rr10302 Engineering Mechanics
rr10302 Engineering Mechanics
rr10302 Engineering Mechanics
I B.Tech Supplimentary Examinations, Aug/Sep 2008
( Common to Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, Metallurgy &
Material Technology, Production Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering
and Automobile Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. (a) A ball of weight ‘W’ rests upon a smooth horizontal plane and has attached
to its center two strings AB and AC which pass over frictionless pulleys at B
and C and carry loads P and Q, respectively, as shown in Figure1a. If the
string AB is horizontal, find the angle α that the string AC makes with the
horizontal when the ball is in a position of equilibrium. Also find the pressure
R between the ball and the plane.
Figure 1a
(b) Determine the forces S1 and S2 induced in the bars AC and BC in Figure1b.
due to the action of the horizontal applied load at C. The bars are hinged
together at C and to the foundation at A and B. [8+8]
Figure 1b
2. (a) Explain the types of friction with examples.
(b) Two equal bodies A and B of weight ‘W’ each are placed on a rough inclined
plane. The bodies are connected by a light string. If µA = 1/2 and µB = 1/3,
show that the bodies will be both on the point of motion when the plane is
inclined at tan−1 (5/12). [6+10]
3. A laminated belt 9 mm thick and 125 mm broad drives a pulley of 1.2 m diameter at
180 r.p.m the angle of lap being 1900 . The weight of the belt material is 1.16kg/m3 ,
the friction coefficient between the belt and the pulley is 0.3. If the stress in the
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belt is not to exceed 1.75N/mm2
4. (a) From the first principles determine product of inertia for right angle triangle
of base ‘ b’ and altitude ‘ h’.
(b) State and prove transfer formula for product of inertia. [8+8]
5. Compute the mass moment of inertia about the x – axis of the steel link shown in
figure5. [16]
Figure 5
6. (a) A train is traveling at a speed of 60 km/hr. It has to slow down due to certain
repair work on the track. Hence, it moves with a constant retardation of 1
km/hr/second until its speed is reduced to 15 km/hr. It then travels at a
constant speed of for 0.25 km/hr and accelerates at 0.5 km/hr per second
until its speed once more reaches 60 km/hr. Find the delay caused.
(b) The motion of a particle in rectilinear motion is defined by the relation
s = 2t3 − 9t2 + 12t − 10 where s is expressed in metres and t in seconds. Find
i. the acceleration of the particle when the velocity is zero
ii. the position and the total distance traveled when the acceleration is zero.
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Figure 7b
8. Determine the frequency of torsional vibrations of the disc shown in figure 8 if both
the ends of the shaft are fixed and diameter of the shaft is 40mm. The disc has a
mass of 600Kg, and a radius of gyration of 0.4m.Taking modulus of rigidity for the
shaft material as 85GN/m2 .l1 =1m, and l2 = 0.8m. [16]
Figure 8
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Code No: RR10302 Set No. 2
I B.Tech Supplimentary Examinations, Aug/Sep 2008
( Common to Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, Metallurgy &
Material Technology, Production Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering
and Automobile Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
Figure 1
2. (a) Explain the types of friction with examples.
(b) Two equal bodies A and B of weight ‘W’ each are placed on a rough inclined
plane. The bodies are connected by a light string. If µA = 1/2 and µB = 1/3,
show that the bodies will be both on the point of motion when the plane is
inclined at tan−1 (5/12). [6+10]
3. An open belt running over two pulleys 1500 mm and 1000 mm diameters connects
two parallel shafts 48000 mm apart. The initial tension in the belt when stationary
is 3000N. If the smaller pulley is rotating at 600 r.p.m and coefficient of friction
between the belt and pulley is 0.3. Determine the power transmitted taking cen-
trifugal tension into account. The mass of belt is given as 0.6703 kg/m length.
4. (a) Derive an expression to determine the moment of inertia of a semi circle about
its diametric base.
(b) Find the moment of inertia of the shaded area, as shown in figure 4b about
its centroidal axes parallel to x-axis. [8+8]
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Figure 4b
5. Compute the mass moment of inertia about the x – axis of the steel link shown in
figure5. [16]
Figure 5
6. An enemy ship was located at a distance of 25km in north-west direction by a
warship. If the enemy ship is moving with a velocity of 18kmph N300 E, in which
direction the warship must move with a velocity of 36 kmph, to strike at its earliest.
Assume the fire range of warship is 5km. When is the shell to be fired? [16]
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Figure 7b
8. The weight of an empty railway wagon is 240 KN on loading it with goods weighing
320KN, its springs get compressed by 80mm.
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Code No: RR10302 Set No. 3
I B.Tech Supplimentary Examinations, Aug/Sep 2008
( Common to Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, Metallurgy &
Material Technology, Production Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering
and Automobile Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
Figure 1
2. (a) Find the least horizontal force ‘P’ to start motion of any part of the system
of three blocks resting upon one another as shown in figure2a. The weights of
the blocks are A = 3000N, B = 1000N, C = 2000N. Between A and B
µ= 0.3, between B and C, µ = 0.2 and between C and the ground µ = 0.1.
Figure 2a
(b) A block overlying a 10 wedge on a horizontal floor and leaning against a
vertical wall and weighing 1500N is to be raised by applying a horizontal force
to the wedge. Assuming the coefficient of friction to be 0.3, determine the
minimum horizontal force to be applied to raise the block. As shown in the
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Figure 2b
3. An open belt running over two pulleys 240 mm and 600mm diameters connects
two parallel shafts 3000mm apart and transmits 4KW from the smaller pulley that
rotates at 300 r.p.m. Coefficient of friction between the belt and the pulley is 0.3
and the safe working tension is 10 N/mm width.
Determine :
4. (a) Calculate the moment of inertia of the shaded area about the x – axis
{As shown in the Figure 4a}
Figure 4a
(b) Determine the moment of inertia of a hallow circular section about its cen-
troidal axes as shown in figure 4b. [8+8]
Figure 4b
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5. A brass cone with base diameter of 400 mm and height of 225 mm is placed on a
vertical aluminum cylinder of height 300 mm and diameter 400 mm. Density of
brass = 85kN/m3 and density of aluminium =25.6kN/m3 . Determine the mass
moment of inertia of the composite body about the vertical geometrical axis. [16]
6. (a) A body moves along a straight line and its acceleration ‘a’ which varies with
time ‘t’ is given by a =2-3t. Five seconds after the start of observation, the
velocity is 20 m/s. The distance moved by the body 10sec after the start of
observation of motion from origin is 85 m
i. the acceleration, velocity and distance from the origin at the start of
ii. the time after the start of observation at which the velocity becomes zero
and the distance travelled from the origin.
(b) A car is uniformly accelerated and passes sucessive kilometre-stones with ve-
locities of 20km/hour and 30km/hour respectively. Calculate its velocity when
it passes the next kilometre stone and the time taken for each of these two
intervals of one kilometre. [8+8]
7. (a) A homogeneous sphere of radius of a=100 mm and weight W=100 N can
rotate freely about a diameter. If it starts from rest and gains, with constant
angular acceleration, an angular speed n=180rpm, in 12 revolutions, find the
acting moment. .
(b) A block starts from rest from‘A’. If the coefficient of friction between all sur-
faces of contact is 0.3, find the distance at which the block stop on the hori-
zontal plane. Assume the magnitude of velocity at the end of slope is same as
that at the beginning of the horizontal plane.
As shown in the Figure7b [8+8]
Figure 7b
8. A vertical shaft 100 mm in diameter and 1m in length has its end fixed to the ceiling.
At the other end, it carries a disc of mass 500 kg having a radius of gyration of 450
mm. The modulus of rigidity for the material of shaft is 80Gpa. Determine the
frequency of torsional vibrations. [16]
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Code No: RR10302 Set No. 4
I B.Tech Supplimentary Examinations, Aug/Sep 2008
( Common to Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, Metallurgy &
Material Technology, Production Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering
and Automobile Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. (a) Three identical cylinders, each weighing ‘W’, are stacked as shown in figure 1a,
on smooth inclined surfaces, each inclined at an angle ‘θ’ with the horizontal.
Determine the smallest angle ‘θ’ to prevent stack from collapsing.
Figure 1a
(b) The boom of a crane is shown in figure 1b, if the weight of the boom is
negligible compared with the load (W) = 60 kN, find the compression in
the boom and also the limiting value of the tension (‘T’) when the boom
approaches the vertical position. [8+8]
Figure 1b
2. (a) Define the following:
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i. Friction
ii. Angle of friction
iii. Limiting friction
iv. Cone of friction
(b) A ladder 5 m long and of 250 N weight is placed against a vertical wall in a
position where its inclination to the vertical is 300 . A man weighing 800 N
climbs the ladder. At what position will he induce slipping? The co-efficient
of friction for both the contact surfaces of the ladder viz. with the wall and
the floor is 0.2. [8+8]
3. A shaft which rotates at a constant speed of 160 r.p.m is connected by belting to
a parallel shaft 1800mm a part, which has to run at 60, 80 and 100 r.p.m. the
smallest pulley on the driver shafts is 150mm in radius. Determine the remaining
radii of the two stepped pulleys for
(a) A crossed belt
(b) An open belt.
Neglect belt thickness and slip form. [16]
4. (a) Derive an expression to determine the moment of inertia of a semi circle about
its diametric base.
(b) Find the moment of inertia of the shaded area, as shown in figure 4b about
its centroidal axes parallel to x-axis. [8+8]
Figure 4b
5. A rectangular parallelopiped has the following dimensions.
Length along x-axis = ‘l’
Height along y-axis = ‘a’
Breadth along z-axis = ‘b’
Density of the material is ‘w’
Determine the mass moment of inertia of the parallelopiped about the centroidal
axes. [16]
6. (a) The motion of a disk rotating about a fixed point is given by the relation
θ = 2(1 + e−3t ) where θ is in radians and ‘t’ is in seconds. Determine the
angular coordinates, velocity and acceleration of the disk when
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i. t=0 and
ii. t=2secs.
(b) A projectile is aimed at a mark on the horizontal plane through the point of
projection and falls 12m short when the angle of projection is 150 while it
overshoots the mark by 24m when the angle of projection is 450 . Find the
angle of projection to hit the mark neglecting the resistance of air.
Take g = 9.81 m/s2 . [8+8]
7. (a) A homogeneous sphere of radius of a=100 mm and weight W=100 N can
rotate freely about a diameter. If it starts from rest and gains, with constant
angular acceleration, an angular speed n=180rpm, in 12 revolutions, find the
acting moment. .
(b) A block starts from rest from‘A’. If the coefficient of friction between all sur-
faces of contact is 0.3, find the distance at which the block stop on the hori-
zontal plane. Assume the magnitude of velocity at the end of slope is same as
that at the beginning of the horizontal plane.
As shown in the Figure7b [8+8]
Figure 7b
8. Calculate the period τ of the torsion pendulum shown in the figure 8. The following
data are given. Weight of pendulum = 60 N,length of the rod = 0.5 m, diameter
of the rod = 3 mm, radius of disc = 0.1 m, thickness of disc h= 25 mm, G =8.16
× 105 N/m2 . Neglect the thickness of the disc in computing its moment of inertia.
Also calculate the percentage error in the period τ of the torsion pendulum in the
figure8, due to neglecting the thickness ‘h’ of disk in computing its moment of
inertia. [16]
Figure 8
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