Deep Learning Main
Deep Learning Main
Deep Learning Main
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The Entity
It is high time for us to express gratitude and humble submission to the almighty Allah but
for whose support; we would not be able to complete a huge task preparing this term paper
within scheduled time. Term Paper is an essential part of MBA program as one gather
knowledge by preparing the paper.
At first, we would like to give full gratitude to our supervisor, Dr. Abul Khayer,
Associate Professor, an adjunct faculty (Information Technology for Business Value),
Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP), who instructed us in the right way and
gave us proper guidelines for preparing this term paper.
We sincerely believe that the road to improvement is never ending. Hence, we shall look
forward to and gratefully acknowledgement all suggestions received.
Associate Professor
Dear Sir,
It is our immense pleasure to present you the report on “A Comprehensive Study on the impact
and opportunities of Deep Learning to overcome the challenges of the Fourth Industrial
Revolution in Bangladesh” This report has been prepared to know about the perception about
deep learning among people in Bangladesh and its impact, opportunities and challenges which
has been prepared as a part of our MBA Program requirement .During the preparation of the
report we have tried our level best to make it covering all concerning matters. We believe that
the report will at least give you a brief picture about the topic which will also showcase that we
have acquired valuable experience about the deep learning method and use of it in Bangladesh.
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Md. Mejbah-Ul-Siddik Mubashshira Subah
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Nadia Sultana Nodi Fahim Ahmed
Md. Tanvir Ahammed Dipu
Executive Summary
Table of Contents
01 Introduction
1.3 Objectives
1.4 Methodology
02 Literature Review
03 Methodology
5.1 Limitations
5.2 Opportunities
07 Recommendations
08 Conclusion
Chapter 01
1.1 Background of the Study
1.3 Objectives
1.4 Methodology
Literature Review
Chapter 03
List of people for the interview:
Primary source:
Secondary source:
5.2 Opportunities
Chapter 06
Chapter 08