Reviewer in Arts 8 - 1st PT
Reviewer in Arts 8 - 1st PT
Reviewer in Arts 8 - 1st PT
I. Arts and Crafts meters wide and 3.5 meters long; and the blank space
on each side are said to be eyes that guide the kite in
Wayang Kulit flight.
• Puppetry in Indonesia
• Flourished in the royal courts of Java and Bali as
well in the rural areas of Indonesia.
• Wayang is a Javanese word meaning “shadow”
• In Bahasa Indonesia its means “puppet” 2. Wau Jala Budi or Woman kite - Is said to be inspired
• Kulit is also Javanese word meaning “leather” by the shape of the woman’s body with her arms
or skin in reference to the material used to outstretched to the sides.
make the puppets. • The shade of the tail is similar to the budi leaf
• Puppets performed with musical found in Kedah, while Jala refers to the
accompaniments. structure of the tail.
• Spiritual and magical significance for the
Javanese and Balinese people.
• Souls of the ancestors were brought to life as
shadows that provide advice and support.
• Made from flattened buffalo hide with buffalo
rods for supports.
• Bali and Java puppets are different 3. Wau Barat or Leaf kite - Is different from the others
• Balinese puppets tend to be more realistic than because its design is painted of glued colored paper.
those of Java. Because of this, it is more lightweight and could stay up
• Reflects religious differences mainly between in lighter winds than the other designs.
Hindu Bali and Muslim Java. It is also called morning kite sins it can fly even when
• Islam forbids the depiction of the human form, the wind is as its lightest, usually early in the day.
their puppets are highly stylized.
• Shape of the eyes and nose of the character
also denote certain qualities such as Kindness,
Refinement, Strength, and Loyalty.
• That audience of a wayang kulit performance
are protected from evil spirits while it is 4. Wau Kuching or Cat like - It looks like a sitting cat
ongoing. when viewed from the back. Its hummers are also
Wau tuned to screech and yowl like a cat does.
Singapore’s Merlion
• Mythical creature that is half-lion and half-fish
known as the Merlion.
• Is a national symbol of Singapore.
It is designed for Tourist Promotion Board and functions
as its logo
• Use of the fish in the design comes from the
idea of Singapore’s beginnings as a fishing
village and symbolizes the cultural values of the
Singaporean people: hardworking, thrifty, and
• while the lion’s head refers to the lion sighting
in Temasek by the prince from Palembang,
which signifies courage and bravery in leaping
into future.
• Symbol iteslf was designed by Alec Fraser-
Brunner in 1964 as an emblem for the
Singapore Tourism Board. The statue, which has
become a tourist landmark and main attraction
in Singapore, was created by the late Lim Nang
Seng out of cement fondue.
8.6 m tall
70 tonnes
• 1972 Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew at the
mouth of the Singapore river.
• However, when the Esplanade bridge was
completed in 1994, t obscured the view of the
statue from the Marina Bay Waterfront.
Good luck!