VC's Paragraph Arrangement
VC's Paragraph Arrangement
VC's Paragraph Arrangement
The sentences you can find in paragraphs are not just random sentences
but these are carefully chosen sentences that ensure that the single idea
discussed thoroughly and consistently. You may also want to read Writing
Examples in Doc.
It is a rule that you must make sure that the paragraph should always
maintain and focus on a single idea. One indication of having successfully
written an effective paragraph is that it brings the readers on a clear path
that leaves no room for detours.
But do you have any idea that in writing a paragraph, there’s more to that?
In writing a well-written and effective paragraph, it has to have the four
essential elements that make it possible for a paragraph to become
so. You may also want to know what is writing used for.
Paragraphs always have this single and central idea that is first expressed
in the topic sentence that is also typically expressed in the first sentence
of the paragraph. The rest of the sentences that follow after the topic
sentence should be consistent in supporting the central idea of the entire
paragraph to make unify the entire message delivered by a paragraph.
In order to write a unified paragraph, you should make sure that you would
think about the central theme as well as the points that support it. It is
critical to give importance to the supporting points because these will be
the basis to determine whether your paragraph is unified.
There are several ways in which you can put your sentences in order and
that could be having it in chronological order, having it patterned through
an order of importance, and other logical presentation.
It is in having a well-ordered paragraph that you would be able to help
your readers in following along your ideas accordingly since you have
established and given them a logical pattern that they can follow in order
to easily grasp the meaning or the message of your paragraph and avoid
confusion altogether.
You have to ensure that the sentences you write in a paragraph should be
able to connect with each other and that it works so well when it would be
working as a whole.
Usually, a paragraph has at least five sentences, with the first sentence as
the topic sentence, the following three sentences are the supporting
sentences, and the finals sentence as the concluding sentence. A
paragraph must always have these three parts in order to make the
paragraph complete.
Always make sure that you have added relevant information that supports
the topic sentence or the central theme of the entire write-up.
You can make use of examples that would make your entire paragraph
more convincing and relevant. Additional examples would also support the
entirety of your paragraph.
Ensure that you are only dealing with a single idea in a single paragraph
so that it would make sense to the reader what you are talking about in a
As much as possible, always write in the active voice. Let your words do
the work for you and it would also be too wordy if you would always write
in the passive voice.
You may also have a variety of the length of your sentences. Keeping your
sentences always short may not be pleasing to your readers. You may
also want to know how to write short sentences.
Do not make your sentences extra long. You can always cut it off into
shorter sentences that could even effectively relay the message you want
to convey to your readers.
Do not even attempt to use any of the first person pronouns which
are I, we, me, us, my, and our especially if it is a formal paper. The
readers already know who is writing the paper, so this means that there is
already no need for you to refer to yourself. Plus, it makes your entire
write-up universal.
Avoid using vague and cliche terms especially if you are writing a formal
paper. Such terms do not make your paragraph effective and convincing to
your readers.
Do not forget to verify the information you have written as your supporting
We hope that you have learned so much about paragraph writing. Should
you want to read additional articles regarding writing paragraphs, you may
also be interested in Writing Templates & Examples .