Promat PFPH Chapter 8 Smoke Barriers Doors

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The Passive Fire

Protection Handbook
The UK’s comprehensive guide
to passive fire protection

Chapter 8
Smoke Barriers
and Doors

The Passive Fire Protection Handbook


Chapter 1:

Chapter 2:
User guide

Chapter 3:
Structural Steel

Chapter 4:
Ceilings, Floors and Roofs

Chapter 5:
Partitions and External Walls

Chapter 6:
Fire Rated Ductwork
and Service Enclosures

Chapter 7:
Penetration Seals

Chapter 8:
Smoke Barriers and Doors221
Introduction���������������������������������������������� 222
Promat SUPALUX® System��������������������� 223
Promat DURASTEEL® System���������������� 224
Promat DURAFIRE® DD 120/240���������� 226
The Promat DURAFIRE®
DD 240 Slider ������������������������������������������ 228
Promat DURAFIRE® DD 120
and 240 Shutter �������������������������������������� 231
Door Upgrades, 30 minutes������������������ 232
Smoke Barriers and Doors

TECHNICAL SERVICES T: 0800 1456033 E: 221

The Passive Fire Protection Handbook | 2017

Chapter 8: Smoke Barriers and Doors



The purpose of a cavity barrier is to prevent smoke and flame The following points are some of the factors which should
from penetrating and/or moving within a concealed space in be considered when determining the correct specification
a fire compartment. to ensure the cavity barrier will provide the required fire
performance. Further advice can be obtained from the Promat
Building Regulations provide guidance on where such barriers
Technical Services Department.
should be located within hidden voids in a building and they
give examples of deemed-to-satisfy barriers for voids in stud 1. Size of barrier and location
walls or partitions. As mentioned previously there may be occasions when
the required performance of the barrier will differ from
If a barrier in a concealed space coincides with a
the general requirement of 30 minutes integrity and 15
compartment wall or floor it will normally be required to
minutes insulation, e.g. if it is located above a compartment
provide the same fire performance as the wall or floor. If the
barrier is located between such walls or floors however, the
barrier is defined as a ‘cavity barrier’ and as such will normally 2. Differential movement
only be required to provide 30 minutes integrity and 15 Cavity barriers are often located between two building
minutes insulation. elements that may move at different rates in normal
conditions and/or in the event of a fire e.g. a floor and
There are also instances where insurance companies insist on a suspended ceiling. The design of the barrier must
30 minutes insulation. “Large” and “small” cavity barriers are therefore make an allowance for such movement whilst still
only defined in Scottish Building Regulations. For insurance maintaining the required levels of integrity and insulation.
purposes, a large barrier is more than 600mm x 600mm.
3. Service penetrations
A large cavity barrier is defined as a barrier across a void in Care needs to be taken in detailing a suitable fire stopping
which a square with 1m sides can be accommodated. A small system around any penetration of the barrier by services.
cavity barrier is a barrier in which such a square cannot be Allowance should be made for movement of the services
accommodated. A large cavity barrier is required to provide in both ambient and in fire conditions to ensure loads are
30 minutes integrity and 15 minutes insulation whereas a not applied to the cavity barrier. See Chapter 7 for details
small cavity barrier need only provide 30 minutes integrity. of the Promat PROMASEAL® fire stopping range.
4. Adjoining structure
FIRE TESTING METHODS It is essential that the surrounding building elements e.g.
Cavity barriers should normally be tested or assessed in roof, floor or walls, do not collapse in the event of a fire.
accordance with BS 476: Part 22: 1987 and be required to A cavity barrier in a roof space, for example, will require
satisfy the performance criteria of integrity and insulation for that the roof truss that it is secured to is also protected
30 minutes and 15 minutes respectively when exposed to fire to prevent collapse when exposed to fire for at least 30
from either side. It should be noted that in some instances, minutes.
the integrity and insulation criteria must be such that the
performance requirement could be considerably higher
than that detailed above. e.g. if the cavity barrier is situated
at the top of a compartment wall, then this barrier would be
required to provide the same fire resistance as the main wall.

Chapter 8: Smoke Barriers and Doors

Promat SUPALUX® System

Fire rating, integrity and insulation in accordance with the criteria of both BS 476: Part Smoke kills more people in fires
22: 1987 and BS 7346: Part 3: 1990. than heat, flames or structural
collapse. Most modern buildings
1. today have an engineered smoke
Fire rating minutes Promat SUPALUX® Cover fillets/ Max.
control system and very often
Thickness rock wool height
it involves the use of smoke
Integrity 60 9mm - 2440mm reservoirs, channelling screens and
Integrity 120 9mm - 2440mm curtains.
Integrity 60 & Insulation 30 9mm 100mm x 9mm Promat 2440mm
SUPALUX® fillets
Smoke curtains and screens must
meet the requirements of BS 7346:
Integrity 60 & Insulation 60 9mm 100mm x 9mm Promat 2440mm
SUPALUX® fillets with 50mm
Part 3: 1990. Promat solutions
thick x 60 kg/m3 rock wool offer a permanent, easy to install
and cost efficient method to meet
2. Vertical steel channel, 50mm deep x 0.6mm thick at maximum 610mm centres the requirements of the above
welded or rivetted to top and bottom channels. standard.
3. Top and bottom horizontal steel channel 0.9mm thick for barrier height ≤ 1000mm.
1.2mm thick for barrier height ≤ 2440mm.
4. M4 steel screws at nominal 200mm centres horizontally and at nominal 300mm
centres vertically.
5. M6 steel anchor bolt at nominal 400mm centres.
6. Concrete substrate.

Fig 9.10.1 Fig 9.10.2 5 6


2 3 4
4 6
Maximum 2440mm

1 3
3 3

Installation Method Detail 1 – Elevation Fig 9.10.4

Fig 9.10.3 Fig 9.10.5

1 2 4

Detail 2 – Horizontal Section (Section A-A)


Detail 4 – Board Fixing Detail
Detail 3 – Vertical Section (Section B-B)

TECHNICAL SERVICES T: 0800 1456033 E: 223

The Passive Fire Protection Handbook | 2017

Chapter 8: Smoke Barriers and Doors

Promat DURASTEEL® System

Fig 9.20.1 Technical Data

4 Single sided barrier to provide integrity only for up to
3 40 minutes in accordance with the criteria of BS 476: Part
Detail 22: 1987.
1. Promat DURASTEEL®, 9.5mm.
2. Steel studs maximum 1200mm centres*, comprising of
either 100mm x 50mm x 3mm thick C-channels or 80mm
2 x 60mm x 3mm thick C-channels or 50mm x 50mm x 3mm
thick angles.
3. Steel channel tracks.
4. Soffit of concrete or structure with fire-resistance equal to
or greater than that of the barrier.
1 5. Non-combustible fixings, M10 at 500mm maximum centres,
4 x 5 minimum penetration into concrete substrate of:
40mm for up to 120 minutes fire resistance.
60mm for up to 240 minutes fire resistance.
3 Maximum drop height 2500mm.
* Dependent upon construction criteria, please refer to Promat
2 Technical Services Department for specific details.

Fig 9.20.2

Fig 9.20.3 Technical Data

4 Double sided barrier to provide integrity only for
up to 240 minutes in accordance with the criteria of
BS 476: Part 22: 1987.
1. Promat DURASTEEL®, 9.5mm.
2. Steel studs, maximum 1200mm centres* comprising of
2 either 100mm x 50mm x 3mm thick C-channels or 80mm
x 60mm x 3mm thick C-channels or 50mm x 50mm x 3mm
thick angles.
3. Steel channel tracks.
4. Soffit of concrete or structure with fire resistance equal to
or greater than that of the barrier.
5. Ceiling of concrete or structure with fire resistance higher
or equal to that of the barrier.
Maximum drop height 2500mm.
*Dependent upon construction criteria, please refer to Promat
3 Technical Services Department for specific details.

Chapter 8: Smoke Barriers and Doors

Promat DURASTEEL® System

Doors form an important component of many fire compartmentation

systems. To maintain the integrity of the fire separation, access doors or Certifire Approval No CF 418
hatches should be installed with appropriate hardware and signage to
ensure that they are suitable for their intended use.


Promat manufacture a range of fire doors, offering from 60 to 240 minutes
fire protection, each with a specific purpose and application in mind. All
doors in this section are tested to BS 476: Part 22: 1987 and will also meet
the relevant requirements of BS 5588 for fire resisting doorsets.

The new editions of Approved Document B give strict guidance on the
use of fire doors and this should be adhered to at all times. In addition,
documents such as the FPA Design Guide should be considered to give
a wider scope of specific applications and uses.
Promat also manufacture bespoke doorsets for specific applications
such as blast resistance or personnel access. For further information on
Promat DURASTEEL® doors, please contact Promat Technical Services.


The following doors are manufactured using Promat DURASTEEL®
sheet, offering high levels of fire and impact resistance. The DD range of
doorsets can be installed as part of a Promat DURASTEEL® fire protection
system or as an individual item suitable for fixing into steel stud partitions
and brick or blockwork apertures, provided that wall constructions have a
fire resistance of at least the same period as the doorset.

TECHNICAL SERVICES T: 0800 1456033 E: 225

The Passive Fire Protection Handbook | 2017

Chapter 8: Smoke Barriers and Doors

Promat DURAFIRE® DD 120/240


Certifire Approval No CF 418 The Promat DURAFIRE® DD door range covers single and double leaf constructions
for internal and external use and offers some of the highest fire ratings in the
Each doorset can be built to an exact specification, enabling virtually any shape or
size to be created.
Vision panel options are applicable for the entire Promat DURAFIRE® DD range.
The Promat DURAFIRE® DD range of hinged products are certified to BS 476:
Part 22: 1987 for up to 240 minutes integrity and to SOLAS and IMO standards.

Fig 9.30.1

Single Leaf Double Leaf DD 120 / DD 240

Table 9a
Configurations Period of fire Maximum Door Leaf Height (mm) Maximum Door Leaf Width
resistance (minutes) (mm)
DD 120 single-acting, single leaf - latched 240 2500 1050
DD 120 single-acting, double leaf - latched 240 2500 1050
DD 120 single-acting, single leaf - three way shoot 240 3000 1100
bolt mechanism
DD 120 single-acting, double leaf - three way shoot 240 3000 1100
bolt mechanism on one leaf with shoot bolts to
inactive leaf
DD 240 single-acting, single leaf - three way shoot 240 2400 1100
bolt mechanism
DD 240 single-acting, double leaf - three way shoot 240 2400 1100
bolt mechanism on one leaf with shoot bolts to
inactive leaf
DD 240 single-acting, double leaf - three way shoot 120 3000 1100
bolt mechanism on one leaf with shoot bolts to
inactive leaf.

DD 240 door leaves satisfy the mean temperature rise requirement of BS 476: Part 22: 1987 for 60 minutes.

Chapter 8: Smoke Barriers and Doors

Promat DURAFIRE® DD 120/240

Certifire Approval No CF 418

Table 9b Standard Specification

Leaf Overall thickness 28mm
Material 9.5mm thick Promat DURASTEEL® sheet
Jointing construction Mitred and welded
Frame Overall frame depth 60mm (FR7) (FR11)
Material 60 x 60 x 6mm thick angle section
Jointing Mitred and welded joints or cleated constructions
Type and configuration Single rebate/3-sided frame
Threshold plate 70 x 10mm thick MS plate (FR15)
Finish Frame and leaf Standard shop-applied zinc based primer, ready for site painting (P3)
Ironmongery Leaf fitted with 3-way shoot bolt mechanism, handle set and rose plates. 2 no. hook and ride
hinges and central hinge keep per leaf. Passive leaf on double leaf doorset is fitted with either face
fixed tower bolts top and bottom or 2-way shoot bolts
Test Method BS 476: Part 22: 1987

Table 9c
Dimensional Details Ref Single Leaf Doorset Example Calculation Double Leaf Doorset Example Calculation (mm)
Structural opening width A A 900 A 1800
Structural opening height B B 2100 B 2100
Overall frame width C (A - 8 = C) 892 (A - 8 = C) 1792
Overall frame height D (B - 6 = D) 2094 (B - 6 = D) 2094
Door leaf width E (A - 25 = E) 875 (A - 30)/2 = E) 885
Door leaf height F (B - 35 = F) 2065 (B - 35 = F) 2065

Note: Calculations based on standard specification.

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The Passive Fire Protection Handbook | 2017

Chapter 8: Smoke Barriers and Doors

The Promat DURAFIRE® DD 240 Slider


Certifire Approval No CF 418
The Promat DURAFIRE® DD Slider can be produced to much larger dimensions
than conventional hinged doorsets, offering access to large plant and machinery
etc, whilst retaining the specified fire performance of a compartment wall. These
doorsets can be designed to incorporate a wicket door for personnel access.
The Promat DURAFIRE® DD slider door range is supplied with a counterbalance
system to ensure a controlled closure. If required, fuseable links and electro-
magnetic devices can be incorporated in the design to provide fail-safe operation.
The Promat DURAFIRE® DD sliders are certified to BS 476: Part 22: 1987 for up to
240 minutes integrity and are ideally suited to medium to heavy duty industrial
situations in power generation and industrial buildings.

Fig 9.40.1

DD 240 Slider


Table 9d

Configurations Period of fire resistance (minutes) Maximum Door Leaf Height (mm) Maximum Door Leaf Width (mm)

Single leaf 240 5000 5000

Chapter 8: Smoke Barriers and Doors

The Promat DURAFIRE® DD 240 Slider

Certifire Approval No CF 418

Table 9e Standard Specification

Leaf Overall thickness 28mm
Material 9.5mm thick Promat DURASTEEL® sheet
Jointing construction Mitred and welded
Frame Overall frame depth 80mm
Material 80 x 40 x 80 x 6mm thick Z-section
Jointing Mitred and welded joints
Type and configuration Single rebate/3-sided frame
Threshold plate Not as standard
Finish Frame and leaf Standard shop-applied zinc based primer, ready for site painting (P3)
Ironmongery Heavy duty mild steel track and rollers recessed handle and bottom guide rollers. Standard weight
counterbalance system and thermo-fusible link.
Test Method BS 476: Part 22: 1987

Table 9f
Dimensional Details Ref Single Leaf Doorset Example Calculation
Structural opening width A A 920
Structural opening height B B 2100
Door leaf width C (A + 340 = C) 1260
Door leaf leading edge height D (B + 212 = D) 2312
Door leaf trailing edge height E (C/30 + D = E) 2354
Frame leading edge height F (B + 272 = F) 2372
Frame trailing edge height G (H/30 + F = G) 2451
Frame Length H ((2 x A) + 536 = H) 2376

Calculations based on standard specification.

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The Passive Fire Protection Handbook | 2017

Chapter 8: Smoke Barriers and Doors

Promat DURAFIRE® DD 240 Trap


The Promat DURAFIRE® DD 240 Trap is a high performance trap door, tested to BS 476:
Part 22: 1987 for up to 240 minutes integrity.
The unique design of the Promat DURAFIRE® DD 240 trap enables the manufacture of
almost any shape or size, including single or multiple leaf constructions. Gas struts can be
provided where controlled closure is required.
The Promat DURAFIRE® DD 240 traps can be designed to withstand light traffic loads and
with a flush face and pivot hinge to avoid trip hazards.

Fig 9.50.1

DD 240 Trap

Table 9g Standard Specification Table 9h

Leaf Overall thickness 28mm Dimensional Details Ref Single Leaf Example
Material 9.5mm thick Promat DURASTEEL® sheet Doorset Calculation
Jointing Mitred and welded (mm)
construction Structural opening width A A 900
Frame Overall frame 60mm (FR7) Structural opening height B B 1000
Overall frame width C (A - 8 = C) 892
Material 60 x 60 x 6mm thick angle section
Overall frame length D (B - 8 = D) 992
Jointing Mitred and welded joints
Door leaf width E (A - 25 = E) 875
Type and Single rebate/4-sided frame
configuration Door leaf length H (B - 26 = F) 974

Finish Frame and leaf Standard shop-applied zinc based primer,

ready for site painting (P3)
Note: For maximum leaf sizes, configurations and
options, please refer to Promat Technical Services
Ironmongery 2 no. hook and ride hinges per leaf and
recessed pull handle Department. Calculations based on standard
Test Method BS 476: Part 22: 1987

Chapter 8: Smoke Barriers and Doors

Promat DURAFIRE® DD 120 and 240 Shutter


The Promat DURAFIRE® DD 120 and 240 Shutters are ideal for incorporation
into industrial fire protection systems, especially where conveyor belts penetrate
compartment walls. The design of DURAFIRE® DD 240 shutter allows a variety of
configurations, both dropping and rising to close, dependent upon the application.
All Promat DURAFIRE® DD shutters are supplied with a counterbalance system to
ensure a controlled closure. If required, fuseable links and electro-magnetic devices
can be incorporated in the design to provide fail-safe operation.

Fig 9.60.1

DD120 (12mm thick) DD240 (28mm thick)

Table 9i Standard Specification Table 9j

Leaf Overall thickness 12mm (DD 120) 28mm (DD 240) Dimensional Details Ref Single Leaf Example
Material 9.5mm thick Promat DURASTEEL® sheet Doorset Calculation
Jointing Mitred and welded (mm)
construction Structural opening width A A 920
Frame Overall frame 80mm Structural opening height B B 900
Overall frame width C (A + 92 = C) 1012
Material 45 x 80 x 45 x 6mm thick
Z-section/25 x 15 x 3mm thick angle section Overall frame length D (B + 96 = D) 996
Jointing Mitred and welded Door leaf width E ((B + D + 92 = E) 1988
Type and 3-sided frame with trailing edge flame trap Door leaf length F (A + 178 = F) 1098
Finish Frame and leaf Standard shop-applied zinc based primer, Note: For maximum leaf sizes, configurations and
ready for site painting (P3) options, please refer to Promat Technical Services
Ironmongery Standard weight counterbalance system, Department. Calculations based on standard
heavy duty mild steel track specification.
Test Method BS 476: Part 22: 1987

TECHNICAL SERVICES T: 0800 1456033 E: 231

The Passive Fire Protection Handbook | 2017

Chapter 8: Smoke Barriers and Doors

Door Upgrades, 30 minutes

Chiltern International Fire

Assessment FEA/F98048.

Promat SUPALUX® and Promat MASTERBOARD® boards Frame Construction

provide a quick and economical method of upgrading existing This upgrade does not apply to door leaves fitted into metal
latched single leaf, single acting panelled timber doors to frames.
achieve 20 minutes or 30 minutes fire integrity (FD 20 and The door leaves should be hung in a doorframe of minimum
FD 30). Specification details included on the following pages dimensions 70mm x 32mm.
refer to upgrading of doors to achieve FD 30 performance.
The leaf to frame gaps must be controlled to a maximum of
Additional specifications are available for upgrading of
4mm. Similarly, the threshold gap should be controlled to a
doors to achieve FD 20 performance. Please contact Promat
maximum of 10mm.
Technical Services Department for further details.
The doorframe to structural opening gap must be suitably
For use, for example, where required by alterations to a
firestopped, and the doorset securely fastened to the
building, change of use, or under certification requirements of
the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order (RRFSO).
It is not necessary for doorstops to be machined from the
Promat products are robust, and their use eliminates the task
solid, a pinned and glued or screwed and glued stop is
of installing a new door and frame. They are particularly good
equally satisfactory. Doorstops must be a minimum 12mm
for high quality panelled doors and it is possible to retain the
deep. The density of timber used for constructing the leaf and
original character and panelled appearance whilst achieving
the doorframe must be in excess of 480kg/m3, and may be
fire resistance.
softwood or hardwood.
The upgrading specifications described in this document have
Existing door hardware cannot be assumed to be suitable for
been fully tested or assessed by recognised independent
use on a fire resisting door, or assumed to be sufficiently well
authorities. They can be used to meet the relevant
requirements of Building Regulations and the Regulatory
Reform (Fire Safety) Order (RRFSO). Leaves must be hung on three brass or steel butt hinges of
blade sizes as follows:
In relation to the latter, upgrading can be used in hotels and
boarding houses as well as conversion to multiple occupancy • 100mm high x 32mm to 35mm x 3mm thick blade for
housing. All door upgrades should be carried out to the 44mm thick leaves.
satisfaction of the appropriate district surveyor, fire officer or • 100mm high x 25mm to 30mm x 3mm thick blade for 38mm
other specifiying authority. to 43mm thick leaves.
Promat SUPALUX® is a non-combustible board and Promat
The full width of the hinge blade must be fitted within the leaf
MASTERBOARD® is a material of limited combustibility. Both
edge/frame reveal.
products are equally suited to door upgrade applications.
The doorset must be fitted with a type of face-fixed
DESIGN automatic closing device and a latch/lock assembly, that have
Sealing the Leaf/Frame Gap demonstrated their capability of maintaining integrity for the
To enable a doorset to achieve its required performance, an required period in similar doorset designs, when tested to
intumescent seal must be fitted across the head and down the current standard. Concealed overhead closures are not
both jambs. The seals may be fitted either centrally in the leaf suitable unless specifically proven by test.
edge or centrally in the frame reveal opposite the leaf edge.
Where the leaf is being removed for upgrading work, it may
Gaps greater than 2mm between the stiles, rails and muntins
be easier to fit the intumescent seal into the leaf edges.
must be filled over with Promat PROMASEAL® Sealant. The top
An intumescent seal will activate to fill the gap between the and bottom mortise and tenon junctions must be additionally
leaf edge and the frame when fire breaks out. Intumescent fixed with a 10mm softwood dowel, glued into position with a
seals alone are not designed to offer any resistance to cold urea formaldehyde adhesive.
smoke but, when activated, are effective barriers to hot smoke,
flames and hot gases.
Smoke control can be achieved by the use of a proprietary
smoke seal brush or blade, fitted into the leaf edges, or with
combined intumescent/smoke seals that have been tested in
accordance with BS 476: Section 31.1: 1983.

Chapter 8: Smoke Barriers and Doors

Door Upgrades, 30 minutes


Original Door: Chiltern International Fire
Timber panelled door, with minimum 40mm thick leaf. Assessment FEA/F98048.
Maximum leaf size 2000mm x 815mm.
Panels: Fig 9.110.1
12mm Promat SUPALUX® or 12mm Promat MASTERBOARD® (faced
with or without 0.7mm veneers to both faces, bonded with PVA
adhesive), set in Promat PROMASEAL® Sealant and held in place with
11mm hardwood quadrant beads skew nailed with 32mm steel pins at
200mm centres.
Intumescent Strip:
15mm x 4mm PVC encased Palusol 100 strip to both vertical edges
and top of the door.
Door Stop:
Minimum 12mm deep.


Original Door:
Timber panelled door, with minimum 40mm thick leaf.
Maximum leaf size 2000mm x 815mm.
9mm Promat SUPALUX® or 9mm Promat MASTERBOARD® with 4mm
plywood facings or softwood raised and fielded panels (minimum 4mm
at the fielding), set in Promat PROMASEAL® Sealant and held in place
with 11mm hardwood quadrant beads skew nailed with 32mm steel
pins at 200mm centres.
Intumescent Strip:
15mm x 4mm PVC encased Palusol 100 strip to both vertical edges
and top of the door.
Door Stop:
Minimum 12mm deep.

Original Door:
Timber panelled door, with minimum 40mm thick leaf and minimum
6mm thick panels.
Maximum leaf size 2000mm x 815mm.
9mm Promat SUPALUX® or 9mm Promat MASTERBOARD® (veneer not
permitted), set in Promat PROMASEAL® Sealant and held in place with
11mm hardwood quadrant beads skew nailed with 32mm steel pins at
200mm centres. (If the door leaf is a minimum 44mm thick, the 9mm
Promat SUPALUX® or 9mm Promat MASTERBOARD® may be faced with
0.7mm veneer on both faces using a PVA adhesive).
Intumescent Strip:
15mm x 4mm PVC encased Palusol 100 strip to both vertical edges
and top of the door.
Door Stop:
Minimum 12mm deep.

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The Passive Fire Protection Handbook | 2017

Chapter 8: Smoke Barriers and Doors

Door Upgrades, 30 minutes


Chiltern International Fire EXPOSED FACE)
Assessment FEA/F98048. Original Door:
Timber panelled door, with minimum 44mm thick leaf, and minimum
6mm thick panels.
Fig 9.110.4 Maximum leaf size 1981mm x 762mm.
Infill Panels:
6mm Promat SUPALUX® or 6mm Promat MASTERBOARD® retained
between the 11mm hardwood quadrant beads with 32mm long steel
pins at 200mm centres with the top 10mm bent back over the face of
the board. Sealed to bead edges with Promat PROMASEAL® Sealant.
Facing Panel:
6mm Promat SUPALUX® or 6mm Promat MASTERBOARD® fixed with
32mm x No. 8 steel screws around the perimeter of the leaf and across
the mid-rail only at 150mm centres.
Intumescent Strip:
15mm x 4mm PVC encased Palusol 100 strip to both vertical edges
and top of the door.
Door Stop:
12mm deep.
Note: This upgrade may be applied in-situ, and does not require the
door stop to be repositioned, or the door re-hung.


Original Door:
Timber panelled door, with minimum 44mm thick leaf, and minimum
6mm thick panels.
Maximum leaf size 1981mm x 762mm.
Facing Panels:
6mm Promat SUPALUX® or 6mm Promat MASTERBOARD® fixed with
32mm x No. 8 steel screws around the perimeter of the leaf and across
the mid-rail only at 150mm centres.
Intumescent Strip:
15mm x 4mm PVC encased Palusol 100 strip to both vertical edges and
top of the door.
Door Stop:
Alternative specifications are also available for
12mm deep.
20 minute upgrades, please contact the Promat
Technical Services Department for further details. Note: This upgrade may be applied in-situ, and does not require the
door stop to be repositioned, or the door re-hung.

The Passive Fire

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