Div.03-Concrete - 3S - Rev.00

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Document Code: 3S-SAL-OP-01-F-05

Issue Date: 22/03/2022

Issue No.: 2

To: Eng. / Sarah Magdy From: Mohab El-Nemr

Company: CMS Mobile No : 011 533 433 45

Email: sarah.magdy@cmsegypt.net Date: 10/05/2022

Tel. No: 01229699945 Number of pages : 2

Owner/Consultant: BOQ: 000 Cubic Meter

Project: SODIC JUNE Project Batch Plant: Alamein BP

Subject : Offer to supply ready mix concrete

Dear Sir,
Kindly find our offer regarding the concrete supply to your prestigious project.

(A) Concrete prices:

Strength Price
Item Content Cement Type
(Kg/cm2) “EGP/M3”
C18 180 250 OPC 955
C20 200 260 OPC 976
C25 250 300 OPC 1043
C30 300 350 OPC 1112
C30 300 400 OPC 1233
LW – Density (800-1000) Kg/m3 ‫ــــــــ‬ 500 OPC 1556

(B) Pumping prices:

Length (m) Price (LE/M3)

36&42 30
47 40
55 60

Address: 78 El Moltaka St. 1st floor Masaken Sheraton Cairo, Egypt Page 1
Tel: +20222681953 Fax: +20222681953
Document Code: 3S-SAL-OP-01-F-05
Issue Date: 22/03/2022
Issue No.: 2

 The prices above Do not include value added tax 14%.

 Prices based on temp 35 and for temp decrease 10 le will be charged

for each temp/ cubic meter

 Payment terms: As contract

 This offer valid one week from quotation date.

 The prices above are based on raw material prices as below:

Raw Material Price

Cement OPC (EGP/TON) (Including VAT) 1440
Sand (Le/m Excluding Vat) 140
Aggergate Wadi natroun (Le/m Excluding Vat) 240

(C) Surcharges:
• A/M prices do not include any toll fees nor Arabian fees, or any permits issuance
which shallbe handled by the client.
• The Supplier is not liable for project related social insurance and such is not
considered in prices
• In case or requesting WET Mortar mixes, the Customer shall confirm his
reservation 24 hrs. prior pouring, and kindly be informed that such mixes will
take place at early morning Only
• Truck Mixer Capacity 10M3
• The prices above do not include any communities’ insurance or any kind of insurance.
• Invoices are based on volume stated over delivery tickets, the client can
claim any difference in quantities within 72 hrs from pouring time
or else quantities on delivery tickets to be approved.
 Concrete prices are based on concrete strengths with the Cement
contents mentioned. Any changes in CC, concrete prices to be reviewed

 Escalation formula to be followed for change in raw material costs as follows:

VAR. = (Cement New price - Cement Old price)/1.14* cement content/1000 + (Sand New - sand
Old) *0.4 + (Aggregate New - Aggregate Old) *0.8 + (Water New -Water Old) *0.3 + (Additive New
- additive Old) * 0.02* cement content + (Solar new price - Solar old price) *15.5

New price of concrete = Old price + VAR.

Hope that our offer meets your expectations, and for additional inquires please don’t
hesitate to contact us.
Best regards,

Mohab El-Nemr

Address: 78 El Moltaka St. 1st floor Masaken Sheraton Cairo, Egypt Page 2
Tel: +20222681953 Fax: +20222681953

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