Rotary Positive Displacement Pumps, Commercial Ships Use: Standard Specification For

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Designation: F 1510 – 98 An American National Standard
100 Barr Harbor Dr., West Conshohocken, PA 19428
Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM

Standard Specification for

Rotary Positive Displacement Pumps, Commercial Ships
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 1510; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope Carbon Steel, for Intermediate and Higher Temperature

1.1 This specification defines the requirements applicable to Service3
design and construction of rotary positive displacement pumps A 536 Specification for Ductile Iron Castings2
for shipboard use. The classes of service are shown in Section A 563 Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts6
4. A 564/A 564M Specification for Hot-Rolled and Cold-
1.2 This specification will not include pumps for hydraulic Finished Age-Hardening Stainless Bars and Shapes7
service or cargo unloading applications. A 574 Specification for Alloy Steel Socket-Head Cap
2. Referenced Documents A 582/A 582M Specification for Free-Machining Stainless
2.1 ASTM Standards: and Heat-Resisting Steel Bars7
A 27/A 27M Specification for Steel Castings, Carbon, for A 743/A 743M Specification for Castings, Iron-Chromium,
General Application2 Iron-Chromium-Nickel, Corrosion-Resistant for General
A 36/A 36M Specification for Structural Steel3 Application2
A 48 Specification for Gray Iron Castings2 B 150 Specification for Aluminum Bronze Rod, Bar, and
A 53 Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Shapes8
Zinc-Coated Welded and Seamless4 B 584 Specification for Copper Alloy Sand Castings for
A 159 Specification for Automotive Gray Iron Castings2 General Applications8
A 193/A 193M Specification for Alloy Steel and Stainless D 1418 Practice for Rubber and Rubber Lattices— Nomen-
Steel Bolting Materials for High-Temperature Service4 clature9
A 194/A 194M Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel D 2000 Classification System for Rubber Products in Auto-
Nuts for Bolts for High-Pressure and High-Temperature motive Applications10
Service4 D 3951 Practice for Commercial Packaging11
A 322 Specification for Steel Bars, Alloy, Standard Grades5 F 104 Classification System for Nonmetallic Gasket Mate-
A 354 Specification for Quenched and Tempered Alloy rials10
Steel Bolts, Studs, and Other Externally Threaded Fasten- F 593 Specification for Stainless Steel Bolts, Hex Cap
ers6 Screws, and Studs6
A 395/A 395M Specification for Ferritic Ductile Iron F 912 Specification for Alloy Steel Socket Set Screws6
Pressure-Retaining Castings for Use at Elevated Tempera- F 1511 Specification for Mechanical Seals for Shipboard
tures2 Pump Applications12
A 434 Specification for Steel Bars, Alloy, Hot-Wrought or 2.2 ANSI Standard:
Cold-Finished, Quenched and Tempered5 B 16.5 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings13
A 449 Specification for Quenched and Tempered Steel 2.3 SAE Standards:
Bolts and Studs6 AS 568A Aerospace Size Standard for O-Rings14
A 515/A 515M Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, J 429 Mechanical and Material Requirements for Externally
Threaded Fasteners14

1 7
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F-25 on Ships Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.03.
and Marine Technology and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F25.11 on Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 02.01.
Machinery. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 09.01.
Current edition approved Nov. 10, 1998. Published June 1999. Originally Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 09.02.
published as F 1510 - 94. Last previous edition F 1510 - 94. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.09.
2 12
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.02. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.07.
3 13
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.04. Available from American National Standards Institute, 11 W. 42nd St., 13th
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.01. Floor, New York, NY 10036.
5 14
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.05. Available from Society of Automotive Engineers, 400 Commonwealth Dr.,
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.08. Warrendale, PA 15096.

F 1510
2.4 AMS Standard: 3.1.10 net positive inlet pressure required (NPIPR)—the net
3215 Acrylonitrile Butadiene (NBR) Rubber Aromatic Fuel pressure above the liquid vapor pressure at rated flow and
Resistant 65-7514 pumping temperature and at the pump inlet connection re-
2.5 AFBMA Standards: quired to avoid performance impairment due to cavitation.
9 Load Ratings and Fatigue Life for Ball Bearings15 3.1.11 pressure, cracking—sometimes called set pressure,
11 Load Ratings and Fatigue Life for Roller Bearings15 start-to-discharge pressure, or popping pressure—the pressure
20 Bearing Interchange Guide15 at which the relief valve just starts to open. This pressure
2.6 AGMA Standard: cannot be determined readily if the relief valve is internal to the
390.03 Gear Classification, Materials and Measuring Meth- pump and it bypasses the liquid within the pump.
ods for Unassembled Gears16 3.1.12 pressure, differential—the difference between dis-
2.7 API Standard: charge pressure and inlet pressure.
676 Positive Displacement Pumps—Rotary17 3.1.13 pressure, discharge—the pressure at the outlet of the
2.8 Military Standards: pump. Discharge pressure is sometimes called outlet pressure.
MIL-S-90118 3.1.14 pressure, inlet—the total pressure at the inlet of the
MIL-STD-16718 pump. Inlet pressure is sometimes called suction pressure.
MIL-STD-74018 3.1.15 pressure, maximum allowable working—the maxi-
mum continuous pressure for which the manufacturer has
3. Terminology designed the equipment (or any part to which the term is
3.1 Definitions: referred) when handling the specified fluid at the specified
3.1.1 capacity—the quantity of fluid actually delivered per temperature. This pressure should not be greater than 2⁄3 of the
unit of time at the rated speed, including both the liquid and hydrostatic test pressure of the pressure containing parts.
dissolved or entrained gases, under stated operating conditions. 3.1.16 rated condition—defined by discharge pressure, inlet
In the absence of any gas or vapor entering or forming within pressure, capacity, and viscosity.
the pump, the capacity is equal to the volume displaced per unit 3.1.17 rotary pump—a positive displacement pump consist-
of time, less slip. ing of a casing containing gears, screws, lobes, cams, vanes,
3.1.2 capacity, maximum—the quantity of fluid delivered shoes, or similar elements actuated by relative rotation between
that does not exceed the limit determined by the formula in 9.2. the drive shaft and the casing. There are no inlet and outlet
3.1.3 displacement—the volume displaced per revolution of valves. These pumps are characterized by their close running
the rotor(s). In pumps incorporating two or more rotors clearances.
operating at different speeds, the displacement is the volume 3.1.18 slip—the quantity of fluid that leaks through the
displaced per revolution of the driving rotor. Displacement internal clearances of a rotary pump per unit of time. Slip
depends only on the physical dimensions of the pumping depends on the internal clearances, the differential pressure, the
elements. characteristics of the fluid handled and in some cases, the
3.1.4 dry operation—a brief run during priming or stripping speed.
with suction and discharge lines unrestricted and pump cham- 3.1.19 speed, maximum allowable (in revolutions per
ber wet with liquid but pumping only air or vapor available minute)—the highest speed at which the manufacturers’ design
from the suction. will permit continuous operation.
3.1.5 effıciency, mechanical—the ratio of the pump power 3.1.20 speed, minimum allowable (in revolutions per
output (hydraulic horsepower) to the pump power input (brake minute)—the lowest speed at which the manufacturers’ design
horsepower) expressed in percent. will permit continuous operation.
3.1.6 effıciency, volumetric—the ratio of the pump’s capac- 3.1.21 speed, rated—the number of revolutions per minute
ity to the product of the displacement and the speed expressed of the driving rotor required to meet the rated conditions.
in percent. 3.1.22 suction lift—a term used to define a pump’s capabil-
3.1.7 fuel, clean—fuel purified for direct use. ity to induce a partial vacuum at the pump inlet.
3.1.8 fuel, dirty—fuel before purification which may con- 3.1.23 temperature, maximum allowable—the maximum
tain water and some solids. continuous temperature for which the manufacturer has de-
3.1.9 net positive inlet pressure available (NPIPA)—the signed the equipment (or any part to which the term is referred)
total inlet pressure available from the system at the pump inlet when handling the specified fluid at the specified pressure.
connection at the rated flow, minus the vapor pressure of the
4. Classification
liquid at the pumping temperature.
4.1 Pumps will be classified as follows:
4.1.1 Types:
15 Type II—Screws with timing gears.
Available from Anti-Friction Bearing Manufacturers Association, 1101 Con-
necticut Ave. N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036. Type III—Screws without timing gears.
Available from American Gear Manufacturers Association, 1901 N. Fort Myer Type IV—Impellers with timing gears.
Dr., Suite 1000, Arlington, VA 22209.
17 Type V—External gear (spur, helical, herringbone,
Available from American Petroleum Institute, 1801 K St., N.W., Washington,
DC 20226.
Available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Type VIII—Internal gear, internal rotary lobe.
Office, Washington, DC 20402. Type X—Vane (sliding).

F 1510 Type XI—Sliding shoe. 7.2 Pumps shall be capable of sustained operation during
4.1.2 Classes: inclinations up to 45° in any direction. Class A—Aqueous film forming foam, AFFF. 7.3 The pumps shall be capable of withstanding environ- Class B—Bromine. mental vibration induced by shipboard machinery and equip- Class CD—Clean distillate fuel, viscosity 32 to 100 ment in the frequency range from 4 to 25 Hz.
SSU (2 to 21 centistokes) (for example, jet fuel, JP-5, fuel). 7.4 The internally excited vibration levels of the pump shall Class CH—Clean heavy fuel, viscosity 100 to 1500 not exceed 0.003-in. (0.00762-mm) displacement peak to peak
SSU (21 to 325 centistokes) (propulsion fuel). during rated operation when readings are measured on the Class DD—Dirty distillate fuel, viscosity 32 to 100 pump case near the coupling perpendicular to the pump shaft.
SSU (2 to 21 centistokes) (for example, transfer, stripping, 7.5 At normal operating conditions, the airborne noise level
purifier feed, leak-off). of the pump shall not exceed 85 dBA. Class DH—Dirty heavy oil, viscosity 32 to 4000 7.6 The pump driver (electric motor, air motor, turbine,
SSU (2 to 863 centistokes) (for example, waste oil, transfer, hydraulic motor, diesel engine, attached) shall be as specified
stripping, purifier feed, drains). in the ordering data. The driver shall be sized for maximum Class G—Gasoline, aviation gasoline, gasohol. flow at the relief valve full-flow bypass pressure, at maximum Class LM—Lube oil, viscosity 130 to 4000 SSU (27 viscosity. If a two-speed motor is specified for high-viscosity
to 863 centistokes) (for example, propulsion, SSTG, control, Class LM applications, the motor size shall be based on power
L.O. service). required at low speed, which is used during cold startup. Class LA—Auxiliary L.O. 130 to 4000 SSU (27 to 7.7 If a reduction gear is required between the driver and the
863 centistokes) service and L.O. transfer. pump, it shall be provided by the pump manufacturer. Reduc- Class M—Miscellaneous. tion gears shall meet the requirements of AGMA 390.03. Gears Class W—Heavily contaminated seawater, viscos- shall be AGMA Class 7 or better, pinions shall be AGMA Class
ity 32 to 4000 SSU (2 to 863 centistokes) (bilge stripping, oily 8 or better, and bearings shall be designed for a L10 life of
waste transfer). 15 000 h.
5. Ordering Data 7.8 Horizontal pumps may be mounted on a common
5.1 The ordering activity shall provide manufacturers with horizontal bedplate with the driving unit or mounted directly to
all of the following information: the driver. Vertical pumps may be mounted with a bracket to
5.1.1 Title, number, and date of specification, the driving unit or mounted directly to the driver.
5.1.2 Type and classification, see Section 4, 7.9 All pump units shall incorporate guards over couplings,
5.1.3 Capacity in gallons per minute or litres per minute at belts, and other external rotating parts.
rated discharge pressure, 7.10 The mounting arrangement shall be sufficiently rigid to
5.1.4 Discharge pressure in pound-force per square inch assure alignment is maintained between the pump and the
gage (psig) or kilopascal (kPa) gage. driver in accordance with the conditions in 7.2, 7.3, and 8.1.
5.1.5 Airborne noise levels (if different than 7.5), 7.11 Seating surfaces of mounting bedplates, bracket
5.1.6 Viscosity (only if different than Section 4), mounting plates, or other mounting arrangements shall be
5.1.7 Mounting configuration (vertical, horizontal), machined.
5.1.8 Driver type (motor, turbine, engine, attached), 7.12 Mounting bedplates, brackets, and plates shall be
5.1.9 Driver characteristics or specifications, or both, provided with holes of sufficient size and quantity to assure
5.1.10 Relief valve cracking pressure and full-flow bypass adequate attachment to shipboard foundation or mounting
pressure, structure.
5.1.11 Packaging and boxing requirements (immediate use, 7.13 Vertical units with face mounted motors shall be
domestic; storage, domestic; overseas), arranged so there are four (4) possible orientations of motor
5.1.12 Quantity of pumps, driver to pump. Other drivers are to be oriented in accordance
5.1.13 Quantity of drawings, with the ordering information.
5.1.14 Quantity of technical manuals, 7.14 Vertical units that are motor driven shall be assembled
5.1.15 Quantity of test reports, with the conduit box mounted over the pump inlet flange,
5.1.16 Performance test, if required, unless otherwise specified.
5.1.17 Certified data required, and 7.15 Couplings between the pump and the driver shall be
5.1.18 Instruction plates and locations, if required. keyed to both shafts.
6. Materials 7.16 Alignment between the pump and the driver shall not
exceed 0.005-in. (0.13-mm) offset and 0.0005-in./in. (0.01-
6.1 Pump component parts shall be constructed of the
mm/mm) angularity.
materials shown in Table 1.
7.17 An external (separate) relief valve shall not be pro-
6.2 Materials other than shown in Table 1 are considered
vided with the pump unless otherwise specified. The purchaser
exceptions and are subject to approval by the purchaser before
shall provide the cracking pressure and the fullflow bypass
pressure of the system relief valve to the pump manufacturer.
7. General Requirements 7.18 Direction of rotation shall be indicated by an arrow
7.1 Pumps shall be designed for a 20-year service life. cast into the pump or by a label plate attached to the pump.

F 1510
TABLE 1 Materials

Component Class A, B, CD, G Class CH, LM, LA Class DD, DH Class W Specification (UNS)
Casings, heads, and ductile iron ductile iron ductile iron ASTM A 395 or A 536 , Gr. 60-40-18
covers ductile iron ductile iron ASTM A 536, Br. 80-55-06
cast steel ASTM A 27, Gr. 65-35
leaded tin bronze leaded tin bronze leaded tin bronze leaded tin bronze ASTM B 584 (C93700)
carbon steel carbon steel carbon steel ASTM A 53
Shafts steel steel ASTM A 434, Gr. 4140, Cl.BC
carbon steel carbon steel AISI 1141
stainless steel stainless steel stainless steel stainless steel ASTM A 582 (S41600) and ASTM A 564 Gr. 630
alloy steel alloy steel ASTM A 322
Rotors cast gray iron cast gray iron cast gray iron ASTM A 159, Gr. G 3500 or ASTM A 48, Cl. 35-50
or 25-50
ductile iron (80-55-06 ductile iron ASTM A 536, Gr. 60-40-18, 80-55-06, or 120-90-02
alloy steel AISI 4150 RS, H.T.
stainless steel stainless steel ASTM A 582 (S41600)
leaded tin bronze leaded tin bronze leaded tin bronze leaded tin bronze ASTM B 584 (C93700)
Rotor housings, cast gray iron cast gray iron cast gray iron ASTM A 159, Gr. G 3500
liners, and disks ductile iron ductile iron ductile iron ASTM A 536, Gr. 60-40-18
stainless steel stainless steel stainless steel stainless steel ASTM A 564, Gr. 630 (S17400)
leaded tin bronze leaded tin bronze leaded tin bronze leaded tin bronze ASTM B 584 (C93700)
Glands tin bronze tin bronze tin bronze ASTM B 584 (C90300)
stainless steel stainless steel stainless steel stainless steel ASTM A 743, Gr. CF8M (J92900)
Bedplates and structural steel structural steel structural steel structural steel ASTM A 36
brackets ductile iron ductile iron ASTM A 395, Gr. 60-40-18
carbon steel ASTM A 515
Timing gears nitrided steel nitrided steel nitrided steel nitrided steelA ASTM A 434, Gr. 4140, Cl.BC
aluminum bronze ASTM B 150 (C63000)
stainless steel stainless steel ASTM A 582 (S41600)


Fasteners (studs, medium carbon alloy steel bolts ASTM A 193, Gr. B 7
bolts, screws, nuts)
medium carbon alloy steel nuts ASTM A 194, Gr. 7
austenitic stainless steel (304/316) ASTM A 193, Gr. B8/B8M
austenitic stainless steel (304/316) ASTM A 194, Gr. 8/8M
medium carbon steel bolts and studs ASTM A 449, Gr 1 (equivalent to SAE Gr 5)
medium carbon steel nuts ASTM A 563, Gr B (equivalent to SAE Gr 5)
high-strength alloy steel bolts and studs ASTM A 354, Gr. BD (equivalent to SAE Gr 8)
high-strength alloy steel nuts ASTM A 563, Gr. DH (equivalent to SAE Gr 8)
alloy steel socket-head cap screws ASTM A 574
alloy steel socket set screws ASTM F 912
SAE J429, Gr. 5, 5.1, 8, or 8.1
O-rings and other fluorocarbon (viton, fluorel, or equal) ASTM D 1418 Class: FKM, AS 568A, ASTM
elastomers D 2000 Type and Class: HK
Gaskets plant and animal fiber ASTM F 104, I.D. No. P 3313B
fluorocarbon ASTM D 2000 Type and Class: HK, ASTM
D 1418 Class: FKM
Vanes and shoes nitrile (Buna-N or equal) AMS 3215
leaded tin bronze ASTM B 584 (C93700)
thermoset plastic None
Outside of pumpage when separately lubricated.

7.19 Inlet and outlet connections shall be indicated by a 8.2 Pump cases shall be equipped with vent, drain, inlet, and
label plate attached to each flange. outlet gage connections. The connection shall be straight
thread with an O-ring seal. Tapered pipe thread connections are
8. Pump Design
prohibited. Small pumps do not require vent, drain, and gage
8.1 Pump inlet and outlet connections shall be flanged. Steel connections.
case pump flanges shall be in accordance with ANSI B16.5
8.3 Materials for the pump shall be compatible with the
raised face. Cast gray iron and nonferrous material cases shall
fluid being pumped, and the operating parameters to be
be in accordance with ANSI B16.5 flat face, unless otherwise
encountered including maximum pressure and temperature
stated in the ordering data. Flanged connections shall meet the
requirements in API Standard 676, Paragraph 2.4.7. Spool extremes stated in the ordering data.
piece adapters (threaded and seal welded, or O-ring sealed to 8.4 Pumps shall be equipped with radial and thrust bearings
the pump case on one end and flanged on the other end) may as necessary to counteract any unbalanced forces in the pump
be furnished to meet the flanged inlet and outlet requirement.

F 1510
and to ensure that the pump will operate satisfactorily in 9.5 Class LM & LA pumps shall meet the capacity require-
accordance with 7.2. ments at 130 SSU (27 centistokes) and driver horsepower shall
8.5 Bearings shall be securely fitted (by snap rings, shoul- be determined based on 4000 SSU (863 centistokes).
ders, or other means) to prevent axial movement. Bearing
housings shall be integral to the pump case or secured to the 10. Painting and Coatings
pump case in such a manner as to ensure alignment. Usage of 10.1 Painting—External unmachined and nonmating ma-
bolts alone is not considered sufficient to ensure alignment. chined surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned and painted.
8.6 Bearings may be sealed and self-lubricated or externally 10.2 Painting external surfaces of nonferrous parts and
lubricated or may be lubricated by the liquid being pumped. components is not required but is permissible to avoid exces-
8.7 Rolling contact bearings shall be selected in accordance sive masking. Identification and information plates shall not be
with AFBMA standards and shall have a minimum L10 life of painted or oversprayed.
15 000 h as calculated in accordance with AFBMA Standard 9
or 11 as appropriate. 11. Equipment Identification and Instruction Plates
8.8 Pumps shall be equipped with mechanical shaft seals. 11.1 Identification plates shall be made of brass or stainless
The installation shall ensure that adequate circulation of liquid steel and furnished on each pump unit.
at the seal faces occurs to minimize deposit of foreign matter 11.2 Instruction plates shall be made of brass, stainless steel,
and provide adequate lubrication of the seal faces. or plastic when furnished on each pump unit.
8.9 Mechanical seals shall be positioned or located on the 11.3 Plates shall be secured to equipment with corrosion-
shaft axially, by a positive means such as a stub, step, or resistant metallic fasteners.
shoulder positively located on the pump shaft. Set screws shall 11.4 Pump unit identification plates shall contain data as
not be used to position seals or seal sleeves axially. An follows:
antirotation pin may be provided to prevent the mechanical 11.4.1 Manufacturer’s name.
seal-mating ring from rotating. 11.4.2 Manufacturer’s model or type and size.
8.10 When required by the ordering data, the pump shall be 11.4.3 Service application.
equipped with a backup packing box. The design shall allow 11.4.4 Manufacturer’s serial number.
for installation of two or more rings of packing for use in the 11.4.5 Salient design characteristics if applicable.
event of a mechanical seal failure. The packing rings shall be Capacity.
able to be inserted without having to remove the mechanical Discharge pressure.
seal. Pump rated speed (RPM).
8.11 Pump head or end covers, or both, shall be located to 11.5 Accessory units such as the driver, controller, pump,
the pump case by a means such as rabbet, dowels, or pilot to and gearbox, shall have an identification plate in accordance
ensure proper alignment. with the applicable equipment specification. If not specified,
8.12 Rotors and timing gears shall be machined and posi- the manufacturer shall use its commercial nameplate.
tively secured in position to maintain required clearances and
prevent undue wear. 12. Testing Requirements
8.13 Fasteners shall be selected from Table 1 taking into 12.1 General—All equipment shall be tested in accordance
consideration temperature of operation, mechanical properties, with 12.2 and 12.3. The first unit of a new design or size shall
and corrosion resistance. be tested in accordance with 12.4 and 12.5.
12.1.1 Equipment for specified tests shall be provided by
9. Performance Requirements the manufacturer.
9.1 Pumps shall deliver the rated capacity at 10-psia (69- 12.1.2 Acceptance of tests does not constitute a waiver of
kPa absolute) inlet pressure while operating at the parameters requirements to meet performance under specified operating
specified in the ordering data. conditions, nor does inspection relieve the manufacturer of his
9.2 The maximum capacity of the pump shall not exceed the responsibilities.
amount determined by the following formula: 12.1.3 The manufacturer shall maintain a complete log of

1 the tests performed and shall prepare the required number of
Qmax 5 Q 11 (1) copies of the test report, certified as to correctness.
1 1 Q0.4
12.2 Hydrostatic Test—Pressure-containing parts shall be
where: tested hydrostatically with liquid at a minimum of 11⁄2 times
Q 5 rated capacity and the maximum allowable working pressure but at not less than
Qmax 5 maximum allowable capacity, at minimum viscos- 50-lb/in.2 (345-kPa) gage. The hydrostatic test shall be consid-
ity. Qmax shall be rounded to the nearest whole ered satisfactory when no leaks are observed for a minimum of
number. 5 min. Seepage past internal closures required for segmented
9.3 Capacity of all classes (except DH) pumps shall not be casing testing and operating of the hydrostatic test pump to
less than the value stated in 5.1.3 at the rated conditions, with maintain pressure will be accepted.
minimum viscosity. 12.3 Mechanical Running Test—The pump manufacturer
9.4 Class DH pumps shall meet the capacity requirements at shall conduct a test on all pumps to ensure that rated capacity
4000 SSU (863 centistokes) and shall not be damaged by is achieved at the rated condition. Such tests may be performed
continuous operation at 32 SSU (2 centistokes). with other than the specified liquid if the viscosity is equal to

F 1510
the minimum viscosity for the class of pump being tested. A 13.7 The weight and center of gravity (calculated or actual)
viscosity up to 50 SSU greater than the minimum viscosity of the unit shall be indicated on the outline drawing.
may be used. Differential pressure may be measured in lieu of 13.8 Instruction books or technical manuals shall be pre-
inlet pressure and discharge pressure. pared for each different type or size of pump installed. A single
12.4 Performance Test—The pump manufacturer shall op- manual shall contain not more than one type or size of pump.
erate a pump at the manufacturing facility or approved test However, when several pumps are installed in a ship that are
facility to obtain complete test data when required by the identical except for type of driver, they may be included in a
ordering document (5.1.15). The pump shall be tested at rated single manual.
speed, discharge pressure, viscosity, and 10-psia (69-kPa 13.9 Piece (item or find) numbers of parts referred to in
absolute) inlet pressure. The pump shall meet rated capacity at technical manuals shall match the piece numbers shown on
this condition and shall meet the airborne noise levels in 7.5. pump drawings.
This test is normally required for new types, new designs, or
13.10 Technical manuals shall contain reproductions of
new applications of pumps.
pump drawings.
12.5 Certified Data—Certified performance data or curves
shall be supplied when required, see 5.1.16. 13.11 Quantities of technical manuals shall be in accordance
with the order.
13. Technical Documents
13.1 An outline or top drawing of the unit (pump and driver) 14. Packaging and Preservation
shall be furnished. Length, width, height, mounting details, and 14.1 Pumps, pump units, and accessories shall be packaged
connections shall be dimensioned. and preserved in accordance with Practice D 3951, and the
13.2 Complete performance curves shall be furnished. The following:
curves may be on graphs which can be printed on notebook 14.2 Preservation—Items susceptible to deterioration or
size paper. damage from environmental elements shall be preserved.
13.3 Pump drawings shall include a sectional assembly Noncoated ferrous surfaces shall be preserved.
drawing. The sectional assembly drawing shall contain a 14.3 Cushioning and Bracing—Items susceptible to damage
complete list of materials or reference to a list of materials during shipment and handling shall be cushioned or shall be
drawing, which shall be provided. securely braced or blocked, or both, within the shipping
13.4 Brackets, bedplates, guards, couplings, identification container, to avoid damage.
plates, rotation arrows, and so forth shall be shown on the
14.4 Container Marking—Containers, boxes, or packages
outline drawing.
shall be clearly marked with the ship to address, contract or
13.5 Any subassembly made up of parts that require special
purchase order number, shipping point address, and item
alignment or assembly methods that cannot be disassembled,
repaired, and reassembled onboard ship without the use of
special tools and jigs shall be indicated as a subassembly in the
list of material. 15. Keywords
13.6 Drawings for driver and associated equipment shall be 15.1 positive displacement pump; pump; rotary pump;
in accordance with their respective specifications. shipboard pump


The following supplementary requirements established by the U.S. Navy, Commander Naval Sea
Systems Command (NAVSEA) shall apply when specified in the contract or purchase order. When
there is a conflict between the specifications and this section, requirements of this section shall take

S1.1 Materials other than shown in Table 1 are considered rated operation when readings are measured on the pump case
exceptions and are subject to approval by NAVSEA. near the coupling perpendicular to the pump shaft.
S1.2 The pumps shall be capable of withstanding environ- S1.4 At the conditions in Section 9, the airborne noise level
mental vibration induced by shipboard machinery and equip- of the pump unit shall meet the requirements in Table S1.1 (see
ment in the frequency range of 4 to 25 Hz and be in accordance MIL-STD-740-1).
with MIL-STD-167, Type 1. Maximum single frequency dis- S1.5 At the conditions in Section 9, the structureborne noise
placement (double amplitude) in the 4- to 15-Hz range is 0.060 level of the pump unit shall meet the requirements in Table
in. (1.524 mm) and in the 16- to 25-Hz range is 0.040 in. (1.016 S1.2 (see MIL-STD-740-2).
mm). S1.6 Pumps shall meet the requirements of MIL-S-901 HI
S1.3 The internally excited vibration levels of the pump shall (High Impact) Shock, Grade A.
be in accordance with MIL-STD-167, Type II and shall not S1.7 Mechanical shaft seals shall be in accordance with
exceed 0.003-in. (0.076-mm) displacement peak to peak during Specification F 1511, including Supplement S1.

F 1510
TABLE S1.1 Acceptable Octave Band Sound Pressure Levels (in dB re 20 µPa)
Octave Band Center Frequency, Hz
31.5 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
91 88 85 82 79 76 73 70 67

TABLE S1.2 Acceptable Structureborne Vibratory Acceleration Acceptance Criteria in Adb re 10 µm/s2 (Reference MIL-STD-740–2)
Octave Band Center Frequency in Hz
31.5 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
Resiliently 85 88 90 93 95 98 100 103 105
Solidly 75 78 80 83 85 88 90 93 95

S1.8 Qualification Tests—The first pump of each size, type, demonstrate the ability to meet the requirements of S1.2.
or design shall meet the following qualification tests. All tests S1.13 Shock Test—The pump shall be tested to demonstrate
shall be performed with the motor size required at rated the ability to meet the requirements of S1.6.
condition as indicated in Section 9.
S11.14 Endurance Test—The endurance test shall consist of
S1.9 Performance Test—The pump shall be tested at the
a running test of not less than 500 h of actual running time at
conditions in Section 9 to demonstrate that the pump is capable
rated condition. The 500 h shall be broken by at least three rest
of delivering the required capacity. Record all test data
including electrical power input for comparision to perfor- periods of 8 h or more each. A minimum of ten start-stop cycles
mance retest results (see S1.15). shall be performed during the course of the test.
S.1.10 Vibration Type II Test—The pump shall be tested to S1.15 Performance Retest—Upon completion of the tests in
demonstrate the ability to meet the requirements of S1.3. S1.9 through S1.14, repoeat the performance test (S1.9), the
Record all test data, including electrical power input, for Vibration Type II test (S1.10), and the noise test (S1.11).
comparison to performance retest results (see S1.15). Record all test data.
S1.11 Noise Tests—The pump shall be tested to demonstrate S1.16 Test Reports—A test report shall be submitted for each
the ability to meet the requirements of S1.4 and S1.5. Record test conducted. Quantity and format as defined in the ordering
all test data, including electrical power input, for comparison to data.
performance retest results (see S1.15).
S1.12 Vibration Type I Test—The pump shall be tested to

The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.

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