MTAP - Hematology
MTAP - Hematology
MTAP - Hematology
Rene Jesus Alfredo R. Dinglasan, RMT November 8, 2021
The sequence of the stages below are sequential → If the areas occupied by the nucleus and the
RUBRIBLAST NORMOBLAST ERYTHROBLAST cytoplasm are approximately equal, the N:C ratio is 1:1
Rubriblast Pronormoblast Proerythroblast → N:C Ratio < 1
Prorubricyte Basophilic Basophilic ▪ Nucleus takes up <50% of the area of the cell
Normoblast OR Erythroblast OR ▪ E.g. 1:6, 1:4
Early Normoblast Early Erythroblast → N:C Ratio > 1
Rubricyte Polychromatophili Polychromatophili → Nucleus takes up >50% of the area of the cell
c Normoblast OR c Erythroblast OR ▪ E.g. 8:1, 6:1
Intermediate Intermediate ● Basophilia
Normoblast Erythroblast → Pertains to the blueness of a particular part of the cell
Metarubricyte Orthochromatic Orthochromatic due to the acidic components that attract the basic
Normoblast OR Erythroblast OR stain (e.g. methylene blue)
Late Normoblast Late Erythroblast → Degree of cytoplasmic basophilia correlates with the
Reticulocyte Reticulocyte Reticulocyte quantity of ribosomal RNA
Mature Mature Mature ● Eosinophilia or Acidophilia
erythrocyte erythrocyte erythrocyte → Pertains to the pinkness of a particular part of the cell
due to the accumulation of more basic components
that attract the acid stain (e.g. eosin)
→ Mature RBCs are not considered precursors because
→ As the RBC matures, the eosinophilia of the cytoplasm
they are the final stage
correlates with the accumulation of hemoglobin
▪ The last precursor cell is considered to be the
reticulocyte Prorubricyte (Basophilic Normoblast/Early
→ Polychromatophilic erythrocyte and Diffusely Basophilic Normoblast)
Erythrocyte ● Each prorubricyte gives rise to 4 rubricytes
▪ When the “reticulocytes” are seen in a ➢ Last stage with a nucleolus
Wright-stained smear ➢ First stage of hemoglobinization (Hb synthesis) Rodak
▪ Reticulocytes are viewed using supravital stains: → Hemoglobin is an eosinophilic material, hence it is
1. Brilliant Cresyl Blue (BCB) colored pink
2. New Methylene Blue (NMB); highly recommended → However, prorubricyte will not manifest a pink
○ Methylene blue should not be used for staining coloration since Hb synthesis is still starting
reticulocytes; not the same as NMB ● Most helpful criteria in distinguishing the prorubricyte from
Additional info on etymology the rubriblast:
● The pro- and meta- prefixes: 1. Coarser chromatin
→ “Pro-” means before 2. Absence of nucleoli
→ “Meta-” means after Size Nucleoli Nucleus Cytoplasm
● ‘Rubri-’system Appears more
→ Blast is first Round, thin abundant than
→ Prorubricyte - cell comes before the rubricyte hence nuclear in normoblast
10 to 15
the nomenclature 0 to 1 membrane, because of
→ Metarubricyte - cell stage that comes after the smaller, slightly smaller nucleus
rubricyte stage. eccentric
N:C ratio: 6:1
Rubricyte (Polychromatic Normoblast/Intermediate
● Each of this cell (rubricyte) gives rise to 2 metarubricytes
● Last stage capable of mitosis
● First stage in which the cytoplasm becomes PINK
→ Recall that the previous stage is when
hemoglobinization begins
→ By the time the cell reaches the rubricyte stage, there
will be considerable amount of hemoglobin that is
Rubriblast (Pronormoblast) eosinophilic
● This cell gives rise to 2 prorubricytes → The eosinophilic hemoglobin mixes with the basophilic
→ Capable of mitosis cytoplasm, hence the grayish color
● Earliest recognizable erythroid precursor using the light ● May be confused with a lymphocyte
microscope → Lymphocyte
● The more nucleoli, the younger the cell ▪ Nucleus: Crushed velvet
Size Nucleoli Nucleus Cytoplasm ▪ Cytoplasm: Sky-blue or “Robin Egg” blue
Round or → Rubricyte
Small in ▪ Nucleus: Checkerboard
slightly oval, amount,
Present ▪ Cytoplasm: Muddy or gray
thin nuclear moderately
12 to 20 (1 to 2) − Gray color is attributed to the mixture of colors in
membrane, basophilic,
um usually its cytoplasm
central or homogenous
very faint
slightly Size Nucleoli Nucleus Cytoplasm
eccentric N:C ratio = 8:1 Basophilic to
Round and
smaller, thick diffusely lilac in
Additional Information
10 to 12 nuclear color, depending
● N:C Ratio (Nucleus-to-Cytoplasm ratio) None on hemoglobin
→ A morphological feature used to identify and stage um membrane,
eccentric content
RBC and WBC precursors
→ A visual estimate of what area of the cell is occupied nucleus NC ratio = 4:1
by the nucleus compared with the cytoplasm
Metarubricyte (Orthochromatic Normoblast/late Size Nucleoli Nucleus Cytoplasm
Normoblast) Cytoplasm still with small
● Has the same color (salmon-pink) as the mature amounts of RNA =
erythrocyte polychromasia (mixed pink
→ Ortho- → the same and blue staining)
→ Chroma- → color 8 to 10
● Last stage with a nucleus None None With Golgi apparatus
um remnants and residual
→ Nucleus is extruded at this stage, and the cell becomes
a reticulocyte after mitochondria that allows
● Other names: continues aerobic
1. Nucleated RBC metabolism and hemoglobin
2. Pyknotic erythroblast production
3. Acidophilic normoblast (attributed to pink cytoplasm) Mature Erythrocyte
● Pyrenocyte ● Shape: biconcave disk; Average life span: 120 days
→ Enveloped extruded nucleus ● Thickness: 1.5 to 2.5 um
→ Engulfed by bone marrow macrophages ● Number of erythrocytes produced from each rubriblast: 16
→ Frequently, small fragments of the nucleus are left → 1 rubriblast produces 2 prorubricytes
behind if the projection is pinched off before the entire → 1 prorubricyte produces 4 rubricytes
nucleus is enveloped → 1 rubricyte produces 2 metarubricytes
▪ The fragments are called Howell-Jolly bodies when ● Normal ratio of RBCs to WBCs is approximately 600:1
seen in the RBCs in the circulation ● Normal ratio of RBCs to Platelets is approximately 15:1
→ Howell-Jolly bodies are typically removed from the ● Adult RBC contains no mitochondria (no protein or Hb
RBCs by the splenic macrophage pitting process once synthesis)
they enter the circulation
Size Nucleoli Nucleus Cytoplasm
Nota bene! Salmon-pink
● Post-splenectomy: 7 to 8 (with a central pallor
→ May increase Howell-Jolly bodies in the PBS because None None
um occupying ⅓ of the cell’s
the spleen is responsible for the removal of Howell diameter)
Jolly Bodies
● According to a reference material, hemoglobin is first Recap
synthesized in the rubricyte stage ● Earliest recognizable erythroid precursor → Rubriblast
→ Other sources state that hemoglobin is synthesized in ● Last stage capable of mitosis → Rubricyte
the rubriblast stage ● First stage of hemoglobinization → Prorubricyte
→ There are multiple sources that claim different facts: ● Last stage of hemoglobin synthesis → Reticulocyte
→ Rodaks: Prorubricyte stage ● First stage in which the cytoplasm becomes pink →
★ Best answer to choose in exams Rubricyte
● Last stage with a nucleolus → Prorubricyte
Size Nucleoli Nucleus Cytoplasm ● Last stage with a nucleus → Metarubricyte
Pyknotic ● Salmon pink colored → Metarubricyte, Mature
Salmon-pink erythrocyte
8 to 10 (dense mass of
um degenerated
● Anemia
→ Is not a disease; a consequence of having a disease
→ Defined as the decrease below normal of one or more
of the following:
1. Number of RBCs
2. Hemoglobin
3. Volume of packed RBCs (hematocrit)
Mechanisms of Anemia
1. Hemorrhage
→ First consideration in any case of anemia
→ Loss of erythrocyte through bleeding must always be
the first focus in any patient with anemia and must
prompt an evaluation of the hemostatic system
→ Bleeding: may be secondary to trauma, surgery or a
Reticulocyte → Gastrointestinal tract: a common site for clinically
● Young RBCs containing residual RNA (last immature significant bleeding
erythrocyte stage) → Menstruation: a significant source of blood loss in
● Spends 2 to 3 days in the bone marrow and 1 day in the women
peripheral blood before developing into a mature RBC 2. Hemolysis
● Last stage of hemoglobin synthesis → Shortened erythrocyte survival time NOT explained by
● Types of reticulocytes: bleeding
1. Shift Cells → Destruction of erythrocytes prior to 120 days or before
▪ Polychromatophilic macrocyte their expected lifespan
▪ Seen in cases of increased RBC production → Can occur in the blood vessels (intravascular) or in the
2. Stress Reticulocytes spleen (extravascular)
▪ Macroreticulocytes ▪ In certain disorders, the spleen has increased
▪ Seen in more severe conditions (ex. hemolytic hemolytic function
Leukocyte in the Blasts/Promyeloc Usually
peripheral blood ytes myelocytes
Toxic granulation Absent Present
Eosinophils/Baso ↑ ↓
LAP ↓ ↑
Philadelphia Usually present Absent
Splenomegaly Usually prominent Mild (if present)
Platelet Count >600 or <50 x Normal