GoodLittleGardens Rules v1.0
GoodLittleGardens Rules v1.0
GoodLittleGardens Rules v1.0
existing bed in your garden. Adjacent beds do not have The player whose garden contains the most shurbs
The game is played over four rounds. Each round has to match and you cannot overlap or move planted cards. receives 5 points. If two or more players are tied with
two phases: Planting and Scoring. the most shrubbery, all tied players receive the points.
Step 3: Pass cards
PLANTING Once all player have completed step 2 and have each END OF ROUND
Shuffle all 25 Garden cards. Deal each player 6 face- added one card to their gardens, all players must pass Discard any weedkillers used this round and collect up
down cards (5 players: 5 cards) and place any all their remaining cards clockwise (rounds 1 & 3) or all 25 Garden cards ready for the next round.
Brett J. Gilbert & Matthew Dunstan remaining cards aside. anticlockwise (rounds 2 & 4) to the player beside them.
1–5 players | 30 min | Ages 10+ • Beds & plots: Each Garden card is split into four Now repeat these steps, and continue to repeat them END OF THE GAME
beds containing flowers of one of five colours. Beds until each player has planted 5 cards into their garden.
of the same colour that are edge-to-edge adjacent After adding a 5th card, discard your remaining card. The game ends after the fourth round. The player with
Good Little Gardens is made possible by the (5 players: After planting 5 cards each, players will the highest cumulative score is the winner.
create larger connected plots of matching beds. Beds
generous support of our patrons. If you enjoy have no cards left in hand, so no cards are discarded).
that are corner-to-corner adjacent do not connect.
this game and would like us to create and
• Weeds: Some Garden cards include brown weeds
publish more free games, please consider SCORING SOLO GAMEPLAY
between two beds. Each weed spoils both of its
becoming a patron and giving your support. Write down each player’s score, and keep track of the
immediately adjacent beds. Players can choose to The object remains to score as many points as possible players’ cumulative scores over the four rounds.
use their weedkillers before a garden is scored at the — and then to play again to beat your personal best!
end of a round. Each weedkiller kills one weed.
Weeds & weedkiller Just as in the regular game, you will play four rounds,
• Shrubs: Some Garden cards include a green shrub.
First you must check your weeds and decide whether to and in each round build a garden of 5 cards. Instead of
COMPONENTS The player who plants the most shrubs anywhere in
use any of your remaining weedkillers. choosing cards from diminishing hands of cards passed
their garden in each round scores 5 points.
To use a weedkiller, place it onto a weed to kill it. If a around the table, choose your cards as follows.
The game contains 26 cards:
weed is not killed, the two beds it is adjacent to cannot Deal a display of 5 cards: lay the first 3 cards face up
• 25 Garden cards
grow, and you must score your garden as if these two and the last 2 face down. You may either pick one of
• 1 Score card
beds were empty. You have three weedkillers and may the face-up cards, or reveal the face-up cards and pick
You will need the following additional components: use each only once during the whole game. one of these two cards instead. Once you have revealed
• 20 score tokens — 4 tokens in each of 5 colours the face-down cards, you cannot change your mind.
• 15 weedkillers — coins make great weedkillers! After you have planted your chosen card in your garden
Each player chooses one colour to score for
• A way to keep score— pen and paper is fine! as normal, discard the four unchosen cards. Then deal
‘abundance’ in their garden. In later rounds you cannot
Flower icons made by Freepik from choose a colour that you scored for abundance in an another 5 cards from the deck and repeat these steps
earlier round. Earn points as follows: until you have planted 5 cards in your garden.
SETUP • Each bed in the single largest plot of the chosen Score for abundance and diversity as normal. Score
colour in your garden is worth 2 points. 5 points for shrubbery only if you have 2 or more
Lay the Score card face-up beside the play area. Give • All other beds of the chosen colour in your garden shrubs in your garden. A single shurb scores nothing.
each player 4 scoring tokens in one colour, plus Look ahead to the Scoring section to see how are worth 1 point each.
3 weedkillers. Put any unused pieces away. the arrangement of beds, plots, weeds and shrubs
in your garden will earn points. Place one of your tokens onto the Score card to indicate
Put the 25 Garden cards into a face-down deck. which colour you have scored this round.
Step 1: Choose a card Diversity
AIM OF THE GAME All players look at their hand of cards, and then choose
Each player also scores points for the ‘diversity’ of
one card simultaneously to plant in their garden. Special thanks to our Developer patrons!
other colours in their garden, not counting the colour
Players compete to plant the most beautiful and Ryan Bennett, Tony Carr, Alvin Chen,
Once you have chosen your card, hold it face down in scored for abundance.
valuable arrangement of flowers and shrubs in their Mark Delgarno, Chris Dunstan, Andrea Gilbert,
front of you. Once all players have chosen a card, Terezie Krizkovska, LudiCreations, Norman Ma,
gardens, all the while keeping an eye on the weeds that For each of these four colours, if you have planted at
reveal your card and plant it in to your garden. Brian Richards, Sye Robertson, David Studley
can spread and spoil their plans. The player whose least one plot in your garden which contains at least 3
horticultural efforts are worth the most points wins. Step 2: Plant your card connected beds, score a number of points for this ‘large
When you plant your first card, simply place it face-up plot’ equal to the current round number.
in front of you. In the first round, each large plot of a different colour
When you plant later cards, each one must be oriented is worth 1 point; in the second round, each large plot
in the same direction and laid so that at least one bed on of a different colour is worth 2 points; and so on. © 2017 Brett J. Gilbert & Matthew Dunstan | v1.0