3-A Sanitary Standard For Machine Leveling Feet and Supports
3-A Sanitary Standard For Machine Leveling Feet and Supports
3-A Sanitary Standard For Machine Leveling Feet and Supports
, McLean, VA 88-00
TITLE ................................................................................................................................. i
DISCLAIMERS ............................................................................................................... iii
FOREWORD ................................................................................................................... iii
A SCOPE.................................................................................................................. 1
B NORMATIVE REFERENCES .......................................................................... 1
C DEFINITIONS..................................................................................................... 1
C1....................... Product…………………………………………………………1
C2....................... Machine Leveling Feet or Supports……………………………1
C3....................... Surfaces………………………………………………...………1
C4....................... Sealed…………………………………………………………..1
C5....................... Cleaning………………………………………………………..1
C6.......................Surface Modification………………………………….……......1
C7....................... Bond………………………………………………….………...2
C8....................... Soil…………………………………………………………..…2
D MATERIALS ....................................................................................................... 2
D1 ...................... Metals..…………………………………………………………2
D2 ......................Nonmetals..………………………………..……………………2
E FABRICATION................................................................................................... 2
E1...................... Surface Texture…………………………………………………2
E2...................... Permanent Joints…………………………..……………………2
E3...................... Bonded Materials…………………………..…………………...2
E5......................Cleaning and Inspectability………………..……………………3
E8...................... Seals…………………………………………………………….3
E9..................... Load-Bearing Foot……………………………………………....3
E10.................... Swivel Joints……………………………………………………3
F Surface Finish ........................................................................................................ 3
G Engineering Design and Technical Construction File ........................................... 4
H Examples of Leveling Feet Designs ...................................................................... 5
I Sealing Materials and Compounds ...................................................................... 12
J Bonding/Sealing of Load-Bearing Foot............................................................... 12
Copyright© 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc., McLean, VA 88-00
3-A Sanitary Standards and 3-A Accepted Practices are developed through the efforts of experts, working
on a volunteer basis, using science-based information and their professional experiences to reach
consensus decisions on the sanitary (hygienic) criteria in these 3-A documents.
3-A SSI, its employees and its volunteer committees/working groups shall not incur any obligation or
liability for damages, including consequential damages, arising from or in connection with the
development, use, interpretation, or reliance upon this 3-A Sanitary Standard.
3-A Sanitary Standards and 3-A Accepted Practices do not include provisions for mechanical, electrical, or
personnel safety. Such safety criteria are established by government regulations and other standards
development organizations (SDOs). Other SDO standards may be referenced.
Drawings and illustrations contained herein are examples to assist in understanding the criteria in this 3-A
Sanitary Standard. Appendix drawings and illustrations are not intended to show all variations of the
equipment or system nor are they exclusive of alternate approved methods. Appendix drawings and
illustrations are non-normative.
This 3-A Sanitary Standard establishes minimum sanitary (hygienic) requirements for design, materials,
fabrication, and/or installation of Machine Leveling Feet and Supports.
This 3-A Sanitary Standard is for use on a voluntary basis by directly and materially affected organizations
such as equipment and machinery fabricators, processors, regulatory agencies and by other SDOs to assure
adequate public health protections exist for the equipment or systems and covered products. 3-A SSI uses
these documents as its source of sanitary criteria for 3-A Symbol authorization.
This 3-A Sanitary Standard was developed jointly by 3-A SSI, the United States Public Health Service
(USPHS), the United States Department of Agriculture – Dairy Programs (USDA), and the European
Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG).
It is our intent to encourage inventive genius and provide a forum to discuss new developments.
Suggestions for improvement and new technology are welcome at any time for consideration by 3-A SSI.
Please forward comments to the 3-A Secretary, 1451 Dolley Madison Boulevard, Suite 150; McLean, VA
22101-3850, USA or by fax: 703-761-6284, or by e-mail to: 3-ainfo@3-a.org.
Copyright© 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc., McLean, VA 88-00
A2 In order to conform to this 3-A Sanitary Standard, C3.1 Exposed Surfaces: Areas which are not sealed, and
machine leveling feet or supports shall conform to which are in contact with the surrounding
the following criteria for design, material of environment.
construction, fabrication techniques and installation,
as appropriate, and the current revisions or editions C3.2 Non-exposed Surfaces: Surfaces which are not
of all referenced documents cited herein. exposed, including internal components which are
sealed from contact with the surrounding
Copyright© 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc., McLean, VA 88-00
C6.1 Surface Treatments: Processes where chemical D2.1 Rubber, rubber-like and plastic materials may be
composition or mechanical properties of the used for gaskets, seals, swivel joint inserts, feet, and
existing surface are altered. There is no appreciable footpad inserts. These materials shall be relatively
build-up of new material or removal of existing nonabsorbent, durable and cleanable.
material. (See section B, Ref. No. 1)
D2.2 Adhesives used for bonding rubber and rubber-like
C6.1.1 Surface treatments include: materials and bonding plastic materials shall be
nontoxic, relatively nonabsorbent, durable and
1. Mechanical (shot peening, glass beading,
cleanable. (See section B, Ref. No.3.)
and polishing) (See section B, Ref. No.2.)
2. Electropolishing
C6.2 Coatings, Overlays and Encapsulations: A process
E1 Surface Texture
where a different material is deposited to create a
new surface. There is a build-up of new material.
E1.1 All exposed surfaces shall have a smooth finish
The coating, overlay, or encapsulation material does
such that soil may be cleaned from the surface using
not alter the physical properties of the substrate.
manual cleaning techniques and be free of pits,
folds, cracks, crevices, and other imperfections in
C6.2.1 Coating processes include:
the final fabricated form, when installed on the
1. Thermal spraying (e.g., flame, plasma, arc machinery and within the specified load conditions.
spray, chromium)
E1.2 Knurled surfaces shall not be used.
C7 Bond: The adhesive forces holding materials
together. This definition excludes press and shrink E2 Permanent Joints
E2.1 All permanent joints in metallic surfaces shall be
C8 Soil: Unwanted organic residue or inorganic matter continuously welded, except that:
on the exposed surfaces.
E2.1.1 Press or shrink fits may be used to produce crevice-
D MATERIALS free permanent joints between a support and a foot.
Joints of these types may only be used to assemble
D1 Metals parts having circular cross sections, free of
shoulders or relieved areas.
D1.1 Exposed surfaces shall be of stainless steel of the
American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) 300 Series, E2.2 Legs or components of machine leveling feet or
excluding 301, 302, and 303 (See section B, Ref. supports made of hollow stock shall be
No.4) or corresponding Alloy Cast Institute (ACI) continuously welded except for adjustable
types (See section B, Ref. No.5) or metal which components covered by E8.1.
under conditions of intended use is at least as
corrosion resistant as 304 stainless steel, and is E3 Bonded Materials
nontoxic and nonabsorbent. (See Appendix,
Section F.) Where welding is involved, the carbon E3.1 Rubber and rubber-like materials and plastic
content of the stainless steel shall not exceed materials may be bonded. The bond shall be
0.08%. continuous and mechanically sound. The rubber
and rubber-like material or the plastic material shall
D1.2 Leg components and adjustable foot assemblies not separate from the base material to which it is
may also be made of other nontoxic metal(s) that bonded when exposed to the conditions encountered
have their surfaces modified by coating(s). in the environment of intended use, including
Copyright© 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc., McLean, VA 88-00
E6.1 All exposed surfaces shall be self-draining except E10.1 The mating surfaces of swivel joints may include
for typical clingage or normal adherence and shall metal to metal contact components, provided that
not have pockets which retain liquids. the internal mating surfaces of such swivel joints do
not have surfaces where soil can collect.
E6.1.1 Surfaces which are not self-draining and non-
exposed surfaces shall be sealed. E11 Nameplates
Copyright© 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc., McLean, VA 88-00
Copyright© 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc., McLean, VA 88-00
G7 Confidentiality
G8 File Location
G9 File Retention
Copyright© 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc., McLean, VA 88-00
H1 Flat Foot
Copyright© 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc., McLean, VA 88-00
Copyright© 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc., McLean, VA 88-00
Copyright© 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc., McLean, VA 88-00
Copyright© 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc., McLean, VA 88-00
H7 Swivel Foot with Embedded/Bonded Rubber Pad. Spindle Mechanical Connected with Load-
Bearing Foot
Copyright© 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc., McLean, VA 88-00
H8 Swivel Foot in Solid Steel. Spindle Mechanical Connected with Load-Bearing Foot
Copyright© 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc., McLean, VA 88-00