Membaca - The Lost Princess
Membaca - The Lost Princess
Membaca - The Lost Princess
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Lengkapilah tabel berikut ini dengan menggunakan kata-kata yang telah disediakan.
drank forbade begged awoke cut
contained left chased agreed wept
knew learned climbed brought healed
kidnapped watched found saw rushed
grew wondered hid realized celebrated
Silanglah salah satu pilihan jawaban yang benar.
1. “… she became ill.” (Par. 1). The underlined word refers to …
A) the King B) the Queen C) the baby D) Mother Gothel
2. “It could restore her youth and beauty.” (Par. 1). The underlined word refers to …
A) the broth B) the flower C) the magical hair D) the baby
3. “…and raised her in a tower.” (Par. 2). The underlined word refers to …
A) Rapunzel B) Mother Gothel C) the Queen D) the old woman
4. “She kept her hidden there …” (Par. 2). The underlined word refers to …
A) the tower B) the palace C) the kingdom D) the outside world
5. “She wondered about them.” (Par. 3). The underlined word refers to …
A) the sky B) the birthday C) the lights D) the window
7. “…not remember where she saw it.” (Par. 4). The underlined word refers to …
A) the satchel B) the crown C) the deal D) the chair
8. “Flynn brought her to the city.” (Par. 5). The underlined word refers to …
A) the thief B) Mother Gothel C) Rapunzel D) the baby
9. “Without it, Mother Gothel quickly aged” (Par. 6). The underlined word refers to …
A) the magical hair B) the tower C) the dust D) the tear
10. “... it began to glow and healed him.” (Par. 6). The underlined word refers to …
A) the magical hair B) the tower C) the dust D) the tear
Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut ini berdasarkan teks.