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Term Paper on

A Comprehensive Study on the impact and

opportunities of Deep Learning to overcome the
challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
in Bangladesh
Term Paper
on Deep
Learning in

Course Code: BUS 5103

Course Name: Information Technology for Business Value

Submitted To:

Dr. Abul Khayer

Associate Professor (Adjunct)
Dept. of Business Administration
Management Studies

Submitted By:
The Entity

1. Nadia Sultana Nodi (2223021018)

2. Fahim Ahmed (2223021030)
3. Mubashshira Subah (2223021041)
4. Md. Mejbah-Ul-Siddik (2223021042)
Tuesday Bangladesh University of Professionals
November 1, 2022 Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka 1216

5. Md. Tanvir Ahammed Dipu (2223021059)


It is high time for us to express gratitude and humble submission to the almighty Allah but
for whose support; we would not be able to complete a huge task preparing this term paper
within scheduled time. Term Paper is an essential part of MBA program as one gather
knowledge by preparing the paper.

At first, we would like to give full gratitude to our supervisor, Dr. Abul Khayer,
Associate Professor, an adjunct faculty (Information Technology for Business Value),
Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP), who instructed us in the right way and
gave us proper guidelines for preparing this term paper.

We sincerely believe that the road to improvement is never ending. Hence, we shall look
forward to and gratefully acknowledgement all suggestions received.

Department of BBA GENERAL

Bangladesh University of Professionals
Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka-1216
1st November, 2022

1st November 2022

Dr. Abul Khayer

Associate Professor

Department of BBA General

Bangladesh University of Professionals

Subject: Application for submitting the term paper

Dear Sir,

It is our immense pleasure to present you the report on “A Comprehensive Study on the impact
and opportunities of Deep Learning to overcome the challenges of the Fourth Industrial
Revolution in Bangladesh” This report has been prepared to know about the perception about
deep learning among people in Bangladesh and its impact, opportunities and challenges which
has been prepared as a part of our MBA Program requirement .During the preparation of the
report we have tried our level best to make it covering all concerning matters. We believe that
the report will at least give you a brief picture about the topic which will also showcase that we
have acquired valuable experience about the deep learning method and use of it in Bangladesh.

It has been a great contentment to submit you the report.

Sincerely yours,

…………………………………. . ……………………..…
Md. Mejbah-Ul-Siddik Mubashshira Subah

…………………………………. …………………………
Nadia Sultana Nodi Fahim Ahmed

Md. Tanvir Ahammed Dipu
Executive Summary

Table of Contents

Chapter Topic Name Page

Executive Summary

01 Introduction

1.1 Background of the study

1.2 Problem Statement

1.3 Objectives

1.4 Methodology

1.5 Structure of the report

02 Literature Review

03 Methodology

04 Use of Deep Learning in Bangladesh

05 Findings and Analysis of the Impact

06 Discussion and Implications

5.1 Limitations

5.2 Opportunities

07 Recommendations

08 Conclusion


Chapter 01

1.1 Background of the Study

1.2 Problem Statement

1.3 Objectives

1.4 Methodology

1.5 Structure of the Report

How many chapters , what’s in it – in brief

Chapter 02

Literature Review
Chapter 03

List of people for the interview:

1. Dr. Alim Akhter Bhuiyan, the neurologist of United Hospital -

“New technologies give us the chance to improve hospital security and privacy
protocols. For instance, the fusion of ledger and deep learning technologies can provide
dynamic informed consent, fine-grained access control, and optimum confidentiality
while transmitting key data essential for public health.”
2. Ahsan Habib, Principal Officer of Uttara Bank Ltd -
“Banking chatbots like Kasisto AI (KAI), Personetics Assist, Finn AI, Clinc AI, and
others can have natural-sounding voice or text conversations. These banking chatbots
have shown to be incredibly successful in providing consumers with the assistance and
information they need, as well as expanding the customer base for the banks through
positive word-of-mouth.”
3. An agriculture specialist, AgroAid Foundation-
“Rice prediction with machine learning is the top most usage of deep learning method in
our country right now. This digitalized decision making process is also making a huge
difference in our GDP as well.”
4. Sultan Mohammad, IT Specialist of BITOPI Group-
“We have implemented facial mask detector machine during this pandemic. This type of
technologies is making our life a lot easier and secured.”
5. Dr. Sabera Khatun, BSMMU-
“Antibiotic and disease discovery have become a lot easier with the help of machine
learning. There’s a lot more to come in the future which will bring a new hope for the
cancer patients of our country.”

Primary source:

Survey stuff and analysis from 50 samples

Secondary source:

Research papers, Interviews, articles etc ( quality & quantity data)

Chapter 04

Use of Deep Learning in Bangladesh

Chapter 05

Finding and Analysis

5.1 Limitations

5.2 Opportunities
Chapter 06

Discussion and Implications

Chapter 07

Chapter 08


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The Survey on the perception about Deep Learning is showed here.

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