Ikebana English Translation
Ikebana English Translation
Ikebana English Translation
Players take turns adding a card to their bouquet, until they
have a total of 5 cards. A round is complete after each player
has 5 cards.
2. Buy a discarded card
You can buy the top card of another player's discard pile for Example B
price equal to the value of the card (a value “4” card costs 4
prestige points).
The prestige points are paid to the owner of the discard pile,
and you add the card you purchased to your bouquet. Your
turn then ends. Score for this bouquet: a '1,2,3,4' straight (8 points), bicolor
You can never buy a card from your own discard pile. (x2) for a total of 16 prestige points. The pair of '2s' is not
In addition, if you have begun to draw cards, you cannot counted because one of them is already used in the '1,2,3,4'
change your mind and buy a discard instead. You must choose straight.
to draw or buy at the start of your turn.
Example C
End of a round
When all players have 5 cards in their bouquet, the round
ends. The players than count the prestige from their bouquet,
based on the combinations if offers (see examples).
Score for this bouquet: a pair of '5s' (10 points) and no
multiplier for a total of 10 prestige points.
Caution: Each card can only be used in one combination.
After scoring, the cards are all returned and reshuffled. The
Scoring Combinations Points
player who scored highest starts the next round.
Pair (2 identical cards) Value of card x2
Trio (3 identical cards) Value of card x3
Deck exhausted: If the deck runs out, players keep the top
Square (4 identical cards) Value of card x4
card of the discard pile, and return and shuffle all the others to
Quinte (5 identical cards) Value of card x5
make a new draw deck. The game continues normally.
1,2,3,4 Straight 8 points
2,3,4,5 Straight 12 points
1,2,3,4,5 Straight 15 points Victory Conditions
Furthermore, the points can be multiplied if the bouquet (that The winner is the player who scores the most points after four
is, all 5 cards, not just the cards used in scoring combinations) rounds. If two players (or more) end with the same score,
features certain color patterns. they share the victory.