WP 481 - Natasha Kalra - Final
WP 481 - Natasha Kalra - Final
WP 481 - Natasha Kalra - Final
Natasha Kalra
S Manasi
ISBN 978-81-945114-7-2 May 2020
Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC) is engaged in interdisciplinary research
in analytical and applied areas of the social sciences, encompassing diverse aspects of
development. ISEC works with central, state and local governments as well as international
agencies by undertaking systematic studies of resource potential, identifying factors
influencing growth and examining measures for reducing poverty. The thrust areas of
research include state and local economic policies, issues relating to sociological and
demographic transition, environmental issues and fiscal, administrative and political
decentralization and governance. It pursues fruitful contacts with other institutions and
scholars devoted to social science research through collaborative research programmes,
seminars, etc.
The Working Paper Series provides an opportunity for ISEC faculty, visiting fellows and
PhD scholars to discuss their ideas and research work before publication and to get
feedback from their peer group. Papers selected for publication in the series present
empirical analyses and generally deal with wider issues of public policy at a sectoral,
regional or national level. These working papers undergo review but typically do not
present final research results, and constitute works in progress.
Globally, unplanned urbanisation has been posing serious administrative, economical, ecological
and social challenges. Factors like increased labour migration to urban areas, high population
growth, increase in consumption, higher disposable income, consumerism and change in lifestyle
preferences are further pressurising the vulnerable civic services system, especially in the
developing world.
One of the after-effects of urbanisation has been the high rate of waste generation,
which is one of the major concerns for citizens, administrators, and policy makers, as well as,
among experts from different fields. Apart from the traditional approaches like composting and
landfill dumping, waste management is now witnessing several innovative initiatives and multiple
stakeholder participation across various phases of waste management process starting from
awareness to segregation, collection, transportation, treatment and disposal. Green movements
like plog runs, compost santhe, zero-waste events & weddings, composting, recycling and events
promoting eco-friendly products, green entrepreneurs are gaining momentum in the city.
Multiple innovative techniques for information dissemination about effective waste management
are been adopted both by local administration and citizens. For instance, black spot cleaning,
anti-plastic & segregation awareness campaigns have been widely publicised through radio,
television, banners and posters at public places and also through social media platforms like
Watsapp groups, Facebook and Twitter handles. Some of the above mentioned initiatives have
turned into best practices, which have been replicated successfully.
This paper is a modest attempt to understand and map the initiatives and few best
practices in the process of solid waste management across the city of Bengaluru.. These
initiatives have been classified and discussed in detail as per the process of waste management.
Secondary data sources and some primary field observations have been referred to compile
these initiatives. Subsequently, cases on three best practices have been discussed in detail. It
has been observed that many initiatives have been undertaken under the phase of awareness
creation on waste management and the phase of treatment of waste. Also the engagement of
multiple stakeholders, particularly community participation, is relatively higher in these two
phases compared to the remaining phases.
Key Words: Urbanisation, Stakeholders, Initiatives, local administration, and Solid Waste
According to Kaza et al (2018), global waste is expected to grow to 3.40 billion tonnes by 2050, which
will be more than double the population growth over the same period. Globally, open dumping accounts
for 33% of waste and some 37% of waste goes to some form of landfills with only 8% of global waste
goes to sanitary landfills. Higher and upper-middle income countries are reported to have scientifically
controlled landfills and efficient waste management facilities while in low-income countries 93% of
waste is dumped in the open. Presently, world generates 0.74 kilogram of waste per capita per day. In
terms of waste composition, food waste or green waste constitutes 44% while dry recyclables constitute
∗ Research Scholar, Centre for Decentralisation and Development, Institute for Social and Economic Change,
∗∗ Associate Professor, Centre for Research in Urban Affairs, Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bengaluru.
According to the latest estimates by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) 1,43,449 tonnes
per day of municipal solid waste (MSW) was generated in India during 2014-15. Out of the total MSW
generated, only 80% of waste was collected, while 22% was processed or treated (MoUD 2016). A
study, done by CPCB with NEERI (National Environmental Engineering Institute, Nagpur) in 59 cities,
reported compostable waste constituting more than 50% of the total MSW. According to the 2015-16
report of standing committee on energy (Ministry of New and Renewable Energy) the total generation
of MSW is projected to reach 165 million tonnes by 2031 due to increased urbanisation, industrialisation
and changing life patterns. The report also highlighted the grams per capita for large cities, medium
cities and small cities as 400-600 grams, 300-400 grams and 200-300 grams respectively. Also, there is
a need for estimating the waste generated at village or Panchayat level which remains unaccounted till
Economic reforms of 1990s in India opened up the national and state economies leading to
creation of a lot of employment opportunities, improvement in disposable income, and changes in the
lifestyle of the people. An important trend with these reforms was of urbanisation and migration of
workforce towards cities for employment, better living standards and also for better education. As the
population and migration increased so did the consumption of goods and services, directly leading to
increase in quantum of waste produced (Sridhar 2015; Beukering et al, 1999, Chanakya et al, 2010;
Joshi et al, 2013).
A similar trend has been observed in case of Bengaluru, which is struggling with population
increase, infrastructure bottlenecks, migration of working population towards the city. With the
population of 10,207,063 (BDA Master Plan 2031) the city of Bengaluru generates 5,758 tonnes of MSW
daily, which includes 64% of wet waste, 28% of dry waste, 6% inert waste and 3% of domestic
hazardous waste. The waste generation in BBMP area amounts to 564 grams per capita per day (BBMP
SWM manual 2017). As per BBMP (2017) the indicative composition of waste includes 30% of vegetable
waste followed by 23% of organic. Plastic amounts to 12% while electronic and bio-medical waste
accounts for 2% as indicated in Table 1 below:
Bengaluru is the most urbanised district of all the districts in Karnataka with 90.94 per cent of
its population residing in urban areas. The state of Karnataka has witnessed an increase in urban
population by 31.27% in the last decade (2001-2011) compared to 28.85% in the previous decade. It is
one of the most densely populated districts out of the 30 districts of Karnataka with a density of 4,378
per sq. km (Department of Public Instruction, Karnataka 2016). This puts immense pressure on the
delivery of civic services. However, in recent times the city has witnessed cluster of moments which
involve active participation of stakeholders, increase in awareness level of citizens, formation of multiple
citizens groups, usage of social media platforms viz. Watsapp groups, Facebook and Twitter etc. to
address grievances and introduce accountability with respect to various civic services. A variety of
initiatives, ranging from awareness campaigns, rally to segregation, composting, up-cycling/recycling,
compost santhe, drive against plastic, cutlery banks are catching up in the city to promote sustainable
waste management. The city has witnessed active participation from different stakeholders like Non-
Governmental Organisations (NGOs), Self-Help Groups (SHGs), Green Entrepreneurs, Itinerant buyers,
citizens and the municipal corporation. Several citizens network have come into existence in the city
which are actively engaged in various civic issues ranging from solid waste management to wildlife
conservation, zoning and land use regulations, traffic and safety concerns, roads and infrastructure
development etc. These citizens’ networks have initiated the urban environment stewardship and are
strong advocates of transparency and democratic conduct. Keeping in mind the accountability these
networks bring into the administration, the role of the citizens in governance is a potential area to be
explored. (Enqvist et al, 2014). These social relationships have helped people to act efficiently (Coleman
1988). One interesting observation is that these groups are using technology, especially social media, to
increase their reach and are also ever expanding. The significance of the cooperation of citizens, or in
other words, the service users, was in fact realised by the municipalities in 1980s and 1990s. On similar
lines, a report by UN Habitat (2010) stressed on the role of stakeholders and mentioned them as one of
the three dimensions of Integrated Waste Management for an efficient solid waste management system
(UN Habitat 2010).
A study by Enqvist et al (2014), makes an attempt to describe a citizen network engaged in
environmental issues in Bangalore, India, where rapid urbanisation puts pressure on conventional
management structures as well as the ecosystems providing benefits for the city’s inhabitants. The
study uses a mixed method approach of qualitative interviews and social network analysis. The main
findings of the paper illustrate that the citizen network functions as a platform that enables interaction
between diverse interest groups, and as a watchdog that monitors parks, lakes and trees to prevent
further loss of fragmented urban ecosystems. Authors also emphasize that this is important for
monitoring Bangalore’s fragmented ecosystems and for raising public awareness and support. Finally,
the study highlights an urgent need to develop a comprehensive framework for urban environmental
stewardship, to better describe potential roles of citizens in governance across diverse social, political
and ecological conditions, and during different periods of urban change.
Henry, et al (2005), makes an attempt to understand the overview of the state of municipal
solid waste management (MSWM) by local authorities in Kenya. They also discussed on poor servicing
of MSW collection vehicles, poor state of infrastructure and the lack of adequate funding militate against
optimisation of MSW disposal service. In the end, of the paper, authors described involvement of
stakeholders is important to achieve any meaningful and sustainable MSWM.
As study by Sharholy et al (2007), attempts to provide a comprehensive review of the
characteristics, generation, collection and transportation, disposal and treatment technologies of MSW
practiced in India. The study, pertaining to MSWM for Indian cities, has been carried out to evaluate the
current status and identify the major problems. Authors also discussed various adopted treatment
technologies for MSW that are critically reviewed, along with their advantages and limitations. The study
concludes with a few fruitful suggestions like involvement of people and the private sector through
NGOs that could improve the efficiency of MSWM and also public awareness should be created among
the masses to inculcate the health hazards of wastes. Finally, the study points to the lack of resources,
such as financing, infrastructure, suitable planning and data, and leadership, that are the main barriers
in MSWM.
Zurbrügg Christian’s (2002) paper makes an attempt to study the awareness and attitudes,
some examples of continuous education and awareness campaigns like the regular "Green and Clean"
campaigns to promote environmental awareness by the Metro Manila Women Balikatan Movement and
the Green Forum in Manila (UNEP-IETC, 1996). He also refers to the example of the Environmental
Pioneer Brigade Programme in Sri Lanka where children are made aware of environmental problems
and shown how to manage the problems, or how to be preventative so that the problems do not occur.
The study also makes reference to resource recovery and recycling activities like in the Philippines,
where a growing number of local governments are implementing integrated waste management that
includes waste reduction, recycling, composting and re-use. In Bangladesh, the local government
authorities, as well as the Ministry of Agriculture, are supporting and promoting composting and the use
of compost in agriculture. Similarly, in India the new solid waste legislation (Ministry of Environment and
Forests, 2000) obliges municipalities to introduce household segregation of organic and non-organic
waste (called "wet" and "dry" waste respectively) and to treat the organic fraction by composting or
other appropriate means. The study concludes that in Asian low- and middle-income countries,
municipal managers still face many common solid waste management problems. Although in some
cities, successful innovative ideas and approaches have been implemented at different levels of the solid
waste management system.
C. Visvanathan and J. Tränkler (2003) make an attempt to understand the present scenario of
municipal solid waste management (MSWM) in four study countries of Asia – namely China, India, Sri
Lanka and Thailand. The study compares technical, economic, legal and health issues. The authors also
lay emphasis on the generation and composition of MSW, management needs and collection systems
practiced, transportation and disposal systems used. The paper further discussed and reflected on the
public awareness and participation of the community in MSWM as well as the involvement of the NGOs
and the private sector. The study suggested that the uniqueness is attributed to the waste composition,
involvement of the informal sector, voluntary groups, private organisations, NGOs, and community-
based organisations (CBOs), and rapid privatisation of collection, transportation and processing systems.
Finally, they conclude the paper by saying that the present scenario of MSWM, which is undergoing
rapid changes towards the incorporation of the ISWM, could pave the way for sustainable urban
environment in Asia with effective inputs in economic, environmental and social aspects with adequate
institutional arrangements.
Initiatives in waste management can also be classified into various categories ranging from
legal framework, which includes several Constitutional, environmental and pollution Acts, to policy
initiatives like National Sanitation Policy, 2008 to Ecomark Scheme, 1991. Another category of
classification of initiatives can be key government programmes like JNNURM, Total Sanitation Campaign,
etc. (Agarwal et al, 2015). However, public awareness and participation is seen as a major tool in the
success of waste management (Hasan 2004) as they will bring accountability to the waste management
system (Ahmed & Ali 2006).
Waste management in contemporary times should be seen as contributing to various other
sectors as well. For instance, the Millennium Development Goals advocate inclusive policies in waste
management to recognise role of the informal sector to improve collection coverage for better health
conditions and finally, to invite partnerships with private formal actors and communities, who will
further improve governance (UN Habitat 2010).
In today’s times, India is witnessing a very crucial stage where there is a lot of focus on
governance through local self-government and at the same time urbanisation is showing astonishing
trends. At this point, tapping the potential of increasing citizen’s networks for delivery of municipal
services can be a promising platform.
The main objective of this paper is to highlight the various initiatives undertaken in Bengaluru
with respect to solid waste management and discuss in detail some best practices, which have been
successfully replicated in different parts of the city and have created lot of active volunteers,
entrepreneurs that have also created a lot of employment opportunities.
The paper is structured into three sections. The first section deals with various initiatives
across the whole process of SWM and their impact have been highlighted. This is followed by a
discussion over three significant best practices, which have been successfully replicated in the city and
have been instrumental in promoting sustainable waste management. The last section concludes by
highlighting the main findings of the paper.
Research Methodology
This study is the documentation and classification of various initiatives undertaken along the different
phases of the process of MSW in Bengaluru starting from awareness, segregation, collection,
transportation, treatment and disposal. The data has been collected through various secondary sources
and is also based on field observations.
Citizens groups, as well as BBMP, have been the crusaders of awareness campaigns with respect to
SWM in the city. Ranging from segregation, composting to ‘beat plastic pollution’ campaigns, a variety
of innovative campaigns have been designed and implemented in the city. Some of these, as indicated
in Image 1 below, include, segregation-focused campaigns like SwachaGraha, school drives and Cubbon
Park rally for anti-plastic campaigns. A lot of training workshops have been conducted to create
awareness among traders, hawkers, hoteliers, restaurant owners and street vendors over plastic ban
and various alternatives to it. Periodical meetings with Pourakarmikas were held to help them
understand segregation and plastic ban. Eco-clubs have been formed across schools, which are aimed
at shaping young minds towards sustainable waste management practices. Efforts have been made to
introduce the concept of waste management in schools and in the same concern Solid Waste
Management Round Table (SWMRT) framed a curriculum, namely Trashonomics, which aims to educate
students about waste management. With a view to educate its staff members, BBMP has released
information booklets and documents to train Master Trainers or citizen volunteers. A Brand-Audit was
also undertaken by SWMRT to identify the biggest polluter in plastic packaging branded litter. The audit
reported that around 61% of the total 12,000 pieces audited were multi-layered laminated packaging.
The main aim of this audit was to identify types and quantity of Branded & Unbranded packaging with
manufacturers name in plastic waste. BBMP had recently proposed to set up plastic-to-fuel plants where
such multi-layered plastic packaging will be used. Over 200 citizen volunteer groups are working in
Bengaluru with respect to waste management in the city, viz. Bangalore Eco Team, HSR Citizen’s
Forum, Yelehanka Eco Group, etc. These groups are active on various social media platforms and have
brought transparency and accountability to the SWM system.
With respect to segregation, ‘2bin1bag’ has been the most successful initiative and has even been
replicated across the country. ‘2bin1bag’ is a system to segregate waste at source. The Karnataka High
Court on Dec 17, 2015 passed an interim order due to the ongoing PIL filed by SWMRT directing the
citizens in Bengaluru to adopt this system. According to this system, 2 bins viz. green and red, are to be
used for organic and reject waste respectively, while the bag is to be used to collect recyclable waste.
More than two lakhs household have adopted this system in the city.
Image 2 below also indicates the initiatives undertaken in collection, which have been classified
into three categories-- initiatives undertaken by BBMP, NGOs, and Itinerant buyers. Under BBMP
responsibilities, wet waste is collected daily Door-to-Door (D2D) by a dedicated auto tipper while dry
waste is collected bi-weekly by a separate auto and is taken to a Dry Waste Collection Centre (DWCC)
where it is further segregated and sent for recycling. Separate arrangements have been made for bulk
generators of waste like apartments, having more than 50 dwelling units. They are supposed to do in-
situ arrangements for waste management, or take services from BBMP-empanelled vendors. Similarly,
commercial bulk generators, which accumulate MSW of a quantity not less than 10 kg per day, are also
supposed to do in-situ arrangements or take services from BBMP-empanelled vendors. Special
arrangements are made to manage festival waste during Ayudha Pooja, Eid and Ganesha Chathurti.
Efforts are made to introduce technology in the collection process. For instance, the BinTipper App will
help keep a database of the quantum of waste collected daily by the auto-tipper.
Another significant stakeholder, which is playing a crucial role in SWM in the city are NGOs,
Non-profit Organisations, and citizens group viz. Hasirudala, Sahaas, Janaagraha, Swachha, Bangalore
Political Action Committee (BPAC), Solid Waste Management Round Table Bangalore (SWMRT),
Hasirudala, Centre for Sustainable Development, Sahaas, Youth for Parivartan etc. For instance, Sahaas
has its own recycling unit and have also come up with innovative e-waste kiosks installed at different
locations in the city to help people dispose of there e-waste. Another NGO, Hasirudala helps bulk waste
generators, like apartment complexes, to mange their dry waste. It has also played a pivotal role in
helping the informal workers, rag pickers get official recognition from BBMP. Till date more than 7,500
rag pickers have been issued occupational identity cards. Likewise, many NGOs have come forward and
are playing a significant role in creating awareness about segregation and are also reporting irregular
collection to the concerned authorities. The role of informal sector in waste segregation and collection
cannot be ignored. More than 15,000 waste pickers operate in Bengaluru who range from scrap dealers,
municipal sweepers, itinerant buyers and dealers.
Transportation in SWM process is a very crucial link and includes auto-tippers, compactors and
pushcarts. Efforts are being made to install GPS-enabled compactors to monitor their movement to
processing plant and landfills. Geo-fencing for auto-tippers is also being explored to monitor their
Image 2: Initiatives in Segregation, Collection and Transportation in Bengaluru
Based on waste streams, different treatment/processing facilities have been set up for decentralised
waste management like bio-methanisation units, seven processing centers, Sanitary Landfills. Ward-
level composting, Compost Santhe, home composting, leaf composter installed in parks are also been
promoted. In case of in-situ facilities, barrel digester composting, bio-bin composting, integrated
community waste management, eco-digester composting, solar composting are common. Leaf shredder
units have also been installed in some of the wards. Coconut waste processing units have been installed
in the city and thermocol waste processing units have been proposed. Special composters have been
placed in the premises of some of the temples in the city for in-situ management of waste. A lot of retail
stores, with upcycled products, are becoming popular in town. Even a restaurant in the city has been
designed using upcycled products.
Regarding waste disposal, the city of Bengaluru relies on its three landfill quarries. Recently,
BBMP has proposed the appointment of clean-up marshalls to monitor these landfills. These marshals
will be ex-servicemen with the state government and will be trained.
Image 3: Initiatives in Treatment and Disposal of Waste in Bengaluru.
Image 4 below discusses some of the interesting initiatives taken in waste management in
general. In order to promote zero waste events, a lot of events like seedball events, green weddings,
terrace gardening have been organised in the city. Seedball events mainly focus on increasing the green
cover and involve golf-ball sized mixture of seeds, soil and compost, which can be easily scattered to
grow trees in suitable places. Green weddings promote avoidance of disposable cutlery, single-use
plastic and decorative items, etc.
The city is also witnessing the wave of terrace gardening where people are been encouraged
to use the compost generated at home in their own garden itself. Focus is also laid on making public
events organised in the city, like IPL matches and marathons, totally zero-waste events by avoiding
plastic water bottles, avoiding usage of flex banners etc. Some restaurants across the city have stopped
usage of plastic containers for home delivery and are also offering discounts when customers carry their
own boxes from home.
Cutlery banks across the city have mushroomed to promote usage of steel cutlery and avoid
plastics and disposables. Another interesting segment, which has emerged, is that of Green
Entrepreneurs, which offer products like bamboo toothbrush, steel and bamboo straws, seed papers,
seed pencil, newspaper pencil and clay & seed ganesha etc. Some of the restaurants in the city have
designed their interiors with upcycled waste and have opened new opportunities in sustainable interior
Some of the commercial areas have set up community bins, where the extra food prepared at
the restaurant is put in small fridges installed on the streets and the poor people can access it for free.
Some of the private brands like Chai Point and Big Basket have also adopted sustainable practices. Chai
Point took initiative to collect the used tea and coffee powder generated across their stores and share it
with farmers for use in vineyards. Big Basket has extensively worked on its packaging and has reduced
the usage of plastic and cardboard boxes. These brands worked with some of the citizen’s volunteers in
the city to adopt green practices.
Based on the above discussion about various initiatives undertaken in waste management in
Bengaluru, this study has chosen two best practices and one case of eco-innovation, which have been
replicated in the city extensively and successfully. This includes plastic ban and composting. These
initiatives have, in turn, stimulated a series of new initiatives in the city like cutlery banks, edible cutlery,
terrace gardening and ‘Oota From Your Thota’ events. The eco-innovation case discussed in this section
is about a venture called, Daily Dump, where composting was made easy with the use of technology.
Case Studies
Case Study-1 Compost Santhe
The credit for composting revolution in the city goes to citizen-led campaigns like SwachaGraha. The
revolution gained momentum as citizens learned simple benefits of home composting and how they can
influence the management of organic waste in the city. Experts like N S Ramakanth and Vani Murthy
made the story of composting reach a large number of households in Bengaluru. With a vision to
promote decentralised composting, BBMP, along with citizen volunteers, started Compost Santhe in the
city with an aim to promote and give live demonstrations on composting to citizens to manage their
organic waste at home itself. Till date, 28 compost santhe have been organised in the city. BBMP aims
to conduct these Santhe’s in all 198 wards of the city. These santhe are a kind of flea markets where
easy and convenient solutions are given to participants through experts and entrepreneurs in
composting. There are several vendors for composting, which display and sell associated products to
enable composting while the citizen-volunteer educate the public. Some of the other stakeholders, who
play a very crucial role in organising a Santhe, are the Corporators and MLAs of the respective ward
who actively participate in organising this event. Efforts are also been made to connect with farmers of
nearby areas so that the compost generated in the city can be directly sold to the farmers without any
intermediaries at a nominal rate. The venue for a Santhe is usually arranged by BBMP and mostly public
parks are selected for the same. Once a santhe is planned it is usually advertised through newspapers,
social media platforms like Watsapp groups, Facebook, etc. Some of the main themes around which the
compost santhe is usually organised are 2bin1bag, SwachaGraha, Green The Red, Trashonomics and
Plastic Ban. These themes are presented in the form of citizen awareness stalls and vendors of
associated products sell their products at the venue. Apart from this, stalls exhibiting upcycled/recycled
products, bio-enzymes, Rent-A-Cutlery, Restore (encouraging restage of articles rejected by his/her
neighbor), mensurational hygiene products, pencils from recycled newspapers, khamba pots are some
of the attraction in a santhe (TOI 2017).
Case Study-2 Plastic Ban
Out of the 4,000 tonnes of plastic which is generated everyday in Bengaluru 350-400 tonnes is plastic
waste. Plastic items, like carry bags, not only have long-term environmental consequences but also pose
as a health hazard to all living beings on the planet. Plastic waste often block drains, gutters sewers and
pollutes the urban water bodies. Considering such detrimental problems, the State Government of
Karnataka under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, issued a notification on March 11, 2016
banning manufacture, supply, sale and use of plastic carry bags, plastic banners, plastic buntings, flex,
plastic flags, plastic plates, plastic cups, plastic spoons, cling films and plastic sheets used to cover
dining tables, including the above items made of thermocol and plastic, which use plastic micro beads in
the state. Later, through a correction notification, plastic straws and bags made from compostable
plastic material were also put under the banned category. Everyone including the shopkeeper, vendor,
wholesaler, retailer, trader, hawker or salesman can use any of these. However, there are certain
exceptions like plastic bags manufactured exclusively for export purpose, plastic bags used in Forestry
and Horticulture nurseries, plastic used for packing milk and milk products, plastic used for packaging in
which goods are sealed prior to use at manufacturing/processing units. Apart from this, a document
explaining alternatives to various plastic commodities used in daily life was released.1 Notifications,
regarding imposition of penalty for manufacturers, hoarders, traders and users of banned plastic items,
have also been released.
Though the time period, immediately after plastic ban, was a little sluggish, in terms of
implementation of the ban, in in recent times the BBMP has taken measures to strictly enforce it. Some
of the significant measures taken in this regard include plastic seizing activities and fine collection in
commercial areas, which are being conducted till date, have turned out to be an important milestone in
successfully implementing this ban. A number of training sessions have been organised for street
vendors, hawkers, hoteliers and Kalyan Mantapa owners over educating them about the recent ban and
the alternatives to plastic. Samples are shown to the audience in these sessions and they are helped to
identify plastic and non-plastic material. These sessions are been jointly conducted by BBMP and EMPRI
(Environmental Management and Policy Research Institute) Bengaluru. Special attention has been laid
on avoidance of single-use plastic and buying of packaged mineral water plastic bottles. Karnataka State
Pollution Control Board (KSPCB) has taken measures to ensure that all producers of plastic and
companies that use plastic for packaging their products should register themselves with KSPCB. In this
regard KSPCB even organised meeting of large-scale producers (The Hindu 2017a). The chairman of
KSPCB even visited plastic manufacturers in Kamakshipalya, Peenya, and surrounding areas to check
their compliance with the plastic ban (The Hindu 2016).
Annexure -1
offices, schools, etc. The city saw some of the supermarkets replacing their plastic bags with brown
paper bags, newspaper bags and cloth bags. In fact, a lot of entrepreneur have emerged offering
innovative cloth bag designs to carry multiple segregated vegetables in a single bag. A number of
NGOs, Self -help groups and vendors have come into existence which manufacture cloth bags and have
opened up a lot of employment opportunities. Many citizen volunteers are actively engaged in creating
awareness over plastic ban and in promoting the usage of its alternatives. Alternatives in the form of
bamboo toothbrush, steel and bamboo straws, cutlery banks, edible cutleries are catching up in the city.
BBMP aims to have one cutlery bank in every ward with an objective of replacing disposable cutlery,
which is usually made of plastic or thermocol. Some of these cutlery banks work on charity basis while
others charge a nominal fee. Special instructions have been laid down for Kalyan Mantapas in the city to
have their own steel cutlery and a commercial dishwasher.
In order to study the impact of plastic ban and to identify the top polluters, a Brand Audit was
done by Solid Waste Round Table Conference (SWMRT) in eight locations in Bengaluru. The activity was
pan-India and was coordinated with GAIA (Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternative). The audit
involved 120 volunteers and groups like HasiruDala, Bangalore Eco Team, HSR Citizens Forum, Beautiful
Bengaluru, Lets Clean Bengaluru, Kasa Muktha Bellandur, Yelahanka Eco Group, Lal Bagh West Group
and Swachha. Out of the 12,000 pieces audited it was found 61% of them were multi-layered laminate
packaging which are non-recyclable. This audit brought the attention of all key stakeholders to target
the multi-layer packaging in order to make the plastic ban effective. Some of the top polluters include
food packaging industry, personal care packaging and household products packaging.2
All these efforts undertaken clearly indicate the city’s dedication towards reducing the usage of
Annexure 2
been catering to residents living in individual homes, flats, communities, schools and offices. It has a
service backup facility along with customer support, which makes the whole process feasible and
convenient. Being an exclusive design that suits local conditions of cities in developing countries, where
the calorific value of waste is low, Daily Dump can be a sustained design initiative.
There are several models that include garbage-composting units, leaf-composting units
designed to suit specific leaf types and culture-friendly composting units that can be used to process
flower waste generated after the religious rituals every day. Daily Dump has a range of Terracotta
products (‘Khamba’ and ‘Leave it Pots’ in varied forms and sizes and can be installed in small spaces of
just 2 sq. feet. Community composting units (Manthans) are designed in a way to function without
electricity or chemical additives. Daily Dump also provides a range of monthly and one-time service
plans to aid customers with easy and effective maintenance of composting units.
The products are designed well to make it visually appealing as it is made of earth, close to
nature. Owning and handling the process of waste-to-resource is a journey and users have expressed a
sense of satisfaction to have contributed less to the city’s garbage and helped in improving the city’s
healthy environs.
Converting waste-to-resource aids the environment considerably by reducing land and water
pollution. Daily Dump products divert 60 per cent of trash from reaching the landfill. On an average, an
Indian home produces organic waste of ½ to 1.5 kilograms per day, which is about 30 kilograms a
month. Composting generates about 12 kilograms of compost every two months. Daily Dump so far has
enrolled 26,000 Daily Dump users across Bengaluru, Chennai, Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad and Delhi and
has been able to keep away around 15,000 kgs of organic waste from the landfills each day.
Dry waste collection for resale value is a livelihood option for more than 30,000 rag pickers
and informal sector recyclers in Bengaluru city. Segregation at source will help wet waste and dry waste
separate, making it more accessible and usable to the recycling community.
Daily Dump trains potters to make composters with a buyback facility and sold through
different mediums -- shops, online stores, outlets across cities and organic exhibitions. The communities
of potters, who make Daily Dump products, have doubled their turnover within a short span of two
years by making the products. They have been able to have a stable market along with working capital,
which is interest free.
The local City Corporation (Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike) spends more than Rs 4 crores ($
587,154) to collect, transport and dispose municipal waste annually. This is a huge expenditure that can
be diverted for more productive uses to improve the city. Promoting Daily Dump can aid in reducing
expenditure on waste management as a significant amount of waste can be put to use in a resourceful
Daily Dump offers business opportunities by providing clone models, which is open to others
for duplicating the business. Designs are open source indicating that anybody could locally produce and
sell the products by paying a small royalty fee, thus encouraging micro enterprises. There are 21 clones
in Bengaluru city and 17 clones across different cities in India which is an interesting concept that is
getting popular to promote related green services, thus, promoting ethical and conscious consumer
behaviors. Trash Trails have also been organised by the Daily Dump team to educate more people and
influence them to convert garbage into compost. Trash Trails are practical in nature with hands-on
seeing, discussing, debating, observing, questioning, understanding and learning experience, hence,
makes it interesting for the participants. It is about influencing behavioural change.
Solid Waste Management and Challenges Ahead
Despite a plethora of initiatives and events to promote efficient waste management in the city there are
a lot of challenges ahead. Presently, there are five solid waste management-processing projects of
BBMP. Out of these five projects, four projects have 1,900 MPTD of plant capacity while the fifth plant,
with the capacity of 250 MPTD, is under pilot run. Out of the remaining four plants, only three are
receiving a total of 700 MPTD of wet waste. Given that the city generates a total of 5,758.17 TPD of
waste across small residential, commercial establishments, street sweeping, including bulk generators,
64% of this accounts for wet waste produced in the city on a daily basis. Followed by 28% of dry
waste, 3% of domestic hazardous and 6% of reject/inert waste, the city has a long way ahead to
efficient waste management and probably this justifies why waste management in the city is a moot
point. A point to note here is that there is no data available in public domain about the amount of waste
collected and transported to processing plants or landfill sites. This probably also indicates why there
are numerous illegal garbage disposal sites and black spots in the city. However, a study by
Ramachandra et al, 2018 indicates that the proportion of municipal solid waste collected by the
agencies disposed at identified sites is 60% while the remaining is disposed of at unidentified sites.
Feasibility of alternatives, like waste-to-energy, is questionable given the high moisture content of waste
as wet waste is higher in proportion in the city. Also the city still doesn’t have a complete waste
segregation model at source. The bio-methanisation model has been initiated in a few wards, however,
its potential as a decentralised waste processing system is at a nascent stage.
The city has witnessed a lot of initiatives with respect to the whole process of waste management.
Some of these have turned into success stories and have been replicated, not only in the city but also
nationwide. A key finding of this study is that all initiatives and success stories in the city had extensive
stakeholders’ participation, viz, citizens, municipal authorities, central and state governments, NGOs,
citizen volunteers and informal sector, etc. These initiatives have also brought in transparency and
accountability in the system of waste management in the city. Another interesting thing to note is that
across the whole process of SWM, treatment and awareness have attracted a large number of initiatives
while collection, transportation and disposal are the ignored phases or do not have any citizen’s
participation probably because transportation and disposal are solely in the hands of either BBMP or the
private contractors. Waste collection has seen some private players and NGOs participation. A point to
note here is that collection takes a major portion of the total budget of SWM in a municipality.
According to a World Bank (2012) report, low-income countries tend to spend a major part of their
SWM budget on collection, in some cases it being 80 to 90%, while almost ignoring disposal. The
collection efficiency still remains very low in low-income countries.
Though there have been a lot of policy initiatives, as well as citizens involvement with respect to solid
waste management in Bengaluru, however, all these initiatives and success stories are mostly isolated
and cater to only a small area or group of people and have been quite successful as well. Hence, an
integrated approach towards waste management is the need of hour wherein all stakeholders and these
initiatives are woven into the urban fabric to achieve a holistic and sustainable solution to the garbage
menace. As far as collection and disposal are concerned, very few initiatives have been undertaken and
also there is absence of stakeholders other than BBMP and private contractors. In case of treatment, it
can be seen that citizen’s groups have come up with innovative ideas but the waste treated through
these initiatives forms a fraction of waste actually treated in the city. Rest of the unsegregated waste
still goes to fill quarries. The need of the hour is to have operational sanitary landfills for the city, and to
make efforts for usage of technology throughout the process of SWM, especially to track the
transportation of waste.
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Alternatives to Plastic
Brand Audit (SWMRT)
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