Accounts Receivable 실습과제

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Using the Accounts Receivable Module in SAP complete the following transactions Global Bikes
International (GBI). The keystrokes for some of the exercises have been done for you.

Exercise 1

Setup the customer Academic Bikes

Accounting➔Financial Accounting➔Accounts Receivable➔Master

Menu Path

Trans Code FD01 or BP

Step 1

Enter the transaction code as indicated above. The screen should look as below:

Select Organization.

Step 2:

Enter the following information for the customer:

Title: Company

Name: Academic Bikes

Search Term: ### (your ID)

Street/House number: 6400 Fiddler’s Green Circle

Postal Code/City: 80111, Denver

Country: US

Region: CO

Language: English

Your screen should look as below:

Click Company Code :

A screen should appear that looks as below:

Enter Company code : US00

Hit the enter Key.

Enter the following information:

Recon. Account: 110000

Click the Payment Transaction Tab. A screen should appear that looks as below:

Enter the following information:

Terms of Payment: 0001

Click Save Button:

Note your customer number.

Exercise 2

Setup customers

Accounting➔Financial Accounting➔Accounts Receivable➔Master

Menu Path

Trans Code FD01 or BP

Setup the following customers:

Customer: Strawberry Bikes

Search Term: ###

Address: 1001 Summit Boulevard, Atlanta, GA, 30319, USA

Reconciliation account: 110000

Payment Terms: 0002

Customer: Mangosteen Bikes

Search Term: ###

Address: 3 Van de Graaff Drive, Boston, MA, 18033, USA

Reconciliation account: 110000

Payment Terms: 0001

Exercise 3

Sales Invoice ### ARQ3

Accounting➔Financial Accounting➔Accounts Receivable➔Document

Menu Path

Trans Code FB70

To Strawberry Bikes $5,000 for bike painting and repairs.

Step 1:

Go the menupath or enter the transaction code as indicated above. The screen should look as below:

Enter the following information:

Company Code: US00

Customer: <Strawberry Bikes> Please remember, every student will have a different number for their
customer. If you click browse remember to choose your customer by unique number as below:

Invoice Date: <Enter Today’s Date>

Posting Date: <Enter Today’s Date>

Reference: ### ARQ3 (Remember ### is your unique number)

Amount: 5000

G/L acct: 600000

D/C: Credit

Amount in doc. Curr.: 5000

Click Enter:

Your screen should look as below:

Notice the Payment Terms as indicated in the screenshot below:

Click Simulate button:

Click Post button:

Notice the Document Number: _______________________________

How is the document number different than Accounts Payable and General Ledger Modules?

Exercise 4

Display Balances of Sales Invoice ### ARQ3

Accounting➔Financial Accounting➔Accounts Receivable➔Account➔Display

Menu Path

Trans Code FD10N

Step 1:

Go to the menupath or enter the transaction code as indicated above. The following screen should

Enter the following information:

Customer: <Strawberry Bikes>

Company Code: US00

Fiscal Year: <Choose your fiscal year>

Click Execute button:

Drill down on the invoice by double clicking sales/purchase amount field. A screen should appear as

Why do you think the Stat field is red? ______________________________

Exercise 5

Cash Receipt ### ARQ5

Accounting➔Financial Accounting➔Accounts Receivable➔Document

Menu Path
Entry➔Incoming Payments

Trans Code F-28

From Strawberry Bikes, cheque #1444 for $5,000 in full payment of sales invoice ### ARQ3.

Step 1:

Go the menupath or enter the transaction code as indicated above. Your screen should look as below:

Enter the following information:

Document Date: <Today’s Date>

Posting Date:<Today’s Date>

Reference: ### ARQ5

Account: 100000

Company Code: US00

Amount: 4900 (Because there is a discount of 2% on the 5,000)

Account Type: DZ

Account: <Strawberry Bikes> (Remember if searching use your unique number ###)

Your screen should look as below:


The screen should look as below:

Make sure all amounts have been assigned (not assigned should = 0.00).

Double click the USD Gross field. What happened? (Screenshot is below)

Double click the USD Gross Field Again. What happened? (Screenshot is below)

Double Click Cash discnt field. What happened? (Screenshot is below)

Double Click Cash discnt field Again. What happened? (Screenshot is below)

Make sure Not Assigned = 0.00 and then Click Post:

What do you notice about the document number when comparing to the Accounts Receivable invoice
entry document number?

Exercise 6

Sales Invoice ### ARQ6

Accounting➔Financial Accounting➔Accounts Receivable➔Document

Menu Path

Trans Code FB70

To Philly Bikes, $3,500 for polishing and cleaning bikes.

Exercise 7

Sales Invoice ### ARQ7

Accounting➔Financial Accounting➔Accounts Receivable➔Document

Menu Path

Trans Code FB70

To Big Apple Bikes, $6,000 for basket installations.

Exercise 8

Sales Invoice ### ARQ8

Accounting➔Financial Accounting➔Accounts Receivable➔Document

Menu Path

Trans Code FB70

To Peachtree Bikes, $10,000 for providing bicycle tours.

Exercise 9

Cash Receipt ### ARQ9a, ### ARQ9b, ### ARQ9c

Accounting➔Financial Accounting➔Accounts Receivable➔Document

Menu Path
Entry➔Incoming Payments

Trans Code F-28

From Philly Bikes, Big Apple Bikes, and Peachtree Bikes received full amounts. These collections refer to
the sales invoices created in Exercise 6 (### ARQ6), Exercise 7 (### ARQ7), and Exercise 8 (### ARQ8).
You must do one collection at a time.

Exercise 10

Cash Sales Invoice ### ARQ10a (For FB70) and ### ARQ10b (For F-28)

Accounting➔Financial Accounting➔Accounts Receivable➔Document

Menu Path
Entry➔Payment Fast Entry

Trans Code FB70 and F-28

To Windy City Bikes $4,000 for installation of gearboxes. Terms to be paid in cash.

Exercise 11

NSF Cheque

Philly Bikes gave an NSF cheque that bounced for the amount of $3,500. The payment therefore needs
to be reversed out.

Step 1

Accounting➔Financial Accounting➔Accounts Receivable➔Document

Menu Path

Trans Code FB03

Find the document number for the incoming payment by going to the menupath above or entering the
transaction code. Your screen should look as below:

Click on Document List Button

Your screen will look as below:

Enter the following information:

Fiscal Year: <Enter the current fiscal year>

Reference number: ### ARQ9a (Remember ### is your unique number)

Click Execute button:

Your screen will look as below (although, you might have a different document number number):

Double Click the Document number which is the customer payment from Philly Bikes for $3,500. It
should look as below:

Make a note of the transaction number for reversal purposes. ____________________________

Step 2

Reversing the Incoming Payment

Accounting➔Financial Accounting➔Accounts Receivable➔Document ➔Reset

Menu Path
Cleared Items

Trans Code FBRA

Go to the menupath as indicted above or enter the transaction code. The screen should look as below:

Enter the following information:

Clearing Document: <This is what you looked up in step1>

Company Code: US00

Fiscal Year: <Enter your fiscal year>

Click on Items to see the transactions affected. The screen will look as below:

Click back button:

Click Post button:

A dialogue box appears as below:

Click: Resetting and revers

A dialogue box appears as below:

Enter the following information:

Reversal Reason: 01

Posting Date: <Enter the date the original transaction was entered>

Posting Period:<Enter the posting period>

The last dialogue box should say the following (although your document numbers would probably be

What do you think just happened? ___________________________________________

Exercise 12

Purchase Invoice ### ARAPQ12

Menu Path
Accounting ➔ Financial Accounting➔Accounts Payable➔Document
Trans Code FB60

From Space Bike Composites $600 for inventory production supplies.

Exercise 13

Sales Invoice ### ARQ13

Accounting➔Financial Accounting➔Accounts Receivable➔Document

Menu Path

Trans Code FB70

To Philly Bikes, $1,500 for installation of a new bike frame.

Record the Document Number: ____________________________________

Exercise 14

Memo #1

Accounting➔Financial Accounting➔Accounts Receivable➔Document

Menu Path

Trans Code FB03

Accounting➔Financial Accounting➔Accounts Receivable➔Document

Menu Path
➔Reverse➔Individual Reversal

Trans Code FB08

Accounting➔Financial Accounting➔Accounts Receivable➔Document

Menu Path

Trans Code FB70

From CFO: The work done for Philly Bikes on Sales Invoice ### ARQ13 should have been for $1,600.
Hint: This is NOT an NSF cheque, but a reversal of the original amount will need to be done in FB08 and
then the correct amount would need to be entered in FB70.

Exercise 15

Bank Loan ### ARGLQ15

Accounting ➔ Financial Accounting➔General Ledger ➔ Posting ➔Enter G/L

Menu Path
Account Document

Trans Code FB50

Took a bank loan of $5,000 from North Vancouver Credit Union.

Exercise 16

Print the Following Reports:

1. Customer Balances in Local Currency

Accounting ➔ Financial Accounting➔Accounts Receivable➔Information

Menu Path
System➔Reports for Accounts Receivable Accounting➔Customer
Balances➔Customer Balances in Local Currency

Trans Code S_ALR_87012172

2. Due Date Analysis for Open Items

Accounting ➔ Financial Accounting➔Accounts Receivable➔Information

Menu Path
System➔Reports for Accounts Receivable Accounting➔Customers: Items
➔Due Date Analysis for Open Items

Trans Code S_ALR_87012168

3. View the General Journal

Accounting ➔ Financial Accounting➔General Ledger➔Information System ➔

Menu Path
General Ledger Reports (New)➔Document ➔ General ➔Document Journal

Trans Code S_ALR_87012287

Company Code – US00

Fiscal Year - <Enter the fiscal year>

Posting date – the date range for your entries

Reference: ### AR*

A screenshot example is below.

Capture the result screen.


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