Accomplishment Report 2022

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(As of January, 2022)

I. School Improvement Projects

A. Classrooms minor renovation

Through the use of the school Maintenance and Other Operating
Expenses (MOOE) minor repairs for some of the classroom has been done.
The Grade 3 section A comfort room has been renovated. The EPP classroom
as well as the Grade I section A windows has been replaced by a new one.
B. Islamic Studies and Arabic Language Teachers’ Office

To promote high values and morality, the needs for Islamic studies and
Arabic Language teachings are very much needed. To give more emphasis on
this, the Pindoguan ES school head Maam Mukhlisa C. Sumaguina through
the use of school MOOE renovated and repair an old empty space in our
school and turn it into an office for the two ISAL teachers.
C. Repainting of the Social Hall and School Head Office
Pindoguan ES is always conducting social events to promote higher
quality of education that is mostly held in the social hall, the school head
through the use of the MOOE repainted the whole social office as well as the
office of the school head.

D. Kindergarten tables
In preparation for the upcoming face to face classes and for giving
emphasis to the importance of Kindergarten classes as the main foundation of
learning, the school repainted and replace the table in the kindergarten
E. Building of Flag poles
One of the main concerns of the school for the past years is the
unstable and tallest flag pole. Due to this, the school head build two new flag
pole stands for the Philippine flag and one for the BARMM flag.
F. Repainting of the fence
As part of the school beautification, the school repainted its fence with
different colors to motivate learners as well as the teachers to learn

G. Repainting of the school buildings and landscaping

The school head through the utilization of the school MOOE repainted
the school’s building, the stage, the hall way, as well as the fence. In addition
to that, the school also has landscaped the school trademark for the learners,
teachers, as well as visitors to enjoy.
H. PTCA Waiting shed
The Parents Teachers and Community Association of the school
donated an amount for the renovation of the PTCA waiting area. Due to the
insufficient fund, the school MOOE has been used to finish the project.
I. MISSION, VISION and Core Values wall paint
In order for the learners to master the VGMO and Core values of the
school and the Department of Education it has been repainted to the wall in the
EPP Classroom.

J. Construction of school Directory

In order to recognize the school’s personnel, the school constructed the
school directory at main entrance of the school.
II. School Activities
The school activities had been funded by the school MOOE such as the
materials that has been used, the food and other miscellaneous fee.

A. Graduating and Moving Up PTCA Meeting

Due to the upcoming graduation and moving up ceremony for the school
year 2021-2022, the school conducted a meeting with the parents of the graduate’s
candidates and moving up candidates. The main agenda of the said meeting is the
date of the events as well as the venue and other important matter.

B. Eid Celebration

Despite the workloads due to the previous NLE 2022, PES was able to
celebrate the Eid together.
C. ISAL Ramadhan Islamic Seminar
The two ISAL teachers in coordination with the school head conducted a
seminar about the importance of Ramadhan. The seminar was attended by the full
force of PES and the Grade 6 pupils.

D. 1ST Tranche SBFP Distribution

PES is very thankful to the Ministry of Basic, Higher and Technical Education
headed by Minister Mohagher M. Iqbal as one of the recipients of School Based
Feeding Program (SBFP). The PES parents are very grateful because the
commodities will really help them in their financial needs.
E. Clustered Districts and Secondary Islamic Seminar

PES joins in the clustered districts and secondary seminar during the month of
Ramadhan. The said seminar was held at Datu Mamintal Memorial National high
School. This was joined by the two districts of Bubong, Three districts of Ditsaan
Ramain and the districts of Buadipuso Buntong.

F. 2nd Quarter Division Math Assessment Test

The school joins in the 2nd quarter Math Assessment test. The assessment
test was given by the Math Guild, the Math association in the division.
G. Distribution of Financial Assistance to pupils
The school is very grateful as one of the recipients of Financial Assistance
to pupils. A 2,000 pesos worth of cash was given to the 300 parents of the school
from Grade 1 to Grade 6.

H. Dental Kit’s Distribution

The school has been one of the recipients of dental kits also given by the
BARMM Ministry of Basic, Higher and Technical Education consisted of tooth
brush, tooth paste and hand soap. This was distributed in the primary level from
kinder to Grade 3.

I. Division Evaluation and Monitoring

The Division of Lanao del sur I headed its OIC SDS Sahanee M. Sumagayan,
PhD., conducted another monitoring and evaluation. The monitoring group was
headed by ASDS Jamira Sarip, MAEd. The aim of the monitoring is to supervise
the learning modalities in the time of pandemic as well as the school programs.

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