Rws-Week 3
Rws-Week 3
Rws-Week 3
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Milcah Roselle C. Canda Learning Area: Reading and Writing Skills
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates &
Time: September 05-09, 2022 / (Week 3) Quarter: First
Based on Annex 2B.6 to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
11- ICT-A 11- ICT-A 11- ICT-A 11- ICT-A
11-HE-A 11-HE-A 11-HE-A 11-HE-A
11-HE-B 11-HE-B 11-HE-B 11-HE-B
A. Content Standards The learners realizes that information in a written text may be selected and organized to achieve a particular purpose.
B. Performance Standards The learner critiques a chosen sample of each pattern of development focusing on information selection, organization, and
C. Most Essential Learning The learners…
Competencies (MELCs) Evaluate a written text based on its properties (organization, coherence and cohesion, language use and mechanics)
including the codes. EN11/12RWS-IIIgh-4
(Subject Matter) Patterns of Written Texts Across Disciplines
B. Establishing purpose for the Let the students know that, Cause and effect matching “How are you going to
Lesson aside from the compare and game. encourage incoming senior
contrast pattern, there are more high school to choose the
patterns they can use in strand you are enrolled in?”
developing their writing skills.
C. Presenting examples Rearranging jumbled letters to The students will define the
/instances of the new lessons identify the different patterns following terms:
of development in writing. TVL
D. Discussing new concepts and Let the students identify the Let the students identify the Let the students identify the Let the students identify the
practicing new skills #1. characteristics of each pattern characteristics of each pattern characteristics of each pattern characteristics of:
of development in writing. of development in writing. of development in writing. Argumentation
Narration Illustration Classification Persuasion
Description Definition Causal Analysis
E. Discussing new concepts & Identify the transitional words Identify the transitional words Identify the transitional words Identify the transitional words
practicing and concern to new and phrases used in each and phrases used in each and phrases used in each and phrases used in:
skills #2 pattern of development in pattern of development in pattern of development in Argumentation
writing. writing. writing.
Narration Illustration Classification
Description Definition Causal Analysis
F.Developing Mastery (Leads to Fill in the blanks with the Fill in the blanks with the Fill in the blanks with the Fill in the blanks with the
Formative Assesment 3 correct transitional devices. correct transitional devices. correct transitional devices. correct transitional devices.
I. Evaluating Learning Analyze the text and list down Write two definitions for Read and understand the A 20-item quiz about the
the patterns of development terminologies you learned sentences, then dentify the patterns of development.
used. from your specialized subject. pattern of development used in I. Multiple Choice
each. II. Identification
J. Additional activities for In case learners were not able In case learners were not able In case learners were not able In case learners were not able
application or remediation to accomplish quiz with at to accomplish quiz with at to accomplish quiz with at to accomplish quiz with at
least 80% accuracy, give least 80% accuracy, give least 80% accuracy, give least 80% accuracy, give
homework. homework. homework. homework.
VI. Reflection
A.No. of learners who earned _____ out of ___ (___%) _____ out of ___ (___%)
80% in the evaluation learners earned 80% learners earned 80%
B. No. of learners who requires _____ out of ___ (___%) _____ out of ___ (___%)
additional acts for remediation learners scored below 80% learners scored below 80%
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons _____ out of ___(___%) _____ out of ___(___%)
work? No. of learners who learners who went through learners who went through
caught up with the lessons remediation passed. remediation passed.
D. No. of learners who continue ____ out of __ (____%) need ____ out of __ (____%) need ____ out of __ (____%) need ____ out of __ (____%) need
to require remediation the tier 2 remediation the tier 2 remediation the tier 2 remediation the tier 2 remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why did
this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal/supervisor can help me
G. What innovations or localized
materials did I used/discover
which I wish to share with other
Milcah Roselle C. Canda Edel B. Bansil Catrina S. Pedronan, PhD Rita DL. Cunanan
Teacher II Master Teacher I Master Teacher I, SHS Focal Person Principal IV