Membaca - The Lost Princess

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Setelah pembelajaran ini, siswa diharapkan mampu:
 memahami makna kosakata pada teks tulis berbentuk dongeng.
 memahami kalimat berpola S + V2 pada teks tulis berbentuk dongeng.
 memahami informasi yang terdapat pada teks tulis berbentuk dongeng.

Lengkapilah tabel berikut ini dengan menggunakan kata-kata yang telah disediakan.
drank forbade begged awoke cut
contained left chased agreed wept
knew learned climbed brought healed
kidnapped watched found saw rushed
grew wondered hid realized celebrated


(V1) (V2) (Arti Kata)
1. agree ................................... setuju, menyetujui
2. awake* ................................... bangun, sadar
3. beg ................................... memohon
4. bring* ................................... membawa
5. celebrate ................................... merayakan
6. chase ................................... mengejar
7. climb ................................... memanjat
8. contain ................................... mengandung
9. cut* ................................... memotong
10. drink* ................................... minum
11. find* ................................... menemukan
12. forbid* ................................... melarang
13. grow* ................................... tumbuh
14. heal ................................... menyembuhkan
15. hide* ................................... menyembunyikan
16. kidnap ................................... menculik
17. know* ................................... mengetahui
18. learn ................................... mempelajari
19. leave* ................................... meninggalkan
20. realize ................................... menyadari
21. rush ................................... bergegas
22. see* ................................... melihat
23. watch ................................... menyaksikan, menonton
24. weep* ................................... menangis
25. wonder ................................... penasaran, ingin tahu


Gunakanlah kata-kata pada Activity 1 untuk melengkapi teks berikut ini.


Once there lived a King and Queen in a faraway kingdom. The queen was
expecting a baby but she became ill. The queen d…………………1) a broth made from a
magical golden flower then she was cured. Soon they had a baby daughter with golden
hair. They named her Rapunzel. Her devoted parents did not realize that Rapunzel’s
golden hair c…………………2) the healing power but a vengeful old woman named
Mother Gothel k…………………3) about the magical hair. It could restore her youth and
So, Mother Gothel k…………………4) Rapunzel and raised her in a tower in the
forest. She kept her hidden there for nearly seventeen years. Rapunzel’s hair
g…………………5) longer and longer. It made Mother Gothel possessive and cruel. She
f…………………6) Rapunzel to leave the tower and told her that the outside world was a
dangerous place but she actually wanted Rapunzel’s magical hair for herself.
Although Rapunzel never l…………………7) the tower, she kept busy. She painted,
played music and l…………………8) how to do lots of things. Each year on Rapunzel’s
birthday, floating lights filled the sky. She w…………………9) the floating lights from her
tower window. She w…………………10) about them. She did not know that they were
lanterns released by the King and Queen, who hoped their daughter would return
someday. It was about her seventeenth birthday. Rapunzel b…………………11) Mother
Gothel to see the lights for her birthday but Mother Gothel refused.
Meanwhile, a young thief named Flynn had stolen something from the King’s
palace. The royal guards c…………………12) him. He ran into the forest and discovered a
perfect hiding place. It was a tower. When Flynn c…………………13) into the tower,
Rapunzel knocked him out with a frying pan. Then she secretly inspected the satchel he
carried. Rapunzel f…………………14) a sparkling gold object. It was a crown. The crown
looked familiar for her but she could not remember where she saw it. She
h…………………15) the satchel. When Flynn a…………………16), he found himself tied to a
chair. “I’ll return the satchel on one condition. Take me to see the floating lights”,
Rapunzel said. Flynn a…………………17) to take her out of the tower.
Flynn b…………………18) her to the city. The people were celebrating the birthday
of their lost Princess. Her birthday was the same as Rapunzel’s. Rapunzel
s…………………19) a picture of the royal family. Their baby had golden hair just like her.
Now, she r…………………20) that she was the lost princess and Mother Gothel had kept
her prisoner.
Mother Gothel came to bring her back to the tower but Rapunzel refused. “I
know who you are and I will never let you use my hair again.” she shouted. Flynn tried
to save Rapunzel but Mother Gothel hurt him very badly. Soon he c…………………21)
Rapunzel’s magical hair. Without it, Mother Gothel quickly aged and changed into the
dust. Rapunzel was now free but Flynn was dying. Rapunzel’s w…………………22) and her
tear fell on Flynn. Amazingly, it began to glow and h…………………23) him.
Flynn brought Rapunzel to the palace. The King and Queen were overjoyed to
see their daughter. They r…………………24) to embrace their lost princess. That night, the
entire kingdom c…………………25) her return by launching hundreds of lanterns.
Lengkapilah kata-kata berikut ini dengan ejaan yang benar.

1. B _ _ _ _ = air rebusan1) 11. P _ _ _ _ _ (S) = orangtua1)

2. C _ _ _ _ = mahkota4) 12. P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = putri5)
3. C _ _ _ = kota besar5) 13. P _ _ _ _ _ _ = gambar5)
4. D _ _ _ = debu6) 14. P _ _ _ _ _ = istana7)
5. F _ _ _ _ _ = hutan rimba2) 15. R _ _ _ _ G _ _ _ _ (S) = penjaga istana4)
6. F _ _ _ _ _ = bunga1) 16. S _ _ _ _ _ _ = tas kantung4)
7. H _ _ _ = rambut1) 17. S _ _ = langit3)
8. K _ _ _ _ _ _ = kerajaan1) 18. T _ _ _ _ = menara2)
9. L _ _ _ _ (S) = cahaya3) 19. T _ _ _ _ = pencuri4)
10. L _ _ _ _ _ _ (S) = lentera3) 20. T _ _ _ = air mata6)

Silanglah salah satu pilihan jawaban yang benar.
1. “… she became ill.” (Par. 1). The underlined word refers to …
A) the King B) the Queen C) the baby D) Mother Gothel

2. “It could restore her youth and beauty.” (Par. 1). The underlined word refers to …
A) the broth B) the flower C) the magical hair D) the baby

3. “…and raised her in a tower.” (Par. 2). The underlined word refers to …
A) Rapunzel B) Mother Gothel C) the Queen D) the old woman

4. “She kept her hidden there …” (Par. 2). The underlined word refers to …
A) the tower B) the palace C) the kingdom D) the outside world

5. “She wondered about them.” (Par. 3). The underlined word refers to …
A) the sky B) the birthday C) the lights D) the window

6. “It was a tower” (Par. 4). The underlined word refers to …

A) the thief B) the palace C) the forest D) the hiding place

7. “…not remember where she saw it.” (Par. 4). The underlined word refers to …
A) the satchel B) the crown C) the deal D) the chair

8. “Flynn brought her to the city.” (Par. 5). The underlined word refers to …
A) the thief B) Mother Gothel C) Rapunzel D) the baby

9. “Without it, Mother Gothel quickly aged” (Par. 6). The underlined word refers to …
A) the magical hair B) the tower C) the dust D) the tear

10. “... it began to glow and healed him.” (Par. 6). The underlined word refers to …
A) the magical hair B) the tower C) the dust D) the tear


Paangkanlah pertanyaan berikut dengan jawaban yang telah disediakan.
 Flynn cut Rapunzel’s hair  they launched hundreds of lanterns
 he needed a place to hide  Mother Gothel forbade her
 he stole the King’s crown  she promised to return the crown
 he tried to save Rapunzel  she knew that Mother Gothel was wicked
 her hair had magical power  they hoped their baby would return

1. Why did Mother Gothel kidnap the baby? Because ….

2. Why did Rapunzel never leave the tower? Because ….
3. Why did the King and Queen release the lanterns? Because ….
4. Why did Flynn climb into the tower? Because ….
5. Why did the royal guards chase Flyinn? Because ….
6. Why did Flynn agree to help Rapunzel? Because ….
7. Why did Rapunzel refuse to return to the tower? Because ….
8. Why did Mother Gothel hurt Flynn? Because ….
9. Why did Mother Gothel change into the dust? Because ….
10. How did the people celebrate Rapunzel’s return? ….

Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut ini berdasarkan teks.

1. What colour was the baby hair? It was…………………

2. What did the hair contain? It contained …………………
3. Who kidnapped the baby? ………………… kidnapped the baby
4. Where did Mother Gothel raise Rapunzel? She raised her in …………………
5. What did Rapunzel watch from her window? She watched …………………
6. Who released the lanterns? ………………… released the lanterns
7. What did Flynn steal? He stole …………………
8. Who chased Flynn? ………………… chased him.
9. Where did Flynn hide? He hid in …………………
10. What did Rapunzel promise to Flynn? She promised him to …………………
11. Where did Flynn bring Rapunzel? He brought her to …………………
12. What did Rapunzel see in the city? She saw …………………
13. What did Flynn cut? He cut …………………
14. What did Mother Gothel change into? She changed into …………………
15. What healed Flynn? ………………… healed him


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