving its number and description in full) shall
follow at a specified interval. The Station Master shall give similar information to the
Guard also in writing. The Loco Pilots of the second and subsequent following trains
shall be given a caution order restricting the speed to 25 kilometres per hour over the
straight line when the view ahead is clear and to 10 kilometres per hour when
approaching or passing any portion of the line where the view ahead is not clear
due to curve, obstruction, rain, fog or any other cause.
When dispatching the second and subsequent trains, the particulars of the last
preceding train along with its time of departure will be endorsed on the Line Clear as
also the particulars of the train which would follow. The Line Clear for the last train of
the series should be endorsed with the particulars of the proceeding train together
with its time of departure.
While adopting this procedure, the Guard and the Loco Pilot should be instructed to
keep a sharp look out and be prepared to stop short of any obstruction.
7.19. When a train is stopped in the block section the Guard shall immediately exhibit a
hand danger signal towards the rear and check up that the tail board/ lamp or the
tail light is correctly exhibited. If the stoppage is on account of accident, failure
obstructions or other exceptional cause and the train cannot proceed, the Loco
Pilot shall sound the prescribed code of whistle to apprise the Guard of the fact,
where upon the Guard shall protect the train by placing one detonator at 250
metres from the train on the way out and 2 detonators, 10 metres apart, at 500
metres from the train, irrespective of the gauge, When a train is detained outside
signals and if the detention exceeds or is likely to exceed 10 minutes it shall also be
protected accordingly. In the absence of the Guard the duty of protecting the train
shall devolve on the Loco Pilot.
7.20. When trains follow one another no train shall be backed. In exceptional
circumstances when it may be unavoidable to back a train, the train shall be
backed only after providing protection by placing one detonator at 250 metres and
two detonators, 10 metres apart, at 500 metres from the point up to which the train is
to be backed.
7.21. Trains must continue to work on this system until anyone of the means of
communications, mentioned in rule (1) is restored by the competent authority.
7.22. As soon as anyone of the means of communications has been restored, the Station
Master must send a message to the Station Master at the other end of the section on
the form T/I 602 ;
Date_________Time________ hours_______minutes
On receipt of the above message, the Station Master at the other end of the section
must acknowledge in the following form :-
Message No.___________. Your Message No.___________. Understand that train (Number and
description)______________ which was the last train to leave my station has arrived complete
at station at__________ hours_______minutes/not arrived. Conditional Line Clear Working of
trains is being/will be cancelled immediately after
the complete arrival of train number_____________. Line Clear for the next train will be
obtained by means of_________________________________________.
7.23. Line Clear shall not be obtained or given by means of communication restored, until
both the Station Masters are satisfied that all trains and engines etc. despatched
from their stations have arrived complete at the other station. Even if the
communication is restored immediately after the departure of the light engine/self
propelled vehicle/any other vehicle referred to in rule 2, sent under “Authority for
opening communication during total interruption of communication on single line
section” normal working should not be resumed until the light engine/self propelled
vehicle/any other vehicle reaches the next station and both the Station Masters are
satisfied under exchange of Private Numbers that no light engine/self propelled
vehicle/any other vehicle is on the section. Thereafter an intimation about this shall
be given to Section Controller also on controlled sections, if communication with
Section Controller has also got restored and normal working resumed. If, however,
communication with Section Controller has not got restored along with restoration of
communication between two stations, the Section Controller shall be advised of the
position immediately on restoration of communication with him.
7.24. On the section where total interruption of communication occurs, the Transportation
Inspector of the section, must scrutinize the train passing records of the station and
submit his report to the Divisional Railway Manager within 7 days of the resumption of
8.01. The following are the Rules for working of trains on the single line by means of
Tokenless Block Instrument approved as a means of granting or obtaining Line Clear
(GR 14.01)
Preliminary :-
(i) The Object of the Train passing system by Electric Tokenless Instrument is to
eliminate the delay in the exchange of token balls through the Token
Instrument and to ensure movement of only one train at time in the Block
(ii) Station, where tokenless train passing system is in operation are furnished
with two instruments one for each adjoining section. Telephone
communication is provided with each Instrument.99
(iv) Passing of trains on this system does not in any way dispense with the use of
fixed, Hand or Fog signals, whenever and wherever such signals may be
required, to protect trains from obstructions on the line, not does it change
in any way the rules in force in regard to such signals. Provisions of chapter III
of the G & SR Book shall apply fully.
(v) Loco Pilots must act strictly in accordance with the General Rules, subsidiary
Rules and any other regulations for the time being in force for the
observance of signals.
(vi) Trains will be started on the Guard’s signal after the correct departure signals
have been taken “OFF” or after the Station Master’s permission has been
(vii) Rules (v) above applies also to guards with such variations as follow from the
different nature of their duties.
8.03. Arrangement of Instrument –
(1) Two Instruments will be used as a pair to cover a Block Section being connected
by two line wires. For example, if A and B are two Block Station either end of the
Block Section, one instrument will be at Station A and the other at Station B.
Telephonic Communication is provided in conjunction with the Block Instrument.
(2) The Block Instruments may be provided at the Station Building or in the cabin at
either end of the Block Section and be operated by Station Master or
Cabinmaster. Accordingly, in regard to operation at the Block Instrument, the use
of word “SM” hereinafter means SM or Cabinmaster as the case may be, except
where otherwise specified.
Part - A
8.04. Description of Instruments – The sketches below illustrate the Daido’s/Kyoson’s type
of instruments. The description of their components and the working thereof are as
under –
Diagram showing the Instruments
(a) The Operating Handle – This has three position as under (A pointer is engraved
on the handle to indicate to which of the positions that handle has been
(i) “Line Closed” (or “N”) is the normal position with the handle vertical and
the arrow pointing upwards. This position indicates that no “Line Clear” has
been given or received on the instrument for a train to enter the block
(ii) The “Train Coming From” (or “R”) is the position with the handle horizontal
and the arrow pointing to the right and indicates that “Line Clear” has
been given to the station at the other end of the block section for a train to
enter the block section and approach the station from that end.
(iii) The “Train Going To” (or “L”) is the position with the handle horizontal and
the arrow pointing to the left and indicates that “Line Clear” has been
received from the station at the other end of the block section for a train to
be despatched into the block section towards the station at the other end.
Note: The operating handle is normally locked in the vertical or Line closed position
It is released to be turned to the “Train Coming From” or “Train Going To”
position when such release is electrically permitted by the Station Master at
the other end of the block section. The handle when turned to either of the
positions (TGT or TCF) will remain locked in that position until its release is
again electrically permitted by the station at the other end.
(b) Bell Plunger – The bell plunger or push button (PBI) when pressed rings the bell of
the corresponding block instrument at the other end of the block section. It shall
only be employed for signalling trains by means of the prescribed code of bell
signals. Each time the bell plunger is pressed the bell of the corresponding block
instrument at the other station will give one beat.
N.B. : The use of the bell plunger is also necessary for enabling the release of operating
handle of the instrument of the station at the other end. For this purpose the bell
plunger has to be operated or kept pressed along with push button (PB2).
(c) Push Button (PB2) – The operation of push button (PB2) shall always be made
after the bell plunger (PBI) has been operated and kept pressed. Keeping (PBI)
and (PB2) jointly pressed in this manner will release the operating handle of the
instrument at the other end and enable it to be turned to the “Train Going To” or
“Train Coming From” position or from any of these positions to the “Line Closed”
(d) A Block Bell – The block bell responds to signals given through the pressing of the
relevant bell plunger by the stations at the other end of the block sections and
serves to convey information through the prescribed Code of bell signals.
(e) A Cancellation switch (S1) with Veeder Counter – This is a switch attached to a
number counter and is required to be operated for cancellation of “Line Clear”
by the Despatching Station before the Train enters the Block Section. The
number counter attached to switch (SI) registers the next higher number for
each operation of switch (SI)
(f) A switch (S2) with Veeder Counter – This is a switch attached to a number
counter and is required to be operated by the Despatching Station for closing
the Block Section after the train returns back to the desptching station from the
Block Section and is received under proper Reception Signal. The number
counter attached to switch (S2) registers the next higher number for each
operation of switch (S2).
(g) The Station Master’s Key (“SM”) – This key when not in use in the instrument shall
always remain in the possession of the person in charge of block working. The
key when taken out of the instrument makes the instrument inoperative and thus
prevents unauthorized manipulation of the Instrument when the person in
charge of block working leaves the office or cabin. The bell code signals sent by
the Station at the other end will however be audible and the Telephone may be
used for communication.
(h) An occupation Key (“OCC”) – This key when handed over to the Loco Pilot
authorizes him to shunt beyond the advanced Starter up to the point for which
shunting order has been given to him. The key can be taken out or put in only
when the Operating Handle is in the “LINE CLOSED” position “N” and S.M’s key
inserted. The removal of the “OCC Key” locks the Operating Handle in the “LINE
CLOSED” position. The SM’s key can be taken out after removal of “OCC Key”
but has to be inserted back before the “OCC Key” is replaced in the instrument.
(i) A Buzzer (BZ1) – The Buzzer (BZ1) provides audible indication at both Stations
when the train enters the Block Section and stops only when the Receiving
Station acknowledges the “Train Entering Section” signal.
(j) A Buzzer (BZ2) – The Buzzer (BZ2) provides audible indication at the Receiving
Station when the whole of the Train passes within the Home signal and it stops
either when the S.M’s Home Signal Control Slide and Home signal lever is put
back to normal or the Operating Handle is turned back from the “TRAIN
COMING FROM” position (R) to “LINE CLOSED” position (N).
(k) Train on Line Indicator (TOLK) – This is a visual indication at both stations in
addition to audible indication and automatically appears when the train enters
the Block Section. This indication disappears in the process of turning Operating
Handle from (L) to (N) or (R) to (N)
(l) Time Release Indicator (TERK) – This visual indication appears at the Despatching
Station after a predetermined time to 2 to 3 minutes, when the cancellation
switch (SI) is operated for cancelling “Line Clear”.
of the section. This indicates the flow of current whenever the push button (PBI) is
(n) Telephone – The Telephone is provided for communication between the two
stations. The normal means of communication on the Telephone will be
established by lifting the hand set preceded by “Call Attention” signal having
been given previously.
Note : The description and function of other Types of Tokenless Block Instruments
are practically same.
8.05. Method of Signalling Trains from Block Station to Block Station with Daido’s/Kyosan’s
Tokenless Block Instruments – In the case of each train, after “Call Attention” Signal
has been sent before any other operation on Tokenless Block Instrument is made, the
names of Stations working together shall be exchanged on the telephone, one with
the other, as an assurance that the correct stations are in communication.
Taking two adjacent stations X and Y and supposing that a train is to proceed from X
to Y Block Section being clear, the Operating Handles of the Tokenless Block
Instruments and all concerned signals and signals lever at both stations are normal,
the following is the sequence of operation for signalling the train –
Station X Station Y
Button (PB2) conjointly with (PBI) until
the station X operates his Handle.
15. On the last beat of X’s “Is Line Clear”
signal, turn the operating handle of his
Instrument to “TRAIN COMING FROM”
position (R) and acknowledges the “Is
Line Clear” signal to X keeping the Bell
Plunger or Push Button (PB1) pressed on
the last beat and also presses Push
Button (PB2) conjointly with (PB1) until
the station X operates his Handle.
16. Turns the Operating Handle to the
“TRAIN GOING TO” position (L) on the
receipt of the last beat of Y’s
acknowledgement signal and
acknowledges line clear by giving
“Call Attention” Signal (one beat).
17. (a) Takes “OFF” the last stop signal.
(b) Train enters Block section.
(c) Last Stop signal returns to ‘ON’
(d) “Train on Line” indication
appears automatically and
Buzzer (BZ1), starts operating.
(e) Replaces Last Stop Signal lever.
18. “Train On Line” Indication appears
automatically and Buzzer (BZ1) starts
19. Sends “Call Attention” Signal to Y.
20. Acknowledges “Call Attention” signal to
21. Sends “Train Entering Section” signal
to Y.
22. Acknowledges “Train Entering Section”
signal to X and keeps (PB1) pressed on
the last beat till Buzzer (BZ1) stops.
(e) Puts back levers of reception
signals to normal position.
(f) Buzzer (BZ2) stops when SM’s
Home slide or Home Signal
lever is put back to normal if the
Instrument remains in SM’s office but
will continue to ring when the same
is in cabin.
25. Sends “Call Attention” signal to X.
26. Acknowledges “Call Attention”
signal to Y.
27. Sends “Train Out of Section” signal to X
keeping Bell Plunger of Push Button
(PB1) pressed on the last beat and also
presses Push Button (PBI) conjointly with
(PB2) until the station X operates the
28. On the last beat of Y’s “Train Out of
Section” signal turns the operating
Handle of his instrument to “LINE
CLOSED” position (N) and
acknowledges “Train Out of Section”
signal to Y, keeping Bell Plunger or
Push Button (PB1) pressed on the last
beat and presses Push Button (PB2)
conjointly with (PB1) until Station Y
operates his handle.
29. Buzzer (BZ2) stops when the instrument
is fitted in Cabin.
Note – Same procedure is repeated when sending a train from station Y to station X.
8.06. Cancelling “Line Clear” – How to cancel a “Line Clear” before train enters the Block
section? Before proceeding to cancel the “Line Clear” obtained the Station Master
at the Station at which the Operating handle of the Instrument is in “TRAIN GOING
TO” position (L) shall personally ensure that the last stop signal has been properly put
back to ‘ON’ position and the Station Master’s slide for the last stop signal
concerned is put back to normal and that they remain so until the cancellation
procedure is completed.
Station X Station Y
3. (a) Turns cancellation switch (S1) from
normal to cancellation position.
(b) Veeder counter registers next higher
number. This is duly recorded in Train
Signal Register.
(c) Wait for 2 minutes.
(d) Time Release indicator operates.
4. Sends “Call Attention” signal to Y.
5. Acknowledges “Call Attention” signal to X.
6. Sends “Train Out of Section” signal to Y
keeping Bell Plunger or Push Button (PB1)
pressed on the last beat and also
presses Push Button (PB2) conjointly with
(PB1) until the Station Y operates the
7. On the last beat of X’s “Train Out of
Section” Signal turns the Operating Handle
of his instrument to “LINE CLOSED” position
(N) and acknowledges “Train Out of
Section” Signal to X keeping Bell Plunger or
Push Button and also presses (PB2)
conjointly with (PB1) until the station X
operates his Handle.
8. Restores cancellation switch (S1) to
normal and turns the Operating Handle
To “LINE CLOSED” position (N) on
Receipt of the last beat of Y’s
acknowledgement signal.
8.07. Normalizing of Tokenless Block Instrument after the Train returns back to the
Despatching Station from the Block Section and is received under proper reception
Signals –
Station X Station Y
(c) Takes ‘OFF’ the Reception signals.
8.08. Shunting between last Stop Signal and Opposing First Stop Signal –
Station X Station Y
3. Inserts S. M.’s Key and turns.
8.09. Additional Equipments provided at the Block station at which tokenless Instruments
are located
(I) The Last Stop Signal lever is locked on the normal or ‘ON’ position by
means of an Electric Lever Lock, in addition to Electric Signal Reverser
fitted on the Signal for the automatic replacement to ‘ON’ position after
the train has operated the track circuit of 2 rail length slightly ahead of the
Last Stop Signal and the signal cannot be taken ‘OFF’ until the Operating
Handle has been turned to “TRAIN GOING TO” position (L).
(II) The lever is free in the reverse or “OFF” position and the signal can be put
back to “ON” and taken “OFF” again at any time so long the train has not
operated the Track Circuit ahead of the Last Stop Signal.
(III) Once the Last Stop Signal is replaced to “ON” position by the operating of
Track Circuits ahead of the Last Stop Signal, by the passage of a train
neither the signal can be taken “OFF” again on the same “Line Clear” nor
the Last Stop signal lever can be pulled from normal to reverse position
until the train has cleared the Block Section and the Instrument has been
put back to “LINE CLOSED” position (N) and again turned to “TRAIN
GOING TO” position (L).
(II) Operation of switch (S2) is essential for taken off the reception signals
with Operating Handle in “TRAIN GOING TO” position and closing the line
when a train returns back to the despatching station.
(III) The Reception Signals, however, may be taken off (provided it has not
failed due to some other reason), in case the Tokenless Block Instrument
has failed or is locked either in the “NORMAL” or “TRAIN COMING FROM”
Where, however, for any reason staff are not sent for Refresher Course within
the period of 3 years, the validity of the Competency Certificate issued by the
Principal, Zonal Training Centre may be extended locally for a period of one
year only after jointly re-examining the staff by TI(M) / Station Manager and
Section Engineer (Signal) concerned. After extension of the validity has been
certified by the TI(M) / Station Manager and Section Engineer (Signal) it shall
be countersigned by the Sr. Divisional Safety Officer / Divisional Safety Officer
or an Asstt. Operations Manager duly authorized on his behalf. Refresher
course must be made mandatory and any staff overdue refresher course
must not be permitted to perform duty i.e. when any staff becomes overdue
for Refresher Training should be taken off duty until such time as he completes
the training. (Board’s letter No. 2000/Safety(A&R)/19/40 dt. 19-12-2000)
ii) The TI(M) / Station Manager and Section Engineer (Signal) must also have
valid competency certificate from Sr. DSTE / DSTE / Principal, Zonal Training
Centre for Block competency for the purpose of discharging their duty under
Rule 1.14(i).
8.11. The Tokenless Instruments and bells must be used exclusively for the purpose shown in
these regulations. They must only be used by the Station Master on duty, except
where otherwise ordered. For Bell Codes, see GR 14.05.
8.12. The Station Master on duty will be responsible to see that no unauthorized person
manipulates the Tokenless Instruments.
8.13. Working of Motor Trollies and Material Trollies – When any of these trollies has to run
into the Block section the Station Master of the station from which the trolly has to
leave, will advise the Station Master at the other end by a message and obtain his
acknowledgment supported by a Private Numbers. Copies of these messages will be
made over to the trolly holder as his authority to proceed into the block section. On
arrival at the other end the trolly holder will deliver the copies of the messages to the
Station Master and will give an endorsement on the copies of the message carried
by him that the trolly has arrived complete and signed with date and time in the
message. The copies of these messages must be retained by the Station Master at
the receiving end and pasted in the Station diary. “Out” and “IN” reports of the trolly
will also be given by separate messages by the Station Masters concerned. The trolly
holder will also be given a Form T/369(3b) at the station from which the trolly is
leaving as the last stop signal of the station cannot be taken off. At the receiving
station the trolly will be admitted with a Pilot Memo as the Reception Signals cannot
be taken off.
Records must be maintained in the train signal register books at both the stations in
red ink recording the time “Line Clear” was asked for and the time received with
Private Numbers and also the time the trolly left and arrived at the other end.
To cancel line clear for Motor/Material trollies messages will be exchanged between
the Station Masters and records maintained in the Train Registers in red ink. Private
Numbers will be exchanged with the exchange of messages.
8.14. Working of Ballast and Material Trains – If a Ballast or Material train is required to
come back to the station from where it started, the “Line Clear” will be obtained
according to the procedure detailed above. The train will be despatched on signals
as usual when the TOL indication will appear.
When the train returns the reception signals will be taken off using cancellation
switch (S2) and the procedure for closing the line will be as for normalizing of block
instrument when train returns to the despatching block station.
8.15. Failure of Tokenless Instruments – The Tokenless instruments must be suspended in the
following circumstances. In case of failure under paragraph 1 below the Block
Maintainer of the section who is authorized to attend to the same should be called.
In the case of failures under Paragraph II below, the working of the Block Instrument
must not be resumed until the instruments have been examined by a person holding
the special permit.
Paragraph I.
(a) If code signals on the Bell are not received distinctly or fail altogether.
(c) If the last stop signal fails to go to “ON” position as the train passes the signal.
(d) If the Block Instrument or its battery counter is found unlocked or the seal is found
broken in the absence of an authorized representative of the Signal Branch.
(e) If the last vehicle or track circuit fails to operate after the passage of the train
and the Home Signal is thrown back to normal.
(f) If the TOL indication fails to appear on the instrument after the train has entered
the Block Section ahead.
(g) If the station cannot take off the last Stop Signal after Line Clear has been
obtained from the station ahead i.e. when the Last Stop Signal is out of order or
Paragraph II. –
(b) If a train arrives at a station without “Line Clear” having been given for it. In this
case the irregularity must be reported as accident unless the Loco Pilot has
come under conditions of total interruption under the stipulated procedure.
(c) If the last stop signal can be taken off without line clear having been obtained.
(d) If at the receiving station the Train arrival (audible) indication appears when a
train is in the Block Section.
(e) If the “Line Clear” cannot be properly cancelled although the proper
manipulation has been done.
(f) If there is reason to believe that there is contact between the Block and any
other circuit.
Note : Before initiating operation of the operating handle of the Tokenless Block Instrument
to any desired position the Station Master /Cabinmaster must ensure that all the
relevant Station Master Control slide/Signal Levers as well as the arm of Last Stop
Signal corresponding to the line on which the movement is intended, have been
placed to normal/on position. Failure to comply will render the Tokenless Block
Instrument inoperative.
8.16. (a) When the communication on telephone fails or through any defect both the
Block Instruments remain locked or the instruments cannot be made to work
according to the method described in Rule II the following procedure shall be
carried out.
(i) After having advised the Station Master at the other end of the section by
phone or over the control phone where provided and obtained
his acknowledgement Tokenless Block working will be suspended and
paper line clear working introduced.
(ii) the failure and time will be recorded in the Train Signal Register.
(iii) The S.I.M.(E), SSE/JE (S6T) & TI(M) of the section concerned and ASTE,
DSTE, Sr.DSO/DSO of the Division will be advised by message as follows.
(b) The Station Master receiving advice that Tokenless block working is suspended
shall acknowledge the message by repeating it and making a record in the
Train Signal Register.
(c) When the failure has been rectified, it shall be recorded in the Train Signal
Register and the entry signed jointly by the Station Master and the member of
Block Signalling staff who rectified the failure.
(d) Tokenless working must not be resumed while there is a train in the Block
(e) Before resuming Tokenless working the Station Master at the station where the
instrument was defective, shall advise the Station Master at the other end of
the section by message or over control phone, where provided and obtain his
(f) The Station Master receiving advice that Tokenless working has been resumed
shall acknowledge the message by repeating it and made a record in his
Train Signal Register.
(g) When the Tokenless instruments are brought into use again the advice issued
must be cancelled by message by the Station Master who issued the message
reporting the failure.
8.17. Train parting and portion of train left on line – When for any reason a portion of train is
left in mid-section or the Loco Pilot has come with his train incomplete GR. 6.08 &
6.09 must be rigidly observed by the Guard & Loco Pilot. In absence of a Token or
Line Clear ticket the Guard, before giving his written permission to the Loco Pilot to
proceed with light engine or the vehicles, must protect his train first.
(a) When the tokenless block instrument are functioning normally but the last
stop signal cannot be taken off despite “Line Clear” having been obtained
the SM / Cabinmaster / Cabinman will intimate this fact to the ASM on duty if
the instrument is in the cabin and request the latter to issue T/369(3b) for train
in question duly confirming his assurance that he has obtained line clear by
exchange of Private Numbers. The Station Master on duty on receipt of the
advice shall issue T/369(3b) with the following endorsement –
“Line clear has been obtained for your train. Private Numbers received
Suitable record of this transaction should be kept in the Train Signal Register in
the Cabin and in the Log Register of the Station Master on duty.
In case the instrument is in the Station Master’s office the Station Master on
duty will issue the T/369(3b) after exchange Private Numbers with the
cabinman controlling the Last Stop Signal for the said train.
When the block instrument also fails, Paper Line Clear working will be
introduced as mentioned in Paragraph above.
Part B
(2) This Block Instrument may be provided at the Station Building or in the cabin at
either end of the Block Section and be operated by Station Master or Cabin-
master. Accordingly, in regard to operations of the Block Instrument the use of
worked S. M. hereinafter means S. M. or Cabinmaster as the case may be
except where otherwise specified.
(ii) A dash board called ‘Control Panel’ containing Push Buttons, Indicators Bell,
Telephone etc. These two are manufactured as a compact unit with Control
Panel coming on top of the Relay Cabinet. The overall height render the
indicators at the eye-level and the buttons within comfortable reach of a
man of normal height.
Control Panel
The Relay Case and Control Panel are mounted on the same frame.
1. Push Buttons –
(i) Bell Code Button; Colour: Black, Code: BCB. This is the most often used button.
This is used to call the other Station Master’s attention and for exchange of
code signals.
(ii) “Train Going to” Button; Colour : Green, Code : TGB, to be pushed along with
BCB for setting the instrument to TGT, TCF code is transmitted on line and TGT
code is received from lines if conditions permit.
(iii) “Line Closed” Button; Colour : White, Code : LCB. To be pushed along with BCB
for closing the section or cancelling “Line Clear” Line closed code is transmitted
and received provided conditions permit.
To be pushed along with BCB for cancelling a ‘Line Clear’. The action
advances the associated counter by one.
If the train has pushed back the cancelling action may be immediately done if
the train had not left the station at all, it can be done only after the FREE
indicator is lit which signifies the lapse of prescribed time interval.
(v) “Panel Lamp” Button; Colour : Yellow, Code : Panel lamp. The indicator
excepting TOL and FREE are lit when this is pressed. This is to be pressed only
when the condition of the instrument is to be verified. Using BCB for this purpose
alone will unnecessarily transmit a pulse on the line and call the other Station
Master Lighting up of Indicators only when required minimizes the drain on the
power source.
To be pressed when it is required to remove the key from the Shunt Heppers
(vii) “Catch / Slip Siding Control Key” Button; colour : Blue, Code : SCK
To be pressed when it is required to remove the key from the Siding
Heppers instrument.
2. Panel Indicator –
(i) “Train coming from” (green) indicates when lit that the instrument is in TCF
condition i.e. it has granted ‘Line Clear’.
(ii) “Line Closed” (White) indicates when lit that the section has been closed.
(iii) “Train Going To” (Green) indicates when lit that the instrument is in TGT
condition i.e. it has obtained ‘Line Clear’.
(iv) “Last stop Signal” indications : When lit RED indication means the Last
stop Signal is ‘ON’ and Green one means that the signals ‘OFF’.
(v) “S. N. R.” Indicator : This is an aid to the Station Master to verify of all his relevant
controls/levers etc. are normal, first and Last Stop Signals are at ‘ON’ etc.
All these above indications are lit only when the BCB or Panel Lamp button is
pressed. They are normally off.
(vi) Train on Line (Red) indicates that the train has entered the block section
on Line Clear Remains lit till the section is closed.
(vii) “FREE” indicator (Green) indicates that the prescribed time interval has
lapsed and the cancellation of ‘Line Clear’ can commence when the
train has not left the Station and ‘Line clear’ has to be cancelled.
Both the above indicators (vi) & (vii) are lit on establishment of their respective
conditions without the requirement that BCB or Panel Lamp button should have
been pressed.
This is used by the Station Master to lock up his instrument to prevent its manipulation
by any other person. When the instrument is locked by the Station Master, it is not
possible to set the instrument to TGT or initiate ‘Line Closed’ or send bell code while it
is still possible for the instrument to transmit and receive code transmit TGT code
receive TCF code or ‘Line Closed’ Code answer Back with ‘Line Closed’ code and
only receive bell code. Thus the NON Co-operative feature is not destroyed by
locking up of the instrument. But communication between stations is possible with the
Key OUT.
This bell operate every time bell code is received to call the attention of the Station
Master or as code signal.
Alarm Bell
This bell rings intermittently at the receiving station when TOL code is received and
continuously when the train arrives at the station.
This is provided on the left side of the instrument A push button on it has to be
pressed while speaking. This is electrically isolated from both local and line circuits.
3. The following equipments in addition will be provided at the block stations at which
instruments will be located.
(i) A track circuit of 2 rail lengths ahead of the last Stop Signal to put back the
signal to ‘ON’ position when the train enters this track circuit. The last stop signal
is put back to ‘ON’ position and the ‘Train on Line’ indication will come up &
Alarm bell will sound at the receiving station of Block Section.
(ii) Electrical Signal reverser or equivalent electrical circuits on the Last Stop Signal of
the despatching station is provided in order to enable the signal to return
automatically to ‘ON’ position when the train enters the Block Section.
Once the Last Stop Signal is replaced to ‘ON’ position it cannot be taken ‘OFF’
unless a fresh line clear is obtained. The S.M. will ensure that the last stop signal
has gone back to ‘ON’ position. SM’s slide where provided should also be
returned to normal.
(iii) A lever lock or other equivalent arrangement to interlock the last Stop Signal
with the Line Clear indication of the Block Instrument.
(iv) 2 Track circuits of two rail lengths each in advance of the Home signal. The
function of the track circuits is to restore the Home Signal to ON position and
sound the Alarm Bell at the receiving station when the train has passed within
the Home signal. The sounding of the Alarm Bell will announce the arrival of the
Where, however, for any reason staff are not sent for Refresher Course within
the period of 3 years, the validity of the Competency Certificate issued by the
Principal, Zonal Training Centre may be extended locally for a period one
year only after jointly re-examining the staff by TI(M) / Station Manager and
Section Engineer (Signal) concerned. After extension of the validity has been
certified by the TI(M) / Station Manager and Section Engineer (Signal) it shall
be countersigned by the Sr. Divisional Safety Officer / Divisional Safety Officer
or an Asstt. Operations Manager duly authorized on this behalf.
ii) The TI(M) / Station Manager and Section Engineer (Signal) must also have
valid competency certificate from Sr. DSTE / DSTE / Principal, Zonal Training
Centre for Block competency for the purpose of discharging their duty under
Rule 1.14(i).
(2) The Station Master on duty will be responsible to see that no unauthorized
person manipulates the Tokenless Block Instruments.
(3) The Tokenless Block Instruments and bells must be used exclusively for the
purpose shown in this regulations. They must only be used by the Station Master
on duty, except where otherwise ordered. For Bell Codes, see GR 14.5.
Station A Station B
Block Instrument in “Line Closed” Block Instrument in “Line Closed”
condition and all concerned signals condition and all concerned signals and
and signal levers are normal. signal levers are normal.
(1) Inserts the Station Master’s Key and
(2) Presses Panel Lamp button to verify if
SNR shows white light, last stop signal
indication shows red and “Line
Closed” indication appears.
(3) Sends “Call Attention” Signal to
Station B through Bell Code button
and attends telephone.
(4) Acknowledges “Call Attention” signal
and attends telephone.
(5) Gives the name of station on
(6) Gives the name of the station on
(7) Asks “Line Clear” for the train on
telephone giving the number and
description of the train confirmed by
a Private Numbers.
(8) Accepts “Line Clear” enquiry or
telephone repeating the number and
description of the train confirmed by a
Private Numbers.
(9) Sends “Is line Clear” signal to Station
B on bell code through Bell Code
(10) Acknowledges the “Is Line Clear”
Signal to Station – A
(11) Operates the “Train Going To” button
along with the “Bell Code” button.
(12) Block Instrument displays “Train
Coming From” indication.
(13) Block Instrument displays “Train
Going To” indication. Release
(14) (a) Takes off the last Stop Signal.
(b) Train enters Block section.
(c) Last stop signal returns to “ON”
(d) “Train on Line” indication
appears automatically.
(e) Last Stop Signal Lever and
Station Master’s slide are
returned to normal.
(15) “Train on Line” indication appears
automatically and intermittent
audible warning sounds.
(16) (a) Inserts Station Masters key and
(b) Acknowledges audible Warning
by Pressing the “Bell Code”
(c) Audible Warning stops.
(17) (a) Takes “OFF” the reception signals.
(b) Train enters the station.
(c) First Stop signal replaced to
‘ON’ Position.
(d) Audible warning sounds.
(e) First Stop Signal lever (and Home
Signal lever or Station Master’s
Slide Controlling Home Signal, if
required) returned to normal.
(f) Audible warning stops.
(18) The “Line Closed” button along with
the “Bell Code” button is operated,
after visually checking that the
complete train has arrived and that
all signals are at “ON”.
(19) Block Instrument set to “Line Closed”
(20) Block Instrument sets to “Line Closed”
Condition. Releases buttons.
Note : When it is necessary to stop train at the station in rear the procedure laid down in
paragraph 8.26(d) should be followed.
(2) To cancel the “Train going to” condition before a train enters the block
Station A Station B
Block Instrument displays “Train Going Block Instrument displays “Train coming
to” indication and Last Stop signal at from” indication and First Stop signal at
‘ON’. ‘ON’.
(1) Replaces last stop signal lever and
Station Master’s slide to normal if the
signal had been taken ‘OFF’.
(2) (a) Inserts Station Master’s Key and
(b) Operates the “Cancellation”
button switch along with the “Bell
code” Button.
(c) Counter registers next higher
(3) Calls attention through “Bell Code”
button and attends on telephone.
(4) (a) Attends and inserts Station Master’s
Key and turns.
(b) Acknowledges “Call attention”
and attends on telephone.
(5) Gives the name of the station and
advises on telephone intention to
cancel “Train Going To” condition,
confirmed by a Private Numbers.
(6) Gives the name of the station and
acknowledges intention to cancel
“Train Going To” condition confirmed
by a Private Numbers.
(7) Replaces reception Signal lever and
Station Master’s slide to normal, if the
signals had been taken ‘OFF’.
(8) Time release “Free” indication
appears 1½ minute after the
cancellation button/switch is
(9) Calls attention and operates the “Line
Closed” button along with the “Bell
Code” button after checking that all
relevant signals are at “ON”.
(10) Acknowledges and co-operates the
normalizing of the instruments by
pressing the “Line Closed” button
along with the “Bell Push button”.
(11) Block Instrument Set to “Line Closed”
condition, releases buttons.
(12) Block Instrument set to “Line Closed”
condition, releases buttons.
(3) To set the Block instruments to “Line Closed” when a train pushes back to the
despatching station.
Station A Station B
Block Instrument displays “Train Going to” Block Instrument displays “Train
and “Train on Line” indications. coming from” and “Train on Line”
(1) Inserts Station Master’s key and turns.
(7) Block Instrument set to “Line Closed”
condition. Release buttons.
(8) Block Instrument set to “Line Closed”
Condition. Release buttons.
(4) To shunt between the last stop signal and opposing first stop signal.
Station A Station B
Block Instrument in “Line Closed” condition Block Instrument in “Line Closed”
and Outer and Home of Distant and Home condition.
Signals, as the case may be and Last stop
signal at “ON”.
1. Inserts Station Master’s key and turns,
operates HK button and BCB button and
removes shunt key from the shunt Hepper
2. Hands over the shunting Key to the Loco
3. (a) After completion of Shunting Loco
Pilot returns the shunting key to
Station Master.
(b) Shunting key is replaced in the
Note : If Station ‘B’ fails to establish “Train Going To” condition when station ‘A’ has
extracted the shunting key Station ‘B’ should verify position from Station ‘A’ who
should advise Station ‘B’ as soon as shunting is completed. The extraction of
shunting key makes both the instruments inoperative. For extraction of shunt key, SM
presses panel lamp definitely not in TCF. He then presses his SHK and extracts the
key from the heppers after inserting his key in the instrument. After shunting is over
he inserts the key inside the heppers and his key in the instrument. After shunting is
over he inserts the key inside the heppers and his key in the instrument and turns the
former completely to the right.
Shunting can be carried out with ‘Train Coming From’ indication within Station
Section (or even up to the outer) if GR’s 8.10(1) and 8.11 along with their SR’s are
rigidly complied with. Under these circumstances no shunting key can be
extracted from the instrument and shunting order has to be issued to the Loco Pilot.
(5) To shunt between the Last Stop Signal and opposing First Stop Signal behind a
departing train with the instruments in “Train Going To” condition.
Station A Station B
Block instrument in “Train Going To” Block Instrument in “Train coming
condition and Outer and Home or Distant from” and “Train on Line” condition.
and Home Signals, as the case may be
and Last Stop Signal at “ON”.
1. Inserts Station Master’s key and turns,
operates shunting key button and BCB
button and extracts key from the shunt
Hepper Instrument.
2. (a) Take out the shunting key.
(b) Hands over the shunting key to
the Loco Pilot.
Case (1) If shunting is completed before the train clears Block section.
3. (a) After completion of Shunting,
Loco Pilot returns the shunting
key to Station Master.
(b) Shunting key is replaced in the
4. After usual reception of the train,
Block Instrument set to “Line Closed”
Case (2) If train clears section before shunting is completed when Station ‘B’ fails to
establish “Line Closed” condition as Station ‘A’ has extracted the shunting key, Station
‘B’ should verify position from Station ‘A’.
3. (a) After completion of Shunting,
Loco Pilot returns the shunting
key to Station Master.
(b) Shunting key is replaced in the
4. (a) Advises on telephone about
completion of shunting.
5. (a) Acknowledges on telephone
completion of shunting.
(b) Sets instruments to “Line
Closed” condition.
(6) Operation of Slip and Catch Siding while sending a train from Station
‘A’ to Station ‘B’.
Station ‘A’ is assumed to be provided with a slip siding protected by Last Stop
Signal and Station ‘B’ with Catch siding protected by First Stop Signal.
Station A Station B
Block instrument displays “Train Going To” Block Instrument in “Train coming from”
indication. indication.
1. Inserts Station Master's key and turns.
(a) Takes out the slip siding key.
(b) Transmits the slip siding key to the
siding point either electrically/
(c) Slip siding point is set.
2. (a) Takes off the Last Stop Signal.
(b) Train enters Block section.
(c) Last Stop Signal returns to ‘ON’
(d) “Train on Line” indication appears
(e) Last Stop signal Lever and Station
Master’s Control are returned to
3. (a) “Train on Line” indication appears
automatically and audible
warning sound.
4. (a) Inserts Station Master’s Key and
(b) Acknowledges audible warning
By pressing the “Bell Code”
(c) Audible warning stops.
5. Call Attention through “Bell Code”
button and attends on telephone.
6. Acknowledges “Call Attention”
through “Bell Code” button and
attends on telephone.
7. Calls for description of train on
8. Gives description of train on
9. Acknowledges description of the
10. (a) Slip Siding point is set to normal.
(b) Siding Key is transmitted back to
Station Master either electrically
or Manually.
(c) Inserts Station Master’s key and
(d) Siding key is replaced in the
11. (a) Takes out catch siding key.
(b) Transmits the catch siding key to
siding point either electrically or
12. (a) Train comes to a stop at the First
Stop signal.
(b) Catch Siding point is set.
13. (a) First Stop Signal is taken “OFF”.
(b) Train enters the Station.
(c) First Stop Signal replaced to
“ON” position.
(d) Audible warning sounds.
(e) First Stop Signal Lever (and heme
un Home Signal Lever or Station
Master’s slide controlling signal if
required) returned to normal.
(f) Audible warning stops.
(g) Catch siding point set to
14.(a) Siding key must be backed to
Station Master either manually or
(b) Inserts Station Master's key and
(c) Siding key is replaced in the
15. The “Line Closed” button along
with the “Bell Code” button
is operated after visually checking
that the complete train has arrived
and that all signals are at “ON”.
16. Block instrument set to “Line
Closed” condition.
17. Block Instrument set to “Line Closed”
condition. Releases buttons.
When any of these trollies has to enter the Block Section the Station Master of
the Station from which the trolley has to leave will advise the Station Master at
the other end by a message and obtain his acknowledgement supported by
a Private Numbers. Copies of these messages with the Private Numbers will be
made over to trolley holder as his authority to proceed into the Block Section.
On arrival at the other end the trolley holder will deliver the copies of the
messages to the Station Masters and will give an endorsement on the copies
of the message carried by him that the trolley has arrived complete and sign
with date and time on the message. The copies of the message must be
retained by the Station Master at the receiving Station and pasted in the
Station Diary. ‘OUT’ and ‘IN’ reports of the trolley will also be given by
separate messages by the Station Master concerned.
At the receiving station, the trolley shall be admitted by taking off the
reception signals.
Records must be maintained in the Train Signal Register book at both the
Stations recording the time Line Clear was asked for and the time received
with Private Numbers and also the time the trolley left and arrived at the other
end. To cancel line clear for a trolley messages will be exchanged between
the Station Masters and records maintained in the Train Signal Registers.
Private Numbers will be exchanged after the exchange of cancelling signal
(2) Working of Ballast and material trains – If a Ballast or material train is required
to come back to the Station from where it started the line clear will be
obtained according to the procedure detailed in paragraph 8.22 (3). The train
will be despatched on signals as usual and the TOL indication will appear.
For the train to return to the Station the procedure will be as explained in
paragraph 8.22(3).
suspended, in a separate Train Register kept in his office for the purpose. “Line
Clear” should be obtained by the Station Master on duty by means of electric
speaking instrument and paper line clear tickets issued.
(b) In the case of failures coming under list X below the SIME of the section should
be called who is authorized to attend to the same. In the case of failures
coming under his XX the SI or ASI of the section should also attend at the
earliest moment check and certify about the correctness of the working even
if the SIME of the Section had attended and rectified the failure before the
arrival of the SI or ASI.
List of Failure X.
2. (a) If code signals on the bell are not received distinctly or fail altogether.
(c) If the Block Instrument or its battery box is found unlocked or the seal is found
broken in the absence of an authorized representative of the signal branch.
(d) If the last vehicle Treadle or Track circuit fails to operate after the
passage of the train after the Home signal is thrown back to normal.
(e) the last stop signal fails to go to “ON” position as the train passes the signal.
(f) If the “TOL” indication fails to appear on the instrument after the train has
entered the block section ahead.
(h) If the LC indication at the sending Station disappears and the TGT indication
at the sending Station does not appear after the Station Master on duty at the
sending station has pressed the BCB and TGB button.
(a) If a train arrives at a Station without the TCF and TOL indications appearing in the
Block Instrument at that station pertaining to the block section. (in this case, the
irregularity must be reported as an accident, unless the Loco Pilot has come
under conditions of total interruption).
(b) If at the receiving of sending Station Line Clear indication appears when a train
is in the block-section.
(c) If at the receiving Station the “Train arrival” (audible) indication appears when a
trains in the block section.
(e) If there is reason to believe that there is contact between the block and any
other circuit.
(f) If there is reason to suspect any other abnormality not mentioned above.
Note – (i) SM should never try to pull the last Stop Signal unless he gets “TGT” indication after
proper manipulation of the Instrument. If the TGT indication fails to appear after
proper manipulation of the instrument, he should not pull the Last Stop Signal. He
should suspend the instrument.
(ii) If the Line Closed indication does not appear and TCF disappears after operation
of BCB and LC buttons after arrival of train, before suspending the Tokenless
instrument, it must be ensured by exchange of Private Numbers that the shunting
key was inside the instrument at that time at the other station.
(iii) If TGT indication does not appear of the LC indication disappears after operation
of TCT button and BCB for obtaining “Line Clear”, before suspending the
Tokenless Instrument it must be ensured by exchange of Private Numbers that
the Shunting key was in the instrument at that time at the other station.
8.26. Procedure for working when Block Telephone fails or the Block Instrument is
(a) When the communication on telephone fails or through any defect both the
Block Instruments remain locked or the instrument cannot be made to work
according to the method described in para 8.22 the following procedure shall
be carried out –
(i) After having advised the Station Master at the other end of the section
over the control phone, where provided and his acknowledgement
obtained. Tokenless Block working will be suspended and Paper Line
Clear Working introduced.
(ii) The failure and time of suspension of the instrument will be recorded in
the Train Signal Register and SI-24.
(iii) The Station Master at the other end of two Block sections the SIM(E),
SSE/JE, ASTE & DSTE of the section concerned DOS (T), Sr. DSO/DSO
and TI(M) concerned will be advised by message as follows :
(b) The Station Master receiving advice that Tokenless Block working is
suspended, shall acknowledge the message by repeating it and shall record it
in his Train Signal Register.
(c) When the failure has been rectified the same should be recorded in SI-24 with
details of cause of failure and signed by Block maintenance staff. Tokenless
Block working should not be resumed before such recording are completed.
(d) Tokenless Block working shall not be resumed while there is a train in the Block
(e) Before resuming Tokenless Block working the Station Master of the Station
where the instrument was defective, shall advise the Station Master at the
other end of the section by message or over control and obtain his
acknowledgement. After being satisfied that the Tokenless Instruments have
been brought into proper working order the Station Master shall resume the
normal Tokenless Block working after recording the time of rectification and
cause of the failure in SI-24 which should also be signed by the Block
maintenance staff attending the failure. Time of failure and resumption should
also be noted in the Train Signal Register along with the Private Number
exchanged between the Block Stations connected by this instrument.
(f) When the Tokenless Block Instruments are brought into use again the advice
issued as per para 8.25(a) above must be cancelled by message by the
Station Master who issued the message reporting the failure.
8.27. Train parting and portion of train left on line : When for any reason a portion of train is
left in mid-section or the Loco Pilot has come with his train incomplete, G&SR-6.09 must
be rigidly observed by the Guard and Loco Pilot. In absence of a Token or line clear ticket
the Guard, before giving his written permission to the Loco Pilot to proceed with
light engine or with vehicles must protect, his train first.
The Cabinman of the cabin will immediately report to the Station Master on
duty that the train has arrived incomplete and the Station Master on duty will not
give the “Train Out of Section” report to the station in rear till the complete arrival of
the train even though the Buzzer may ring continuously on arrival of the light engine
or the first portion of the train and will not stop until the SMs slide is put back or the
line is closed.
8.28. Method of working in the event of :
(a) Failure of Last Stop Signal –
(i) The last stop signal may fail due to failure of the instrument i.e. the
instrument failing to go to TGT condition. In that case Tokenless working
should be suspended and Paper Line Clear introduced. The time of
suspension and resumption should be recorded in Train Signal Register.
Under such circumstances T/369(3b) has to be issued for the Last Stop
Signal for despatching a trains.
(ii) When the tokenless block instruments are functioning normally but the
last stop signal cannot be taken off despite line clear having been
obtained, the Cabinmaster will i nt imat e this fact to the SM on duty and
request the latter to issue T/369(3b) for the train in question by an
exchange of Private Numbers. The SM on duty on receipt of the advice
shall issue T/369(3b) with the following endorsement.
Line clear has been obtained for your train. Private Numbers received
From…………………………………….cabin is ……………………………
Suitable record of this transaction should be kept in the Train Signal Register in
the Cabin and in the Log Register of the SM on duty.
(b) Shunting key getting locked : If the shunting key gets locked inside the
instrument shunting cannot be performed by extracting the key from the
instrument and handing it over the Loco Pilot. Under such circumstances
shunting order has to be issued to the Guard and Loco Pilot for shunting.
Tokenless working has to be suspended by exchange of Private Numbers with
the Station Master at the other end of the section in addition to the procedure
laid down in paragraph 8.24. After the shunting is over tokenless working will
be resumed again by exchange of Private Numbers with the Station Master at
the other end of the section and following the procedure laid down in
paragraph 8.26. The time of suspension and resumption of instrument must be
recorded in Train Signal Register.
(c) Shunting key being lost : In the event of shunting key being lost the instruments
become inoperative. In that case tokenless working should be suspended by
exchanging Private Numbers with the Station Master at the other end of the
section and following the procedure laid down in paragraph 8.27 and
maintenance staff informed. The time of suspension and resumption should be
recorded in Train Signal Register.
Note : In cases (b) and (c) above, when shunting order is issued to Guard and Loco
Pilot for performing shunting, remarks should be given in the Shunting order
that the Shunting key is lost or locked in the instrument, as the case may be.
(d) Whenever any unusual circumstances, such as no room for reception of a
train, unsafe condition of track/signal, vehicles rolled down etc. warrants that
trains should be stopped at the station in rear. The Shunting Key should at
once be taken out from the Shunt Heppers Instrument by the Station Master
and kept in his safe custody. He will then advise the Station Master at the
station in rear of the fact under exchange of Private Numbers. In such case
the Station Master at the other end of the block section can not get “Line
Clear” without his active co-operation. When the position will again permit for
reception he should put the “Shunting Key” back in the Heppers and advice
the Station Master of the Station in rear of the fact under exchange of Private
Numbers. For despatching a train, he has to put back the “Shunting Key” in
the Heppers and obtain line clear as usual.
8.29. Recording of the number shown on the digital counter – The number exhibited by the
counter should be recorded in the Train Signal Register at the time of exchange of
8.30. The Station Master in charge shall ensure that the numbers are correctly recorded in
the counter-register maintained for the purpose separately.
8.31. Whenever a Tokenless Block Instrument is opened the Inspector Maintainer of the
Signal department for the purpose of maintenance it shall be done only in the “Line
Closed” Position of the instrument.
A register to be maintained and Cabinmaster/SM and the staff of Signal department
shall sign mentioning the date and time of opening The Cabinmaster/SM in -charge of
the Cabin/Station shall immediately advise the station on the other end of the Block
section duly exchanging Private Numbers in confirmation that the Block Instrument
has been taken for maintenance. During the period the lock Instrument is under
maintenance Line clear will not be signaled on the Block Instrument and train to be
passed according to rules for failure of Block Instrument.
On completion of Inspection/Maintenance the Instrument shall again be closed,
locked and sealed in “Line Closed” position and the Cabinmaster/SM and the
Signalling staff will both sign the register in acknowledgement that the Block
Instrument has been sealed and locked.
The Cabinmaster/SM in-charge of the Cabin/Station shall not however, resume normal
working on the Block Instrument unless Private Numbers has been exchanged with the
Cabinmaster/SM of the Block station on the other end of the Block section in confirmation
that no train is in the Block section, the last train leaving the other station on Private
Numbers has cleared the section.
Chapter - VIII PART – C
1. Forward
The working of Block Panel using block proving by axle counter for Single Line must
be read in conjunction with G&SR of Eastern Railways (Revised and Reschedule
2003) and Block Working Manual – Single Line. Notwithstanding the explanations
given hereunder for Block Panel working provisions of G&SR are inviolable.
The Block Panel means Panel associated with Axle counter and other equipment
which controls, commands, indicates and provides the information for the operation
of trains in a block section. The block panel operated axle counter block system for
Single Line Section checks the movement of train “in” and “out” of the block section
by means of axle counter. The system checks the complete arrival of train at the
receiving station automatically. System uses the concept of “Train Going To” (TGT)
from sending end for taking line clear. The “Train Coming From” (TCF) comes
automatically if all the conditions required to grant line clear are available at the
receiving end. The “Train On Line” (TOL) and “Line Closed”(LC) condition are
displayed on the block panel automatically. Block panels are of two types. (1) Panel
at the station without evaluator (Drg. No. RDSO/S32010/002/011) and (2) Panel at the
station where evaluator is also housed (Drg. No. RDSO/S32010/003/011). These two
panels differ regarding provision of reset key, counter & reset co-operation button on
panel. Their availability on panels is given hereunder.
Key/Button/Counter Available
3. Principle of working
(i) The trains are worked on absolute block system of working.
(ii) The block section is provided with axle counter to verify the occupation and
clearance of block section.
(iii) It shall not be possible to take Last Stop Signal to ‘OFF’ unless the line clear has
been obtained.
(iv) It shall not be possible to take Line Clear unless the line is clear of trains running
in the same direction, not only upto the first Stop signal at the block station at
which such Line Clear is given, but also for an Adequate distance beyond it,
and is clear of trains running in the direction towards the block station to
which such Line Clear is given.
(v) The last stop signal replaces to ON aspect on the entry of train into block
section. This will cause TOL indication to appear on block panel of stations
indicating the entry of train in the block section. Last stop signal is replaced to
ON with the entry of train in block section is maintained in that position till a
fresh line clear is obtained on Block Panel.
(vi) Block section is automatically closed on complete arrival of train at the
receiving station.
(vii) A co-operative control is provided on the block panel to cancel the Line
Clear already taken.
(viii) A co-operative control for resetting of axle counter is provided.
4. Description of Block Panel.
The Drg. Nos. RDSO/S32010/002/011 and RDSO/ S32010/003/011 represent the block
panels at two adjacent stations ‘A’ & ‘B’ which govern the movements of train in
block section between ‘A’ & ‘B’. A set of two block panel and their associated
equipment as shown in the diagram will be used as a pair, one at station ‘A’ and the
other at station ‘B’. Telephone communication is also provided in conjunction with
block panels.
Followings are the various parts of the Block panel and their functions.
TRAIN GOING Station Master of sending station operates it along with bell button.
TO This sets sending block panel to ‘Train Going To‘ condition and
receiving station block panel to ‘Train Coming From’ condition
Green TGT indicates this condition on block panel.
(ii) Keys :
Keys Functions
MAINTAINER BACK COVER A lock is provided at the back of block panel for
LOCK KEY maintenance purpose.
SM’S BACK COVER LOCK For double lock arrangement a lock on the back of block
panel is provided which can be operated by key kept in
the custody of Station Master.
(iii) Indicators :
Indicators Functions
TRAIN COMING FROM Its shape is arrow head pointing downwards for incoming
traffic at station and a rectangular indication named TCF is
GREEN [TCF] provided with Green/Red LEDs. When green light is
“steady” it indicates that the train coming from condition.
When Green light is flashing it indicates (a) line Clear has
RED been withdrawn before the entry of train in Block Section or
(b) Section has cleared after the arrival of train, but
associated Signals & their controls have not been put to
normal at stations. This indicator changes to Red on entry
of train in block section and indicates ‘Train On Line’
TRAIN GOING TO Its shape is arrowhead pointing upward for outgoing traffic
from station and a rectangular indication named TGT. It is
GREEN [TGT] provided with Green/Red LED’s. When Green light is
“steady”, it indicates that the train going to condition.
When green light is flashing it indicates that line clear has
RED been withdrawn before the entry of train in block section or
train has cleared the block section but associate signals
and their controls have not been normalized at stations.
This indicator changes to Red on entry of train in block
section and indicates ‘Train On Line’ condition.
LAST STOP SIGNAL Its shape is circular monogram or signal ‘Red’ indication
RED means Last stop signal is at ON and Green indication
GREEN means Last Stop Signal is at OFF.
RESET CO-OPERATION Its shape is circular and is placed near reset key. When it
YELLOW indicates that co-operation has been received from block
panel where reset co-operation button has been provided.
LINE FREE (GREEN) Its shape is circular/rectangular and is placed above ACKN
LINE OCCUPIED (RED) button. It is provided with Green/Red indication Green
indicates line is clear of vehicles and Red indicates line is
occupied after line clear or Block Back.
SNKE (Local) Its shape is circular. When lit yellow it indicates LSS. First stop
YELLOW signal & controls on signal are normal.
SNKE (Other End ) Its shape is circular. When lit yellow it indicates LSS, FSS,
YELLOW Controls are normal and TCF indication is not available at
station on other end of block section.
SM KEY(IN) GREEN Lit indicates SM key is IN and turned.
SHK-IN/OUT It has 2 colours. When lit Green indicates Shunting Key has
GREEN/RED not been taken out and when lit RED indicates Shunting
Key has been extracted.
TRAIN Lit at the time of train entry into and exit from the block
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT section. It remains lit until acknowledged.
CO-OPERATION TIMER It starts flashing when cancellation process starts and
flashes for 120 seconds.
(iv) Counters
Counters Functions
(v) Indicators
Buzzers Functions
5. Method of signalling trains from block station to another block station.
1. Ensures
a) Line Closed indicator is lit & SNKE
indicators, local and far end are lit.
2. SM key IN is lit.
6. Presses BELL & TRAIN GOING TO button 7. ‘LINE CLOSED’ indication disappears &
and keeps both buttons pressed till ‘TRAIN COMING FROM’ Green indication
‘TRAIN GOING TO’ Green indication appears.
9. Takes off Last Stop signal. 9. SECTION buzzer starts ringing & ‘TRAIN
COMING FROM’ indication turns
Train enters the Block Section. ‘Red’ on the panel,
LINE FREE indicator turns to RED. LINE FREE indicator turns to RED.
SECTION buzzer starts ringing & ‘TRAIN
GOING TO’ indication turns ‘Red’
on the panel.
Last Stop signal replaces to ‘ON’.
10. Acknowledges the buzzer by pressing 10. Acknowledges the buzzer by pressing
ACKN button. ACKN button.
Home signal is replaced to ON.
Train clears the Block Section. SECTION
buzzer starts ringing.
Acknowledge the buzzer by
pressing ACKN button.
12. LINE FREE indicator turns to GREEN.
(ii) To Cancel “Line Clear” before a train enters the Block Section :
When line clear has been obtained and afterwards, it is found that the train for which
line clear already obtained has to be detained owing to any reason, the following
procedure must be adopted.
Only train receiving station can cancel “Line Clear” with cooperation from train sending
Block Panel displays “TRAIN GOING TO” Block Panel displays “TRAIN COMING
indication. FROM” indication.
Train sending station ensures that Receiving station ensures that cancellation
cancellation of line clear conditions are of line clear conditions are available.
available. Exchange private number. Exchange private number.
1. Press “cancel cooperation” Button
2. ”TRAIN GOING TO” indication turns 2. After verifying the Cancel Co-operation
FLASHING GREEN. Puts back the Last Stop cancellation indication is available on
signal controls to Normal if taken OFF & his block panel Presses & Releases BELL
observes SNKE is lit. and CANCEL buttons simultaneously and
then releases.
(iii) To close the block when a train returns to the starting station (Push back operation)
After a train has been pushed back at the sending station, the sending station advises
the receiving station regarding this under exchange of private number. The receiving
station can close the section by pressing BELL & CANCEL button after taking cancel
cooperation from other end.
‘TRAIN GOIING TO’ indication turns ‘TRAIN COMING FROM’ indication turns to
‘LINE CLOSED’ indication appears.
3. TRAIN GOING TO indication disappears.
‘LINE CLOSED‘ indication appears.
The Shunt Key is the authority for the Loco Pilot to shunt from Starter upto the opposing First
Stop Signal of concerned block section. This key authorizes the Loco Pilot to pass Advance
Starter at ‘ON’ during shunting. Precautions regarding correct setting & locking of the route
and showing of “Proceed” signal as per General Rules 3.70/G&SR shall be observed.
Whenever shunt key is to be handed over to Loco Pilot for shunting, it shall be kept in a
suitable pouch to avoid damage during handing The shunt key shall be handled very
carefully both by the Station Master and the Loco Pilot, as damage to the Shunt Key will lead
to failure of the Block System.
The Shunt Key can be extracted only when Block Panel is displaying LINE CLOSED or TGT
condition. It cannot be extracted if block panel is displaying TCF condition. The SM who
intends to extract shunting key shall inform Station Master at other end on telephone for
permission to shunt, who will acknowledge the message & grant permission supported by a
private number.
Operations for extraction of shunt key under “line closed” condition are as under :
2. On entry of train in Block Section. SECTION 3.On entry of train in Block Section, SECTION
buzzer starts ringing & LINE CLOSED buzzer starts ringing & LINE CLOSED indication
indication disappears. disappears.
LINE FREE indication turns to RED. LINE FREE indicator turns to RED.
Section buzzer starts ringing &LINE CLOSED Section buzzer starts ringing & LINE CLOSED
indication appears. indication appears.
LINE FREE indication turns to GREEN. LINE FREE indication turns to GREEN.
(vi) Shunt key extraction in “Train Going To” condition.
Whenever it is necessary to extract the shunt key with the “Train Going To” condition,
indication on block panel it shall be done only after ‘Train On Line’ condition has been
established under exchange of private number.
Shunting train enters a block section with shunting key and returns back to station while
another train is still in the block section. Station Master inserts shunting key back in block panel
and the block section clears automatically when other train clears the section. Clearing time
of section by train and private number shall be recorded in a train register.
When the train proceeding on regular line clear has cleared the block section and shunting
train is still in the section, both end the block panels will continue to show “Train On Line”
condition. When the shunting train clears the block section, the block section will
automatically normalize.
The Station Master receives back the shunting key and inserts the shunting key back in the
block panel system and normalizes. Normal train movements are then possible.
(vii) In case of train parting, part clearance of train from receiving station & clearance of
balance portion from sending station.
Block will normalize automatically as soon as block section is clear of all vehicles provided
front part of train has been received on signal at the receiving station. In case train has been
received other than clearing the nominated signal, the cancellation action will be required.
After a train has been received at receiving station or after a Block Back operation or when
no train has entered into Block Section and LINE FREE indicator displays RED, then the
following procedure shall be adopted to reset the Axle counter. Re-setting operation of axle
counter is co-operative and Station Master having reset cooperation button on its block
panel shall extend cooperation.
(a) Observing the procedure laid down in GR 4.17 & relevant SR’s thereto.
(b) By checking the train register, the details of last train passed through that Block Section
and finding out from station in advance or from controller, that the last train that has
passed has arrived complete. The SM should exchange private number with the
SM/Controller or from whom the complete arrival has been confirmed.
(ii) Resetting Procedure
After the verification of Block section clear of Vehicles, follow the procedure given below for
resetting of Axle Counter.
Station Provided with Reset Key Station provided with Reset Button
7. Informs the SM that complete arrival of 8. Acknowledges & gives a private number.
last train that passed from sending
station to receiving station has been
verified and intimate his intention to
normalize the Axle Counter &
communicates his private number.
9. Requests for co-operation to normalise 10. Acknowledges & presses RESET button.
the Axle Counter.
13. LINE FREE indication turns GREEN from 14. LINE FREE indication turns GREEN from
7. Failure of the Block panel and Last Stop Signal.
(ii) When none of the indications viz. ‘Train Coming From’/Train Going To’ appears
on the Block Panel except ‘Line Free’.
(iii) When no train has entered into the Block Section but the Block Panel shows ‘Line
Occupied’ Red indication and this indication persists even after Resetting has
been tried as per para 6 above.
(iv) When ‘TRAIN GOING TO’ or TRAIN COMING FROM’ indications do not appear by
appropriate action though condition for asking ‘LINE CLEAR’ and granting
permission to approach are available.
(v) ‘TRAIN GOING TO’ or ‘TRAIN COMING FROM’ indicator does not turn to RED to
give ‘TRAIN ON LINE’ on the entry of train into Block Section at either of the
(vi) When a train has arrived at the receiving station but the Block Panel still show
‘TRAIN ON LINE’ RED indication and persists even after Resetting has been tried as
per para 6 above.
(vii) When a train has arrived at the receiving station but the Block Panel shows
FLASHING GREEN/GREEN indication even after ensuring SNKE indicator & LCB key
IN at both the station.
(viii) Total failure of communication during which train shall be worked as per extent
rules in force on the Railway.
(ix) Any damage is seen or reported to block equipment i.e. Block Panel, Axle
Counter Track Devices, Axle counter equipment and block multiplexer
equipment etc.
(x) When Last Stop Signal cannot be kept at ‘ON’ during its suppression /
(xi) When Last stop Signal of the station does not go back to ‘ON’ position on the
entry of a train into the Block Section.
(xii) When the Bell Code signals are received indistinctly or are not received.
Note :
(i) In all the above cases, the Block Panel must be treated as defective for block working
and trains must be dealt with by taking Line Clear on Electrical communication
equipment provided and by following provisions of GR 14.13.
(ii) In respect of the failure indicated in the item number (viii) of above para trains must be
dealt with under the extend rules as outlined in SR 6.02.
(iii) In respect of the failures indicated in the item nos. (v), (ix) & (x) of the para (a) above,
all efforts must be made to keep LSS in the ‘ON’ position. If it is not possible, then a
competent railway servant should be deputed with red Hand Signal to take his
position at the foot of the LSS to warn Loco Pilot/Motorman of the approaching trains.
In addition, all trains in the relevant directions should be stopped at Home signal and
after ensuring that they have come to stop, the Home signal should be cleared to
caution aspect only. The starters should not be taken off and the trains should be
despatched by issue of relevant paper authority to pass the starters and the LSS at ON.
Caution Order should also issued to the Loco Pilot/Motorman about the defect of the
(iv) The Block Panel should not be restored for normal working until a competent signalling
staff has tested & certified fit.
(v) In all the cases indicated in paras 7(a) above failures should be informed to S&T staff
The Last Stop Signal must be considered to have failed in the following cases :
(i) The Last Stop Signal cannot be taken ‘OFF’ even though Line Clear has been
(ii) The Last Stop Signal can be cleared without getting Line Clear.
(iii) The Last Stop Signal does not restore to ‘ON’ position after the train enters the Block
Note :-
1) In all the cases indicated in para 7(b) above failures should be informed to S&T staff
2) In respect of the cases indicated in paras (b)(i) & (iii) above the precautions indicated in
Note No.(iii) and (iv) under the para 7(a) dealing with failure of the Block panels should be
strictly adhered to.
8. Suspension of Block Working/Last Stop Signal.
(a) Suspension of Block Working.
Block Working must be suspended and trains dealt with in accordance with the extent
instructions in the following cases :
i) When material lorries, Motor Trolleys, Tie-tamping machines and rail tower wagon
(4 wheeler) has to run in the section, these shall work on PLC.
iii) When any part of the Block Equipment is to be opened for repairs, which shall be done
only, under duly accepted disconnection notice. Block Panel working shall only be
resumed by a Railway servant authorized as per extant rules in force on the Eastern
Note : As soon as the cause of suspension of Block Working is removed, normal working can
be restored by SM.
The Last stop signal shall be considered in cooperative and deemed to have been
suspended in the following cases :
i) When the Last Stop Signal has been undertaken for repairs by S&T staff.
iv) When the material lorries/trolleys, tie-tamping machines or tower wagon has to run in the
Note :
i) As soon as the cause of suspension of LSS is removed, normal working can be restored by
9. Working of trains when there is failure of Block Panel / Last Stop Signal.
Whenever the Block Panels fail, Line Clear should be obtained on electrical
communication equipment provided and by following provisions of GR 14.13 and SR there
Register, in Red Ink, the time of exchanging Private Numbers and Private Numbers
exchanged before and after shunting operations. The station at which shunting is to be
performed shall give a written authority to the Loco Pilot/Motorman for doing shunting as well
as passing the Starter. Advanced Starter at ‘ON’ up to the Opposing First Stop Signal.
(1) Rules for the use working of Wireless Sets (VHF) during Total Failure of
Communications (TFC).
(i) In the event of Line Communication system e.g. Block Instrument, Telephone
etc. being found defective/not working Wireless sets should be used as a
means of communication for train passing work. The Station Master will
“switch on” the ‘Main Switch’ of the wireless set after waiting for at least one
minute for this set to worm up may be deleted and the line should start
“initiating Station Master will check”. After waiting for at least one minute for
this set to work up may be deleted and the line should start the initiating
Station Master will check with the Station Master at the other end, the train
number of three trains with their timings and Private Numbers which were
passed immediately before the interruption of the communication, with a
view to ensure that the correct stations are in communication. He will
continue to transit his identity by pressing Pressel Switch of the HMT (telephone
The Station Master at the other end as soon as he finds the Line
Communication System inoperative will also “switch on” the Wireless Sets and
establish the communication system. The system will remain in “switched on”
condition till the line communication circuits are restored.
(ii) All the train passing messages will be passed on this Wireless Communication
System during this period. Permission To Approach shall be obtained with
Identification Number separately for each train and all the train passing
messages shall include identity of the Station Master, train number and Private
Numbers etc.
(iii) This is a simplex system and only one Station Master will be in a position to talk
at a time. All messages will end with the term OVER and the Pressel Switch
should be immediately released so that the Station Master at the other end
may come on line.
(iv) The frequency bands and channels to be utilized under such circumstances
are –
System of working for taking Line Clear during Total Failure of Communications
(TFC) :
From the consideration of safety, 3 frequencies are allotted for taking Line
Clear on VHF sets and programmed as channel 5, 6 and 7 in 25W simplex VHF
sets provided to the stations. In cases of TFC channel 5 must be used for first
section, channel 6 for second adjoining section and channel 7 for third
adjoining section, channel 5 for fourth adjoining section, channel 6 for fifth
adjoining section and so on. Station Master should revert operation back to
channel 2 after TFC is over.
(2) Rules on use of Identification Number for obtaining Permission to Approach and its
maintenance & issue.
(i) Two such sheets for each adjoining Block section will form the normal
complement of each Block station from the date of opening. Each sheet is
divided into two parts and in each part there are two columns of
combinations of letters and figures. The columns in the left-half of the sheet
are numbered (1) and (2) and those in the right half (2) and (1) respectively
the columns bearing the same numbers are identical.
(ii) The two parts of each sheet before issue will be separated, the left half of the
sheet being sent to the station at one end of a Block section and the right-
half to the station at the other end of the same Block section. Before issue the
Sr. DOM / Sr. DOM(G)/ DOM(G) will write the names of the two stations over
the two columns in each half the name of one station being written at the
head of each columns bearing No (1) and the name of the other station at
the head of each of the columns bearing No (2). Each half before being sent
out will be signed and dated by the Sr. DOM / Sr. DOM(G)/ DOM(G) and will
be placed in a sealed envelop addressed to the Station Master of the Station
for which intended endorsing thereon its number and the section to which the
Identification Number sheet applies.
(iii) The Sr. DOM / Sr. DOM(G)/ DOM(G) will issue to each station on his division two
Identification Number sheets for each adjoining block Section, each in a
separate sealed envelope. One Identification Number sheet will not be used
for more than one period of interruption. As soon as any of the other means of
communications is restored to working order the identification number sheet
that is being used during that interruption must be at once returned by both
the stations to the Sr. DSO/Divisional Safety Officer and the latter will replace it
by fresh sheet in a sealed cover.
Note : The Sr. DOM / Sr. DOM(G)/ DOM(G) will issue five Identification Number Sheets,
each in a separate sealed envelope to those stations where VHF sets are used
in quick succession and there is not much time left for the station staff to send
back the used Identification Number Sheets and get new sheets for
subsequent use.
(iv) Example –
1. Stations at either end are Kalyani and Madanpur. The Sr. DOM / Sr.
DOM(G)/ DOM(G) will prepare two Identification Number sheets for the
section. At the head of column marked (1) he will enter the name of
Kalyani and at the head of column marked (2) he will enter the name
Madanpur. Both halves of each sheet will be signed by the Sr. DOM /
Sr. DOM(G)/ DOM(G) and dated. Each sheet will be separated into its
two parts and each part put into a separate sealed envelop on which
the following endorsement will be made:
The covers containing each half of the first sheet will be numbered 1,
and the cover containing each half of the second sheet will be
numbered 2 and the two envelopes numbered 1 and 2 containing the
right halves will be sent to Madanpur and the two numbered 1 and 2
containing the left halves to Kalyani.
Each Station Master must enter immediately in the column provided for
the purpose the number and date of the train against each
Identification Number used.
(v) When an interruption occurs and train messages are worked on the VHF sets
by means of Identification Numbers, the Sr. DOM / Sr. DOM(G)/ DOM(G) must
be promptly advised so that he can arrange to send out fresh Identification
Number sheets without delay to replace those used.
(vii) the Sr. DOM / Sr. DOM(G)/ DOM(G) on receiving the used or partly used
Identification Number sheet will arrange checking the same with its
corresponding half for the section and then destroy it.
(viii) The Station Master on duty is personally responsible for the Safe custody of the
covers containing the Identification Number sheets and the same must be
kept under lock and key. When an Identification number sheet has been
once opened he must keep it in his own possession or under lock and key and
make it over to his reliever only until the interruption is over so that no misuse
may be made of the subsequent numbers of the sheet.
Identification Number Sheet
X 40 F 85 F 85 X 40
H 21 M 7 M 7 H 21
C 3 A 15 A 15 C 3
D 9 X 36 X 36 D 9
F 16 R 82 R 82 F 16
G 14 G 99 G 99 G 14
A 26 S 50 S 50 A 26
L 90 Q 55 Q 55 L 90
M 28 T 4 T 4 M 28
Q 51 Z 49 Z 49 Q 51
Date………………………. Date……………………….
Names of stations at each and of the block section to be entered at the top of
columns (1) & (2) by the Divisional Safety Officer before issue.
23. Authority to Proceed without Line T/B 912 Red
Clear on Automatic Block Signalling
24. Authority to Proceed for Relief T/C 912 Red
Engine / Train into an Automatic
Block Signalling Section
25. Authority to Proceed on Automatic T/D 912 Red
Block System during prolong failure
of signals
26. Train Intact Arrival Register T/1410 Black
27. Line Clear Inquiry and Reply Message T/A 1425 Black
Book in the event of Failure/Suspension/
Non-provision of Block instruments
Train Despatching Station
Line Clear Inquiry and Reply Message T/B 1425
Book in the event of Failure/Suspension/
Non-provision of Block Instruments
Train Receiving Station
28. Paper line Clear Ticket (Up) T/C 1425 Blue
29. Paper line Clear Ticket (Down) T/D 1425 Blue
30. Trolley/Lorry/OHE Ladder Trolley T/1518 Black
31. Motor Trolley Permit T/1525 Blue
32. Train Signal Register ER/OP/T28 Black
33. Cabin Log Register R.B. No./OP/CI Black
34. Line Admission Book T 460/OP/T113 Black
35. Private Numbers Sheet ---- Black
36. Brake Power Certificate Mec. V/5. Black
37. Out of course stoppage order ER/OP/T-2-OP/S-2 Black
S&T (T/351) S&T (T/351) S&T (T/351)
Sr. No._______ Sr. No._______ Sr. No._______
Signal and Telecommunication Deptt. Signal and Telecommunication Signal and Telecommunication
Deptt. Deptt.
_____________________________ on
________ at hours _______ for ______ To To
hours ____________ minutes to atten The Station Master on duty at The Station Master on duty at
failure for maintenance. Station ________________. Station ________________.
(Expected duration of disconnection) Please note that the disconnected Please note that the following
____________ gear/s referred to in notice no. gears will be disconnected on
SI/MSM/ESM has/have been reconnected. ____________ at _________ hours
On Date ____________ at ______ _________ minutes for_________
Notice about disconnection hours ________minutes. hours _________ minutes to
received. On __________ 20 ____ at attend failure for maintenance.
________hours _______minute *
__________________________ Signature
Signature of Station Master ______________________________
** Disconnection allowed/ not ____________ ______________________________
allowed Designation ___________ (Expected duration
on ________20 _______ at ______ hrs. of disconnection)
Date ___________ 20 _____
__________________________ __________
Signature of Station Master Time ___________ hours. Signature
Signature of Station Master
* Fill in the details of the gear/s to be
** Reasons for not allowing
disconnection to be recorded.
Operating Forms of Block Working Manual
AT STATION ______________________________
(Record/Loco Pilot)
The Loco Pilot of Train No. _____________________________ Up/Down
Signature of Loco Pilot
Signature of Station Master
Date ____________20 ____ Station Master’s Stamp
* Strike out whichever is not applicable.
Form No. T/369(3b)
Sr. No._________
(Record/Loco Pilot)
The Loco Pilot of Train No. _______________________________________ (Up/Down)
** In case of failure of Advanced Starter Signal /Last Stop Signal – Line Clear
has been obtained on Electrical Communication Instrument from
_______________ station. Private no. received (in figures) _________________ (in
words) _____________
__________________ __________________________
(1) For approach signal Loco Pilot is authorized to pass the defective
signal at ‘ON’ on the Authority delivered through a competent railway
servant at the foot of the defective signal.
(2) For Starter Signal, The Loco Pilot to pass such signal on the Authority
handed over at the station and in addition thereto, a competent
railway servant shall show hand signals to departing train in
accordance with the instructions of Station Master.
Form No. T/409
Sr. No. ________
Caution Order
(Record/Loco Pilot/Guard)
The Loco Pilot of train No. _______________________ (Description) ______________
Signature of Station Master
Time ____________________ Station Master Stamp
Form No. T/A 409
Sr. No. __________
(Record/Loco Pilot/Guard)
The Loco Pilot of Train No. _________________________ (Description) _________
Signature of Station Master
Station Master Stamp
Form No. T/B 409
Sr. No. __________
(Record/Loco Pilot)
The Loco Pilot of Train No._________________________(Description) _________________
Time _______________
Signature of Station Master
Station Master Stamp
Form No. T/509
Sr. No. ________
(Record/Loco Pilot)
The Loco Pilot of Train No. __________ (Description) _________ (Up/Down)
Signature of Station Master
Form No. T/511
Sr. No. ________
(Record/Loco Pilot)
Time ____________
Signature of Station Master
Station Master’s Stamp
Form No. T/512
Sr. No. ________
(Record/Loco Pilot)
The Loco Pilot of Train No. _____________________ Description ______________
You are authorized to start from Line No. (in words) ___________ (in
figures) __________ on the starter signal being taken off. Line No. _____________
is one of the number of lines governed by the same starter signal.
Signature of Station Master/Yard Master
Station Master/Yard Master Stamp
* In case of tangible authority or paper line clear ticket, strike out whichever is
not applicable.
UP/DOWN Form No. T/A 602
(Loco Pilot/Guard/Record)
2) You shall bring your Engine / Train to a stop at Km _____________ and there after be
guided by the instructions from the Competent Authority at the site.
1. You are permitted to run your Relief Engine / Train upto Km ___________________ between
station ___________________ and ___________________ station with the speed of :-
15 KMPH in day and when view ahead is clear.
10 KMPH in night or when view ahead is not clear.
2. You are expressly warned to observe every caution while approaching level crossing
gate/s situated between block section and whistle frequently. Caution Orders in force in
the Block Section are as under :-
Loco Pilot proceeding on this authority must observe the following instruction:-
2. Both by day and night, a tunnel must not be entered until the Loco Pilot
has ascertained that it is clear. Should there be any doubt on this point,
the train should be piloted by a Railway employee equipped with hand
signals and detonators.
3. During night if Electric Head Light is not in working order, the Train or the
Light Engine must be preceded at an adequate distance by a Railway
Servant carrying Detonators and exhibiting Red Light ahead to stop any
other approaching train. The precautions must be taken in case of self
propelled vehicle/other vehicle also.
4. A sharp look out must be kept at all times and the Loco Pilot must be
prepared to stop clear and short of any obstruction which may exist or
crop up on the track.
5. When approaching the station ahead, Loco Pilot must stop his train
engine / light engine / trolley / tower wagon / diesel rail car / self-
propelled vehicle / other vehicle out side First Stop Signal and sound
continuously whistle or by sounding the horn of self-propelled vehicle, if
provided, as per special instructions. If no one turns up from the station
within 10 minutes, Assistant Loco Pilot / Guard shall be immediately sent
to the station to inform Station Master of the arrival of the train / light
engine / self-propelled vehicle / other vehicle or make contact Station
Master through Signal Post Telephone, if provided or by other means of
communications if provided.
UP/DOWN Form No. T/B 602
(Loco Pilot/Record)
Station _________________ Date ____________ 20 ____
1) You are hereby authorized to proceed cautiously without Line Clear from station ___________ to
station _____________ with your Engine/Self Propelled Vehicle.
2) You shall bring your Engine/Vehicle to a stand out side the first stop signal of the next block station
there after be guided by the instructions from the Station Master of that station.
3) Train No _____________ was Last Train over the section. It left/arrived* here at _______ hours _____ minutes.
1. You are authorized to pass the Signal/s No. & description _____________ in ‘ON’ position, speed Not
exceeding 15 KMPH observing hand signals at the foot of the signal post/s, if it protects points.
1. You are permitted to run your Engine/Self Propelled Vehicle between Station ____________ to
_______________ station with the speed of :- 15 KMPH in day and 10 KMPH in night or when view ahead
is not clear.
2. You are expressly warned to observe every caution while approaching level crossing gate/s situated
between block section and whistle frequently.
3. In addition following caution orders are in force in block section:-
From To From To Kmph
To, The Station Master __________________________.
Message No __________. On return of _________ , will line be clear and kept clear for train No. __________
waiting to proceed?
To, The Station Master _________________.
Message No. On arrival of _______ at yours, line will be clear and kept clear for _______ Train Engine to
return with/without attached to a Train or Another Engine or Self Propelled Vehicle/Trolley etc. (Complete
Private Number (in words) _____________ (in figures). I have understood the contents of this.
_____________________ _____________________ Signature of Station Master
Signature of Loco Pilot Signature of Guard
Station Master’s Stamp
Loco Pilot proceeding on this authority must observe the following instructions :-
2. Both by day and night, a tunnel must not be entered until the Loco Pilot
has ascertained that it is clear. Should there be any doubt on this point,
the train should be piloted by a Railway Employee equipped with Hand
Signals and Detonators.
3. During night if Engine is not fitted with the Electric Head Light or if Electric
Head Light is not in working order, the Train or the Light Engine must be
preceded at an adequate distance by a Railway Servant carrying
Detonators and exhibiting Red Light ahead to stop any other
approaching train. The precautions must be taken in case of self-
propelled vehicle/other vehicle also.
4. A sharp look out must be kept at all times and the Loco Pilot must be
prepared to stop clear and short of any obstruction which may exist or
crop up on the road.
5. When approaching the station ahead, Loco Pilot must stop his train
engine / light engine / trolley / tower wagon / diesel rail car / self-
propelled vehicle / other vehicle out side First Stop Signal and sound
continuously whistle or by sounding the horn of self-propelled vehicle, if
provided, as per special instructions. If no one turns up from the station
within 10 minutes, Assistant Loco Pilot / Station Master / Guard shall be
immediately sent to the station to inform Station Master of the arrival of
the train / light engine / self-propelled vehicle / other vehicle or make
contact Station Master through Signal Post Telephone, if provided or by
other means of communications if provided.
UP/DOWN Form No. T/C 602
Sr. No. _________
(Loco Pilot/Record)
Station _________________ Date ____________ 20 ____
2) You shall bring your Train to a stand out side the first stop signal pertaining to right line/last
stop signal pertaining to wrong line whichever comes across first of the next Block Station
there after be guided by the instructions from the Station Master of that station.
3) Train No _____________ was Last Train over the section. It left/arrived * here at _________
hours ________ minutes.
You are authorized to pass the Signal/Signals No. & description _____________ in ‘ON’
position, speed not exceeding 15 KMPH observing hand signals at the foot of the signal post/s,
if it protects points.
1. You are permitted to run your Train between Station ____________ & ____________ station
with the speed of :- 25 KMPH in day and when view ahead is clear
10 KMPH in night or when view ahead is not clear.
2 You are expressly warned to observe every caution while approaching level crossing
gate/s situated between block section and whistle frequently.
Loco Pilot proceeding on this authority must observe the following instructions :-
2. Both by day and night, a tunnel must not be entered until the Loco Pilot
has ascertained that it is clear. Should, there be any doubt on this point,
the train should be piloted by a Railway Employee equipped with Hand
Signals and Detonators.
3. During night if Engine is not fitted with the Electric Head Light or if Electric
Head Light is not in working order, the Train or the Light Engine must be
preceded at an adequate distance by a Railway Servant carrying
Detonators and exhibiting Red Light ahead to stop any other
approaching train. The precautions must be taken in case of self-
propelled vehicle/other vehicle also.
4. A sharp look out must be kept at all times and the Loco Pilot must be
prepared to stop clear and short of any obstruction which may exist or
crop up on the road.
5. When approaching the station ahead, Loco Pilot must stop his train
engine / light engine / trolley / tower wagon / diesel rail car / self-
propelled vehicle / other vehicle out side First Stop Signal pertaining to
right line / last stop signal pertaining to wrong line whichever comes
across first and sound continuously whistle or by sounding the horn of self-
propelled vehicle. If provided, as per special instructions. If no one turns
up from the station within 10 minutes, Assistant Loco Pilot / Guard shall be
immediately sent to the station to inform Station Master of the arrival of
the train / light engine / self-propelled vehicle / other vehicle or make
contact Station Master through Signal Post Telephone, if provided or by
other means of communications if provided.
Form No. T/D 602
Sr. No. _________
(Loco Pilot/Guard/Record)
Station _________________ Date ____________ 20 ____
The Loco Pilot of Train No. ______________________________________________ (Description)
ii. Speed of the first train should be restricted to 25 kmph & speed of subsequent train should
be sectional speed during temporary single line working subject to observance of other
speed restriction in force for all trains.
iii. You are expressly warned to observe ‘Neutral Section’ (only in Electrified section) if your
train is going on wrong line. There are no Trap Points on the line in question/Trap points
have been clamped/spiked.
iv. Following are the Caution Orders in force in Block Section:-
_____________________________ _____________________________
Signature of Loco Pilot Signature of Station Master
Station Master’s Stamp
UP /DOWN Form No. T/E 602
Sr. No. _________
(Loco Pilot/Record)
1. _____________________________
2. _____________________________
3. _____________________________
4. _____________________________
Waiting to proceed to yours.
Signature of Station Master
Station Master’s Stamp
* UP/DOWN Form No. T/F 602
Sr. No. __________
Date __________20___
Station ________________
1. Train No. ___________ Private No. (in words) _______ (in figures)________
2. Train No. ___________ Private No. (in words) _______ (in figures)________
3. Train No. ___________ Private No. (in words) _______ (in figures)________
4. Train No. ___________ Private No. (in words) _______ (in figures)________
Signature of Station Master
UP Form No. T/G 602
Sr. No. __________
(Loco Pilot/Record)
The line is clear and you are authorized to proceed to ___________ Station.
Signature of Station Master
Station Master's Stamp
Special Instructions
When following a Train keep sharp look out at speed not exceeding 25
Kmph when view is clear and 10 Kmph or less when view is impaired due to
any reason.
* Strike out in case of second and subsequent trains during uneven flow.
** Strike out in the case of first train during uneven flow and for all trains
during even flow.
DOWN Form No. T/H 602
Sr. No. __________
(Loco Pilot/Record)
The line is clear and you are authorized to proceed to ___________ Station.
Signature of Station Master
Station Master's Stamp
Special Instructions
When following a Train keep sharp look out at speed not exceeding 25
Kmph when view is clear and 10 Kmph or less when view is impaired due to
any reason.
* Strike out in case of second and subsequent trains during uneven flow.
** Strike out in the case of first train during uneven flow and for all trains
during even flow.
Form No. T/I 602
Sr. No. ________
Signature of Station Master
Station Master's Stamp
Form No. T/609
Sr. No. _______
Written permission given by the Guard to Loco Pilot when the Engine or portion
of a train is allowed to proceed to the next station from mid section
(Loco Pilot/record)
You shall deliver the report of occurrence to the Station Master on duty
and, if required to do so by the Station Master, you shall return to *your
disabled train / take the rear portion of your train which is at KM __________ on
this Authority after being permitted by the Station Master.
__________________________ __________________________
Signature of Loco Pilot Signature of Guard
Date _____________ Date _____________
Time _____________ Time _____________
Signature of Station Master
Station Master's Stamp
Form No. T/806
Sr. No. ________
(Loco Pilot/Guard/Yard Master/Shunting Jamadar/Shunting Master/Record)
The Loco Pilot of Train No. ______________ *UP/DOWN.
Please comply with the following order promptly without any type of delay :-
1. _________________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________________________
* You are authorized to pass _______________ signal in the ‘ON’ position and
proceed * up to/beyond ** ______________ signal.
* For this purpose and Token/Tablet/Line Clear Ticket No. __________ * SH/OCE
Key is hereby issued to you from ___________ hours _________ minutes to
_________ hours ___________ minutes.
Signature of Station Master
Station Master's Stamp
Signature of Loco Pilot ________ Date ________ Time _______ hours _____ minutes.
Signature of Guard _________ Date ________ Time _______ hours _______ minutes.
Form No. T/A 912
Sr. No. _________
(Loco Pilot/Record)
Station ________________ Date __________20____
Time __________ hours __________ minutes.
The Loco Pilot/Motorman of train No. __________________________ UP/DOWN.
a) Automatic signaling has failed and you are, hereby authorized to pass all
Automatic signals between _______________ station and ____________ station. In
addition, you are also authorized to pass Semi Automatic / manually
operated / gate stop signals on being hand signaled past such signals by a
railway servant in uniform. The hand signals being displayed at the foot of
signal except as provided for in clause ‘b’.
b) When running in wrong direction (i) you must ascertain that points of
outlying sidings, where provided, are correctly set and locked and/or the level
crossing gates Nos. ________________ are locked and (ii) hand signals are
displayed by the railway servant in uniform at the points, level crossing gates
before passing them.
Here indicate distinguishing }
Number of all signals to be } ____________________________________
thus passed. } ____________________________________
Signature of Station Master
Station Master's Stamp
Signature of Loco Pilot ________ Date _________ Time ________ hours ____ minutes.
Form No. T/B 912
Sr. No. _________
(Loco Pilot/Record)
Station ________________ Date __________20____
Time __________ hours __________ minutes.
To The Motorman/Loco Pilot of Engine/Train/Unit No. _______________ Up/Down.
You are hereby authorized to proceed cautiously without line clear from ________
station to _________ station with or without your train on Up/Down * Line.
You shall bring your Train/Engine/Unit No. ___________ to stand outside First Stop
Signal/Last Stop Signal pertaining to wrong line * of the station and thereafter be
guided by the instructions from the Station Master of ____________ station.
Train No. ___________ was the last train over the section. It left/arrived * here at _______
hours ________ minutes.
(A) Failure of signals and communication.
(B) Blocking of line/obstruction on line at KM ___________ between ____________
station and ____________ station and failure of means of communication.
You are authorized to pass the Intervening Automatic Signal Nos. _____________ at
‘ON’ / Semi Automatic Signal, Manually Operated Signal Nos. _______________ on
being hand signaled by a railway employee and the Gate Stop Signals in ‘ON’
position cautiously up to the level crossing.
1. You are permitted to run your Engine/Train/Unit No. from _________ station to
__________ station with the speed not exceeding 25 Kmph over the straight with clear
view and 10 Kmph when view ahead is impaired due to tunnel, curve, obstruction,
rain, fog or any other cause.
Signature of Station Master
Station Master's Stamp
I have understood the contents of this authority.
Signature of Guard ________ Date _________ Time ________ hours _______ minutes.
Signature of Loco Pilot _________ Date _________ Time ________ hours _______ minutes.
* Strike out whichever is not applicable.
Loco Pilot proceeding on this authority must observe instructions mentioned at the
back of this form.
1. Speed must not exceed 25 KMPH over the straight with clear view and 10
KMPH when approaching or passing any portion of the line where the
view ahead is not clear due to curve, obstruction, rain, fog or any other
cause subject to the observance of speed restriction imposed and speed
over facing points restricted to 15 KMPH.
2. Both by day or night a tunnel must not be entered until the Loco Pilot has
ascertained that it is clear. Should there be any doubt on this point, the
train should be piloted by a Railway Employee equipped with lighted
hand signals and detonators.
3. A sharp look out must be kept at all times and Loco Pilot must be
prepared to stop clear and short of any obstruction which may exist or
crop up on the road. Engine whistle must be freely used.
4. When approaching the nominated station ahead, the Loco Pilot must
bring his train engine to stand outside the First Stop Signal / Last Stop Signal
pertaining to wrong line and sound one long whistle and act to the
instructions of the Station Master.
5. The form should be handed over to the Station Master of the nominated
station at the end of the authorized journey for record.
Form No. T/C 912
Sr. No. _________
(Loco Pilot/Record)
Station ________________ Date __________20____
Time__________ hours __________ minutes.
The Motorman/Loco Pilot of Engine/Train _______________ Up/Down.
You are hereby authorized to proceed cautiously without line clear from ________
station to up to Km _________ with your Relief Engine / Train * on Up/Down * Line.
You shall bring your Relief Train/Engine to a stand at km ____________ and there after
be guided by the instructions from the Competent Authority at site.
Train No. ___________ was the last train over the section. It left/arrived * here at _______
hours ________ minutes.
You are permitted to run your Relief Engine / Train from _________ station to km
__________ with the speed not exceeding 15 Kmph over the straight with clear view
and 10 Kmph when view ahead is impaired due to tunnel, curve, obstruction, rain,
fog or any other cause.
Signature of Station Master
Station Master's Stamp
1. Speed must not exceed 25 KMPH over the straight line with clear view and
10 KMPH when approaching or passing any portion of the line where the
view ahead is not clear due to curve, obstruction, rain, fog or any other
cause subject to the observance of speed restriction imposed and speed
over facing points restricted to 15 KMPH.
2. Both by day or night a tunnel must not be entered until the Loco Pilot has
ascertained that it is clear. Should there be any doubt on this point, the
train should be piloted by a Railway Employee equipped with lighted
hand signals and detonators.
3. A sharp look out must be kept at all times and Loco Pilot must be
prepared to stop clear and short of any obstruction which may exist or
crop up on the road. Engine whistle must be freely used.
4. When approaching the nominated point ahead, the Loco Pilot must bring
his train / engine to stand and sound one long whistle and act to the
instructions of the competent authority.
5. The form should be handed over to the Station Master of the nominated
station at the end of the authorized journey for record.
Form No. T/D 912
Sr. No. _________
(Loco Pilot/Record)
Station ________________ Date __________20____
Time__________ hours __________ minutes.
The Motorman/Loco Pilot * of EMU/Engine/Train * No. ________ Description
All signals between ____________ station and _______________ station have failed. Line
Clear has been received from ____________ station under his Private No. (in words)
___________ (in figures)_________.
You are, hereby, authorized to proceed cautiously from ________ station to _________
station on Up/Down * line at a speed not exceeding 25 Kmph.
You are also authorized to pass departure signals, Gate signals and other intervening
signals at ‘ON’ on this authority observing all precautions at the level crossing gates.
You shall stop outside the first stop signals at ________________ station and thereafter
be guided by the instructions of the Station Master of that station.
Signature of Station Master
Station Master's Stamp
Signature of Guard ________ Date _________ Time ________ hours _______ minutes.
Signature of Loco Pilot _________ Date _________ Time ________ hours _______ minutes.
Form No. T- 1410
Sr. No. _________ Station ____________
Signature of Station Master
Station Master's Stamp
Form No. T/A 1425
3. Train No…………………..Up/Dn.
10. Train Out of Section report received from…………..station and acknowledge at……..hrs.
Form No. T/B 1425
3. Train No…………………..Up/Dn.
Form No. T/C
Sr. No…………..
(Loco Pilot/Record)
Number of Train……………………….Up(Description)……………………………….
Date……………………. Time…………………….hours…………………….minutes
*You are authorized to pass Last Stop Signal in danger, when the signal is interlocked with trument.
Block ins
Form No. T/D-1425
Sr. No…………..
(Loco Pilot/Record)
Date……………………. Time…………………….hours…………………….minutes
*You are authorized to pass Last Stop Signal in danger, when the signal is interlocked with trument.
Block Ins
Brake Power Certificate
Loco Pilot’s Signature
Action taken by TXR....................
Loco Pilot advised at.........................
ER/OP/T-2-OP/S-2 ER/OP/T-2-OP/S-2 ER/OP/T-2-OP/S-2
Description of double line Block Instrument .. .. 2.02
Extra care during repairs to line wires .. .. 1.15
Electric lock on the last stop signal .. .. 3.45(a)
Electric lock on the Block Instrument .. . 3.45(b)
Explanation and application of Bell codes .. .. .. 5.11
Exchange of Tokens by non stopping trains .. .. 5.18
Exchange of Tokens by stopping trains .. .. .. 5.19
Fixed Hand and Fog signals .. .. .. .. 1.06
Failure of Electrical block and Speaking Instruments .. 3.04 5.22
Failure of Electrical Speaking Instrument . . .. .. 3.49
Failure of Treadle /Track circuit . . .. .. 3.27 3.38 3.46
Failure of tokenless Block Instrument .. .. .. 8.15
Failure of last stop signals in Tokenless working .. .. 8.18
Failure of Direct Telephonic communication .. .. 5.23, 8.16
Issue of Block working manual .. .. .. 1.01
Instruction of staff .. .. .. 1.12
Interruption of Token working .. .. .. 5.21
Inquiry Books .. .. .. 6.04
Inquiry Form (Up) .. .. .. 6.05
Inquiry Form (Down) .. .. .. 6.06
Inquiry Form (Inner foils) .. .. .. 6.07
Inquiry Form (Up & Down) .. .. .. 6.08, 6.09
Inquiry for line clear .. .. .. 6.12
Interruption of Direct communication .. .. .. 5.23, 6.26
Illustration of Neal’s Token Instrument new type .. .. 4.15
Last stop signals interlocked with Block Instrument . . .. 3.22
Line clear forms at Double line stations .. .. .. 3.53
Line clear message Books .. .. .. .. 6.03
Lower needle .. .. .. .. 2.05
Method of governing the movement of train Block Station to Block Station 2.10
Method of signalling trains from Block station to Block station 8.05
With Tokenless Block instrument.
Method for use of Bell Codes .. .. .. .. 3.03
Method for operating release plunger .. .. .. 3.25
Messages not to be recorded in wrong Books .. .. 6.11
Method of signalling trains from Block station to Block station 4.14
With old type Neal’s Token Instrument
Method of signalling trains from Block station to Block station 4.16
With new type Neal’s Token instrument
Neal’s token Instrument – old type .. .. .. 4.03
Numbering of Messages .. .. .. 6.11
Normalizing of tokenless Block Instrument after the train returns 8.10
Back to the despatching station
Needle indications – double line . . .. .. 2.03
Object of Electrical Block Instrument .. .. .. 1.05
Obstruction of the Block section . . .. .. 3.07
Obstruction when train is approaching .. .. .. 3.13, 3.29
Obstruction in rear of starter when Block section is clear .. 3.19
Obstruction out side last stop signal when Block section is clear 3.20, 3.35
Obstruction out side home signal when Block section is clear 3.34
Operating handle – description . . .. .. 4.04
Obstruction in face of approaching train in station equipped with 5.03(I)
Two aspect signals.
Obstruction in face of approaching train in station equipped with 5.03(II)
Multiple aspect signals.
Obstruction within station section equipped with two aspect signals 5.04(I)
Obstruction within Station section equipped with manually operated 5.04(II)
Multiple aspect signals
Obstruction outside station section at B class single line station 5.05(I)
Equipped with two aspect signals
Obstruction outside station section at B class single line station 5.05(II)
Equipped with manually operated multiple aspect signals.
Obstruction out side the first stop signal at a B class single line 5.06
Obtaining token .. .. .. 5.12
Obstruction outside the outer signal .. .. .. 6.24(I)
Persons to be advised in case of obstruction on section 3.50
Preliminary .. .. .. 6.01
Persons authorized to obtain and give line clear .. .. 6.10
Procedure in sending inquiry messages .. .. .. 6.13
Private Numbers .. .. .. 6.21
Private Numbers sheets .. .. .. 6.22
Procedure of obtaining line clear during total failure of communication 7.01, 7.24
on single line.
Preliminary – Tokenless Block .. .. .. 8.01 to 8.06
Precautions necessary when Govt. Telegraph or Railway signal 8.18
Dept required to work on these lines
Procedure for working during failure of telephonic communication 8.21
and when block instruments remain locked.
Procedure for opening Block Instrument by the Inspector/Maintainer 7.20
of signal department.
Push Button Type tokenless Block Instrument 8.24, 8.36
Rules and Regulations on double line sections during total interruption 3.05
of communications
Reporting of failures .. .. .. 5.22(ii), 3.06
Refusing line clear .. .. .. 3.15, 3.30, 3.40
Release plungers .. .. .. 3.23
Regulating traffic during single line workings .. .. 3.51
Rules for single line working on double line during total failure of 3.47(b)
Rules for single line working on double line when one line is 3.47(a)
Record of operations for release plunger .. .. .. 3.26
Reply Books .. .. .. 6.10
Replies to Inquiries .. .. .. 6.15
Relation of the Needle Indication to Block sections 2.06
Study of Manual .. .. .. 1.02
System of working .. .. .. 1.04
Single line methods of Block Instruments . . .. .. 1.09
Station Master .. .. .. 1.10
Stations .. .. .. 1.17
Station Master’s changing duty . . .. .. 3.10, 5.25
Same Private Numbers appearing consecutively 6.23
Single line Tokenless Block Instrument description and method of 8.07
Shunting between last stop signal and opposite First stop signal 8.11
Where tokenless Block working is in force
Significance of permissive stop signals – in APB working 9.04
Significance of manual in permissive stop signal in APB working 8.06
Special instructions for working trains in case of Block stations 3.35
Provided with Intermediate block post.
Testing signal .. .. .. 3.03(7)
Thick and Foggy weather .. .. .. 3.08
Train signal Register .. .. .. 3.09, 5.24
Train entering section .. .. .. 3.16, 3.31, 3.41
Train on line .. .. .. 3.17, 3.32, 3.42
Train out of section .. .. .. 3.18, 3.33, 3.43
Types of single line Block instruments 4.01
Transferring of tokens .. .. .. 5.20
Train message description .. .. .. 6.14
Tokenless Block Instrument to be used by the station Master on 8.15
Train parting and left on line .. .. .. 8.17
Types of instruments .. .. .. 2.01, 4.01
Tablet instruments .. .. .. 4.17
Use of Block Instruments .. .. .. 1.11
Use of Release Plunger .. .. .. 3.24
Use of Token Instrument .. .. .. 5.08
Unauthorized manipulation of Tokenless Block Instrument 8.16
Upper Needle .. .. .. 2.04
Working of Block Instrument .. .. .. 1.14
Working labour gang .. .. .. 3.52
Working of trains in case of obstruction .. .. .. 3.48
Wrong Token/Tablet delivered to Loco Pilot .. .. .. 5.17
When inquiry/message should be sent .. .. .. 6.14
Writing and signing train messages .. .. .. 6.19
Writing, signing and dating Paper line clear tickets .. 6.25
Working of Motor trolleys and Material trolleys where tokenless 8.16
Block instrument in force