Why do you think that physical education is being taught from primary to school up to
tertiary level? Is there a significant effect on your growth development? It helps
students to stay healthy, learn how to develop their skills strength, speed, endurance
and coordination and have confidence to take part in a range of physical activities that
become a central part of their lives both in and out of school the benefits of physical
education increased student better physical growth refers to the body's changing of size
and shape as a person ages refers to such things as improvements in movement and
manipulation skills and fitness levels it also helps the person to be physically fit in all
aspects in life.
2. Do you think physical education is important especially in this time of pandemic? What
are your actions to keep or maintain your health estate? For instance a person who do
workout even though in this time of pandemic he continue his workout and perform a
lot of exercises to make his body in mood and less stress workout helps a person to stay
focus on his physical activities.