Exercises No. 6 Vitamins and MInerals

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Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1. Food sources of potassium (K) are:

A. milk, cheese, yogurt, sardines, salmon, and green vegetables except spinach
B. oranges, bananas, dried fruits, and tomatoes
C. table salt, beef, eggs, milk and cheese
D. green vegetables and whole grains

2. The role of antioxidants is:

A. prevention of transport of nutrients, oxygen, and water into the cell
B. inhibit cell destruction in damaged or aging tissues
C. prevention of the removal of waste products from the cells
D. none of the above
E. all of the above

3. Identify the vitamin found in meats, fish, poultry, legumes, peanuts, soybeans, wheat germ, yeast,
whole-grains cereals, and bananas.
A. A C. C
B. B-complex D. D

4. Side effects of large doses of this vitamin cause neuropathy.

A. A C. C
B. B6 D. D

5. Supplements of vitamin C may be recommended for the following conditions:

A. to prevent or treat rickets or osteomalacia
B. vascular disorders such as Raynaud’s disease, and to lower blood lipid levels
C. treatment of scurvy and prevention or treatment of the common cold
D. pregnant or lactating women and postmenopausal women

6. Side effects of large doses of this vitamin cause kidney stones, kidney damage, muscle and bone pain,
nausea and anorexia.
A. A C. C
B. B-complex D. D

7. Identify the vitamin necessary for normal function of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
A. A C. C
B. Thiamine D. D

8. Identify the vitamin necessary for maturation of red blood cells and maintenance of the nervous system.
A. A C. C
B. B12 D. D

9. Supplements of vitamin E may be necessary for which conditions?

A. infants fed unfortified skim milk or mild-substitute formulas
B. malabsorption syndromes, for example, celiac disease, sprue, and cystic fibrosis
C. as an antidote for Coumadin therapy
D. treatment for pernicious anemia
10. Functions of iodine (I) in the body include:
A. maintaining fluid balance in blood and transmission of nerve impulses
B. regulation of osmotic pressure and activation of salivary amylase
C. hemoglobin formation and resistance to infection
D. being a major component of thyroid hormones

11. Contraindications for topical application of corticosteroids include:

A. skin infections, bacterial or fungal, and cutaneous or systemic viral infections
B. history of allergy, especially to sulfa drugs
C. osteoporosis or other bone disorders
D. depression, emotional labiality, psychosis, aggression, and violent behavior

12. Special contraindications and cautions with Accutane therapy for acne include:
i. pregnancy tests prior to therapy and monthly thereafter
ii. avoid getting in the eyes, ears or mouth
iii. sexually active females must use two forms of birth control until two
months after therapy is stopped
iv. not for frequent use for total body bathing
v. not effective in preventing spread of infection
vi. signing a Patient Information/Consent form about birth defects

A. i, ii, vi D. iii, iv, vi

B. i, iii, vi E. ii, iii, vi
C. ii, iv, v

13. Food sources of iron (Fe) are:

A. meat, liver, eggs, poultry, spinach, dried fruits, dried beans, and prune juice
B. freshwater shellfish and seafood
C. meat, liver, oysters, poultry, fish, whole-grain bread and cereal
D. table salt

14. Symptoms of a deficiency of this vitamin are scurvy, poor healing, muscle cramps, weakness, ulcerated
gums and mouth, and capillary fragility.
A. A C. C
B. E D. K

15. Application of antiseptic medications includes:

A. clean area thoroughly before application and rub in gently until medication
B. rinsing mouth with water prior to treatment and NPO status for one hour after
C. should not be used on wounds involving more than the superficial layers of skin,
and rinsing thoroughly after use
D. use of aseptic technique and keeping area covered at all times
16. Side effects of large doses of this vitamin cause prolonged bleeding time.
A. A C. C
B. E D. K

17. Symptoms of a deficiency of this vitamin are nerve, muscle, and mental problems and pernicious
A. A C. C
B. B12 D. D

18. Side effects of topical application of some antiseptics include:

A. ulceration, especially with occlusive dressings
B. Photosensitivity
C. dermatitis with frequent application
D. impaired kidney or liver function

19. Identify the vitamin necessary for resistance to infection, night vision, bone and soft tissue growth, and
healing of wounds.
A. A C. C
B. B-complex D. D

20. Symptoms of a deficiency of this vitamin are neuritis, mental disturbance, muscle weakness and fatigue.
A. A C. C
B. B1 D. D

21. Side effects of large doses of this vitamin cause irritability, lethargy, headache, joint pain, and jaundice.
A. A C. C
B. E D. K

22. Contraindications for topical application of medications used in burn care include:
A. skin infections, bacterial or fungal, and cutaneous or systemic viral infections
B. history of allergy, especially to sulfa drugs
C. osteoporosis or other bone disorders
D. depression, emotional labiality, psychosis, aggression, and violent behavior

23. Side effects of using scabicides and pediculicides include:

A. ulceration, especially with occlusive dressings
B. Photosensitivity
C. dermatitis with frequent application
D. impaired kidney or liver function

24. Identify the vitamin necessary for protein synthesis, production of red blood cells, cell division, and
normal growth and maintenance of all cells.
A. A C. C
B. folic acid D. D

25. Supplements of calcium may be recommended for the following conditions:

A. to prevent or treat rickets or osteomalacia
B. vascular disorders such as Raynaud’s disease, and to lower blood lipid levels
C. treatment of scurvy and prevention or treatment of the common cold
D. pregnant or lactating women and postmenopausal women

26. Identify the vitamin found in leafy and green vegetables (broccoli), avocado, beets, orange juice, kidney
beans, and organ meats.
A. A C. C
B. B-complex D. D

27. Symptoms of a deficiency of this vitamin are rickets, osteomalacia, and muscle spasms.
A. A C. C
B. B-complex D. D

28. Symptoms of a deficiency of this vitamin are photophobia, vision problems, itching eyes, dermatitis, and
rough skin.
A. A C. C
B. B2 D. D

29. Supplements of vitamin B12 may be necessary for which conditions?

A. infants fed unfortified skim milk or mild-substitute formulas
B. malabsorption syndromes, for example, celiac disease, sprue, and cystic fibrosis
C. as an antidote for Coumadin therapy
D. treatment for pernicious anemia

30. Which of the following statements regarding herbal products is true?

A. Herbal products are all natural and therefore are without risk.
B. Herbal products are safer than prescription medications because they are
available over-the-counter.
C. Herbal products are tested as are all products available for purchase.
D. Herbal products are not subject to the same scrutiny and restrictions as other
medicinal products.

31. Symptoms of a deficiency of this vitamin are anorexia, nausea, vomiting, dermatitis, neuritis, and
A. A C. C
B. B6 D. D

32. Functions of sodium (Na) in the body include:

A. maintaining fluid balance in blood and transmission of nerve impulses
B. regulation of osmotic pressure and activation of salivary amylase
C. hemoglobin formation and resistance to infection
D. being a major component of thyroid hormones

33. Identify the vitamin necessary for metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, protein and amino acids.
A. A C. C
B. Pyridoxine D. D

34. Identify the vitamin necessary for blood clotting.

A. A C. C
B. E D. K

35. Side effects of large doses of this vitamin cause raised uric acid level, GI distress and kidney stones.
A. A C. C
B. E D. K

36. Food sources of zinc (Zn) are:

A. meat, liver, eggs, poultry, spinach, dried fruits, dried beans, and prune juice
B. freshwater shellfish and seafood
C. meat, liver, oysters, poultry, fish, whole-grain bread and cereal
D. table salt

37. Identify the vitamin found in meat, chicken, milk, eggs, fish, green vegetables, cooked dried beans and
peas, soybeans, nuts, peanut butter, and enriched cereal products.
A. A C. C
B. B-complex D. D

38. Identify the vitamin found in fresh fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits, cabbage, green peppers,
and broccoli.
A. A C. C
B. B-complex D. D

39. Contraindications for topical application of acne agents include:

A. skin infections, bacterial or fungal, and cutaneous or systemic viral infections
B. history of allergy, especially to sulfa drugs
C. osteoporosis or other bone disorders
D. depression, emotional labiality, psychosis, aggression, and violent behavior

40. Symptoms of a deficiency of this vitamin are retarded growth, faulty bone and tooth development,
shriveled thickened skin, and xerophthalmia.
A. A C. C
B. E D. K

41. Identify the vitamin that is necessary for normal metabolism and is an antioxidant.
A. A C. C
B. E D. K

42. Symptoms of a deficiency of this vitamin are macrocytic anemia, irritability, and behavior disorders.
A. A C. C
B. folic acid D. D

43. Identify the vitamin found in whole grains, wheat germ, peas, beans, nuts, yeast, meat (especially pork
and organ meats), oysters, collard greens, oranges, and enriched cereals.
A. A C. C
B. B-complex D. D
44. Identify the vitamin necessary for maintenance of normal nerves and muscles and regulating the
absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorus.
A. A C. C
B. B-complex D. D

45. Application of antifungal medications includes:

A. clean area thoroughly before application and rub in gently until medication
B. rinsing mouth with water prior to treatment and NPO status for one hour after
C. should not be used on wounds involving more than the superficial layers of skin,
and rinsing thoroughly after use
D. use of aseptic technique and keeping area covered at all time

46. Contraindications for corticosteroid topical therapy include:

A. pregnancy, lactation, children, and immunosuppressed patients
B. with newborns, allergy to iodine, and open wounds
C. impaired kidney or liver function or history of allergy to sulfa drugs
D. pregnancy, breast-feeding, and hypersensitivity to benzoic acid or paraben

47. Food sources of magnesium (Mg) are:

A. milk, cheese, yogurt, sardines, salmon, and green vegetables except spinach
B. oranges, bananas, dried fruits, and tomatoes
C. table salt, beef, eggs, milk, and cheese
D. green vegetables and whole grains

48. Supplements of vitamin K may be necessary for which conditions?

A. infants fed unfortified skim milk or mild-substitute formulas
B. malabsorption syndromes, for example, celiac disease, sprue, cystic fibrosis
C. as an antidote for Coumadin therapy
D. treatment for pernicious anemia

49. Symptoms of a deficiency of this vitamin are destruction of RBCs and muscle weakness.
A. A C. C
B. E D. K

50. Side effects of large doses of this vitamin cause vasodilatation of blood vessels.
A. A C. C
B. Niacin D. D

51. Supplements of vitamin A may be necessary for which conditions?

A. infants fed unfortified skim milk or mild-substitute formulas
B. malabsorption syndromes, for example, celiac disease, sprue, and cystic fibrosis
C. as an antidote for Coumadin therapy
D. treatment for pernicious anemia

52. Which statement by your patient indicates a need for further education?
A. “I will put this medication on my skin, never by mouth.”
B. “I will keep this out of the reach of my children.”
C. “If I have any side effects, I am to keep taking the medication for two more days,
and then call the clinic.”
D. “I will take this medicine only as long as the doctor instructed me to take it.”

53. Identify the vitamin found in sunlight on the skin and fortified food products.
A. A C. C
B. B-complex D. D

54. Identify the vitamin found in cereals, wheat germ, seeds, nuts, vegetable oils, eggs, meat, and poultry.
A. A C. E
B. B-complex D. K

55. Identify the vitamin necessary for cell growth and metabolism and regulation of hormones and
formation of RBCs.
A. A C. C
B. Riboflavin D. D

56. Identify the vitamin that is necessary for cellular metabolism, normal teeth, gums, and bones, is
required for iron absorption, promotes wound and bone fracture healing; and is considered an
A. A C. C
B. B-complex D. D

57. Side effects from topical application of corticosteroids include:

A. ulceration, especially with occlusive dressings
B. photosensitivity
C. dermatitis with frequent application
D. impaired kidney or liver function

58. Identify the vitamin found in the carotene of plants, especially yellow-orange and dark-green leafy
vegetables, fruits, oily saltwater fish, dairy products, and eggs.
A. A C. C
B. B-complex D. D

59. Food sources of chlorine (Cl) are:

A. meat, liver, eggs, poultry, spinach, dried fruits, dried beans, and prune juice.
B. Freshwater shellfish and seafood
C. Meat, liver, oysters, poultry, fish, whole-grain bread and cereal
D. Table salt

60. Functions of chlorine (Cl) in the body include:

A. maintaining fluid balance in blood and transmission of nerve impulses
B. regulation of osmotic pressure and activation of salivary amylase
C. hemoglobin formation and resistance to infection
D. being a major component of thyroid hormones

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