,,,,CNT Lab Report
,,,,CNT Lab Report
,,,,CNT Lab Report
The transfer function H(ω) (also called the network function) is a useful analytical
tool for finding the frequency response of a circuit. In fact, the frequency
response of a circuit is the plot of the circuit’ s transfer function H(ω) versus ω,
with ω varying from ω = 0 to ω = ∞. However, the mathematical mapping of
variables is referred to as the bilinear transformation. It is a common technique
for converting the s or analog plane into the z or digital plane in digital filtering. By
employing traditional filter design methods, it converts analog filters into their
discrete equivalent. The bilinear transfer function is however divided in two. The
high pass filter and low pass filter. The low pass bilinear transfer function is a filter
that allows low frequency signals to pass through while attenuating high
frequency signals. The high pass bilinear transfer function is a filter that allows
high frequency signals to pass through while attenuating low frequency signals. In
the connection of a high pass and low pass filter circuit, passive elements (the
resistor and capacitor) are used.
A resistor in a low pass filter circuit will cause the circuit to have a lower cutoff
frequency. A resistor in a high pass filter circuit will cause the circuit to have a
higher cutoff frequency, a capacitor in a low pass filter circuit will cause the circuit
to have a higher cutoff frequency. A capacitor in a high pass filter circuit will cause
the circuit to have a lower cutoff frequency.
Where a and b are real constants which may be either positive or negative. We
can rewrite the above equation as;
a 1(s +a 2/a 1) s+ z 1
T(s) = =K
b 1(s +b 2/b 1) s+ p 1
For low frequency signals, the capacitor behaves as an open circuit, thus the input
and output voltages are equal. At high frequency, the capacitor acts as a short
circuit. As the frequency increases, the output voltage decreases. That is, high
frequencies are cut-off.
T/ √ 2
ω o ω
ω o=1/RC
-45 °
-90 °
T/√ 2
Stop Pass
Where ωo=1/RC
The phase response is given by
θ(jω)= 90º-arctan(ω/ωo)
The graph is
With the y-axis
representing the phase
angle and the x -axis
representing the w
ω o ω
Bode plots are semi log plots of the magnitude (in decibels) and phase (in degrees) of a transfer
function versus frequency
• Signal generator
• Oscilloscope
• Capacitor
The circuit was connected as in the diagram below.
The dual oscilloscope was connected across the resistor.
The signal generator was adjusted to give a V 1 of 5 volts peak -to- peak (pp) at a
frequency of 1 kHz. The corresponding output voltage, v 2 and the phase angle θ0 (ω)
between v1 and v2 were measured and readings recorded as below:
i. V1pp = ……………………..volts
ii. V2pp = ...….………………..volts
iii. |T(j ω)| = V2pp /V1pp =…………..
iv. θ0 (ω) = ………………..degrees.
Data presentation
High pass
Low pass
A low-pass R-C filter is one that permits signals of low frequencies up to cutoff frequency to pass
through while attenuating frequencies above cutoff frequency. The range of frequencies up to the cutoff
frequency is called the Band pass of the filter. The frequency response curve shows how the signal
output voltage varies with the signal frequency.
Output voltage is taken across the capacitor, Resistance, R offers fixed opposition to frequencies but the
resistance offered by capacitor C decreases with increase in frequency . Hence low frequency signals are
developed over C where high signals are grounded.
Frequency =50HZ
R= 10k
V (input) = 5.12 V
V (output) = 1.60V
Ꙍ =2πf
ω0 = 1/RC
Ꙍ = 2*π*50 = 314.159
=20log 0.299717
20log 0.3125
Ø = tan-1 (1/314.159*100000*0.1*10^-6)
=1.266401 radians
=72.559 degrees
Ꙍ = 2*π*50 = 314.159
Ꙍ/ ω0 =0.314159
= 1/1+(314.159/0.314359)2
= 0.91017
Ac(Ꙍ )= 20log |Tc(jw)|
20 log|0.91017|
20log 0.015
= -tan-1 (0.314159)
- 17.44058
-0.304395797 radians
Am(jω) is -1.0102999 and Ac(ω) =-10.4658.. The difference between the calculated and experimental
values is exactly 9.4468 which shows that there is an error which may have been caused by different
reasons such as; inaccuracy of cathode ray oscilloscope when getting the phase difference angle due to
the fact that it is an analogue instrument which means it was hard to be accurate and thus had to
estimate some values, etc.
Comparison of θm and θc
Θm is 72.12 and θc is 72.559.The difference between the calculated and the measured phase angle is
exactly 0.439. A very small difference.
1. Tolerance: The resistor and capacitor have tolerance. High tolerance means a higher
across it changes over time. During the experiment Changing the values of resistance, voltage,
3. Improper setting of the Experiment: failure to ensure that the experiment is set up correctly
4. Estimation Error: occurs when data is inaccurately recorded or written down. Estimating the
phase angle in the sine wave might cause an error in the data values recorded.
Inaccuracy of cathode ray oscilloscope when getting the phase difference angle due to the fact
that it is an analogue instrument which means it was hard to be accurate and thus had to
estimate some values
Human errors when calculating and reading data from the oscilloscope.
Poor connection resulting to noise
Experiment A gave a lead circuit due too the positive phase angles obtained while experiment B
gave a lag circuit due to the negative phase angles obtained.
Experiment A was a high pass filter while B was a high pass filter.
Cut of frequency ω0
The cutoff frequency is the frequency at which the transfer function H drops in
magnitude to 70.71% of its maximum value. It is also regarded as the frequency at which
the power dissipated in a circuit is half of its maximum value.
The high pass filter's frequency response or Bode plot is the exact opposite of the low pass
filter's Bode plot. In low pass theta(m) increases with increase in log(w) while theta (c)
remaining constant.
On the other hand, in high pass filter theta(m) decreases with increase in log(w) while theta (c)
remaining constant
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