Gonsalves Et Al. 2021
Gonsalves Et Al. 2021
Gonsalves Et Al. 2021
Research Brief
Journal of Research in Science Teaching
Tweet. How are identity trajectories into and through university science and science outreach shaped by
science capital?
Science experiences and resources, or science capital, make science more or less ‘thinkable’ for university
Science capital accumulates over time across science identity trajectories as students navigate through
science resources and experiences (e.g. families, science outreach).
Science students’ trajectories into post-secondary science are characterized as expected, persistent or taking
new directions.
Access to resources that contribute to students’ accumulation of science capital is not sufficient for sustained
engagement in science.
Engaging students in science outreach that includes a critical awareness of their own science capital can
benefit students.
INTRODUCTION. This research investigates the in post-secondary contexts. We found that accumulated
experiences and resources that make science thinkable science capital appeared to play a role in constructing
for undergraduate science majors as they engage in the idea a participant articulated that “anybody can do
post-secondary science contexts. We regard these science if they are brave enough to take that path.” This
experiences and resources as contributing to science idea was not universally experienced by all participants.
majors’ science capital (Archer et al., 2015), and we The data suggest that although the science majors all
suggest that science capital accumulates over time entered post-secondary contexts with sufficient capital-
across identity trajectories. Using a multiple case study forming experiences to see themselves as science
approach, we characterize seven undergraduate science people, the transition into science was experienced
majors’ identity trajectories that they narrate through their differently across participants depending on the forms of
stories of experiences with science in school, out of science capital they arrived with, and whether they
school and into post-secondary education. Participants carried use or exchange value in the new learning
in this study were engaged in science outreach, and we environment.
collected questionnaire, video diary and interview data
related to their science experiences and outreach TAKEWAYS. This study contributes to our
experiences. Thematic analysis focused on episodes understanding of how science capital operates along
where science majors identified resources that facilitated identity trajectories into post-secondary science and
moments where they felt more, or less like a science demonstrates that simply having access to resources
person (Carlone & Johnson, 2007). that contribute to students’ accumulation of science
capital is not sufficient for sustained engagement in
FINDINGS . We found that science majors draw on science. We argue that a science capital approach to
conflicting narratives to make sense of their selves as teaching in formal and informal contexts, such as
science people. Science majors narrated science as a outreach, will benefit students if it includes a critical
natural choice for them, but also that success in science awareness of the cultural expectations of science as
required hard work, suggesting that they earned their difficult and requiring hard work but also ‘natural ability’
positions in science through hard work and dedication. and works to deconstruct its elite status.
Our findings demonstrate a tension between the “natural
choice” and “science takes hard work” narratives that Carlone & Johnson. (2007). JRST, 44, 1187-1218.
construct the doxa (the accepted “way things are”) of an
ideal scientist as someone who is naturally inclined Archer, Dawson, DeWitt, Seakins & Wong. (2015). JRST,
towards science yet also hard-working, which does not
52, 922-948
account for accumulated capital or its exchange and use